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B. Business Integrated Accounts BusinessVantage Plus Monthly service fee Previous six months total trade turnover # HK$4,000,000 or above Below HK$4,000,000 BusinessVantage HK$500 HSBCnet monthly fee Previous three months average total relationship balance (TRB)* Monthly service fee HK$500,000 or above,000 to below HK$500,000 HK$200 Below,000 HK$450 HSBC Business Direct Previous three months average total relationship balance (TRB)* Monthly service fee HK$50,000 or above Below HK$50,000 HK$200 Total number of counter transactions per month Monthly transaction fee 0 3 Over 3 HK$10 per transaction from the 4 th counter transaction onwards Inactive account charge (every June and December) For those accounts with previous three months average total relationship balance (TRB) below HK$50,000 AND (i) Inactive for more than 1 year (ii) Inactive for more than 2 years Account closure fee Applicable until 30 June 2015 (within six months of the date of its opening) Effective from 1 July 2015 HK$250 HK$350 HK$200 HK$500 * Total Relationship Balance (TRB) is calculated based on the balances in the accounts maintained with HSBC in Hong Kong by a company with the same business registration number. Your TRB includes the following: Hong Kong dollar/renminbi/foreign currency deposits; market value of your securities, unit trusts, bonds, certificates of deposits, Equity Linked Investments, Structured Notes and Wayfoong Statement Gold; deposit amount of your Structured Investment Deposits and Deposit Plus; your utilised credits within approved limits (excluding residential mortgage loans); Statement Balance shown on the statements of your Business Cards/Corporate Cards/Purchasing Cards; and cash value of your insurance policies. For new accounts opened less than three months, average TRB of the first month/first and second months (where applicable) will be used to calculate the Bank s Monthly Service Fee. Monthly service fee and Monthly transaction fee will be charged on the fourth working day of each month. The monthly service fee applies to each Business Integrated Account held by the customer. # Trade turnover includes all import and export bill transactions that are processed by HSBC in Hong Kong. 1) The following transactions conducted over branch counters with the assistance of an HSBC branch staff are considered as counter transactions: cash deposit (including bulk cash deposit); cash withdrawal; paper cheque deposit (including bulk paper cheque deposit and house paper cheque deposit); paper cheque withdrawal; mixed deposit; and transfer withdrawal (transfer between two HSBC accounts in Hong Kong). 2) These counter transactions could be initiated by your company or a third party. 3) Total number of counter transactions is calculated based on the total number of counter transactions conducted in respect of all accounts maintained with HSBC in Hong Kong by your company with the same business registration number. 13

B. 商業綜合戶口 項目 商貿理財 戶口 服務月費 # 過去六個月總貿易額 4,000,000 港元或以上 4,000,000 港元以下 500 港元滙豐財資網月費豁免 1,000 港元 商業 理財戶口 客戶過去三個月的全面理財平均總值 * 500,000 港元或以上 100,000 港元至 500,000 港元以下 100,000 港元以下 服務月費豁免 200 港元 450 港元 滙豐 理財易 商務戶口 客戶過去三個月的全面理財平均總值 * 50,000 港元或以上 50,000 港元以下 每月櫃位交易次數 0-3 次 3 次以上 服務月費豁免 200 港元 服務月費豁免由第 4 次起每次交易收取 10 港元 不動戶口 ( 每六月及十二月收取 ) 戶口過去三個月的全面理財平均總值為 50,000 港元以下及 (i) 一年以上未有款項進支 (ii) 兩年以上未有款項進支 250 港元 350 港元 結束戶口 適用於 2015 年 6 月 30 日或以前 ( 於開戶後六個月內結束 ) 生效於 2015 年 7 月 1 日 200 港元 500 港元 * 全面理財總值是根據您公司於滙豐以同一商業登記號碼持有的戶口結餘來計算 您的全面理財總值包括 : 港元 / 人民幣 / 外幣存款 ; 以市價計算的證券 單位信託基金 債券 存款證 股票掛鈎投資 結構投資票據及黃金券 ; 結構性投資存款及高息投資存款的存款總額 ; 獲批核限額內的已動用信貸額 ( 住宅按揭貸款除外 ); 公司卡 / 商務卡 / 採購卡的結單結欠 ; 以及保險單的現金價值 開立不足三個月的新戶口將以首月 / 首兩個月 ( 如適用 ) 之全面理財總值計算本行收取的服務月費 服務月費及交易月費於每月第四個工作天扣除 服務月費適用於客戶持有的每個商業綜合戶口 # 貿易額包括所有透過香港滙豐辦理的進出口單據交易 1) 下列於分行櫃位由分行職員協助進行的交易將被視作櫃位交易 : 存入現金 ( 包括存入大量現金 ); 提取現金 ; 存入紙張支票 ( 包括存入大量紙張支票及存入滙豐紙張支票 ); 紙張支票提款 ; 混合存款 ; 及轉賬提款 ( 滙豐戶口之間的本地轉賬 ) 2) 由您公司或第三者進行的以上櫃位交易均被納入計算您公司的櫃位交易總次數 3) 櫃位交易總次數是根據您公司於滙豐以同一商業登記號碼持有的所有戶口的櫃位交易總數來計算 13

A. General Services All Accounts Account address confirmation Account history report Any account within one calendar year 1 Any account within two calendar years Any account within three calendar years Each additional calendar year over three calendar years (Up to seven calendar years) Account reactivation fee Bank confirmation of information for audit purposes Each confirmation by HSBC for month-end report as at the last calendar day of the month Other reports issued on request Bank reference letter Each bank reference letter Each supplementary copy Urgent request Banker s endorsement on non-hsbc group documents Each endorsement Each supplementary copy Bulk cash deposit Hong Kong dollar/renminbi notes (per customer per day) Up to 200 pieces of notes HK$250 HK$750 HK$300 per account (minimum HK$600) Additional handling charge of HK$300 HK$300 The Bank reserves the right to levy additional charges HK$150 HK$20 Over 200 pieces of notes 0.25% of the full amount 2 (minimum HK$50) Bulk paper cheque deposit (per customer per day) Up to 30 cheques Over 30 cheques HK$1 per additional cheque 3 Counter transaction 4 (per customer per month) 0 50 5 Over 50 Business Internet Banking HK$10 per transaction from the 51 st counter transaction onwards Cashier s order Issue/repurchase a cashier s order via HSBC branches, or issue via Business Internet Banking opt for branch pick up Issue via HSBCnet or Business Internet Banking opt for delivery to applicant or beneficiary Additional fee for handling instructions not using Bank s standard form Loss of a cashier s order (charges collected on behalf of Hong Kong Inter-Bank Clearing Limited on circulars issued) Certificate of balance To certify the balance of each account To certify the deposit interest earned on each account Coins pay-in (per customer per day) Below 500 coins HK$50 HK$40 plus a delivery charge 7 HK$150 HK$60 plus HK$306 collected on behalf of Hong Kong Inter-Bank Clearing Limited on circulars issued HK$200 per account HK$150 per account (minimum HK$250) 500 coins or more 2% of the full amount (minimum HK$50) Company amendment Change of directors/partners/committee members/authorised signatories Company search For conducting a search at the Business Registration Office/Companies Registry on behalf of customers Account application fee HK$150 for each company HK$1,200 for each application 1. Calendar year is a period that starts on 1 January and ends on 31 December. 2. if the notes are deposited through cash deposit machines. 3. if the paper cheques are deposited through cheque deposit machines or other non branch counter channels. 4. The following transactions conducted over branch counters with the assistance of an HSBC branch staff are considered as counter transactions: cash deposit (including bulk cash deposit); cash withdrawal; paper cheque deposit (including bulk paper cheque deposit and house paper cheque deposit); paper cheque withdrawal; mixed deposit; and transfer withdrawal (transfer between two HSBC accounts in Hong Kong). These counter transactions could be initiated by your company or a third party. Total number of counter transactions is calculated based on the total number of counter transactions conducted in respect of all accounts maintained with HSBC in Hong Kong by your company with the same business registration number. 5. Waiver does not apply to HSBC Business Direct customers. HSBC Business Direct customers should follow the counter transactions fee as stated in HSBC Business direct section. 6. Applicable to those Business Internet Banking profiles without any logon for a designated period as determined by the Bank from time to time. This fee is due and payable in June and December every year. 7. HK$10 for domestic and HK$16 for overseas deliveries per item. Inactive service charge HK$250 6 Security Device issuance/replacement per token 8 9

Renminbi notes deposits^/withdrawals in one single day Paper Statement* Renminbi notes deposits To receive paper statement HK$20 per paper statement Renminbi notes withdrawals Copies of statement/voucher/paid cheque/historical consolidated statement/duplicate advice slip Each copy (not page) Large volume request Dividend tick-up account For establishing tick-up facilities Duplicate statement/transaction summary/interim statement To produce duplicate statement monthly/quarterly/half-yearly/annually To produce duplicate statement at other intervals Request for account transaction summary/interim statement Bank statement sent by SWIFT E-mail 8 Request for payment/account transfer advices Follow-up telex/message to correspondent banks or HSBC s overseas offices Each follow-up telex/message sent at the Customer s request HK$50 Negotiable HK$1.50 per item HK$200 p.a. Negotiable (minimum HK$200 p.a.) HK$50 per copy US$100 per month HK$60 per e-mail advice HK$200 plus any other overseas charges 8. E-mail advice will only be sent to customer s email addresses registered with the Bank. * HSBC has the discretion to apply a standard charge to each paper statement issued for HSBC Business Direct accounts, BusinessVantage accounts, BusinessVantage Plus accounts, Hong Kong Dollar Current accounts, Foreign Currency Current accounts, Hong Kong Dollar Statement Savings account and CombiNations Statement Savings account. For HSBC Business Direct accounts, BusinessVantage accounts and BusinessVantage Plus accounts, the standard charge will be debited from your Hong Kong Dollar Savings account. For CombiNations Statement Savings account, the standard charge will be debited from the foreign currency account with the highest account balance. If you no longer wish to receive the aforesaid paper statements, you can sign up for the estatement service (free of charge) via Business Internet Banking or submit an instruction at a HSBC branch. Foreign currency notes exchange Each sale or purchase of Renminbi/foreign currency notes by customers customers without a bank account with HSBC in Hong Kong Renminbi notes Foreign currency notes Handling fee for accounts of companies struck off or deregistered by the Hong Kong Companies Registry Machine-readable bulk paper cheque deposit For paper cheques deposited in bulk, with the customer either encoding amount in magnetic ink on each paper cheque/supplying magnetic diskette containing individual paper cheque numbers and amounts Handling fee for account application via video conference Overseas banking services To assist in opening overseas HSBC account Overseas Company Account Opening* Special Company Account Opening Company with 3 or more layers in its structure Limited company in receivership/liquidation Trust account HK$50 HK$300 per account HK$0.50 per cheque HK$2,000 HK$10,000 HK$10,000 ^ Up to 200 pieces of notes per customer per day. * Definition of Overseas Company includes 1) Company not registered in Hong Kong under Part 16 of the Companies Ordinance (applicable to limited companies only) and the Business Registration Ordinance, or 2) Hong Kong incorporated companies with corporate shareholder(s) and/or corporate director(s) that are incorporated overseas. Foreign currency notes deposits/withdrawals in one single day (per account) No fees up to: AUD3,000 JPY300,000 CAD3,000 NZD4,000 CHF1,000 SGD1,000 EUR2,000 THB20,000 GBP2,000 USD7,500 If the single-day total deposit/ withdrawal exceeds these amounts, normal charges will apply as follows: Notes deposits: 0.25% of the total amount that day Notes withdrawals: 0.25% of the total amount that day Other currencies (regardless of amount): commission charge based on prevailing market rates The Bank reserves the right to levy an extra charge for deposit of bulk currency notes. Request for HSBC s banker s opinion report 9 Each report provided to local banks by mail/facsimile Each report provided to overseas banks by facsimile/telex Request for other banker s opinion report Reports from other local banks Reports from overseas banks Request for special account number HK$300 US$50 per banker s opinion report plus other banks charges HK$200 per banker s opinion report plus other banks charges HK$800 per request 10 11

Special clearing arrangement To issue a special clearing memo to general customers for delivery to the paper cheque s/draft s issuing bank charges Direct delivery of a paper cheque, draft, etc to the Minimum drawee bank for clearing other bank charges HK$60 plus other bank HK$200 plus Special payment requests To any account with HSBC not using Bank s standard form To any account with HSBC using Bank s standard form not submitted at branch HK$150 per transaction HK$150 per transaction Standing instructions To set up, amend or suppress payment(s) Each non-computerised payment/each special payment request to an account with HSBC (other than the customer s own) Each standing instruction returned as a result of insufficient funds HK$70 per instruction HK$150 HK$150 Telex (any country) One page Up to three pages Up to five pages Large volume request Transaction charges HK$200 HK$300 Negotiable The Bank reserves the right to levy charges on transactions conducted. 9. 100% surcharge for non-hsbc customers does not apply to bank-to-bank request. 12

A. 一般服務 所有戶口 項目 項目 戶口地址確認書 每份 100 港元 本票 戶口紀錄報告 1 於某一年度內的任何戶口 250 港元 於某兩年度內的任何戶口 750 港元 於某三年度內的任何戶口 1,000 港元 三年度以上的任何戶口 ( 最多七年 ) 每年加收 1,000 港元 重新啟動戶口 1,000 港元 銀行確認資料 供核數用 由滙豐為每個月結報告 ( 即每個月最後一日 ) 提供資料確認 每個戶口 300 港元 ( 最低 600 港元 ) 應客戶要求確認其他日期的報告 額外手續費 300 港元 銀行證明書 銀行證明書 每份 300 港元 副本 每份 100 港元 特快申請 本行保留權利徵收額外費用 在非滙豐集團文件加簽證明 加簽證明 每份 150 港元 副本 每份 20 港元 大量現金存款 港元 / 人民幣現鈔 ( 每客戶每日 ) 200 張現鈔或以下 豁免 200 張現鈔以上 存款額的 0.25%( 最低 50 港元 ) 2 大量紙張支票存款 ( 每客戶每日 ) 30 張支票或以下 豁免 30 張支票以上 3 每張額外支票收取 1 港元 櫃位交易 4 ( 每客戶每月 ) 0-50 次 5 豁免 50 次以上 由第 51 次起每次交易收取 10 港元 商務 網上理財 服務 於分行發出 / 購回本票, 或經商務 網上理財 服務發出指示, 並選擇於分行領取本票 經滙豐財資網或商務 網上理財 服務發出指示, 並選擇送遞予申請人或受款人 處理非使用本行指定表格作付款指示的額外費用 發出報失本票通告費用 ( 代香港銀行同業結算有限公司收取 ) 戶口結餘證明書 證明戶口結餘 每張 50 港元 每張 40 港元, 另加送遞費用 7 150 港元 每張 60 港元另加 306 港元由香港銀行同業結算有限公司發出報失本票通告的代用 每個戶口 200 港元 證明戶口所得利息每個戶口 150 港元 ( 最低 250 港元 ) 輔幣存款 ( 每客戶每日 ) 500 個輔幣以下豁免 500 個輔幣或以上存款額的 2%( 最低 50 港元 ) 修訂公司資料 更改董事 / 合夥人 / 委員會成員 / 授權簽署人 公司查冊 代客向商業登記處或公司註冊處查冊 戶口申請 100 港元 每間公司 150 港元 每個申請 1,200 港元 ^ 每客戶每日 200 張現鈔或以下 1. 某一年度是指 1 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日 2. 使用 存錢妥 機存入現鈔, 則可豁免手續費 3. 使用 入票易 機或其他非分行櫃位渠道存入紙張支票, 則可豁免手續費 4. 下列於分行櫃位由分行職員協助進行的交易將被視作櫃位交易 : 存入現金 ( 包括存入大量現金 ); 提取現金 ; 存入紙張支票 ( 包括存入大量紙張支票及存入滙豐紙張支票 ); 紙張支票提款 ; 混合存款 ; 及轉賬提款 ( 滙豐戶口之間的本地轉賬 ) 由您公司或第三者進行的以上櫃位交易均被納入計算您公司的櫃位交易總次數 櫃位交易總次數是根據您公司於滙豐以同一商業登記號碼持有的所有戶口的櫃位交易總數來計算 5. 不適用於滙豐 理財易 商務戶口客戶 滙豐 理財易 商務戶口客戶應跟從其櫃位交易月費列表 6. 適用於指定時段內沒有登入的商務 網上理財 賬戶, 而該指定時段由本行最新釐定 此費用於每年 6 月及 12 月收取 7. 本地送遞費用 10 港元, 海外 16 港元 不動賬戶 250 港元 6 申請 / 更換保安編碼器 每個 100 港元 8 9

項目 人民幣現鈔提款 豁免 郵寄結單 * 外幣現鈔找換 以郵寄方式收取結單 結單 / 傳票 / 已兌現支票 / 綜合結單紀錄 / 通知書副本 每份郵寄結單 20 港元 副本每份 50 港元 ( 非每頁計 ) 索取大量副本 股息沖銷戶口 設立沖銷便利服務 結單副本 / 賬項摘要 / 中期結單 每月 / 每季 / 每半年 / 每年發出結單副本 另議 每項 1.50 港元 每年 200 港元 在其他期間發出的結單副本另議 ( 最低每年 200 港元 ) 應客戶要求發出的賬項摘要 / 中期結單 SWIFT 銀行賬戶結單 電郵 8 應客戶要求發出匯款 / 轉賬通知 以電報 / 電訊聯絡受託銀行或滙豐海外分行跟查 應客戶要求發出電報 / 電訊進行跟查 外幣現鈔單日存 / 提款額 ( 每個戶口 ) 在下述存 / 提款限額以內不用 : 3,000 澳元 300,000 日圓 3,000 加元 4,000 新西蘭元 1,000 瑞士法郎 1,000 新加坡元 2,000 歐羅 20,000 泰銖 2,000 英鎊 7,500 美元 每份 50 港元 每月 100 美元 每封電郵 60 港元 每次 200 港元, 另加海外銀行所用 若單日存 / 提款總額超過上述限額, 本行會徵收以下的費用 : 當日總存款額的 0.25% 當日總提款額的 0.25% 其他貨幣 ( 無論任何金額 ): 根據當行市場佣金收取費用本行保留權利對大額現鈔存款徵收額外費用 8 只適用於客戶於本行登記的電郵 * 滙豐將行使向客戶收取郵寄結單費用的權利 郵寄結單費用適用於客戶選擇以郵寄方式收取滙豐 理財易 商務戶口 商業 理財戶口 商貿理財 戶口 港元往來戶口 外幣往來戶口 港元結單儲蓄戶口及 外幣通 結單儲蓄戶口的結單 ( 以每一份計 ) 若戶口為 商貿理財 戶口 商業 理財戶口及滙豐 理財易 商務戶口, 郵寄結單費用會從閣下的港元儲蓄戶口內扣除 若戶口為 外幣通 結單儲蓄戶口, 郵寄結單費用會從閣下最高結餘的外幣戶口內扣除 如果閣下不再希望經郵寄方式收取以上戶口結單, 您可以透過商務 網上理財 或在滙豐銀行分行申請使用電子結單服務 ( 費用全免 ) 於香港並無任何滙豐戶口的客戶買賣人民幣 / 外幣現鈔人民幣現鈔外幣現鈔 被香港公司註冊處剔除或撤銷註冊的公司於解散前應付的戶口處理費 機器操作的大量紙張支票存款 大量紙張支票存款 ( 客戶須將金額以磁墨壓印在每張紙張支票上, 或提供內載每張紙張支票號碼及金額等資料的磁碟 ) 透過視像會議處理開戶申請 海外銀行服務 協助客戶於海外開立滙豐戶口 開立海外公司戶口 * 開立特別公司戶口 公司的架構具有三層或以上 接管 / 清盤有限公司 信託基金戶口 索取滙豐銀行發出的意見書 9 以郵寄 / 圖文傳真向本地銀行發出意見書 以圖文傳真 / 電報向海外銀行發出意見書 索取其他銀行發出的意見書 索取本地銀行發出的意見書 索取海外銀行發出的意見書 每次 50 港元每次 100 港元 每個戶口 300 港元 每張支票 0.50 港元 2,000 港元 1,000 港元 10,000 港元 10,000 港元港元 每份 300 港元 每份 50 美元 每份 100 港元, 另加有關銀行所用 每份 200 港元, 另加有關銀行所用 9 非本行客戶的一倍附加費並不適用於銀行與銀行之間的服務 * 海外公司 的定義包括 1) 適用於並無根據公司條例第 16 部 ( 只適用於有限公司 ) 及商業登記條例在香港登記之海外公司, 或 2) 香港成立的公司擁有海外注册公司股东和 / 或公司董事 項目 人民幣現鈔單日存 ^/ 提款 人民幣現鈔存款 豁免 10 11

項目 自選賬戶號碼申請 每個賬戶號碼 800 港元 特別兌現安排 發出特別兌現通知書予一般客戶, 以便送交紙張支票 / 本票的出票銀行 每張 60 港元, 另加其他銀行 將紙張支票及匯票等直接送交付款銀行結算最低每張 200 港元, 另加其他銀行 特別付款指示 使用非本行指定表格要求付款予任何滙豐戶口 非透過分行遞交本行指定表格要求付款予任何戶口滙豐的指示 每項交易 150 港元 每項交易 150 港元 常行指示 設定 修改或暫停付款指示 人手安排付款或特別要求付款予某滙豐戶口 ( 非付款人戶口 ) 因戶口款項不足而退回常行指示 每項指示 70 港元 每次 150 港元 每次 150 港元 電報費用 ( 往任何國家 ) 一頁三頁以內五頁以內大量頁數交易費用 100 港元 200 港元 300 港元 另議 本行保留權利徵收戶口在本行運作的交易費用 12