OHIO STATE ATHLETICS COMMUNICATIONS 2017 Men s Gymnastics Results TEAM Jan Windy City Invitational - Season Record (4-1, 3-1 Big Ten) 1. Illinoi

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光 一 科 技 重 大 事 项, 特 停 茂 业 商 业 重 要 事 项 未 公 告, 连 续 停 牌 浙 富 控 股 重 大 事 项, 特 停 键 桥 通 讯 重 大 事 项, 特 停 黑 牛 食 品 重 大 事 项, 特 停

郑 州 煤 电 重 要 事 项 未 公 告, 连 续 停 牌 金 圆 股 份 重 大 事 项, 特 停 永 鼎 股 份 重 要 事 项 未 公 告, 连 续 停 牌 长 城 影 视 临 时 停 牌 天 兴 仪 表 临 时 停 牌

卧 龙 地 产 重 要 事 项 未 公 告, 连 续 停 牌 春 兴 精 工 临 时 停 牌 *ST 沧 大 重 要 事 项 未 公 告, 连 续 停 牌 天 地 源 重 要 事 项 未 公 告, 连 续 停 牌 汇 冠 股 份

金 圆 股 份 重 大 事 项, 特 停 长 城 影 视 临 时 停 牌 天 兴 仪 表 临 时 停 牌 商 赢 环 球 重 要 事 项 未 公 告, 连 续 停 牌 荣 安 地 产 临 时 停 牌 中 南 文 化

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本编辑 徐 毓秀视点 2 玥 1949 新生 1949 年北平解放后 由 工全体师生参加了盛大的开国 于工作的需要 国立北平高 大典和庆祝游行 此后 中央 工原顺承王府校区和庆王府 人民政府要求带有 北平 字 校区被移做人民政协等中 样 的政 府 部门 企 业 学 校 央机关使用 学校则由中央 等统

O655 輝 固 ( 香 港 ) 工 程 顧 問 有 限 公 司 工 商 機 構 運 動 會 6 - 桌 球 比 賽 Corporate Games 6 - Snooker Competition 男 子 單 人 乙 組 ( 在 香 港 僱 用 三 百 名 以 下 員 工 的 機 構 ) Men's

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< 目 錄 > 我 們 的 學 校... 2 關 注 事 項 的 成 就 與 反 思... 3 我 們 的 學 與 教 課 外 活 動 的 參 與 我 們 對 學 生 成 長 的 支 援 學 生 表 現 財 務 報 告 學 校 未 來 發

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語 言 : 所 有 與 本 規 則 和 ICF 競 速 賽 有 關 的 正 式 資 訊, 必 須 使 用 書 面 英 文 為 接 受 的 語 言 為 了 確 保 一 致 性, 全 部 採 用 英 國 的 拼 寫 方 法 標 點 符 號 及 語 法 習 慣 所 有 意 指 男 性 的 辭 彙, 亦 包



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第 二 章 校 草 出 现 圣 迪 亚 学 院, 一 所 远 近 闻 名 的 贵 族 学 院 它 的 知 名 度 就 好 像 猪 的 知 名 度 一 样, 无 人 不 知 无 人 不 晓 是 所 有 人 都 向 往 的 学 校 圣 迪 亚 学 院 是 以 欧 式 建 筑 风 格 为 主 的 大 门

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周 刊 目 录 140 字 说 留 学 目 录 资 讯 盘 点 5 美 国 收 紧 对 华 政 策 留 学 市 场 将 如 何 变 化? 6 北 京 国 家 公 派 留 学 开 始 报 名 持 续 至 3 月 20 日 6 统 计 显 示 : 赴 日 读 研 成 功 率 有 所 提 高 7 悉 尼

策 划 : 张 长 春 顾 问 : 吕 敏 伟 王 坚 主 编 : 李 晓 京 习 作 篇 责 编 : 叶 森 教 学 篇 责 编 : 许 兰 薇 张 悦 文 体 篇 责 编 : 王 宏 封 面 设 计 : 孙 亦 农 图 片 编 辑 : 郝 若 飞 供 稿 学 校 北 部 分 校 大 费 城 分



OHIO STATE ATHLETICS COMMUNICATIONS 2017 Men s Gymnastics Results TEAM Jan. 14 - Windy City Invitational - Season Record (4-1, 3-1 Big Ten) 1. Illinois 412.150 2. Ohio State 403.450 3. Minnesota 397.600 4. Michigan 396.100 5. Iowa 387.550 6. UIC 360.250 Jan. 21 - Ohio State vs. UIC - Season Record (5-1, 3-1 Big Ten) 1. Ohio State 412.150 2. UIC 381.500 Feb. 5 - Ohio State vs. Michigan - Season Record (6-1, 4-1 Big Ten) 1. Ohio State 422.200 2. Michigan 404.950 Feb. 11 - Ohio State at Penn State - Season Record (7-1, 5-1 Big Ten) 1. Ohio State 419.150 2. Penn State 417.750 March 4 - Arnold Challenge - Season Record (8-1, 6-1 Big Ten) 1. Ohio State 415.250 2. Minnesota 413.300 March 11 - Ohio State at Oklahoma (Season Record (8-2, 6-1 Big Ten) 1. Oklahoma 434.550 2. Ohio State 417.600 POSTSEASON April 7 - Big Ten Championships - Season Record (15-2, 13-1 Big Ten) 1. Ohio State 418.600 2. Illinois 416.400 3. Minnesota 413.300 4. Penn State 411.200 5. Nebraska 410.000 6. Iowa 402.150 7. Michigan 401.250 April 21 - NCAA Qualifiers - Season Record (19-3, 13-1 Big Ten) 1. Stanford 420.450 2. Ohio State 414.650 3. Nebraska 413.050 4. Penn State 410.500 5. Michigan 406.950 6. Air Force 403.800 April 22 - NCAA Championships - Season Record (23-4, 13-1 Big Ten) 1. Oklahoma 431.950 2. Ohio State 423.700 3. Illinois 422.100 4. Stanford 421.500 5. Minnesota 414.200 6. Nebraska 412.900 March 24 - Ohio State at Illinois - Season Record (9-2, 7-1 Big Ten) 1. Ohio State 417.350 2. Illinois 415.250

INDIVIDUAL Event Score Meet Place Evan Bluemel Pommel Horse 13.100 Ohio State at Penn State 11th 13.000 Ohio State at Oklahoma 11th Joey Bonanno Floor 12.650 Windy City Invitational 33rd 12.950 Ohio State vs. UIC 5th 13.700 Ohio State at Penn State 7th 14.050 Arnold Challenge 5th 14.250 Ohio State at Oklahoma 5th 13.900 Ohio State at Illinois 6th 13.750 Big Ten Championships 23rd 13.950 NCAA Qualifier 14th 14.400 NCAA Championships 6th Vault 13.300 Windy City Invitational 23rd 13.750* Ohio State vs. UIC 5th 13.600 Ohio State at Penn State 10th 13.750 Ohio State at Illinois 9th 14.350 NCAA Qualifier 9th 13.950 NCAA Championships 31st Tristan Burke Floor 13.300 Windy City Invitational 23rd 12.450 Ohio State vs. Michigan 9th 13.500 Arnold Challenge 11th 12.200 Ohio State at Oklahoma 10th 13.450 NCAA Qualifier 25th Pommel Horse 11.800 Ohio State at Oklahoma 12th Rings 14.250 Windy City Invitational 1st 14.150 Ohio State vs. Michigan 1st 14.100 Ohio State at Penn State 3rd 14.200 Arnold Challenge 5th 14.650 Ohio State at Oklahoma 4th 13.900 Ohio State at Illinois 7th 14.000 Big Ten Champioinships 6th 14.025 B1G Individual Finals 6th 14.100 NCAA Qualifier 4th 12.800 NCAA Championships 43rd Vault 13.200 Windy City Invitational 25th 13.900 Ohio State vs. Michigan 10th 14.500 Ohio State at Penn State 1st 13.200 Arnold Challenge 12th 14.450 Ohio State at Oklahoma 5th 13.750 NCAA Qualifer 29th Parallel Bars 13.100 Windy City Invitational 15th 13.400 Ohio State at Penn State 8th 13.700 Arnold Challenge 10th 12.350 Ohio State at Oklahoma 10th High Bar 12.700 Ohio State vs. Michigan 8th 12.750 Ohio State at Penn State 10th 12.300 Arnold Challenge 15th 12.550 Ohio State at Oklahoma 10th All Around 78.000 Ohio State at Oklahoma 3rd Michael Chan Floor 14.200* Windy City Invitational 5th 13.650 Ohio State vs. UIC 3rd Vault 14.250* Windy City Invitational 6th 13.800 Ohio State vs. UIC 3rd High Bar 11.450 Windy City Invitational 35th 14.050* Ohio State vs. UIC 3rd

Chris Coombs Floor 14.000 Ohio State at Penn State 4th Rings 14.000 Ohio State at Penn State 8th 14.400 Arnold Challenge 3rd 13.750 Ohio State at Oklahoma 11th 13.700 Ohio State at Illinois 9th 13.750 Big Ten Championships 11th 14..100 NCAA Qualifier 4th 14.400 NCAA Championships 9th Robert Costea Pommel Horse 8.900* Windy City Invitational 40th Rings 12.950 Windy City Invitational 17th 13.400* Ohio State vs. Michigan 8th 13.250 Ohio State at Penn State 11th 13.300 Arnold Challenge 11th Jake Dastrup Floor 14.000 Ohio State vs. UIC 1st 13.950 Ohio State vs. Michigan 4th 13.500 Ohio State at Penn State 9th 14.150 Arnold Challenge 4th 14.400 Ohio State at Illinois 4th 14.450 Big Ten Championships 10th 14.050 B1G Individual Finals 6th 13.750 NCAA Qualifier 17th 13.150 NCAA Championships 37th Pommel Horse 12.800 Windy City Invitational 10th 13.700 Ohio State vs. UIC 3rd 14.900* Ohio State vs. Michigan 1st 13.650 Ohio State at Penn State 9th 13.500 Arnold Challenge 8th 12.200 Ohio State at Illinois 10th 13.450 Big Ten Championships 17th 14.200 NCAA Qualifier 8th 14.550 NCAA Championships 7th Parallel Bars 14.200 Windy City Invitational 2nd 14.750 Ohio State vs. UIC 1st 14.700 Ohio State vs. Michigan 1st 14.500 Ohio State at Penn State 3rd 14.800 Arnold Challenge 1st 14.100 Ohio State at Illinois 5th 14.200 Big Ten Championships 7th 14.300 B1G Individual Finals 2nd 13.900 NCAA Qualifier 17th 14.200 NCAA Championships 20th Vault 14.400 Ohio State at Penn State 2nd 12.950 Arnold Challenge 14th 14.050 Big Ten Championships 25th 13.750 NCAA Qualifier 29th

Seth Delbridge Floor 13.700* Ohio State vs. Michigan 5th 14.200 Ohio State at Penn State 2nd 13.400 Ohio State at Oklahoma 8th 14.700 Ohio State at Illinois 3rd 13.600 Big Ten Championships 27th 12.900 NCAA Qualifier 29th Rings 12.300 Windy City Invitational 26th 13.700* Ohio State vs. UIC 2nd Vault 14.100 Windy City Invitational 10th 13.750 Ohio State vs. UIC 5th 14.450 Ohio State vs. Michigan 2nd 13.300 Ohio State at Penn State 12th 14.800 Arnold Challenge 1st 13.850 Ohio State at Oklahoma 9th 14.600 Ohio State at Illinois 3rd 14.450 Big Ten Championships 11th 14.925 B1G Individual Finals 2nd 14.550 NCAA Qualifier 5th 14.550 NCAA Championships 15th Parallel Bars 12.000 Windy City Invitational 31st 13.600 Ohio State vs. UIC 5th 13.500 Ohio State vs. Michigan 9th 13.050 Ohio State at Penn State 11th High Bar 13.350 Windy City Invitational 13th 14.350 Ohio State vs. UIC 2nd 12.950 Ohio State at Oklahoma 9th 13.250 Ohio State at Illinois 9th 13.100 NCAA Championships 35th Brandon Jacoby Pommel Horse 13.200 Windy City Invitational 5th 14.500* Ohio State vs. UIC 1st 14.350 Ohio State vs. Michigan 4th 13.800 Ohio State at Penn State 7th 13.650 Arnold Challenge 5th 14.600 Ohio State at Oklahoma 6th 14.100 Ohio State at Illinois 2nd 14.150 Big Ten Championships 6th 13.950 B1G Individual Finals 6th 14.350 NCAA Qualifier 5th 13.500 NCAA Championships 27th Ryan Lemezis Rings 12.800 Windy City Invitational 20th 12.900 Ohio State vs. UIC 8th 12.000 Ohio State vs. Michigan 10th 14.550 Arnold Challenge 1st 14.100 Ohio State at Oklahoma 9th 14.150 Ohio State at Illinois 5th 12.900 Big Ten Championships 29th 13.550 NCAA Qualifier 16th 14.000 NCAA Championships 20th

Jake Martin Floor 14.300 Windy City Invitational 3rd 13.600 Ohio State vs. Michigan 6th 13.700 Ohio State at Oklahoma 6th 11.050 Ohio State at Illinois 10th 14.200 Big Ten Championships 13th 13.700 NCAA Qualifier 19th 14.000 NCAA Championships 22nd Pommel Horse 13.800 Windy City Invitational 3rd 13.200 Ohio State vs. UIC 5th 14.400 Ohio State vs. Michigan 3rd 14.200 Ohio State at Penn State 4th 13.000 Arnold Challenge 11th 14.800 Ohio State at Oklahoma 3rd 14.000 Ohio State at Illinois 3rd 14.200 Big Ten Championships 5th 13.725 B1G Individual Finals 8th 13.050 NCAA Qualifier 28th 13.950 NCAA Championships 16th Rings 13.450 Windy City Invitational 9th 14.050 Ohio State vs. UIC 1st 13.950 Ohio State vs. Michigan 5th 13.500 Ohio State at Penn State 9th 13.850 Ohio State at Oklahoma 10th 14.000 Ohio State at Illinois 6th 13.200 Big Ten Championships 24th 13.350 NCAA Championships 37th Vault 14.150 Windy City Invitational 8th 14.100 Ohio State vs. Michigan 6th 14.250 Ohio State at Penn State 5th 14.150 Arnold Challenge 7th 14.150 Ohio State at Oklahoma 8th 14.300 Ohio State at Illinois 7th 14.100 Big Ten Championships 22nd 14.350 NCAA Qualifier 9th 14.400 NCAA Championships 19th Parallel Bars 13.450 Windy City Invitational 12th 13.900 Ohio State vs. UIC 4th 14.350 Ohio State vs. Michigan 3rd 14.600 Ohio State at Penn State 1st 14.300 Ohio State at Oklahoma 3rd 13.300 Ohio State at Illinois 8th 13.700 Big Ten Championships 23rd 12.700 NCAA Qualifier 31st 14.100 NCAA Championships 23rd High Bar 14.250 Windy City Invitational 3rd 13.800 Ohio State vs. UIC 4th 14.850 Ohio State vs. Michigan 1st 14.800 Arnold Challenge 1st 14.500 Ohio State at Oklahoma 2nd 14.250 Ohio State at Illinois 2nd 13.900 Big Ten Championships 10th 14.375 Individual B1G Finals 1st 14.450 NCAA Qualifier 2nd 14.250 NCAA Championships 11th All Around 83.400 Windy City Invitational 1st 85.250 Ohio State vs. Michigan 1st 85.300 Ohio State at Oklahoma 1st 80.900 Ohio State at Illinois 1st 83.300 Big Ten Championships 2nd 84.050 NCAA Championships 9th

Paris McGee Jr. Floor 13.450 Windy City Invitational 20th 12.050 Ohio State vs. UIC 9th Vault 14.250 Windy City Invitational 6th 14.100 Ohio State vs. UIC 1st 14.450 Ohio State vs. Michigan 2nd 14.350 Arnold Challenge 5th Logan Melander Pommel Horse 13.900 Ohio State vs. UIC 2nd 12.700 Ohio State vs. Michigan 10th 12.300 Ohio State at Penn State 13th Rings 13.600* Ohio State vs. UIC 3rd 13.700 Ohio State vs. Michigan 6th 12.700 Ohio State at Penn State 12th 13.000 Arnold Challenge 12th 12.900 NCAA Qualifier 30th High Bar 12.200 Arnold Challenge 16th 12.550 Ohio State at Illinois 10th 13.350 Big Ten Championships 24th 13.150 NCAA Qualifier 23rd

Sean Melton Floor 14.400 Ohio State vs. Michigan 1st 15.050 Ohio State at Penn State 1st 14.150 Winter Cup Day One 7th 14.000 Winter Cup Day Two 6th 14.800 Arnold Challenge 1st 13.300 Ohio State at Oklahoma 9th 14.200 Ohio State at Illinois 5th 15.050 Big Ten Championships 1st 14.025 B1G Individual Finals 7th 14.300 NCAA Championships 11th Pommel Horse 13.100 Big Ten Championships 23rd 13.550 NCAA Championships 25th Rings 14.100 Ohio State vs. Michigan 2nd 14.750 Ohio State at Penn State 1st 14.750 Winter Cup Day One 4th 14.500 Winter Cup Day Two 4th 14.950 Ohio State at Oklahoma 1st 15.200 Ohio State at Illinois 1st 14.600 Big Ten Championships 1st 14.600 B1G Individual Finals 2nd 14.950 NCAA Qualifier 1st 14.900 NCAA Championships 2nd Vault 14.300 Ohio State at Oklahoma 6th 14.500 Ohio State at Illinois 6th 14.550 Big Ten Championships 10th 14.700 NCAA Championships 9th Parallel Bars 14.400 Ohio State vs. UIC 2nd 14.600 Ohio State vs. Michigan 2nd 14.700 Ohio State at Penn State 2nd 14.000 Winter Cup Day One 3rd 14.000 Winter Cup Day Two 3rd 14.450 Arnold Challenge 3rd 13.800 Ohio State at Oklahoma 7th 14.600 Ohio State at Illinois 1st 13.800 Big Ten Championships 17th 13.450 NCAA Qualifier 20th 14.450 NCAA Championships 10th High Bar 14.550 Ohio State vs. Michigan 2nd 13.650 Ohio State at Penn State 4th 13.500 Winter Cup Day One 8th 13.450 Winter Cup Day Two T5th 14.550 Arnold Challenge 2nd 13.800 Ohio State at Oklahoma 8th 13.950 Ohio State at Illinois 5th 13.950 Big Ten Championships 7th 14.300 NCAA Qualifier 4th 14.500 NCAA Championships 3rd All-Around 85.050 Big Ten Championships 1st 86.400 NCAA Championships 4th

Andrew Rickly Parallel Bars 12.750 Windy City Invitational 22nd 14.350* Ohio State vs. UIC 3rd 13.950 Ohio State vs. Michigan 6th 14.300 Ohio State at Penn State 4th 14.150 Arnold Challenge 7th 13.800 Ohio State at Oklahoma 7th 14.200 Ohio State at Illinois 4th 13.600 Big Ten Championships 26th 14.100 NCAA Qualifier 13th 13.950 NCAA Championships 28th High Bar 13.250 Windy City Invitational 15th 14.400 Ohio State vs. UIC 1st 14.500 Ohio State vs. Michigan 2nd 14.250 Ohio State at Penn State 3rd 13.600 Arnold Challenge 7th 14.200 Ohio State at Oklahoma 6th 13.950 Ohio State at Illinois 5th 13.950 Big Ten Championships 7th 13.725 B1G Individual Finals 6th 13.950 NCAA Qualifier 6th 14.150 NCAA Championships 13th Coleson Stodghill High Bar 11.750 Ohio State vs. Michigan 12th 13.000 Ohio State at Penn State 8th David Szarvas Pommel Horse 13.000 Windy City Invitational 7th 13.600* Ohio State vs. UIC 4th 13.950 Ohio State vs. Michigan 5th 12.350 Arnold Challenge 14th 14.300 Ohio State at Oklahoma 7th 12.550 Ohio State at Illinois 9th 13.450 Big Ten Championships 17th 12.350 NCAA Qualifier 33rd 14.500 NCAA Championships 8th Meyer Williams Floor 14.150 Windy City Invitational 8th 13.750 Ohio State vs. UIC 2nd 11.050 Ohio State vs. Michigan 12th 12.900 Ohio State at Penn State 12th Vault 13.950 Ohio State vs. UIC 2nd 14.050 Ohio State vs. Michigan 7th Parallel Bars 12.150 Windy City Invitational 27th 13.550 Ohio State vs. UIC 6th High Bar 12.000 Windy City Invitational 28th 12.350* Ohio State vs. UIC 8th 12.550 Ohio State vs. Michigan 10th 11.450 Ohio State at Penn State 12th Alex Wilson Rings 13.500 Windy City Invitational 7th 13.300 Ohio State vs. UIC 6th

Alec Yoder Floor 13.950 Arnold Challenge 6th 13.800 NCAA Championships 29th Pommel Horse 14.300 Windy City Invitational 1st 13.200 Ohio State vs. UIC 5th 14.650 Ohio State vs. Michigan 2nd 15.300 Ohio State at Penn State 1st 14.900 Winter Cup Day One 1st 13.800 Winter Cup Day Two 6th 14.600 Arnold Challenge 2nd 15.400 Ohio State at Oklahoma 1st 15.100 Ohio State at Illinois 1st 14.000 Big Ten Championships 9th 14.325 B1G Individual Finals 4th 14.450 NCAA Qualifier 4th 14.800 NCAA Championships 4th Rings 14.200 NCAA Championships 13th Vault 12.850 Ohio State vs. UIC 11th 14.400 Ohio State vs. Michigan 4th 14.300 Ohio State at Penn State 3rd 13.500 Winter Cup Day One 37th 14.250 Ohio State at Oklahoma 7th 14.550 Ohio State at Illinois 5th 14.050 Big Ten Championships 25th 14.350 NCAA Championships 21st High Bar 13.500 Big Ten Championships 19th 13.650 NCAA Qualifier 11th 13.850 NCAA Championships 17th Parallel Bars 14.300 Ohio State vs. Michigan 4th 13.250 Ohio State at Penn State 10th 13.200 Winter Cup Day One 12th 13.100 Winter Cup Day Two 16th 14.250 Arnold Challenge 5th 14.100 Ohio State at Oklahoma 4th 14.350 Ohio State at Illinois 3rd 14.700 Big Ten Championships 2nd 14.300 B1G Individual Finals 2nd 14.050 NCAA Qualifier 2nd 13.950 NCAA Championships 28th All-Around 84.950 NCAA Championships 6th