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根據 一手住宅物業銷售條例 第 60 條所備存的成交記錄冊 Register of Transactions kept for the purpose of section 60 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance 第一部份 : 基本資料 Part 1: Basic Information 發展項目名稱 Name of Development 發展項目位置 Location of Development 深水灣徑 8 號 8 Deep Water Bay Drive 深水灣徑 8 號 8 Deep Water Bay Drive 期數 ( 如有 ) Phase No. (if any) -- 重要告示 : Important Note : 閱讀該些只顯示臨時買賣合約的資料的交易項目時請特別小心, 因為有關交易並未簽署買賣合約, 所顯示的交易資料是以臨時買賣合約為基礎, 有關交易資料日後可能會出現變化 Please read with particular care those entries with only the particulars of the Preliminary Agreements for Sale and Purchase (PASPs) shown. They are transactions which have not yet proceeded to the Agreement for Sale and Purchase (ASP) stage. For those transactions, the information shown is premised on PASPs and may be subject to change. - 1 -

第二部份 : 交易資料 Part 2: Information on Transactions (A) 臨時買賣合約的日期 Date of PASP (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) 買賣合約的日期 Date of ASP 終止買賣合約的日期 ( 如適用 ) Date of termination of ASP (if applicable) 住宅物業的描述 ( 如包括車位, 請一併提供有關車位的資料 ) Description of Residential Property (if parking space is included, please also provide details of the parking space) 大廈名稱 Block Name 樓層 Floor 單位 Unit 車位 ( 如有 ) Car-parking space (if any) 成交金額 Transaction Price 售價修改的細節及日期 Details and date of any revision of price 支付條款 Terms of Payment 買方是賣方的有關連人士 The purchaser is a related party to the vendor 12-10-2018 19-10-2018 第 2 座 Tower2 6 C -- $287,700,000.00 (3) 售價的 5% 於簽署正式買賣合約後 10 天內付清 ; (3)5% of the purchase price to be paid within 10 days after signing of the ASP; (4) 售價的 85% 於簽署正式買賣合約後 90 天內付清 ; (4)85% of the purchase price to be paid within 90 days after signing of the ASP; 22-10-2018 26-10-2018 第 1 座 Tower1 10 B -- $249,408,500.00 (4) 售價的 85% 於簽署正式買賣合約後 90 天內付清 ; (4)85% of the purchase price to be paid within 90 days after signing of the ASP; 22-10-2018 26-10-2018 第 2 座 Tower2 10 C -- $311,836,000.00 (4) 售價的 85% 於簽署正式買賣合約後 90 天內付清 ; (4)85% of the purchase price to be paid within 90 days after signing of the ASP; 11-2-2019 第 1 座 Tower1 7 B -- $228,654,800.00 (4) 售價的 85% 於簽署正式買賣合約後 150 天內付清 ; (4)85% of the purchase price to be paid within 150 days after signing of the ASP; - 2 -

(A) 臨時買賣合約的日期 Date of PASP (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) 買賣合約的日期 Date of ASP 終止買賣合約的日期 ( 如適用 ) Date of termination of ASP (if applicable) 住宅物業的描述 ( 如包括車位, 請一併提供有關車位的資料 ) Description of Residential Property (if parking space is included, please also provide details of the parking space) 大廈名稱 Block Name 樓層 Floor 單位 Unit 車位 ( 如有 ) Car-parking space (if any) 成交金額 Transaction Price 售價修改的細節及日期 Details and date of any revision of price 支付條款 Terms of Payment 買方是賣方的有關連人士 The purchaser is a related party to the vendor 11-2-2019 第 2 座 Tower2 7 C -- $292,030,200.00 (4) 售價的 85% 於簽署正式買賣合約後 150 天內付清 ; (4)85% of the purchase price to be paid within 150 days after signing of the ASP; - 3 -

第三部份 : 備註 Part 3: Remarks 1. 關於臨時買賣合約的資料 ( 即 (A), (D), (E), (G) 及 (H) 欄 ) 須於擁有人訂立該等臨時買賣合約之後的 24 小時內填入此記錄冊 在擁有人訂立買賣合約之後的 1 個工作日之內, 賣方須在此紀錄冊內記入該合約的日期及在 (H) 欄所述的交易詳情有任何改動的情況下, 須在此紀錄冊中修改有關記項 Information on the PASPs (i.e. columns (A), (D), (E), (G) and (H)) should be entered into this register within 24 hours after the owner enters into the relevant PASPs. Within 1 working day after the date on which the owner enters into the relevant ASPs, the vendor must enter the date of that agreement in this register and revise the entry in this register if there is any change in the particulars of the transaction mentioned in column (H). 2. 如買賣合約於某日期遭終止, 賣方須在該日期後的 1 個工作日內, 在此紀錄冊 (C) 欄記入該日期 If an ASP is terminated, the vendor must within 1 working day after the date of termination, enter that date in column (C) of this register. 3. 如在簽訂臨時買賣合約的日期之後的 5 個工作日內未有簽訂買賣合約, 賣方可在該日期之後的第 6 個工作日在 (B) 欄寫上 簽訂臨時買賣合約後交易再未有進展, 以符合一手住宅物業銷售條例第 59(2)(c) 條的要求 If the PASP does not proceed to ASP within 5 working days after the date on which the PASP is entered into, in order to fulfill the requirement under section 59(2)(c) of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance, vendor may state the PASP has not proceeded further in column (B) on the sixth working day after that date. 4. 在住宅物業的售價根據一手住宅物業銷售條例第 35(2) 條修改的日期之後的 1 個工作日之內, 賣方須將有關細節及該日期記入此紀錄冊 (F) 欄 Within 1 working day after the date on which the price of a residential property is revised under section 35(2) of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance, the Vendor must enter the details and that date in column (F) of this register. 5. 賣方須一直提供此記錄冊, 直至發展項目中的每一住宅物業的首份轉讓契均已於土地註冊處註冊的首日完結 The Vendor should maintain this Register until the first day on which the first assignment of each residential property in the development has been registered in the Land Registry. - 4 -

6. 本記錄冊會在 (H) 欄以 標示買方是賣方的有關連人士的交易 如有以下情況, 某人即屬賣方的有關連人士 - (a) 該賣方屬法團, 而該人是 - (i) 該賣方的董事, 或該董事的父母 配偶或子女 ; (ii) 該賣方的經理 ; (iii) 上述董事 父母 配偶 子女或經理屬其董事或股東的私人公司 ; (iv) 該賣方的有聯繫法團或控權公司 ; (v) 上述有聯繫法團或控權公司的董事, 或該董事的父母 配偶或子女 ; 或 (vi) 上述有聯繫法團或控權公司的經理 ; (b) 該賣方屬個人, 而該人是 - (c) (i) (ii) 該賣方的父母 配偶或子女 ; 或上述父母 配偶或子女屬其董事或股東的私人公司 ; 或 該賣方屬合夥, 而該人是 - (i) 該賣方的合夥人, 或該合夥人的父母 配偶或子女 ; 或 (ii) 其董事或股東為上述合夥人 父母 配偶或子女的私人公司 The transactions in which the purchaser is a related party to the vendor will be marked with in column (H) in this register. party to a vendor if (a) where that vendor is a corporation, the person is - (i) a director of that vendor, or a parent, spouse or child of such a director; (ii) a manager of that vendor; (iii) a private company of which such a director, parent, spouse, child or manager is a director or shareholder; (iv) an associate corporation or holding company of that vendor; (v) a director of such an associate corporation or holding company, or a parent, spouse or child of such a director; or (vi) a manager of such an associate corporation or holding company; (b) where that vendor is an individual, the person is - (c) (i) (ii) a parent, spouse or child of that vendor; or a private company of which such a parent, spouse or child is a director or shareholder; or where that vendor is a partnership, the person is (i) a partner of that vendor, or a parent, spouse or child of such a partner; or (ii) a private company of which such a partner, parent, spouse, child is a director or shareholder. A person is a related - 5 -

7. (G) 欄所指的支付條款包括售價的任何折扣, 及就該項購買而連帶的贈品 財務優惠或利益 For column (G), the terms of payment include any discount on the price, and any gift, or any financial advantage or benefit, made available in connection with the purchase. 8. 下述互聯網可連結到此發展項目的價單 : The price list(s) of the development can be found in the following website : 更新日期及時間 : Date & Time of Update: 2:43PM, 11-02-2019-6 -