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Internship @AIA Internship Development Programme Power Goal Creativity Successful Excellence Future Dream GoodPositive Professional Business Thinking Brain Motivation Strength 02

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Application Form for Internship@AIA 2014 Preferred Class Internship@AIA Winter 2014 (6th 10th January, 2014) OR Internship@AIA Summer 2014 Class 1: Class 2: Class 3: 16th 20th June, 2014 7th 11, July, 2014 11th 15th August, 2014 (Please " " your preferred class, which shall be subject to final confirmation) Personal Particulars (please use block letters) Job Experiences Year Company Name Duties English Full Name (as in HKID): Christian / First Name (if applicable): Chinese Name: Age: Mobile Phone No.: Student No.: Correspondence Address: Email Address: Emergency Contact Name: Relationship: Tel: Academic Performance Name of Institution: Major: Date of Graduation(e.g. June 2013): Accumulative GPA: HKAL/HKAS Results HKCEE Results (Best 4 Subjects) (Best 6 Subjects) Year Year Subject Grade Subject Grade Insurance Intermediaries Qualifying Exam (IIQE) Paper 1 (Year Acquired: ) Paper 3 (Year Acquired: ) Remarks: 1. Please read the personal declaration overleaf for the full terms and conditions of this Programme. 2. Please use separate sheet if space is insufficient. 3. Only short-listed applicants will be invited to join the Programme. 4. All information provided by applicants will be treated in strict confidence and used only for the purposes set out overleaf. 5. Class schedule shall be subject to final confirmation. 6. AIA reserves the right to alter and modify the terms and conditions or schedule of the Programme if necessary without prior notice. 7. Any disputes relating to the Programme shall be decided by AIA, whose decision shall be final and conclusive. Please turn over for the full terms and conditions of the Programme before signed. Date: Signature of Applicant: Application & Enquiry Please complete the application form and send to: Awards / Scholarships Major awards / scholarships gained in the past 3 years: Awards / Scholarships Year I have read and understood the declaration set out overleaf and agree to all the terms and conditions therein. For Agency Leader Use Only Agent Name: Agent Code: Extra-curricular Activities Major extra-curricular activities in the past 3 years: Year Name of Organization/Club Position Held Core Activities Participated Mobile Phone No.: Email Address: Note to Agency Leaders: Please collect and send the completed and signed application form to Agency Talent Development Department 17/F, AIA Financial Centre 712 Prince Edward Road East, Kowloon Agency Leader MUST ensure the information collected is true, correct and complete; otherwise the application will NOT be processed. Application form without Agency Leader information will follow the Company leader distribution mechanism. For details, please refer to the Campus Programme website: 09

Terms & Conditions 1. The Internship@AIA Programme ( Programme ) is only applicable for Hong Kong Permanent resident. 2. Applicant must have attained college or above qualification. 3. The Programme is offered free of charge, but will not be remunerated. 4. No certification will be issued if 80% attendance of the Programme cannot be reached. 5. The Company reserves the absolute right for final determination in respect of the acceptance and rejection of (i) the application of the Programme and (ii) the approval of free or prior enrollment of the relevant insurance courses or examinations after the completion of the Programme. 6. The Company reserves the right to withdraw the Programme or at any time at its sole discretion without prior notice. 7. The Company reserves the right to amend the relevant terms and conditions without prior notice. 8. All matters and disputes related to the Programme will be subject to the final decision of the Company. Declaration By submitting this Application Form to the Company, 1. I understand that this application is subject to the Terms and Conditions. I declare that I have read and understood the contents of the Terms and Conditions and agree to be bound to the same. 2. I declare that the written information provided by me in this application is true and complete and I understood that the Company, believing them to be such, will rely and act on them, otherwise my application will be withdrawn and my eligibility for the Programme will be disqualified immediately. 3. I agree to notify the Company immediately if I become aware that any of the foregoing representations is no longer accurate and complete in all respects. 4. I understand that the Company may be unable to process this application if I fail to provide any information requested in this application 5. I understand that this application is subject to the terms and conditions of the Privacy Policy Statement. I hereby declare that I have read and understood the contents of the Privacy Policy Statement and agree to be bound to the same. 6. I agree that any of my personal information collected or held, kept, stored, used by the Company can be disclosed to AIA and my referee (the agency leader of AIA) indicated by my application for the purposes of processing, considering and assessing this application and any matter arising from this application in the course of this Internship@AIA. 7. I have the right to obtain access to request correction of any of my personal information held by the Company. A written request can be made to the Company. 8. I agree that the Company is authorized to check and verify the personal information data submitted. Personal Information Collection Statement The personal data collected in this application form will be used by the AIA to verify your application to fulfill the requirements of participation and confirm the identity of the participants of the Internship@AIA Programme. Personal data collected on the application form are regarded as mandatory for above purposes. Failure to provide these data may influence the processing and outcome of your application. All information provided by applicants will be treated in strict confidence and used only for the purpose of participating Internship@AIA Programme and will not be transferred to any unauthorized third parties. Necessary contact information such as name, mobile number and email address will be transferred to our agency leaders for coaching and contacting the participants for therein any related purposes of Internship@AIA Programme. The personal data of applicants will not be kept for longer than two years starting from the completion of the Programme. Under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you have a right to request access to and request correction of your personal data in relation to your application. A written request can be made to AIA s Agency Talent Development Department 17/F AIA Financial Centre, 712 Prince Edward Road East, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. AIA or Company or our as used herein refers to AIA International Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability). 10

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