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今 日 專 題 3 提 升 服 務, 善 用 資 源 九 巴 引 入 新 一 代 單 層 巴 士 九 巴 新 資 5 九 巴 乘 客 之 道 教 育 宣 傳 系 列 接 連 獲 獎 7 九 巴 車 廠 回 收 金 屬 廢 料 循 環 再 用 8 採 取 適 當 措 施 預 防 中 暑


本 周 关 注 事 项 : - 美 国 企 业 季 度 业 绩 表 现 - 联 储 局 官 员 对 美 国 经 济 及 利 率 政 策 的 言 论 - 内 地 经 济 数 据 表 现 - 内 地 十 八 届 五 中 全 会, 十 三 五 规 划 港 股 策 略 美 国 近 期 公 布 的 经 济 数

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30 麦 行 记 ( 香 港 ) 建 筑 有 限 公 司 31 混 凝 土 车 司 机 协 会 32 YKK 香 港 有 限 公 司 33 香 港 房 屋 委 员 会 及 承 建 商 34 中 华 电 力 工 程 有 限 公 司 ( 前 称 : 电 力 顾 问 有 限 公 司 ) 35 中 国 建




Declaration This Directory contains non-exhaustive lists of the roof greening services providers and recycled building products suppliers. The information of each organization in the Directory is compiled from information provided by related suppliers or contractors. The Hong Kong SAR Government does not warrant or guarantee that the contents of this Directory are accurate or complete and disclaims any responsibility to the users of this Directory and the organizations mentioned therein in respect of any errors therein. The inclusion of any organizations does not in any way imply endorsement by the Hong Kong SAR Government and the non-inclusion of any organizations should not be construed as indicating any negative concern by the Hong Kong SAR Government towards those organizations. Updating the contents of the list is welcomed by contacting the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department. 聲明 本名錄概括了在本港提供有關屋頂綠化服務和迴圈再造建築產品的公司名單, 當中機構的資料都由有關公司 供應商和承辦商提供 香港特別行政區政府並不保證本指南的準確性或完整性 並聲明本名單如有錯誤, 對本名單使用者及在名單裡提及的機構並無任何責任 本指南包含某些組織機構的資料並不代表為香港特別行政區政府認可的機構, 而沒有包括的機構也不代表香港特別行政區政府對這些機構有任何負面的觀點 如要更新此名單, 請聯絡香港機電工程署 Page 1 of 6

Green Roof Business type 公司分類 Alcom HongKong Ltd Consultant Room 404, General Contractor Commercial Building, 162, Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong Asia Landscaping Contractor Flat A & C, 4/F, International Industrial Centre, 2-8 Kwei Tei Street, Fotan, Shatin, N.T. Austin & Rayner Design Consultant 2/F, Casey Building, 38 Lok Ku Road, Sheung 鵬雷設計有限公司 Wan, Hong Kong 聯絡方法 網頁 Services provided 有關服務 Tel.: 2854 1666 / 9826 0339 Providing conceptual design and Fax: 2854 2777 supplying plants for the, Tel.: 2740 9315 Providing conceptual design and Fax: 2332 4587 supplying plants for the, Tel.: 2377 4859 Providing conceptual design and planning Fax: 3105 3043 Bluet Hydroseeding Ltd Lot 128, 9 Milestone, Tel.: 2719 3935 Providing conceptual design and Clear Water Bay Road, Fax: 2358 0192 Earthasia Limited Consultant Room 1101-02, 11/F, Tel.: 2559 9438 Providing conceptual design and 泛亞環境有限公司 Top Glory Tower, 262 Gloucester Road, Fax: 2559 9841 planning, site supervision, procurement services, maintenance CausewayBay, H.K. advices and supervision Page 2 of 6

Business type 公司分類 Growthful Link (Asia) Room 607, Yen Sheng Limited Contractor Centre, 64 Hoi Yuen 進匯 ( 亞洲 ) 有限公司 Road, Kwun Tong,, Hong Kong Hong Kong Greenlink 10/F, Flat G3, Effort Kusters Co. Contractor & Industrial Building, 2-8 香港綠色程式庫斯特有 Kung Yip Street, Kwai 限公司 Chung, N.T., H.K. Kelcroft E&M Limited Consultant 1927, Metro Centre I, 32 Lam Hing Street, Bay,, Hong Kong 聯絡方法 網頁 Services provided 有關服務 Tel.: 2165 4158 Providing conceptual design and Fax: 2349 9595 supplying plants for the, Tel.: 3690 2723 n/a Providing conceptual design and Fax: 3690 2721 supplying plants for the, Tel.: 2335 9830 Providing conceptual design and planning Fax: 2335 9862 Strongly International 25/F., Futura Plaza, Tel.: 2590 9898 Providing conceptual design and 志盟國際有限公司 Contractor, 111-113 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong, Fax: 2590 9767 supplying root barriers, drainage composite, water-absorbent core material of stone-wool, light weight soil mix and plants for the, Page 3 of 6

Business type Services provided 公司分類 聯絡方法 網頁 有關服務 Synergy Engineering Unit 1011, 10/F, New Tel.: 2818 6336 Providing conceptual design and Solution 新思維工程方案有限公 Contractor, City Centre, 2 Lei Yue Mun Road, Kwun Tong, Fax: 3694 2999 supplying plants for the. 司 Turf Solutions Co. Room 2002, 20/F, Tel.: 3511 9065 Providing conceptual design and 綠茵工房 Contractor & Wellable Commercial Building 513 Hennessy Fax: 3511 9245 planning, constructing the Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Waste & Environmental Area 14B, Yuen Shun Tel.: 2602 0308 Providing conceptual design and Technologies 保然技術有限公司 Contractor Circuit, Sui Lek Yuen, Shatin, N.T. Fax: 2694 7757 supplying plants for the, Page 4 of 6

Recycled Building Products Cheung Shing Yuk Tong Co. 長城旭堂有限公司 1501-2 Emperor Group Centre 288 Hennessay Road Wan Chai, Hong Kong Available recycled building products 聯絡方法網頁提供之迴圈再造的建築產品 Tel.: 2891 2213 Green roof/wall system; sound insulation; timber/fabric ceiling; Fax: 2834 7977 coloured granules E & E Engineering Development Flat 08, 16/F, Blk. A, Vigor Ind. Bldg. Tel.: 2136 2866 凱升工程發展有限公司 14-20 Cheung Tat Rd., Tsing Yi, N.T. Fax: 2136 3456 Raised Access Flooring System, Solid surfacing materials, reconstituted marble Hong Kong L & L Artistic Building Material 香港經緯藝術建材有限公司 DD106, Lot 1479C, Kam Sheung Rd., Yuen Long, N.T. Tel.: 2488 7716 n/a Sand stone planter pot, panel, Fax: 3547 6895, 2721 0641 column, Reconstituted sand stone Kin Ching Construction Products 堅正建築材有限公司 Unit 4, 16/F, Perfect Industrial Building, 31 Tai Yau St. San Po Kong, Tel.: 2398 8577 n/a Concrete blocks & concrete products, recyled concrete blocks, furnace Fax: 2398 8599 botton ash concrete blocks Matrix (Greater China) 美捷時 ( 大中華 ) 有限公司 Flat 2, Blk. B, 17/F, Vigor Ind. Bldg., 14-20 Cheung Tat Rd., Tsing Yi, N.T. Tel.: 2436 2286 Raised Access Flooring System, Solid surfacing materials, Fax: 8169 1268 reconstituted marble Page 5 of 6

Shun Wah Contracting Co. 迅華工程有限公司 Rm 803, 8/F., Block A, Sea View Estate, No. 2 Watson Road, North Point, Hong Kong Available recycled building products 聯絡方法網頁提供之迴圈再造的建築產品 Tel.: 2898 2378 Raised Access Flooring System Fax: 2898 1733 Soben International (Asia Pacific) 4A Evernew Commercial Centre 33 Pine Street, Tel.: Fax: 3173 2683 3173 2688 Boards/partition, flooring, insulation, E&M enclorsure, fire rated barrier, ceiling board, fibre cement and calcium silicate boards Universal Building Products 環亞建材有限公司 Unit 2201, 22/F, Beson Tower, 74 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Tel.: 2523 6319 Boards/partition, flooring, insulation, Fax: 2142 5119 paint Yokah International Limited 旭華國際有限公司 Flat D, 7/F, Dragon Centre, 79 Wing Hong Street, Tel.: 2991 4051 Steel, boards/partition, flooring, Fax: 2423 0922 insulation Page 6 of 6