在北美等地宣布回收 涉事汽車在內地共有 輛, 瑪莎拉蒂 ( 中國 ) 汽車貿易有限公司已向國家質檢總局備案了回收計劃, 將自 2017 年 6 月 30 日起開始回收 據了解, 本次回收的部分車輛被揭發前排座椅電線布置方式設計不當, 前排座椅電線可能與座椅調節電機外殼發生摩擦, 長期使用

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Issue 135 March. 20 2017 Aon 商業保險事業部每半個月針對全球產品召回的新聞整理, 並且提供客戶產品召回諮詢 風險轉嫁 產品責任險 產品保固 風險管理等服務 餃子未標含雞蛋須回收 加拿大食品檢驗局 (The Canadian Food Inspection Agency,CFIA) 宣布回收金口味 (King's Family) 品牌旗下的餃子, 原因是包裝標籤未有列明產品含雞蛋成分 檢驗局是次回收該品牌在卑詩省出售的餃子產品, 種類包括 260 克裝牛肉 雞肉 茴香豬肉 羊肉, 三鮮和白菜豬肉餃 局方表示, 對雞蛋過敏的人士不應進食是次回收清單上的產品, 否則可能出現嚴重 甚至對生命構成威脅的過敏反應 若消費者曾購買回收清單上的產品, 可以向購入的商店退貨, 或直接丟棄 ( 摘自 03/16/2017 加拿大星島日報 ) 藥廠回收兩款類固醇藥膏成分不均或致藥效降低 港衛生署同意美達藥廠有限公司因品質問題, 回收美達消炎膏 0.005% 及 0.0125%, 兩款產品或因主要成分混合不均降低藥效, 但不會對病人構成不良影響 需回收的 美達消炎膏 0.005%( 註冊編號 HK-40871) 及 0.0125%( 註冊編號 HK-40873), 是用於治療濕疹及皮膚過敏的處方藥物, 供應予醫院管理局 衛生署診所 私家醫生及藥房 衛生署去年 8 月曾宣布, 兩款產品 5 個批次因主要成分含量低於標示含量而需回收 根據最新檢驟結果, 美達正從市面回收兩款產品的所有批次 調查顯示, 產品的主要成分可能在製造過程中未被均勻混合, 導致成分不均 衛生署指涉事產品或因藥效降低而未能舒緩有關病徴, 但產品本身應不會對病人構成不良影響 ( 摘自 03/22/2017 明報新聞網 ) 澳洲一款軟糖鈉含量跟標籤不符須回收 澳洲品牌 The Natural Confectionery Co. 的一款軟糖鈉含量包裝標籤不符, 需要回收 該款軟糖名為 Jelly Confectionery (Sour Squirms), 每包淨重 240 克, 食用日期為今年 7 月 19 日或之前 食環署食安中心早前在西營盤一間超市抽取樣本檢測, 結果顯示其鈉含量為每 100 克有 39 毫克, 跟其標籤標示每 100 克含 22 毫克不符 中心已呼籲業界立即停售該批次的產品, 並正追查有關產品來源 ( 摘自 03/22/2017 香港經濟日報 ) 瑪莎拉蒂電線有缺陷恐起火中國回收 3 萬輛 意大利汽車品牌瑪莎拉蒂 (Maserati) 生產的 2014 至 2017 年款總裁 (Quattroporte) 吉博力 (Ghibli) 和萊凡特 (Levante) 系列汽車, 部分被發現座椅電線設計有缺陷, 可能導致起火, 早前已 1

在北美等地宣布回收 涉事汽車在內地共有 31621 輛, 瑪莎拉蒂 ( 中國 ) 汽車貿易有限公司已向國家質檢總局備案了回收計劃, 將自 2017 年 6 月 30 日起開始回收 據了解, 本次回收的部分車輛被揭發前排座椅電線布置方式設計不當, 前排座椅電線可能與座椅調節電機外殼發生摩擦, 長期使用後座椅電線可能出現破損, 導致座椅無法調節 某些狀況下, 可能會造成座椅電線起火, 存在安全隱患 瑪莎拉蒂 ( 中國 ) 汽車貿易有限公司表示, 將為回收的車輛進行檢查, 如有必要將更換前排座椅線束, 並採用新的方式布置座椅線束, 以消除缺陷 公司亦將以掛號信等形式通知客戶回收車輛 另北京平治汽車有限公司向國家質檢總局備案, 因其下汽車的引擎有自燃風險, 宣布 7 月 26 日起回收 40 萬輛車, 包括 C 級 E 級 GLA GLC 等型號 ( 摘自 03/29/2017 on.cc 東網 ) 未標籤含花生成份 3 款催乳曲奇回收 加拿大食品檢驗局 (Canadian Food Inspection Agency,CFIA) 宣布, 回收 Booby Boons 品牌的 3 款專供孕婦及哺乳期婦女食用的催乳曲奇餅 (Lactation Cookies), 原因是產品含有未有標籤列明的花生成份, 不適合對花生過敏的人士食用 CFIA 表示, 食品公司 Purposeful Excellence Inc. 正於市面回收 Booby Boons 品牌的 3 款催乳曲奇餅, 涉事產品在全國和網上銷售 被指有問題的 3 款產品, 分別為 Chocolate Chip Cocoa Quinoa Oatmeal Raisin, 全部為 168 克包裝, 最佳食用日期為 2018 年 3 月 1 日,UPC 產品號碼分別為 6-27843-52531-8 6-27843-52526-4 和 6-27843-52525-7 CFIA 指出, 由於產品含有未在標籤列明的花生成份, 對花生過敏的人士須立即停止食用上述產品, 因為一旦食用, 可能產生嚴重或致命的過敏反應 ( 摘自 03/30/2017 加拿大星島日報 ) 抗敏救命注射器失效 EpiPen 全球回收 美國邁蘭 (Mylan) 藥廠治療嚴重過敏者的救命藥劑 (EpiPen) 套件, 因為腎上腺素注射器可能無法發揮作用, 需在美國和北美 歐洲 亞洲和南美市場進行回收 上月初, 在有兩個報告指 EpiPen 注射器失效後, 藥廠已發出警告, 至周五發出回收通告, 涉及 2015 年 12 月至 2016 月 7 月的批次 藥廠沒有立即回答有關有多少產品受到今次回收影響的問題, 儘管它形容產品缺陷的發生率 非常罕見 EpiPen 用於治療某些食物和蟲咬引起的過敏反應 ( 摘自 04/01/2017on.cc 東網台灣 ) 食檢局回收疑染李斯特菌雪糕 加拿大食品檢驗局 ( Canadian Food Inspection Agency ) 前晚發出通報, 警告公眾切勿進食 Wholesome Farms' 品牌一款雲呢拿味雪糕 Vanilla Sundae Cup, 因產品相信受到李斯特菌污染 食品檢驗局公布,Central Smith Creamery 正回收已經出售的 115 毫升 Vanilla Sundae Cup 雪糕, 其產品代號是 017032 資料顯示, 這款懷疑受李斯特菌污染的雪糕, 已經分銷至安省 亞省 緬省 甚至全國各地 食品檢驗局呼籲供應食物的機構, 包括醫院和護理中心, 應立即停止供應這款食品 聲明指食品檢驗局進行樣本測試發現, 上述批次的雪糕感染李斯特菌 食品檢驗局現正作出進一步的食物安全調查, 不排除可能引致更多產品回收 受李斯特菌污染的食品未必出現異樣或異味, 但進食後可能造成不適, 2

包括嘔吐 頭暈 持續發燒 肌肉疼痛 劇烈頭痛和頸部僵硬 食品檢驗局至今未接獲任何人在進食上述批次食品後感到不適 ( 摘自 04/02/2017 加拿大星島日報 ) 福特加美回收 5.2 萬輕型卡車 福特汽車 (Ford Motor Co.) 昨日宣布, 正從美國和加拿大兩地召回 52,600 輛已出售的 F-250 輕型卡車 (pickup truck), 原因是該款汽車在自動變速桿移到泊車模式後, 仍有可能失控溜前或溜後 根據路透社報道, 今次是福特自上周起第三度發出汽車召收通知 福特在聲明中表示, 這次召回行動影響 2017 年 F-250 型號輕型卡車, 該汽車配備 6.2 升汽油發動機, 在肯塔基州路易斯維爾 (Louisville) 的車廠製造 福特稱未接獲與涉事汽車有關的傷亡或事故 福特是美國第二大的汽車製造商, 公司在上周三宣布從北美召回 211,000 輛汽車, 以更換有潛在缺陷的側門閂鎖 另一次召回涉及 230,000 輛汽車, 原因是引擎艙有起火風險, 福特接獲 29 宗與此問題有關的事故報告, 但沒有人受傷 福特自 2014 年起曾 6 次召回閂鎖有問題的汽車, 數量接近 400 萬輛, 當中 240 萬輛在 2016 年底召回 ( 摘自 04/02/2017on.cc 加拿大星島日報 ) 美國消費產品安全局及大陸製產品的公告 回收台灣 Recall date: March 15, 2017 Name of product: Fuji bicycles Hazard: The rear wheel freehub can slip while pedaling, posing a fall hazard. Units: About 650 Incidents/Injuries: Advanced Sports International has received four reports of freehub slipping while pedaling. No crashes or injuries have been reported. Sold At: Fuji Bicycle and Authorized Oval Concept dealers from April 2016 through October 2016 for between $2000 to $8000. Importer(s): Advanced Sports International, of Philadelphia, Pa. Distributor(s): Advanced Sports International, of Philadelphia, Pa. and Taiwan Recall date: March 22, 2017 Name of product: Environments brand children s waterproof bibs Hazard: The bib has a waterproof plastic backing that can separate from the terry cloth fabric, creating a suffocation hazard to children. Units: About 10,400 packages Incidents/Injuries: Discount School Supply has received 12 reports, involving at least 23 packages of bibs, of the waterproof plastic material separating from the bib. No injuries have been reported. 3

Sold At: DiscountSchoolSupply.com and Environments.com nationwide from January 2008 to October 2016 for about $50 for the pocket bib set, and $70 for the cover-up set. Importer(s): Excelligence Learning Corp. d/b/a Discount School Supply, of Monterey, Calif. Recall date: March 23, 2017 Name of product: Little Giant multipurpose ladders Hazard: The ladder s locking pins/rung fasteners can fail, posing a fall hazard to consumers on the ladder. Units: About 37,000 Incidents/Injuries: Wing Enterprises has received two reports of locking pins/rung fasteners failing. No injuries have been reported. Sold At: AAFES, NEXCOM, PPG Paints stores nationwide and online at Amazon.com, DirectBuy.com, Eladders.com, Grainger.com, Groupon.com, Homedepot.com, Houzz.com, Laddersales.com, LittleGiantLadder.com, Lowes.com, Overstock.com, Samsclub.com, Target.com, Wayfair.com, Zorotools.com,1800Ladders.com and other Web retailers from March 2016 through February 2017 for between $200 and $320. Manufacturer(s): Suzhou Zhongchuang Aluminium Products Co. Ltd. and Suzhou PICA Aluminum Industry Ltd., of China Importer(s): Wing Enterprises Inc., of Springville, Utah Recall date: March 23, 2017 Name of product: LectroFan Sound Machines Hazard: The casing on the power adapter can break when plugged into an electrical outlet, exposing its metal prongs, posing an electrical shock hazard. Units: About 35,000 Incidents/Injuries: ASTI has received three reports of power adapters breaking or pulling apart, exposing the metal prongs. No injuries have been reported. Sold Exclusively At: Online at Amazon.com from November 2016 through February 2017 for about $50. Importer(s): Adaptive Sound Technologies Inc. (ASTI), of Campbell, Calif. Recall date: March 23, 2017 Name of product: Electric bicycles 4

Hazard: The fork on the front wheel of the bicycles can rupture or break while in use, posing a fall hazard to the rider. Units: About 250 (in addition, 17 were sold in Canada) Sold At: Independent bicycle dealers nationwide from January 2014 through February 2017 for about $4,000. Importer(s): Haibike, of Denver, Colo., owned by Accell North America Manufactured In: Germany and Taiwan Recall date: March 23, 2017 Name of product: Self-balancing scooters/hoverboards Hazard: The lithium-ion battery packs in the self-balancing scooters/hoverboards can overheat, posing a risk of smoking, catching fire and/or exploding. Units: About 500 Incidents/Injuries: Vecaro has received three reported incidents of hoverboards smoking. No injuries or property damage have been reported. Sold At: The Audio Shop and Stereo Zone in California and online at VecaroLifeStyle.com 2015 through November 2016 for between $300 and $400. Manufacturer(s): Vecaro LifeStyle, of Cerritos, Calif. Importer(s): Vecaro LifeStyle, of Cerritos, Calif. from November Recall date: March 24, 2017 Name of product: Gas station hose swivel connectors Hazard: The swivel connectors can separate from the hose or nozzle of the gas station pump and cause fuel spillage, posing fire and explosion hazards. Units: About 824,000 Incidents/Injuries: OPW has received two reports of the swivel connectors separating from the hose or nozzle. No injuries have been reported. Sold At: OPW through distributors and direct to gas stations as individual units and as part of hose kits from January 2013 through January 2017 for about $33. Distributor(s): OPW, of Hamilton, Ohio Manufactured In: Taiwan Recall date: March 28, 2017 Name of product: Connectors sold with solar panels Hazard: The connectors that are attached to the solar panels can develop microscopic cracks that allow moisture to leak into them while the system is producing electricity, posing an electrical shock hazard. Units: About 97,000 5

Sold At: Solar panel installers nationwide from November 2016 through December 2016 for about $330 per solar panel with the connectors. Manufacturer(s): Amphenol Industrial Solar Technologies, of Shenzhen, China (connectors) and SolarWorld Americas Inc., of Hillsboro, Ore. (solar panels) (connectors), U.S. (solar panels) Recall date: March 29, 2017 Name of product: Magnetic tic tac toe games Hazard: The magnets can come off the tic tac toe game pieces, posing a choking hazard. In addition, when two or more magnets are swallowed, they can link together inside the intestines and clamp onto body tissues, causing intestinal obstructions, perforations, sepsis and death. Internal injury from magnets can pose serious lifelong health effects. Units: About 19,000 Incidents/Injuries: Target has received one report of the magnets falling off the game piece. No injuries have been reported. Sold Exclusively At: Target stores nationwide from December 2016 through February 2017 for about $5. Importer(s): Target Corp., of Minneapolis, Minn. Recall date: March 31, 2017 Name of product: Black+Decker portable table saws Hazard: The table saw stand can collapse unexpectedly, posing laceration and impact injury hazards to the operator. Units: About 400 Sold Exclusively At: Walmart stores nationwide and online at Walmart.com from February 2016 through August 2016 for about $190. Manufacturer(s): Rexon Industrial Corp., Ltd. of Taiwan Distributor(s): Walmart, of Bentonville, Arkansas Recall date: April 4, 2017 Name of product: Children s zipper hooded sweatshirts and girls bomber jackets Hazard: The zipper pull can detach from the sweatshirt, posing choking and laceration hazards to children. Units: About 48,000 Sold At: Fred Meyer, Kroger, Smith s and Fry s Marketplace from February 2017 through March 2017 for between $7 and $10. 6

Importer(s): Fred Meyer, Inc., of Portland, Ore. Recall date: April 11, 2017 Name of product: Teavana Flip Tumblers Hazard: The flip tumblers can leak hot liquid, posing a burn hazard. Units: About 23,600 (in addition, 1,600 were sold in Canada) Incidents/Injuries: Teavana has received 12 reports of the tumblers leaking, including one report of a burn injury to a consumer s abdomen. Sold Exclusively At: Teavana stores nationwide and online at Teavana.com from October 2016 through February 2017 for about $40. Importer(s): Starbucks Corporation, dba Teavana, of Seattle, Wash. Recall date: April 11, 2017 Name of product: Garbage disposals Hazard: A metal component inside the disposal can break off and come out of the disposal during use, posing an impact hazard. Units: About 146,000 (in addition, 2,700 were sold in Canada) Incidents/Injuries: The firms have received 22 reports of a metal component coming out of a disposal, including three reports of a broken component hitting consumers. No injuries have been reported. Sold At: Best Buy, HD Supply, Menards, and plumbing supply stores nationwide and online at Amazon.com, Costco.com, HomeDepot.com, Walmart.com and other websites from December 2015 through March 2017 for between $80 and $370 for ¾ horsepower models and $100 and $450 for 1 horsepower models. Importer(s): Anaheim Manufacturing Co. and Moen Inc., of North Olmsted, Ohio Recall date: April 12, 2017 Name of product: Adjustable beds Hazard: The bed s side-mounted AC outlets can be incorrectly wired, posing an electric shock hazard to consumers. Units: About 50,000 Sold At: Sleepy s and other mattress stores nationwide from June 2012 through January 2017 for about $1,500. Manufacturer(s): PPJ, LLC; d.b.a Customatic Beds of Natick, Mass. Importer(s): PPJ, LLC; d.b.a Customatic Beds of Natick, Mass. Distributor(s): PPJ, LLC; d.b.a Customatic Beds of Natick, Mass. Manufactured In: TaiwanRecall date: March 28, 2017 7

聯絡方式 Paul Yang Associate Director Aon Risk Solutions Claim Dept. +886266390370 paul.yang@aon.com 關於怡安 怡安公司 (NYSE:AON) 是全球領先的風險管理, 保險及再保險經紀, 以及人力資源解決方案和外包服務提供商 透過其全球 72,000 多名同事, 怡安透過創新和有效的風險和人力資源解決方案, 並以頂尖的全球資源和技術專長, 在全球 120 多個國家, 為全球顧客 同事 社群打造務實的未來, 給予經濟與人力發展實踐的力量. 怡安多次被評為世界上各產業領域中的最佳保險經紀人, 最好的保險中介機構, 再保險中介機構, 專屬保險經理人和最佳員工福利諮詢公司 其他詳細資訊請搜尋 www.aon.com Copyright 2016 Aon Plc. 1