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Breakdown of researchers Chemistry 5% Mechanical Engineering 6% Electronics 6% Physics, Geology, Social Eng., etc 21% Civil Engineering 20% Architectural t Engineering 42% Shimizu carbon management roadmap Main building of the Shimizu Institute of Technology: -40% 2003 New Head Office Half Carbon 2011 Zero Carbon "Cool Earth 50 initiative Japan's goal: -60~80% (from 1990 level) l) Target year for UK's ZEB efforts for newly constructed buildings Target year for USA's ZEB efforts for newly constructed buildings 2

Curent state of building energy Current CO 2 emission *1 100 kg-co 2 /m 2 year Air conditioning: heat source 31.5% Exterior: thermal insulation (PAL) Air conditioning: efficiency improvement (CEC) Air conditioning: heat conveyance 16.5% Hot water supply Lighting Electrical receptacle Power Ventilation: 5.6% Water supply and drainage: 0.8% Lifts: 3.1% Others -15~20% -30~40% -70% Technological development in the coming years High-efficiency equipment: 20% improvement Energy-efficient conveyance: 10 to 20% High-efficiency lighting: 3 times in efficiency Energy-efficient office equipment: 3 times in efficiency Emission factor for electricity 2030: 2/3, 2050: 1/3, 2100: 0 Solar power generation: 2 times in efficiency Package-type air conditioning systems are used in 80% or more of the office buildings in Japan. (Improvement of equipment performance is indispensable. COP goal in 2050: 12, which is a 2.5-fold improvement) Total carbon dioxide emission benchmark: 100 kg/m2 year (average for energy-efficient buildings in Tokyo: 99 kg/m2 year) Carbon dioxide emission breakdown benchmark: Energy Conservation Center emission breakdown: about 40,000 to 70,000 m2 of total building space 5 Microgrid Smartgrid 3

Medical center Industrial park or essential production facilities IT data center or traffic control center Town redevelopment PJ Penetration promotion of fintermittent itt trenewable energy, or biomass energy Solar park or wind farm Unelectrified villages in developing countries Isolate islands Key technology for CDM/JI 4

Smoothed power flow kw time Reflex power output controlling kw time Mega-class Natural Energy kw time Battery + Generator Receiving Point Utility Line Secondary Battery kw Microgrid kw time Generator time Microgrid control system Exhaust heat utilization Exhaust heat recovery Gas engine gen. 350kW Absorption water heater-chiller Gas engine gen. 90kW Nickel metal hydrite battery 40kW x 10hrs Thermal energy storage Electric double layer capacitor 100kW x 2 sec Solar photovoltaics 10kW Heat pump chiller Heat storage tank Purchased power Electric power flow Laboratory buildings Chilled/hot water Thermal energy flow 5

ctive Power [kw] Cascade Control Analog Communication Gas engine gen. working alone The same condition as an emergency gen. working alone. Islanded Mode Parallel Mode Time [sec] Load Gas engine NiMH EDLC Time [sec] Effec Effective Power [kw] Effective e Power kw Event Rate Event Rate 800 600 400 200 0-100 Frequency [Hz] Total Load of Labs Purchased Power from the Utility Gas Engine NiMH Control Start EDLC 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Time sec 6

) y (Hz) Frequency 6.8 52 Voltage 6.7 6.6 51 6.5 6.4 Frequency 50 6.3 49 Parallel Islanded Parallel 350 300 250 Voltage (kv) Output (kw) 200 150 100 50 0 Load NiMH Gas Engine Gen.(350kW) EDLC -50 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Time (sec) 7

Demonstration Study of Stabilized and Advanced Grid-Connection PV Systems for Micro-Grid (High Quality Power Supply) System Demonstration site Hangzhou Dianzi University, Zhejiang, China High voltage Linking board Low voltage board PV(Solar power generation)120kw Diesel engine Generator 120kW Total Generation Capacity 240kW The PV ratio of total power 50% 8

PV Panels 120kW PV(Solar power generation)120kw Diesel engine Generator 120kW Total Generation Capacity 240kW The PV ratio of total power 50% EDLC, PQC, etc. System Control Room Substation(Receiving Point) 9

W) Volt PV EDL BATD Loa Freq C G d Freq Volt +0.3Hz Ref -0.3kW +8V Ref -8V PV Load DG BAT EDLC 10

Full-scale smartgrids and microgrids scheme Power system control System control Energy transfer, constant power follow control Demand response Mega Solar Substation Receiving point Generator BEMS Microgrid DR/DSM Secondary battery Air PV conditioner Commercial building Large storage batteries Receiving point EV PHEV HP Smart BEMS Demand response/dsm PV/storage battery/equipment control Housing (in future) Smart HEMS Smart meters PV/storage battery control Demand response Smart blocks (apartment houses) Stabilization of distribution line by power flow control at the PCC High reliable and stable power supply by the BEMS in islanding mode Examination of DSM targeted the air-conditioning system Examination of high function PCS for PV (FRT/LVRT) 11