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珊瑚泉華人浸信教會 Chinese Baptist Church of Coral Springs 主後二零一六年五月二十九日 May 29, 2016 2016 Church Theme Transforming your life, starting from your heart. Theme Verse Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God s will is his good, pleasing and perfect will. ~ Rom12:2 (NIV) 二零一六年教會主題 心意更新, 從心開始 主題經文 不要效法這個世界, 只要心意更新而變化, 叫你們察驗何為神的善 良 純全 可喜悅的旨 意 ~ 羅馬書 12:2 ( 和合本 ) Pastor Emeritus: Kwong-Wah Lau 榮譽牧師 : 劉廣華 Senior Pastor: Chiver Wat 主任牧師 : 屈智華 Assistant Pastor: Scott Ryan 助理牧師 : 賴思家 CBCCS Mission Statement 珊瑚泉華人浸信教會使命宣言 CBCCS exists to love God and love people by bringing people to Christ, developing them to be fully devoted followers of Jesus, and sending them to impact the world. (Matthew 22:37-39; 28:19-20) 珊瑚泉華人浸信教會存在的目的是愛神和愛人 藉由領人歸基督, 栽培他們成為耶穌的門徒, 並差遣他們去影響世界 ( 馬太福音 22:37-39; 28:19-20) Address: 200 Coral Ridge Drive, Coral Springs, FL 33071 Tel: (954) 255-9910 Web: 1

2 禱告事項 Prayer List ADORATION 敬拜 CONFESSION 認罪 THANKSGIVING 感恩 SUPPLICATION 祈求 主啊, 諸神之中沒有可比你的 ; 你的作為也無可比 主啊, 你所造的萬民都要來敬拜你 ; 他們也要榮耀你的名 因你為大, 且行奇妙的事 ; 惟獨你是神 There is none like you among the gods, O Lord, nor are there any works like yours. All the nations you have made shall come and worship before you, O Lord, and shall glorify your name. For you are great and do wondrous things; you alone are God. (Psalm 詩篇 86:8-10) 弟兄們, 在心志上不要作小孩子 然而, 在惡事上要作嬰孩, 在心志上總要作大人 Brothers, do not be children in your thinking. Be infants in evil, but in your thinking be mature. (1 Corinthians 哥林多前書. 14:20) 從前你們是暗昧的, 但如今在主裡面是光明的, 行事為人就當像光明的子女 光明所結的果子就是一切良善 公義 誠實 總要察驗何為主所喜悅的事 for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true), and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord. (Ephesians 以弗所書 5:8-10) 要常常喜樂, 不住的禱告, 凡事謝恩 ; 因為這是神在基督耶穌裡向你們所定的旨意 Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書 5:16-18) Church Mission and Church Theme 教會使命宣言和教會主題 : 1. Pray that our church ministries will strive to aim for the goal of our Mission Statement in unity. 禱告教會各樣的事工會竭力朝向教會使命宣言所定的目標邁進, 大家能有合一的心 2. Pray that we will live out our 2016 church theme: Transforming your life, starting from your heart. Pray that God would examine our hearts: whether there is any sin hidden in our heart that affects our relationship with God (Psalm 32:3). And that we would confess our sins to one another and pray for one another (James 5:16). 為 2016 年教會主題能落實在我們的生活中禱告 : 心意更新, 從心開始 求神鑒察我們心中, 是否有隱而未現的罪攔阻了我們與神的關係 ( 詩 32:3) 求神幫助我們彼此認罪, 互相守望代求 ( 雅 5:16) Church Ministries 教會事工 : 1. Pray that God would raise more prayer warriors to join the church prayer meeting every Thursday night. 求神興旺教會禱告會, 每週四有更多的禱告勇士來為教會守望禱告 2. Pray for brothers and sisters who accepted Jesus recently: that they will build intimate relationships with the Lord, establish healthy spiritual disciplines, and grow into Christ-like maturity. 為剛信主的弟兄姊妹禱告 : 求神幫助他們與主建立親密的關係 建立健康的靈修生活習慣 並在基督裡成長成熟 3. Pray for Family Retreat (5/28~30). Pray that the message will revive our hearts and help us to grow in unity and maturity. 為家庭退修會禱告 (5/28~30), 我們的心能被信息激勵, 使我們弟兄姊妹合一並更加成熟

4. Pray for the preparation of FUGE retreat in June. 為英語青少年六月的夏令退修會 FUGE 的預備禱告 5. Pray for the preparation of VBS in August 10-12. 為八月 10~12 的暑期兒童聖經學校的預備禱告 Caring One Another 彼此關懷 : 1. Continue to pray for Pastor Kwong-Wah Lau s recovery. 求主繼續保守醫治劉廣華牧師 2. Continue to pray for brothers and sisters who are facing challenges and trials in their life. 繼續為最近在生活上遇到挑戰和試煉的弟兄姊妹代禱 事工預告 : 05 月 28~30 日 ( 六 ~ 一 ): 家庭退修會 06 月 05 日 ( 日 ): 暑期兒童聖經學校報名開始 06 月 19 日 ( 日 ): 父親節聯合主日崇拜 06 月 19~25 日 ( 日 ~ 六 ): 青少年夏令退修會 08 月 10-12 日 ( 三 ~ 五 ): 暑期兒童聖經學校 Upcoming Ministry Opportunities: May 28~30: Family Retreat Jun. 05: VBS registration begins Jun. 19: Father s day combined worship service Jun. 19~25: Fuge retreat Aug. 10~12: VBS 3

4 主日崇拜程序 Order of Sunday Worship Service 主後二零一六年五月二十九日上午十點三十分 10 :30 AM, May 29, 2016 Prelude 前奏 Call to Worship 敬拜宣召 Hymn of Ascent 上行詩歌 Worship in Praise 以讚美來敬拜 Psalm 詩篇 86:8-10 All Creatures Of Our God And King Pianist 司琴 Congregation 會眾 Call to Confession 悔改宣召 1 Corinthians 哥林多前書. 14:20 Assurance of Pardon 赦罪宣告 Invocation 求告主名 Hymns of Praise 讚美詩 Choral Worship 獻詩 Word of God 神的話語 Sermon 證道 Hymn of Response 回應詩歌 Greetings/ Welcome 問安 / 歡迎 Offering 奉獻 Ephesians 以弗所書 4:11-16 Give Us Clean Hands How Great is Our God/How Great Thou Art There Is A Higher Throne 有一至高寶座 Worship in Word 以生命之道來敬拜 Colossians 歌羅西書 1:24-29 The Purpose Driven Death 目標導向的死亡 Worship in Response 以回應來敬拜 Victory in Jesus 靠主耶穌得勝 Philippians 腓立比書 2:3 Galatians 加拉太書 2:20 Congregation 會眾 Solo: Meylina Chu 獨唱 : 黃美玲 Deacon Samuel Cheng 鄭敏舜執事 Congregation 會眾 Worship in Receiving Blessings 以領受祝福來敬拜 Doxology 讚美頌 - 會眾 Congregation Closing Prayer 結束禱告 - 鄭敏舜執事 Deacon Samuel Cheng Postlude 殿樂 司琴 Pianist

Home News 家訊 : 1) 今日團契午餐取消 Today s fellowship lunch is cancelled. 2) 這禮拜六 (6 月 4 日 ), 是我們親愛的劉勝培牧師返回天家的三周年紀念, 請在禱告中紀念他的家人 This Saturday, June 04, is the 3rd anniversary of Pastor Linus returning home to the Lord. Please remember his family in your prayers. 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 05/22/16 出席人數 Attendance Ch. Sunday School Adult /Youth 成人 / 青少年 Children 兒童 中文堂主日學 69 Sunday School Eng. Worship Service 英文堂主日崇拜 72 Eng. Sunday School 21 英文堂主日學 54 Worship Ch. Worship Service 中文堂主日崇拜 228 Service 56 3) 為了鼓勵更多神的僕人加入服事, 本教會特提供獎學金給在美南浸信會神學院修學位, 並加入本教會一年以上的會員, 名額兩位, 每位每學年補助兩千五百元, 現有學生申請截止日為六月十五日, 新學生為七月十五日, 若您需要詳細申請資格及手續, 請聯絡教會辦公室 In order to encourage more God's servants to serve the ministry, students enroll or plan to enroll in Master s degree of Ministry in Southern Baptist Seminaries who are part of the CBCCS members for at least 1 year. You are eligible to apply for the need-based CBCCS Student Scholarship. Awards amount will be $2,500 per year. There will be 2 awards available for 2016-2017 school year. If you need more detail and application, please obtain at the church office. Application Deadlines for Continuing Students: June 15, 2016. New Students: July 15, 2016. 4) 弟兄姊妹若有以前剩下的奉獻信封, 可以交還給簿記, 請勿自行放在大堂的椅背袋中 若您使用大堂椅背袋中的經常奉獻信封, 或是其他弟兄姊妹的奉獻信封來作經常奉獻, 請務必寫上您的姓名 住址 和電話, 並確認在信封上的號碼已經劃掉 謝謝您的配合!If brothers and sisters have unused offering envelopes from previous years, please return to our bookkeeper. Please do not leave them in the seat pockets. Also, if you use the envelopes in the seat pockets to make regular offerings, please make sure to write your full name, address and phone number. Cross out the envelope number on the upper-left corner if it's shown. Thank you for your cooperation. 今日敬拜事奉 Worship Servers Today Speaker 講員 : Deacon Samuel Cheng 鄭敏舜執事 Worship Leader 敬拜帶領 : Interpreters 傳譯 : Audrey Wong(E) Song Leader 領詩 :Michael Au Ushers 招待 : ( 總招待 ), 李潔英, 施振雄, 鄭國強, 劉凱馨, 李振峰 ( 停車場 ), 鄧志榮 ( 停車場 ) A/V Room Workers 影音室同工 : 黃偉華, 鄧少強 06/05 06/12 06/19 06/26 9 AM Service Serving Schedule Speaker Presider Praise Team Leader A/V Room Ushers Pastor Scott Vincent Hung(A)/ Christine Au Kan Hwee Heather Shih Ryan Christy Ma(V) Sam Lam (Parking Lot) Pastor Scott Vincent Hung(A)/ Rosangela Horvath, Betty Kong Kan Hwee Michael Au Ryan Christy Ma(V) Eric Wang (Parking Lot) Father s Day combined worship service Lucy Liu, Grace Jia, Adrienne Lam James Gan (A) at 10:30 am (Parking Lot), Sam Lam (Parking Lot) Pastor Scott Vincent Hung(A)/ Rosangela Horvath, Karen Hwee Ed See Michael Au Ryan Christy Ma(V) Ting Hsu (parking lot usher) 5

Choral Worship 獻詩 : There Is A Higher Throne 有一至高寶座 There is a higher throne. Than all this world has known, Where faithful ones from ev'ry tongue. Will one day come. Before the Son we'll stand, Made faultless through the Lamb; Believing hearts find promised grace. Salvation comes. 有一至高寶座, 超越世界一切權柄, 信徒各方各族, 有一天將在此聚集, 我們將在聖子前站立, 因神的羔羊潔淨無瑕, 因信得著所應許之恩典, 救贖降臨 Hear heaven's voices sing; Their thund'rous anthem rings. Through em'rald courts and sapphire skies. Their praises rise. All glory, wisdom, pow'r, Strength, thanks, and honor are. To God our King, who reigns on high. Forevermore. 聽啊天國之歌聲, 如雷之讚美迴響, 充滿翠玉之庭和藍寶石之天, 他們的讚美揚起, 一切榮耀 智慧 能力, 力量 感恩 和尊榮, 都歸給神我們的王, 祂治理萬方, 到永遠 And there we'll find our home, Our life before the throne; We'll honor Him in perfect song Where we belong. He'll wipe each tear-stained eye. As thirst and hunger die. The Lamb becomes our Shepherd King; We'll reign with Him. 我們將得著永遠的家鄉, 我們的生命永在寶座前, 用完美的歌尊崇祂, 我們永歸於祂, 祂會擦乾每一雙流淚的眼, 當飢渴消逝, 神的羔羊今為我們的牧人 君王, 我們將與祂一同作王! 六月份敬拜事奉 10:30 AM Worship Servers for June 06/05 Speaker 講員 : Pastor Chiver Wat 屈智華牧師 Worship Leader 敬拜帶領 : 林啟璋執事 Interpreters 傳譯 : 黃旋麗紅 ( 國語 ), Audrey Wong(E) Song Leader 領詩 : 徐久仁 Food Ministry Team Leader 飯食同工組長 : 陳永強 Librarian 圖書館員 : 黃健騰 New Friends Table 新朋友桌 : 唐明惠 ( 國語 ), 繆錦輝, 金德霞 ( 粵語 ), 林啟璋執事 Ushers 招待 : 潘主安 ( 總招待 ), 施振雄, 徐麗瑛, 劉凱馨, 沈碧舫, 黃巧芬, 李振峰 ( 停車場 ), 鄧志榮 ( 停車場 ) A/V Room Workers 影音室同工 : 徐灴光 ( 禱告帶領 ), 黃偉華 06/12 Speaker 講員 : Pastor Scott Ryan 賴思家牧師 Interpreters 傳譯 : 徐久仁 ( 國語 ) & 馬如玉師母 ( 粵語 ) Worship Leader 敬拜帶領 : 區煒文執事 Song Leader 領詩 : 陳論聲 Food Ministry Team Leader 飯食同工組長 : 楊敏華 Librarian 圖書館員 : 徐玉玲 New Friends Table 新朋友桌 : 徐久仁, 黃佩華 ( 國語 ), 黃健騰, 旋麗紅 ( 粵語 ), 區煒文執事 Ushers 招待 : 吳忠華 ( 總招待 ), 鄧志榮, 黃巧芬, 董璐璐, 劉穎超, 賈霄, 董麗麗, 潘主民 ( 停車場 ), 李振峰 ( 停車場 ) A/V Room Workers 影音室同工 : 徐灴光 ( 禱告帶領 ), 黃偉華 06/19 Father s Day Combined Worship Service at 10:30 am 父親節聯合主日崇拜 Speaker 講員 : Pastor Chiver Wat 屈智華牧師 Worship Leader 敬拜帶領 : 陳偉倫執事 Interpreters 傳譯 : 鄭敏舜執事 ( 國語 ), 張美芳 ( 粵語 ) Song Leader 領詩 : 敬拜小組 Ushers 招待 : 陸愛萍 ( 總招待 ), 潘主民, 黃健騰, 李潔英, 徐麗瑛, 鄭國強, 黃文重, 劉穎超, 賈霄, 李瑋 ( 停車場 ), 郭文彥 ( 停車場 ), Adrienne Lam (Parking Lot), Sam Lam (Parking Lot) A/V Room Workers 影音室同工 : 徐灴光 ( 禱告帶領 ), 黃偉華 06/26 Speaker 講員 : Pastor Chiver Wat 屈智華牧師 Worship Leader 敬拜帶領 : 鄭敏舜執事 Interpreters 傳譯 : 黃旋麗卿 ( 粵語 ), Charlie Zhu (E) Song Leader 領詩 : 鄭敏舜執事 Lord s Supper Preparation 主餐準備同工 : 丁黃瑞芳, 黎靄嬋 Librarian 圖書館員 : 郭倩媛 Food Ministry Team Leader 飯食同工組長 : 張全 New Friends Table 新朋友桌 : 徐思進 ( 國語 ), 黎惠忠, 陳靄蟬 ( 粵語 ), 鄭敏舜執事 Ushers 招待 : 王毅 ( 總招待 ), 鄧志榮, 黃景健, 施振雄, 陳寶蓮, 李振峰 ( 停車場 ), 郭文彥 ( 停車場 ) A/V Room Workers 影音室同工 : 徐灴光 ( 禱告帶領 ), 黃偉華 6


珊瑚泉華人浸信教會 Chinese Baptist Church of Coral Springs Sunday Worship Service 主日崇拜 Sun., 9:00 AM ( 日 ) Sun., 10:30 AM ( 日 ) Sun., 12:00 PM ( 日 ) Sun., 9:00 AM ( 日 ) Sun., 10:30 AM ( 日 ) Sunday School 主日學 Prayer Meeting 禱告會 Thur., 8:00 PM ( 四 ) Luke Cantonese Fellowship 路加粵語團契 Matthew Mandarin Fellowship 馬太國語團契 Matthew Fellowship Youth Group 馬太國語青年組 Matthew Fellowship Chinese Young Adult Agape 馬太國語愛加倍社青小組 Mandarin Bible Study 國語查經班 Enoch Senior Fellowship 以諾長者團契 KCFC Children Fellowship 兒童團契 Living Stones English Fellowship 活石英語團契 John Christian Youth Fellowship 約翰英語青少年團契 1Young Adult Fellowship 英語青年團契 Fri., 7:30 PM ( 五 ) 1 st & 4 th Sun., 1:00 PM ( 日 ) Fri., 7:30 PM ( 五 ) Fri., 8:00 PM ( 五 ) Fri., 7:30 PM ( 五 ) Wed., 10:00 AM ( 三 ) Wed., 12:00 PM ( 三 ) English 英 English/Mandarin/Cantonese 英 / 國 / 粵 Fellowship Lunch 團契午餐 Chinese Adult/ Children 中文成人 / 兒童 English Adult/ Youth/ Children 英文成人 / 青少年 / 兒童 Bible Study 查經 Bible Study 查經 Lunch 午餐 3 rd Sun. of each month, 12:30 PM 第三個禮拜日 Fri., 7:30 PM ( 五 ) Fri., 8:00 PM ( 五 ) Wed., 7:30 PM ( 三 ) Sun., 10:45 AM ( 日 ) Restaurant Fellowship Wed., 5:00 PM ( 三 ) Wed., 7:00 PM ( 三 ) (remote location, contact church office) Sunday School 主日學 West Palm Beach Mission 西棕櫚灘福音堂 Location 聚會地點 : Village Baptist Church: 3600 Village Blvd., West Palm Beach, FL 33407 Sunday Worship Service 主日崇拜 3 rd Sun., 11:00 AM ( 第三個禮拜日 ) Sunday School 主日學 Restaurant Fellowship 餐福團契 Bible Study 查經班 3 rd Sun., 9:30 AM ( 第三個禮拜日 ) 3 rd Sun., 11:30 AM ( 第三個禮拜日 ) Adult 成人 Children 兒童 1 st and 2 nd Monday, 6:00 PM ( 第一 第二個禮拜一 ) 1 st and 2 nd Monday, 7:00 PM ( 第一 第二個禮拜一 ) Bible Study Guide 讀經指引 : 1. Read it through: get something definite 閱讀 : 找到明確內容 2. Pray it in: the Holy Spirit will enlighten 禱告 : 聖靈將會啟發 3. Write it down: mark your Bible 書寫 : 在聖經上作筆記 4. Work it out: in daily life 實踐 : 日常生活 5. Pass it on: tell others 傳遞 : 傳播福音 Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law. 求你開我的眼睛, 使我看出你律法中的奇妙 ( 詩篇 Psalm 119:18) May 五月 29 日 2 Chronicles 歷代志下 28-30 May 五月 30 日 2 Chronicles 歷代志下 31-33 May 五月 31 日 2 Chronicles 歷代志下 34-36 June 六月 01 日 Ezra 以斯拉記 1-2 June 六月 02 日 Ezra 以斯拉記 3-5 June 六月 03 日 Ezra 以斯拉記 6-7 June 六月 04 日 Ezra 以斯拉記 8 8