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Quick Selection Table of Product Code FANUC Motors FUJI Motors MITSUBISHI Motors Panasonic Motors SANYO DENKI Motors SIEMENS Motors YASKAWA Motors A product code quick selection table for each motor model is provided in alphabetical order on the following pages. This document is an appendix to the RD SERIES catalog. Home page : http://www.nabtesco.com E-mail : P_Information@nabtesco.com In Asia and others Tokyo Head Office 1-9-18 Kaigan Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0022, Japan PHONE: 81-3-3578-7461 FAX: 81-3-3578-7471 Tsu Plant 594 Ichimachida, Katada-cho, Tsu-shi, Mie Pref. 514-8533, Japan PHONE: 81-59-237-4600 FAX: 81-59-237-4610 1

Quick Selection Table of Product Code The coupling code and the motor fl ange code when the RD-080E-101 is combined with the servo motor are selected in this table. The point where black arrows from and from RD-080E-101 intersect indicates the coupling code CFE. The point where white arrows from and from RD-080E intersect indicates the motor fl ange code MKS. In consequence of above, the product code of the selected RD series model is RD-080E-101-CFE-MKS. Model Code Ratio Code Motor Model - - RD-080E 041 057 081 101 153 Coupling Code CES Motor Flange Code RD-1 066 081 101 Coupling C - - CES CEA - CFS CFS CEB C - CKD CVD CFD CEE CEE CKD CKD C - CKD CVD CFD CEE CEE CKD CKD C - CKD CVD CFD CEE CEE CKD CKD C - CKC CVE CFE CFE CFE MKS CKC CKC CVE C - CKC CVE CFE CFE MKS CKC CKC CVE C - CKC CVE CFE CFE MKS CKC CKC CVE C Note: 1. Only the combinations that satisfy the following equation are colored. (Rated torque of motor x 0.5) < {Rated torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} < (Rated torque of motor x 1.5) 2. The coupling is selected so that the following equation is satisfi ed. (Allowable transmission torque of coupling) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 3. Limitation must be imposed to the motor torque in the following case. (Momentary maximum torque of motor) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 4. The reduction gear should be selected so that the following equation is satisfi ed. (Momentary maximum torque upon emergency stop) < {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 5. Matching verifi cation between the reduction gear and the motor in the above quick selection table, should be used as a reference, since they have been matched based only on the torque comparisons during operation of the reduction gear. For more precise motor selection, the effective torque, load inertia moment, brake torque, regenerative ability, and so forth, must also be considered. * A product code quick selection table for each motor model is provided in alphabetical order on the following pages. 2

FANUC Motors Quick Selection Table of Product Code


Note 1 Only the combinations that satisfy the following equation are colored. (Rated torque of motor x 0.5) < {Rated torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} < (Rated torque of motor x 1.5) 2 The coupling is selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Allowable transmission torque of coupling ) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 3 Limitation must be imposed to the motor torque in the following case. (Momentary maximum torque of motor) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 4 The reduction gear should be selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Momentary maximum torque upon emergency stop) < {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x0.8)} 5 Matching verification between the reduction gear and the motor in the above quick selection table, should be used as a reference, since they have been matched based only on the torque comparisons during operation of the reduction gear. For more precise motor selection, the effective torque, load inertia moment, brake torque, regenerative ability, and so forth, must also be considered. 5


Note 1 Only the combinations that satisfy the following equation are colored. (Rated torque of motor x 0.5) < {Rated torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} < (Rated torque of motor x 1.5) 2 The coupling is selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Allowable transmission torque of coupling ) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 3 Limitation must be imposed to the motor torque in the following case. (Momentary maximum torque of motor) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 4 The reduction gear should be selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Momentary maximum torque upon emergency stop) < {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x0.8)} 5 Matching verification between the reduction gear and the motor in the above quick selection table, should be used as a reference, since they have been matched based only on the torque comparisons during operation of the reduction gear. For more precise motor selection, the effective torque, load inertia moment, brake torque, regenerative ability, and so forth, must also be considered. 7

FUJI Motors Quick Selection Table of Product Code


Note 1 Only the combinations that satisfy the following equation are colored. (Rated torque of motor x 0.5) < {Rated torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} < (Rated torque of motor x 1.5) 2 The coupling is selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Allowable transmission torque of coupling ) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 3 Limitation must be imposed to the motor torque in the following case. (Momentary maximum torque of motor) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 4 The reduction gear should be selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Momentary maximum torque upon emergency stop) < {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x0.8)} 5 Matching verification between the reduction gear and the motor in the above quick selection table, should be used as a reference, since they have been matched based only on the torque comparisons during operation of the reduction gear. For more precise motor selection, the effective torque, load inertia moment, brake torque, regenerative ability, and so forth, must also be considered. 10


Note 1 Only the combinations that satisfy the following equation are colored. (Rated torque of motor x 0.5) < {Rated torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} < (Rated torque of motor x 1.5) 2 The coupling is selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Allowable transmission torque of coupling ) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 3 Limitation must be imposed to the motor torque in the following case. (Momentary maximum torque of motor) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 4 The reduction gear should be selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Momentary maximum torque upon emergency stop) < {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x0.8)} 5 Matching verification between the reduction gear and the motor in the above quick selection table, should be used as a reference, since they have been matched based only on the torque comparisons during operation of the reduction gear. For more precise motor selection, the effective torque, load inertia moment, brake torque, regenerative ability, and so forth, must also be considered. 12

MITSUBISHI Motors Quick Selection Table of Product Code


Note 1 Only the combinations that satisfy the following equation are colored. (Rated torque of motor x 0.5) < {Rated torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} < (Rated torque of motor x 1.5) 2 The coupling is selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Allowable transmission torque of coupling ) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 3 Limitation must be imposed to the motor torque in the following case. (Momentary maximum torque of motor) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 4 The reduction gear should be selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Momentary maximum torque upon emergency stop) < {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x0.8)} 5 Matching verification between the reduction gear and the motor in the above quick selection table, should be used as a reference, since they have been matched based only on the torque comparisons during operation of the reduction gear. For more precise motor selection, the effective torque, load inertia moment, brake torque, regenerative ability, and so forth, must also be considered. 15

Note 1 Only the combinations that satisfy the following equation are colored. (Rated torque of motor x 0.5) < {Rated torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} < (Rated torque of motor x 1.5) 2 The coupling is selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Allowable transmission torque of coupling ) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 3 Limitation must be imposed to the motor torque in the following case. (Momentary maximum torque of motor) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 4 The reduction gear should be selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Momentary maximum torque upon emergency stop) < {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x0.8)} 5 Matching verification between the reduction gear and the motor in the above quick selection table, should be used as a reference, since they have been matched based only on the torque comparisons during operation of the reduction gear. For more precise motor selection, the effective torque, load inertia moment, brake torque, regenerative ability, and so forth, must also be considered. 16



Note 1 Only the combinations that satisfy the following equation are colored. (Rated torque of motor x 0.5) < {Rated torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} < (Rated torque of motor x 1.5) 2 The coupling is selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Allowable transmission torque of coupling ) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 3 Limitation must be imposed to the motor torque in the following case. (Momentary maximum torque of motor) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 4 The reduction gear should be selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Momentary maximum torque upon emergency stop) < {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x0.8)} 5 Matching verification between the reduction gear and the motor in the above quick selection table, should be used as a reference, since they have been matched based only on the torque comparisons during operation of the reduction gear. For more precise motor selection, the effective torque, load inertia moment, brake torque, regenerative ability, and so forth, must also be considered. 19

Panasonic Motors Quick Selection Table of Product Code

Note 1 Only the combinations that satisfy the following equation are colored. (Rated torque of motor x 0.5) < {Rated torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} < (Rated torque of motor x 1.5) 2 The coupling is selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Allowable transmission torque of coupling ) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 3 Limitation must be imposed to the motor torque in the following case. (Momentary maximum torque of motor) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 4 The reduction gear should be selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Momentary maximum torque upon emergency stop) < {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x0.8)} 5 Matching verification between the reduction gear and the motor in the above quick selection table, should be used as a reference, since they have been matched based only on the torque comparisons during operation of the reduction gear. For more precise motor selection, the effective torque, load inertia moment, brake torque, regenerative ability, and so forth, must also be considered. 21


Note 1 Only the combinations that satisfy the following equation are colored. (Rated torque of motor x 0.5) < {Rated torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} < (Rated torque of motor x 1.5) 2 The coupling is selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Allowable transmission torque of coupling ) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 3 Limitation must be imposed to the motor torque in the following case. (Momentary maximum torque of motor) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 4 The reduction gear should be selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Momentary maximum torque upon emergency stop) < {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x0.8)} 5 Matching verification between the reduction gear and the motor in the above quick selection table, should be used as a reference, since they have been matched based only on the torque comparisons during operation of the reduction gear. For more precise motor selection, the effective torque, load inertia moment, brake torque, regenerative ability, and so forth, must also be considered. 23


Note 1 Only the combinations that satisfy the following equation are colored. (Rated torque of motor x 0.5) < {Rated torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} < (Rated torque of motor x 1.5) 2 The coupling is selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Allowable transmission torque of coupling ) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 3 Limitation must be imposed to the motor torque in the following case. (Momentary maximum torque of motor) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 4 The reduction gear should be selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Momentary maximum torque upon emergency stop) < {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x0.8)} 5 Matching verification between the reduction gear and the motor in the above quick selection table, should be used as a reference, since they have been matched based only on the torque comparisons during operation of the reduction gear. For more precise motor selection, the effective torque, load inertia moment, brake torque, regenerative ability, and so forth, must also be considered. 25

Note 1 Only the combinations that satisfy the following equation are colored. (Rated torque of motor x 0.5) < {Rated torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} < (Rated torque of motor x 1.5) 2 The coupling is selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Allowable transmission torque of coupling ) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 3 Limitation must be imposed to the motor torque in the following case. (Momentary maximum torque of motor) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 4 The reduction gear should be selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Momentary maximum torque upon emergency stop) < {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x0.8)} 5 Matching verification between the reduction gear and the motor in the above quick selection table, should be used as a reference, since they have been matched based only on the torque comparisons during operation of the reduction gear. For more precise motor selection, the effective torque, load inertia moment, brake torque, regenerative ability, and so forth, must also be considered. 26

SANYO DENKI Motors Quick Selection Table of Product Code


Note 1 Only the combinations that satisfy the following equation are colored. (Rated torque of motor x 0.5) < {Rated torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} < (Rated torque of motor x 1.5) 2 The coupling is selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Allowable transmission torque of coupling ) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 3 Limitation must be imposed to the motor torque in the following case. (Momentary maximum torque of motor) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 4 The reduction gear should be selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Momentary maximum torque upon emergency stop) < {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x0.8)} 5 Matching verification between the reduction gear and the motor in the above quick selection table, should be used as a reference, since they have been matched based only on the torque comparisons during operation of the reduction gear. For more precise motor selection, the effective torque, load inertia moment, brake torque, regenerative ability, and so forth, must also be considered. 29


Note 1 Only the combinations that satisfy the following equation are colored. (Rated torque of motor x 0.5) < {Rated torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} < (Rated torque of motor x 1.5) 2 The coupling is selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Allowable transmission torque of coupling ) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 3 Limitation must be imposed to the motor torque in the following case. (Momentary maximum torque of motor) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 4 The reduction gear should be selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Momentary maximum torque upon emergency stop) < {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x0.8)} 5 Matching verification between the reduction gear and the motor in the above quick selection table, should be used as a reference, since they have been matched based only on the torque comparisons during operation of the reduction gear. For more precise motor selection, the effective torque, load inertia moment, brake torque, regenerative ability, and so forth, must also be considered. 31


MBH Note 1 Only the combinations that satisfy the following equation are colored. (Rated torque of motor x 0.5) < {Rated torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} < (Rated torque of motor x 1.5) 2 The coupling is selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Allowable transmission torque of coupling ) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 3 Limitation must be imposed to the motor torque in the following case. (Momentary maximum torque of motor) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 4 The reduction gear should be selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Momentary maximum torque upon emergency stop) < {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x0.8)} 5 Matching verification between the reduction gear and the motor in the above quick selection table, should be used as a reference, since they have been matched based only on the torque comparisons during operation of the reduction gear. For more precise motor selection, the effective torque, load inertia moment, brake torque, regenerative ability, and so forth, must also be considered. 33

Note 1 Only the combinations that satisfy the following equation are colored. (Rated torque of motor x 0.5) < {Rated torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} < (Rated torque of motor x 1.5) 2 The coupling is selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Allowable transmission torque of coupling ) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 3 Limitation must be imposed to the motor torque in the following case. (Momentary maximum torque of motor) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 4 The reduction gear should be selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Momentary maximum torque upon emergency stop) < {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x0.8)} 5 Matching verification between the reduction gear and the motor in the above quick selection table, should be used as a reference, since they have been matched based only on the torque comparisons during operation of the reduction gear. For more precise motor selection, the effective torque, load inertia moment, brake torque, regenerative ability, and so forth, must also be considered. 34



Note 1 Only the combinations that satisfy the following equation are colored. (Rated torque of motor x 0.5) < {Rated torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} < (Rated torque of motor x 1.5) 2 The coupling is selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Allowable transmission torque of coupling ) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 3 Limitation must be imposed to the motor torque in the following case. (Momentary maximum torque of motor) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 4 The reduction gear should be selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Momentary maximum torque upon emergency stop) < {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x0.8)} 5 Matching verification between the reduction gear and the motor in the above quick selection table, should be used as a reference, since they have been matched based only on the torque comparisons during operation of the reduction gear. For more precise motor selection, the effective torque, load inertia moment, brake torque, regenerative ability, and so forth, must also be considered. 37

SIEMENS Motors Quick Selection Table of Product Code

Note 1 Only the combinations that satisfy the following equation are colored. (Rated torque of motor x 0.5) < {Rated torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} < (Rated torque of motor x 1.5) 2 The coupling is selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Allowable transmission torque of coupling ) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 3 Limitation must be imposed to the motor torque in the following case. (Momentary maximum torque of motor) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 4 The reduction gear should be selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Momentary maximum torque upon emergency stop) < {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x0.8)} 5 Matching verification between the reduction gear and the motor in the above quick selection table, should be used as a reference, since they have been matched based only on the torque comparisons during operation of the reduction gear. For more precise motor selection, the effective torque, load inertia moment, brake torque, regenerative ability, and so forth, must also be considered. 39


Note 1 Only the combinations that satisfy the following equation are colored. (Rated torque of motor x 0.5) < {Rated torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} < (Rated torque of motor x 1.5) 2 The coupling is selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Allowable transmission torque of coupling ) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 3 Limitation must be imposed to the motor torque in the following case. (Momentary maximum torque of motor) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 4 The reduction gear should be selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Momentary maximum torque upon emergency stop) < {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x0.8)} 5 Matching verification between the reduction gear and the motor in the above quick selection table, should be used as a reference, since they have been matched based only on the torque comparisons during operation of the reduction gear. For more precise motor selection, the effective torque, load inertia moment, brake torque, regenerative ability, and so forth, must also be considered. 41


YASKAWA Motors Quick Selection Table of Product Code


Note 1 Only the combinations that satisfy the following equation are colored. (Rated torque of motor x 0.5) < {Rated torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} < (Rated torque of motor x 1.5) 2 The coupling is selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Allowable transmission torque of coupling ) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 3 Limitation must be imposed to the motor torque in the following case. (Momentary maximum torque of motor) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 4 The reduction gear should be selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Momentary maximum torque upon emergency stop) < {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x0.8)} 5 Matching verification between the reduction gear and the motor in the above quick selection table, should be used as a reference, since they have been matched based only on the torque comparisons during operation of the reduction gear. For more precise motor selection, the effective torque, load inertia moment, brake torque, regenerative ability, and so forth, must also be considered. 45

Note 1 Only the combinations that satisfy the following equation are colored. (Rated torque of motor x 0.5) < {Rated torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} < (Rated torque of motor x 1.5) 2 The coupling is selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Allowable transmission torque of coupling ) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 3 Limitation must be imposed to the motor torque in the following case. (Momentary maximum torque of motor) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 4 The reduction gear should be selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Momentary maximum torque upon emergency stop) < {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x0.8)} 5 Matching verification between the reduction gear and the motor in the above quick selection table, should be used as a reference, since they have been matched based only on the torque comparisons during operation of the reduction gear. For more precise motor selection, the effective torque, load inertia moment, brake torque, regenerative ability, and so forth, must also be considered. 46



Note 1 Only the combinations that satisfy the following equation are colored. (Rated torque of motor x 0.5) < {Rated torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} < (Rated torque of motor x 1.5) 2 The coupling is selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Allowable transmission torque of coupling ) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 3 Limitation must be imposed to the motor torque in the following case. (Momentary maximum torque of motor) > {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x 0.8)} 4 The reduction gear should be selected so that the following equation is satisfied. (Momentary maximum torque upon emergency stop) < {Momentary maximum allowable torque of reduction gear / (Speed ratio x0.8)} 5 Matching verification between the reduction gear and the motor in the above quick selection table, should be used as a reference, since they have been matched based only on the torque comparisons during operation of the reduction gear. For more precise motor selection, the effective torque, load inertia moment, brake torque, regenerative ability, and so forth, must also be considered. 49



52 Rev. 001 CAT. 080630