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WEST ASIA 西亚 7D5N Dubai & Abu Dhabi The Ultimate fun Haven 迪拜 & 阿布达比 Dubai / Abu Dhabi 杜拜 / 阿布达比 VALIDITY: FEB 2019 ONWARDS 起出发 03-2143 3939 ENG

HIGHLIGHTS Dubai Museum Abra Water Taxi Dubai Frame Miracle Garden Desert Safari Adventure, Dubai Aquaventure Waterpark & The Lost Chambers Aquarium, Atlantis At The Top on Level 124, Burj Khalifa Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, Abu Dhabi 2 nights stay at Lapita Hotel included 3 Theme Parks (Motiongate, Bollywood, Legoland) Dubai Safari Park HOTEL ACCOMMODATION Premium tourist class hotels, majority provide free Wi-Fi (at least available at the lobby). 3N Dubai Novotel Hotel 4* or similar 2N Dubai Lapita, Dubai Parks and Resorts 4* or similar Note: Daily hot breakfast served in all hotels Note: ENTRANCES INCLUDED DAY 01 Kuala Lumpur ( -/-/ Hotel Dinner) Dubai Dubai Heritage Tour Upon arrival at Dubai International Airport, proceed to Bur Dubai and visit Dubai Museum, built within the restored 18th century Al Fahidi Fort. The collection of exhibits here offer a fascinating insight into the rich heritage of Dubai, including the spectacular pearls. Admire the unique Bastakiya architecture before taking an Abra (water taxi) across the Dubai Creek to the Deira side. Browse the authentic Spice Souk, as well as the glittering array of merchandise in Gold Souk. Photostop at Dubai Frame. DAY 02 Dubai Gold Souk (Hotel Breakfast / Thai Lunch / BBQ Dinner) Jewels of Jumeirah Proceed to snap memorable photos of the iconic 7* hotel Burj Al Arab. Dubai Miracle Garden Enter the Dubai Miracle Garden and view more than 45 million blooming flowers in stunning designs and eye-catching colour combinations achieved through 45 types of flower. Desert Safari Adventure Hop on a 4X4 (pick up at the hotel) and head off to the Big Red for some dune bashing over enormous deep red and yellow sand dunes. Next, stop at a camel farm before being whisked off to witness a mesmerising sunset in the solitude of the desert. As night falls, you will reach the Bedouin camp with an array of activities such as camel ride, don traditional dress, shisha and henna painting. Tuck in the BBQ dinner while appreciating some fabulous belly dancing. DAY 03 Dubai (Hotel Breakfast / - / Arabic Dinner) Atlantis, The Palm Experience Ride the monorail along the trunk of the Palm Jumeirah to Atlantis, where we will go to Aquaventure Waterpark and The Lost Chambers Aquarium. Spend the day in Aquaventure Waterpark with attractions such as the Leap of Faith, a steep waterslide passing through clear acrylics tube, bringing you into the marine world full of sharks and ray; 1.6km-long Rapids and the children s favourite Splasher. Next, visit the mythical Lost Chambers Aquarium with 65,000 marine animals to live out your Atlantean Adventure. Aquaventure

Iconic Modern Dubai Discovery Heading towards Dubai Mall, world s largest shopping and entertainment complex. Then, from the world s tallest building, Burj Khalifa (828m tall), take a high-speed elevator to the observation deck At The Top on Level 124, before enjoy a fitting finale by watching the mesmerising dancing Dubai Fountain. DAY 04 Dubai 139km Abu Dhabi 139km Dubai (Hotel Breakfast / - / Hotel Dinner) Sublime Abu Dhabi Indulgence The first stop today is the majestic Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, one of the world s largest mosques. This white mosque comprises 82 domes, over 1,000 columns and 24K gold gilded chandeliers, while the reflective pools surrounding the mosque exemplify its beauty and sublimity. Next, visit the largest art museum in the Arabian Peninsula, Louvre Abu Dhabi. This afternoon, have fun in either one of the theme parks of your choice! OPTIONAL DAY 05 Dubai (Hotel Breakfast / - / - ) Dubai Theme Park Enjoy a full blast day at the Dubai Theme Park with 3 amazing parks to accomplish with your own schedule. (either complete all three parks or select one by your own) Hotel Transylvania Underworld 4D Zombieland Blast Off Ghostbusters: Battle for New York Smurfberry Factory Mumbai Chowk Rustic Ravine Royal Plaza Bollywood Film Studios * Formula Rossa * G-Force * Fiorano GT Challenge * Ferrari Gallery * 4D Fantasy Speed of Magic Lego City Imagination Kingdoms Miniland Motion Gate, Dubai Park OR * Justice League: Warworld Attacks * The Riddler Revolution * Superman 360: Battle for Metropolis * Tweety Wild Wockets Justice League, Warner Brothers World DAY 06 Dubai (Hotel Breakfast / Buffet Lunch / -) Dubai Safari Park The new home for more than 2,500 animals from the world, with a variety of themed areas such as Arabian Village, Asian Village and African Village. Besides feeling the thrill and excitement in Open Safari, you may enjoy the show and even engage in fun activities. DAY 07 Arrival Home Arrival home with sweet memories.

行程亮点 迪拜博物馆 阿布拉 ( 水上计程车 ) 迪拜之框 奇迹花园 迪拜沙漠探险之旅 水上历险乐园 & 迷失海底世界水族馆, 亚特兰蒂斯 124 楼观景台, 哈利法塔 阿布达比 - 谢赫扎伊德大清真寺 入住 2 晚拉皮塔酒店 ( 含 3 座主题乐园 - Motiongate, Bollywood, Legoland) 迪拜野生动物园 注释 : 含入场费 酒店住宿 ( ) 迪拜博物馆 阿布拉 香料市场 黄金市场 迪拜之框 () 单轨列车 朱美拉棕榈岛 亚特兰蒂斯度假村 水上历险乐园 迷失海底世界水族馆 ( ) 帆船酒店 迪拜奇迹花园 四轮驱动车 沙丘扑 沙漠营地 烧烤晚餐 肚皮舞 迪拜购物中心 哈利法塔 124 楼观景台 迪拜舞蹈喷泉

-139 公里 - -139 公里 - ( ) 谢赫扎伊德大清真寺 卢浮宫阿布扎比 ( ) 迪拜主题乐园 ()

Dune Bashing Louvre Abu Dhabi KEY ITINERARY FEATURES Comprehensive inclusions with sufficient free time for your preferred activity. Meticulously planned logistics for a well paced journey. MEAL PLAN Barbeque Dinner, Desert Camp Arabic Cuisine, Zahr El Laymoun Restaurant Observatory Bar & Grill Restaurant, Marriott Harbour Hotel Note: Specific restaurants mentioned will be replaced if closed for private functions. Number of Meals : Lunch - 2 ; Dinner - 4 包罗万象的丰富综合旅程, 并让您有足够的空闲时间进行您所喜欢的活动 精心策划及节奏适中的旅程编排 烧烤晚餐, 沙漠营地 阿拉伯风味晚餐,Zahr El Laymoun 餐厅 Observatory Bar & Grill 餐厅, 海港万豪酒店 餐饮数量 : 午餐 - 2 ; 晚餐 - 4 Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque Travel Essentials: Passport & Visas - Each tour member is responsible to ensure their passport is valid for at least six (6) months from the return date of the trip and all necessary visas and permits have been acquired. Travel Insurance - It s essential that you take out a comprehensive travel insurance before travel. Terms & Conditions: 1. Itineraries, meals, hotels and transportation are subject to change without prior notice. 2. AVC reserves the right to make changes to or cancel the itinerary at any time due to unforeseen circumstances, especially during peak periods or in the event of a force majeure. 3. AVC is not responsible for omissions, printing and/or presentation errors in brochures or in any media where such information may be presented; AVC reserves the right to make corrections as required. 4. Every person participating in AVC s tours shall travel at his/her own risk. AVC shall not be held liable to any person for additional expenses that may be incurred due to delays or changes in any transport services, sickness, weather, strikes, war or other causes. 5. For other terms & conditions, refer overleaf of invoice or visit Note: AVC refers to Apple Vacations & Conventions Sdn Bhd West Tours - Additional Terms & Conditions: 1. Tours are conducted in English, with simple translation in Mandarin or Cantonese if required. 2. Triple Room - Third person shall be based on a roll-away bed. (Apply on Europe & Other Countries itineraries) 3. Triple Room is based on two double bed. (Apply on America itineraries, except Hawaii) 4. Triple Room only allowed 2 Adults and 1 Child, with a roll-away bed for child. For 3 adults, two rooms required with one person paying the Single Supplement. (Apply on South Africa itineraries only, except Kenya & Morocco) 旅行必备 : 护照或签证 - 团员有责任确保护照有效期需至少 6 个月 ( 从返程日期算起 ), 并且取得必要的签证和准证 旅游保险 - 出发前, 建议您购买全面的旅游保险 条规 : 1. 行程 膳食 酒店住宿和交通可能会有所更动, 恕不另行通知 2. 若出现无法预测的特殊情况, 特别是在旅游旺季期间, 苹果旅游将保留更改或取消行程的权利 3. 若苹果旅游的宣传手册或任何传播媒介, 出现任何形式的印刷失误或遗漏, 本公司一概不负责, 并且保留更正的权利 4. 每位参与苹果旅游团的成员, 必须为自身安全或行为负责 若出现无法预测的特殊情况 ( 例如 : 交通延误 / 取消 天气 疾病 示威 战争等等 ), 因而引发额外支出的问题, 苹果旅游一概不负责, 旅客需自行负责额外的费用 5. 详情条规, 请参阅单据背页或浏览 欧美团 - 附加条规 : 1. 所有行程以英文讲解为主 若有需要, 将提供简单的中文或粤语翻译 2. 三人房 - 房内第三名住客的床褥, 将以折叠式为准 ( 仅限于欧洲及其他国家行程 ) 3. 三人房均以两张双人床为准, 恕不添加折叠式床褥 ( 仅限于美国行程, 唯夏威夷除外 ) 4. 三人房均以折叠式床褥为准, 仅供两位成人及一位小孩 ( 十二岁以下 ) 若三位成人入住, 则须订购两间客房并填补差价 ( 仅限于全南美洲行程, 唯肯亚与摩洛哥除外 ) For Agent Use Only: Tour Code / : XEKDXB07 Printed Date Sep 2018