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704 705 32 Charles B. Love SWETS A Mr. Ake Von Sydow F A Dr. Maxwell J. Fry A B PenadosManresa

706 707 Dr. James A. Gentry IBE Distinguished Professor of Finance College of Commerce and Business Administration University of Illinois Comstock Dr. Louis Padulo Mr. John Hicks Mr. John Hedberg Mr. Max Schroder 19901991


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713 TKCMI 712

715 714

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722 723 Taime de Althaus Guarderas 1990 7 IBM3090 Dr. Larry R. Faulkner ACM, Association for Computing Machiancery ikolai T. Sevtkov

724 725 Dr. Jerald Walker Dr. Andrew Gonzalez Oklahoma City University O.C.U. IBM 3090 r. Jozef Marian Galik Internet TALIS CICCOFFICE COMPUTER MELCOM

726 727 Sunderland Poly technic Dr. Michael O Carroll Sino-British Education ServicesDr. Patrick O Reilly Dr. Inge Jonsson GIS Torbjorn Loden

728 729 24% Linear Algebra and Its Applications Dr. Olli Erkki Lehto ICAI Dr C. Fell

Lev. N. Lupichov 731 IBM OA Dr. Robert Gard Dr. Bullard CAE 730

732 733 Stephan Muller Aplew V. Meliksetov Vyatcheslav D. Lyu-Chikov Max Schroder Mr. And Mrs. Nilsson Dr. Romuald Zalewski Dr. Mike O Carroll % Raymond Barre

734 735 Peter F. Nardulli Dr. Vladimir I. Kurilov 500 David E. Panama Dr. Chadwick F. Alger OCLC

Dr. O carroll 737 197 Dr. W. B. Lee 32 736

15 20 739 Dr. O Carroll 78.9% 7.7% 738

740 741 Sra. Jasqueline Malagon Dr. Robert A. Scalapino Dr. Robert A. Scalapino

742 743 Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schoedlbauer A T-shirt IBM 30 Luis Ugalde Dr. Hans Ludwig Schreiber Dr. Erhard Rosner

947 5738 745 22 744

746 747 Prof. M.V. Novotny Prof. M. Morita Prof. S. Terabe Prof. M. L. Gross Bishop s University Monterey Institue of International Studies Dr. Robert G. Gard Dr. Richard R. Rush Dr. Robert G. Gard Mighty Mo Dr. Lee FM107.9 Mankato State UniversityDr. Richard R. Rush Oklahoma City UniversityDr. Jerald C. Walker 5,461 6,225

748 749 Tamkang Journal Tamkang Mathematics International Journal of Information and Management Sciences Goethe Institute Y. Hosotani Dr. Kabaj Dr. Michael I. Darter Mr. Dennis McDonald Mr. Richard J. Riordan Dr. Russell G. Warren

750 751 40 55 Dr. Gunther Engelhardt Mr. Arturo Jofre Vartanian Andrei M. Ledovski A. Vinogradov

752 753 NAFTA Miguel Angel Solano Lopez Tomas Sibaja CAE W3 83 Mankato State Univ.Dr. Lewis L. Jones Shinkichi Eto Kenji Saga Tadashi Yamamoto Oregon State University Dr. Humberto Belli Pereira

754 755 Jean-Pierre Martin CALA Chinese-American Librarians Association University of SunderlandDr. O Carroll Jean-Noel Juttet Dr. Rudolph A. Marcus Merk 1932-1950 Dr. Thomas Scharping Mr. David Palmer Jorge Heine U. of Mass. Prof. R. S. Stein Prof. Stefan Griller Dr. Miklos Nemeth

756 757 Dr. Jerry Collins Davis Rafael Cob JimemezCiro Amaury Dargam Cruz Miguel Angel Solano LopezSonny Seraphin Renato B. Denys Ricardo Blazquez Luis Manuel Penalver Gomez Ciro Amaury Dargam Cruz Salomon Cohen Orantes 8285

Prof. Eugene Shklovsky S Wuppertal Dr. Guenther Wohlfart 759 12 758

760 761 Kaplon Education Center Dave Cleland Univ. Bonn Prof. Dr. M. HuberDr. R. Lutz Mrs. Krickau-Richter

762 763 www Univ. Leipzig Dr. Poller Dr. Kuehn A. O. Smith CO. Milwaukee, WI Mr. Arnoldo Mora

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Arlington Frank Lu 767 Gabriel Rosales A Paul Rouddloff Francisco Rojas 766

768 769 Information and Networking Monash University Dr. Wright WWW http://www.lib.tku.edu.tw/ S Rolls-Royce Mark Tyack OCLC Internet Resources Cataloging Project InterCat

771 Dr. Solo South Texas Entrepreneur of the Year Danald McNicol 770

772 773 Poitier Alain Tranoy Jean Frebe Uniuarsitat des Saarlaundes Becker Dr. Robbins Dr. Robbins Alcala Dr. Manuel Gala Michel Lacaill

774 775 Mr. Jean Goyer Mr. Ren Milot Anne Andre Leonard V.R. Khalilov

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TQM L308 The Sunny Morning TVBS TVBS2100 781 YMCA VPIDr. Bernard Grossman EAO 780

James J. Stukel Mankato State University 783 4.9% E-mail 782

784 785 James A. Robinson Production Manager Polyscience Inc. Dr. Bullitt Lowry

786 787 Marburg University Prof. Dr. Werner Georg Hans SchaalMr. Thomas Komm Univ. of Hawaii Texture on Manipulating Spectroscopic Properties of Rhodesian, Bacteriorhodopsin and Sensory Rhodesian through Substrate Engineering CNN ABC BBC Sitaryan S. B. A. FourmanovWiasnikov V. Anosova L. Staburova Perkins Coie Dr. Margarer Cox Modeling and emulations to Promote Students Learning Department of Chemistry California Institute of Technology Dr. Harry B. GaryElectron Transfer of Metalloproteins.

788 789 T.K. BirdNet Dr. A.M. BerezkovskiElementary Statistical Mechanics of Solvent Influence on Condensed Phase Chemical Dynamics Bullitt Lowry Marc Argaud Academia A Mcgill University 11.2%

790 791 3M 3M Prof. Roald HoffmannA Chemical and Theoretical Approach to Bonding at Surface Sam Houston State Univ. Difference Two Similarity Classes Dr. Harold Jeffcoat Dr. Won H. Chang E-Mail

792 793 Prof. Hyman Bass Group Action on Trees Joe Wang Joe Wang Joe Wang Dr. Manuel A. Esteban John Mallet Paret Gloria Regina Salinas Jahn Teller,Renner Teller and Geminal of Superconductivity Wavefunction Mapping Using Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors

794 795 University of UtahProf. Joel S. Miller Molecular Based Magnetic Materials Braunschweig Technical Gunther Reichert FOM University of Ljubljana Prof. Dr. Anton Sebenik Living Free Radical Polymerization with Infesters

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798 799 Center for Security Studies the University of Hull Dr. Eric J. Grove B Richard Wallace Dr. David K. ScottDr. Barbara Burn

800 801 Racha Lee XY Dr. Bengt Lofstedt HRK DAAD Prof. Theodor Berchem Prof. Dr. Max Huber

802 803 Dr. Schott Mrs. Krickau-Richter 1997 Dr. Roger E. Kanet Glasgow UniversityDe LaRueProf. De LaRue Snitko Elena Stepanovna Malikova Lecya Tarasovna Dominguez HillsMs. Zepur Solakian

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808 809 Dr. Eduardo Doryan Garron University of Barcelona Prof. Dr. Miquel LloberaUniversity Pompeu Fabra Prof. Dr. Ernesto Martin Peris M.I.T. Richard Stanley Richard Stanley Mr. Echenique

810 811 Queens College, City University of New York Dr. Hamid Shirvani Dr. Li-Wen Lin Mr. Bruno Bourgbroc 104 104 Synthesis of Supramolecular Polythers: Molecular Devices and Sensers Prof. Victor V. SkopenkoProf. Bekh Dr. Noami F. Collins Mike PayneFirst Principles Simulations of Grain Boundary Sliding and Dynamical Simulations of Metallic

812 813 Systems Dr. Miguel Angel Rodriguez EcheverriaDr. Bernd H. Niehaus Mr. Rolando Lacle Castro California State University, Domingues Hills Mr. Zepur SolakianL501 Ronald Kantowski The Effect of Mass Inhomogeneities on Determining the Cosmological Parameters 1997

814 815 Dean Mills Prof. Dr. Winfried Lenders Dr. Josef Szakos 3331 Serigne Diop CAI TQM 1997 Handy F.R.S.

816 817 Louis Pasteur Jean-Francois Biellmann Mr. Gustaf Lindencrona 86 Grand Valley State University Dr. Emery C. Turner GlasgowJoseph D. Connolly Natural Products from Around the World Queen s University Andri Serafimovitch Gratcher Dr. Thomas MitchellDr. Andrew Mayes Universidad Francisco Marroquin Dr. Fernando Monteroso Sonny Seraphin I-Bae Kim Dr. Jesus Gines Ortega

818 819 6438 Dr. Michael Shapiro Prof. Dr. Mario Ceballos Curtin Prof. Douglas N. Yorke MSI Victor Y. Milman

820 821 XD. Sayers B. A. Bunker T. K. Sham A. Fontaine N. Kosugi T.Yokoyama J. Crain 12:05 12:55 A Mr. Vladimir Vedernikov Mr. Vladimir I. Kurilov ASCA

822 823 BBS BBS BBS TANet Dr. Do Loc Diep Dr. Nguyen Thiet Son Herman Hertzberger Giffith University Ms. Nancy Viviani Australia Policy toward Southeast Asia Glasgow University Richard M. De La Rue

824 825 St. Cloud State University Dennis L. Nunes Louisiana State UniversityTames G. Traynham Dr. Ivan Filby Mr. John Murray T305 Dr. Brown Ms. Teresa Ross Dr. Larry Faulkner

826 827 Dr. D. Berek 938 ADSL JAVASun Microsystems Dr. Eric Grove 108 Dr. William Salom OtagoDr. Ian Smith

828 829 TALIS TQM ADSL PortsmouthMr. David Palmer Mrs. Agnes Vince Dr. Medhi Krongkaew Current Economic and Political Situations in Thailand and It s Implications on ASEAN and APEC Toshia Iijima Yoshyuki Suzuki

Dr. Steven M. Goldstein ISDN 831 S 830

832 833 SloveniaUniverza v Ljubljani Nana Rosker The Technical Center of Rayonier Corp. as a Sr. Scientist 97 Jeffery Williams William BrekkeJohn Hoover Workshop on Improving Quality and Customer Carein Library and Information Services University of SunderlandAndrew McDonaldJosephine Aitkins Lorraine Hall Mrs. Mollie Temple ProVice-Chancellor S215 Prof. Alexander V. Sidorovitch

834 835 Ceferino Valdez Peralta Mr. Flmming Ytzen Mebel Mebel McGillRichard Lawton Dr. Patrick Murphy B218 B219 ChesnelRichard Mr. Peter Koveos

Mr. Stephen Webb L510 T701 Univ. of Iowa W. A. Kirk 837 1. 2. 3. 4. Konig Konig 836

4522 18% Alicante Bryn Moody Bryn Moody Vicentet Saruddi Zald-Ivar VLSI VLSIVLSI 839 TQM ISO9000TQM 838

840 841 Dr. Enrique Ibarrade Robert Cabezudo Mr. Peter Whisker Dr. Enrique Ibarra de Robert Cabezudo Dr. Juris Zakis Dr. Peeter Tulviste

842 843 ADSL ADSL George Mason University Dr. Gustavo A. Mellander Trends in Teacher EducationTechnology and Teachers in the United StatesDistance Learning, Distance Education and Teacher Professional Development Dr. Dennis AndersonDr. Reinhold Krame The Johns Hopkins Gerard Chesnel University of St. ThomasDr. Michael Evers Tegucigalpa Dr. Cesar Castellaos Madrid NII NII IBM

844 845 T112 Dr. Gabriel Macaya Margarita Cambra Jine Jean Cavanagh Dr. Thomas L. Good Dr. Mary McCaslin Dr. John F. Wedman Akron Dr. Delmas Williams Univ. of Central Florida Dr. Chang C. Lee 1997 CASTEP Dr. Victor Milman M.S.I. U.KDr. Mike Payne Univ. of Cambridge, U.K

X SRRCDr. Sayers NCCU, U.S.A. Field Medal S215 847 Dr. Sohail Inayatullah 1998 CPLINS 846

848 849 CMU Michael ChristelTadao Ichikawa Taieb Znati Kazuo Sugihava Saliou Mbaye Roger Williams Rhode Island Dr. Mark M. Sawoski The University of Queensland Heidi Piper Dr. Sonia Marta Mora Esclante Richard S. Stein University of Santo Tomas Rev. Fr. Tamerlane R. LanaRev. Ernesto M. Arceo

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870 871 Exact Soluble Quantum Spin Model sin Two Dimension 14 Dr. Luis A. Riveros University of Illinois Dr. Michael Aiken Prof. Dr. George Yu Dr. Prasit Kanchanasakdichai 2000 Dr. Talbot D AlemberteMr. Steven J. Uhlfelder Mr. Dallas 1998Mr. Dallas Waikato University Dr. Bryan C. Gould Logo 174

872 873 Dr. Paul B. Pedersen 88.6.4 Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology, Prof. Tarun K. Sarkar 6834 Dr. Nalin H. Kulatilaka Strategic Growth Options Real Options Options Thinking and Platform Investments: Investing in Opportunity BU Dr. and Mrs. Vladimir I. Kurilov Jeffery J. P. Tsai

874 875 Retinoids and Carotenoids in Studies of Rhodopsin, Bacteriorhodopsin and -Crustacyanin.

876 877 Northern Illinois University Chemistry DepartmentProf. Jean Dewey 2000 J. Hillis Miller Chicago Univ. Sander L. Gilman Robert Hampson 88-90 Dort MurdUwe Schwiegelshohn

680 879 Professor Ian Smith Professor Alistair Fox 6200 878

880 881 University of Maryland Dr. C. D. Mote Jr. Dr. Tim Brown T3T1 The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation Dr. Goran Melin BBSBBS adm.tku.edu.tw BBS E-mail Prof. Dr. Niederreiter Low-discrepancy Sequences for Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods Mr. Gray J. Harriman 1999 HP HP

882 883 Dr. Carl Djerassi Diane Middlebrook Atomic and Electronic Structure of Molten GaSb Probed by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Tony Stevenson World Futures Studies Federation Universidad de Santo Tomas Gerardo Rocha S434 McMasterJames Stewart D.C. WTO 1. 2.

884 885 L403 E680 A Multiwavelength Optical Generator Based on a Raman/Brillouin cell and KDP Crystal TQMISO B C Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, New York

886 887 Professor Spencer Kuo Peter Clark HLA Angers Alain Ouvrieu 2000 2500 15630 IBMAS/400 9406 As/400 B1 Dialogue1999 Dialogue Peter Wilson Dr. William Wallace D223 BBS ID abke nhy wuling allenden kkky swining5d5o aireagle E-mail hwc828@tpts5.seed.net.twid World Futures Studies Federation Maine Daniel Luzzati

Brandon UniversityDr. Meir Serfaty 89.7.1 0 QA/QC TALIS Virtua 21 50 889 Maine Mr. Daniel Luzzati 888

890 891 NIDA Mr. William Jex C009 2000 Indiana University of Pennsylvania Dr. Patrick A. Carone Dr. Evan S. DobelleProf. Michael Lestz Franz Rexhausen Dr. David Escobar Galindo Hans Beck Gregersen Dr. Brodie Remington 50 VictoriaH.M. Srivastava Series of Lectures on Fractional Calculus and Special Functions Thomas Crampton UE501

892 893 WTO Dr. Max Peyrard Dr. Josette Peyrard Dr. Alain Buzelay The 21st Century European Perspectives on the Future of the EURO The progress of many-polaron theory

Michael Payne 2000 CHEERS 895 Rybicki 701Maria Rybicki Rupert Scholz 223 2000 894

896 897 2020 WTO GATS Behaviors of Granular Matter in the Presence of an Electric Field 21 Prof. Howard Jay Siegel David Nash Nash U. of Bristol Michael DriveKent Institute of Art and Design Accident and Actuality: Articulating Asian America Trends in Atmospheric Ozone, Temperature and UV Radiation A Statistician s Report Alberta Mr. Mel Wong Prof. Geoffrey Till

898 899 1990 1994 Dr. Eva Voszka Dr. Eva Voszka Magneto-optical Properties of Quantum Dots and Quantum Wires of Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors Young Dr. Myra H. Strober Ernest J. Barenberg e B601 William Paterson University WTO

900 901 2000 TKU Shopping Mall UCLAProf. Peter Haidu 2000 Kiev University Dr. Victor V. Skopenko e 2020 Dr. Chester Haskell Dr. Jeannine Donna

902 903 Kar-yiu Wong 2000 2000 ee IEEE Fellow Prof. Pen-Chung Yew Peter Baker e-learning Dr. Georges Molinie

E787 50 100 IC IC ATM 89 89109306 905 D 7442 26600 3949 396 16.33% NorfolkEd. Gillman 50 D223 2000 904

906 907 (Curtin University of Technology) Vice Chancellor Prof. Lance Twomey Charles Reed Dr. Douglas X. Patino Mr. William Hauck Dr. Heckelmann 21e-Commerence

50 909 ( ) 50 50 908

910 911 59 86 2000 2000 ` Richard L.Andrews Guillermo Vargas Salazar Amb.Solano Lopez 2000 2000 2000 Prof. Dr. Diego T. Bermudz Flores Prof. Dr. Jose Maria Troya Linero