Chinese Acupuncture & MoxibustionDec.2011Vol.31No.12 comparedwiththatbeforetreatmentineithergroup (P<0.001P<0.01)butthetemperaturei

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DOI:10.13703/j.0255-2930.2011.12.003 2011 12 31 12 Chinese Acupuncture & MoxibustionDec.2011Vol.31No.12 1057 :0255-2930(2011)12-1057-05 :R246.2 : A 檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪 : 12 2 23 2 2 2 2 (1. 226001;2. 201203;3. ) [ ] : :59 (31 ) (28 ) 3 1 3 6 3 6 6 (WOMAC) 46m UT-325 : 3 6 WOMAC (P<0.05P<0.01P<0.001); (P<0.05); 6 (P<0.01P<0.05) 6 46m (P<0.01) (P> 0.05) (P>0.05) (49.81±3.10) (40.98±1.67) (P<0.001P<0.01) (P<0.001) : [ ] ; ; Kneeosteoarthritistreatedwithmoxibustion:arandomizedcontroledtrial REN Xiu-mei 12 CAO Jin-jin 2 SHEN Xue-yong 23 WANG Li-zhen 2 ZHAO Ling 2 WU Fan 2 ZHANG Hai-meng 2 (1.Acupuncture-Moxibustion Department Afiliated Hospital of Nantong UniversityNantong 226001Jiangsu ProvinceChina;2.Acupuncture-Moxibustionand Massage ColegeShanghai University of TCMShanghai201203;3.ShanghaiResearchCenterofAcupuncture-Moxibustionand Meridian) ABSTRACT Objective Toobservetheeficacyofmoxibustionontheimprovementinpainstifnessandmotordistur- banceforthepatientswithkneeosteoarthritis (OA)andevaluatetheefectivenessandsafetyofmoxibustiontherapy. Methods Fifty-ninecasesofkneeOA wererandomlydividedintoamoxibustiongroup(31cases)andaplacebomoxibus- tiongroup(28cases)inwhichmoxaconeandplacebomoxastickerwereappliedtoneixiyan(ex-le4)dubi(st35) andashipointsseparately3conesoneachpointineachtreatment.thetreatmentwasgivenonceeverytwodays 3timesperweekcontinuouslyfor6weeks.Thefolow-upvisitwasperformedin6weeksaftertheendoftreatment. The WesternOntarioand McmasterUniversitiesOsteoarthritisIndex(WOMAC)andthetimeof46-meterwalkingatthe fastestspeedwereadoptedtoevaluatetherecoveryofjointfunction.ut-325digitalthermaldetectorwasusedtorecord thetemperaturechangeatthemostapparentpainpointsofkneejointbeforeandaftermoxibustiontreatment.results In moxibustiongroupthescoresin WOMAC werereducedapparentlyin3and6weekstreatmentandduringfolow-upvi- sitseparately(p<0.05p<0.01p<0.001).inplacebomoxibustiongroupduringfolow-upvisitthescoreofstif- nesswaslowerascomparedwiththatbeforetreatment(p<0.05).in6weeksoftreatmentandduringfolow-upvisit thescoresofpainstifnessandmotordisturbanceinmoxibustiongroupwerereducedmuchmoreremarkablyascompared withplacebomoxibustiongroup(p<0.01p<0.05).inmoxibustiongroupaftertreatmentfor6weeksthetimeof46-me- terwalkingatthefastestspeedwasshorterapparentlyascomparedwiththatbeforetreatment(p<0.01)buttherewasno apparentimprovementaftertreatmentinplacebomoxibustiongroup(p>0.05).thediferencewasnotsignificantstatistical- lyingroupcomparison(p>0.05).aftermoxibustionthetemperatureattreatmentpointwas(49.81±3.10) inmoxi- bustiongroupandwas(40.98±1.67) inplacebomoxibustiongroup.thelocalskintemperatureincreasedapparentlyas 973 :2009 CB522901; :S30304; :08 DZ197280108 DZ1973000 : (1957-) :

1058 2011 12 31 12 Chinese Acupuncture & MoxibustionDec.2011Vol.31No.12 comparedwiththatbeforetreatmentineithergroup (P<0.001P<0.01)butthetemperatureincreasinginmoxibustion groupwasmuchmoreremarkable(p<0.001).conclusion Moxibustioncanobviouslyimproveintheclinicalsymptomsfor thepatientswithkneeosteoarthritissuchaspainstifnessandmotordisturbance.itisasafeandefectivetherapy. KEY WORDS OsteoarthritisKnee;Moxibustion;RandomizedControledTrial(RCT) [6] [1] 1 1.1 ( :ChiECRCT - 20110022) Meta 2009 9 2010 12 [2-5] 65 (33 ) (32 ) 2 3 ; 2 2 59 6 ( P>0.05) 1 1 ( ) ( ) ( x±s) 珚 ( ) ( ) ( x±s ) 珚 ( x±s) 珚 31 11 20 55 78 64.03±7.24 6 30 6.82±6.60 24.36±2.90 28 8 20 47 77 62.57±8.12 3 30 7.15±7.72 25.03±3.35 1.2 ;3 3 (ACR) ( ) (1995) [7] :11 ;2X ;4 ;3 1.5 ;4 40 ;5 30min;6 12 1356 145 1 : 6 2 : 1.3 1 45~78 ;2 3 : 1 ;3 3 ( ) ;4X : (Kelgren-Lawrencegrade 2);5 1.4 1.6 1 Excel2003 ( ) ;2 ; ( 5 ) ;

2011 12 31 12 Chinese Acupuncture & MoxibustionDec.2011Vol.31No.12 1059 ; 2 2.1 8mm ( 1) [8] 1 2.2 100mm( ) 3 6 14 ; (2) UT-325 ( 3 1 3 618 1 ) 3 2 ; >2 (3)50 (46 m) : 2.3 46 ( ) =[ 46m - 46m ) 46m ] 100% 3.2 3 3.1 (1) (Western Ontarioand Mc- Master Universities OsteoarthritisIndexWOMAC): SPSS16.0 ± ( x±s) 珔 WOMAC 46m t P<0.05 24 5 2 3.3 17 (1) WOMAC 0( )~ ( 2) 2 WOMAC ( x±s) 珚 3 6 6 32.42±16.97 22.92±14.60 1) 12.67±7.51 3)4) 13.57±10.95 3)5) 31 32.07±16.70 20.26±13.56 2) 15.39±12.56 3)5) 14.66±13.36 3)5) 37.15±22.73 24.87±20.39 2) 15.39±11.74 3)5) 14.97±16.21 3)5) 28 26.94±13.13 27.34±15.50 22.47±15.41 23.29±18.81 28.35±15.06 27.86±16.43 23.73±18.07 23.79±18.45 34.95±20.48 26.63±18.02 26.18±22.60 24.18±17.85 1) : 1) P<0.05 2) P<0.01 3) P<0.001; 4) P<0.01 5) P<0.05

1060 2011 12 31 12 Chinese Acupuncture & MoxibustionDec.2011Vol.31No.12 2 WOMAC (NSAID) [12] ( P>0.05) [13-14] ; 3 6 6 WOMAC (P< 0.05P<0.01P<0.001); (P<0.05); 6 (P<0.01P<0.05) (2) ; ( 3) 22 28.52±1.34 40.98±1.67 2) t 1.614 11.876 P >0.05 <0.001 : 1) P<0.001 2) P<0.01; 3) P<0.001 46m ( s) (%) 31 34.73±5.65 32.10±4.87 1) 6.68±13.28 28 33.69±6.11 32.31±5.44 2.75±14.82 t 0.680 0.157 1.074 P >0.05 >0.05 >0.05 : 1) P<0.01 4 46m WOMAC (P>0.05) ; 46m (t= 3.444P<0.01) (P>0.05) :1 (P>0.05) 2 4 ; 3 ( x±s ) 珚 24 29.11±1.16 49.81±3.10 1)3) 3 6 6 WOMAC ; 3 ; 3 (P<0.01P<0.001); 6 (P<0.001) (3) 46 m ( 4) 6 4 46m ( x±s) 珚 (OA) 3 [9-10] 53% [11] 4

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