3.2 fluoro protein foam extinguishing agent 3.3 alcohol resistant foam extinguishing agent 3.4 synthetic foam extinguishing agent 3.5 multi purpose fi

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GA 51 93 1 2 general terms 2.1 extinguishing agent 2.2 extinguishing efficiency 2.3 compatibility 2.4 fuel 2.5 rate of water content 2.6 residual content of extinguishing agent 2.7 water miscible fuel 2.8 fire extinguishing test 2.9 additive 2.10 preburning time 2.11 fire extinguishing time 3 foam extinguishing agent 3.1 protein foam extinguishing agent 1993-03-29 1994-03-01

3.2 fluoro protein foam extinguishing agent 3.3 alcohol resistant foam extinguishing agent 3.4 synthetic foam extinguishing agent 3.5 multi purpose film forming fluoro protein foam extinguishing agent 3.6 aqueous film forming foam extinguishing agent 3.7 multi purpose foam extinguishing agent 3.8 chemical foam extinguishing agent 3.9 soda acid extinguishing agent 3.10 high expansion foam extinguishing agent 200 3.11 foam 3.11.1 extinguishing foam 3.11.2 chemical foam 3.11.3 mechanical foam 3.11.4 low expansion foam 20 3.11.5 medium expansion foam 20 200 3.11.6 high expansion foam 200 3.11.7 critical shear stress of foam 3.11.8 fluidity

3.12 foam concentrate 3.12.1 flowing point 3.12.2 setting 3.12.3 precipitate 3.12.4 stability 3.12.5 corrosion rate 3.12.6 freezing point 3.13 foam solution 3.13.1 expansion rate of foam 3.13.2 critical rate of application 3.13.3 practical rate of application 3.13.4 concentration ratio 3.14 25 25 drainage time 25 3.15 50 50 drainage time 50 3.16 90 90 flame control time B 90 3.17 99 99 flame control time B 99 3.18 burn back time 3.19 disappearance rate of foam

3.20 base injection 4 powder extinguishing agent 4.1 BC BC powder extinguishing agent B C 4.1.1 sodium bicarbonate powder extinguishing agent 4.1.2 potassium bicar bonate powder extinguishing agent 4.1.3 amino group powder extinguishing agent 4.1.4 potassium shloride powder extinguishing agent 4.1.5 potassium sulphate powder extinguishing agent 4.2 ABC ABC powder extinguishing agent A B C 4.2.1 ammonium phosphate powder extinguishing agent 4.3 density 4.4 apparent density 4.5 filling density 4.6 ratio surface 4.7 moisture rate 4.8 tendency of caking 4.9 penetration

4.10 water repellency 4.11 fluidity 4.12 characteristic at extremely low temperatere 55 4.13 particle size distribution 4.14 discharge rate 4.15 electric insulativity 5 gas extinguishing agent 5.1 carbon dioxide extinguishing agent 5.2 halon extinguishing agent 5.2.1 1211 halon 1211 extinguishing agent 5.2.2 1301 halon 1301 extinguishing agent 5.3 content 5.4 explosion suppressing peak value 5.5 purity 5.6 minimum content for fire extinguishment 5.7 acid content mg/kg ppm 5.8 residue after vapourizing mg/kg ppm

5.9 ionic halogen 5.10 chrominance pt co 6 smoke extinguishing agent 6.1 burning speed 6.2 gas content by burning m 3 /kg 7 extinguishing agent for light metal fire 8 water extinguishing agent series 8.1 loaded stream extinguishing agent 8.2 antifreezing water extinguishing agent,. 8.3 wet water extinguishing agent,,. 8.4 thickened water extinguishing agent 8.5 friction reduced water extinguishing agent

A A ABC 4.2 4.1.3 B BC 4.1 25 3.14 90 3.16 4.6 C 3.12.2 3.12.3 4.10 4.14 5.5 D 3.1 4.12 3.11.4 4.15 3.5 3.7 E 5.1 F 3.13.1 3.2 3.12.5 G 4 3.10 3.11.6 H 2.5 3.4 3.8 3.11.2

J 3.11.3 8.5 4.8 K 3.3 3.18 8.2 L 4.13 4.12.1 3.13.2 3.11.8 4.11 3.12.1 5.2 5.9 M 4.3 2.1 2.2 2.6 2.8 2.11 3.11.1 N 3.12.6 3.13.4 5.3 P 3 3.11 3.11.7 3.12 3.13 3.19 Q 5 8.1 7 R 2.4

6.1 6.2 8.3 S 5.10 3.18.3 8 2.7 3.6 4.4 5.7 3.9 T 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.5 2.9 W 3.12.4 X 4.7 2.3 Y 6 5.4 1211 5.2.1 1301 5.2.2 3.20 2.10 Z 8.4 4.9 5.8 3.11.5 5.6 B A ABC powder extinguishing agent 4.2

acid content 5.7 additive 2.9 aqueous film forming foam extinguishing agent 3.6 alcohol risistant foam extinguishing agent 3.3 amino-group powder extinguishing agent 4.1.3 ammonium phosphate powder extinguishing agent 4.2.1 antifreezing water extinguishing agent 8.2 apparent density 4.4 B base injection 3.20 BC powder extinguishing agent 4.1 burn-back time 3.18 burning speed 6.1 C carbon dioxide extinguishing agent 5.1 characteristic at extremely low tempurature 4.12 chemical foam extinguishing agent 3.8 chemical foam 3.11.2 chrominance 5.10 compatibility 2.3 concentration ratio 3.13.4 content 5.3 corrosion rate 3.12.5 critical shear stress of foam 3.11.7 critical rate of application 3.13.2 D density 4.3 disappearance rate of foam 3.19 discharge rate 4.14 E electric insulativity 4.15 expansion rate of foam 3.13.1 explosion-suppressing peak value 5.4 extinguishing agent 2.1 extinguishing agent for light metal fire 7 extinguishing efficiency 2.2 extinguishing foam 3.11.1 F 50% drainage time 3.15 filling density 4.5 fire-extinguishing test 2.8 firt-extinguishing time 2.11

GA 51-93 flowing point 3.12.1 fluidity 3.11.8 fluidity(powder) 4.11 fluor-protein foam extinguishing agent 3.2 foam 3.11 foam concentrate 3.12 foam extinguishing agent 3 foam solution 3.13 freezing point 3.12.6 friction-reduce water extinguishing agent 8.5 fuel 2.4 G gas content by buring 6.2 gas extinguishing agent 5 H halon extinguishing agent 5.2 halon 1211 extinguishing agent 5.2.1 halon 1301 extinguishing agent 5.2.2 high-expansion foam extinguishing agent 3.10 high-expansion foam 3.11.6 I ionic halogen 5.9 L loaded stream extinguishing agent 8.1 low expansion foam 3.11.4 M mechanical foam 3.11.3 medium expansion foam 3.11.5 minimum content for fire extinguishment 5.6 moisture rate 4.7 multi-purpose foam extinguishing agent 3.7 multi-purpose film-forming fluoro-protein foam extinguishing agent 3.5 N 90%flame control time 3.16 99%flame control time 3.17 P particle size distribution 4.13 penetration 4.9 potassium bicarbonate powder extinguishing agent 4.1.2 potassium chloride powder extinguishing agent 4.1.4 powder extinguishing agent 4 practical rate of application 3.13.3

GA 51-93 preburning time 2.10 potassium sulphate powder extinguishing agent 4.1.5 precipitate 3.12.3 protein foam extinguishing agent 3.1 purity 5.5 R rate of water content 2.5 ratio surface 4.6 residual content of extinguishing agent 2.6 residue after vapourizing 5.8 S setting 3.12.2 smoke extinguishing agent 6 soda acid extinguishing agent 3.9 sodium bicarbonate powder extinguishing agent 4.1.1 stability 3.12.4 synthetic foam extinguishing agent 3.4 T tendency of caking 4.8 thickened water extinguishing agent 8.4 25%drainage time 3.14 W water-miscible fuel 2.7 water repellency 4.10 water extinguishing agent series 8 wet water extinguishing agent 8.3