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Business Services Centre 企業人才培訓中心 Professional Diploma in Retail Operation Management 零售營運管理專業文憑 (BA424019P) QF Level 4 資歷架構第四級別

Business Services Centre 企 業 人 才 培 訓 中 心 Professional Diploma in Retail Operation Management 零 售 營 運 管 理 專 業 文 憑 Business Services Centre Business Services Centre is a member of the Business Administration Discipline, Institute of Vocational Education, VTC. It was merged from Pro-Act Training and Development Centre (Retail) and Pro-Act Training and Development Centre (Global Business) in 2012. The Centre is committed to provide quality and effective practical training courses to meet the industry training needs. To keep abreast of the ever changing manpower needs, the Centre has strengthened strategic partnerships and interfaces with employers and stakeholders. Targeting at in-service personnel, a highly interactive training approach is adopted in all courses whereby learners' participation and practical application of the skills learned are accorded much emphasis. Programme Aims This programme aims to provide in-service practitioners with related knowledge and skills in specific areas of retail operation management in order to enhance the service standard and management effectiveness. The programme is based on Retail Specification of Competency Standards (SCS) with Chinese as the medium of instruction. 企 業 人 才 培 訓 中 心 課 程 宗 旨

Programme Structure 課 程 概 要 及 內 容 This programme has 6 s. Module Module Code Credit Value Curriculum Hours Fundamental Accounting for Retail Industry 1. Basic analysis of financial statement 2. Master basic knowledge of cost 3. Master fundamental knowledge of cost allocation, control and store budgeting MPR4818 15 30 Retail Human Resources Management 1. Recruit and select personnel 2. Analyze training need and develop staff training and development programmes 3. Handle staff remuneration and benefits 4. Manage the subordinate s work performance 5. Manage the retail team MPR4849 21 42 Store Management 1. Implement pricing strategies 2. Deploy staff 3. Formulate staff working guidelines 4. Manage store displays 5. Provide well-maintained security environment at stores MPR4850 24 48 Implement Retail Business Plan and Risk & Crisis Management 1. Implement business plan 2. Manage retail store inventory 3. Implement crisis management plan 4. Implement risk management of retail store MPR4851 21 42 Retail Branding and Marketing Communication 1. Implement brand promotion strategies 2. Retail brand communication strategy 3. Implement and monitor marketing activities 4. Plan online market communication MPR4852 21 42 Quality Retail Sales Team and Customer Services 1. Master consumer psychology and behaviour 2. Handle customers complaints 3. Lead a sales team 4. Manage mystery shopper activities 5. Review products and services to maintain customer satisfaction level 6. Review customer service scheme MPR4853 24 48 126 252

Award 證書 1 3 2 (Level 4) 證書 (第四級別) 4 6 Upon successful completion of each and pass the assessment with minimum 70% attendance 5 Professional Diploma in Retail Operation Management 完成任何一個單元並通過評估及出席率達70% Professional Diploma in Retail Operation Management 零售營運管理專業文憑 Upon successful completion of all six s and pass theassessment with minimum 70% attendance within 2 years 於兩年內 成功完成六個單元並通過評估及出席率達70% QF Level 資歷架構級別 Level 4 第四級別 QF Registration number 15/002093/L4, Validity period from 01/05/2015 to 31/08/2016 資歷名冊登記號碼 15/002093/L4, 有效期由 01/05/2015 至 31/08/2016 Commencement Date / Time / Course Fee 開課日期 / 上課時間 / 學費 Please refer to course schedule or visit Business Services Centre website or contact our hotline (Please refer to inquiry section) 請參閱課程時間表或登入 企業人才培訓中心 網站或致電中心熱線查詢 (請參閱 報名查詢 欄) Venue 上課地點 IVE (Haking Wong), 702 Lai Chi Kok Road, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon (Exit B, MTR Cheung Sha Wan) 九龍長沙灣荔枝角道702號 香港專業教育學院(黃克競) (長沙灣港鐵站B出口) Programme Duration 修讀時間 1-2 years (Part-time) 1-2年 (兼讀制)

Entry Requirement 申請資格 Five HKDSE subjects at Level 2 or above, including English and Chinese Languages and with relevant work experience, or equivalent; or Five HKCEE subjects at Grade E/Level 2 or above, including English and Chinese Languages and with relevant work experience, or equivalent ; or Completion of a QF Level 3 programme that is deemed acceptable to the respective Programme Board and with relevant work experience; or Relevant RPL qualification(s) at QF Level 3 or above AND a pass in an entrance assessment, which can be either oral or written; or Other relevant verifiable prior learning and/or work experience that is/are deemed appropriate by respective Programme Board AND a pass in an entrance assessment, which can be either oral or written. Mature applicants, i.e. those aged 23 or above with at least two years relevant working experience, may also be accepted. Where appropriate, the applicant may be required to pass an entrance assessment, which can be in an oral and/or written form 持香港中學文憑考試五科成績達第二級或以上 包括英國語文及中國語文 或同等學歴 及 具相關的工作經驗 或 持香港中學會考五科成績達E級 第二級或以上 包括英國語文及中國語文 或同等學歴 及 具相關的工作經驗 或 修畢獲認可的 資歷架構 級別3之相關證書課程 及 具相關的工作經驗 或 持有相關的 過往資歷認可 級別3或以上資歷 及通過入學面試或筆試 或 課程委員會 認為合適的其它可核證之過往學習及/或工作經驗及通過入學面試或筆試 或 年滿23歲的成年學員 擁有2年相關工作經驗 如有需要 中心會以面試或筆試進行收生甄選程序 Note 備註 Applicants who took HKCEE English Language in 2006 or before should have attained Grade E or above (Syllabus B) / Grade C or above (Syllabus A). 持2006年或以前中學會考學歷者 英文科考試成績須達茂級(課程乙)/丙級(課程甲)或以上 Application Procedures 報名方法 Please complete and return the application form (download from website) together with a crossed cheque payable to Vocational Training Council to Business Services Centre by mail or in person (Please refer to Inquiry section) 請填妥報名表(可於網站下載)連同劃線支票 (抬頭人 職業訓練局) 郵寄或親臨 企業人才培訓中心 報名 (請參閱 報名查詢 欄) 職業訓練局可因應情況於開學前取消任何課程 修正課程名稱 內容或更改開辦課程的院校 分校 上課地點 及作其他修訂 VTC reserves the right to cancel any programme, revise programme content or change the offering venue(s) before class commencement if circumstances so warrant.

Inquiry 報名查詢 Business Services Centre 企業人才培訓中心 Tel 電話 2957-5705 Fax 傳真 2591-1584 Email 電郵 rttc@vtc.edu.hk Website 網址 www.vtc.edu.hk/ba/ivesite/html/tc/ba_bsc.html Address 地址 Room 232, IVE (HW), 702 Lai Chi Kok Road, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon 九龍 長沙灣 荔枝角道702號 香港專業教育學院(黃克競) 232室 Copyright 2015 Vocational Training Council. All rights reserved. 職業訓練局 版權所有