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GC-APPI Interface

MasCom Technologies Founded in January 1991 as MasCom Analysengeräte Service GmbH Office at Sophie-Germain-Str. 4, 281 Bremen, Germany 18 Employees 6 Electronic engineers 4 Precision engineers 3 Physicist 1 Chemist More than 7. customers world wide Manufacturer of Secondary Electron Multipliers (SEM) i.e. for DFS, Triton, Neptune and other mass spectrometer GC-APPI Interface introduced at ASMS 15 in St. Louis 2

GC-APPI MS For many fields of application high resolution and accurate mass (HR/AM) analyses with both GC and LC are needed to allow the analysis of the broadest range of compounds. When no dedicated GC-HR/AM instrument is available, the only option is to interface a GC to an HR/AM instrument with an atmospheric pressure ionization (API) source. APPI: VUV radiation (124 nm = 1 ev). Has potential to ionize a broader range of compounds than APCI (or ESI) alone, especially non-polar, highly aromatic, or species with electron delocalizations. As yet, GC-APPI has not been commercially available (only been used in research). 3

GC-APPI Interface The GC-APPI source employs the concept of a sealed, clean ionization region flushed with highly pure N 2 Ionization of GC Eluent to MS from VUV Lamp 4

GC-APPI Interface 5

GC-APPI Interface Final Version Dopant Gas Connector Variable Heat Protection Screen Integrated Gas Purifier 6

GC-APPI Interface Final Version Dopant Gas Connector Variable Heat Protection Screen Integrated Gas Purifier 7

GC-APPI Interface - Details Optional Dopant Exactive Plus IonMax Housing GC Transfer Line Ion Source Block APPI Lamp Variable Heat Protection Screen for GC Transfer Line To / From Gas Purifier 8

GC-APPI Interface Optional Items Trace 131 GC with Transfer Line Adjustable GC Table Transfer Line Power Supply for Ion Source Block Heaters, necessary if no Trace 131 GC is used. 9

GC-APPI Measurements EPA 827 Mix C:\a_Data\...\GC-APPI\data\EPA_mix3 new column 3mDB5.25.25 RT: 3.98-15.88 Relative Abundance 9 7 5 3 1 7.88 6. 8.67 1.82 7.47 6.68 7.96 6.99 8.27 9.83 1.86 7.33 7.61 8.84 9.65 5.32 6.45 5.74 6.6 6.9 11.9 1.79 12.25 13.85 7.6 1.33 5.21 5.6 6.14 8.48 9.9 14.3 5.1 4.75 5.67 11. 4.42 9.27 1.23 11.67 11.2 12.68 13.24 13.66 14.5 15.11 15.29 15.66 4. 4.5 5. 5.5 6. 6.5 7. 7.5 8. 8.5 9. 9.5 1. 1.5 11. 11.5 12. 12.5 13. 13.5 14. 14.5 15. 15.5 Time (min) EPA_mix3#26 RT: 9.83 1 1.38 TIC MS EPA_mix3 Relative Abundance 9 7 5 3 1 2.779 C 16 H1 = 2.777.8856 ppm 218.728 C 16 H1 O = 218.726 1.499 ppm RT 9.83 Fluoranthene C 16 H 1 M + = 2.775 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 m/z Measurement done @ 35, Resolution Power 1

GC-APPI Measurements EPA 827 Mix RT: 4.26-15.8 7.88 6. 8.67 7.47 7.96 1.82 7.33 9.84 8.84 6.99 9.65 6.6 11.9 5.32 8.27 12.25 9.9 13.86 1.33 5.21 11. 4.81 14.3 Base Peak MS EPA_mix3 Relative Abundance Cl NH 2 Cl H 2N RT 1.79 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine C 12 H 1 Cl 2 N 2 M+ = 252.215 1.79 11.9 11.88 12.25 m/z= 252.185-252.245 MS EPA_mix3 m/z= 252.91-252.961 MS EPA_mix3 RT 11.88 Benzo(b)fluoranthene C H 12 M + = 252.931 RT 11.9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene C H 12 M + = 252.931 RT 12.25 Benzo(a)pyrene C H 12 M + = 252.931 5 6 7 8 9 1 11 12 13 14 15 Time (min) Measurement done @ 35, Resolution Power 11

GC-APPI Measurements Dioxins (TCDD) AA: 38151 Relative Abundance AA: 47933 7.85 7.9 7.95 8. 8.5 8.1 8.15 8. 8.25 8.3 Time (min) Cl O Cl 333.9333 Cl O Cl 9 331.9363 13 C 12-2,3,7,8,TCDD Relative Abundance 7 5 335.934 3 1 331.5 332. 332.5 333. 333.5 334. 334.5 335. 335.5 336. 336.5 337. 337.5 338. 338.5 m/z 337.9275 Measurement done @ 1, Resolution Power 12

GC-APPI Offerings Instrument GC-APPI Interface Trace 131 GC Trace GC Ultra with extra PS Q Exactive yes yes yes Q Exactive HF yes yes yes Q Exactive Focus yes yes yes Exactive Plus yes yes yes Exactive yes yes Yes LTQ Orbitrap yes yes Yes LTQ Orbitrap Discovery yes yes Yes LTQ Orbitrap XL yes yes yes LTQ Orbitrap Velos yes yes Yes Orbitrap Velos Pro yes yes yes Orbitrap Elite yes yes yes Orbitrap Fusion coming soon yes yes Orbitrap Fusion Lumos coming soon yes Yes For other Thermo instruments with IonMax sources or for using other GCs please contact your sales person or MasCom Technologies directly. 13