全年優惠一般條款及細則 1 除特別註明外, 推廣期由 2016 年 10 月 08 日起至 2017 年 12 月 31 日 ( 包括首尾两日 ) 2 持卡人須於惠顧前出示 WeWa 卡 ( 如適用 ), 並以該卡簽賬付款方可享優惠 3 優惠可能不適用於公眾假期及節日 ( 前夕及正日 ) 及商戶不時

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图 书 在 版 编 目 (CIP) 数 据 临 床 肿 瘤 学 : 全 2 册 /( 美 ) 尼 德 胡 贝 尔 (Niederhuber,J.E.) 等 原 著 ; 孙 燕 译. -- 北 京 : 人 民 军 医 出 版 社, ISBN Ⅰ.1 临



全年優惠一般條款及細則 1 除特別註明外, 推廣期由 2016 年 10 月 08 日起至 2017 年 12 月 31 日 ( 包括首尾两日 ) 2 持卡人須於惠顧前出示 WeWa 卡 ( 如適用 ), 並以該卡簽賬付款方可享優惠 3 優惠可能不適用於公眾假期及節日 ( 前夕及正日 ) 及商戶不時指定之其他日子, 詳情請向有關參與商戶查詢 4 優惠須視乎供應情況而定 如有任何更改, 將以惠顧時之優惠詳情為準 5 優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用, 亦不可兌換現金 其他貨品及不可轉讓 6 所有商品資料 價目及圖片只供參考 7 除此宣傳品所含之條款及細則外, 優惠亦須受有關商戶的其他條款約束, 詳情請參考個別優惠及推廣或向有關商戶查詢 8 商戶有權更改優惠推廣之期限, 安信信貸有限公司 ( 安信 ) 概不承擔任何有關是項更改的責任, 亦恕不另行通知客戶 9 如有參與商戶停止營業, 該參與商戶所提供之優惠將會即時終止 10 安信對商戶提供的食品 產品或服務質素概不承擔任何責任及賠償, 商戶將負上所有食品 產品及服務的法律責任 11 安信及商戶保留毋須事先通知的情況下更改 暫停或取消有關推廣及 / 或修訂其條款及細則的酌情權 12 安信及商戶對所有推廣及優惠事宜與及爭議保留最終決定權 如此條款及細則的中 英文版有所差異, 一概以英文版為準 商戶全年優惠一般條款及細則 中國旅行社不能與其它優惠同時使用 中華航空 1. 推廣期由即日起至 2017 年 9 月 30 日 2. 本優惠不可與中華航空其他優惠合併使用 ( 例 : 會員生日優惠 其他信用卡優惠 企業會員專區 等等 ) 3. 本優惠不適用於指定推廣產品, 有關詳情請聯絡香港華航客服中心 4. 機票須於指定專區內購票, 折扣優惠僅限 票價 部份, 機場稅金 均為代收代付款項 5. 開票時最終售價或因當日匯率之差異而稍有不同 本優惠推廣中所示的票價將受機位供應情況限制, 並以先到先得的 形式出售 ; 如同行旅客人數眾多, 本公司並不保證可成功訂妥同一航班 6. 機票須受有關條款及細則約束, 購票時請先詳閱票價規則 7. 機票須於以上優惠期內完成開立, 倘因其他系統原因造成交易失敗, 本公司將不另作安排 8. 安信信貸有限公司並非產品及服務之供應商, 故不會承擔任何有關產品及服務質素之一切責任 9. 安信信貸有限公司及中華航空 / 華信航空均保留權利隨時更改上述條款及細則而毋須另行通知 10. 如有任何爭議, 安信信貸有限公司及中華航空 / 華信航空保留最終決定權 11. 查詢請聯絡香港華航客服中心推廣專線線 (852)2843-9230 電影城 ( 朗豪坊 ) 1. 於優惠期 2016 年 10 月 15 日至 2017 年 10 月 14 日內 (2016 年 12 月 15 日至 31 日 2017 年 1 月 1 日至 2 日及 2017 年 1 月 26 日至 2 月 15 日之放映日除外 ) 經 Cinema City 朗豪坊票房以 WeWa 信用卡購買正價 2D/ 全景聲 /3D 電影戲票, 即可獲享 9 折優惠 2. 折扣後之戲票票價會調高至最接近之個位結算 3. 客戶每宗交易可購買最多 8 張優惠戲票 4. 2D/ 全景聲 /3D 電影戲票 9 折 適用於由安信信貸有限公司所發行之 WeWa 信用卡之客戶 5. 此優惠由 2016 年 10 月 15 日起生效至 2017 年 10 月 14 日 ( 包括首尾兩日 ) 6. 此優惠只限於 Cinema City 朗豪坊票房購票, 優惠並不適用於網站 手機應用程式及自助售票機 7. 此優惠不適用於 4DX 電影 8. 戲票以先到先得形式發售, 並需視乎有關座位供應量而定 如因全院滿座而對客戶造成任何不便, 安信信貸有限公司及 CCLP 概不負責 9. 此等優惠不適用於所有下午 2 時前放映之電影場次 星期二放映之電影場次 優先場 特別場 電影節電影 其他非電影內容及任何與片商有特別協議之電影 與片商有特別協議之電影, 詳情請參閱 CCLP 之告示 10. 除特別註明外, 此等優惠不可互相或與其他推廣 折扣或優惠券同時使用 不可轉讓予其他人 不可兌換現金或其他優惠 11. 安信信貸有限公司及 CCLP 保留隨時終止此等優惠及修改其條款及細則之權利而無須另行通知 12. 如有任何爭議, 安信信貸有限公司及 CCLP 保留最終決定權 13. 如中英文條款有所差異, 一概以英文版本為準

hutchgo.com 1. 客戶須以 WeWa 卡簽賬付款並於網上付款時提交電子禮券編碼 "WeWa5" 方可享有優惠 2. 此電子禮券必須於 2016 年 10 月 11 日至 2017 年 12 月 31 日期間提交 3. 有效出發日期由 2016 年 10 月 21 日開始至 2018 年 1 月 10 日 4. 優惠不適用於任何手續費 稅款 附加費及服務費 5. 此電子禮券只可使用一次 ; 每次交易只可使用電子優惠碼一張 6. 預訂一經確認, 不接受後補電子優惠劵 如有任何查詢, 請電郵至 customerservice@hutchgo.com.hk 7. 此電子禮券不能與其他優惠或折扣一併使用, 亦不可兌換現金或現金等價物 8. 此電子禮券碼並不適用於酒店前檯付款之酒店及需專人回覆之酒店預訂 9. 任何未使用的服務將自動失效, 不可退款或兌換其他服務 10. Hutchison Travel Limited 保留有關此電子優惠碼的所有事項的最終決定權 來佬餐館優惠不適用於 2016 年 12 月 23 至 27 及 31 日,2017 年 12 月 22 至 26 及 31 日, 公眾假期及公眾假期前夕 三井住友保險 1. 此旅遊保險由三井住友海上火災保險 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 ( 三井住友保險 ) 承保 安信信貸有限公司 ( 安信信貸 ) 為三 井住友保險之委任保險代理商 2. 推廣期由 2016 年 10 月 11 日至 2017 年 12 月 31 日, 包括首尾兩天 ( 推廣期 ) 3. 於推廣期內, 客戶致電指定三井住友保險客戶服務中心, 成功投保三井住友保險的旅遊保障計劃可獲此推廣優惠 ( 合 資格客戶 ) 4. 符合有關要求的合資格客戶, 可享單次旅程旅遊保障計劃 6 折保費優惠 5. 符合有關要求的合資格客戶, 可享全年旅遊保障計劃首年 6 折保費優惠 6. 首年 6 折保費優惠, 不適用於過去 3 個月內 ( 由申請日起計 ) 持有全年旅遊保障計劃的客戶 7. 本條款及細則只敘述此推廣優惠, 並未提及三井住友保險保單 ( 保單 ) 或任何保障範圍或其下內容, 建議客戶於投 保此推廣優惠之旅遊保障計劃前閱讀及明白其保單 8. 三井住友保險保留隨時更改或終止此推廣優惠及 / 或修訂條款及細則之權利 9. 如對此推廣優惠及其條款及細則之詮釋有任何爭議, 三井住友保險保留最終決定權 10. 此推廣優惠詳情, 條款及細則之中英文版內容如有歧義, 概以英文版本為準 RedMR 紅人派對 1. 只限觀塘及灣仔店 2. 優惠不適用於 2016 年 12 月 23 至 27 及 31 日 2017 年 12 月 22 至 26 及 31 日, 公眾假期及公眾假期前夕 上海佬優惠不適用於 2016 年 12 月 23 至 27 及 31 日,2017 年 12 月 22 至 26 及 31 日, 公眾假期及公眾假期前夕 Oyster Cove 1. 訂購海鮮中盤即送法國生蠔 6 隻 海鮮中盤包括空運生蠔 8 隻 北海道帶子 2 份 珍寶生蝦 6 隻 海膽 1 板 車厘蜆 4 隻 法國珍珠螺 1 份及法國 BB 蝦 1 份 ($1,088) 2. 只適用於外送速遞或外賣自取 3. 優惠不適用於公眾假期 公眾假期前夕及公眾假期翌日 永明眼鏡隱型眼鏡及藥水除外 Zalora 1. 適用於 ZALORA.COM.HK 上之正價貨品和減價貨品 2. 部分品牌和由賣家出售及寄出之貨品不設折扣, 詳情請參閱 http://support.zalora.com.hk/ 3. 此推廣編碼不能與其他推廣優惠同時使用 4. 此推廣編碼有效期至 2017 年 12 月 31 日 5. 如有任何爭議,ZALORA (Hong Kong) Limited 保留最終決定權 Terms and Conditions of Year Round Merchant Offers 1. Unless otherwise specified, offers are valid from 8 th October 2016 to 31 st December 2017 (both days inclusive). 2. Cardholders must present and settle payment with WeWa Card (if applicable) to enjoy the offers. 3. Offers may not be available during public holidays and festive seasons (Eve and Festive Day) or such other blackout dates as may be designated from time to time by the merchants. Please contact the participating

merchants for details. 4. Offers are subject to availability. Any change to the offer terms will be subject to the prevailing circumstances at the time of patronage. 5. Offers cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers, exchanged for cash or other products and are non-transferable. 6. All merchandise information, price and images are for reference only. 7. Apart from the terms and conditions as listed in this promotion material, offers are subject to specific terms and conditions of the respective merchants. For details, please refer to the individual offer and promotion or check with respective merchants. 8. The merchants reserve the right to change the promotion validity; PrimeCredit Limited ( PrimeCredit ) accepts no responsibility for any such change and will not notify cardholders separately for any such change. 9. Upon closure of the respective merchants, the relevant offers shall be terminated immediately. 10. PrimeCredit accepts no liability for the quality of or any other matters relating to the food, products, services and offers provided by the merchants. The merchants are solely responsible for all obligations and liabilities relating to the food, products and services on offer. 11. PrimeCredit and the merchants each reserves its right to suspend, change, or terminate the offers or amend the offer terms and conditions at its sole discretion without prior notice. 12. All matters and disputes will be subject to the final decision of PrimeCredit and the Merchants. Should there be any discrepancy or inconsistency between the English and the Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail. Merchants Year Round Offers General Terms and Conditions China Travel Service The promotion is not valid with any other promotion by China Travel Service (H.K.) Ltd. China Airlines 1. Ticket issue period: 01 st Oct 2016 to 30 th Sep 2. This offer cannot be combined with other promotion offers. (Ex: Member Birthday Promotion, other credit card promotion, Corporate Mileage Program...etc). 3. This offer may not be applicable to dedicated promotion products, please contact China Airlines Customer Service Hotline for further enquiry. 4. Tickets must be purchased via dedicated promotion page. The discount is applicable only to the net fare but not applicable to fuel surcharge and taxes. 5. Prices may change slightly as the daily foreign exchange rates vary. All fares are subject to limited seat availability and might not be applicable to all flights and/or dates and are on first-come-first serve basis. Passengers travel as companion will not be guaranteed to confirm on the same flight. 6. Different terms and conditions apply to all air tickets, please read and confirm your understanding of such before proceeding to purchase. 7. Tickets must be issued on/before the expiry of this offer. China Airlines is not responsible of any irregularity it may arise nor any alternative arrangement of such. 8. Prime Credit Limited is not the supplier of product/service/information and accepts no liability for the quality of or any other matters related to the products and services in this offer. 9. Prime Credit Limited and China Airlines/Mandarin Airlines reserve the right to modify and interpret or the rights and interests of terminating the sales terms without prior notice. 10. In case of any dispute, the decision of Prime Credit Limited and China Airlines/Mandarin Airlines will be final. 11. For enquiry, please contact China Airlines Customer Service Hotline (852) 2843 9230. Cinema City Langham Place 1. Any purchase of a regular-priced 2D/3D/Atmos movie tickets made by WeWa Visa Card at the box office of Cinema City Langham Place within the promotion period, from 1 Oct 2016 to 30 Sept 2017, (except the movie show dates of December 15 31, 2016, January 1 2, 2017 and January 26 February 15, 2017) will be entitled to 10% off. 2. The discounted movie ticket price will be rounded up to the nearest dollar. 3. Cardholders can purchase a maximum of 8 discount tickets for each transaction. 4. The offer of "2D/3D/Atmos movie tickets" applies to the cardholders of WeWa Visa Card issued by Prime Credit. 5. Offers are valid from 1 Oct 2016 to 30 Sept 2017 (both days inclusive). 6. This offer is only applicable to ticket purchase at the box office of Cinema City Langham Place and not applicable to online ticketing (website and mobile app) and kiosk machines. 7. This offer is not applicable to 4DX movies. 8. Movie tickets are sold on first-come-first-served basis, subject to availability. Prime Credit and CCLP accept no liability for any inconvenience caused to any Cardholders in "full house" situations. 9. The Offers are not applicable for all films with a screening time commencing before 2:00pm, films screening on

Tuesday, preview films, special films, films being screened within movie festival shows, alternative content and any particular movies requested by movie distributors as announced by CCLP. 10. Unless otherwise specified, the offer cannot be used in conjunction with each other, or other special promotions, discounts or promotional coupons, nor be transferred or exchanged for cash or other offers. 11. Prime Credit and CCLP reserve the right to terminate the offer or amend their terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. 12. All matters and disputes are subject to the final decision of Prime Credit and CCLP. 13. In the event of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of these Terms and Conditions, the English version shall prevail. hutchgo.com 1. To enjoy the offers, cardholders must settle payment with WeWa Visa Cards and key in the ecoupon codes Wewa5 respectively at the time of payment. 2. The ecoupon code must be submitted between 11 October 2016 to 31 December 3. Valid travel period starts from 21 October 2016 to 10 January 2018. 4. Discount excludes the applicable taxes, service charges, surcharges and processing fee. 5. This ecoupon is for one-time redemption and only one coupon can be used for each transaction. 6. No ecoupon code can be used after the reservation is confirmed. For inquiries, please email to customerservice@hutchgo.com.hk. 7. This ecoupon cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers or discounts and cannot be redeemed for cash or cash equivalent neither. 8. This ecoupon cannot be used for hotel booking settled at the hotel front desk and on request hotel reservation. 9. Any unused services, refund is not applicable and not valid for exchange of other services. 10. Hutchison Travel Limited reserves the rights of final decision on all matters relating to this offer. Loyal Dining Offer is not applicable on public holiday, public holiday eve, Dec 23 to 27 and 31, 2016 and Dec 22 to 26 and 31, MSIG Insurance 1. Travel Insurance is underwritten by MSIG Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited ( MSIG ). PrimeCredit Limited ( PrimeCredit ) is an insurance agent of MSIG. 2. The promotion period is between 11 October 2016 and 31 December 2017, both dates inclusive, (the Promotion Period ). 3. Offers under the promotion are available to successful applicants of Travel Insurance of MSIG, whose relevant application is made on designated MSIG s customer service center during the Promotion Period ( Eligible Customer ). 4. Subject to the fulfillment of relevant requirement, Eligible Customer may be entitled to a 40% premium discount of the Single Trip Travel Insurance. 5. Subject to the fulfillment of relevant requirement, Eligible Customer may be entitled to a 40% premium discount for the first policy year of the Annual Cover Travel Insurance. 6. Customer who held Annual Cover Travel Insurance in the past 3 months (calculated from the date of application), will not be eligible for the 40% premium discount for the first policy year. 7. These terms and conditions are related to the promotional offers only and no reference has been made to any MSIG insurance policy ( Policy ) or any coverage or content thereunder. Customers must read and understand the Policy before applying for the relevant insurance. 8. MSIG reserves the right to alter or terminate the promotional offers and/or amend the terms and conditions at any without notice. 9. All matters or disputes in relation to the promotional offers and interpretation of terms and conditions shall be subject to the decision of MSIG, which shall be final and binding. 10. If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English and the Chinese versions of these terms and conditions and any details of the promotional offers, the English version shall prevail. RedMR 1. Kwun Tong and Wan Chai Branches only 2. Offer is not applicable on public holiday, public holiday eve, Dec 23 to 27 and 31, 2016 and Dec 22 to 26 and 31, Shanghai Lo Offer is not applicable on public holiday, public holiday eve, Dec 23 to 27 and 31, 2016 and Dec 22 to 26 and 31,

Oyster Cove 1 Six free oysters when ordering Medium Seafood Set ($1088). Medium seafood set includes 8 pieces of oysters, 2 serving of Hokkaido Scallop, 6 pieces of Jumbo Shrimp, 1 serving of Sea Urchin, 4 pieces of Cherrystone, 1 serving of France Pearl Screw and 1 serving of France Baby Shrimp. 2 Only applicable for courier or take away. 3 Not applicable on public holidays, public holidays eves and the day after public holidays. Wing Ming Optical The offers are not applicable to contact lens and personal care solutions. Zalora 1. Valid on regular priced and sale items at ZALORA.COM.HK 2. Discount excludes non-sale brands, for more details, please refer to http://support.zalora.com.hk/ 3. The promotion code cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers 4. Code expires on 31/12/2017 5. ZALORA (Hong Kong) Limited reserves the right to make final decisions in case of dispute CC16144