This component will be assessed through students audio recordings. Students have to submit their audio recordings to their subject teachers by 8 April

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HOUGANG SECONDARY SCHOOL 2 Hougang St 93 Singapore 534256 Tel: 6385 1990 Fax: 6385 2015 SECONDARY TWO NORMAL ACADEMIC SUBJECT EXAM FORMAT TOPICS TESTED Paper 1: Writing (1 hour 50 minutes) Section A: Editing (10 marks) Candidates to identify and edit grammatical errors in a short written text. Section B: Situational Writing (30 marks) Candidates write 150 200 words on a given situation which will involve viewing of a visual text. Section C: Continuous Writing (30 marks) Candidates write 200 300 words on one of four topics set. Paper 2: Comprehension (1 hour 50 minutes) Section A: Visual Text Comprehension (5 marks) Candidates respond to questions based on Text 1, a visual text. Section B: Narrative Comprehension (20 marks) Candidates respond to a variety of questions based on Text 2 which is a narrative or a recount. ENGLISH LANGUAGE Section C: Non-Narrative Comprehension (25 marks) Candidates respond to a variety of questions based on Text 3, a non-narrative text, and write an 80-word response to a summary writing task. Paper 3: Listening (About 45 minutes) Section A (24 marks) Candidates respond to a variety of listening tasks based on a number of audio recordings which the candidates will hear twice. Section B (6 marks) Candidates listen to an audio recording and do a simple note-taking exercise. Candidates will hear the recording only once. This component will be conducted during curriculum time, on 4 May 2016. Paper 4: Oral Communication (About 20 minutes including 10 minutes of preparation time) The two parts in this paper are thematically linked. Section A: Reading Aloud (10 marks) Candidates read aloud a short text. Section B: Spoken Interaction (20 marks) Candidates engage in a discussion with the examiners on a topic based on a visual stimulus.

This component will be assessed through students audio recordings. Students have to submit their audio recordings to their subject teachers by 8 April 2016. CHINESE LANGUAGE 试 卷 一 : 这 份 试 卷 包 括 实 用 文 和 作 文 两 部 分 考 生 在 写 作 时, 可 以 使 用 考 评 局 规 定 的 词 典 Paper 1: 60 marks Duration: 1hr 30 第 一 部 分 : 实 用 文 (Email Writing (20 marks)) 考 生 必 须 写 一 个 电 子 邮 件, 字 数 在 150 以 上 考 生 可 以 根 据 所 提 供 的 电 邮 内 容 写 一 个 电 邮 第 二 部 分 : 作 文 (Composition (40 marks)) 考 生 可 以 从 四 道 题 目 中 任 选 一 题, 字 数 在 240 以 上 考 查 的 文 体 包 括 记 叙 文 情 景 题 或 完 成 文 章 试 卷 二 : 语 文 理 解 与 应 用 Paper 2: 60 marks Duration: 1 hr 30 min MOTHER TONGUE 这 份 试 卷 考 查 的 项 目 包 括 : 第 一 部 分 : 综 合 填 空 (Cloze Passage) 考 生 根 据 所 提 供 的 短 文 内 容 和 上 下 文 的 意 思, 选 出 正 确 的 答 案 第 二 部 分 : 阅 读 理 解 ( 一 )(Comprehension (Multiple Choice Questions)) 考 生 根 据 所 提 供 的 3 至 4 个 短 文 的 内 容, 选 出 正 确 的 答 案 第 三 部 分 : 阅 读 理 解 ( 二 )(Comprehension (Open Ended)) 考 生 根 据 所 提 供 的 2 至 3 个 短 文 的 内 容 回 答 问 题 试 卷 三 : 口 试 Paper 3: 60 Marks Duration: 10-15 mins 在 考 试 前, 考 生 会 有 10 分 钟 的 时 间 默 读 短 文 和 准 备 看 视 频 说 话 第 一 部 分 : 朗 读 短 文 (Reading Aloud Passage) 考 生 必 须 朗 读 一 个 短 文

第 二 部 分 : 会 话 (Conversation) 考 生 针 对 所 提 供 的 视 频 谈 谈 自 己 的 感 受 或 看 法 试 卷 三 : 听 力 理 解 Paper 4: Listening Comprehension 20 marks Duration: 30 mins 这 份 试 卷 包 括 两 部 分, 共 有 10 道 选 择 题 考 生 先 听 录 音, 然 后 回 答 问 题 第 一 部 分 包 括 三 个 极 短 对 话 或 语 段 ( 3 Conversation Passages) 第 二 部 分 包 括 三 个 理 解 篇 章, 考 查 的 内 容 包 括 : 日 常 会 话 广 告 说 明 故 事 新 闻 报 道 等 (3 Comprehension Passages) Paper 1: Composition (60 Marks) Duration: 1 h 30min MALAY LANGUAGE Bahagian A (20 marks) E-mel tidak Rasmi dan E-mel Rasmi Bahagian B (40 marks) o penulisan esei- deskriptif, naratif, ekspositori Paper 2: Language and Comprehension (60 marks) Duration: 1hr 30 mins Bahagian A: Penggunaan Bahasa (20marks) Imbuhan Peribahasa Melengkapkan teks Bahagian B: (10 marks) Pemahaman MCQ Bahagian C: (30 marks) Pemahaman Subjektif- 1 teks naratif Paper 3 (20 marks)

Kefahaman Mendengar (20 marks) Duration: 30 mins 10 items - MCQ Oral (60 marks) Duration: 20 mins Bacaan Lantang (20 marks) Perbualan berdasarkan video (40 marks) SUBJECT EXAM FORMAT TOPICS TESTED MATHEMATICS Paper 1 : 1 hour (50%) Short structured questions Calculators are allowed Paper 2 : 1 hr 30 mins (50%) Questions of varying length and marks Calculators are allowed Topics : 1) Chapter 1 : Linear Equations and Inequalities in One Variable 2) Chapter 2 : Coordinates and Linear Functions 3) Chapter 3: Proportion 4) Chapter 4: Linear Equations in Two Variables 5) Chapter 5: Quadrilaterals and Polygons only 6)Chapter 6: Congruence only SUBJECT EXAM FORMAT TOPICS TESTED SCIENCE Question Paper (20 m) 20 Multiple Choice Questions Answer Booklet (50 m) Section A - 30 marks (Short Structured Questions) Ch 11 - Human Digestive System Ch 15 - Energy and Work Done Ch 16 - Transfer of Sound Energy Through Vibrations Ch 17 - Effects of Heat and its Transmission

Section B - 20 marks (Long Structured Questions) Duration : 1 hr 30 mins Total marks : 70 marks Calculator is allowed HISTORY 4 Source Based Questions (2 Inference Questions, 1 Comparison Question, 1 Evaluative Question)(20 marks) 2 Structured Essay Questions (15 marks) Total marks: 35 marks TIme Given: 1 hr 15 min Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8 DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY Duration for Written SA 1: 1 hr (50 marks) Section A: 15 marks MCQ Questions Section B: 10 marks Structured Questions Section C: 25 marks Structured and Short answer questions CH 1-2: Design and Aesthetics CH 5: Mechanism and Electronics CH 6: Design Method CH 7: Definition of Needs CH 9: Generating and developing Ideas CH 11: Design Communication Ch 12: Planning CH 14: Working with materials Exam paper will be given to candidates three weeks before the school main examination dates. Logo Design or Poster Design Answer one question only 1. Write your full name, register number, class and the question number on the top right hand corner of the front of each sheet of paper. ART 2. You are required to submit 2 pieces (3 pages) of preparatory studies (A3 size) for assessment together with the examination work. The entire submission will be assessed as a whole. 3. You are required to provide your own drawing and colouring materials. Drawing paper will be provided on the day of the art exam. 4. You are allowed to refer to your preliminary studies during the exam.