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Merrill Lynch International & Co. C.V. Bank of America Corporation 60,000,000 14 19766 9665 280,000,000 0.10 5,000 0.037 x x x x 1

19766 100.93 28,000,000 1 2 1 4(D) 2 2

??? 15A.13(2) 15A.13(3)? 15A.13(2) (3)? Baa2 A-? 3

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? 0.01? 315 (+852) 3602 1600? 10 20 20? (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 5

(v) (vi) (vii) 0.01? www.hkex.com.hk http://www.chinamobileltd.com www.hkex.com.hk/chi/prod/secprod/dwrc/dw_c.htm www.mlwarrants.com.hk www.bankofamerica.com? 0.005% 0.003%? 6

? (i) (ii) 6 12 13 4(E)? 315 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, U.K. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, U.K. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, U.S.A. (www.hkexnews.hk)www.mlwarrants.com.hk The Listing Documents are also available on the website of the HKEx at www.hkexnews.hk and our website at www.mlwarrants.com.hk. 7

?? 8

9 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) 0.01 (i) (ii) (iii) 6 12 (i) (ii) 13

10 (i) (ii) (iii) 10-K 1A10-Q 1A

www.sec.gov Merrill Lynch http://investor.bankofamerica.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=71595&p=irol-sec 8-K 10-Q 10-Qhttp://investor.bankofamerica.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=71595&p=irol-sec 11


Kevin Stitt Bank of America 1.980.386.5667 Lee McEntire Bank of America 1.980.388.6780 Jerry Dubrowski Bank of America 1.980.388.2840 jerome.f.dubrowski@bankofamerica.com Bank of America Merrill Lynch 16 0.28 Bank of America Merrill Lynch Bank of America Bank of America 24.3 Bank of America Bank of America Merrill Lynch Bank of America Brian Moynihan Kevin Castel In Re Bank of America Securities Derivative & Employment Retirement Income Sec. Act (ERISA) Litigation, 09 MDL 2058 (PKC) Bernstein Litowitz Berger & Grossmann LLP Kaplan Fox & Kilsheimer LLPBarroway Topaz Kessler Meltzer & Check, LLP 13

Bank of America 16 Bank of America 0.28 19 8 Bank of America Bank of America 0.28 Bank of America 16 0.28 14

19 8 Bank of America Bank of America 10-K 1A Bank of America Bank of America 5,600 5,600 16,200 3,000Bank of America Bank of America 400 40 Bank of America Corporation NYSE BAC Bank of AmericaBank of America www.bankofamerica.com ### 15

8-K 8-Khttp://investor.bankofamerica.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=71595&p=irol-sec 16

Bank of America Corporation $ 29,514 $ 34,454 $ 9,597 $ 9,744 $ 10,173 $ 10,512 $ 11,205 6,658 7,286 2,031 1,902 2,725 2,235 1,729 1,173 1,698 353 360 460 449 584 3,787 4,664 1,189 1,246 1,352 1,297 1,500 2,297 2,721 806 740 751 920 835 43,429 50,823 13,976 13,992 15,461 15,413 15,853 1,552 2,386 484 519 549 616 704 2,717 3,678 893 943 881 921 1,153 1,343 1,801 418 448 477 411 547 7,485 9,043 2,243 2,534 2,708 2,764 2,959 13,097 16,908 4,038 4,444 4,615 4,712 5,363 30,332 33,915 9,938 9,548 10,846 10,701 10,490 4,573 5,706 1,538 1,578 1,457 1,478 1,911 5,780 6,112 1,934 1,934 1,912 1,982 2,068 8,504 9,132 2,781 2,847 2,876 2,694 3,022 3,699 4,204 1,336 1,146 1,217 1,013 942 1,371 4,133 238 368 765 3,227 1,446 5,078 6,417 1,239 1,764 2,075 280 1,604 5,290 (10,949) 2,019 1,659 1,612 2,119 1,617 (71) 1,203 (138) 127 (60) 143 190 1,491 2,182 339 400 752 1,192 737 (1,321) 6,729 (790) 603 (1,134) 140 4,511 (70) (271) (9) (13) (51) (127) (114) 18 53 3 7 11 46 29 (52) (218) (6) (6) (40) (81) (85) 34,342 34,651 10,490 12,420 11,432 14,187 17,963 64,674 68,566 20,428 21,968 22,278 24,888 28,453 5,965 10,476 1,774 1,773 2,418 2,934 3,407 27,348 28,204 8,431 8,729 10,188 8,761 8,865 3,419 3,617 1,160 1,117 1,142 1,131 1,183 1,718 1,815 561 546 611 525 616 1,393 1,680 479 449 465 523 556 2,578 2,349 873 922 783 1,032 937 955 1,144 315 321 319 365 377 2,188 1,964 640 692 856 688 626 1,227 1,167 410 417 400 386 405 12,907 15,672 4,675 3,855 4,377 5,429 3,872 2,603 581 537 101 176 53,733 60,752 17,544 17,048 19,141 19,522 17,613 4,976 (2,662) 1,110 3,147 719 2,432 7,433 1,520 (2,117) 770 684 66 441 1,201 $ 3,456 $ (545) $ 340 $ 2,463 $ 653 $ 1,991 $ 6,232 1,063 954 373 365 325 407 343 $ 2,393 $ (1,499) $ (33) $ 2,098 $ 328 $ 1,584 $ 5,889 $ 0.22 $ (0.15) $ 0.00 $ 0.19 $ 0.03 $ 0.15 $ 0.58 (1) 0.22 (0.15) 0.00 0.19 0.03 0.15 0.56 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 10,735,461 10,095,859 10,776,173 10,775,695 10,651,367 10,281,397 10,116,284 (1) 10,826,503 10,095,859 10,776,173 11,556,011 10,761,917 11,124,523 10,464,395 (1) 4 4 17

Bank of America Corporation $ 3,456 $ (545) $ 340 $ 2,463 $ 653 $ 1,991 $ 6,232 2,971 (1,404) 2,365 1,530 (924) (2,866) (2,158) 535 (830) 234 (81) 382 281 (764) 1,106 204 75 79 952 (648) 66 14 25 15 (32) 31 (133) (8) 4,626 (2,005) 2,689 1,496 441 (3,366) (2,864) $ 8,082 $ (2,550) $ 3,029 $ 3,959 $ 1,094 $ (1,375) $ 3,368 5 5 18

Bank of America Corporation $ 106,415 $ 123,717 $ 82,865 15,950 22,350 18,330 234,034 226,116 249,998 211,090 204,725 176,398 57,865 59,939 79,044 305,949 300,049 324,267 39,898 35,168 26,458 345,847 335,217 350,725 893,035 892,315 932,531 (26,233) (30,288) (35,082) 866,802 862,027 897,449 12,436 12,653 13,552 5,0875,708 7,880 5,242 5,880 8,037 69,976 69,976 70,832 7,030 7,335 8,764 16,436 13,289 23,085 66,341 71,458 89,302 150,698 146,172 151,247 $ 2,166,162 $ 2,160,854 $ 2,219,628 $ 9,959 $ 8,499 $ 8,911 546 1,007 1,611 256 125,043 128,386 146,023 (3,811) (4,074) (5,661) 121,232 124,312 140,362 2,165 2,163 3,904 3,754 4,113 5,414 $ 137,656 $ 140,094 $ 160,458 6 6 19

Bank of America Corporation $ 362,646 $ 343,308 $ 321,253 625,200 621,076 629,176 6,667 6,871 6,581 68,794 63,970 84,343 1,063,307 1,035,225 1,041,353 273,900 285,914 248,116 72,179 77,458 68,026 51,369 51,515 59,304 35,291 39,019 33,869 518574 790 144,976 133,900 139,743 286,534 301,848 398,965 1,927,556 1,924,879 1,989,376 0.01100,000,000 3,685,4103,685,410 3,993,660 18,768 18,762 19,480 0.0112,800,000,000 10,777,267,46510,776,869,270 10,134,431,514 158,066 158,001 153,801 62,583 62,712 59,043 (811) (3,500) (2,071) (1) 238,606 235,975 230,252 $ 2,166,162 $ 2,160,854 $ 2,219,628 $ 3,872 $ 4,449 $ 6,208 38,055 38,456 56,361 625 1,161 1,115 $ 42,552 $ 44,066 $ 63,684 7 7 20

Merrill Lynch International & Co. C.V. Kaya W.F.G. (Jombi) Mensing 36 Curaçao Bank of America Corporation Bank of America Corporate Center 100 North Tryon Street Charlotte, NC 28255-0065 U.S.A. 3 15 15 13 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP United Kingdom 7 More London Riverside London, SE1 2RT United Kingdom PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP United States of America 214 North Tryon Street Suite 3600 Charlotte, NC 28202 U.S.A. 21