(10) 苷 (7, 10) (Mikania cordata) (M. micrantha Kunth (7, 10, 13,16) 8~32 12~ ~32 (5) (1)

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2003 (111-121) (Mikania micrantha) (Mikania cordata) 8~32 12~28 20 6 28~32 68% 25%3.5% ph5.5~7.5-0.8mpa 2.5 5~8 4 11 0.5, 0.75 95% 80% 2,4-D 90% 20 92~98%

112 1986 (10) 2000 5 苷 (7, 10) (Mikania cordata) (M. micrantha Kunth (7, 10, 13,16) 8~32 12~28 16 28~32 (5) (1)

113 2.5 (4, 11, 18) ph5.5~7.5 91 ~ 25.926.927.127.6 6.66.8 7.88 13.512.1 2118 2823 25 11 11 180378 255462 3442727 2.714.2 12.9169.5 1.8 2.1 7.9 13.1 5.2 23 ( ) (5) 1 1.1 1.8 1.4 11 2 2.3 9.3 7

114 Mikania cordata Mikania micrantha length of vine (cm/pot) dry weight (g/pot) (a) (c) leaf number (No./pot) (b) (d) Fig. 1. Length of vine (a), dry weight (b), leaf number(c), and leaf area(d) of Mikania cordata and M. micrantha by vertical bar indicates standard error of the associated mean value. Factors were separate investigated in green house. Each data point and the associated standard error derived from data on five replicates of testing unit. Both Mikania were raised in green house under similar conditions during May to August, 2002. (16, 19) 450 5 (10)

115 (8, 9) 50% 100% ( ) 80% 0.75 0.5 0.75 0.5

116 Table 1. Effects of pre-emergence herbicides on Mikania pot test. Herbicide Rate Control (%) (kg ai/ha) Mikania cordata Mikania micrantha atrazine 0.5 100 100 0.375 100 98 0.25 100 100 butachlor 1.176 85 82 0.882 63 65 0.588 51 61 dimethenamid 0.7 97 96 0.525 84 70 0.35 75 67 dinitramine 0.75 61 70 0.563 52 54 0.375 48 50 diuron 1.6 100 100 1.2 100 100 0.8 98 100 metazachlor 0.647 85 89 0.485 56 64 0.323 55 61 metribuzin 0.7 100 100 0.525 100 100 0.35 100 100 oxadiazon 4.4 93 99 3.3 89 98 2.2 81 84 oxyfluorfen 0.235 100 100 0.176 100 100 0.118 100 100 pendimethalin 1.02 85 89 0.765 79 77 0.51 63 58 S-metolachlor 1.048 80 90 0.786 67 59 0.47 54 53 LSD (0.05) 13 11 Herbicides were applied at 7 days after planting of seeds. Data on fresh weight was collected at 28 days after herbicide application (DAA). Control % based data on fresh weight.

117 45 2,4-D 2,4-D 77% 86% 45 ( ) 5~7 2,4-D 2,4-D (sulfonylurea) 1980 2,4-D ( )

118 Table 2. Effects of post-emergence herbicides on Mikania in pot test at TACTRI Wufeng. Herbicide Rate (kg ai/ha) Control (%) Mikania cordata Mikania micrantha 2,4-D 1.6 99 100,- 1.2 98 88 0.8 97 95 bentazon 2.205 100 84 1.654 99 64 1.103 86 59 flazasulfuron 0.05 7 0 0.094 0 0 0.038 0 0 fluroxypyr 0.296 100 100 0.222 100 100 0.148 100 100 glufosinate 0.675 100 100 0.506 100 100 0.338 100 100 glyphosate 2.05 99 93 0.538 91 81 1.025 90 77 imazapyr 0.347 81 66 0.26 75 56 0.174 35 19 imazosulfuron 0.4 28 0 0.3 3 0 0.2 0 0 MSMA 0.9 15 0 0.675 12 0 0.45 2 0 paraquat 0.48 100 100 0.36 100 100 0.24 100 100 pyrazosulfuron 0.15 28 0 0.113 25 0 0.075 0 0 triclopyr 1.848 100 100 1.386 100 100 0.924 100 100 LSD (0.05) 29 27 Injury was rated visually at 30 days after application (DAA) on a scale of 0=no injury and 10=dead. Data on fresh weight was collected at 45 DAA. Control % based data on fresh weight.

119 Table 3. Effects of post-emergence herbicides on established Mikania micrantha in field tests at Wufeng. Herbicides Rate Fresh weight(g/m 2 ) Control(%) (ai kg/ha) test1 test2 test1 test2 check 1813 552 fluroxypyr 0.296 29 98 glufosinate 0.675 141 0 92 100 glyphosate 2.05 74 0 96 100 paraquat 0.48 69 96 LSD 0.05 88.3 Data on fresh weight was collected at 21 days after herbicide application. Control % based data on fresh weight. (5,9) 0.15

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