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カテゴリー Ⅱ 日本建築学会環境系論文集第 82 巻第 737 号,643-652,2017 年 7 月 J. Environ. Eng., AIJ, Vol. 82 No. 737, 643-652, Jul., 2017 DOI http://doi.org/10.3130/aije.82.643 木造ダブルスキンの熱挙動実測調査と地域別適用可能性の検討 EXAMINATION OF THE USE OF DOUBLE-SKINNEDSIDING FOR WOODEN STRUCTURES WITH CONSIDERATIONS FOR USES IN VARIOUS CLIMATIC ENVIRONMENTS 山口温 * **, 武田仁 Haru YAMAGUCHI and Hitoshi TAKEDA Double-skinneDSiding (DS) and its buffer zone on thermal environments of both new and old wooden structures found throughout Japan is examined herein. Our simulation shows electricity usage drops 20% during the summer with DS. During the winter, DS helps raise the room temperature by almost 5C. During the intermediate seasons, the heat in the buffer zone (30W/m 2 ) is released outside. Through our theoretical and experimental simulations, we verified that DS helps reduce electricity needed to heat and cool buildings in Tokyo, heat buildings in winter in Sapporo, and cool buildings in summer in Naha. KeyworDSSchool Facilities, Wood-Frame Double skin, Actual survey of Thermal environment, LESCOM, Season cooling and heating load LESCOM 2010 1 2 3 DS DS DS DS 2015 3 DS DS 3 DS DS 4 DS DS 5 6 7 8 Low-E DS 9 10 1112 13 14 DS DS 300 900 15 16 DS 1400 DS 1200 DS DS DS DS DS 14 18 DS * ** 関東学院大学建築 環境学部建築 環境学科専任講師 博士 ( 学術 ) 東京理科大学名誉教授 工博 Lect., Kanto Gakuin University, Ph. D. Prof. Emeritus, Tokyo University of Science, Dr. Eng. 643

DS 1 2 4 1m DS 1 2 1 2 1 2 14.5m 7.2m DS 22 2 DS DS 3 DS DS 6 7DS DS DS DS 12 DS DS DS 4 150mm 2 DS DS 200φ DS 3 5 DS 2013/8/9212012/12/242013/1/6 2013/9/2429 3 DS 644

DS case1 9:0018:00 case2 DS DS case1 case2 DS 3 DS 4 A-A 4 DS A-A DSDS 11 5 DS DS case1.1ds 8:00 1.9DS 33.8 6 DS 1 9:0017:00 13.1 /h 2027 /h 14:30 25.0 /h 3878 /h 17:000:00 11.0 /h 1703 /h 19:00 29.4 /h 4562 /h 7 DS DS DS DS 250W/9:20DS 132W/ DS 9W/DS 9:0018:00 135W/DS 64W/DS 5.5W/DS DS 645

8 DS 810W/11:00 35.88/1212:3034.78/1312:50 9:0018:00 26 9:00 1 5kWh DS 10:00 35.2 kwh 3.5 kwh 12:0014:00 5.5 kwh 44.0 kwh 4.4 kwh DS DS 20 PMVPredicted Mean Vote 9 DS PMV 27.2 DS 26.7PMV 0.5clo 1.0met 1.1m 0.51.0 DS ±0.5 10 case2.2 case2.2 8:0024:00 DS DS 9:0018:00 11:00 18:00 1.7 11 9:0024:00 DS 10 9:00 18:00 0.618:00 0.4 0.7 1213 case1case2 DS DS DS 35 34 9002400 33 32 31 900-18 30 1800-30 31 32 33 34 35 646

8:00 DS DS 517:00 DS DS case2 DS 4 DS 15 DS 14 DS DS case1 19:00 DS case2 DS DS 358:0010:00 DS DS DS DS 6 DS 11:00 DS 11 23 17DS 27 15 12.5 DS 15 case PMV PMV 1.2clo 1met 1.1case1 DS 10:0015:00 PMV2 DS DS 647

DS 16 873W/10:20DS 23.7 DS 22.7DS 5.1 17 DS 24.4 14:40 DS 23.7DS 24.2 0.7 ±0.5 DS 0.5 DS DS DS 18 DS 1 DS (1) DS GDS ids o DS 3.0 30W/ DS DS 96 W / 8 1400 DS 6080 W / 15 3 5 19 PMV PMV 1.0clo 1.0met 1.1m 0:008:00 DS PMV 1.5 8:00 ±0.5 8:00 0.51.0 LESCOM-mint 17 20 34 DS DS 18 1.5 /h 0.24A 17.5 /min 2 2122 (2) DS θ (3) (4) 648

[] [] [Pa] [Pa] h(=5.852) [m] (=0.7) [] 19 (=0.448) [] (=0.222) [] DS DS G.L. h 23 ads bds c 8/108/14 DS DS DS 24 ads bds c 12/2012/26 DS 5 DS LESCOM-mint DS DS 649

LESCOM-mint 25 5 1.4m DS 1 6 SDP 2015 26 DS 64.0GJDS 78.3GJ DS 2.1GJDS 11.6GJ DS 18 82 DS 27 DS 28.1GJDS 35.0GJ DS 22.3GJDS 41.9GJ DS 20 47 28 DS 122.2GJDS 158.5GJ DS 23 DS DS 3 1 DS 2027 /h 1703 /h 13 /h /h DS DS 20PMV 0.51.0 DS ±0.5 0.3 0.6 0.9 650

DS DS 5 3 DS DS DS DS DS 30W/ DS 5 DS DS 3050 DS 8:00 PMV ±0.5 0.7DS DS 2 LESCOM-mint DS DS 18 82 20 47 23 DS DS DS DS DS LESCOM pp.148-1502011. pp.12-202008.2 71 601 pp.81-882006.3 90 5 pp.335-3432016.5 1 No.130pp.19-282005.10 No.182pp.37-422012.5 D-2pp.957-9582009.8 2 D-2pp.1007-1008 2008.9 D-2 pp.1045-10462006.9 D-2pp.1267-12682009.8 1 pp.253-2562010.9 2 pp.341-3442009.9 D-2pp.1197-1198 2008.7 pp.381-3842008.8 2 D-2 pp.1387-13882006.9 3 D-2pp.1389-1390 2006.9 LESCOM2005.3 74 646 pp.1355-13622009.12 1 D-2pp.543-5442007.8 651

EXAMINATION OF THE USE OF DOUBLE-SKINNEDSIDING FOR WOODEN STRUCTURES WITH CONSIDERATIONS FOR USES IN VARIOUS CLIMATIC ENVIRONMENTS Haru YAMAGUCHI * and Hitoshi TAKEDA ** * Lect., Kanto Gakuin University, Ph. D. ** Prof. Emeritus, Tokyo University of Science, Dr. Eng. Recently wood is being promoted as a primary material used for public structures. With this promotion, the use of double-skinnedsiding (DS) is being incorporated in new buildings, and as older wooden structures are now being reinforced and reformed for continued use, DS is being incorporated in these buildings as well. We examined the efficacy of DS for maintaining a comfortable thermal environment within buildings. We used accumulated temperature data taken from our experiment location, a public school classroom environment, in the Tokyo Metropolitan area to better understand the use of DS for maintaining a comfortable temperature environment within the building. For our research, we focused on the following two topics: (1) Analysis of the data collected over a year at the experimental site1 We used an existing wooden structure that had had DS added to it. We were able to note the change in the room temperature with the addition of DS. In the summer, the inside of the DS with natural ventilation had a rate of circulation of 2027 m3/h, and with the fan, the amount of air circulation was noted as 13.1 times per hour. With DS, direct sunshine was reduced by 47.2% and helped to reduce energy consumption for cooling by 20%, and the PMV±0.5 was within the comfort zone. In the winter, sunlight warmed the DS, and the warmed air was pulled into the room via the floor ventilation, and when the temperature of the DS room was compared with a room without DS, the room with DS had a temperature 5 higher. The interior wall and floor surface temperature also rose by the vents installed in three areas in the room. The temperature of the inner glass surface of the DS was stable throughout the day contributing to the comfort of the room. During the nighttime, the fan could be stopped, and the use of the warmed air accumulated in the daytime was used to maintain warmth in the room. During the intermediate seasons, the use of the fan to circulate the air from the natural ventilation in the DS and the floor ventilation system was incorporated. With natural ventilation of the DS, the removal of the heat of about 30W/m2 occurred, and the DS room had a 5 differentiation in temperature when compared with a room without DS. (2) Examination of the Simulation Model for various environmental and climatic conditions The LESCOM-mint program was used to simulate the amount of energy required to maintain a heating and air system when DS is used for a wooden structure. Actual temperature data accumulated as well as theoretical considerations were combined to gain an understanding of the air and heating needs according to different climatic environments. We examined actual temperature measurements and the theoretical value for the summer and found both measurements to be in agreement. When considering the application of these findings for an elementary school environment, we determined that for optimal energy saving and maintenance of a comfortable environment a regular classroom should be on the southern side of the building and open space on the northern side, with DS of 1.4m placed on the southern wall. Through the use of the latest data collected from the Japanese Meteorological Agency (SDP) for Tokyo between 2010 and 2015, and the data collected from Sapporo and Naha from 2015, we have found that in areas like Tokyo, the adoption of DS is an energy-saving way to maintain a comfortable environment. In Sapporo, the warming effects and reduction in energy usage is also quite effective. For Naha, DS is effective in hot and humid environments. (2016 年 11 月 10 日原稿受理,2017 年 4 月 14 日採用決定 ) 652