Buffet ) (Roger Chen) 21 Te1co lnternationa1 Corp. 會長林飛虎敬上 活動預告 (Up-Coming Event) Port of Houston Authority Time Se

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1 房 地 产 天 气 预 报 所 有 的 用 途 办 公 楼 租 赁 房 商 业 设 施 物 流 设 施 现 在 2015 上 半 期 2015 下 半 期 晴 有 时 阴 晴 有 时 阴 晴 有 时 阴 晴 有 时 阴 晴 有 时 阴 晴 有 时 阴 晴 有 时 阴 晴 有 时 阴 晴 有 时


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市 场 综 述 三 季 度, 上 海 投 资 市 场 交 易 量 持 续 攀 升, 共 有 八 宗 主 要 交 易 达 成, 交 易 金 额 共 计 人 民 币 160 亿 元, 环 比 增 长 59% 投 资 者 尤 其 是 国 际 投 资 者, 逐 渐 增 购 租 金 收 入 稳 定 的 核 心


中 國 茶 詩 與 文 人 茶 道 生 活 顏 鸝 慧 人 社 科 院 / 人 文 藝 術 教 學 中 心 摘 要 飲 茶 的 起 源, 歷 來 眾 說 紛 紜, 根 據 文 獻 資 料 顯 示, 在 唐 代 之 前, 飲 茶 只 是 一 種 區 域 性 的 生 活 風 俗 然 西 漢 時 已 有

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年 度 总 结 齐 心 协 力 地 想 要 做 好 事 情, 还 有 什 么 原 因 可 以 解 释 这 支 连 萍 水 相 逢 都 算 不 上 的 团 队 呢? 又 是 这 样 一 支 团 队, 可 以 说 是 藏 龙 卧 虎, 且 互 相 扶 携, 让 人 信 心 百 倍 我 在 此 衷 心 感

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參 加 第 二 次 pesta 的 我, 在 是 次 交 流 營 上 除 了, 與 兩 年 沒 有 見 面 的 朋 友 再 次 相 聚, 加 深 友 誼 外, 更 獲 得 與 上 屆 不 同 的 體 驗 和 經 歴 比 較 起 香 港 和 馬 來 西 亞 的 活 動 模 式, 確 是 有 不 同 特

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台商通訊 NEWSLETTER Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce of Greater Houston P. O. Box 772881, Houston, TX 77215-2881 E-mail: tcchouston@gmail.com http://www.tcchouston.org 2009 9 Vol. 23 No. 3 會長 : 林飛虎 (713) 772-8899 副會長 : 周政賢 (832) 251-5442 祕書長 : 陳志宏 (832) 419-5483 財務長 : 吳宏傑 (713) 691-6262 理事 : 陳啟輝 (281) 575-0077 林重光 (281) 242-0206 蕭維萱 (713) 219-1650 徐永烜 (713) 414-3666 郭又萍 (713) 272-5045 張世勳 (713) 965-9060 簡文雄 (281) 568-3738 陳元憲 (281) 558-8088 楊禮源 (713) 484-6278 徐世鋼 (281) 313-9888 張園立 (832) 788-1858 祕書 : 呂明雪 (713) 721-5501 歷任會長 : 楊朝諄戴建民吳重華張吉正張仲庸洪恭儀吳本立吳文馨張世勳鄭嘉明王敦正方台生榮譽副會長 : 王敦正吳光宜吳堯明李雄陳世杰陳勝彥陳舜哲葉宏志楊崇肯伯尼麗香林振信李昭寬李席舟陳美芬梁慎平譚秋晴林富桂楊國貞林鋕銘蕭素薰陳沅 會長的話 Message From The President!!! 888 10 88 8 12,, 8 28 16 US $162,775 US $100,000 USA Sports lnc. US $20,000NT $500,000( US $15,000) Crown Mark lnc. US $10,000 Glen Hou US $5,000 9 3 US $9,300, 8 28 US $162,775 US $100,000 US $50,000US $89,325 8 29 88 (Tzu Chi) 88 US $170,000 () 1 7 3 8 2 0 G e o rg e B r o w n Convention Center(Bringing Houston Together) (Houston Hall of Fame) 40 8 VlP ( 1

Buffet ) (Roger Chen) 21 Te1co lnternationa1 Corp. Email Email TccHouston@gmail Email 會長林飛虎敬上 活動預告 (Up-Coming Event) Port of Houston Authority Time Sep. 16, 2009, Wednesday, 1:00pm~5:00pm ( 9/4/09 9/6/09 E-mail) Place Port of Houston Authority Time Sep. 27-29, 2009 Place www.wtcc.org.tw 會務報導 23 4 2009 9 2 6 1. Banner 88 2 2010 Time Oct. 3, 2009, Saturday, 2:00pm~3:00pm Place www.tcchouston.org (832) 419-5483 2. (1) (Roger Chen) (2) (3) VIP (4) 3. (1) (2) 4. (1) (2) 88

$100,000 US Sport $20,000 Crown Mark $10,000$15,000 $162,775 (3) 9 27~29 www.wtcc.org.tw (4) 11 Killeen 9 11 11 會員動態 (Roger Chen) Southwest Inn Tel: 713-771-0641, Fax: 713-771-5310 5 5 30 3 3 30 8 20 173 3 5. 6. (1) 10 3 ( ) (2) 2010 "Other Asian" "Taiwanese" 活動報導 8 9 2:00~5:00 11 12 34 12

(Merchant) (Address) (Tel) Golden Food Supermarket Dun Huang Supermarket Merryland Bakery Pine Forest Garden Vegetarian Restaurant Ocean Palace Matsusaka Sushi & Grill Waza Japanese Rest. Karaoke, Audio Experts LLC Wiama, Inc. Ambit Media Fidelity National Title Insurance Co. Villa Bella Apartments Villa Corporate CMCD LLC Tek-Aire Svc Inc. Lapus, Greiner, Lai & Corsini, LLC ikamelo Inc. Tai Merica Real Estate Investment (TCC Preferred Merchant List) 9896 Bellaire Blvd., #M, 9889 Bellaire Blvd., Houston, 10804 Bellaire Blvd., #C, Houston, TX 77072 9108 Bellaire Blvd., Houston, 11215 Bellaire Blvd., Houston, 11398 Westheimer, #B, Houston, TX 77077 6927 FM 1960 West, Houston, TX 77069 11209 Bellaire Blvd., #C17, Houston, TX 77072 6918 Corporate Dr., #85, 7001 Corporate Dr., #208, 6901 Corporate Dr., #100, 6001 Ranchester Dr., Houston, 6468 Corporate Dr., Houston, 9999 Bellaire Blvd., #900, P. O. Box 16005, Sugar Land, TX 77496-6005 5800 Ranchester Dr., #200, 12060 Bellaire Blvd., #G, Houston, TX 77072 6901 Corporate Dr., #1135, / (Product/Servi ce) 713-772-7882 Clement Yeng Supermarket 713-777-8828 Supermarket 281-495-0566 Benjamin Wang Bakery (Discount), Excluding Special Discount Items, Excluding Special Discount Items 713-772-2888 Tarzan Huang Restaurant, Excluding Combinations & Buffet 281-988-8898 Restaurant 281-679-1088 Robin Liao Restaurant 281-580-8858 Restaurant 281-313-9888 Spenser Hsu 713-484-6278 Willie Yang 832-618-8865 James Chen 713-779-7779 Dawn Lin 713-772-8899 Frank Lin Sound System Banners, Non- Electrical Signs, Large Format Output, Excluding Combinations Website Design, VOIP, IP-PBX, Virtual Office, Office Suite Title Co. Apartments of Escrow Fee of Listed Rent 713-988-8816 Furnished Apts William Ling 713-771-9646 Accounting & Mary Chiang Tax Plan 281-980-8800 A/C & Heating Mike Kwan of Labor 713-988-5666 Andy Lai 713-532-8889 William Tong 713-981-1808 Billy Chen Law Office Ink & Toner cartridges Real Estate Brokerage of Legal Service $3000 Referal Fee if the deal closed 4

Majaneo International Ltd. http://blanchobedding.com/index.html Bedding, 713-517-8534 Wholesaler/Online Lance C Y Lin Retailer Southwest Biz Center www.swbizcenter.com 7400 Harwin Dr. #300, Houston, 713-783-3122 Frank Lin Office Building Leasing.. Email TccHouston@gmail.com.,... VlP..,,. Business Discussion & Announcement 1. All items and agendas discussed during the last Directors meeting are hereby approved. 2. Report from President: Please referred to cover page. 3. Committee Reports: Treasurer: The income and expenses in last Plant Dying lessons are basically offset. Except banner s cost, the registration fees are adequate to cover all expenses. The fund raising for Taiwan 88 Flooding was a success. Tzu Chi will have receipt for all donator for tax deduction. The name on receipt should have to match the donator s name. Detailed financial report will be discussed in next month. Membership: a) One new member, Roger Chen. b) New membership card has been mailed out. Please contact Membership committee if you haven t received it yet. And a friendly reminder to pay your membership fee in current to avoid impacting your benefit. c) Golden Supermarket still honors their discount for TCC members. Please show your new TCC membership card to replace old Golden Supermarket VIP card when you check out at register. d) Please refer more new members to us to grow our organization. Communication: a) Please send your Member s activity to Communication committee if you know any of them. Or you may call us describing verbally and we will translate in writing. b) All Directors please contact members for all events according to newly assigned pages. Events: a) Plant coloring class on 8/9 was a success. All seats are fully booked and several standby on waiting list. Directors are very helpful to set 5 up the classroom early before the lesson. All participants are requesting to held this kind of event more often. Please sign up as early as possible next time. b) The Taiwan 88 Flooding fund raising was a success. Thanks to all donators and our members. George Yang of Asia Chemical $100,000, USA Sport Mr. Lian $20,000, Crown Mark $10,000 and Jackson Chang $15,000. Total $162,775 in amount. c) World Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce annual meeting will be held 9/27-9/29 in Taipei. Please check detail from website www.wtcc.org. d) Fall outings to Killeen is rescheduled due to the inauguration of new general of that camp. Trip planning will be changed subject to Events committee s new research. Seminar: The IT seminar on 7/16 was a success. We will plan another seminar to cover computer knowledge from basic to advanced level. Classroom will need to arrange with TECO culture center. Public: a) 10/3 will have a movie show The Cape No. 7. b) 2010 Population demographic census will have Taiwanese option. Please check out Taiwanese when you are doing the survey. We will have series of promotion on this. 4. Other items: None 5. Meeting Adjourned.

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