of Post-Secondary Student Summer Internship Programme Appendix IA Course/Field of Study Year of Study Required Experience DCD/ST/AS June - August Bach

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Post-Secondary Student Summer Internship Programme (Monthly Training Allowance in : $9,600) Entry Requirements:- (1) Applicants must be permanent resident of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; (2)Applicants should be full-time students studying in the tertiary educational institutions; and other requirements specified in Appendix I. Main duties: Please refer to the attached Appendix I. Place of work: Please refer to the attached Appendix I. : Please refer to the attached Appendix I How to Apply:- Hong Kong students studying in local post-secondary institutions should apply through the Student Affairs Offices/Career Centres of their respective institutions. You are advised to note the deadlines set by the respective institutions. Students studying in non-local post-secondary institutions should forward the completed Application Form (Appendix II) together with the certificate of their student status to the below address by fax or E-mail (Please refer to the attached Appendix I) on or before the specified deadline (Please refer to the attached Appendix I for details). The job code concerned should be clearly marked on the application form. Applications which are incomplete or without the required supporting documents will not be considered. All information provided will be treated in strict confidence. Personal data collected will be used for recruitment-related purpose only. Applicants who are not invited to an interview by 31 July may assume that their applications are unsuccessful. Address : Please refer to the attached Appendix I Enquiry Tel/Fax No. : Please refer to the attached Appendix I

of Post-Secondary Student Summer Internship Programme Appendix IA Course/Field of Study Year of Study Required Experience DCD/ST/AS June - August Bachelor Degree in (a) To assist the Architect to prepare schematic, Hong Kong Architectural Studies detail design and tender drawings for the public Housing Authority (3 months) housing development; computer applications and Headquarters Have completed the first year of study and not be students graduating in (b) To assist the Architect to co-ordinate the working drawings for construction; (c) To assist the Architect to procure, brief and manage professional services providers and to monitor their work in meeting client s requirements; and be fluent in both Cantonese and English. Basic skills in application of Microsoft Office, Autocad, Photoshop and Building Information Modeling (BIM) are desirable. (d) To perform any other duties as required by the Architect. Address : Architectural Section 3, 10/F, Block 3, Hong Kong Housing Authority Headquarters, 33 Fat Kwong Street, Homantin, Kowloon E-mail address : ks.lau@housingauthority.gov.hk Tel No. : (852) 2129 3230 Fax No. : (852) 2129 3480 Contact Person : Mr LAU Kai-sing, Principle Technical Officer/Architectural 3 Deadline for application : 12 May

Appendix IB of Post-Secondary Student Summer Internship Programme Course/Field of Study Year of Study Required Experience DCD/ST/CE June - August Bachelor of Science in (a) To check contractor s works including Hong Kong Geomatics (Utility consolidation of existing record plans obtained Housing Authority (3 months) Management and from utility companies/government departments, computer applications and Headquarters Surveying) site works and post-site works records checking; be fluent in both Cantonese and and English. Basic skills in Have completed the first year of study and not be (b) To check utilities survey report from end users perspective. application of Microsoft Office, Autocad, Photoshop and Building Information students graduating in Modeling (BIM) are desirable. Address : Civil Engineering Section 2, 6/F, Block 3, Hong Kong Housing Authority Headquarters, 33 Fat Kwong Street, Homantin, Kowloon E-mail address : rachel.fung@housingauthority.gov.hk Tel No. : (852) 2129 3735 Fax No. : (852) 2129 3095 Contact Person : Ms. Rachel P.S. FUNG, Civil Engineer 24 Deadline for application : 12 May

Appendix IC of Post-Secondary Student Summer Internship Programme Course/Field of Study Year of Study Required Experience DCD/ST/GE June - August Bachelor Degree in Civil (a) To collate existing site information from Hong Kong Engineering drillhole records and geological maps; Housing Authority (3 months) Have completed the first year of study and not be students graduating in (b) To develop geological model for analysis and design; and (c) To carry out design and calculation with the aid of geotechnical computer program. computer applications and be fluent in both Cantonese and English. Basic skills in application of Microsoft Office, Autocad, Photoshop Headquarters and Geographical Information System (GIS) are desirable. Address : Geotechnical Engineering Section 2, Basement 1, Block 2, Hong Kong Housing Authority Headquarters, 33 Fat Kwong Street, Homantin, Kowloon E-mail address : ericyukfai.chan@housingauthority.gov.hk Tel No. : (852) 2761 6503 Fax No. : (852) 2761 6010 Contact Person : Mr. CHAN Yuk Fai, Eric, Geotechnical Engineer 16 Deadline for application : 12 May

Appendix 1D of Post-Secondary Student Summer Internship Programme Course/Field of Study Year of Study Required Experience DCD/ST/UP June - August Master Degree or (a) To assist in district and project planning works; Hong Kong (3 months) Bachelor Degree in Urban Planning (b) To assist in site potential studies; (c) To assist in territorial and strategic government studies and other planning studies as appropriate; computer applications, be fluent in both Cantonese and English and good in Housing Authority Headquarters Have completed the first (d) To assist in ad-hoc researches and tasks as written Chinese and year of study and not be appropriate; and English. Basic skills in students graduating in (e) To provide support and assistance to the Section as appropriate. application of Geographical Information System (GIS) are desirable. Address : Planning Section 2, 9/F., Block 2, Hong Kong Housing Authority Headquarters, 33 Fat Kwong Street, Homantin, Kowloon E-mail address : sumi.lai@housingauthority.gov.hk Tel No. : (852) 2761 5594 Fax No. : (852) 2761 7620 Contact Person : Ms Sumi LAI, Planning Officer 31 Deadline for application : 12 May

of Post-Secondary Student Summer Internship Programme Appendix IE EMD/SI/MS July - August (2 months) Preferred Discipline/Course / Year Studying in Institute Bachelor Degree in Surveying Have completed the first year of study and not be students graduating in To assist Maintenance Surveyors in:- (a) desktop study and research on the maintenance history and proposing repair methods; (b) condition surveys to identify existing defects; (c) site inspection and monitoring of the progress of maintenance/ improvement works; (d) vetting compliance of the proposed materials, test reports, quality control measures, etc.; (e) inspection upon completion of site works; and (f) contract administration. Required Experience, computer applications, and be fluent in both Cantonese and English. Basic skills in application of Microsoft Office are desirable. Remark: Each applicant is required to submit an essay (in English or Chinese) of not more than 1 000 words introducing himself/herself together with the application. Regional Management Office of Housing Department Address : Maintenance Surveyor / HOS Room 203, 2/F, Lung Cheung Office Block, 138 Lung Cheung Road, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon E-mail address : cheukman.tse@housingauthority.gov.hk Enquiries : Tel.: (852) 3162 0380 / Fax No: (852) 3162 0094 (Mr Raymond TSE) Deadline for application : 12 May

Appendix II 香 港 特 別 行 政 區 政 府 專 上 學 生 暑 期 實 習 計 劃 申 請 書 Application Form for Post-Secondary Student Summer Internship Programme in the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 備 註 N o t e s : ( a ) 申 請 人 必 須 就 每 一 個 申 請 的 實 習 空 缺 填 寫 一 份 申 請 書 Applicant should complete one application form for each intern vacancy in the Government. ( b ) 請 用 黑 色 墨 水 筆 或 原 子 筆, 以 正 楷 填 寫 申 請 書 Please complete the form in block letters and in black ink. ( c ) 申 請 人 須 提 供 正 確 資 料 Please ensure that the information provided is accurate. ( d ) 申 請 人 如 未 能 提 供 所 需 的 資 料, 申 請 書 可 能 不 獲 受 理 Your application may not be considered if you fail to provide the requested information. ( e ) 申 請 人 所 提 供 的 資 料, 將 用 於 與 專 上 學 生 暑 期 實 習 計 劃 有 關 的 招 聘 工 作 以 及 其 他 與 僱 用 有 關 的 事 宜 上 The information provided will be used for recruitment relating to the Post-Secondary Student Summer Internship Programme and other employment-related purposes. ( f ) 提 交 申 請 書 後, 如 欲 更 改 或 查 詢 個 人 資 料, 請 與 招 聘 部 門 負 責 人 聯 絡 For correction of or access to personal data after submission of the application form, please contact the subject officer of the recruiting departments. 申 請 實 習 空 缺 名 稱 Title of Intern Vacancy Applied For A 部 Section A 個 人 資 料 Personal Particulars 政 策 局 部 門 及 組 別 Bureau/Department (Division/Section) 申 請 人 編 號 Candidate No. ( 只 供 有 關 部 門 填 寫 Official use only) 姓 名 Name ( 中 文 Chinese) ( 英 文 English) 香 港 身 分 證 號 碼 Hong Kong Identity Card Number 性 別 Sex 男 女 Male Female 你 是 否 香 港 特 別 行 政 區 永 久 性 居 民? Are you a permanent resident of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region? 聯 絡 電 話 / 流 動 電 話 * Contact telephone number /mobile phone* 是 否 Yes No 電 郵 地 址 E-mail address 地 址 Address 學 歷 ( 按 考 獲 資 格 的 日 期 順 序 列 出 ) Academic Attainment (in chronological order ) 學 院 / 頒 發 機 構 ( 例 如 : 香 港 考 試 及 評 核 局 ) Institute/Issuing Authority (e.g. Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority) 頒 發 日 期 ( 日 / 月 / 年 ) Date Issued (DD/MM/YYYY) 學 歷 ( 例 如 : 香 港 中 學 文 憑 考 試 ) Qualifications (e.g. Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination) 及 格 科 目 及 成 績 ( 例 如 : 成 績 等 級 及 格 良 好 榮 譽 學 位 等 級 主 修 副 修 科 目 等 ) Subjects Passed and Level Attained (e.g. Grade, Pass, Credit, Class, Division, Major, Minor, etc.) * 請 刪 去 不 適 用 者 Please delete where inapplicable ( r e v. 2 / )

- 2 - 教 育 程 度 ( 按 接 受 教 育 日 期 順 序 列 出 ) Education (in chronological order ) 曾 經 / 現 正 就 讀 的 學 校 學 院 大 學 學 系 / 主 修 學 枓 課 程 名 稱 及 就 讀 班 級 就 讀 日 期 ( 月 / 年 )Date (MM/YYYY) Schools, Colleges, Universities, etc. Attended/Attending Faculty/Major Area of Study Course and Year of Study 由 From 至 To 工 作 經 驗 ( 包 括 暑 期 工 和 兼 職 ) ( 請 按 任 職 日 期 順 序 列 出 )Work Experience (including summer employment & part-time jobs) (in chronological order) 公 司 名 稱 職 位 工 作 性 質 日 期 ( 日 / 月 / 年 ) Date (DD/MM/YYYY) Name of Company Position Held Nature of Work 由 From 至 To 特 別 技 能 及 知 識 ( 例 如 : 電 腦 操 作 ) Special Skills and Knowledge (e.g. computing knowledge) 課 外 活 動 ( 例 如 : 學 生 會 ) ( 可 選 擇 是 否 填 寫 ) Extra-Curricular Activities (e.g. Student Union) (Optional) B 部 ( 可 選 擇 是 否 填 寫 ) Section B (Optional) 你 是 否 殘 疾 人 士? Are you a candidate with disability? 是 Yes 否 No 如 為 殘 疾 人 士, 請 註 明 殘 疾 性 質 及 程 度, 以 及 在 參 加 面 試 時 是 否 需 要 特 別 的 安 排 - If yes, please indicate nature and degree of disability and specify whether you need special arrangement for attending an interview, if any - ( 註 Note: 政 府 遴 選 時 對 殘 疾 人 士 及 其 他 申 請 人 會 一 視 同 仁 申 請 人 如 需 獲 得 為 殘 疾 人 士 而 設 的 聘 任 相 關 安 排, 有 關 部 門 可 能 要 求 提 交 醫 生 證 明 其 為 殘 疾 人 士 Candidates with disabilities are considered on equal terms with other applicants. The Government may require medical proof of their disability if candidates wish to make use of the appointment arrangements applicable to candidates with disabilities.) C 部 Section C 本 人 明 白 倘 若 故 意 在 填 寫 本 申 請 書 時 虛 報 資 料 或 隱 瞞 重 要 事 實, 或 未 有 在 申 請 書 內 所 提 供 資 料 已 作 更 改 後 通 知 招 聘 部 門, 可 令 本 人 喪 失 獲 政 府 錄 用 的 資 格 ; 即 使 已 獲 政 府 錄 用, 亦 可 遭 終 止 聘 用 I understand that if I wilfully give any false information or withhold any material information in this application form, or fail to notify the recruiting department any subsequent change of information provided, it will render me liable to disqualification for employment by the Government or termination of employment, if already employed by the Government. 本 人 同 意 政 府 可 就 與 專 上 學 生 暑 期 實 習 計 劃 有 關 的 招 聘 工 作 以 及 僱 用 有 關 的 事 宜, 及 為 核 實 上 述 資 料 而 進 行 必 要 的 查 詢 本 人 授 權 所 有 政 府 部 門 及 其 他 組 織 或 機 構 可 就 這 些 查 詢, 透 露 任 何 有 關 的 紀 錄 及 資 料 I consent to the Government making any necessary enquiries for purposes relating to the Post-Secondary Student Summer Internship Programme and employment with the Government and for the verification of the information given above. I authorise all government departments and other organizations or agencies to release any record or information as may be required for these enquiries. 本 人 明 白 並 同 意, 如 有 需 要, 上 述 資 料 會 送 交 獲 授 權 處 理 有 關 資 料 的 政 府 部 門 及 其 他 組 織 或 機 構, 用 以 進 行 與 政 府 招 聘 工 作 及 僱 用 有 關 的 事 宜 I understand and accept that the information given above will be provided to government departments and other organizations or agencies authorized to process the information for purposes relating to recruitment by and employment with the Government. 日 期 Date 簽 署 Signature