(6) 質量為 m 的流星離地球之距離為 R, 則他的動位能為 (G 為萬有引力常數,M 為地球質量 ): A comet of mass m is a distance R away from the earth then its gravitational potential energy is

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Download "(6) 質量為 m 的流星離地球之距離為 R, 則他的動位能為 (G 為萬有引力常數,M 為地球質量 ): A comet of mass m is a distance R away from the earth then its gravitational potential energy is"


1 适用的常數表 List of useful constants 光速 Speed of light: c = 3x10 8 m/s 普朗克常數 Plank constant: h = 6.626x10-34 Js 重力加速度 Gravitational acceleration on earth: 水的比熱 Specific heat of water: c water = 4180 J/kg.K 声波在空气中的速度 Speed of sound in air = 343 m/s (1) 在地面把球以初速 100m/s 垂直往上拋, 三秒以後球的速度為 : A ball is thrown up vertically from the ground with initial speed 100m/s. What is its velocity 3 seconds later. (a) 20 m/s downward ( 往下 ) (b) 36 m/s upward ( 往上 ) (c) 70 m/s upward ( 往上 ) (d) 70 m/s downward ( 往下 ) (e) None of the above. ( 以上皆非 ) (2) 一個靜止的紅球被速度為 12m/s 白球碰撞, 如果兩個球的質量一樣, 而且它們在直線上運動, 則碰撞以後紅球的速率為 ( 假设能量守恒 ): A red ball at rest is collided by a white ball moving with speed 12m/s. Assuming the balls have the same mass and can only move on a straight line then what is the speed of the red ball after collision (assume conservation of energy): (a) 0 (b) 3 m/s (c) 6 m/s (d) 12 m/s (e) None of the above. (3) 單擺的週期 T 為 ( 設是擺長, 為重力加速度,m 為質量 ): The period T of a pendulum is given by the following formulae ( is the length, is the gravity acceleration and m is the mass): (4) 某物體其質量為 m= 5kg, 在不平滑的表面上滑動 ( 動摩擦係數 ) 如果物體的初速為 25m/s, 而且有一個定力 5 N 作用其上, 則 1 秒後物體移動的距離為 : A block of mass m= 5kg is moving on a rough surface with kinetic friction coefficient. If the block moves with initial speed 25m/s and there is a constant force 5 N acting on it. The distance it travels after 1 second is: (a) 25 m (b) 20 m (c) 13 m (d) 23 m (e) 18 m. (5) 靜止的球從高度 10 公尺往地面掉下, 如果每次球從地面彈起都損耗 10% 的能量, 則第二次從地面彈起, 離地面之最高距離為 : A ball at rest falls at 10 m above ground. Suppose that the ball bounces up by losing 10% of its energy. Then what is its highest height after the second bouncing: (a) 9 m (b) 9.2 m (c) 7.4 m (d) 8.1 m (e) None of the above. 1/5

2 (6) 質量為 m 的流星離地球之距離為 R, 則他的動位能為 (G 為萬有引力常數,M 為地球質量 ): A comet of mass m is a distance R away from the earth then its gravitational potential energy is (G is the Newton Constant and M is the mass of the earth): (7) 質量 m 的物體受彈簧拉力做運動, 如果它的總能量為 ( 為彈簧的力常數, 為物體離 開平衡點的最大位移 ) 則最大速度的位置會出現在 : The total energy of a mass m connected to a spring with spring constant is, where is the maximum displacement of the mass from its equilibrium position. Then the position for the maximum speed is located at: (a) (b) /2 (c) /4 (d) 0 (e) None of the above. (8) 等速圓周運動的向心加速度正比於 : For uniform circular motion the centripetal acceleration is proportional to (a) Tangential speed (b) Radius R (c) (d) (e). (9) 行星對太陽做圓週運動, 如果 K 代表它的動能,E 為總能量, 則以下哪一個敘述為正確 : For circular planetary motion around the sun, if the kinetic energy is denoted by K and the total energy is E then which of the following statement is correct : (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) None of the above. (10) 質量為 m, 電荷為 Q 的粒子在均勻電場中運動, 如果 t=0 的初速為, 則 T 秒 後它的動量為 : A particle of charge Q and mass m is moving in the uniform electric field. If at t=0 the initial velocity is then the momentum of the particle at later time T is: (a) (b) (c) m( (d) (e). (11) 以電功率為 1kW 的電熱器加熱一公升的水, 當開始的水溫為, 則 41.8 秒後的水溫為 : One liter of water is heating by the electric heater of power 1kW. If the heating process begins at water temperature, what is the water temperature after heating for 41.8 sec? (12) 22.4 公升的氧氣從 加熱到 時它的壓力為 : 22.4 liters of oxygen at is heated to. Its final pressure is: (a) 2.4 atm ( b) 3.4 atm (c) 5.4 atm (d) 6.7 atm (e) None of the above. 2/5

3 (13) 靜止的救護車的警笛頻率為, 如果它以 50km/hr 往醫院疾駛, 則對醫院門口的醫生而言, 他所聽到的頻率 : The siren of the ambulance car at rest is If it is now traveling at a speed 50km/hr and approaching to the hospital, then for the doctor waiting at the gate of the hospital the frequency appealed to him is: (a) Higher than ( 比 高 ) (b) Lower than ( 比 低 ) (c) The same as ( 等於 ) (d) = 2 (e) (14) 對電力線而言, 下列敘述何者為正確 : Which of the statement is true for the electric field lines: (a) They are closed loops( 它們是封閉曲線 ) (b) They do not cross each other( 它們不會相交 ) (c) They are always perpendicular to the magnetic field ( 它們永遠與磁力線垂直 ) (d) They are always parallel to one another ( 它們都相互平行 ) (e) They can cross each other.( 它們會相交 ) (15) 兩個距離為 D 的電荷, 他們的電性相反而大小相等, 則距離兩電荷連線中點為 R 的任何點上, 如果 R>>D, 則在該點上的電場正比於 : Two charges of equal magnitude but opposite sign have a distance D between them. For a point with distance R measured from the midpoint of these charges, if R>>D then at this point the electric field is proportional to: (a) (b) 1/RD (c) 1/(R-D) (d) (e). (16) 電荷 Q 在距離 R 上一點所產生的電位正比於 : The electric potential of charges Q is proportion to ( where R is the distance measured from Q) : (17) 電熱器的電阻為 50 Ω, 如果加在它的電壓為 200V, 則電熱器所提供的功率為 : A electric heater has resistance of 50 Ω. If it is operated at 200V what is the power of the heater: (a) 80W (b) 40W (c) 400W (d) 800W (e) 450W. (18) 兩個電阻並聯在一起, 並且連結到一個 24V 的電池, 如果電阻為 4Ω 和, 則以 下哪一個敘述是錯的 : Two resistors connected in parallel are connected to a battery of 24V. If the resistance s are 4Ω and, then which of the following statement is incorrect: (a) dissipates more power ( 消耗的功率比較大 ) (b) has a larger current ( 中的電流比較大 ) (c) They dissipate the same power ( 它們的功率一樣 ) (d) The total current is 8.9A ( 總電流為 8.9A) (e) The total resistance is 2.67Ω.( 總電阻為 2.67Ω) 3/5

4 (19) 電荷, 其速度為, 在電場 及磁場 中運 動, 則作用在上的總力為 : A particle with charge has velocity and is moving in a region with electric field and magnetic field The total force acting on this charge is: (a) 6 (N) (b) -6 (N) (c) 0 (d) 9 (N) (e) None of the above. (20) 對無窮長的直線電流, 他在距離 R 上所產生的磁場正比於 : For infinite long straight current, the magnetic field that it generates at a distance R away from it is proportional to : (a) R (b) (c) (d) (e). (21) 對任何溫度下的物體而言, 其表面所發射的能量正比於 : For any object with temperature T the amount of energy that radiates from its surface is proportional to (a) T (b) (c) (d) (e). (22) 愛因斯坦提出光子的觀念來解釋光電效應, 對 1mW 的紅色雷射筆而言,( 波長為 700nm), 每秒大概發射多少個光子? Einstein introduced the concept of photon to describe the photoelectric effect. For a 1mW Laser pointer of red color (with a wavelength =700nm), how many photon are approximately emitted in one second? (a) 1000 (b) (c) (d) (e). (23) 原子與原子核的大小約為 : What are the approximate sizes of atom and nucleus respectively : (a) 10 nm, 10 fm (b) 10 nm, 100 nm (c) 10 nm, 100 fm (d) 10 fm, 1 fm (e) None of the above. (24) 光可以被物體反射 吸收及繞射, 或在物質中傳送, 以下的現象哪一個與繞射有關? Light can be reflected, transmitted, absorbed and diffracted by objects. Which of the following situations is due to light diffraction: (a) Rainbow( 彩虹 ) (b) The resolution of a microscope( 顯微鏡的鑑別率 ) (c) Cooking in microwave oven ( 在微波爐中加熱 ) (d) Light traveling in the optical fiber( 在光纖中傳送光 ) (e) None of the above. 4/5

5 (25) 以下哪一個不是波的正確敘述 (A, f, λ 和分別為波的振幅 頻率 波長 強度 ) Which of the following statements is not correct for describing wave (where A, f, λ and are the amplitude, frequency, wavelength and intensity respectively) : (a) (b) Wave speed = ( 波速 = ) (c) Waves cannot be added as another wave( 波的疊加不是波 ) (d) Depending on the frequency wave can move with different speed in the same medium( 在相同介質中波速與頻率有關 ) (e) Waves can carry energy.( 波帶有能量 ) 5/5

3 (s05q6) The diagram shows the velocity-time graph for a lift moving between floors in a building. The graph consists of straight line segments. In t

3 (s05q6) The diagram shows the velocity-time graph for a lift moving between floors in a building. The graph consists of straight line segments. In t Mechnics (9709) M1 Topic 1 : s-t and v-t graph(9) Name: Score: Time: 1 (s03q3) The diagram shows the velocity-time graphs for the motion of two cyclists P and Q, whotravel in the same direction along a

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