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Feb.2010 P01 8 P09 P14 3 SPA P18 Fittie's 5 P25 30

chief editor grace0123@vip.sina.com Fittie's High Fittie's

drop weight while you are eating 01

1 02 30%

A. B. C. party D. 3 2. 03 5

4 168cm 60kg 50kg 2-3 20 50kg 52kg 04

5. 9 (37.8kj) 25 6. 05

7. high 8. ( ) http://lady.qq.com/a/20100202/000018.htm 06

NO.1 07

1 2 NO.2 2 1 NO.3 1 2 http://lady.qq.com/a/20100201/000059.htm 08

drop weight as much as you like 09

OL 10

1/3 4 2 500 600 4 5 4 4 2 Stephen 300mg 1200 5 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11

1 100 350kcal 100 550kcal 4 30 40 2 2-5 2-5 5 3 100 5kcal 30 1 12

150kcal Cappuccino 75kcal Espresso 30kcal Latte 100kcal 5kcal 500 http://lady.qq.com/a/20100131/000013.htm 13

modern fitness 3 SPA 14

Spa chodova plana Spa Spa Spa 15

B1 34 25 7 200 spa Spa Bordeaux Spa -- Spa Spa Spa Spa 20 15 spa 150 16

spa Spa Spa Spa Spa Spa Spa 265 3 Spa 5 10 http://lady.qq.com/diet/diet.htm 17

Fittie's Fittie's Class 5 18

8 pp 5 1 45 2-3 15 19

15 30 10-15 http://lady.qq.com/a/20091127/000168.htm 20

1 3 3 21

2 2000 2500 300 2200 2200 250ml 9 22

3 200ml 100 4 5 30 5 2 23

6 7 5 45 45 x5 =225 http://lady.qq.com/a/20081229/000035_4.htm 24

Sentiment harbour 30 25

26,,,, :,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

27,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,,, -!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!,,,!, http://www.7722.org/article/chuanshuo/200610/153.html 28


30 120 120 30 30 30 30 http://www.qinggan999.com/aiqinggushi/19311853.html

Panorama PR & Resources Co.,Ltd. EMAG@ RVA Foreign Enterprise Branch B Co-producer: Kevin Xia / Zhang Yong / Chief editor: Grace Niu executive editor: Cynthia Lin Artistic design: Stanley Lee Marketing manager: Alina Wang Tel: 010-51727852 Fax: 010-51727873 Email: grace0123@vip.sina.com Website: www.mysrchina.org www.fesco.com.cn FESCO