董事局的話 2015 年轉瞬已經過了一半有多, 大多倫多中華文化中心一直忙過不了主辦一連串精彩難忘的活動 猶記年初家庭日的周末嚴寒刺骨, 文化中心再度與皇家安省博物館圓滿舉辦為期三天的慶祝農曆新年活動 三羊啟泰迎新嵗, 熱鬧愉快的氛圍令舘內遊客駐足觀賞, 倍感溫暖 這也是當時剛到任的中國駐多倫多薛冰

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2 本 期 目 录 金 虎 扬 威 2 我 这 样 的 亚 洲 妈 妈 3 金 虎 扬 威, 玉 兔 呈 祥 敬 祝 各 位 长 辈, 同 辈, 晚 辈, 兔 年 吉 祥 新 年 健 康 快 乐, 万 事 如 意 沈 畅 课 堂 随 笔 6 贝 多 芬 赛 翁 失 马 7 巴 黎 街 景 9 打 假



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神 学 家 陶 恕 博 士 曾 经 相 当 感 叹 的 说, 数 以 百 万 计 的 我 们 生 活 在 福 音 既 得 之 地, 各 自 都 有 所 属 的 教 会, 也 努 力 去 传 基 督 教 的 信 仰, 但 可 悲 的 是, 或 许 终 其 一 生, 都 未 曾 认 真 思 想 过 神


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64 Culture and Education as Sponsored by the Board of Trustees for AIFBG Hsiu-huan Chou * Abstract The Board of Trustees for the Administration of the

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August 2015, Vol.4 二零一五年八月第四期 NEWSLETTER MESSAGE FROM THE BOARD We are more than halfway through 2015. Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto (CCC) has been crazy busy with non-stop exciting and memorable events so far this year. While we experienced bone-chilling temperatures over the Family Day weekend, our wonderful partnership with the Royal Ontario Museum marked another incredibly successful collaboration in the three-day Chinese New Year Extravaganza that warmed the hearts of many visitors to ROM. It was also the first CCC event that the new Chinese Consul General Xue Bing had officially attended. Shortly after, we hosted a welcome dinner reception at CCC to welcome him and Madam Zhao Jun. At the start of the Year of the Ram, we were thrilled to receive a big red packet of $700,000 from Mr. Johnny Fong, a successful entrepreneur and famous philanthropist in Vancouver and the Chinese community. This will help CCC a lot in the coming years. In appreciation of his generosity, the Multi-Purpose Hall has been named after Mr. Fong who has been appointed our Permanent Honorary Advisor. At the last Annual General Meeting held in July, Mr. John Leung, Chair of the Toronto Chinese Business Association; Dr. Sean Zhang, partner of a law firm; and Mr. Gary Zheng, a bank general manager were newly elected to the Board of Directors. Long time director Ms. Sharifa Khan changed to support CCC in her new capacity as an Honorary Advisor. We look forward to their contribution of bright ideas and active participation. As in many previous massive natural disasters relief efforts, CCC once again took the lead to coordinate the Community Coalition in Aid of Nepal Earthquake fundraising dinner in mid May. We deeply appreciate the joint efforts of over 40 different organizations from various Asian ethnic communities who generously made donations in cash and in kind. Honorary advisors, directors and VIPs attending the unveiling ceremony of the Johnny K H Fong Multi-Purpose Hall signage (left to right) Lenny Wong, Joseph Chen, Henry Lee, John Man, Alex Yuan, Johnny Fong, Dr. Ming-Tat Cheung, Tony Wong, Angela Chan and Michael Chan 出席揭幕禮的文化中心顧問 董事及嘉賓 ( 左起 ) 黃明亮 陳光裕 李良美 文錫輝 袁海耀 方君學 張明達醫生 黃仲安 陳徐碧瑜 陳國惠 It was our great honour and an unforgettable experience to share an amazing evening of the Imperial Ball themed Arts in Motion with the Honourable Elizabeth Dowdeswell, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario and some five hundred supporters. We are deeply thankful to all sponsors, particularly our annual Presenting Sponsor Rolex Boutique at Royal de Versailles. CCC is also proud to have participated in celebrating the Pan Am Games as a torch relay centre. Our Chair Dr. Ming-tat Cheung was the torchbearer to carry the Pan Am flame into CCC on July 5. Mayor John Tory of the host city Toronto also came to share the joy with the community. The Pan Am Games celebration series coupled with the 3-day Scarborough Summerfest held in two consecutive weekends in July brought thousands of local and citywide visitors to the scene. With the federal funding of the New Horizons Seniors Program, CCC newly set up a 4,000 square feet Active Living Center for Seniors in our basement. It has become a popular rendezvous for many seniors to spend their spare time and stay socially active. 1 In celebration of the Year of People-to-People and Cultural Exchanges between Canada and China in 2015-16, CCC together with the Chinese Cultural Promotion Society of Guangdong in China jointly presented the exquisite micro calligraphy on ceramics exhibition by Master Wang Zhiwen from late April to early May. Later this year CCC will co-host the Canada International Renowned Chinese Artists Exhibition with the Consulate General of the People s Republic of China in Toronto. Arrangement is being planned to exhibit those art works at ROM earlier next year. This will be a true cultural exchange between the Chinese and Canadian artists. We are glad that many artists from China and different parts of the world including Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, USA and Canada have pledged to join this first of its kind exhibition in GTA. Please stay tuned for our upcoming events listed in this newsletter. Enjoy the remainder of the beautiful summer. Board of Directors, CCC

董事局的話 2015 年轉瞬已經過了一半有多, 大多倫多中華文化中心一直忙過不了主辦一連串精彩難忘的活動 猶記年初家庭日的周末嚴寒刺骨, 文化中心再度與皇家安省博物館圓滿舉辦為期三天的慶祝農曆新年活動 三羊啟泰迎新嵗, 熱鬧愉快的氛圍令舘內遊客駐足觀賞, 倍感溫暖 這也是當時剛到任的中國駐多倫多薛冰總領事首次正式出席中華文化中心主辦的活動 不久後, 董事局在文化中心設宴歡迎薛冰總領事及夫人趙珺女士 踏進羊年, 我們收到來自溫哥華傑出華人企業家及知名慈善家方君學先生送給文化中心七十萬元大紅包, 令大家興奮不已 這筆捐款對文化中心的未來發展有莫大幫助 為答謝方先生的善行, 董事局決定把大樓的多功能大會堂命名為 方君學多功能大會堂, 並委任他為文化中心永遠名譽顧問 於本年七月舉行的會員周年大會, 多倫多華商會會長梁健文 律師行合夥人張曉鶴博士及銀行總經理鄭智峰新當選加入董事局, 擔任董事多年的簡慧兒將改以榮譽顧問身份繼續支持文化中心, 期待他們共同為文化中心出謀獻策及積極參與所舉辦的活動 正如過往在世界不同地方發生特大天災後一樣, 文化中心義不容辭牽頭統籌 尼泊爾地震社區賑災大聯盟 於五月中舉辦籌款餐會 我們十分感謝大聯盟群策群力, 獲超過四十家商戶和多元族裔團體熱心響應, 出錢出力出心救助災區 今年以 藝舞間 為題的 華讌 籌款晚宴, 我們感到非常榮幸和難忘獲安省省督 Elizabeth Dowdeswell 及五百嘉賓出席 衷心感謝所有贊助商戶及各界鼎力支持, 尤其是每年擔任此盛會的首席贊助 Rolex Boutique at Royal de Versailles 此外, 大多倫多中華文化中心很自豪能成為泛美運動會火炬傳遞站 主席張明 達醫生更是火炬手, 於 7 月 5 日把聖火帶進文化中心, 主辦城市多倫多市長莊德利 (Mayor John Tory) 也前來與社區一起慶祝泛美運動會 為此舉辦的連串多元文化活動及三天精彩的 士嘉堡夏日嘉年華 的兩個周末吸引數以千計的本地及其他社區人士前來湊熱鬧 獲聯邦政府 長者新視野計劃 (New Horizons for Seniors Program) 資助, 文化中心在大樓地庫佔地四千平方呎設立長青文康會 該會所已漸成為很多長者消閒的好去處, 使他們可保持社交活躍 2015-2016 為 加中文化交流年, 為此四月底至五月初文化中心與廣東中華民族文化促進會合辦令人眼界大開的 中國一絕 王芝文陶瓷微書作品展 今年稍後, 文化中心將聯同中國駐多倫多總領事館合辦 加拿大國際中國書畫名家展, 並計劃在 2016 年初安排於安省博物館作另一次展覽, 讓中加書畫家做到真正文化交流 我們喜見海外及本地書畫界對這次名家展反應踴躍, 到目前為止, 已有來自中國 日本 馬來西亞 菲律賓 泰國 越南 美國及加拿大不同省市的書畫家報名參展 歡迎參加刊於本通訊即將舉辦的多項活動 願大家繼續享受餘下美麗的夏日! 大多倫多中華文化中心董事局同人 Mr. Johnny Fong presented the donation cheque to Chair Dr. Ming-Tat Cheung 方君學先生把捐款支票送交文化中心主席張明達醫生 2 Please Save the Dates for the Upcoming Events in 2015 請預留日期參加以下活動 Health Awareness Day 健康關注日 Sept 13 (Sun), 10 am 5 pm FREE 免費 Tuesdays with Morrie 相約星期二 Sept 17-19 (Thu Sat), 7:30 pm Tickets: $25, $35 and $50 (free admission to sharing session with director and actors),10% off for any purchase of 10 or more tickets 憑 50 元票可免費出席導演及演員分享會一次購票十張或以上可享有九折 Pearl River Symphony Orchestra - Ode to the Sixth Patriarch, Huineng Chinese Music, Piano Concerto Yellow River 珠江交響樂團 禪頌六祖 中樂 黃河 鋼琴協奏曲 2015 中加文化交流年 暨廣東文化走進多倫多 Sept 22 (Tue), 8:00 pm Tickets: $28, $38, VIP Mid-Autumn Moon Festival Gala 輕歌妙韻迎中秋 Sept 26 (Sat), 6:00 pm Charity Walk for CCC 慈善步行為 CCC 籌款 Oct. 18 (Sun) Canada International Renowned Chinese Artists Exhibition 加拿大國際中國書畫名家展 Nov 28 Dec 1 (Sat Tue) FREE 免費 Sing for CCC Celebrity Charity Show 文化之星慈善匯演 Dec 6 (Sun) Enquiry 查詢 : 5183 Sheppard Avenue East Scarborough, Ontario M1B 5Z5 Tel: 416-292-9293 info@cccgt.org www.cccgt.org

Chinese New Year Extravaganza at ROM 三羊啟泰迎新歲 CCC, in partnership with the Royal Ontario Museum, celebrated the Year of the Ram at ROM during the Family Day weekend. CCC Toronto Piano Competition 2015 CCC 多倫多鋼琴比賽 2015 得獎者音樂會暨頒獎禮 Stanford Cheung, a scholarship student pursuing his Bachelor degree in piano performance at the University of Toronto, won the Scotiabank CCC Music Festival Trophy this year. Lion dance eye-dotting at the opening of 3-day Chinese New Year Extravaganza. Left: Dr, Chen Shen, Dr. Ming-Tat Cheung, Consul General Xue Bing and Gary Zheng 嘉賓為 三羊啟泰迎新嵗 主持舞龍點睛開幕式左起 : 沈辰博士 張明達醫生 薛冰總領事及鄭智峰 Left: Dr. Cheung, champion Stanford Cheung and Presenting Sponsor Scotia bank Albrey Yeung, Director of Asian Markets, Multicultural Banking. 左起 : 文化中心主席張明達醫生 大獎得主張鉅烽及首席贊助加拿大豐業銀行亞洲業務部總監楊梁玉儀 Organizer, sponsors and winners at the awards presentation ceremony CCC 多倫多鋼琴比賽 2015 頒獎禮的熱鬧場面 Community Coalition in Aid of Nepal Earthquake 尼泊爾地震社區賑災大聯盟 籌款餐會 Well received Peking opera performance by William Lau 劉偉亮的京劇演出非常受歡迎 A Community Coalition in Aid of Nepal Earthquake comprising over 40 business and multicultural organizations from all across the GTA organized a fundraising dinner on May 14. In about two weeks time, more than $50,000 was raised before federal government donation matching. Lion dance attracted large crowds of visitors 醒獅吸引眾多遊人駐足觀賞 Fundraising dinner by Community Coalition in Aid of Nepal Earthquake 尼泊爾地震社區賑災大聯盟 籌款餐會 3

Unique Chinese Micro Calligraphy on Ceramics Exhibition by Master Wang Zhiwen 中國一絕 王芝文陶瓷微書作品展 This exhibition, jointly presented with Chinese Cultural Promotion Society of Guangdong, was an eye opener to all. Master Wang Zhiwen put his superb skills in micro calligraphy and painting together to create his very unique art form micro calligraphy on ceramics. The stunning feature is people have to use magnifying devices to view Master Wang s art pieces done with naked eyes. Imperial Ball 2015 Arts in Motion 華讌 2015 藝舞間 Rolex Boutique at Royal de Versailles once again was the Presenting Sponsor of the Imperial Ball themed Arts in Motion held at the Fairmont Royal York. About 500 senior business executives, professionals, community leaders and government representatives attended the fundraising gala. Master Wang Zhiwen introduced his art pieces to visitors 中國工藝美術大師王芝文向前來觀賞的人士介紹他的創作 Left: Dr. Ming-Tat Cheung, Rolex Canada Mrs. Bernice Royce and Gerry O Hanlon, Angela Chan 左起 : 張明達醫生 加拿大勞力士公司總裁夫人 Bernice Royce 及 Gerry O Hanlon 陳徐碧瑜 Master Wang Zhiwen (front left 5), VIPs, delegates of co-organizer Chinese Cultural Promotion Society of Guangdong and CCC directors (Photo: Oliver Yang) 王芝文大師 ( 前左 5) 與主禮嘉賓 合辦方廣東中華民族文化促進會團隊及文化中心董事合影 ( 攝影 : 楊鴻 ) An Evening with Dr. Tak Mak 麥德華博士專題講座 DFC Auto Group presented while The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation and CCC co-hosted An Evening with Dr. Tak Mak on May 7. Dr. Mak, Director of The Campbell Family Institute for Breast Cancer Research at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, gave a keynote talk on The Future of Cancer Medicine. Left: Dr. Joseph Ma, Dr. Tak Mak, Ms Helen Ching-Kircher, Mr. Tom Ehrlich and Dr. Ming-Tat Cheung 左起 : 馬志健醫生 麥德華博士 程凱儀女士 Tom Ehrlich 及張明達醫生 4 Front left: Senator Victor Oh couple, Lieutenant Governor the Hon. Elizabeth Dowdeswell, Dr. Ming-Tat Cheung, MP Chungsen Leung, Consul General Xue Bing couple Back left: Johnny Fong, Philip Leong and Mrs. Doris Cheung 前排左起 : 參議員胡子修伉儷 省督 Elizabeth Dowdeswell 張明達醫生 聯邦國會議員梁中心 薛冰總領事及夫人後排左起 : 文化中心永遠名譽顧問方君學及理事梁錦華 張明達夫人 Toast by CCC Board of Governors, Advisors, Directors and Consul General Xue Bing 文化中心理事 顧問 董事及薛冰總領事向賓客祝酒

Dreams of the 70s Concert 70 年代金曲夢 演唱會 Dedicated doctors of the Health Awareness Day team and friends showcased their music talents on stage at the Dreams of the 70s Concert in late June to raise funds for CCC. Concert organizing committee members, performers and emcee 演唱會籌委 表演嘉賓及司儀 Free basic computer class 免費基本電腦班 People aged 60 or above are welcome! 歡迎六十歲或以上長者參加! Annual membership fee: $25 plus tax 會費每年 $25( 加稅 ) Concert Producer Dr. Michael Ho presented the donation cheque to CCC Vice President Angela Chan 演唱會製作人何肇松醫生把捐款支票送贈予文化中心副會長陳徐碧瑜 Active Living Centre for Seniors 長青文康會 The newly set up Active Living Centre for Seniors at the CCC basement has become a popular rendezvous for people aged 60 or more. Activities including table tennis, billiard, mahjong, karaoke singing, etc. 會員可參加之活動包括 : 乒乓球 桌球 搓麻將 卡拉 OK 歌唱等等 Regular workshops of common interest, e.g. health talks, art & craft, tea tasting etc. 定期舉辦各類工作坊, 例如健康講座 手工藝 品茶等 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 10 am to 4 pm (except statutory holidays) 開放時間 : 星期一至五, 上午十時至下午四時 ( 公眾假期除外 ) Table tennis 乒乓球 5 Free Workshop (Members Only) 免費工作坊 ( 只限會員 ) Urban Agriculture Workshop Growing Vegetables in Your Own Backyard or Balcony 都市農業工作坊 如何在後院或陽台種植蔬菜 日期 Date: Monday, August 10, 2015 時間 Time: 2:00 pm 3:30 pm 講者 Speaker: Lowell Lo, Architect 盧安恆建築師 語言 Language: English / 廣東話 Enquiry 查詢 :416-292-9293 www.cccgt.org 5183 Sheppard Avenue East, Scarborough

Pan Am Games Celebrations 泛美運動會慶祝活動 CCC was the Pan Am Games torch relay centre. Dr. Ming-tat Cheung was the torchbearer carrying the Pan Am flame into CCC on July 5. Scarborough Summerfest 士嘉堡夏日嘉年華 CCC partnered with Scarborough Town Jazz Festival, Toronto Hakka Heritage Alliance and the TO Food Fest together with the support of Canadian Heritage, hosted the 3-day multicultural Scarborough Summerfest in mid July. Torchbearer Dr. Ming-Tat Cheung 火炬手張明達醫生 Gymnastics 韻律操 Mayor John Tory of host city Toronto and VIPs sharing the joy of Pan Am Games with the community 多倫多市長莊德利及貴賓與民眾一起慶祝泛美運動會 First Nations dance 原住民舞蹈 Jazz music performance 爵士音樂表演 Taekwondo 跆拳道 6 The mouth watering TO Food Fest attracted large crowds to various ethnic food booths 多倫多美食節 不同族裔特色攤檔令公眾垂涎