Fig. 1 Geographical position of the Baidu site Fig. 2 2 Geomorphological map and distribution of the excavation squares m 150m

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地質調査研究報告/Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan

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29 4 Vol. 29 No. 4 2010 11 ACTA ANTHROPOLOGICA SINICA Nov. 2010 1 1 2 1. 530022 2. 533000 2002 700m 2 1500 4 K871. 11 A 1000-3193 2010 04-355-17 1 1km 10km 20km 23 36 42 N 107 01 36 E 1 10000m 2 2002 700m 2 1000 10m 275m 2 15m 425m 2 11 2002TBET1 T11 17 2002TBWT1 T17 2 10cm 3cm 2007-05-08 2010-04-26 2007FY110200 1962- E-mail gmxie92@ sina. com

356 29 1 Fig. 1 Geographical position of the Baidu site Fig. 2 2 Geomorphological map and distribution of the excavation squares 2 2. 1 200 300m 150m 170m 4 30cm 4 0. 8m 1m

4 357 1 2 1 100m 2 108m 112m 3 Fig. 3 3 Geological section of the Baidu site 2. 2 ET3 1. 0. 05m 0. 16m 2. 0. 20 0. 30m 3. 0. 40m WT9 1. 0. 05 0. 13m 2. 0. 33m 0. 45m 3. 0. 15m 3 WT6 WT7 WT9 WT10 2 1 T3 1m 2 4 1cm 2 T8 1 1 1cm

358 29 Fig. 4 4 Distribution of quartz debris and other stone artifacts 4 1500 3cm 743 622 121 70% 1 Tab. 1 1 Numbers and percentages of the main classes of stone artifacts from Baidu site 50 16 1 23 70 56 527 743 % 6. 7 2. 2 0. 1 3. 1 9. 4 7. 6 70. 9 100 4. 1 50 5cm 10cm 66% 10cm 15cm 26% 15cm 8% N = 17 34% N = 19 38% N = 12 24% N = 2 4% 28 56%

4 359 4. 2 16 1 70% 170mm 72mm 101mm 1260g 114g 439g Fig. 5 5 Stone hammers and cores WT72 416 80 133mm 82mm 74mm1140g 5 4 WT172 356 77mm 67mm 57mm360g 5 3 Ⅰ 7 4. 3 1 WT122 475212mm 129mm 91mm3720g Ⅰ 6 4. 4 23 2 285mm 66mm 132mm 165mm 56mm 95mm 119mm 26mm 68mm 4960g 140g 1215g 12 11 130 60 83 3 4 10

360 29 Tab. 2 2 Attributes analysis results of cores 10 6 3 4 9 8 6 12 11 23 % 43. 5 26. 1 13. 0 17. 4 39. 1 34. 8 26. 1 52. 2 47. 8 100 WT52 98 153mm 137mm 93mm2100g 70 93 3 Ⅰ 2 WT132 585 105mm 100mm 55mm 700g 70 4 5 1 WT112 261 196mm 110mm 88mm2180g 70 93 5 2 Ⅰ 1 4. 5 70 3 6 84mm 17mm 40mm 78mm 18mm 44mm 34mm 6mm 13mm 220g 5g 45g 95% 90 100 120 43 60% Tab. 3 3 Attributes analysis results of flakes 29 21 13 7 40 15 15 64 6 47 23 70 % 41. 4 30. 0 18. 6 10. 0 57. 2 21. 4 21. 4 91. 4 8. 6 67. 1 32. 9 100 WT42 37 108 105 37mm 380g 120

4 361 6 1 Ⅰ 3 WT72 502 40 46 15mm60g 112 6 2 WT12 66 6 7 WT22 302 6 3 6 Flakes WT162 314 52 37 18cm60g 125 6 6 WT82 519 39mm 44mm 9mm 30g 105 6 4 WT10 2 532 6 5 WT52 161 41mm 48mm 14mm40g 110 Ⅰ 4 4. 6 56 31

362 29 18 7 4. 6. 1 31 55. 4% 65% 192mm 88mm 121mm 129mm 70mm 97mm 91mm 37mm 60mm 2010g 320g 916g 2 5 8 2 4 7 Tab. 4 4 Attributes analysis results of choppers 7 10 10 3 1 13 8 5 5 28 3 29 2 12 19 25 6 31 % 22. 5 32. 3 32. 3 9. 7 3. 2 42. 0 25. 8 16. 1 16. 1 90. 3 9. 7 93. 6 6. 4 38. 7 61. 3 80. 7 19. 3 100 7 Choppers WT192 564 153mm 122mm 61mm1420g 57

4 363 7 5 Ⅰ 11 WT163 203 110mm 80mm 72mm840g 73 7 3 WT172 450 7 9 WT12 573 105mm 86mm 66mm680g 81 7 2 WT42 10 132mm 118mm 73mm1000g 55 81 7 4 WT82 419 140mm 125mm 90mm1780g 62 78 7 1 Ⅰ 12 WT62 47 126mm113mm75mm1060g 65 80 7 8 WT172 445 99mm 94mm 40mm380g 65 7 6 Ⅰ 14 WT42 8 107mm 80mm 55mm580g 70 Ⅰ 15 WT112 441 132mm 82mm 56mm560g 55 Ⅰ 13 WT32 60 132mm 124mm 91mm1900 76 7 7

364 29 4. 6. 2 18 32. 1% 6 107mm 50mm 75mm 94mm 25mm 60mm 56mm 14mm 33mm 420g 10g 195g 75 40 57 80% Tab. 5 5 Attributes analysis results of scrapers 7 4 4 3 13 5 17 1 5 10 3 18 % 38. 9 22. 2 22. 2 16. 7 72. 2 27. 8 94. 4 5. 6 27. 8 55. 5 16. 7 100 WT162 167 71mm 58mm 47mm230g 45 8 3 Ⅰ 8 WT122 482 84mm 64mm 34mm220g 56 8 2 Ⅰ 10 WT72 501 79mm 58mm 35mm120g 59 8 1 WT112 350 63mm 57mm 23mm90g 68 8 4 WT32 11 82mm 65mm 31mm205g 47 Ⅰ 9 3. 6. 3 7 12. 5% 3 2 2 198mm 130mm 171mm 126mm 84mm 106mm 75mm 55mm 65mm 2020g 630g 1532g

4 365 8 Fig. 8 Scrapers WT52 95 120mm 110mm80mm1240g 60 73 9 1 ET32 4 192mm126mm70mm2010g 70 78 9 4 Ⅰ 18 WT172 549 130mm 84mm 55mm630g 66 82 9 5 Ⅰ 16 WT22 41

366 29 9 Fig. 9 Picks 198mm 120mm 75mm1060g 45 65 9 3 Ⅰ 17 4. 7 4. 7. 1 3 3 1 4 1 ET82 13 167mm 106mm 75mm1320g 9 2 4. 7. 2 1cm 527 3cm 1000 70% 60% 44% 3 5cm 303 5 10cm 207 10cm 17 1cm

4 367 Plate Ⅰ Ⅰ Stone artifacts from the Baidu site in Bose of Guangxi Province 1. Core WT112 261 2. Core WT52 98 3. Flake WT4 2 37 4. Flake WT5 2 161 5. Flake26 6. Anvil WT12 2 475 7. Stone hammer WT17 2 356 8. Scraper WT16 2 167 9. Scraper WT32 11 10. Scraper WT12 2 482 11. Chopper WT19 2 564 12. Chopper WT82 419 13. Chopper WT112 441 14. Chopper WTl72 445 15. Chopper WT4 2 8 16. Pick WTl73 549 17. Pick WT22 41 18. Pick ET32 4

368 29 5 5. 1 1 60% WT11 2 261 48% 2 15cm 3 1 2 2 4

4 369 5. 2 70% 8% 5 5. 3 6 1 4 4 80 7 8 4 4 4 3 65 40 4 9 40 4 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 2005 B

370 29 1 T4 T3 B 30 40 5. 4 1 2 3 1. M. 2003. 2. A. 2 2006 125-143. 3. N. 2002-09-27. 4. J. 2002 21 1 59-64. 5. 1995 J. 2004 23 2 93-110. 6.. 1994. 7. J. 1999 18 3 215-224. 8 Hou YM Potts R Yuan BY et al. Mid-Pleistocene Acheulean-like Stone technology of the Bose Basin South China J. Science 2000 287 5458 1545-1700. 9. M. 1996. 10. N. 2005-05-31. 11. J. 2006 51 18 2161-2165. 1 2005

4 371 A Preliminary Report on the Excavation of the Baidu Site in the Bose Basin South China XIE Guang-mao 1 LIN Qiang 1 HUANG Xin 2 1. Guangxi Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology Nanning 530023 2. Cultural Relics Administrative Office of Youjiang District Baise 533000 Abstract The Baidu site is located in the Bose Basin Guangxi Province south China. Because of the construction of an expressway a rescue excavation of this site was carried out by the Guangxi Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology in autumn 2002. This site is about 10000m 2 in size of which 700m 2 was excavated. The excavated area was divided into two parts. Three stratigraphic layers were identified with no sharp boundary between layer 1 and layer 2 from the surface indicating that they were of the same age. Layer 3 represented weathered basal rock. Stone artifacts were recovered from layers 1 and 2. There were about 1500 stone artifacts unearthed from this site with raw materials being cobbles of sandstone quartzite quartz and silicified rock which were available from the basal conglomerate of the high terrace located near the site. The principal flaking technique was direct hard hammer percussion. Anvil technique was rare. Specimens with single cortical platforms and double cortical platforms were common with no preparation of the striking platform found. Apart from one piece all flakes were less than 10cm in length. The dorsal of surfaces of the flakes especially the smaller ones normally had flake scars which were usually struck from the same direction as the flake itself. Used flakes were rare. Tools were simply made with most of them flaked unifacially and with cortex. Tool types included choppers scrapers and picks with choppers being the dominant form. Geomorphological comparison of the stone artifacts of the Baidu site with those found at other sites in the Baise Basin indicate that the age of this site is about 300-400ka BP. Key words Bose Basin Baidu Stone artifacts Early Palaeolithic