9. 得獎者須於指定地點及時間本人親身領取獎品並同意有關獎品之條款及細則 得獎者須同意所有領獎時拍攝的影片及照片惠康可用於任何途徑作宣傳用途 10. 抽獎結果將於 2016 年 6 月 29 日於星島日報及英文虎報公佈, 得獎者將收到專人通知領獎事宜 如於 2016 年 6 月 27 日前未能聯絡上

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好易做車主 抽獎推廣條款及細則 1. 參加者必須為年滿 18 歲之香港居民 2. 推廣期由 2016 年 5 月 13 日至 2016 年 6 月 16 日, 共 5 週 於 2016 年 6 月 21 日抽出得獎者羸取 Mercedes-Benz 房車一部 (1 名 ), 價值約 HK$349,000. 3. 顧客於推廣期內購物滿 HK$70 或以上 ( 以單一發票計算 ), 憑有效惠康購物單據透過熱線 2983 9888 或到網站 www.easy2winluckydraw.com 登記, 並輸入 11 個位數字之惠康收據編號, 或 7 個位數字之 惠康為您送 及 惠康網購店取 訂貨編號, 收據 / 訂單日期, 香港身份證頭 4 位數字及香港手提電話, 即可參加抽奬 貨品換購 塑膠購物袋收費 購買惠康禮券及增值八達通, 均不計算為購物金額 4. 每張單據滿 HK$70 可獲 1 次抽獎機會,HK$140 可獲 2 次抽獎機會, 如此類推 ; 另外, 如購物包括任何指定候選 獎賞貨, 可享多 1 次抽獎機會 ( 如收據上購買多於 1 種指定貨品, 仍只可享 1 次額外抽獎機會 ) 每周候選 獎賞貨 均不相同 每張單據可享最多 10 次抽獎機會, 每人參加次數不限 惠康為您送 * 及 惠康網購店取 * 每次交易亦可按上述原則獲得最多 10 抽獎機會 任何重複或錯誤輸入資料, 即告作廢 5. 有效單據必須為 2016 年 5 月 13 日至 2016 年 6 月 16 日之惠康, 惠康為您送 ( 訂單日期 ) 及 惠康網購店取 ( 訂單日期 ) 網上購物單據 本活動不接受送貨單單據 複製收據 優惠券 信用卡客戶存根或單據上只有貨品換購 塑膠購物袋收費 購買惠康禮券或增值八達通之單據 參加者須保留收據正本以作領獎之用 6. 每週之計算方法為星期五 ( 凌晨 12 時 ) 至下星期四 ( 晚上 11 時 59 分 ) 止 截止參加抽獎時間為 2016 年 6 月 16 日晚上 11 時 59 分 7. 如得獎者於所登記單據時確認購物金額滿 HK$70 及有購買指定貨品, 但經核對後購物金額未滿 HK$70 沒有購買指定貨品或購物金額與所輸入不符, 其得獎資格將被取消 購物金額以扣除所有折扣 優惠 ( 包括信用卡即減或折扣優惠 ) 或退貨 / 缺貨的產品金額後最終付款價錢計算 8. 得獎者須出示有關正本單據及香港身份證以作證明, 如單據上之編號或香港身份證號碼與所輸入之編號不符或中獎者未能出示有關單據正本或香港身份證正本, 惠康有權取消其得獎資格

9. 得獎者須於指定地點及時間本人親身領取獎品並同意有關獎品之條款及細則 得獎者須同意所有領獎時拍攝的影片及照片惠康可用於任何途徑作宣傳用途 10. 抽獎結果將於 2016 年 6 月 29 日於星島日報及英文虎報公佈, 得獎者將收到專人通知領獎事宜 如於 2016 年 6 月 27 日前未能聯絡上得獎者, 將作棄權論 11. 所有獎品均不可轉讓或兌換現金 得獎者須同意遵守獎品供應商所列有關獎品上之各項條款及細則 惠康及獎品供應商對所有因領取或使用各獎品之後果概不負責 12. 收據如有任何過期 不完整 影印 損毀 重印 修改或塗污, 均作廢論, 惠康有權取消其得奬資格 收據如有遺失, 惠康決不補發 13. 本活動如有任何因電腦 網絡 電話 技術或其他不可歸責於惠康之事由, 而使參加者或得獎者所登錄之資料或惠康發出之得獎通知有遺失 錯誤 無法辨識或毀損, 導致資料無效之情況, 惠康不負任何法律責任, 參加者或得獎者均不得異議 14. 參加者所輸入的資料將不可更改, 所有資料均以電話及網上登記之記錄為準, 任何重覆 錯誤或不完整的資料將被視作無效 若活動所填寫之資料不實或不正確, 導致得獎者無法收到得獎通知及活動獎品, 惠康恕不負責 如於領獎時登記電話號碼已停止服務 無效或已更改電話號碼, 其得獎資格將被取消 15. 牛奶有限公司及合作機構之員工均不得參與抽獎, 以示公允 16. 如有任何爭議, 惠康保留最終決定權 17. 推廣生意的競賽牌照號碼 : 47085-86 * 惠康為您送 及 惠康網購店取 為惠康轄下之網上購物平台

Easy to Win A Car Terms & Conditions 1. All Participants must be Hong Kong resident and aged 18 or above. 2. The promotion will be held from 13 May 2016 to 16 June 2016, for a total of 5 weeks. 1 prize winner will be drawn on 21 June 2016. The prize is Mercedes-Benz Car (1 winner), valued at ~HK$300,000. 3. Within the promotion period, customer makes a single purchase of HK$70 or above can enter the lucky draw through the hotline 2983 9888 or login to our website at www.easy2winluckydraw.com by registering the 11 digits of the Wellcome receipt, the 7 digits of the Wellcome Delivers * or Wellcome Click and Collect * order number, purchase/order date, the first 4 numeric digits of HKID card number and Hong Kong mobile phone number. The transaction amount excludes the plastic shopping bag charging, the purchase of redemption items or Wellcome gift vouchers or Octopus card top-ups. 4. Each single receipt up to HK$70 can earn one lucky draw chance, HK$140 for 2 chances and so on. If a receipt includes one or more kind(s) of nominated Lucky product(s) of the week, an extra lucky draw chance will be given. Each receipt purchased more than 1 kind of nominated Lucky product will be still entitled 1 extra lucky draw chance only. The nominated Lucky product(s) will be changed every week. Each receipt is entitled to a maximum of 10 lucky draw chances. Number of participation is not limited; each purchase transaction through Wellcome Delivers or Wellcome Click and Collect can also have a maximum of 10 lucky draw chances. Each valid registration entry will earn one lucky draw chance in the lucky draw. Any duplicated entry or wrong input will result in disqualification. 5. A valid receipt must be a Wellcome, Wellcome Delivers (order date) or Wellcome Click and Collect (order date) purchase receipt issued between 13 May 2016 and 16 June 2016. Delivery note, duplicated receipt, coupon/voucher, credit card customer copy or receipt which only contains plastic shopping bag charge, the purchase of redemption items or Wellcome gift

vouchers or Octopus card top-ups are not accepted for this promotion. Participants should keep the original receipt for prize redemption. 6. Each week will run from Friday (12 midnight) to the following Thursday (11:59pm). The deadline of lucky draw program will be at 23:59 of 16 June 2016. 7. If the winners' registered receipts confirmed to have designated products or HK$70 or above purchase in registration, yet if under verification that the receipt does not contain any designated products, the purchase amount fails to meet HK$70 or does not match the amount that has been entered, it will result in disqualification. The purchase amount is the net amount paid after all discounts, offers (including credit card offer or discount), or amount of product refund or out of stock. 8. Winners will be required to present the original receipts or proof of order and the HKID card for verification, if a winner fails to present the receipt or order form and the HKID card, or if the code on the receipt or the HKID card number is inconsistent with the code or number that has been entered, Wellcome reserves the right of disqualification. 9. Winner must redeem the prize in person at Wellcome specified location and time and agree the terms and conditions of the prize. Wnner agrees the photos and videos taken redemption can be used for promotional purpose in any channels and media by Wellcome. 10. Results of the lucky draw will be announced in Sing Tao Daily and The Standard on 29 June 2016. Winners will be notified individually by phone. Grand Prize winners who cannot be contacted by 27 June 2016 will forfeit his prize. 11. The prize cannot be transferred or exchanged for cash. Winners agree to abide by the terms and conditions which listed by the prize suppliers regarding the relevant prizes. Wellcome and prize suppliers shall not be responsible for any consequences due to the redemption or use of the prizes

12. Any receipt which is incomplete, fake, broken, copy, not within the promotion period will not be accepted. Wellcome reserves the right to judge the eligibility of the winners. In case of loss of receipt, it will not be replaced or reissued. 13. During this promotion, if registered data or winning notification are lost, inaccurate, unidentifiable or damaged caused by any computer, network, telephone or technical issue which is not attributed to the default of Wellcome, Wellcome shall not have any legal liability if the participant is judged as disqualified and the participant cannot object. 14. All information provided by participants cannot be changed after registration. All information of participants should base on the record of phone or web registration. Any faulty, duplicate and incomplete information will be disqualification. If winners cannot receive winning notifications or cannot redeem the prize due to any fake, incomplete or incorrect information provided for promotion. Wellcome shall bear no responsibility. If registered phone number is not in use, invalid or changed when redemption, it will result in disqualification. 15. In the interest of fairness, the employees of The Dairy Farm Company, Limited and its agency are not eligible for entry. 16. In case of dispute, the decision of Wellcome will be final and binding. 17. Trade Promotion Competition Licence number: 47085-86 * Wellcome Delivers and Wellcome Click and Collect is Wellcome's online shopping platform