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105 學年度外國學生招生簡章 2016 Admissions for International Students 校址 :22301 新北市石碇區華梵路一號電話 :886-2-26632102 轉 2231( 教務處招生組 ) 傳真 :886-2-26633763 網址 :http://eng.hfu.edu.tw/introduction.html Address: No.1, Huafan Rd., Shiding Dist., New Taipei City 223, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Telephone No: 886-2-26632102 # 2231(Admission Section, Office of Academic Affairs) FAX No: 886-2-26633763 Website: http://eng.hfu.edu.tw/introduction.html

目錄 Contents 1. 申請資格 Qualification--------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2. 招生名額 Enrollment Quota--------------------------------------------------------- 3 3. 修業年限 Length of Study----------------------------------------------------------- 3 4. 申請日期 Dates for Application----------------------------------------------------- 3 5. 申請方式 Procedure for Application------------------------------------------------ 4 6. 報名費用及繳費方式 Application Fee and Payment---------------------------- 4 7. 申請時應繳交文件 Application Form and Supporting Documents------------ 5 8. 面試通知 Interview Notice----------------------------------------------------------- 6 9. 錄取公告 Admission Roster Announcement-------------------------------------- 6 10. 報到及註冊入學 Registration------------------------------------------------------ 6 11. 注意事項 Notes----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 12. 申請學系所 Departments and Graduate Institutes------------------------------ 9 13. 學雜費收費參考標準 Reference about Tuition and Other Fees-------------- 13 14. 臺灣獎學金 Taiwan Scholarship--------------------------------------------------- 14 15. 其他相關網頁 Other Related Websites------------------------------------------- 14 16. 附錄 Appendices-------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 附錄 (1) 華梵大學外國學生入學申請表 (105 學年度 )------------------------ 16 Appendix(1)Application Form for International Student Admission(2016) 附錄 (2) 華梵大學外國學生申請入學第一年減免學雜費申請表 ----------- 19 Appendix(2)Huafan University Application Form for Tuition Reduction of First Year International students 附錄 (3) 華梵大學外國學生入學規定 -------------------------------------- 20 Appendix(3)Huafan University Admission Regulations for International Students Admission-------------------------------------------------- 23 附錄 (4) 華梵大學外國學生入學第一年減免學雜費辦法 -------------------- 29 Appendix(4)Huafan University Regulations for Tuition Reduction of First Year International Students ----------------------------------------- 30 附錄 (5) 華梵大學外國學生獎助學金設置辦法 -------------------------------- 31 Appendix(5)Huafan University Regulations for International Students Scholarship ----------------------------------------------------------- 32 附錄 (6) 教育部外國學生來臺就學辦法 ------------------------------------------ 33 Appendix(6)MOE Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan-------------------------- 37

1. 申請資格 外國學生定義如下 : I. 具外國國籍且未曾具有中華民國國籍, 於申請並不具僑生資格者, 得依本辦法規定申請入學 II. 具外國國籍且符合下列規定, 於申請時並已連續居留海外六年以上者, 亦得依本辦法規定申請入學 (1) 申請時兼具中華民國國籍者, 應自始未曾在臺設有戶籍 (2) 申請前曾兼具中華民國國籍, 於申請時已不具中華民國國籍者, 應自內政部許可喪失中華民國國籍之日起至申請時已滿八年 (3) 前二款均未曾以僑生身分在臺就學, 且未於當學年度接受海外聯合招生委員會分發 以上所稱中華民國國籍係依中華民國籍法第二條 * 所認定之 (* 如下 ) 中華民國國籍法, 第二條 : 有下列各款情形之一者, 屬中華民國國籍..一 出生時父或母為中華民國國民 二 出生於父或母死亡後, 其父或母死亡時為中華民國國民 三 出生於中華民國領域內, 父母均無可考, 或均無國籍者 四 歸化者 前項第一款及第二款之規定, 於本法修正公布時之未成年人, 亦適用之 III. 依教育合作協議, 由外國政府 機構或學校遴薦來臺就學之外國國民, 其自始未曾在臺設有戶籍者, 經主管教育行政機關核准, 得不受前二項規定之限制 IV. 外國學生申請來臺就學, 於完成申請就學學校學程後, 除申請碩士班以上學程, 得逕依本校規定辦理外, 如繼續在臺就讀下一學程, 其入學方式應與我國內一般學生相同 1. Qualification Definition of international students: I.An individual of foreign nationality, who has never held nationality status from the Republic of China and does not possess an overseas Chinese student status at the time of their application, is qualified to apply for admission under the Regulation. II.An individual of foreign nationality, pursuant to the following regulations and who has stayed overseas continuously for no less than 6 years, is also qualified to apply for admission under the Regulation. (1)An individual who has a nationality status from the Republic of China at the time of their birth but does not hold a household registration must state this on their - 1 -

college application. (2)An individual who has had nationality status from the Republic of China but has no R.O.C. nationality at the time of their application shall have an annulled status regarding their R.O.C. nationality for no less than 8 years after an annulment of their R.O.C. nationality by the Ministry of the Interior. (3) Regarding individuals mentioned in both of the above subparagraphs they must not have studied in Taiwan under the status of an overseas Chinese nor received placement permission for an academic school year by the University Entrance Committee for Overseas Chinese Students. R.O.C. nationality mentioned above is defined in accordance with Article 2 of Nationality Law. (* see below) According to Article 2 of the Nationality Law, a person shall have the nationality of the Republic of China under any of the conditions provided by the following subparagraphs: i. His/Her father or mother was a national of the Republic of China when he/she was born. *The situation of mother does not apply to those who were born before February 9 (including the 9th), 1980. ii. He/She was born after the death of his/her father or mother, and his/her father or mother was a national of the Republic of China at the time of death. iii. He/She was born in the territory of the Republic of China, and his/her parents can t be ascertained or both were stateless persons. iv. He/She has undergone the nationalization process. Preceding subparagraph 1 and subparagraph 2 shall also apply to the persons who were minors at the time of the revision and promulgation of this Act. III.According to the Education Cooperation Framework Agreement, a foreign national who was selected by a foreign government, organization, or school, and does not hold a household registration from the time of their birth is not subject to the limitations as prescribed in the preceding 2 paragraphs after receiving the approval from the designated authorized government educational institutions. IV.Upon completion of the course of study, at a school in Taiwan, to which an international student has applied, the student's admission to higher academic levels shall be handled in a manner identical to the procedures of admission for local students, except that an application for master s degree or higher level of graduate studies can be processed under the rules of HFU. - 2 -

學歷 (1) 符合教育部採認之高中 大學或獨立學院畢業者 ( 請參考教育部國際文教處網站 http://www.edu.tw/bicer/) 申請學士班者需具國外高中畢業或以上學歷 申請碩士班者需具大學畢業或以上學歷 申請博士班者需具碩士畢業或以上學歷者 (2) 具有與我國學制相當之同等學力資格者 Educational (or academic) background (1)Applicants who have graduated from a high school, college, or university recognized by the Ministry of Education of Taiwan can apply for admission (please refer to the website http://www.edu.tw/bicer/ ). Foreign students with a foreign high school diploma or above are eligible to apply for undergraduate programs; bachelor's degree or above for Master programs; and Master's degree or above for Ph.D. programs. (2)Applicants with equivalent qualifications to the academic degree system of Taiwan can apply for admission. 2. 招生名額本校 105 學年度外國學生招生名額為學士班 95 名, 碩士班 46 名, 博士班 1 名, 共計 142 名 2. Enrollment Quota The total number of positions allocated for international students at HFU in the school year of 2016 is 142, the number of positions for Undergraduate is 95, Master is 46, Doctoral Programs is 1. 3. 修業年限依據本校學則規定, 大學部修業年限四年 碩士班修業 1-4 年 博士班修業 2-7 年 3. Length of Study According to HFU regulations on academic programs, four years for undergraduate students, 1-4 years for Master program students, and 2-7 years for doctoral program students. 4. 申請日期每年 2 月 1 日至 5 月 31 日間, 向教務處招生組提出申請 4. Dates for Application - 3 -

Applicants should submit his or her application to the Admission Section of the Office of Academic Affairs during the period of February 1 through May 31 each year. 5. 申請方式 (1) 現場申請 : 請親自或委託他人將申請表件送至本校教務處招生組, 逾期不予受理 (2) 通訊申請 : 請將申請表件郵寄至中華民國新北市石碇區華梵路 1 號華梵大學教務處招生組收 以郵戳為憑, 逾期不予受理 5.Procedure for Application: (1)Applying in person Please submit your application with all requirements and deliver it in person or through your representative to the Admission Section of the Office of Academic Affairs in HFU. Applications received after the deadline will not be processed. (2)Applying by mail. Please submit your application with all requirements and send by post to the following address. The application mail must be postmarked before the deadline of the application submission period, and applications received after the deadline will not be processed. Address: Admission Section, Office of Academic Affairs, Huafan University. No.1, Huafan Rd., Shiding Dist., New Taipei City 223, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 6. 報名費用及繳費方式報名費用 : 新台幣 1,500 元或美金 50 元 繳費方式 : (1) 親自繳款 : 親自或委託他人至本校行政大樓二樓總務處出納組 申請時請檢附收據影本 (2) 銀行電匯 : 申請時請檢附銀行電匯收據影本一份 銀行名稱 : 第一商業銀行圓山分行 戶名 : 財團法人華梵大學帳號 :14050173699 銀行地址 : 台北市民權西路 53 號 6. Application fee and payment Application fee: NT$1,500 (US$50). - 4 -

Payment: (1)Pay in person or through your representative at the Cashier Section, Office of General Affair on the second floor of the Administration Building on Campus. Please enclose a copy of receipt in your application package. (2)Should the application fee be remitted to the university account, please enclose a copy of Bank Telegram Transfer receipt in your application package. Bank Name: First Commercial Bank, YUAN-SHAN Branch. Beneficiary Name: The Juridical Persons of Huafan University Account Number: 14050173699 Bank Address: NO. 53, MINQUAN W.RD., TAIPEI 104, TAIWAN, R.O.C. 7. 申請時應繳交文件 (1) 入學申請表並附貼二吋半身照片 (2) 經我國駐外館處驗證之外國學校最高學歷或同等學力證明文件及成績單 ( 中 英文以外之語文, 應附中文或英文譯本 ) (3) 經我國駐外館處驗證具備足夠在臺就學之財力證明書 (4) 推薦書二份 (5) 須含學習動機 期限及未來展望之中文留學計畫書 (6) 申請費新台幣 1,500 元或美金 50 元, 及申請人護照影本二份 以上 經我國駐外館處 泛指我國駐外使領館 代表處 辦事處或其他經外交部授權機構 7. Application Form and Supporting Documents (1)Application form with one recent bust photo attached. (2)The highest-level certificate or equivalent academic attainment and transcript issued by an international education institution (these documents must be translated into Chinese or English), which must be authenticated by a Taiwan's overseas representative office. (3)Validated financial statement by overseas diplomatic offices indicating sufficient funding for staying in Taiwan. (4)Two letters of recommendation. (5)A study plan written in Chinese, including the purpose, duration and expectation. (6)Application fee: NT$ 1,500(US$50), and two photocopies of passport. The above-mentioned term "Taiwan's overseas representative office" means ROC embassies, consulates, representative offices, trade offices or other - 5 -

agencies authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of ROC. 8. 面試通知各系所審查外國學生入學申請資料時, 將視需要通知申請人進行面試 請申請人接獲通知後依系所指定時間及地點到校面試 8. Interview Notice Foreign applicants may need to be interviewed, which depends on requirement of the departments or graduate institutes when the application materials are examined. Please pay attention to the appointed date and location to interview. 9. 錄取公告錄取名單預定 2016 年 7 月公告, 除了在校園及網頁公告外, 並以專函通知 本校全球資訊網查詢網址 : http://ad.hfu.edu.tw 9. Admission Roster Announcement The admission results will be announced on HFU campus and the Internet in July 2016. Admission letter will be mailed to the accepted students individually. The website is http:// ad.hfu.edu.tw 10. 報到及註冊入學 (1) 錄取生應依錄取通知之規定辦理報到手續, 並繳驗護照 學位證書正本 ( 驗畢退還 ) 等相關資料, 否則取消錄取資格 ; 逾期未報到即以自願放棄入學資格論 (2) 入學本校之外國學生註冊入學時, 未逾該學年第一學期修業期間三分之一者, 於當學期入學 ; 已逾該學年第一學期修業期間三分之一者, 於第二學期或下一學年註冊入學 (3) 錄取生應依教育部 外國學生來臺就學辦法 第 22 條之規定, 於註冊時檢附已於國外投保自入境當日起至少四個月效期之醫療及傷害保險, 其國外之保險證明, 應經駐外館處驗證 如已具有我國全民健康保險, 則檢附相關保險證明文件 10. Registration (1)Admitted students shall be present at the university for registration on the date specified by presenting the original copy of passport and diploma(for authentication purpose only, will be returned immediately), or the status of admission shall be revoked. (2)While an international student who has been admitted to HFU and has arrived at the campus after less than one-third of the first semester has passed, he/she - 6 -

is allowed to enroll for the first semester. If arrived at the campus after more than one-third, he/she will only be allowed to enroll for the second semester. (3)The admitted students should follow Article 22 of MOE Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan. At the time of registration, new international students shall present proof of a medical and injury insurance policy which is valid for at least 4 months from the date the student enters Taiwan. Current students shall present written proof that they have joined Taiwan s the National Health Insurance Plan. 11. 注意事項 (1) 申請本校之外國學生, 畢業證書及成績單等學歷證件請於申請前先至畢業學校所在地之我國駐外單位辦理文書驗證, 未辦理驗證者本校不予受理申請 (2) 凡經完成申請手續者, 不得更改系所組別, 亦不得以任何理由要求退費 (3) 外國學生依 外國學生來臺就學辦法 申請來臺留學, 如違反以下規定經查證屬實者, 撤銷其依該辦法所獲准之入學資格, 或開除學籍 A. 不具中華民國國籍之華裔外國籍學生, 應依本身條件選擇以 外國學生來臺就學辦法 或 僑生回國就學及輔導辦法 申請入學, 不得同時以僑生及外國學生身分申請入學 B. 具中華民國國籍及外國國籍之雙重國籍者, 自內政部許可喪失中華民國國籍之日起八年內, 不得依 外國學生來臺就學辦法 申請入學 C. 經入學學校退學者, 不得再依 外國學生來臺就學辦法 申請入學 D. 本校休學之研究生不得報考本校同一系所同一學程招生考試 (4) 已申請或錄取之學生, 如經發現申請資格不符規定或所繳交之證件有不實 偽造 假借 塗改 學歷資格不具合法有效等情事, 即取消其申請 入學資格或開除學籍, 且不發給任何學歷 ( 力 ) 證明 如係在本校畢業後始發現有上述情事者, 除勒令繳銷其學位證書外, 並公告取消其畢業資格 (5) 我國中央衛生主管機關對入國 ( 境 ) 停留達三個月以上或居留之外國人 大陸地區人民 香港或澳門居民, 得採行檢查措施, 或要求其提出最近三個月內人類免疫缺乏病毒抗體之檢驗報告 前項檢查或檢驗結果呈陽性反應者, 中央衛生主管機關應通知外交部或內政部撤銷或廢止其簽證或停留 居留許可並令其出國 ( 境 ) (6) 外國學生經本校錄取取得入學資格者, 並不意謂必然可獲發入境我國之停 ( 居 ) 留簽證, 或於入境後必可獲准改辦居留簽證, 外交部及駐外單 - 7 -

位仍將依據 外國護照簽證條例 及其施行細則審酌個案情形決定簽證之准駁 (7) 申請人報名所填各項資訊僅作為本校招生委員會招生 註冊入學及相關研究使用, 其他均依照 個人資料保護法 相關規定辦理 11. Notes (1)The copies of international students' highest degree original diplomas and official transcript of academic records should be authenticated first by Taiwan's overseas representative office which is officially closest to the graduated school of international students before applying. HFU will not accept any application document without authentication. (2)Students who have completed the application shall not be any means request to change the department/institute and program being applied for, or for a refund of the application fees. (3)International students admitted to HFU shall be revoked of their admission and/or dismissed from HFU if any of the following terms is violated: A. Students who do not possess ROC nationality shall apply for admission to HFU in the capacity of either an overseas Chinese or a foreigner, but not in both capacities. B. Students who are ex-roc citizens shall not apply for admission to an ROC college or university as international students within eight years after their ROC nationality is denied. C. International students who are admitted to an ROC college or university but later dismissed by the college or university shall not seek admission to another program of study in the same capacity. D. HFU students whose study is being suspended shall not apply for admission to the same program of study in the same department/institute. (4)Admitted international students to HFU shall be revoked of their admission and/or dismissed from HFU if any defect is found in the applicants' qualifications for application or in the authenticity of the documents submitted. Those who have graduated shall have their diploma revoked. (5)The central competent health authority of ROC may impose examination measures on aliens, citizens of the mainland China, residents of Hong Kong or Macau entering with an intention to stay for more than three months, or require them to submit testing report for HIV antibodies of the previous three months. Examination or testing of the preceding Paragraph, when positive, - 8 -

the central competent health authority shall notify the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Ministry of the Interior to revoke or annul their visas or permits of stay or residence, and order them to be deported. (6)To be accepted by HFU doesn't mean that international students will certainly get the Visitor visa or Resident visa to enter ROC. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Taiwan's overseas representative office shall take into consideration the individual status of applicants, and decide to allow or refuse to issue visas according to "Statute Governing the Issuance of Visas in Foreign Passports" and its Enforcement Rules as well. (7)All Personal information provided by the applicant shall be used to facilitate the processing of the application, registration and research only as governed by the "Personal Data Protection Act". 12. 申請學系所 12. Departments and Graduate Institutes (1) 東方人文思想研究所 Graduate Institute of Asian Humanities 學院別 College 文學院 College of Liberal Arts 學位別 Degree 碩士班 Master(M.A.)/ 博士班 Doctoral Programs (Ph.D.) 聯絡方式 Contact Info. 886-2-26632102 分機 ext. 4991 網頁 Website http://oh.hfu.edu.tw/index_welcome.php (2) 中國文學系 Department of Chinese Literature 學院別 College 文學院 College of Liberal Arts 學位別 Degree 學士班 Undergraduate(B.A.)/ 碩士班 Master(M.A.) 聯絡方式 Contact Info. 886-2-26632102 分機 ext. 4911 網頁 Website http://cl.hfu.edu.tw (3) 外國語文學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature 學院別 College 文學院 College of Liberal Arts 學位別 Degree 學士班 Undergraduate(B.A.)/ 碩士班 Master(M.A.) - 9 -

聯絡方式 Contact Info. 886-2-26632102 分機 ext. 4951 網頁 Website http://www.fl.hfu.edu.tw (4) 哲學系 Department of Philosophy 學院別 College 學位別 Degree 文學院 College of Liberal Arts 學士班 Undergraduate(B.A.)/ 碩士班 Master(M.A.) 聯絡方式 Contact Info. 886-2-26632102 分機 ext. 4931 網頁 Website http://ph.hfu.edu.tw (5) 工業工程與經營資訊學系 Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Information 學院別 College 學位別 Degree 工程暨管理學院 College of Engineering and Management 學士班 Undergraduate(B.B.A.)/ 碩士班 Master(M.B.A) 聯絡方式 Contact Info. 886-2-26632102 分機 ext. 4311 網頁 Website http://im.hfu.edu.tw (6) 機電工程學系 Department of Mechatronic Engineering 學院別 College 學位別 Degree 工程暨管理學院 College of Engineering and Management 學士班 Undergraduate (B.S.)/ 碩士班 Master(M.S.) / 博士班 Doctoral Programs(Ph.D.) 聯絡方式 Contact Info. 886-2-26632102 分機 ext. 4011 網頁 Website http://me.hfu.edu.tw (7) 電子工程學系 Department of Electronic Engineering 學院別 College 工程暨管理學院 College of Engineering and Management 學位別 Degree 學士班 Undergraduate(B.S.)/ 碩士班 Master(M.S.) 聯絡方式 Contact Info. 886-2-26632102 分機 ext. 4101-10 -

網頁 Website http://ee.hfu.edu.tw (8) 資訊管理學系 Department of Information Management 學院別 College 學位別 Degree 工程暨管理學院 College of Engineering and Management 學士班 Undergraduate(B.B.A.)/ 碩士班 Master(M.I.M.) 聯絡方式 Contact Info. 886-2-26632102 分機 ext. 4351 網頁 Website http://mis.hfu.edu.tw (9) 建築學系 Department of Architecture 學院別 College 學位別 Degree 藝術設計學院 College of Arts and Design 學士班 Undergraduate(B.S.)/ 碩士班 Master(M.Arch.) 聯絡方式 Contact Info. 886-2-26632102 分機 ext. 4720 網頁 Website http://ac.hfu.edu.tw (10) 工業設計學系產品設計組 Department of Industrial Design:Division of Product Design 學院別 College 學位別 Degree 藝術設計學院 College of Arts and Design 學士班 Undergraduate(B.S.)/ 碩士班 Master(M.D.) 聯絡方式 Contact Info. 886-2-26632102 分機 ext. 4611 網頁 Website http://www.id.hfu.edu.tw (11) 工業設計學系交通工具設計組 Department of Industrial Design:Division of Transprotation Design 學院別 College 學位別 Degree 藝術設計學院 College of Arts and Design 學士班 Undergraduate(B.S.)/ 碩士班 Master(M.D.) 聯絡方式 Contact Info. 886-2-26632102 分機 ext. 4611 網頁 Website http://www.id.hfu.edu.tw - 11 -

(12) 美術與文創學系美術創作組 Department of Fine Arts and Culture Creative Design:Division of Fine Arts 學院別 College 學位別 Degree 藝術設計學院 College of Arts and Design 學士班 Undergraduate(B.F.A.)/ 碩士班 Master(M.F.A.) 聯絡方式 Contact Info. 886-2-26632102 分機 ext. 4801 網頁 Website http://fa.hfu.edu.tw (13) 美術與文創學系文創設計組 Department of Fine Arts and Culture Creative Design:Division of Culture Creative Design 學院別 College 學位別 Degree 藝術設計學院 College of Arts and Design 學士班 Undergraduate(B.F.A.)/ 碩士班 Master(M.F.A.) 聯絡方式 Contact Info. 886-2-26632102 分機 ext. 4801 網頁 Website http://fa.hfu.edu.tw (14) 環境與防災設計學系環境防災組 Department of Environment and Hazards-resistant Design:Division of Environment Hazards-Resistant 學院別 College 藝術設計學院 College of Arts and Design 學位別 Degree 學士班 Undergraduate(B.S.)/ 碩士班 Master(M.S.) 聯絡方式 Contact Info. 886-2-26632102 分機 ext. 4561 網頁 Website http://ed.hfu.edu.tw (15) 環境與防災設計學系環境設計組 Department of Environment and Hazards-resistant Design:Division of Environment Design 學院別 College 藝術設計學院 College of Arts and Design 學位別 Degree 學士班 Undergraduate(B.S.)/ 碩士班 Master(M.S.) 聯絡方式 Contact Info. 886-2-26632102 分機 ext. 4561-12 -

網頁 Website http://ed.hfu.edu.tw (16) 佛教學系 Department of Buddhist Studies 學院別 College 佛教學院 College of Buddhism 學位別 Degree 學士班 Undergraduate(B.A.) 聯絡方式 Contact Info. 886-2-26632102 分機 ext. 4211 網頁 Website http://bu.hfu.edu.tw 13. 學雜費收費參考標準 Reference about Tuition and other fees 本表係 104 學年度收費標準,105 學年度收費標準以本校公告為準 Effective as the 2015 academic year. Tuition and other fees are subject to change in the 2016 academic year. 單位 : 新台幣元 Unit:NT Dollars per semester 費用別 Rates 院系所別 Colleges & Department 文學院各學系 所與藝術設計學院美術與文創學系 佛教學院佛教學系 College of Liberal Arts & Department of Fine Arts and Culture Creative Design & Department of Buddhist Studies 工程暨管理學院與藝術設計學院各學系 所 ( 不含美術與文創學系 ) College of Engineering and Management & College of Arts and Design(except Department of Fine Arts and Culture Creative Design) 學費 Tuition 37,330 39,050 雜費 Miscellaneous Fee 7,540 13,330 電腦使用 實習費 Computer Facilities 700 700 語言教學實習費 Language Laboratory Charge 750 750 學生團體保險 Compulsory Insurance Fee 340 340 合計 Total 46,660 54,170 說明 Note: (1) 學分費 Credit Fee: 文學院各學系 所與藝術設計學院美術與文創學系 佛教學院佛教學系 :1,300 元 - 13 -

College of Liberal Arts & Department of Fine Arts and Culture Creative Design & Department of Buddhist Studies: 1,300 工程暨管理學院各學系與藝術設計學院各學系 ( 不含美術與文創學系 ):1,400 元 College of Engineering and Management & College of Arts and Design (except Department of Fine Arts and Culture Creative Design):1,400 (2) 住宿費 Dormitory Fee:( 外籍生優先予以安排住宿 Foreign students are given first priority to live in the dormitory) 8 人房 (room for 8): NT$ 7,370 / 每人 (per person) 4 人房 (room for 4): NT$ 8,800 ~ 11,000/ 每人 (per person) 2 人房 (room for 2):NT$ 10,000~ 12,000 / 每人 (per person) 14. 臺灣獎學金外國學生可申請由政府提供之臺灣獎學金, 詳情請見 : http://www.studyintaiwan.org/ 申請者於每年 2 月 1 日至 3 月 31 日可至當地之臺灣辦事處或最近的臺灣辦事處 ( 若該國沒有臺灣辦事處 ) 申請此項獎學金 查詢臺灣駐外館處可至 http://www.mofa.gov.tw/( 外交部網站 ) 查詢 14. Taiwan Scholarship International students may apply for the Taiwan Scholarship offered by the government. Please check:http://www.studyintaiwan.org/ for detailed information. Applicants may apply from February 1 till March 31 every year, at Taiwan's overseas representative office in their countries or the nearest country in case there is no Taiwan's overseas representative office in the country. For information of Taiwan's overseas representative office, please check: http://www.mofa.gov.tw/(website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs). 15. 其他相關網頁國際文教處 : 綜理臺灣之國際學術教育事宜 網址 :http://www.edu.tw/edu_web/web/bicer/index.php 外交部領事事務局 : 簽證與其他相關業務 網址 :http://www.boca.gov.tw/ 15. Other related websites The Bureau of International Cultural and Educational Relations, Ministry of Education:Coordination of international education related issues. Website:http://www.edu.tw/EDU_WEB/Web/BICER/index.php Bureau of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs:Visa and related information. Website:http://www.boca.gov.tw/ - 14 -

16. 附錄附錄 (1) 華梵大學外國學生入學申請表 (2016) 附錄 (2) 華梵大學外國學生申請入學第一年減免學雜費申請表附錄 (3) 華梵大學外國學生入學處理辦法 16. Appendices Appendix (1) Application Form for International Student Admission(2016) Appendix (2) Huafan University Application Form for Tuition Reduction of First Year International Students Appendix (3) Huafan University Regulations for International Student Admission - 15 -

附錄 (1): 外國學生入學申請表 (105 學年度 ) Appendix(1): Application Form for International Student Admission(2016) 華梵大學 223 新北市石碇區華梵路一號 Huafan University No.1, Huafan Rd., Shiding Dist., New Taipei City 223, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 申請人須以中文正楷詳細逐項填寫一式兩份 TO THE APPLICANT:Fill in the Form carefully in Chinese and enclose two copies. 此處貼最近三個月內二吋相片 Attach a recent bust photograph taken in the last 3 months here 申請人資料 Personal Data 申請人姓名 Applicant's Name 住址 Home Address 現在通訊處 Mailing Address E-mail 出生地點 Place of Birth 婚姻狀況 Marital Status ( 中文 In Chinese) ( 英文 In English) 國籍 Nationality 子女人數 No. of Children 出生日期 Date of Birth (month) (day) (year) 性別 Sex 電話 Telephone No. 行動電話 Cellphone No. 護照號碼 Passport No. 社會安全號碼 Social Security No. 男 Male 女 Female 父母資料 Information of Parents 父親姓名 Father's Name 父親地址 Father's Address 母親姓名 Mother's Name 母親地址 Mother's Address 教育背景 Educational Background 學程 Degree 高級中學 High School 大學 / 學院 Undergraduate / College 研究所 Graduate 課外活動 Extracurricular Activities 其他訓練 Other Training 相關經歷 Previous Employments 著作 Publications 學校名稱 Name of Institute 父親國籍 Father's Nationality 母親國籍 Mother's Nationality 學校所在地主修學門 City and Country Major 副修學門 Minor 父親職業 Father's Occupation 父親電話 Father's Phone No. 母親職業 Mother's Occupation 母親電話 Mather's Phone No. 就學期間 Duration of Study 出版日期 Date 學位 / 證書 Degree/Diploma/ Certificate 取得學位日期 Date of Degree Granted - 16 -

擬申請就讀之系 ( 所 ) 及學位 Which department / graduate institute and what degree do you wish to apply at Huafan University? 系 ( 所 ) Department / Graduate Institute 學位 Degree 攻讀學位 Degree 選讀學分 Non-degree 中文語文能力 Chinese Language Proficiency 學習中文幾年 How many years have you formally studied Chinese? 學習中文環境 ( 高中 大學 語文機構 ) Where did you learn Chinese? (high school, college, language institute) 您是否參加過中文語文能力測驗 Have you taken any test of Chinese language proficiency? 是 Yes 否 No 自我評估 Self Evaluation of Chinese Language Proficiency 學士 Bachelor 碩士 Master 博士 Doctor 學士 Bachelor 碩士 Master 博士 Doctor 何種測驗 What kind of the test? 分數 Score 聽 Listening 佳 Good 尚可 Average 差 Poor 不會 Not at all 說 Speaking 佳 Good 尚可 Average 差 Poor 不會 Not at all 讀 Reading 佳 Good 尚可 Average 差 Poor 不會 Not at all 寫 Writing 佳 Good 尚可 Average 差 Poor 不會 Not at all 財力支援狀況 : 在本校求學期間費用來源 Financial Supports : What is your major financial resource while you study at Huafan University? 個人儲蓄 Personal Savings ( 金額 Amount of Dollars) 父母支援 Parents Supports ( 金額 Amount of Dollars) 獎助金 Scholarship 健康狀況 Health Condition ( 來源及金額 Source & Amount of Dollars) 其他 Others ( 來源及金額 Source & Amount of Dollars) 佳 Good 尚可 Average 差 Poor 如有疾病或缺陷請敘明之 Please describe any illness or health problem you have 以上資料由本人填寫, 且經詳細檢查, 在此保證其正確無誤 I have carefully reviewed the above information and hereby pledge that all of it is correct. 申請人簽名 Signature 日期 Date 繳交資料紀錄表 ( 申請人務必就已繳交之資料, 在下面表格之繳交註記欄內打 )Please check the items that you have submitted 註記繳交資料項目 Required Documentation Check 入學申請表並附貼二吋半身照片 Application form with one recent bust photo attached. 經我國駐外館處驗證之外國學校最高學歷證明文件及成績單 ( 中 英文以外之語文, 應附中文或英文譯本 )The highest-level certificate and transcript issued by an international education institution (these documents must be translated into Chinese or English), which must be authenticated by a Taiwan's overseas representative office. 經我國駐外館處驗證具備足夠在臺就學之財力證明書 Validated financial statement by overseas diplomatic offices indicating sufficient funding for staying in Taiwan. 推薦書二份 Two letters of recommendation. 須含學習動機 期限及未來展望之中文留學計畫書 A study plan written in Chinese, including the purpose, duration and expectation. 申請費新台幣 1,500 元或美金 50 元, 及申請人護照影本二份 Application fee NT$1,500(US$50), and two photocopies of passport. - 17 -

具結書 Declaration 一 本人保證未具僑生身分且不具中華民國國籍或已喪失中華民國國籍滿八年 I guarantee that I am not an oversea Chinese student, and also don't hold a R.O.C. nationality, or have lost my nationality of R.O.C for more than eight years. 二 本人並未以 僑生回國就學及輔導辦法 申請入學中華民國國內之其他大學院校 I have not filed any application with any other university in Taiwan in accordance with "Application Regulations for Overseas Students to Study in Taiwan." 三 本人所提供之所有相關資料 ( 包括學歷 護照及其他相關文件之正本及其影本 ) 均為合法有效之文件, 如有不符規定或變造之情事, 經查屬實即取消入學資格, 且不發給任何有關之學分證明 All the documents provided (including diploma, passport, and other relevant documents, original or copy) are valid. Should any university regulation be violated, my admission to Huafan University will be denied, and no proof of attendance will be issued. 四 本人所提供之最高學歷畢業證書 ( 申請大學部者提出高中畢業證書 申請碩士班者提出大學畢業證書 申請博士班者提出碩士畢業證書 ), 在畢業學校所在地國家均為合法有效取得畢業資格, 並所持有之證件相當於中華民國國內之各級合法學校授予之相當學位, 如有不實或不符規定或變造之情事, 經查屬實即取消入學資格, 並註銷學籍, 且不發給任何有關之學分證明或畢業證書 The diploma granted by the education institute I last attended is valid and has been awarded legally in the country where I graduated. The certificate is comparable to that which is awarded by the certified schools in Taiwan. If it is found that there is any cheating, violation, or forged documents, my admission will be refused, my student status revoked, and no transcript or diploma will be issued. 五 本人未曾遭中華民國國內各大專院校退學 如違反此規定並經查證屬實者, 取消其入學資格或註銷學籍 I have never been expelled from university or college in the Republic of China. Breaking this rule will result in immediate cancellation of admission or deprivation of the status as a registered student. 六 上述所陳之任一事項同意授權貴校查證, 如有不實或不符規定等情事, 於入學後經查證屬實者, 本人願接受貴校註銷學籍處分, 絕無異議 I authorize this university to check on all of the above information. And if any of the statements mentioned above is found to be false after I enter Huafan University, I will accept the consequences of deprivation of my status as a Huafan University registered student. 申請人簽名 Signature 日期 Date ---- 以下欄位請勿填寫 Office of Academic Affairs Use Only---- 收件日期 : 收件人章戳 : 教務處 初審結果 報名資格審查 : 合格 不合格 說明 : 承辦人章戳 : - 18 -

附錄 (2): 華梵大學外國學生申請入學第一年減免學雜費申請表 Appendix(2): Huafan University Application Form for Tuition Reduction of First Year International Students 申請人資料 Personal Data 申請人姓名 Applicant's Name 國籍 Nationality ( 中文 In Chinese) ( 英文 In English) 出生日期 Date of Birth (month) (day) (year) 護照號碼 Passport No. 社會安全號碼 Social Security No. 現在通訊處 Mailing Address E-mail 電話 Telephone No. 行動電話 Cellphone No. 申請理由 Application Reason( 請以文字概述, 限 500 字以內 Please describe your situation in Chinese within 500 words.) 備註 Note: 1 本申請表請於入學前與入學申請同時提出, 由系所進行初審後, 再由本校外國學生學雜費減免審查會議進行審查 未依規定提出申請者, 概不接受事後補申請 International students need to apply for tuition reduction while applying for admission. The departments will make the first review and pass to the International Student s Tuition Reduction Meeting. Applications received after deadline will not be processed. 2 通過學雜費減免學生, 依 華梵大學外國學生入學第一年減免學雜費辦法 規定, 減免入學第一年學雜費用 International students who are qualified for reducing tuition do not have to pay tuition fee in the first year according to the Huafan University Regulation for Tuition Reduction of First Year International Students. 系所審查結果 通過 未通過 ------ 以下欄位請勿填寫 Office of Academic Affair Use Only---- 系所章戳 審查會議審核結果 通過 未通過 教務處章戳 19

附錄 (3): 華梵大學外國學生入學規定 第一條華梵大學 ( 以下簡稱本校 ) 為鼓勵外國學生來校就學, 依據教育部外國學生來臺就學辦法第六條規定, 特訂定本規定 第二條具外國國籍且未曾具有中華民國國籍, 於申請時並不具僑生資格者, 得依本規定申請入學 具外國國籍且符合下列規定, 於申請時並已連續居留海外六年以上者, 亦得依本規定申請入學 一 申請時兼具中華民國國籍者, 應自始未曾在臺設有戶籍 二 申請前曾兼具中華民國國籍, 於申請時已不具中華民國國籍者, 應自內政部許可喪失中華民國國籍之日起至申請時已滿八年 三 前二款均未曾以僑生身分在臺就學, 且未於當學年度接受海外聯合招生委員會分發 依教育合作協議, 由外國政府 機構或學校遴薦來臺就學之外國國民, 其自始未曾在臺設有戶籍者, 經主管教育行政機關核准, 得不受前二項規定之限制 第二項所定六年 八年, 以擬入學當學期起始日期 ( 二月一日或八月一日 ) 為終日計算之 第二項所稱海外, 指大陸地區 香港及澳門以外之國家或地區 ; 所稱連續居留, 指外國學生每曆年在國內停留期間未逾一百二十日 但符合下列情形之一且具相關證明文件者, 不在此限 ; 其在國內停留期間, 不併入海外居留期間計算 : 一 就讀僑務主管機關舉辦之海外青年技術訓練班或教育部認定之技術訓練專班 二 就讀教育部核准得招收外國學生之各大專校院華語文中心, 合計未滿二年 三 交換學生, 其交換期間合計未滿二年 四 經中央目的事業主管機關許可來臺實習, 實習期間合計未滿二年 具外國國籍並兼具中華民國國籍, 且於 教育部外國學生來臺就學辦法 中華民國一百年二月一日修正施行前已提出申請喪失中華民國國籍者, 得依原規定申請入學, 不受第二項規定之限制 第三條具外國國籍, 兼具香港或澳門永久居留資格, 且未曾在臺設有戶籍, 申請時於香港 澳門或海外連續居留滿六年以上者, 得依本規定申請入學 前項所稱連續居留, 指每曆年在國內停留期間, 合計未逾一百二十日 但符合前條第五項第一款至第四款所列情形之一且具相關證明文件者, 不在此限 ; 其在國內停留期間, 不併入前項連續居留期間計算 曾為大陸地區人民具外國國籍且未曾在臺設有戶籍, 申請時已連續居留海外六年以上者, 得依本規定申請入學 前項所稱連續居留, 指每曆年在國內停留期間, 合計未逾一百二十日 但符合前條第五項第一款至第四款所列情形之一且具相關證明文件者, 不在此限 : 其在國內停留期間, 不併入海外連續居留期間計算 第一項及第三項所定六年, 以擬入學當學期起始日期 ( 二月一日或八月一日 ) 為終日計算之 第一項至第四項所定海外, 準用前條第五項規定 第四條外國學生申請來臺就學, 於完成申請就學學程後, 除申請碩士班以上學程得依本規定辦理外, 其餘如繼續在臺就學者, 其入學方式應與我國內一般學生相同 外國學生不得申請就讀本校所辦理回流教育之進修學士班 碩士在職專班及其他僅於夜間 例假日授課之班別 但外國學生在臺已具有合法居留身分者或其就讀之班別屬經教育部專案核准之課程者, 不在此限 第五條 20

本校招收外國學生, 其名額以教育部核定本校當學年度招生名額外加百分之十為限, 並應併入當學年度招生總名額報教育部核定 本校於當學年度核定招生總名額內, 若有本國學生未招足之情形, 得以外國學生名額補足 前項招生名額, 不含未具正式學籍之外國學生 第六條申請入學本校之外國學生, 應於指定期間, 檢附下列文件, 經審查或甄試合格者, 發給入學許可 : 一 入學申請表 二 學歷證明文件 : ( 一 ) 大陸地區學歷 : 應依大陸地區學歷採認辦法規定辦理 ( 二 ) 香港或澳門學歷 : 應依香港澳門學歷檢覈及採認辦法規定辦理 ( 三 ) 其他地區學歷 : 1 海外臺灣學校及大陸地區臺商學校之學歷同我國同級學校學歷 2 前二目以外之國外地區學歷, 應依大學辦理國外學歷採認辦法規定辦理 但設校或分校於大陸地區之外國學校學歷, 應經大陸地區公證處公證, 並經行政院設立或指定之機構或委託之民間團體驗證 三 足夠在臺就學之財力證明, 或政府 大專校院或民間機構提供全額獎助學金之證明 四 本校規定之文件 ( 一 ) 推薦書二份 ( 二 ) 中文留學計畫 ( 須含學習動機 期限及未來展望 ) ( 三 ) 申請費及申請人護照影本 本校審核外國學生之入學申請時, 對前項第二款至第四款未經我國駐外使領館 代表處 辦事處或其他經外交部授權機構 ( 以下簡稱駐外館處 ) 行政院設立或指定之機構或委託之民間團體驗證之文件認定有疑義時, 得要求先經駐外館處驗證 ; 其業經驗證者, 得請求協助查證 第七條本校為審查外國學生入學申請, 應成立外國學生入學審查小組, 由教務長 相關學院院長 系所主管 學生事務處代表及其他相關人員組成之, 教務長為召集人, 另置執行秘書一人, 由招生組組長兼任之 外國學生入學申請, 先由各系所審查, 經審查合格後再交由審查小組審查之 外國學生入學標準由各系所自行訂定, 經系 所務會議通過送院務會議審議, 陳報校長同意後, 送教務處備查 審查合格錄取之外國學生, 由教務處通知入學 第八條獲准入學之外國學生, 應於規定日期完成註冊手續 註冊時, 新生應檢附已投保自入境當日起至少四個月效期之醫療及傷害保險, 在校生應檢附我國全民健康保險等相關保險證明文件 前項保險證明如為國外所核發者, 應經駐外館處驗證 如因簽證或其他事故不能按時註冊, 應檢具相關證明, 逕向本校申請延期註冊, 最長不得逾學期三分之一 如因重病或重大事故不能按時入學時, 應檢具相關證明, 於註冊截止日前向本校申請保留入學資格一年 若未完成註冊, 且未核准保留入學資格或延期註冊者, 以放棄入學資格論 第九條入學本校之外國學生註冊入學時, 未逾該學年第一學期修業期間三分之一者, 於當學期入學 ; 已逾該學年第一學期修業期間三分之一者, 於第二學期或下一學年註冊入學 21

第十條本校應即時於教育部指定之外國學生資料管理資訊系統, 登錄外國學生入學 轉學 休學 退學或變更 喪失學生身分等情事 第十一條外國學生之就學申請, 由教務處辦理 外國學生經核准入學後, 其在學期間之學業輔導 考核由所屬系所辦理 ; 生活輔導 聯繫等事項, 由學生事務處辦理 學生事務處應加強安排住宿家庭及輔導外國學生學習我國語文 文化等, 以增進外國學生對我國之了解, 並不定期舉辦外國學生輔導活動或促進校園國際化, 有助我國學生與外國學生交流 互動之活動 外國學生就學事務工作職掌表如附件 第十二條外國學生來臺就學後, 其於就學期間申請在臺初設戶籍登記 戶籍遷入登記 歸化或回復中華民國國籍者, 喪失外國學生身分, 應予退學 外國學生經入學學校以操行 學業成績不及格或因犯刑事案件經判刑確定致遭退學者, 不得再依本規定申請入學 外國學生轉學, 依本校學則及相關規定辦理, 但外國學生經入學學校以操行不及格或因刑事案件經判刑確定致遭退學者, 不得轉學進入本校就讀 第十三條本校外國學生如有休 退學或變更 喪失學生身份等情事, 教務處註冊組應通報外交部領事事務局及內政部入出國及移民署新北市服務站, 並副知教育部 第十四條本校在不影響正常教學情況下, 得與外國學校簽訂教育合作協議, 招收外國交換學生 ; 並得準用本校外國學生入學規定, 酌收外國人士為選讀生 因國際學術合作計畫或其他特殊需求成立外國學生專班者, 應依專科以上學校總量發展規模與資源條件相關規定, 報教育部核定 第十五條外國學生來臺就學期間, 若有違反就業服務法之規定經查證屬實者, 依相關規定處理 第十六條外國學生在臺期間, 應遵守我國法律及本校規定, 違者依相關法令究辦 第十七條本辦法未盡事宜, 依教育部外國學生來臺就學辦法暨本校相關規定辦理之 第十八條本辦法經教務會議通過, 報請教育部核定後公布施行, 修正時亦同 22

Appendix(3): Huafan University Admission Regulations for International Students Article 1. This regulation is promulgated according to Article 6 of the MOE Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan. Article 2 An individual of foreign nationality, who has never held nationality status from the Republic of China ( R.O.C.") and who does not possess an overseas Chinese student status at the time of their application, is qualified to apply for admission under this regulation. An individual of foreign nationality, pursuant to the following requirements and who has resided overseas continuously for no less than 6 years is also qualified to apply for admission under this regulation. 1. An individual who also is a national of the R.O.C., but does not hold nor has had a household registration in Taiwan. 2. An individual who also was a national of the R.O.C. but has no R.O.C. nationality at the time of their application shall have an annulled status regarding their R.O.C. nationality for no less than 8 years after an annulment of R.O.C. nationality by the Ministry of the Interior. 3. Regarding individuals mentioned in the preceding 2 subparagraphs, they must not have studied in Taiwan as an overseas Chinese student nor received placement permission during the same year of the application by the University Entrance Committee for Overseas Chinese Students. According to the Education Cooperation Framework Agreement, a foreign national who was selected by a foreign government, organization, or school, and does not hold a household registration from the time of their birth is not subject to the limitations as prescribed in the preceding 2 paragraphs after receiving the approval from the authorized educational government agencies. The six and eight year calculation period as prescribed in Paragraph 2 shall be calculated from the starting date of the semester (Feb. 1st or Aug. 1st) as the designated due date for the time of study. The term overseas as prescribed in Paragraph 2 is limited to countries or regions other than Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau; the term reside overseas continuously means that an individual may stay in Taiwan for no more than a total of 120 days per calendar year. The only exceptions to this method of calculation are for those who fulfill one of the following requirements with written supportive proof: 1. Attended overseas youth training courses organized by the Overseas Compatriot Affairs Council or technique training classes accredited by the Ministry of Education (the Ministry"); 2. Attended a Mandarin Chinese language center at a university/college of which foreign student recruitment is approved by the Ministry, and to which the total length of stay is less than 2 years; 3. Exchange students, whose length of total exchange is less than 2 years; or 4. An Internship in Taiwan which has been approved by an authorized central government agency, 23

to which the total length of stay is less than 2 years. An individual, who has both foreign and R.O.C. nationalities and has applied for an annulment of their R.O.C. nationality before Feb. 1st, 2011, the effective date of this amendment, will then be qualified to apply for admission as an international student under the amendment effective before Feb. 1st, 2011 and will not be subject to the limitation as prescribed in Paragraph 2. Article 3 An applicant of foreign nationality, concurrently holding a permanent residence status in Hong Kong or Macao, having no history of a household registration record in Taiwan and, at the time of application, has resided in Hong Kong, Macao, or another foreign country for no less than 6 years is qualified to apply for admission under these regulations. The term reside overseas continuously mentioned in the preceding paragraph means an individual may stay in Taiwan for no more than a total of 120 days per calendar year. However, such a term may be exempt, if any of the conditions prescribed in Subparagraphs 1 through 4, Paragraph 5 of the previous Article applies and is supported with written proof, and the said domestic length of stay shall be excluded from the overseas length of residency. An applicant being a former citizen of Mainland China and holds a foreign nationality, having no history of household registration record in Taiwan, and at the time of application, has resided overseas continuously for no less than 6 years is qualified to apply for admission under these regulations. However, an individual who plans to apply for study at a department of medicine, dentistry, or Chinese medicine must reside overseas continuously for no less than 8 years. The term reside overseas continuously means an individual may stay in Taiwan for no more than a total of 120 days per calendar year. However, such a term may be exempted if any of the conditions prescribed in Subparagraphs 1 through 4, of Paragraph 5 of the previous Article, applies and is supported with written proof, and the said domestic length of stay shall be excluded from the overseas length of residency. The six and eight years calculation period as prescribed in Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 3 shall be calculated from the starting date of the semester (Feb.1st or Aug.1st) as the designated due date for the time of study. The term overseas as prescribed in paragraph 5 in previous article shall apply to paragraphs 1 to 4. Article 4 Upon completion of the course of study, at a school in Taiwan, to which an international student has applied, the student's admission to another school academic level shall be handled in a manner identical to the procedures for admission for local students. An exception is that an application for a master s degree or higher levels of graduate studies can be processed under the procedures of each 24

individual school. International students may not apply for Extension Programs at universities/colleges designed for returning education students, part time, in service courses of Master programs, or other programs, which are restricted to night classes and classes during holidays. International students who have obtained legal resident status in Taiwan, or are enrolled in a program ratified by this Ministry, are exempted from this Article. Article 5 The quotas for admission allocated for international students at HFU should be additional quotas but be no more than ten percent of the number of positions allocated for these schools for local students each year. The number should be calculated into the total number of positions at each school, yearly and reported to the MOE for ratification. If the quotas for admission, which have been allocated for local students, have not been filled, HFU may fill the quotas with international students according to the total number of designated yearly positions. The quotas for admission prescribed in Paragraph 1, do not include international students with a non degree status. Article 6 International students applying for admission to HFU shall submit their applications directly to the schools of their choice during the schools designated application periods. Those applicants that qualify through the review or screening process will be granted admission by the school. The following application documents need to be submitted: 1. Application form. 2. Academic credentials: (1)Academic credentials from Mainland China: The Regulations Governing the Accreditation of Schools in Mainland China shall apply. (2)Academic credentials from Hong Kong or Macao: Academic Credential Verification and Accreditation Methods adopted in Hong Kong and Macao shall apply. (3)Academic credentials from other areas: 1. Academic credentials earned at overseas Taiwan schools or Taiwan schools in Mainland China shall be regarded as the same as those at domestic schools with equivalent levels. 2. Academic credentials referred in the preceding 2 Items shall be subject to the Regulations Regarding the Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Academic Credentials for Institutions of Higher Education. However, academic credentials earned from schools or branches established in Mainland China by foreign schools shall require public notarization in Mainland China and be verified and examined by an institute established or appointed by, or through a private agency commissioned by the Executive Yuan. 3. Financial proof that shows financial sustainability for study in Taiwan, or proof of full scholarship provided by a government agency, university, college, or private organization. 4 Others as required by the respective schools. (1)Two letters of recommendation. 25

(2)A study plan written in Chinese, including the purpose, duration and expectation. (3)Application fee and two photocopies of passport. HFU reviews the application documents without verification by overseas consulates, representative offices, agencies of the country or other bodies authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (hereinafter referred to as Overseas Agencies ) or institutes established or appointed by the Executive Yuan, or a private agency commissioned by the Executive Yuan as prescribed in subparagraphs 2 and 4 of the preceding paragraph may request for verification. If the said documents have been verified, the school may request examination of the documents. Article 7 Administrative procedures for international student applications shall be handled by the International student Enrollment Committee, which consists of the Dean of Academic Affairs, who will serve as a convener, Deans of the relevant colleges, heads of the relevant departments, representative of Student Affairs and relevant members. The Committee shall also appoint the Chief of Admission Section as an executive secretary. Each application for international student shall be reviewed first by the departments, and qualified applications will then be sent to the International student Enrollment Committee for further review, the standard of enrollment qualification is drawn up by each departments, approved by Department Affairs Meeting of departments and institute and then sent to the College Affairs Meeting, finally approved by the President and refer to the Office of Academic Affairs. International students who are recruited by HFU will be notified to enroll by office of Academic Affairs. Article 8 If international students admitted to HFU, they should register before the deadline. At the time of registration new international students shall present proof of a medical and injury insurance policy which is valid for at least 4 months from the date the student enters Taiwan. Current student shall present written proof that they have joined Taiwan s the National Health Insurance Plan. Any student, who can not register on time because of visa or accident, should submit the proof to HFU and apply to extend the date of registration before deadline. The period of extension can not last more than one-third of the semester. Any student, who has serious illness or accident before the time of registration, should submit the proof to HFU and apply to retain enrollment qualification one year. Students do not register before the deadline and retain enrollment qualification, their status might be revoked. Article 9 An international student reporting to HFU for registration at the time not beyond one third of the first semester of the current school year shall register for the first semester; or at the time beyond one third of the first semester of the current school year shall register for the second semester or the next school year, unless otherwise stipulated by the authorized educational government agencies. 26

Article 10 HFU offering admission to international students shall promptly register into the international student data management information system designated by the Ministry the following: school entrance, transfer, suspension or dismissal and any change or loss of student status. Article 11 All applications for admission by international students shall be handled by the Office of Academic Affairs. International students who admitted to enrollment, personal academic counseling, evaluation and contact shall be handled by the departments they are affiliated with. Both the Office of Student Affairs and affiliated departments shall hold frequent counseling activities for international students. Office of Student Affairs shall reinforce the arrangement of home stay for international students, and assist them to learn the language and culture to improve their knowledge of this country, and host such activities as to foster international exchange, globalization on campus, or other events, which will be helpful to the interaction between foreign and local students from time to time, during each academic year. The Duty List of HFU for International students Admission as following attachment. Article 12 During the course of study in Taiwan, international students, who have undertaken initial household registration, resident registration, naturalization or restoration of the R.O.C. nationality, will lose their international student status and shall be dismissed by the school. International students who are dismissed from schools after admission due to behavior issues, poor academic performance or a conviction under the Criminal Law may thereafter not apply for admission under this regulation. HFU shall integrate the procedures regarding how to accept international students transferring into its international recruitment guidelines, which will be subject to the Ministry s approval. However, an international student that has been dismissed by a school that accepts the said student, due to behavior issues or a conviction under the Criminal Law may not transfer to HFU. Article 13 If international students discontinue their schooling or because of any other reason that causes them to change or lose their student status at our school, our school must notify the Bureau of Consular Affairs of the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs, the Service Center of National Immigration Agency, the Ministry of the Interior, and send copies of these notifications to the Ministry. Article 14 27

HFU may sign education cooperation agreements with foreign schools and recruit international exchange students. Universities/ colleges may apply this regulation to accept international students as non degree seeking students with the condition that it will not compromise normal teaching routines. HFU establishing special international student programs under international academic cooperation programs or special circumstances shall comply with their respective total quantity development scale and follow the regulations governing resource conditions, in addition to filing an application with the authorized educational government agencies which will be subject to approval from MOE. Article 15 If international students violate the Employment Services Act after investigation, HFU shall immediately handle the cases in accordance with the regulations Article 16 International students should obey the laws of ROC and the rules of HFU when they are in Taiwan, the offender will be investigated according to the related laws and rules. Article 17 Matters not provided for herein should be subject to the Guidelines for MOE Regulations Regarding international Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan and all relevant rules set by HFU. Article 18 TheRegulationsshall be effective after being passed by Academic Affairs Meeting, approved by the Ministry of Education. The amendments shall follow the same procedure. 28

附錄 (4): 華梵大學外國學生入學第一年減免學雜費辦法 ( 摘錄 ) 96 年 3 月 14 日 95 學年度第 2 學期第 119 次行政會議通過 第一條華梵大學 ( 以下簡稱本校 ) 為鼓勵外國學生來校就學, 增進國際學術交流, 特訂定本辦法 第二條外國學生係指依 華梵大學外國學生入學處理辦法 申請入學本校碩 博士學位者 第三條申請程序一 外國學生須於入學前與入學申請同時提出, 由系所進行初審, 再由本校外國學生學雜費減免審查會議進行審查, 陳請校長核定之 二 經核准減免學雜費之外國學生, 由本校於錄取榜示公告時, 另以專函通知 第四條經本校核定准予免收學雜費之外國學生, 其在本校就學第一學年免收學雜費 學雜費減免期限以一年為限, 第二年起得依本校 外國學生獎助學金設置辦法 申領獎學金 第五條獲本校核定減免學雜費之外國學生, 於入學當學年度申請保留入學資格或休學者, 取消其減免資格 外國學生於入學第一年期間, 經判刑確定或違反校規經記過以上處分者, 亦取消其減免資格 29

Appendix(4): Huafan University Regulation for Tuition Reduction of First Year International Students(Extract) Article 1. The purpose of this regulation is to encourage excellent international students to study in Huafan University and to promote international academic exchange. Article 2. International students, by definition, are those who apply for Master or PhD program under Huafan University Regulations Governing International Student Admission. Article 3. Application procedure: 1. International students need to apply for tuition reduction while applying for admission. The departments will make the first review and pass to the International Student s Tuition Reduction Meeting and finally, the result will be approved by the President. 2. International students who are qualified for reducing tuition will be notified by official letter. Article 4. International students who are qualified for reducing tuition do not have to pay tuition fee in the first year. From the second year, they have to apply for scholarships under Huafan University Regulations for International Students Scholarship. Article 5. International students who are qualified for tuition reduction are disqualified when they apply for reservation for student statues or suspension of schooling in the same academic year they apply for admission; or, in other circumstances, they are convicted of crimes or violate school regulation with disciplinary action of demerit. 30