JUDAS 1 1 JUDAS 4 JUDAS Judasen huishani joi Papan caisaibo qui Judasen joi raanai 1 Jesucriston joni hihxon tah hen hea Judasen nea joi huishaxon mat

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JUDAS 1 1 JUDAS 4 JUDAS Judasen huishani joi Papan caisaibo qui Judasen joi raanai 1 Jesucriston joni hihxon tah hen hea Judasen nea joi huishaxon mato qui raanai, noque huetsabaan. Santiagonen huetsa hihxon tah hen mato qui raanai. Noquen Papa matohon hihti queenaibo tah man qui, Jesucristonen quenaxon bexojahabo tah man qui, jahuenah sca. 2 Matohon shinanxon Papan mato yanapannon, jahuen shinan siri jan mato hicha hinannon, jan matohon hihti siribojaxonnon, hih tah hen jai. Quesajaquin yohihibo (2 P 2.1-17) 3 Noquen Hihbaan noque jihuemahi jenquetsahpaquin hihxon mato qui huishati shinanrahsihixon bi tah hen huetsa joi man hashoan pishinaiya jaa huetsa joi huishati hen shinanscai, heen huetsabaan. Jaa copi tah hen mato hihti yohihi, hahan jihueti joi Papan noque huestijaquin yohihah bihxon tenexon tsoabi mato paranmayamanahue, heen huetsabaan. 4 Caibo ta nincayosmahax bi noquen huetsahihcamahax mato tocan hihquiqui. Jan jato tiromajayaxihqui ta neateman Papan huishanishqui. Noquen hohcha sohuaxon ta Papan noque casticanyamascatihiqui, hohchati hihresnonhue hih ta jacanihqui, Papan shinanjomahax. Jascajaquin ta Papan joi huetsajacanihqui. Jascajaquin rihbi ta noquen Hihbo Jesucristo potacaniqui, jaa huesti noquen Hihbo que bi.

JUDAS 5 2 JUDAS 12 5 Hen mato yohihi jatihibi man sirijaquin honanpahonih bi tah hen behnajaquin sca mato shinamacatsihqui. Egipto mai janin hohmis hohmisaiton ta noquen Hihbaan jahuen jonibo picomanishqui, huetsa main jato jihuemanoxon. Hiohah bi nincayosmahiton sca ta jato mahuamanishqui. 6 Papan yonotibaan rihbi ta jaton hihboti jenebahini caquin jaton jati jenebahinnishqui. Jaabo ta Papan xehponishqui, pequetima nexá cahen bahquish chian jato potapaquenish, jahuen quiquin casticanti nete noconon caman jato jano bexojaquin. 7 Sodoma, Gomorra, jano jai jemabo rihbi ta jascanishqui. Tsinihax cahen cahco shinanya jaax hahbe bebo hihti queenpahonish. Jaton tsiste res banetai ta hahan honanti qui, nocayosma chihi jato manascai non shinanbehnoyamanon. 8 Hen yohihah mato janin jaibo ta jascapahbo qui. Namaquen hohchataibo jisish ta jascacatsi sca jaax jaton yora qui bi sca hohchacaniqui. Tsoabi nincacatsihyamahax ta xabayahpabo qui tiromahi yohuanrihbicaniqui. 9 Papan quiquin yonoti Miguel ta coshihax bi jascayamanishqui. Moisesnin yora Satanasnen bichincatsihquiya ta hahbetan join hihquinannanxon Satanas hichayamanishqui. Heen Hihbaan mia netemanon hahresquin. 10 Mato tocan jaibo ta jascayama qui. Jaabaan honanyamahibo ta hichacaniqui. Shinanjoma yohinahboxon hahcajaquin jaibo copi ta Papan jato hihti tiromajayaxihquiqui. 11 Caiman hahní quescapahboja ta jacanihqui, Papan hihti cascantibo sca, Balaaman hahni quescajaquin rihbi ta coriqui queenyoraxon Papan jonibo hohchamacaniqui. Coré hihní quesca ta nincayosmabohax queyocahinyaxihcanihqui. 12 Man pinoxon tsinquitaiya ta rabinxonma mato betanbi picanihqui, hahan masati sca mato tocan janon. Jaton yora res ta jiscanihqui, caibo hahx-

JUDAS 13 3 JUDAS 21 onquinma. Hoijoma nai cohin quescapahbo ta jaabo qui, nihuen hueranah caresi. Bimiti tian bimiyosma jihuibo quescapahbo tah qui. Jihui xanascai, mexabahinah quescapahbo, jabiyahpa mahuanicabo. 13 Jaabo ta nihuen potajaquehah hian behchonax bacox potohahtanai quescapahbo qui, jaton hahqui rabinti shinanbo potohi. Huishi paquetai quescapahbo tah qui. Jascabi sca bahquish chian baneti cahi. 14 Adaman chini xohtabo toponah, jahuen siete ta Enoc qui. Jaan ta jascapa tiromabo jayaxihqui yohinishqui, nescajaquin: Jise. Non topontimahi jahuen yonotiboya ta noquen Hihbo jahuiqui. 15 Jatihibi casticani joxon ta nincayosmabo jatihibi jaan yohihihqui, nincayamaxon jaabaan tiromajapahoni jatihibi jato cahepaquequin. Hahqui tiromahi yohuanpahonihbo joi jatihibi ta jato cahepaquehihqui, hihqui. 16 Reren rereni yohuanaibo tah qui, jahua pishca costanyamahax sinati tiromahi yohuanaibo, mai mehabaan costanai quescajacatsihquibo coshi pari pahichax yohuani, paranxon coriqui bichinnoxon pari noque sirijaquin yohuanquihnquin. Nincacaibo jan hihti yohihi 17 Noquen Hihbo Jesucriston raantibaan yohini joibo shinanbehnoyamanahue, heen huetsabaan. 18 Nete queyoti hochoma ta hosanaibo jayaxihquiqui. Papan costanyamahi shinanbo qui ta hinamehyaxihcanihqui, tiromati queenyorascai. 19 Huetsa joibo yohixon ta mato shinan mitisahmacaniqui. Mai meha shinanyahpabo tah qui, Papan yoshin siri jaton jointi janin yamahi. 20 Mato tah man jascatimahi, noque huetsabo coshijanahue, hashoan sca noquen Hihbo nincacoinahbo. Dios Yoshinyaxon noque huetsabo yocaxonnahue. 21 Papa Dios

JUDAS 22 4 JUDAS 25 queenai quesca jihuenahue, matohon queenai quescajaquin jan mato hahxonnon. Noquen Hihbo Jesucristonen matohon shinanxon mato queyoyamanox manamahi jonon caman mananahue. 22 Rabe shinanyabo yanapannahue, shinancoinahbo. 23 Caibo rihbi chihi quiha bihquin hahcajaquin hihti yohinahue, hohchapan jato queyomis hihxon. Caibo rihbi maposcaiton raquexon chihima qui bihbohannahue. Rahninti rishta chopa potamaquin hahcajaquin jaton mai meha shinanbo potamanahue, mato qui mahnemis. Noquen Hihbo jan yocascai 24 Papan ta mato tenemati hahtipahiqui, man paqueyamanon. Rishtajoma jaa bebonbi man jahuen xabapan jenimahanan nihnon ta mato bexojati hahtipahiqui. 25 Jaa huesti ta Papa Dios qui, noque jihuemanica. Noquen Hihbo Jesucristo betan ta noque jihuemahiqui. Jaa copi tah non Mia tah min xaba hihbo qui, Papan, non jai. Quiquin shinan hihbo tah min qui. Min hihbohi ta jatihibi qui. Min hihboyamahi yamahi. Mia huesti tah min noque yohinica qui. Nete jariyamahi bi tah min jascapa janíqui, rahma jascarihbihi. Jascarihbihi tah min queyoyamanox manatai hih tah non mia yohihi jai, Papan. Jascari rahan.

Noquen hihbaan joi New Testament in Capanahua (PE:kaq:Capanahua) copyright 2008 Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc. Language: Capanahua 5 Translation by: Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc. Capanahua [kaq], Peru Copyright Information 2008, Bible League International. All rights reserved. This translation text is made available to you under the terms of the Creative Commons License: Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works. (http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/) In addition, you have permission to port the text to different file formats, as long as you do not change any of the text or punctuation of the Bible. You may share, copy, distribute, transmit, and extract portions or quotations from this work, provided that you include the above copyright information: You must give Attribution to the work. You do not sell this work for a profit. You do not make any derivative works that change any of the actual words or punctuation of the Scriptures. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available if you contact us with your request. The New Testament in Capanahua 2008, Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc. All rights reserved. This translation is made available to you under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivatives license 4.0. You may share and redistribute this Bible translation or extracts from it in any format, provided that: You include the above copyright and source information. You do not sell this work for a profit. You do not change any of the words or punctuation of the Scriptures. Pictures included with Scriptures and other documents on this site are licensed just for use with those Scriptures and documents. For other uses, please contact the respective copyright owners. 2014-04-22

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