Peer Pressure Des it supprt r des it hinder? 朋輩壓力: 助力/阻力 作者 朱佩儀 - 聖約翰輔導服務輔導員 by Ms. Betty Chu, Cunsellr, St. Jhn s Cunselling Services. phts: Ian Tayl

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N.16 2009 會訊 MAGAZINE w w w. h k j d a. r g My Diabetes and My Life HKJDA Magazine 1

Peer Pressure Des it supprt r des it hinder? 朋輩壓力: 助力/阻力 作者 朱佩儀 - 聖約翰輔導服務輔導員 by Ms. Betty Chu, Cunsellr, St. Jhn s Cunselling Services. phts: Ian Taylr 一位高中女生說 今年升上的班別的同 學都很積極用功 在他們的感染下 自己也不 期然地變得奮發起來 期望公開試可以取得好 成績 但舊同學卻經常邀約我放學後逛街看 戲 自己感到很為難 既不失去一班舊朋友 但又不懂如何開口拒絕 唯有選擇疏遠他們 久而久之 他們說我變了 不再重視他們 朋友帶來的 壓力 有正面 也有負 面 我們應該怎樣正面的處理朋輩關係及壓力 帯來的負面影響呢 朋輩關係中的衝突 也就 是每個年青人在成長階段中必須面對及學習的 課題 3. 坦誠地表達自己的想法和感受 嘗試說出在衝突事情中自己經歷到的真正感受 和看法 不用逃避 如上述例子中的女生 因 為不懂得直接推辭舊同學邀請 心裡又害怕拒 絕時會惹他們生氣和失望 故選擇迴避他們的 電話 而並非想看輕或疏遠他們 事實上 女生可選擇直接向舊同學表達自己對考試的期 望 及希望放多點時間在學業上 4. 權衡利害 當你感到左右為難 不知如何抉擇時 嘗試深 呼吸 讓呼吸把情緒緩和過來 先慢慢吸氣 然後慢慢呼氣 要有一個平靜的心境 你才能 清楚自己的感受和需要 在成長的道路上 我們往往要作出很多不同的 決定 但有些決定 並沒有對或錯的答案 而 是在於衡量個人的價值觀 道德標準或宗教信 仰 例如 你出外赴約 朋友必定高興 但明 天的測驗便很可能受到影響 面對這些進退 兩難的決定 我們必須慎重考慮 權衡利害輕 重 為自己作出選擇 而我深信真正重視友誼 的人 必定懂得尊重朋友的決定 2. 了解自己的處境及想法 5. 尋求支持 1. 平復心情 你可以問問自己害怕的是甚麼 是否害怕朋友 的誤會 擔心的又是甚麼 擔心推卻朋友惹他 們生氣 還是擔心你的拒絕使他們失望 你 逃避的又是些甚麼 逃避意見不合時引至的怒 氣 或是共處時不和諧的氣氛 A female high schl pupil recently said: This year, the students in my class are all very studius and hardwrking, and under their influence, I fund myself getting mtivated abut studying as well, and I am aiming t achieve gd results in my exams. But my schl friends frm befre always invite me t g shpping r g see mvies after schl, and I feel very cnflicted. I dn t want t lse my grup f ld friends, but I dn t knw hw t tell them. S in the end I chse t stay away frm them. And as time ges by, they all say that I have changed, and I dn t value them anymre. Peer pressure can be bth gd and bad. But hw d we psitively cpe with negative peer pressure? Negative peer pressure brings up cnflict in relatinships, and can be a valuable lessn as ne grws up. 1. Calm dwn When feeling pushed int a crner, and unsure f hw t make a decisin, take a deep breath slwly breathe in, slwly breathe ut. Emtins and needs are best understd when feeling calm and at peace. 2. Prcess What are yu afraid f? Are yu afraid that yur friends will misunderstand yu? What are yu wrried abut? Are yu wrried that declining yur friends invitatin wuld make them angry, r disappinted? What are yu running away frm? Are yu trying t avid having t cnfrnt the anger and unpleasant atmsphere when disagreements ccur? 一個人獨自去承受壓力是很辛苦的 你可找一 個可信任的人傾訴和商討 當有人分擔自己的 困憂時 壓力也會自然減少 3. Be hnest Express yur true feelings and pinins. In ur example, the student culd tell her friends abut her desire t spend mre time n her studies. She didn t knw hw t decline their invitatin directly, and she als didn t want t anger r disappint them, therefre she avided their phne calls. She didn t mean t belittle r stay away frm them at all. 4. Weigh the prs and cns Grwing up, we have t make many different decisins, and smetimes there are n direct answers. When yu decide t g ut, f curse yur friends will be happy; but yur test tmrrw might be affected. When faced with mre challenging decisins, we need t give it mre careful cnsideratin whether it cnflicts with ur wn values, mral standards, r religius beliefs. I believe that if yur friends value yur friendship, they will respect yur decisins. 5. Seek help and supprt Facing pressure all alne is really tugh. Find smene yu trust and talk it ut. When smene can share yur burden, the weight n yur shulders will lighten up. HKJDA Magazine 3

COVER STORY 撰文 攝影 : 簡慧貞 text & phts: Christine Kan My Diabetes and My Life 我的糖尿病和我的生活 Hw peer supprt has becme an imprtant part f living with the disease 朋友支持怎麼成為了與糖尿病共存的一個重要部分 Christine Sharn 許多糖尿病青年人如常生活 他們喜歡與他們相同年齡的 朋友外出 他們與其他人無異, 只不過情況當初也許有點挑戰 性 Christine (23),Sharn (20) 她們分享她們面對糖尿病的秘 密武器 - 朋友的支持 糖尿病也不是太可怕, 但是很多人都害怕把自己的病告知同事 或朋友 而其實上, 患糖尿病也不是一件不見光的事 那為何大家 都忌諱呢? 我患了糖尿病也有十多年 認識我的朋友都知道我有這 個病 他們也沒有為此而嫌棄我 相反, 他們更加給了我勇氣去正 面地面對這個病 Life ges n fr many yung peple with diabetes. They like t g ut and hang with bys and girls their age. They are just like everyne else thugh sme scial circumstances may at first prve t be challenging. As in s many ther things, having understanding friends with the right attitude can make the great difference. This has been the case fr Christine Kan and Sharn, (Christine, 23; Sharn, 20) When everyne else might be eating and drinking what they like, yung peple with diabetes need t be careful. What abut when thers tease them because f their sugar-free diet? Or needing t take medicine and insulin injectins? Dctrs diagnsed Christine with diabetes ver a decade ag. Tday, she is a welladjusted, respnsible yung adult wrking as an assistant merchandiser ding her best t live healthily. One f her secret weapns: the supprt f her friends. They share their experience: 4 HKJDA Magazine HKJDA Magazine 5

COVER STORY Sharn 與 Christine 的對話 A Cnversatin Sharn and Christine 如果不是我說出自己患有糖尿病, 她也不會知道 因為我不像病人, 糖尿病對我的生活未有負面影響 我比一些沒有病的人還要強壯 有病的人不一定是軟弱的 相反, 因為我的病, 我更學會積極面對的重要 換言之, 這個病也給予我一種正面的推動力 Sharn 是我於學校相識的一位好朋友 因為我們在 CITA ( 服裝工業訓練局 ) 讀了很長時間, 所以大家的默契也比較好 Sharn 給我的印象是一個心地善良的女孩子, 對任何人都很好 這也是她成為了我的好朋友的重要原因 我們喜愛一起踩單車和與一班朋友一起的活動 踩單車對我們來說也有一種特別的感覺, 憑著自己的毅力踩到我們的目的地 這就像我們的人生一樣 我們身邊會有很多的人, 透過彼此的鼓勵, 不斷地跨步向前 這也是我們喜愛踩單車的原因 Diabetes is nt such a hrrible thing. Maybe a lt f peple are afraid t let their c-wrkers r friends knw abut their disease. Diabetes is nthing t be ashamed f, s why shuld it be s tab? I was diagnsed ver 10 years ag, and all f my friends knw that I am diabetic. They have nt distanced themselves frm me because f it, and quite the cntrary it has given me the curage t psitively face my diabetes. Sharn Lee is a gd friend whm I met at schl. We bth studied at CITA (Clthing Industry Training Authrity) fr quite a lng time, we have had a lng time t get t knw each ther and build ur friendship. One f the reasns that she has becme ne f my best friends is that Sharn is very caring, with a very warm heart, and she is always really nice t everyne arund her. We lve t ride ur bicycles tgether; we like t d activities with a grup f friends. Ging n ur bikes has a special meaning t us: yu can reach yur gal just by yur wn persistence. This is just hw it is in all ur lives: yu will be surrunded by many peple by yur side every day, and thrugh mutual encuragement, yu mve frward. This is als the reasn why we lve bicycling. If I didn t tell her that I m diabetic, she wuldn t even knw. And diabetes has nt affected my life negatively, because I am nt like a patient, I am even strnger than sme peple withut any illnesses. I m even healthier. Just because yu have an illness desn t necessarily mean that yu will be weak. Quite the ppsite, my illness has made me deal with life in a mre practive way, s this illness has in fact given me a psitive push. 6 HKJDA Magazine Newsletter HKJDA Magazine 7

COVER STORY Sharn: 我認識 Christine 也有好幾年了, 她的性格樂觀, 如果她沒有告訴我她有糖尿病, 我想我也不會知道 她跟其他人沒有很大的分別, 她只需要定時驗血糖 打針和按照份量飲食 事實上, 這樣並不會影響她的生活及社交圈子 所以不要說 病 控制了整個人生, 而是應該學會怎樣面對和控制這個病才是對的 Sharn: 其實在我小的時候, 對糖尿病有一種恐懼感 我害怕別人怎樣看我, 害怕別人會當自己是一個怪物 後來感覺到患病並不是一件那麼恐怖的事 反而患病令我得到更多人的支持及鼓勵 隨著時間的洗禮, 我也漸漸明白到這些真心的友情是金錢不能買到的 這些友情令我更有信心去面對我的人生 哈哈, 我有沒有那麼重要呀?! 當然有啦! 如果不是你們給予我支持, 我想我每天只能做一個自怨自艾的人罷了 Friendship frever Sharn: 其實我認識到一個有糖尿病的朋友也有好處 因為在讀書時, 我們每天都一起食飯 因而自己的飲食也變得清淡了, 身體也健康了 哈哈 所以說, 跟我一齊 無啖好食 啦 ( 講笑 )! 說實話, 我覺得平淡一點也是一種福氣呀! Sharn: It was a few years after I met Christine that I fund ut abut her diabetes. She has such a psitive persnality, if I wasn t tld that she has diabetes, I wuldn t even knw that she has this illness. Actually there is nt much difference between her and ther peple withut diabetes, she just needs t check her bld glucse regularly, take insulin injectins, and eat accrding t meal plan. This has nt affected her life and her scial circle, s it cannt be said that her illness has taken ver her life; it is mre like hw t cpe with it in a psitive fashin. Actually when I was yung, I felt a sense f fear abut diabetes. I was afraid f what ther peple wuld think abut it, afraid that ther peple wuld treat me like a mnster. Later n I realized that having the illness is nt such a hrrible thing, in fact it led me t receive a lt f supprt and encuragement. With the passing f time, I began t slwly understand that true friendship isn t smething that mney can buy, and this revelatin gave me even mre cnfidence t face my life. Sharn: Ha ha, seriusly, am I really that imprtant? Of curse yu are if it wasn t fr the strength that yu and my ther friends gave me, I think I will just g abut each day feeling srry fr myself. Sharn: Actually, it s gd that I knw smene with diabetes, because when we were in schl, we always ate tgether every day. When we eat tgether, we eat much lighter and plainer fds, and it s als healthier. If yu hang ut with me yu wn t even get a decent meal. But maybe this is als a blessing in itself. 8 HKJDA Magazine HKJDA Magazine 9

研究註釋 數學如何協助糖尿病研究 Mathematics Helps DM Research Research Nte 作者..丁南僑 by Tsing Nam-kiu 著科學及科技迅速發展, 一型糖尿病病友現今可享有更隨加方便的醫療保健和藥物治療 例如, 新一代的血糖測試機只需要採取小許的血液樣本便能完成測試, 這樣病友便可以使 用更加幼及更短的採血針 電腦化的微型胰島素泵可為病友提供靈 活的血糖控制 另一方面, 最新的幹細胞研究和胰島細胞移植亦為 治療一型糖尿病帶來很大的希望 所有這些都是科研計劃成功的背 後, 數學其實扮演了一個很重要的角色 美國亞特蘭大糖尿病協會的研究員, 調整胰島素管理系統 (Accurate Insulin Management System, AIM) 內的未知 數,AIM 是一個代數數學模型應用於計算糖尿病友所需的基礎胰島 素藥量及追加量 這模型包含一系列不同的變數, 例如病友的身高 及體重 碳水化合物對胰島素比率 糖化血紅素 (HbA1c) 基礎胰 島素 及六天的平均每日胰島素藥量 為了提高準確性, 研究員放 棄使用較簡單的平均數而選用了數學上另一種計算方法 最小平方 法 (least squares) 來作分析工具 在數學和統計學互相幫助下, 他 們提供良好血糖控制的基礎胰島素藥量及追加量的藥量指南予病友 參考 連續式偵察血糖機 (Cntinuus Glucse Mnitr, CGM) 是 一個測量及記錄全日血糖水平的儀器 由於 CGM 測量的是細胞間 液的葡萄糖水平而不是測量血糖水平, 機上顯示的讀數能否準確反 映血糖水平數值是非常值得注意 美國明尼蘇達大學醫學院的研究 員分析 CGM 的準確性和可靠性 研究對象佩帶了血糖機 200 個小時 後, 再接受 8 小時的臨床驗血測試 研究結果顯示, CGM 可以偵察 出傳統血糖測試機不能偵察到的反常血糖水平, 不過研究亦同時發 現 CGM 所顯示的血糖讀數比起驗血的結果會延遲至二十分鐘不等 克服 CGM 讀數延遲將會是發展人工胰臟 ( 即胰島素泵及 CGM 的連 貫性系統 ) 一個最大的障礙 雖然目前還沒有找到一個有效自動控制規則演算方法使連續式 偵察血糖機一同配合胰島素泵使用, 美國斯坦福大學和科羅拉多大 學的研究隊成功發展了一種運用數學上的線性預測方法供連續式偵 察血糖機使用, 在晚間當儀器偵察到有低血糖時, 相連的胰島素泵 就會自動中斷注入胰島素 他們指出這種演算法則達 80% 成功預防 低血糖, 而當胰島素泵中斷注入胰島素時血糖亦沒有反彈到過高 澳洲雪梨科技大學的一組研究隊亦應用人工智能的數學模式 - 貝氏類神經網路模式 (Bayesian neural netwrk) 分析糖尿病病 友的心率和心電圖的資料來預測低血糖出現, 這種分析能提供高達 90% 準確預測 這項研究結果為傳統血糖測試機或連續式偵察血糖 機以外, 提供另一個方法去偵察夜間低血糖 參考來源 Reference http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gv/sites/entrez?db=pubmed&cmd=retrieve&dpt=a bstract&list_uids=19158048 ttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gv/sites/entrez?db=pubmed&cmd=retrieve&dpt=ab stract&list_uids=19132850 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gv/sites/entrez?db=pubmed&cmd=retrieve&dpt=a bstract&list_uids=19162908 Thanks t advances in science and technlgy, patients f Type 1 diabetes might have an easier life. Tday s bld glucse meters, fr example, require nly small samples f bld fr testing, which allws patients t use thinner and shrter blades t prick sites. Cmputerized miniature insulin pumps prvide flexible yet tight bld sugar cntrl. Als, latest research in stem cells and islet transplantatin give great hpe t a cure. All these are results f hard science. Yet mathematics -- a sft science -- is als able t help. Researchers frm Atlanta Diabetes Assciates tuned the unknwn parameters in the Accurate Insulin Management (AIM) system (an algebraic mathematical mdel fr basal-blus dsing). The mdel invlves variables such as patient s bdy height and bdy weight, carbhydrate-t-insulin rati, haemglbin A1c, basal insulin and 6-day mean ttal daily dse f insulin. Fr accuracy, the researchers applied least squares parameter estimatin, rather than simply using the mean. With the help f mathematical and statistical methds, they came up with a set f recmmended guidelines f basal-blus insulin-dsing fr patients with gd glycaemia cntrl. A cntinuus glucse mnitr (CGM) measures and recrds glucse levels thrughut the day and night. Hwever, since CGM measures interstitial fluid glucse levels instead f bld sugar levels, crrelatins f its readings with bld sugar readings and its reliability are majr cncerns. Researchers frm University f Minnesta Medical Schl tested the accuracy and reliability f CGMs. Test subjects wre mnitrs simultaneusly fr 200 hurs, fllwed by an eight-hur labratry bld test study. Their findings: CGMs can detect abnrmalities in bld sugar levels that traditinal glucse meters cannt, but their readings, cmpared t bld tests, have a lag time f up t ver 20 minutes. This difference is a big hurdle fr develping autmatic feedback cntrl algrithms fr an insulin-pump-and-cgm clsed lp system that can serve as artificial pancreas. Althugh an effective autmatic feedback cntrl algrithm is yet t be fund, researchers frm Stanfrd University and the University f Clrad successfully develped a linear predictin algrithm fr CGM that can detect night time hyps. When a hyp is detected, the insulin pump is autmatically triggered t discntinue insulin infusin. They reprted that their algrithm is able t prevent hyps 80% f the time, with n rebund hyperglycaemia fllwing pump suspensin. Anther team frm University f Technlgy, Australia, uses an ptimal Bayesian neural netwrk, which is a mathematical mdel f the neural netwrk that exhibits artificial intelligence, n patient s data f heart rate and electrcardigram signals t detect hyps with 90% accuracy. This prvides anther means f detecting night time hyps ther than using glucse meters r CGMs. 10 HKJDA Magazine

HKJDA member wearing the Rewards Passprt at the HKJDA Family Fun Day, with HKJDA Yuth Ambassadr Amanda wearing the HKJDA bracelets. 會 員 星 星 護 照eme h c s s d r a w e r A D J phts: Elizabeth Wng : 獎品 ard: Rew 本會已推出全新的會員獎勵護照計劃 所有香港 兒童糖尿協會的糖尿病患會員均自動參與 當你及你 的家人參與本會的講座及活動 為本會做義工或使用 本會的資源中心 都可換領星星貼紙 憑獎勵護照內 貼紙即可換領精美的禮品 有關換領禮物的最新詳 情 可留意本會網頁 貼紙 stickers 胰島素冷藏袋 Fri insulin wallet HKJDA T恤 HKJDA T-shirt 手環 Bracelet x 10 x5 x2 HKJDA launched ur new Member Rewards Passprt. All HKJDA DM members are entitled t a passprt, in which yu and yur family can cllect stickers fr attending ur events & activities, as well as vlunteering fr us r visiting ur library. And wnderful prizes can be exchanged fr the stickers cllected. Lk ut fr latest reward redemptin n ur website!

Living with Diabetes 與糖尿病 一起的日子 pht: Ian Taylr Acknwledgement List 謝鳴 鳴 謝 Thanks t the generus supprt f these grups and individuals during Octber t December 2008, we were able t cntinue ur services t ur members. On behalf f all the kids at HKJDA, thank yu! 我們衷心感謝下列人士及團體於2008年10月至12月(第四季) 支持我們的工作 使我們能夠為各會員提供更多更好的服務 林灝欣 18歲 香港大學生 (in n specified rder) Antalis Terri Lam, 18 Kng) Limited, Casania university student in Hng Kng (排名不分先後) (Hng Investments Chan Wang Chak, Cheung Chi Yeung, Chithramani Dheeraj, Inc., Hng Kng H.E.A.R.T. Club Limited, Ian Wilsn, Karen Chai, Katy Bidmead, Kids Gallery C Ltd, Lee Karen, Li Ka Ka, Or Oi Wai, Peter Hung, Ric Cheng, Shelsham Trading C. Ltd., System Technik Ltd., The Hngkng and Shanghai Banking Crpratin Limited, Wng Pit Kwng David, Actin Nnwvens Cmpany Ltd., Alisn Falln, Ana Rivera, Ann Wng, Candice Suen, Candy Chan, Cecilia Chung, Chan Chak Hung, Chan Wang Chak, Chi Kay Chan, Claire Hsu-Vucht, Cnstance Haisma-Kwk, Demin Cheng, Elizabeth Guw San B, Elizabeth Janet Chen, Elizabeth Wng, Ferragam Retail Hng Kng Ltd., FINDS, Fire Services Department Vlunteer Team, Glballuxe Ltd., What makes me different frm ther peple my age? 我與眾不同 什麼使 十四年了 差不多 病 至今已 不 實患上糖尿 證 已 確帶來一些 時 歲 我四 社交生活的 和 常 日 的 這病對我 而不用說 委實而言 而克服了 持 支 的 人 地面 因我獲得家 我更有自信 便 但是 得鞏固 使 變 亦 係 關 哥哥的 我與父母和 其他 症外 我與 對困難 注意低血糖 和 素 島 胰 射 糖尿病使我 除了每天注 相反 患上 別 分 麼 少年沒有什 的小孩 非糖尿病青 和重視健康 愛 自 個 一 我變成 更自律 讓 我是怎樣跟從那所謂 糖尿病餐單 有些人認為嚴格控制進食碳水化合物的食物是一場惡夢 其實 你 只需學會了解營養標籤 幸運地在我母親的 訓練 下 我學會了 怎樣計算每餐進食的碳水化合物份量 從而調整胰島素的劑量 所 以 餅乾 薯片 糖果和雪糕等 只要是我喜歡的 我都能夠吃 事實上 糖尿病患者比較容易增磅 因為年輕人都比較愛吃肉類和 含蛋白質的食物 我經常提醒自己避免這種飲食習慣 其實均衡的 飲食習慣對任何人都是同樣重要的 我如何與朋友相處 生活在香港比較難 因為香港的糖尿病患者人口較少 據我了解 許多糖尿病青少年甚至試圖對朋輩作出隱瞞 因為他們恐懼朋友的 隔離和欺侮 無疑 這正是我在小學時不敢告訴同學們我有糖尿病 的原因 當我成了青少年 我了解到不可能再逃避這事實 特別是當我 需要和我的朋友一起外出午餐或露營時 於是 我鼓起勇氣對我最 知心友透露了我的糖尿病 意外地 她告訴我她的祖父母也是糖尿 病患者 而她對這種病甚感興趣 並問我很多問題 與她分享我 的知識給我帶來了信心 從那時起 我再不會恐懼跟朋友討論我的 病 並且感到很高興 因為從沒有人嫌棄我的糖尿病而拒絕和我做 朋友 雖然糖尿病是無法治瘉 但不應該為你的生活帶來障礙 而 最重要是不要讓糖尿病破壞了你與朋友共聚這人生樂事 14 HKJDA Magazine I have been a diabetic since I was fur and I ve had this disease fr almst 14 years. Hnestly speaking, this illness incnveniences my daily and scial life, but my family helped t supprt me. Diabetes strengthened my bnd with my parents and elder brther, relatinships that help me t g thrugh all hard times with cnfidence. Apart frm daily injectins and being cautius abut hypglycaemia, I am the same as ther teenagers. On the cntrary, having diabetes makes me mre disciplined. This made me a well-behaved child that values the imprtance f gd health. Hw d I fllw a diabetic diet? Hng Kng Auctins, Iris Eu, Ivich Neuville, Jane Lam, Janna Htung, Jsephine Chan, Jyce Ip, Katherine Kwun McLane, Kitty G, Ktur, Mara Htung, Marissa Shaw, Marysia Juszczakiewicz, May Chw, Mna Cheng, Odelia Cheung, Reyna Harilela, Ric Cheng, Sandra Mak, Shafn Lee, Sharn Li, Tania Mhan, Td s Hng Kng Ltd, Vanessa Lee, Victr Chan, Virginia Wilsn, Vivian Lam, Wendy Barnes, Yan Yeung, Yuda Chan, Abbtt Nutritin, Agnes, Alice Pn, Alvin Chan, Amanda Chan, Ann Wng, Bayer HealthCare, Betty Chu, Braden Kwk, Canadian Internatinal Schl f Hng Kng, Castle Brthers Ltd., Charles, Cheung Ching Sze, Cheung Fat Estate Children Garden, NT Wmen & Juveniles Welfare Assciatin Ltd., Dr. Cheung Pik T, Cheung Wai Hung, Chw Lai Yin, Christina Yeung, Creative Pwer (HK) Cmpany Ltd, Daisy K, Dr. Elaine Kwan, Elana Chw, Elizabeth, Elizabeth Lee, Elizabeth Wng, Emily Leung, Fabri - Technic Purificatin & Pest Cntrl, Fanny Hung, Fat Angel s, Fifty50, Fina Cheng, Fire Services Department Vlunteer Team, Fit Health, Fred Li, Glbal Visin, Hng Kng Scut Chir, Dr. Huen Kwai-Fun, Impart, Ivan, J.O.Y., Janna Htung, Jei Tang, June Wng, Kid s Gallery, Li Yuen Bun, Li Yuen Fat, L King Kau, Lk, Mae Vn Make Up Institute, Magic, Mamma Mia Gelat, Mandy Tai, Dr. Marvin Tse, Matilda Hspital, Mattel East Asia Ltd., Michael Kee, Michele Lam, Nestle Nutritin, Nicle Mak, Parents Jurnal, Phyllis Lee, Prise Lai, Purificare, Rina Nam, Rvi Seradinata, Ryce Au Yeung, Sandra Mak, Sarah Leung, Sphia Lee, Square, Steven Cheung, Swiss Privilege, Sylvia Lam, Tammy Tam, Tin Siu Chung, Tmmy Yuen, Tse Chi Kng, TWGHs Tin Wan Kindergarten, Victria In, Vincent Chan, Vinky Chan, Wah Kwai Estate Angl - Chinese Kindergarten, Wendy Ip, Wesley Wng, Wng H Hng, Wng Kai Ching, Wng Wai Wing Kevin, Wng Wang Wai Eric, Wrld Family, Yeung Shu Wan Iris, Yuen Lk Hei, Yvnne Wng, Alice Pn, April Tsing, Asia Pacific Catering, Burlingame Chan, Dr. Cheung Pik T, Christine Kan, Fifty50, One may think that keeping strict cntrl n carbhydrate intake is a nightmare; but, in fact yu just need t pay attentin t nutritin labels. I was lucky enugh t be trained by my mther t cunt the carbhydrate intake and t adjust the insulin dsage accrdingly. Therefre, I am able t eat whatever I like, like biscuits, crisps, candies and ice-cream. I shuld emphasize that diabetics can gain weight easily, because yungsters may easily eat excess meat and prtein. S I always remind myself t avid this habit. In general, a balanced diet is vital fr diabetics, just like fr all teenagers. Fina Cheng, Gergina H, Dr. Grace Pn, Helen Tam, Ian Taylr, Ivich Neuville, Kids Gallery, General Supprt Lau Tracy, Lee Kar Bik, Maple Tys Internatinal Limited, Mattel, Natalie Yeung, 捐款及辦公室支援 Natasha Htung, Phyllis Lee, QMH Dietetics Department, Queen Mary Hspital Department f Paediatries and Adlescent Medicine, Queen s Café & Bakery, Terri Lam, Tny Htung, Tsing Kiu, Vincent Chan, 慈善手袋拍賣2008 HKJDA Diabetes Cnference 2008兒童糖尿協會糖尿兒童身心健康日 兒童糖尿協會糖尿童身心健康 兒童糖尿協會糖尿童身心健康日兒童糖尿協會糖尿兒童身心健康日 Vivian Lam Christmas Party 兒童身心健康日 聖誕聯歡會 Hw d I scialize? Living in Hng Kng is mre challenging because we have a lwer ppulatin f diabetics here. Many diabetic teenagers in Hng Kng even attempt t hide their sickness frm their peers, because f the psychlgical struggle, pressure and fear f being islated r bullied. This is exactly my case when I was in primary schl. I did nt dare tell my friends that I am diabetic. When I became a teenager, I realized that I culd nt hide the truth anymre, especially when I needed t hang ut with my friends fr lunch r g t camp. I had t be curageus t reveal my sickness t ne f my clsest friends. Surprisingly, she tld me that her grandparents als have diabetes. She even shwed interest and asked me questins. Sharing my knwledge gave me a sense f cnfidence. Frm then n, I have abslutely n fear in telling friends abut my illness and I am glad that n ne has ever refused t be my friend just because I am a diabetic. Althugh it is true that diabetes is an incurable illness, it shuld nt be cnsidered as an bstacle t life. Mst imprtantly, ne shuld nt let diabetes ruin the jy f yur life with friends. Nam Handbag Auctin 2008 ciatin es Ass Diabet uvenile J g n ng K 2009 H April 28, b all Clu b t F g Hng Kn E h.. g u, la ring nkspirit f Sp i r d the at, e ebrat l e c & at KJDA ntact H c e s a rg n, ple hkjda. frmati @ t in r e r p up Fr m 263 / s 2544 3 100% prceeds f this fundraising event will benefit HKJDA and children living with diabetes in HK

pht: Elana Chw Ask the Specialist: 專家問答 1. 糖尿病患者能申請駕駛執照嗎? 假如果你的糖尿病情況已在良好的控制下, 你便可以申請駕 駛執照 2. 糖尿病者駕駛有沒有特別的危險因素? 輕微的低血糖可能使你感到疲倦, 頭昏眼花, 無法集中或感 到混淆 嚴重的低血糖可能導致失去知覺或癲癇發作 嚴重 的高血糖也可能引致視力模糊 從長遠看, 對於比較年長的 糖尿病患者, 糖尿病可導致四肢神經損傷或血液循環不良, 因而減低肢體的感覺或需切除 糖尿病也可導致患者喪失視 力 這些因素都會削弱患者的駕駛能力 3. 應該怎樣控制血糖? 即使你能好好控制你的血糖, 但每次駕車之前你都應該檢查 你的血糖水平 ( 最好每次駕駛前作檢查, 特別是在駕駛長途旅 程前或預知交通堵塞的情況下 ) 4. 應該怎樣控制血糖? 緊記將你的血糖機和適量小食 ( 包括快速吸收的葡萄糖類, Is a diabetic persn allwed t get a driving license? One is allwed t btain a driving license prvided that diabetic cntrl is satisfactry. What are the special risks fr diabetic drivers? Mild hypglycaemia can make yu feel sleepy, dizzy, unable t cncentrate r cnfused. Mre severe hypglycaemia can result in lss f cnsciusness r seizure. Very high bld sugar may result in blurring f visin. These may affect yur ability t fcus and respnd prperly t rad traffic cnditins and yu may endanger the public. In lder patients and in the lng run, diabetes can cause nerve damage r pr circulatin in yur limbs resulting in impaired sensatin r amputatin. It may als result in blindness. Hw shuld glucse be mnitred? 01 02 03 Even if yu have stable glucse cntrl, it is still imprtant t check yur bld glucse level befre getting in the car - preferably every time but especially fr a lng trip r anticipated traffic jam. 和含碳水化合物的食品 ) 放在汽車內 5.! 如果血糖水平不穩定, 怎麼處理? 當你感覺血糖低的時候, 應立刻將車輛駛到路旁, 然後檢查 你的血糖水平和吃快速吸收的葡萄糖小食來讓身體的血糖回 復到正常的水平 待 5 至 10 分鐘後, 再測試你的血糖水平 當血糖水平回復正常, 才能繼續駕駛 在再開始駕駛之前, 可再吃一些含碳水化合物或 / 和蛋白質的小食來防止再發生 低血糖 在極端的情況下, 過高的血糖也能影響駕駛 簡便小貼士 : What shuld a diabetic driver always have in the car? Always carry abld glucse meter and plenty f snacks (including bth quick-acting surce f glucse and mre cmplex carbhydrates). Hw des ne cpe with a fluctuatin in sugar levels while n the rad? Dr. Elaine Kwan Paediatrician 兒科醫生 在車內經常存放 1-2 盒果汁和其他小食於近身旁的住置 每次駕車之前都應該檢查你的血糖水平, 特别是長途旅程 放置血糖機在車內 當你感覺血糖低的時候, 立刻把車輛駛到路旁 如果你飲用過酒精, 切勿駕駛 胰島素要隨身攜帯, 切勿留在車內 駕駛時不要穿高跟鞋 Pull ver as sn as yu feel any symptms f hypglycaemia. Check yur bld glucse and eat a snack with quick-acting surce f glucse t restre yur bld sugar level. Wait five t 10 minutes and recheck yur bld glucse again. Only cntinue driving if yur bld glucse level is nrmal. Take anther snack cntaining mre cmplex carbhydrates and/r prtein t prevent recurrent lw bld glucse befre restarting yur car. In extreme situatins, high bld glucse level als may affect driving. Quick Tips: 04 05 Always have ne r tw bxes f juice and ther snacks handy Check yur bld glucse level befre getting behind the wheel, especially fr a lng trip Carry yur bld glucse meter with yu in yur car Pull ver as sn as yu feel any symptms f hypglycaemia D nt drive if yu have had alchl D nt leave yur insulin in the car D nt wear super high-heeled shes when driving 會員資源中心 捐款表格 嗚謝 Members Resurce Centre Dnatin Frm 香港兒童糖尿協會 Hng Kng Juvenile Diabetes Assciatin T h a n k s 香港德輔道中 244-252 號東協商業大廈 18 樓 1802 室 Unit 1802, 18F Tung Hip Cmmercial Building, 244-252 Des Veux Rad Central, Hng Kng 電話 Tel: 2544 3263 傳真 Fax: 2544 3313 電郵 Email: supprt @ hkjda.rg 網址 Website: www.hkjda.rg 編輯 Editr Alexandra A. Sen 設計師 Designer Henry Ip 文章作者 Cntributrs Ric Cheng Betty Chu Christine Kan Dr. Elaine Kwan Terri Lam Nam-Kiu Tsing 翻譯 Translatrs Crdelia Au Jsephine Chan Wendy Ip Sue Lwcck Alice Wan Amy Yeung 照片 Phts Katy Bidmead Elana Chw Christine Kan Ian Taylr Elizabeth Wng 免責聲明 糖尿病屬嚴重疾病, 需要患者家人持不斷的照料 本會訊提供的資料僅屬概括性, 不應被視為醫學意見或診斷 本刊所載的資料 意見及建議均不能取代您的主診醫 生的護理, 若您想對孩子的糖尿病管理模式作出任何改變, 必須先咨詢主診醫生的 意見 會員的分享純粹基於個人經驗, 而在本刊刊登廣告的公司純屬向病人和護理 者提供資料, 並不代表香港兒童糖尿協會承認有關公司購買產品和服務, 可得到廣 告上列出的好處, 並非所有產品都適合所有人任的需要 Disclaimer 開放時間 Opening hurs: 星期一至五.. 星期日及公眾假期..休息 上午九時三十分至下午五時三十分 Mn Fri: 9:30 am t 5:30 pm, Sun and public hlidays is clsed. I wuld like t make a dnatin t supprt Hng Kng Juvenile Diabetes Assciatin 本人樂意捐款支持香港兒童糖尿協會 Spnsr a Child Prgramme 助養兒童計劃 I wuld like t spnsr a child with diabetes fr HK$ 8,000. I wuld like t spnsr child(ren) fr a ttal dnatin amunt f $. My dnatin will help ne family pay fr bld testing mnitrs, bld testing strips, syringes, and ther essential healthcare items fr ne year. The dnatin will als supprt HKJDA different prgrammes fr children and adlescents with diabetes. 我樂意以港幣 $ 8,000 贊助一個有糖尿病的小孩子 我希望贊助 個小孩子, 總捐款為港幣 $ 我的捐款將幫助一個家庭在一年內購買血糖測試機 血液試驗紙 注射針筒和其它必需醫療器具, 同時亦支持香港兒童糖尿協會各項支援糖尿病小孩子的工作 One-ff dnatin 一次性捐款 # HKD$ 300 HKD$ 500 HKD$1000 Other Amunt 其他金額 : Mnthly dnatin 每月性捐款 * HKD$100 HKD$ 250 HKD$ 300 Other Amunt 其他金額 : I wuld like t chse the fllwing dnatin methd 本人樂意用以下方式捐款 Dnatin by crss cheque made payable t Hng Kng Juvenile Diabetes Assciatin 抬頭香港兒童糖尿協會劃線支票 (cheque n 支票號碼 : ) Dnatin thugh credit card 透過信用咭捐贈 Visa Card Master Card #One-ff dnatin 一次性捐款 : Please charge my credit card nce fr the abve specified amunt. 請於本人信用咭賬戶內一次過扣除以上賬款 *Mnthly Dnatin 每月捐款 : I hereby authrize HKJDA t charge my credit card accunt fr the amunt specified in a regular manner as agreed upn by me and HKJDA until further ntice. I agree the validity f this agreement will cntinue befre r after the expiry date f my credit card accunt. Cancellatin r variatin f this authrizatin shall be given t HKJDA seven wrking days befre the date n which such cancellatin r variatin is t take effect. 本人現受權香港兒童糖尿協會由本人之信用咭賬戶內定期扣除上述之賬款, 直至本人另行通知為止 本人同意此受權書於本人之信用咭有效期後及獲續發新卡時繼續生效, 並無需另行填寫受權書 如需要取消或更改生效日期七個工作天前通知香港兒童糖尿協會 Credit Card N: Name f cardhlder Expiratin Date 信用卡號碼 : 持卡人姓名 : 有效期至 : Cardhlder s Signature 持卡人簽署 : Date 日期 : Please send cmpleted frm t HKJDA, Unit 1802, 18/F Tung Hip Cmmercial Bldg, 244-252 Des Veux Rad Central, HK. 請將此表格寄連同善款 ( 劃善支票 ) 寄回香港兒童糖尿協會, 地址 : 香港德輔道中 244-252 號東協商業大廈 18 樓 1802 室 Official dnatin receipt will be issued fr accumulated dnatin f HKD$100 r abve. 一年內累積捐款港幣 $100 或以上者, 可獲發正式捐款收據 Fr mnthly dnatins, an annual receipt will be issued in April t help yu pursue yur tax return. 每月捐款正式收據將於每年四月寄出, 以便你填寫報稅表 Fr mnthly dnatins, dnatin amunt will be debited frm the abve mentined credit card accunt arund the 16th f each mnth. 每月捐款將於每月約 16 號在上述之信用咭戶口過賬 Dnr Infrmatin 捐款者資料 Name (Mr/ Ms) 姓名 : ( 先生 / 女士 ) Phne 電話 : Address 地址 : Email 電郵 : If the recipient s name differs frm the dnr, please specify: 如收據抬頭非捐款者本人, 請以英文列明 : T help save administratin csts, please d nt send me a receipt. 為幫助節省行政開支, 本人不需要收據 HKJDA will acknwledge dnrs in ur publicatins. If yu wish t have yur dnatin remain annymus, please check the bx. 為表示謝意, 我們會於本會刊物鳴謝各位捐款者, 如欲以 無名氏 身份支持, 請在此方格加上剔號. Thank yu fr yur supprt! 多謝您的支持! With special thanks t Pressrm Printers and Designer fr their spnsrship f the printing f this newsletter. 蒙 Pressrm Printers and Designer 為本會義務印刷今期會訊, 本會謹此致謝 Diabetes is a serius disease that requires nging care frm the family. The infrmatin in this newsletter is fr general infrmatin nly, and shuld nt be cnstrued as medical advice r diagnsis. The infrmatin, pinins, and recmmendatins presented in these pages are nt intended t replace the care f yur wn dctr, whm yu must cnsult befre making any changes in the management f yur child s diabetes. Cntributins frm members are based n persnal experience nly. Advertisements frm interested cmpanies are accepted fr the sle purpse f prviding infrmatin fr patients and their caregivers, nt as an endrsement by the HKJDA f the benefits f purchasing prducts and services frm these cmpanies. Nt all prducts are suitable fr all persns.

Recipe Sutheast Asian Beef and Ndle Salad 亞式 牛肉冷麵拌沙律 做法 Methd : 1. 依照包裝袋上的指示 將麵放在沸騰的熱水中煑熟 用凍水 過冷河後瀝乾 再以麻油拌勻 待用 2. 將牛扒放入預熱的壙紋平底鑊中烤至熟 置於切肉板上待涼 十分鐘後 切至超薄片 3. 4. 把生菜絲平均分成4碟 每碟加入1/4份香草後拌勻 準備醬汁 : 將豉油 蒜頭 魚露 青檸汁 水 代糖及乾紅 椒碎放入小碗中 攪勻至乳狀 將1/3份醬汁滴在牛扒上攪 拌 1/3份醬汁滴在麵上攪拌 1/3份醬汁滴在香草生菜沙律 內攪拌 最後 將1/4份冷麵倒在一碟香草生菜沙律上 再 把適量牛扒放面 青瓜片鋪在碟邊 即可享用 營養成份分析 : 每一份量: 346卡路里 (脂肪量佔22%卡路里) 33克蛋白質 9克全脂肪 (2.8克飽和脂肪) 37克炭水化合物 7克食用纖維 77毫克膽固醇 897毫克鈉 每一份量相等於替代份: 3份瘦肉 2.5份炭水化合物 (2份麵包/澱粉) 及1份蔬菜 4人份量 中國麵 麻油 西冷扒 (去脂肪) 切絲生菜 (長葉萵苣) 新鮮切碎薄荷 新鮮切碎胡荽葉 新鮮切碎羅勒 新鮮切碎洋芫茜 青瓜 去籽 切薄片 Ck the ndles in biling water accrding t package directins until dne. Drain well and run under cld water t stp cking. Tss with sesame il and set aside. 2. Place the meat in a heated ridged pan and grill until cked. Transfer t a cutting bard and let stand 10 minutes. Slice very thin. 3. Divide the lettuce between 4 plates. Tp with 1/4 f each f the herbs and tss. 4. T make the sauce: Cmbine the sy sauce, garlic, fish sauce, lime juice, water, sugar substitute, and pepper flakes in a small bwl and whisk until emulsified. Drizzle 1/3 ver the steak, 1/3 ver the ndles, and 1/3 ver the salad and herbs. Tss t cat each. Place 1/4 f the ndles n tp f each plate f greens. Tp with steak slices. Surrund each plate with cucumber slices. Serve immediately. Nutritinal infrmatin per serving: 346 calries (22% calries frm fat) 33 g prtein 9 g ttal fat (2.8 g saturated fat) 37 g carbhydrates 7 g dietary fiber 77 mg chlesterl 897 mg sdium Diabetic exchanges: 3 lean meat, 2.5 carbhydrate (2 bread/starch, 1 vegetable) Ingredients : 材料 1. Makes 4 servings 6 安士 (180克) 1/2 茶匙 (2.5毫升) 1 磅 (480克) 4 杯 (220克) 1/4 杯 (60毫升) 1/4 杯 (60毫升) 1/4 杯 (60毫升) 1/4 杯 (60毫升) 1個 Chinese ndles sesame il sirlin steak, all fat remved shredded rmaine lettuce fresh mint, chpped fresh cilantr, chpped fresh basil, chpped fresh flat leaf parsley, chpped English cucumber, seeded, sliced very thin 180 gm 2.5 ml 480 gm 220 gm 1 pcs 醬汁 低鈉豉油 魚露 鮮青檸汁 水 代糖 乾紅椒碎 切碎粒蒜頭 15 毫升 30 毫升 45 毫升 60 毫升 1/8 茶匙 1/4 茶匙 2粒 Sauce lw-sdium sy sauce Asian fish sauce fresh lime juice water sugar substitute dried ht red pepper flakes clves garlic, minced 15 ml 30 ml 0.6 ml 1.25 ml 由兒童糖尿病協會會員鄭子掦担任示範 Cking demnstratin by HKJDA member Ric Cheng 18 HKJDA Magazine phts: Katy Bidmead Surce: HKJDA Magazine 19