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Technology Transfer Center Where technology meets industry

TTC s Major Functions (a) Management and Protection of HKUST Intellectual Property Monitor inventions, discoveries, copyrighted works and technical information arising from HKUST research works Conduct technology review and market assessment for commercialization opportunity Handle patent application and administration Protect HKUST s intellectual property rights (b) Technology Marketing Establish contacts with industry Prepare marketing materials to promote the university s research outputs Organize expertise for major projects Provide support to the faculty, research centers and laboratories in HKUST for industrial technology dissemination (c) Technology Licensing License HKUST technology to industrial partners worldwide Support creation of start-up companies through licensing HKUST technology Form Joint Venture companies through licensing HKUST technology (d) Seek Research Collaborations and Funding from Industry Search opportunities for research collaborations with industry within faculty s research interest areas Solicit industrial funding for contract research projects Solicit industrial sponsorship for matching government fund (e) Steer Collaboration with External Partners Negotiate consultancy, collaborative research projects and industry sponsored research projects Assist in settlement of Non-Disclosure Agreement / Materials Transfer Agreement, technology licensing and collaborative research contracts

A Glance at HKUST Research Resources and Infrastructure Faculty Profiles & Research Activities HKUST is a resource of great human and technological potential which can serve inside the classroom as well as Hong Kong, the Asian Region and the world outside. The fine faculty and senior staff we have recruited from all over the world and the central and interdepartmental research units we have established are ready to be in collaboration with industry and business to participate in leading-edge fundamental and applied research. Our professional experience and expertise can therefore be brought to bear immediately and efficiently to solve problems of business, industry and the public. For details about our faculty profiles and research activities, please visit Research Institutes & Centers HKUST s multi-disciplinary research institutes were established to conduct multi-disciplinary research programs at HKUST. They do not only play a role in facilitating broad interdisciplinary research collaboration, but also help promote mission-oriented research in areas critical to Hong Kong s economy. For details about our research institutes and centers and their research areas, please visit Central Research Facilities From its inception, HKUST recognized the need to provide central research facilities to support the research and development activities carried out by faculty, students and staff. These central facilities constitute a major portion of the R & D infrastructure at HKUST and are available to external researchers and engineers in academia and industry. Central Research Facilities in HKUST include (please visit ): Advanced Engineering Materials Facility (AEMF) Animal and Plant Care Facility (APCF) Biosciences Central Research Facility (BioCRF) CLP Power Wind/Wave Tunnel Facility (WWTF) Design and Manufacturing Services Facility (DMSF) Environmental Central Facility (ENVF) Geotechnical Centrifuge Facility (GCF) Materials Characterisation & Preparation Facility (MCPF) Nanoelectronics Fabrication Facility (NFF) "" "" Students and Teaching Staff As of Sep 2013, HKUST has 13,079 students (including 8,849 undergraduates and 4,230 postgraduates) and 627 teaching staff (including 503 regular and 124 visiting scholars). 2013 9 13,079 8,849 4,230 627 503 124

Global Recognition 40 No.40, World s Top 800 Universities (2014) (QS World University Rankings) 4 No.4, World s Top 100 Universities Under 50 (2014) (The Times Higher Education) 5 No.5, World s Top 300 Asian Universities (2014) (QS Asian University Rankings) 21 No.21, World s Top 100 Engineering and Technology Universities (No. 1 in Greater China)(2014) (Times Higher Education World University Rankings) 1 No.1, Kellogg-HKUST EMBA Program, Global EMBA Ranking (2013) (Financial Times) 14 No. 14, Full-Time MBA Program, Global MBA Ranking (2014) (Financial Times)

Technology Transfer Center The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Clear Water Bay Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel. No. 2358 7917 Fax. No. 2358 1493 E-mail Website HKUST Technology Transfer Center