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CONTENT 目錄 1. General Information 一般資料... 1 1.1 Fair Name 展會名稱 1.2 Fair Date 展會日期 1.3 Fair Venue 展會地點 1.4 Organisers 主辦單位 1.5 Move-in / Move-out & Opening Hours 佈展 / 撤展及展會開放時間 1.6 Visitors Admission 參觀手續 1.7 Person in Charge 項目負責人 2. Location Map of Fairground 展館位置圖... 4 2.1 Location Map of Jinan International Convention & Exhibition Center 濟南國際會展中心位置圖 3. General Rules and Regulations for Exhibitors 參展商守則... 5 3.1 Booth Management 展台管理 3.2 Security and Insurance 保安及保險 3.3 Distribution of Promotional Materials 派發宣傳物品 3.4 Photographing & Video Shooting 攝影及錄影 3.5 Exhibitor Badge 參展商証 3.6 Freight Forwarding and Contractor 展品運輸和承建商安排 3.7 Company Stamps 公司印章 3.8 Protection of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), Copyrights & Licences On-the-spot Inspection 知識產權 版權及專利 3.9 Move-out Procedure 撤展程序 3.10 Fire Precaution 防火措施 4. Booth Design and Facilities 展台設計及設施... 10 5. Notice for Custom-built Stand Exhibitors on Raw Space 租用展覽淨地自建展台之特裝參展商須知... 11

6. Publicity 宣傳... 13 6.1 Free Listing of Company Information in Fair Directory 免費於博覽會場刊刊登公司資料 6.2 Advertisement in the Fair Directory 於博覽會場刊內頁刊登廣告 6.3 Exhibitor Presentation 服務介紹會 6.4 Other Advertisements 其他宣傳 7. Travel Arrangement 旅遊及住宿安排... 15 7.1 Official Travel Agent 大會指定旅行社 7.2 Self-travel Arrangement & Onsite Contact 自行安排行程及當地聯絡資料 7.3 Entry Visa to China 中國入境簽証 7.4 Travel & Medical Insurance 旅遊及醫療保險 8. Shipment Arrangement 貨運安排... 16 8.1 Official Frieght Forwarder 大會指定貨運代理 8.2 Return Shipment 回運安排 9. Other Services / Facilities 其他服務及設施... 17 9.1 Temporary Staff 臨時員工 9.2 Fair Management Office and Facilities 主辦機構辦事處及設施 9.3 SME Funding Schemes 中小企業資助計劃 Remarks 備註 : This Manual is updated as of 30/4/2015 and subject to change. Exhibitors are advised to keep track of updates in the latest circulars issued by HKTDC. 此參展商手冊之內容最後更新日期為 30/4/2015, 參展商敬請留意香港貿發局最新發出的參展商通告

1. General Information 一般資料 1.1 Fair Name 展會名稱 SmartHK 轉型升級. 香港博覽 1.2 Fair Date 展會日期 27-28 / 5 / 2015 1.3 Fair Venue 展會地點 Jinan International Convention & Exhibition Center (No. 28 Shunhua Road, Jinan High-Tech Industrial Development Zone, Shandong) 濟南國際會展中心 ( 山東省濟南市高新區舜華路 28 號 ) 1.4 Organisers 主辦單位 (Please refer to official website of SmartHK 請參考 轉型升級. 香港博覽 之網站 ) Co-organisers 協辦單位 (Please refer to official website of SmartHK 請參考 轉型升級. 香港博覽 之網站 ) Main Sponsor 主要贊助機構 (Please refer to official website of SmartHK 請參考 轉型升級. 香港博覽 之網站 ) Supporting Organisations 支持單位 (Please refer to official website of SmartHK 請參考 轉型升級. 香港博覽 之網站 ) - 1

1.5 Move-in / Move-out & Opening Hours 佈展 / 撤展及展會開放時間 Exhibitors 參展商 Visitors 參觀人士 Move-in 佈展時間 25 / 5 ( 周一 / Monday) Custom-built Stand Exhibitors ONLY 只限特裝參展展商 26 / 5 ( 周二 / Tuesday) Custom-built Stand Exhibitors 特裝參展展商 15:00 18:00 09:00-20:00 Standard Booth Exhibitors 標準展台展商 Fair Period 展會時間 14:00 20:00 27 / 5 ( 周三 / Wednesday) 08:00 18:00 09:00 18:00* 28 / 5 ( 周四 / Thursday) 08:30 18:00 09:00 18:00 Move-out 撤展時間 28 / 5 ( 周四 / Thursday) Standard Booth Exhibitors 標準展台展商 18:00 19:00 28 / 5 ( 周四 / Thursday) Custom-built Exhibitors ONLY 18:00 21:00 只限特裝參展展商 * For the sake of a better control on visitor flow, please noted that the Fair will be open at 08:30 on 27 May to part of the registered visitors. * 基於現場人流管制安排, 博覽會於 5 月 27 日 ( 即開幕首天 ) 早上會提前於 8 時 30 分讓部份已登記的參觀人士入場, 敬請留意 Standard booth exhibitors must move-out and clear all exhibits latest by 19:00 on 28 May. For custom-built (raw space) exhibitors, please finish moving out by 21:00 on 28 May. No overtime request will be allowed during construction, move-in and move out period. 標準展台參展商及特裝參展展商請分別於 5 月 28 日晚上 7 時及 9 時前把所有展品清理及撤館 施工期間 佈展日及撤館日均不能加班 1.6 Visitors' Admission 參觀手續 The Fair is open to trade visitors aged 18 or above with free admission. Visitors must register at the fair and wear the visitor badge during the fair period. 博覽會免費供十八歲或以上業內人士參觀 所有參觀人士必須登記及佩帶入場証 - 1

1.7 Person in Charge 項目負責人 HKTDC (Head Office) 香港貿易發展局 - 香港總部 HKTDC (Qingdao Office) 香港貿易發展局 - 青島辦事處 Project Manager 項目經理 : Project Manager 項目經理 : Ms. Whitney Poon 潘穎琳小姐電話 : (852) 25844012 傳真 : (852) 21699624 電郵 : whitney.wl.poon@hktdc.org General Enquiry 一般聯絡 : Ms. Elbie Lee 李清萍小姐 電話 : 25844487 傳真 : 21699626 電郵 : elbie.lee@hktdc.org Ms. Losia Ho 何思聰小姐 電話 : 25844016 傳真 : 37466113 電郵 : losia.cc.ho@hktdc.org Official Travel Agent 大會指定旅行社 Reliance Travel (HK) Limited 誠信旅遊 Ms San Fong ( 方新小姐 ) 電話 : 2731 2010 傳真 : 2311 3058 電郵 : jinan@rthk.com.hk Mr. Patrick Kuang 匡春暉先生電話 : 86 (532) 85793658 傳真 : 86 (532) 85793659 電郵 : qingdao.office@hktdc.org Official Freight Forwarder 大會指定貨運代理 ( 普通貨品 ) Agility Fairs & Events Logistics Ltd. 泛聯展覽物流香港有限公司 ( 香港 ) Mr. Bart Chiu 趙先生 ( 上海 ) Mr. John Wu 吳先生電話 : ( 香港 ) 22118203 / 22118202 ( 上海 ) 86-21-61168714 傳真 : ( 香港 ) 28662421 ( 上海 ) 86-21-62365667 電郵 : BChiu@agilitylogistics.com / JWu@agilitylogistics.com Official Contractor 大會指定承建商 B.C. SYMA Exhibition Contractors Ltd 司馬展覽建造有限公司 Ms. Cherry Chan / Ms. Connie Leung 電話 : (852) 2673 9200 傳真 : (852) 2670 3841 電郵 : smarthk@symahk.com.hk - 1

2. Location Map of Fairground 展館位置圖 2.1 Location Map of Jinan International Convention & Exhibition Center 濟南國際會展中心位置圖 Address 地址 : Jinan International Convention & Exhibition Center (No. 28 Shunhua Road, Jinan High-Tech Industrial Development Zone, Shandong) 濟南國際會展中心 ( 山東省濟南市高新區舜華路 28 號 ) - 2

3. General Rules and Regulations for Exhibitors 參展商守則 3.1 Booth Management 展台管理 Sharing, subletting or apportion of exhibition space to companies other than the registered exhibitor is prohibited. Exhibitors are reminded that they can only display exhibits which fall into the service category zone as stated in the booth confirmation letter of the Fair. 一經本局接納申請參展, 參展商嚴禁租出 分配展台給予非註冊參展公司使用 參展商展示的產品, 必須與博覽會展位確認信所述的服務類別展區相符 If the exhibitor's display on its stand incorporates less than 60% of its display area exhibiting the appropriate services corresponding to the thematic zone as stated in this booth confirmation letter of the fair or incorporates any service which does not correspond to the service listings as stated in the application form of the fair, Organisers shall have the right to terminate without notice an exhibitor's right to exhibit in the fair and to close the stand immediately at the exhibitor's expense. 本博覽會將會劃分為不同之主題專區 參展商必須在其展台內展出不少於 60% 符合該主題專區之服務 如參展商未能遵守上述守則, 主辦單位有權終止其參展權利並於博覽會期間即時關閉其展台而不另行通知, 所牽涉的一切費用均由該參展商負責 Exhibitors are advised to arrange sufficient staff to man their own booth(s) throughout the fair period. The security of the exhibits should be the sole responsibility of the exhibiting company. Early move-out would NOT be allowed so as to maintain the overall image of the Fair. Please be reminded that HKTDC reserves the right to allocate the booth(s) of any companies who do not move-in by move-in day. 參展商需安排足夠人手看管展台及展品, 並承擔其有關保安責任 為維持專業形象, 參展商不得於撤展時間前執拾展品及撤離會場 如參展商未能於佈展日進行佈展, 本局有權將展台另作安排 Exhibitors should confine their display within the prescribed booth area, so as not to jeopardize fire safety. Packing boxes should be kept in the appropriate storage area inside the booth. 參展商只可在其展台範圍內佈置和擺放展品, 不得在會場的公眾地方擺放任何展品, 並須保持會場內的整潔及注意防火安全 此外, 各參展商必須自行將包裝箱儲存於展台內 Exhibitors are not permitted to use voice amplifying equipment at the fairground, including loud hailers, microphones and megaphones. All audio / audio-visual equipment must generate a noise level which does not cause any annoyance or inconvenience to visitors or other exhibitors, otherwise, Organisers reserve the right to intervene and stop the demonstration immediately. In this case the exhibitor shall not receive a refund or damage compensation from Organisers. Exhibitors are responsible for supervising the actions of all visitors and employees operating audio / visual equipment located in their exhibit area. 參展商不得使用聲音擴放器材, 包括麥克風 擴音器和揚聲器等 所有視聽器材所產生的音量不得對其他參展商或參觀人士構成任何滋擾或不便, 否則主辦單位有權馬上終止有關展示活動, 而主辦單位毋須為此向參展商退還有關費用或作出任何賠償 設於展位內的視聽器材, 概由參展商負責, 而參觀人士及其僱員在操作此等器材時的行為, 須由參展商監督 - 3

3.2 Security and Insurance 保安及保險 During the fair period (including move-in and move-out period), security guards will be arranged to maintain order and security. Every reasonable precaution will be taken by Organisers to ensure the security and safety of the fairground and adjacent areas and the contents thereof. 於展會期間 ( 包括佈展及撤展日 ), 主辦單位將於展館內安排護衛站崗 如有需要, 主辦單位有權檢查運送的展品以確保展品及展館安全 Exhibits should be locked into the cabinet(s) inside your booth during the fair period and before you leave the fairground every evening. You are also reminded not to leave your wallets, laptops, mobile phones or other valuable items in the booth unattended or overnight. 參展商請小心看管個人及公司財物如銀包 手提電腦 手提電話等貴重物品 請在開展期間及每日展覽完結後鎖上鎖櫃, 貴重物品切勿留在會場內 Exhibitors are reminded to arrange proper insurance for their exhibits & valuable belongings against theft and loss, as and when required, which should cover not only the fair period but also the shipping periods. Organisers will not be responsible for any damage or loss of properties prior and during the period of promotion. 請各參展商自行購買參展及運送期間之保險, 主辦單位不會對參展商的損失負上任何責任 3.3 Distribution of Promotional Materials 派發宣傳物品 All promotional materials must only be distributed within exhibitors own booths and must not cause annoyance to other exhibitors or disturb public order and / or safety. Organisers retain the right to maintain onsite discipline by stopping any activities or practices that are considered as inappropriate or causing interruption to others. 參展商只可在其展台範圍內派發宣傳品, 並不得對參觀人士構成不便或影響 主辦單位有權在參展商騷擾或危及其他在場人士時終止其宣傳活動 Organisers have the right to remove any bills or posters which do not conform to the purposes and image of the Fair. 參展商如張貼任何違反博覽會宗旨或損壞博覽會形象的標語或海報, 主辦單位有權拆除該等標語或海報 3.4 Photographing & Video Shooting 攝影及錄影 No photo taking, sound recording or video shooting will be allowed in the fair venue, unless approved by the Organisers in writing in advance. 未經主辦單位書面許可, 不得在會場內擅自攝影 錄影及錄音 3.5 Exhibitor Badge 參展商証 Exhibitor badges are scheduled to be sent to the exhibitor s Hong Kong office in early-may. Exhibitors are reminded to wear their badges throughout move-in, fair and move-out periods. Exhibitor badges are non-transferable and are for registered persons only. 本局暫定於 5 月初寄出參展商証至各參展商的香港辦事處, 請參展商謹記帶同參展商証於會場出示, 以便保安人員識認 此証不能轉讓 - 4

3.6 Freight Forwarding and Contractor 展品運輸和承建商安排 If exhibitors decide not to use the appointed forwarder or contractor, please be reminded to carefully arrange your exhibits shipment and booth decoration. There were swindle cases in other exhibitions where exhibitors shipments or exhibits were lost to fake forwarders or contractors. 參展商如不選用指定貨運代理和承建商, 請注意貨品之運輸安排及展台布置 以往曾有參展商於其他博覽會舉行期間被冒認貨運代理或承建商騙去其貨品 Under no circumstances will the Organiser be responsible for receiving or storing of any exhibit or stand material. Exhibitors are advised to appoint their staff to look after their own exhibits. 主辦單位不負責接收或貯藏任何參展品或展位物料, 參展商應自行安排職員負責 3.7 Company Stamps 公司印章 Exhibitors are reminded to bring their company stamps for the Fair. 備公司印章 請參展商帶 3.8 Protection of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), Copyrights & Licences On-the-spot Inspection 知識產權 版權及專利 Exhibitors should bear in mind that copyright inspector from the Copyright Office may conduct spot-checks on the exhibitors during the Fair. Should you be licensed to produce a particular product on behalf of a brand owner, kindly bring along a copy of the licence (valid on the Chinese mainland) in order to avoid unnecessary legal cases. 參展商必須確保其展示 / 生產 / 銷售之產品必須獲得品牌 / 版權持有人同意, 以免觸犯內地保護知識產權法規 參展商應預備有關其展示 / 生產 / 銷售之產品在內地之有效法律證明, 以便本局 / 國內知識產權機構檢閱 For more details regarding Copyrights & Licences, please visit the following website or contact the relevant department: 如欲獲得更多有關國內知識產權及專利的資料, 可瀏覽下列網址或向有關機構查詢: 1. China Patent Agent (H.K.) Limited 中國專利代理 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 Website 網址 : http://www.cpahkltd.com 2. Shanghai Office of CCPIT Patent and Trademark Law Office 中國國際貿易促進委員會專利商標事務所 ( 北京代表處 ) Website 網址 : http://www.ccpit-patent.com.cn/ Tel 電話 : 86-10-66412345 / 68516688 Complaint Procedures 處理投訴 Please be advised that should exhibitors wish to file a complaint involving infringement of their IPR against another exhibitor at SmartHK in Jinan, proof of ownership to the copyright, trade mark, registered design or patent valid on the Chinese mainland is required. The case must IMMEDIATELY be reported to the Fair Management Office, who will then review the evidence on a prima facie basis and advise the appropriate course of action. Should there be a confirmed case of IPR infringement found against a particular exhibitor, HKTDC reserves the right to ban the exhibitor in question in future HKTDC events. 於博覽會期間, 參展商如欲投訴 / 處理有關侵犯版權及專利等問題, 則必須提供有 - 5

關之證明文件如版權 / 專利註冊 商標註冊 設計專利等, 該些註冊及證明應為國內有效之文件 參展商於處理有關知識產權 / 版權及專利投訴事宜前, 應立即通知主辦單位, 以便即時採取適當行動 如證明任何參展商確實涉及違反知識產權或侵犯版權事宜, 本局保留禁止該參展商日後參加由本局主辦之任何活動之權利 Proof of Ownership of IPR 證明持有版權 / 專利之文件 The following document(s) are required when filling a complaint against another exhibitor over a case of IPR infringement: 於處理投訴侵犯版權 / 專利事件時, 參展商必須提供下列文件以作證明 : I. Copyright 版權 - Date and place that artistic work was first made 產品 / 作品首次製造的日期及地點 - Name of author and name of owner of the work 產品 / 作品擁有者 / 作者的姓名 - Original artistic work or a certified copy of the original work Proof of ownership of the work. In the event the author of the artistic work is an employee of the complainant, contract of employment 產品 / 作品的原創品或有效之原創品擁有證明文件 如產品原創者為投訴者員工, 則需提供僱傭合約 / 聘請書 - In the event the author of the artistic work is not the complainant nor an employee of the complainant, copyright assignment evidencing assignment of copyright from author to complaint 如產品 / 作品的原創者並非申訴者之員工, 則申訴者必須提供有效之版權專利授權證明文件 II. Trade Mark / Registered Design / Patent 商標 / 已註冊的設計 / 專利 - Original or certified copy of a valid Certificate of Registration of Trade Mark / Design / Grant of Patent on the Chinese mainland including any renewed certificates or proof of renewal 原創品或有效之商標 / 設計 / 專利許可註冊證明文件 3.9 Move-out Procedure 撤展程序 The move-out permit will be issued to exhibitors on move-out date. Please present the move-out permit to the security guard at the entrance when you leave with your exhibits and furniture. 出門條將於撤展日派發給參展商, 參展商運出展品及展具時, 必須向大門護衛出示出門條 3.10 Fire Precaution 防火措施 (available in Chinese only) - 為安全起見, 於展會期間參展商應妥善安排所有包裝物料, 例如紙箱 木箱 塑膠包裝材料等, 不可存放於展位橫樑上或靠近電力裝置 射燈及燈飾展品的地方, 及隨意棄置於展位外 如因此舉構成之危險, 引致火災及展位倒塌, 主辦機構將保留追究之權利 一經發現違規處置之包裝物料, 主辦機構將代為處理, 不予發還, 並不作另行通知, 主辦機構一概不會就包裝物料之遺失或損毀負責 - 請參展商妥善處置所有包裝物料, 參展商有責任自行與貨運安排代為存放, 或儲存於展台內 安全管理人員將對違規擺放的物品進行清理, 清理中造成的任何損失和産生的費用由物主承擔 - 嚴禁在電梯 樓梯口等安全疏散通道上擺設任何物品, 展品和桌椅不准擺出展位 - 6

- 參展商在展場使用的電器, 必須符合安全要求 禁止使用電爐和電熱器具 燈箱 燈具的直接線要護套線, 禁止使用花線, 膠皮線等 ; 自備電箱需有漏電開關及空氣開關 - 展廳內嚴禁電焊 氣焊等明火作業 如有特殊需要須向館方保衛部門提出申請, 並提供有效操作證辦理相應手續, 手續完成後, 由展館電工指定接電點方能動火施工 - 請參展商選擇環保和阻燃材料進行展台裝修, 不得使用可燃或易燃材料進行搭建和裝修 電源接頭應採用脫離後無觸點外露的插拔組件連接, 如採用端子連接, 端子必須完全封閉, 不得外露 ( 可採用阻燃絕綠明裝盒封閉 ) 所有電源線均應使用雙層絕緣護套銅線, 絕緣強度須符合標準 根據用電量選配導線截面積, 連接燈具的絕緣導線最小截面積為 1mm² 易燃材料背面必須刷防火塗料 所有特裝展台不得做成全封閉形式, 以確保參觀人士的正常流動和緊急情況下的人員疏散之需 - 請不要覆蓋展台天花 - 展區內嚴禁吸煙, 嚴禁使用明火 - 展區內嚴禁展出化學用品 易燃易爆展品及危險品 - 7

4. Booth Design and Facilities 展台設計及設施 Layout of Standard Booth 標準展台設計 All standard booths are designed, erected and decorated by the Official Contractor. Booth design and facilities will be provided according to different pavilions. HKTDC reserves the right to make changes on the facilities provided at any time before the commencement of the fair. 所有標準展台的設計 蓋建及裝修工作均由博覽會指定承建商負責 本局將因應參展商所屬之展館提供不同的設計及設施 本局有權在博覽會開幕前, 更改所提供的設施 Fascia board will be provided to standard booth exhibitors. Both Chinese & English company name will be printed on the fascia board as identification. 標準展台參展商的公司名牌將由本局提供 公司名牌將印上參展商的中文及英文名稱 Exhibitors are not allowed to make any alterations to the structure of the standard booths or remove any integral parts from the booths. Exhibitors requiring special assistance to add / delete or relocate standard facilities should submit their request to HKTDC and Official Contractor no later than 24 April 2015 (Friday). 一般而言, 參展商不得擅自改動標準展台結構或拆除展台的任何部份 參展商如有特別需要, 如加減設施 更改設施位置等, 須於 2015 年 4 月 24 日 ( 周五 ) 前提交申請予本局及大會指定承建商 - 8

5. Notice for Custom-built Stand Exhibitors on Raw Space 租用展覽淨地自建展台之特裝參展商須知 For custom-built stands exhibitors, please observe the following rules when designing and constructing your tailor-made booth 特裝參展商請根據下列各項設計及搭建貴公司的展台: 5.1 The permitted maximum booth height should be no higher than 3.5m. Should the height of any custom-built stands exceeds 3.5m, the concerned exhibitor ought to submit the booth drawings to the Organiser and seek prior written approval from the Organiser before any construction works take place. 展館內的自建展台高度限於 3.5 米或以下 任何參展商的展台若高於 3.5 米, 必須先將有關圖則給予主辦單位審批並獲得主辦單位的書面同意方可施工 5.2 The height of a standard booth is approximately 3m. 標準展台高度擬定約為 3 米 5.3 Due to the fire regulation, please do not cover the booth ceiling. 根據防火條例, 請不要覆蓋展台天花 5.4 To ensure your booth would have the required electricity, please be reminded to order your electricity and settle the electricity fee directly with the Official Contractor/Venue. 請謹記向大會指定承建商申請電力供應, 及直接支付有關費用給大會指定承建商 / 場館 5.5 THREE (3) sets of your custom-built stand s design drawings with detailed dimensions of floor plan, elevation view, perspective view and indication of all electricity outlet and wiring should have been submitted to HKTDC by 28 April (Tuesday). 請於 4 月 28 日 ( 周二 ) 前把貴公司的展台設計圖包括展台尺寸 立體圖 平面圖 效果圖, 連電力裝置圖及展台施工圖 ( 三份 ) 交回香港貿發局 *Please mark your company name and booth number on the drawings. 請於設計圖上清楚註明公司名稱及展台號碼 5.6 Please note that ONLY carpet would be provided to custom-built stand exhibitors. 大會向特裝參展商只會提供地毯 5.7 Please advise the contact details of your appointed contractor for our reference. Please complete and return Form 1 - Custom-built Stand Contractors' Information on or before 28 April (Tuesday). 請提供貴公司指定的承建商的聯絡資料, 於 4 月 28 日 ( 周二 ) 前把表格一 承建商資料申報表交回本局 5.8 Custom-built Stand Exhibitors should pay the required fees such as construction deposit, disposal deposit, management fee, etc. directly to the Contractor/Venue. 特裝參展商需於進場前把有關費用包括特裝參展展台施工押金 垃圾清運押金 場地管理費等直接交予大會指定承建商 / 場館 Kindly follow below construction rules for building your booth (available in Chinese only) 請根據下列施工規則及時間表搭建展台 : - 9

消防安全: - 為安全起見, 於展會期間參展商應妥善安排所有包裝物料, 例如紙箱 木箱 塑膠包裝材料等, 不可存放於展位橫樑上或靠近電力裝置 射燈及燈飾展品的地方, 及隨意棄置於展位外 如因此舉構成之危險, 引致火災及展位倒塌, 主辦機構將保留追究之權利 一經發現違規處置之包裝物料, 主辦機構將代為處理, 不予發還, 並不作另行通知, 主辦機構一概不會就包裝物料之遺失或損毀負責 - 請參展商妥善處置所有包裝物料, 參展商有責任自行與貨運安排代為存放, 或儲存於展台內 安全管理人員將對違規擺放的物品進行清理, 清理中造成的任何損失和産生的費用由物主承擔 - 嚴禁在電梯 樓梯口等安全疏散通道上擺設任何物品, 展品和桌椅不准擺出展位 - 參展商在展場使用的電器, 必須符合安全要求 禁止使用電爐和電熱器具 燈箱 燈具的直接線要護套線, 禁止使用花線, 膠皮線等 ; 自備電箱需有漏電開關及空氣開關 - 展廳內嚴禁電焊 氣焊等明火作業 如有特殊需要須向館方保衛部門提出申請, 並提供有效操作證辦理相應手續, 手續完成後, 由展館電工指定接電點方能動火施工 - 請參展商選擇環保和阻燃材料進行展台裝修, 不得使用可燃或易燃材料進行搭建和裝修 電源接頭應採用脫離後無觸點外露的插拔組件連接, 如採用端子連接, 端子必須完全封閉, 不得外露 ( 可採用阻燃絕綠明裝盒封閉 ) 所有電源線均應使用雙層絕緣護套銅線, 絕緣強度須符合標準 根據用電量選配導線截面積, 連接燈具的絕緣導線最小截面積為 1mm² 易燃材料背面必須刷防火塗料 所有特裝展台不得做成全封閉形式, 以確保參觀人士的正常流動和緊急情況下的人員疏散之需 - 請不要覆蓋展台天花 - 展區內嚴禁吸煙, 嚴禁使用明火 - 展區內嚴禁展出化學用品 易燃易爆展品及危險品 展場限制:展台裝修高度為 3.5 米, 嚴禁超高 如有違反, 主辦單位有權要求其修改 展館地面承重為每平方米 0.5 噸, 展位及展品不得超過該地面負荷限制 展架後方距展館牆壁須保持 1 米距離 在消防器材 衛生間和配電箱等公共設施處須保持 1.5 米距離 請勿擅自在展場內的天花懸掛吊垂飾, 不得在地板 牆壁或建築物的任何部份安裝固定裝置 請勿在展廳牆壁面上使用粘膠物, 有關搭建的詳細規定請向主辦單位或大會指定承建商咨詢 因展台搭建和拆除而造成的展場損壞, 由參展商負責賠償 展台界限:展台內任何設施不得超過劃定的展台界限, 參展商的展品不得妨礙其他展商 加班申請:於施工 佈展及撤展日均不批准加班 展具運輸:參展商必須於佈展前一天夜間, 將裝載展品 展架的車輛駛進館, 期間必須服從展館和主辦單位統一調度, 有序進館 裝卸貨物後, 車輛應迅速離開展館 為方便佈展, 參展商請將桌椅 展具隨展架一次性由運輸車輛運進展館 運輸進館安排以場館最後決定為準 5.9 During the move-in period, custom-built stand management fee at RMB10 (per sq.m) and administration fee of contractor s badges at RMB20 each will be charged by the venue. These aforesaid fees will be at exhibitor s cost. 佈展期間, 展會場館將向參展商收取每平方米人民幣 10 元的特裝管理費, 並按照參展商所申請的施工証數量收取每張証人民幣 20 元的行政費 - 10

6. Publicity 宣傳 6.1 Free Listing of Company Information in Fair Directory 免費於博覽會場刊刊登公司資料 Company information provided will be featured in the SmartHK Fair Directory published by HKTDC. This directory will be distributed to all visitors of the fair, as well as participants of activities organised by HKTDC after the fair on the Chinese mainland. Information stated in the application form will be regarded as accurate. 貴公司資料將刊載於博覽會目錄內 此目錄將於博覽會期間免費派發予參觀人士及於博覽會結束後派發予由香港貿發局於中國內地所舉辦的活動參加者 於活動申請表填寫之公司資料將視作正確無誤並刊載於場刊內 倘有任何錯漏, 本局恕不負責 6.2 Advertisement in the Fair Directory 於博覽會場刊內頁刊登廣告 Fee 費用 Payment Method 付款方法 Exact Size 標準尺寸 Bleeding Size 出血尺寸 Type Area 版心 File Format 檔案格式 Deadline 截止日期 :HK$2,500 per page (Original Price: HK$3,000 per page) 每頁為港幣 2,500 元正 ( 原價 : 港幣 3,000 元正 ) :Please complete the FORM 3 - Advertisement in Fair Directory with full payment in appropriate amount by crossed bank cheque made payable to HONG KONG TRADE DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL 請將已填妥的表格三 - 博覽會場刊內頁廣告連同所須 的費用以劃線支票交回本局 支票抬頭請註明 香港貿易發展局 :150 mm (W) x 210 mm (H) :160 mm (W) x 220 mm (H) :Should not exceed 不超出 140mm (W) x 200 mm (H) :JPEG, CMYK, with 300dpi at size 150mm (W) x 210 mm (H) JPEG 格式,CMYK, 尺寸為 150mm ( 闊 ) x 210mm ( 高 ), 解像度 300dpi :Application & Material submission 申請及檔案遞交 : 20 / 4 / 2015 Note 備註 : 1. Production cost incurred is handled by the advertiser. 刊登廣告所需資料及廣告製作費用一概由參展商負責 2. All advertisers are advised to ensure the file submitted is in order as no colour-proof will be provided for approval. 參展商必須確保所遞交的檔案正確無誤, 本局不會提供校對樣版服務 3. The advertiser hereby warrants, represents and undertakes to HKTDC that no third party intellectual property rights or any other rights is or will be infringed as a result of the publication of any advertisement featuring the advertiser s products or services and/or in any material supplied by the advertiser to HKTDC in relation to or otherwise in connection with the advertiser s advertisement. The advertiser hereby undertakes and agrees to indemnify and hold HKTDC and its agents, representatives, contractors and employees harmless against any claim, damages, penalties, loss or any expenses howsoever incurred in connection with any breach or alleged breach of any warranty, representation and undertaking given by the advertiser herein and any infringement or alleged infringement of intellectual property rights, including but not limited to infringement of patents, registered design, copyright or trade mark infringement arising as a result of the insertion of any advertisement by the advertiser or any agent of the advertiser in Fair Catalogue issued or made available by HKTDC in relation to its fair from time to time. 參展商須保證其產品相片, 品牌商標以及宣傳品, 在各方面均沒有違反或侵犯任何第三者的權利, 包括所有知識產權 其中包括但不限於已註冊或未註冊的商標 版權 外觀設計 名稱及專利 ; 並同意悉數賠償主辦單位以及其代理 代表 承包商和僱員因第三者指控參展商及 / 或主辦單位及 / 或後者的代理 代表 承包商和僱員侵權而招致的費用 開支及索償 4. HKTDC reserves the right to reject any applications. 香港貿發局將保留刊登廣告之最終權利 - 11

6.3 Exhibitor Presentation 服務介紹會 To maximise the exposure of the services your company provided, speaking opportunity during the Fair can be arranged for exhibitors on first-come-first-served basis. Should you wish to reserve a time slot (20-30 mins), please complete and return FORM 4 - Exhibitor Presentation on or before 10/4 (Friday). Please note that NO simultaneous interpretation service will be provided. HKTDC reserves the right to select the topics which are relevant and useful to the visitors. 為進一步推廣貴公司提供的服務, 參展商可免費申請在博覽會舉行的 服務介紹會, 每節約 20-30 分鐘, 場次有限, 申請將以先到先得方式處理 有興趣之公司請於 4 月 24 日 ( 周五 ) 前填妥表格四 - 服務介紹會並交回本局跟進 請注意, 服務介紹會 將不設即時傳譯服務 講題必須針對內地中小企業的需要, 香港貿發局有權就講題作出選擇 6.4 Other Advertisements 其他宣傳 Print, online and radio advertisements, direct marketing and media activities (such as press briefing) will be launched to promote the Fair. 主辦單位將於展會期間透過不同途徑宣傳博覽會, 包括各主要報章雜誌 互聯網 廣播媒體 直郵 記者招待會等, 宣傳遍佈不同層面 - 12

7. Travel Arrangement 旅遊及住宿安排 7.1 Official Travel Agent 大會指定旅行社 Reliance Travel (HK) Limited has been appointed as the official travel agent to handle the reservation of air ticket and hotel accommodation for delegates. You may also contact your own travel agent for your travel arrangements. 誠信旅遊為是次博覽會指定旅行社, 專為參展商提供機票及酒店預訂服務 參展商亦可透過其他旅行社自行安排交通及住宿事宜 Contact Details of Reliance Travel (HK) Limited 誠信旅遊聯絡資料 Contact 聯絡人 : Ms San Fong ( 方新小姐 ) Tel 電話 : (852) 2731 2010 Fax 傳真 : (852) 2311 3058 Email 電郵 : jinan@rthk.com.hk 7.2 Self-travel Arrangement & Onsite Contact 自行安排行程及當地聯絡資料 If you travel on your own arrangement, please make sure that you can attend the event on time. 凡自行安排行程的參展商, 請儘早預訂機票及酒店, 及確定貴公司能準時出席展會及現場相關活動 For local emergency contact, please complete the FORM 7 - Travel Arrangement & Onsite Contact and return to HKTDC on or before 30 April (Thursday). 參展商請填妥表格七 - 行程安排及現場聯絡資料申報表並於 4 月 30 日 ( 周四 ) 前交回本局 所提供的資料將用作博覽會期間與參展商緊急聯絡之用 7.3 Entry Visa to China 中國入境簽証 Exhibitors holding foreign passports must apply for entry visa to the mainland. Assistance can be sought from our appointed travel agent. 凡持外國護照者, 必須申請中國入境簽証 詳情請聯絡大會指定旅行社 7.4 Travel & Medical Insurance 旅遊及醫療保險 Exhibitors are advised to arrange for proper travel insurance to cover the whole trip in the mainland. HKTDC would NOT be responsible for any personal accidents, injuries or medical treatment during the trip. 參展商必須自行購買旅遊保險, 本局將不會負責任何個人意外 受傷或醫療費用 - 13

8. Shipment Arrangement 貨運安排 8.1 Official Freight Forwarder 大會指定貨運代理 Agility Fairs & Events Logistics Limited is the appointed freight forwarder for SmartHK. The company offers forwarding & custom clearance services from Hong Kong or the mainland to the fairground. The agreed shipping arrangements between the official freight forwarder and the individual exhibitor will ensure that exhibits and all related articles to be delivered to the exhibition venue well in advance of the exhibition date. Exhibitors should apply to the contact details listed below for full information on forwarding procedures. The forwarder will issue individual Exhibition Transport Guidelines to exhibitors. 泛聯展覽物流香港有限公司為是次博覽會指定的貨運代理, 提供由香港或內地至會場的貨運及清關服務 指定貨運代理與參展商的委託貨運協議, 能確保所有展品在博覽會日期前送抵會場 參展商可依下列資料與貨運代理聯絡, 安排托運事宜 Contact Details 聯絡資料 Agility Fairs & Events Logistics Limited 泛聯展覽物流香港有限公司 Contact 聯絡人 : ( 香港 ) Mr. Bart Chiu 趙先生 / ( 上海 ) Mr. John Wu 吳先生 Tel 電話 : ( 香港 ) 22118203 / 22118202 ; ( 上海 ) 86-21-61168714 Fax 傳真 : ( 香港 ) 28662421 ; ( 上海 ) 86-21-62365667 Email 電郵 : BChiu@agilitylogistics.com / JWu@agilitylogistics.com Shipments collection deadlines are as follows 收貨安排如下 : Delivery Method Documentation Deadline Consignment Deadline ( 運輸途徑 ) ( 文件收取日期 ) ( 展品托運收貨日期 ) By Sea ( 海運 ) 13/4/2015 20/4/2015 By Air ( 空運 ) 23/4/2015 30/4/2015 For shipping arrangement and official tariff, please refer to Appendix II. 有關運輸指南及標準費率, 請參閱附件二 8.2 Return Shipment 回運安排 If exhibitors decide not to use the service offered by the appointed forwarder, please be reminded to carefully arrange your return shipment. There were swindle cases in other exhibitions where exhibitors return shipments were lost to fake forwarders. 參展商如不選用指定貨運代理, 請注意貨品之回運安排 以往曾有參展商於其他展覽被冒認貨運代理騙去其回運貨品 - 14

9. Other Services / Facilities 其他服務及設施 9.1 Temporary Staff 臨時員工 Exhibitors may hire temporary staff and relevant details are available in FORM 5 - Temporary Staff. The completed request form should be returned to HKTDC with the cheque payment on or before 24/4 (Friday). 參展商如欲聘請臨時員工, 請填妥表格五 - 臨時員工聘請申請表並連同所需費用於 4 月 24 日 ( 周五 ) 前交回本局 9.2 Fair Management Office and Facilities 主辦單位辦事處及設施 Fair Management Office will be set up at the fairground. Facilities inside the office include telephone, facsimile, copy machine and a computer with internet access are available for exhibitors use during the fair period. 會場內將設有主辦單位辦事處, 內設電話 傳真機 影印機及電腦 ( 上網用 ), 以供參展商使用 9.3 SME Funding Schemes 中小企業資助計劃 Successful applicants for this Fair are eligible to apply for the SME Export Marketing Fund sponsored by the HKSAR Government. For details, please visit www.smefund.tid.gov.hk or please call (852)-23985127. 合資格的參展商可申請工業貿易署的 中小企業市場推廣基金 撥款資助計劃 詳情請致電 (852)-23985127 或參考 www.smefund.tid.gov.hk Exhibitors of the Innovative Design and Marketing Pavilion whose participation are subsidised under CreateSmart Initiative of CreateHK will not be entitled to other public funding including the SME Export Marketing Fund. 已獲創意香港旗下 創意智優計劃 資助的 設計創新及市場推廣展館 參展商將不能獲得其他屬於政府之資助, 包括 中小企業市場推廣基金 - 15