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1 北京北方华创微电子装备有限公司 Beijing NAURA Microelectronics Equipment Co., Ltd. 公司地址 Add 中国 北京经济技术开发区文昌大道 8 号 No. 8 Wenchang Avenue Beijing Economic- Technological Development Area,China 邮政编码 P.C 网址 Web

2 目录 Contents "N " " AURA" NORTH 既体现了北方微电子品牌的传承性 又象征 着北极星 一种无处不在的光 宇宙中璀璨的星辉 体现了七星 华创品牌的传承性 带给产业无限可能 Brings open future to all 关于北方华创 About NAURA / 01 董事长致辞 Chairman s Address / 02 领域及产品 Applications & Products / 03 服务支持 Services / 21 管理体系 Management / 23 专利成果 Patents / 24 研发平台 R&D Platform / 25 社会荣誉 Social Honor / 27

3 关于北方华创 About NAURA 董事长致辞 Chairman's Address 北京北方华创微电子装备有限公司 北京北方华创微电子装备有限公司 简称 北方华创微电子 是 Great Time, Great Mission 北京七星华创电子股份有限公司的全资子公司 北方华创微电子 通过对七星电子和北方微电子半导体装备业务的深度整合 构建 We are living in a great era of scientific and technical revolution, in 了中国唯一半导体装备产业上市平台 which the forth industrial revolution is taking place. Industry 4.0 and 北方华创微电子主要产品包括刻蚀 PVD CVD 氧化/扩散 Made in China 2025 bring great development opportunities for our 清洗 气体质量流量计等高端半导体工艺装备及核心零部件 广 electronic information industry. Technologies such as Big Data, Cloud 泛应用于集成电路 微机电系统 功率半导体 先进封装 半导 体照明 化合物半导体 新能源光伏 平板显示等领域 北方华 名誉董事长 王岩 董事长 张劲松 Computing, Internet of Things, Smart Power Grids, Intelligent 创微电子在北京经济技术开发区 中关村电子城高科技园区 顺 Transportation System, and Artificial Intelligence are changing our lives. It 义天竺出口加工区拥有三大制造基地 营销服务体系覆盖欧 is the high-end semiconductor process equipment that support the 美 亚等全球主要国家和地区 大时代 大使命 development of the whole electronic information industry. 子工艺装备领军企业的姿态登上世界舞台 深耕发展 引领未 我们生活在一个技术变革的大时代 第四次工业革命浪潮正迎面扑来 工 semiconductor process equipment. By merging SEVENSTAR and NMC, 来 坚持以客户需求为导向的持续创新 助推产业技术进步 带 业4.0 中国制造2025 为电子信息产业带来了千载难逢的发展机遇 大数 北方华创微电子以 创造精良 打造民族自尊 为己任 继续发 扬 精良品质 卓越服务 中国制造 的企业精神 将以高端微电 给产业无限可能 据 云计算 物联网 智能电网 智能交通 人工智能改变着我们的生活 高端 半导体工艺装备支撑着整个电子信息产业的发展 北方华创融合了中国两大半导体装备供应商 七星电子和北方微电子 以 发展中国高端半导体工艺装备为己任 将打造中国最大的半导体装备产业平台 北方华创作为中国高端制造企业的先行者 立足于电子产业链上游 凭借精 良品质和卓越服务 为电子信息产业提供发展的原动力 助推产业链的健康发 展 托起人类智能生活的明天 让我们开拓进取 推陈出新 精益求精 以一颗行者之心 学者之心 工匠 Our mission is to stimulate the development of China high-end two big semiconductor equipment suppliers, NAURA will become the largest semiconductor equipment industrial platform in China. As the pioneer of China high-end manufacturing industry, NAURA is based on the upstream of electronic industry. With superior quality and premium service, we will continue to drive the engine for electronic information industry, promote the healthy development of the industry chain, and to support the intelligent living of human being. We will forge ahead, insist on innovation, and strive for excellence with the heart of walker, scholar and craftsman. We were grateful to the great time and will accomplish our great mission! 之心感谢大时代 不辱大使命 01 02

4 集成电路领域设备及工艺解决方案 铝衬垫 PVD 系统 Al Pad PVD IC equipment and process solution Wafer size: 12" Applicable material: TaN, TiN, Al Bond pad deposition 硅刻蚀机 Si Etcher Wafer size: 8" 12" Applicable material: Si Polysilicon gate etch, Shallow trench isolation etch, Spacer etch, etc. 集成电路作为信息产业的基础及核心, 是关系国民经济和社会发展全局的 基础性 先导性和战略性产业, 已成为拉动电子工业迈向数字时代的强大 引擎 国际上也以其技术水平作为衡量国家综合国力的重要标志之一 集成电路制造领域,NAURA 厚积薄发, 自主研发了国内首台应用于 14nm 先进制程的等离子硅刻蚀机, 已正式进入客户生产线 ; 应用于 28nm 制程的 Hardmask PVD 设备, 已成为国内主流芯片代工厂的 Baseline 设备, 并成功进入国际供应链体系, 代表着国产集成电路工艺设备的最高水平 ; 单 堆叠式单片清洗机 Stacked Chamber Single Wafer Cleaning Tool 片清洗机 立式氧化炉 单片退火系统 Al Pad PVD 等设备也均进入主流芯片代工厂, 实现批量销售 As the basis and core of information industry, IC is a primary, guiding, and strategic industry concerning national economy and social development, and has become a strong driving force leading the electronic industry into digital era. Internationally, the technical level of IC is one of the major indicators of comprehensive national strength. In IC manufacturing field, NAURA has independently developed the first plasma silicon etcher in China for 14nm node, which has formally been used in customer production line; Hardmask PVD equipment for 28nm process has become baseline device of mainstream chips foundry in China and entered international supply chain system, representing the highest level of domestic IC equipment; single wafer cleaning system, Vertical Oxidation System, single wafer anneal, and Al pad PVD have also entered amainstream chips foundry for bulk sales. 硅刻蚀机 Si Etcher 氮化钛刻蚀机 TiN Etcher 铝刻蚀机 Al Etcher 氮化钛硬掩膜 PVD 系统 Hardmask TiN PVD 铝衬垫 PVD 系统 Al Pad PVD 单片退火系统 Single Wafer Anneal 立式退火 / 氧化系统 Vertical Anneal/Oxidation System 立式低压化学气相沉积系统 Vertical LPCVD 堆叠式单片清洗机 Stacked Chamber Single Wafer Cleaning Tool 立式氧化系统 Vertical Oxidation System Wafer size: 8" 12" Dry oxidation, Wet oxidation, DCE oxidation, SiON oxidation Wafer size: 12" FEOL-Pre/Post-film clean, Gate clean, Silicide clean, RCA clean; BEOL-Post etch clean on via, Post etch clean on trench, Post etch clean on liner, PAD etch clean 原子层沉积系统 ALD System 全自动槽式清洗机 Fully Auto Wet Slation 石英管 / 舟清洗机 Quartz Tube/Boat Cleaning Tool 03 04

5 半导体照明领域设备及工艺解决方案 LED equipment and process solution 蓝宝石图形衬底刻蚀机 PSS Etcher 氮化镓刻蚀机 GaN Etcher 等离子增强化学气相沉积系统 PECVD System 金属电极溅射系统 Metal Sputter System 氮化铝溅射系统 AlN Sputter System 槽式清洗机 Wet Station 湿法腐蚀设备 Wet Etching Equipment 采用氮化镓基发光二极管作为光源的半导体照明技术, 以其节能 高效 寿命长等优点被广泛应用于照明 大屏幕显示 指示灯 背光源等领域, 其技术发展迅速 应用领域广泛 产业带动性强 节能潜力大, 等离子增强化学气相沉积系统 PECVD System 被公认为最有发展前景的高效照明产业 在 LED 领域,ICP 刻蚀机自面市以来已经实现了两百台的销售突破, 其中 GaN 刻蚀机新增市占率超过 80%, 成为行业标杆机型 ; 自主开发的应用于 LED 制程的 AlN 缓冲层沉积设备, 引领 LED 领域技术发展, 凭借其优越的性能, 成为客户最信赖的技术创新产品 Semiconductor lighting technology taking GaN-LED as light source is widely applied on lighting, large screen display, indicator lamp, backlight and other areas due to its advantages of energy saving, high efficiency and long service life. It has also been widely recognized as an efficient lighting industry with sound development prospects due to its rapid technical development, wide application area, strong industrial promotion capacity and large energy-saving potential. In LED field, more than 200 ICP etchers have been sold since release on the market, GaN etcher has become the benchmark model in the industry with exceeding 80% newly increased market share; the independently developed AlN Sputter System for LED production is leading the technical development of LED area and has become the most reliable technology-innovation product for customers due to its excellent performance. 等离子刻蚀机 ICP Etcher Wafer size: 2" 4" 6 " Application material: Sapphire, GaN, GaAs, GaP, AlGalnP, SiO, SiN, TiW Application process: PSS etch, Mesa etch, Deep trench etch, Passivation etch, GaP/AlGalnP/lnP etch Wafer size: 2" 4" 6" 8" Applicable material: SiO, SiN, SiON Passivation, Mask, Current block layer 金属电极溅射系统 Metal Sputter System Wafer size: 2" 4" 6" 8" Applicable material: Cu, Ti, Al, Ni, NiV, Ag, Au, TiW, SiO, etc. Metal & Nonmetal film Sputter 氮化铝溅射系统 AlN Sputter System Wafer size: 2" 4" 6" Applicable material: AlN AlN film sputter 05 06

6 先进封装领域设备及 工艺解决方案 UBM/RDL金属沉积系统 UBM/RDL PVD Advanced packaging equipment and process solution 深硅/介质刻蚀机 Deep Silicon Etcher Dielectric Etcher 深硅刻蚀机 Deep Silicon Etcher 介质刻蚀机 Dielectric Etcher 智能型手机 物联网等终端产品朝高效能 低成本 低功耗及小面积等 UBM/RDL金属沉积系统 UBM/RDL PVD 产品要求发展 而摩尔定律的推进速度不断放缓 且制程微缩带来的单 TSV PVD系统 TSV PVD 位成本降低的效益明显下降 使得先进封装技术成为产业发展的新动 单片清洗机 Single Wafer Cleaning Tool 力 为满足市场需求 新兴的封装技术向集成和晶圆级发展 薄膜重布 线技术和通孔技术越来越多的被使用到 在先进封装领域 NAURA为客户量身打造的UBM/RDL金属沉积设备 Wafer size: 8" 12" Applicable material: For deep silicon: Si For dielectric: SiO, SiN, etc. Deep trench etch, Deep via etch, Bottom OX etch, Mask etch 立式退火/氧化系统 Vertical Anneal/Oxidation System 等离子去胶机 Plasma Descum 等离子切割刻蚀机 Plasma Dicing TSV金属沉积设备 TSV刻蚀设备及工艺已经实现了在国内及海外主流先 槽式清洗机 Wet Station 进封装企业的批量生产 并不断获得客户的重复采购订单 全新 石英管/舟清洗机 Quartz Tube/Boat Cleaning Tool DESCUM设备已完成研发并已正式投放市场 Smartphone, Internet of Things and other end products are developing into those featured by high efficiency, low cost, low power consumption and small size, while the advance speed of Moore's law is gradually slowing and dramatic decline is noted in benefits from unit cost reduction due to process shrink, which have made advanced packaging technology become the new power for development of the industry. In order to meet market demands, emerging packaging technologies are developing into integrated and wafer level technologies, redistribution technology and TSV technology have become increasingly common and popular. In advanced packaging area, UBM/RDL metal PVD, TSV metal PVD Wafer size: 8" 12" 8/12" Applicable material Cu, Ti, TiW, Au, Al Flip chip bumping Fan-out, etc. 槽式清洗机 Wet Station Wafer size: 8/12" Wafer type: Si Applicable material: PR, PI, PBO, etc. Plasma etching, Plasma surface treating Wafer size: 2 12" Applicable material Si, Ge, SiC, Al O, III-V compound semiconductor Applicable processes: Pre clean, PR strip, RCA clean, Pre/Post-diffusion clean, Pre-epitaxial clean, etc. and TSV etcher customized developed by NAURA has achieved domestic and oversea mainstream enterprise volume sales. NAURA newly developed plasma descum systems have already released and entered market

7 MEMS/NEMS 领域设备及工艺解决方案 MEMS/NEMS equipment and process solution 深硅刻蚀机 Deep Silicon Etcher Wafer size: Up to 8" Wafer type: SOG, SOI, Si Stress relief etch, Trench etch, Taper/Vertical via etch 采用微制造技术, 集微型机构 传感器 执行器等于一体的 MEMS 器件, 其小体积 集成化 智能化传感系统是未来传感器的发展方向, 也是物联网的核心 在万物互联时代高速成长的大趋势下, 其发展会受到来自智能硬件 智能汽车 智能工厂等领域的强大助力, 并将向环境监测 医疗保健等领域不断扩展, 具有十分广阔的前景 在 MEMS 领域,NAURA 深硅刻蚀设备已批量销往多家科研机构及生产线, 并获得了广泛的认可与好评 ; 卧式 LPCVD 已成功应用于半导体级碳纳米管生长 ; 并成功研发先进氮化铝薄膜沉积设备及工艺解决方案 MEMS device adopts the micro-fabrication technology and integrates micro mechanism, sensor and actuator. Its small, integrated and intelligent sensing system is the future development direction of sensors and the core of Internet of Things. Under the general trend of rapid development of Internet of Things, the development of MEMS will be boosted by intelligent hardware, intelligent vehicle and intelligent factory and extend to environmental monitoring, medical care and other areas. Therefore, it boasts broad prospects. In MEMS area, deep silicon etcher manufactured by NAURA has been sold to several scientific research institutions and production lines in batches, received wide recognition and good reputation from customers; horizontal LPCVD has been successfully applied in development of semiconductor carbon nano tube; NAURA has also successfully developed technical solutions for advanced AlN Sputter. 深硅刻蚀机 Deep Silicon Etcher 介质刻蚀机 Dielectric Etcher 金属刻蚀机 Metal Etcher 氮化铝薄膜沉积系统 AlN Sputter System 等离子增强化学气相沉积系统 PECVD System 卧式扩散 / 氧化系统 Horizontal Diffusion/Oxidation System 卧式 LPCVD Horizontal LPCVD system 槽式清洗机 Wet Station 单片清洗机 Single Wafer Cleaning Tool 等离子增强化学气相沉积系统 PECVD System Wafer size: 4" 6" 8" Applicable material: SiO,SiN, SiON Structure layer,sacrificial layer, Mask, Low stress layer 槽式清洗机 Wet Station Typical processes: Pre-diffusion cleaning, Post-etch cleaning, Metal wet etching, Si wet etching, Silicon oxide etching, Resist stripping Special object: Silicon blocks, Silicon rods/cores, Fiber preform 09 10

8 功率半导体领域设备及工艺解决方案 Power semiconductor equipment and process solution 硅刻蚀机 Silicon Etcher 介质刻蚀机 Dielectric Etcher 金属沉积系统 Metal Sputter System 硅外延系统 APCVD System Wafer size: 6" 8" Applicable material: Silicon epitaxy Intrinsic, N type and P type silicon epitaxy 卧式 LPCVD Horizontal LPCVD Wafer size: 2-6" wafer Typical processes: SiO, Si N, Poly-Si, PSG, BPSG, SIPOS, Graphene, CNT 采用碳化硅 氮化镓等宽禁带新材料 IGBT 及 Super Junction 等新结构 制造的新一代功率器件, 具有高速 低损耗的特点, 在风电 光伏 有轨交通 调频调速等新兴产业上得到广泛应用 具有节能 节材 环保等效益, 未来市场前景广阔 在功率器件领域,NAURA 自主研发的薄膜 / 厚膜硅外延 APCVD 系统 刻蚀设备及金属溅射 PVD 已获得国内多家功率器件客户的认可和批量采购 ; 为多条功率器件生产线提供清洗解决方案 ; 先进的卧式扩散 / 氧化系统可以满足功率半导体领域特殊工艺的应用 The new-generation power device made of silicon carbide, gallium 硅外延系统 APCVD System 单片外延系统 Single Wafer Epitaxy System 卧式扩散 / 氧化系统 Horizontal Diffusion/Oxidation System 卧式 LPCVD Horizontal LPCVD system 槽式清洗机 Wet Station 湿法腐蚀设备 Wet Etching Equipment 卧式扩散氧化系统 Horizontal Diffusion Oxidation System 深硅 / 介质刻蚀机 Deep Silicon Etcher Dielectric Etcher Wafer size: Up to 8" Application material: Si, SiC, GaN, etc. Application process: IGBT, Super junction, VDMOS, etc. Trench etch; SiC MOSFET etch; GaN mesa etch, Isolation etch nitride and other similar materials, IGBT and super junction new structures is featured with high speed and low loss, and it is applied in wind power, PV, rail transit, frequency modulation & speed governing and other emerging industries. It boasts benefits of energy, material saving, environmental protection and rapid future market development. In power device field, thick/thin film silicon APCVD system,etch, metal sputter independently developed by NAURA have won approval and batch purchase orders from several domestic power device customers; NAURA provides cleaning solution for several power device production lines; advanced horizontal oxidation & diffusion systems can meet the demand of special processes in power semiconductor area. 槽式清洗机 Wet Station Typical processes: Pre-diffusion cleaning, Post-etch cleaning, Metal wet etching, Si wet etching, Silicon oxide etching, Resist stripping Special object: Silicon blocks, Silicon rods/cores, Fiber preform Wafer size: 2-8" wafer Typical processes: Dry Oxidation, Pyrogenic wet oxidation, H &O pyrogenic oxidation, Diffusion, Alloying, Annealing/Drive-In 11 12

9 化合物半导体领域设备及工艺解决方案 Compound semi equipment and process solution 化合物半导体材料包括磷化铟 (InP) 砷化镓 (GaAs) 氮化镓 (GaN) 锑化镓 (GaSb) 锑化铟(InSb) 碲镉汞(HgCdTe) 等, 适合制备高频 高速器件, 多应用于光纤通讯 无线通讯 卫星通讯 高端功率器件等领域, 在未来尖端技术领域拥有举足轻重的地位, 是提升新一代信息技术核心竞争力的决定性因素之一 在化合物半导体领域,NAURA 定制开发了化合物半导体刻蚀机 PECVD 系统 槽式清洗系统和卧式扩散 / 氧化系统, 为客户提供全面的设备及工艺解决方案 InP, GaAs, GaN, GaSb, InSb and HgCdTe are compound semiconductor materials applicable to manufacturing high-frequency and high-speed devices. Such materials are widely applied in fiber-optic communication, wireless communication, satellite communication, high-end power device and other areas and occupy a significant position in future cutting-edge technology area. Therefore, they are one of the determining factors for improving core competitiveness of new-generation information technology. In compound semiconductor field, NAURA has developed compound semiconductor etcher, PECVD system, wet station and horizontal oxidation/diffusion systems to provide overall equipment and technical solution for customers. 化合物半导体刻蚀机 Compound Semi Etcher 等离子增强化学气相沉积系统 PECVD System 金属溅射系统 Metal Sputter System 卧式扩散 / 氧化系统 Horizontal Diffusion/Oxidation System 槽式清洗机 Wet Station 化合物半导体刻蚀机 Compound Semi Etcher Wafer size: Up to 8" Applicable materials: GaN, GaP, GaAs, InP, etc. III-V based mesa etch, GaN gate etch, etc. 槽式清洗机 Wet Station Typical processes: Pre-diffusion cleaning, Post-etch cleaning, Metal wet etching, Si wet etching, Silicon oxide etching, Resist stripping Special object: Silicon blocks, Silicon rods/cores, Fiber preform 等离子增强化学气相沉积系统 PECVD System Wafer size: 4" 6" 8" Applicable material: SiO, SiN, SiON Passivation, Mask 13 14

10 新能源光伏领域设备及工艺解决方案 New energy PV equipment and process solution 卧式低压扩散炉 Horizontal Low Pressure Diffusion System Wafer size: 125mm-160mm Capacity: 1000pcs/tube 管式 PECVD 设备 Tube Horizontal PECVD Wafer size: 125mm-160mm Capacity: Up to 400pcs/boat 在线式多晶制绒清洗机 Inline Polysilicon Texturing Cleaning Tool Wafer size: 156mm 156mm 180μm(±20μm) 125mm 125mm 180μm(±20μm) Capacity: 125mm 125mm: 4400pcs/hr 156mm 156mm: 3600pcs/hr 太阳能光伏发电做为可再生能源的重要组成部分, 是国家能源长期发展及环 境保护的战略性 基础性产业 太阳能光伏发电已经成为调节能源消费结 构 促进国民经济产业转型的杠杆, 国际上以其作为传统能源的替代品 太阳能光伏制造领域,NAURA 自主创新, 研发了国内首台应用于高效光伏电 池生产的负压扩散炉, 打破了国际技术垄断, 获得市场认可, 稳居国内市场 首席 其光伏交钥匙工程, 作为国内首家整线设备出口厂商, 成功获得海外 客户订单, 进入国际供应链体系 其在线湿法刻蚀清洗机 在线湿法制绒 机 槽式单晶制绒机 卧式扩散氧化炉 PECVD 等设备均已实现进口替代 As a significant component of renewable energy sources, solar photovoltaic power generation is a strategic and fundamental industry for long-term energy development and environmental protection. Solar photovoltaic power generation industry has become a lever for adjusting energy consumption structure and promoting industrial transformation of national economy. International organizations take solar photovoltaic power as the alternative to traditional energy. In solar photovoltaic manufacturing area, NAURA has developed the first negative-pressure diffusion furnace in China for production of high-efficiency photovoltaic cell through independent innovation, which breaks the international technology monopoly, obtains market recognition, and thus remains in the top position in domestic market. As the first manufacturer for whole-line equipment export in China, it has obtained orders from overseas customers and entered international supply chain system with the PV turn-key projects. It has also realized import substitution in terms of on-line wet-etching cleaning machine, on-line wet texturing machine, batch texturing machine, horizontal diffusion/oxidation furnace, PECVD and other devices. 卧式低压扩散炉 Horizontal Low Pressure Diffusion Furnace 管式 PECVD Tube Horizontal PECVD 在线式多晶制绒清洗机 Inline Polysilicon Texturing Cleaning Tool 在线式湿法腐蚀清洗机 Inline Wet Etching Cleaning Tool 槽式单晶制绒清洗机 Batch Texturing System 特殊工件清洗机 Special Parts Cleaning Tool 槽式黑硅制绒清洗机 BatchPolysilicon BlackSilicon Texturing Cleaning Tool 石英管 / 舟清洗机 Quartz Tube/Boat Cleaning Tool 15 16

11 平板显示领域设备及工艺解决方案 FPD equipment and process solution 磨边后清洗机 Grind Cleaning Tool Grinder Cleaner equipment is mainly used in the cleaning of TFT- LCD Panel edge after grinded Application in TFT-LCD Line: G10.5, G8.5, G6, G5, G4.5, G2.5 受电视屏 手机屏 平板电脑屏, 以及可穿戴设备显示屏等终端应用的强力牵引, 以平板显 示为核心的平板显示产业已进入快速成长通道, 成为了拉动我国经济发展的重要产业, 被誉为全球第三大制造业的新型平板显示产业, 得到了产业界的高度关注 到 2020 年, 我国平板 装载卸载设备 Indexer 显示产业在国际市场的总体地位将达到第一阵营水平, 产业规模将居于全球领先地位 NAURA 公司是国内首家进入 TFT-LCD 生产线的设备供应商, 自主研发出国内首台 Grind Cleaner 设备并交付京东方 B1 工厂 (G5 世代 ) 使用 ; 实现了装载卸料设备 Indexer 的国产化, 在 G10.5 G8.5 G6 G5.5 G5 G4.5 G2.5 世代 TFT-LCD 生产线上批量应用 ; CELL 段 ODF 工艺的紫外固化炉 UV Cure 及 CuttIng 工艺的 Grind Cleaner 等设备均在国内市场占据重要份额 Indexer connecting the process equipment (EQ) to intelligent logistics warehousing system (STK), is mainly used in glass alignment index machine (array) Application in TFT-LCD Line: G10.5, G8.5, G6, G5, G4.5, G2.5 With strong driving force of television screen, mobile phone screen, tablet PC screen, display screen of wearable device and other terminal applications, the panel display industry with panel display as the core has entered into a rapid development stage and become a significant industry driving China s economic development. Being honored as the third manufacturing industry in the world, new panel display industry has attracted high attentions from the industrial circle. By 2020, the overall position of China s panel display industry will be among the top ones in international market. China will occupy a world-leading position in terms of 热回收系统 Thermal Recycling Unit scale of the panel display industry. NAURA is the first domestic equipment supplier entering TFT-LCD production line. It has independently developed the first Grind Cleaner equipment in China and has delivered it to BOE B1 factory (G5) for utilization; it has realized domestication of Indexer, a loading & unloading equipment, and batch application in TFT-LCD production line (G10, G8.5, G6, G5.5, G5, G4.5 and G2.5); UV Cure for ODF process in CELL Section and Grind Cleaner for Cutting process have obtained significant domestic market shares. 紫外线固化炉 UV Cure 磨边后清洗机 Grind Cleaning Tool 装载卸载设备 Indexer 热回收系统 Thermal Recycling Unit 离子微粒吸附设备 Thermal AMC Unit 精密恒温恒湿机 Thermal Control Unit 有机溶剂回收系统 Solvent Recycle Unit 紫外线固化炉 UV Cure UV Cure equipment is mainly used for UV curing adhesive of edge in the TFT-LCD process Application in TFT-LCD Line: G10.5, G8.5, G6, G5, G4.5, G2.5 Thermal Recycling Unit (TRU) is used to recover the heat gas exhausted from the OVEN device, and reuse it to heat the air. Thereby reduce the power of the OVEN heater, and achieve energy-saving and emission-reduction Application in TFT-LCD, Aerospace, Power plant and so on 17 18

12 气体质量流量控制器 MFC CS 系列质量流量计 / 质量流量控制器 CS Series Mass Flow Meter/Mass Flow Controller D07 系列质量流量计 / 质量流量控制器 D07 Series Mass Flow Meter/Mass Flow Controller D08 流量显示仪 / 流量积算仪 D08 Series Readout Box/Totalizer 气路控制系统和阀门管件 Gas Delivery System and Valves NAURA 在气体流量测量 控制方面, 拥有恒功率传感器 数字传感器补 偿 基于 VCP 的阀控制和多气体控制等多项技术优势 研制的气体质量 流量控制器是对各种工业气体进行精密测量与控制的核心部件, 产品已 广泛应用于半导体 光伏 燃料电池 真空 分析仪器 石化 航天等 领域 公司自主研发出国内首台数字式流量控制器, 产品获得 CE UL 等 认证, 行销欧美, 在国内市场始终占据第一品牌的行业地位 With respect to gas flow measurement and control, NAURA boasts several technical advantages of constant-power sensor, digital sensor compensation, VCP valve control and multi-gas control technologies. Mass Flow Controller developed by NAURA is the D07 系列质量流量计 / 质量流量控制器 D07 Series Mass Flow Meter/ Mass Flow Controller core component for precision measurement and control on various kinds of industrial gas, and it has been widely applied in semiconductor, PV, fuel cell, vacuum, analytical instrument, petrochemical engineering, aerospace and other areas. The first digital mass controller in China is developed by NAURA D07 series products are developed with 4-winding sensor, extremely larger solenoid valve, and integrated high pressure resistant technologies. Sales are over 300M pcs, applied to the solar, analytical instruments, vacuum, petrochemical engineering, optoelectronics, gas generation, medicals, foods, aviation, electricity and institutions. independently, most products have passed CE, UL and other certifications and been sold to Europe and America. NAURA always occupies a significant position as a first-class brand in CS 系列质量流量计 / 质量流量控制器 CS Series Mass Flow Meter/ Mass Flow Controller Accuracy: Max: ±1%F.S. Response Time: Min: 1.5sec Max Pressure: 10MPa Flow Ranges: 5sccm-2000slm Dedicated to the large scaled production lines in Semiconductor and vacuum industries, CS series products are specially developed with the constant power technology, digital sensor compensation, VCP valve control technology and multi gases control technology. CS series products are applied to the Semiconductor, vacuum, solar and fuel cell fields, 48% sold to European and American markets. Accuracy: Max: ±0.8%S. P. ( 35%F.S.) ±0.35%F.S.(<35%F.S.) Response Time: 0.8sec. Wetted Materials: Metal-Sealed Fittings: W-seal, C-seal Operation Temperature Range of some products: Flow Ranges: 1sccm-300slm 气路控制系统和阀门管件 Gas Delivery System and Valves Customized gas delivery systems are available, including necessary parts as solenoid valve, shut-off valve, dryer, filter, two way joints and T-joints. D08 流量显示仪 / 流量积算仪 D08 Series Readout Box/Totalizer D08 series products are functioning as the power supply, flow setting and display for Mass Flow Controller (MFC) and Mass Flow Meter (MFM). Channels: 1/2/3/4MFC/MFM, Type: Rack desk style/desk style/mini-type style Input/Output: Voltage/Current Communication: RS232/485 Accumulate Flow error: <0.3% 19 20

13 服务支持 Services 大陆办事机构 Domestic Offices 本地服务 Local Services 上海 Shanghai 深圳 Shenzhen 张家港 Zhangjiagang 快速的响应速度, 以及高质量的现场服务水平 昆山 Kunshan 武汉 Wuhan 东莞 Dongguan Quick response and high-level on-site support 苏州 Suzhou 厦门 Xiamen 西安 Xi'an 芜湖 Wuhu 天津 Tianjin NAURA 始终坚持以客户为中心的服务理念, 具有完善的服务流程, 为客户提供全方位的专业技术服务 With customer-oriented service concept and perfect service procedure, NAURA guarantees professional and circumspect services. 海外办事机构 Overseas Offices 美国 加州 USA California 日本 东京 Japan Tokyo 台湾 新竹 Taiwan Hsinchu 技术支持 Technical Support 丰富的多领域的技术支持能力, 提供售前工艺测试, 售中安装调试, 售后维修及技术支持 Rich experiences in multi-field technical support, providing pre-sales process testing, in-sales installation and debugging, after-sales maintenance and technical support 备品备件 Spare Parts 专用的服务中心库房, 提供平价快捷的备件服务 Specialized warehouse in every service center, to provide customers with economical and fast spare-parts service 21 22

14 管理体系 Managem 2005 北京市知识产权先进示范企业 Advanced intellectual property model company of Beijing 专利成果 Patents 2007 获首批 北京市专利示范单位 称号 The first patent pilot company of Beijing 1 全面质量管理贯穿研发 运营和制造过程 Total quality management in R&D, operation and manufacture 2 通过 ISO9001 质量管理 ISO14001 环境管理 OHSAS18001 职业安全卫生管理体系认证 Certifications of ISO 9001, ISO14001 and OHSAS 主要产品均获得 CE SEMI S2/S8 UL 产品安全和人体工程学认证, 流 量计产品获得计量器具许可证 CE, S2/S8, UL Certification for main products Measuring instruments license for MFC products 4 通过北京市安全生产标准化认证工信部两化融合管理体系贯标认证 Certification of Beijing City Safety Production Standardization 2010 ZL 电感耦合线圈及其电感耦合等离子体装置 获得中国专利优秀奖和北京市发明专利二等奖 ZL was granted Excellence award of China Patent and the second prize of Beijing invention patent awards 2013 国家级知识产权优势企业 National Intellectual property enterprises 企业知识产权管理标准化单位 Intellectual property Management Standardization enterprise 申请国内外相关专利近三千件, 其中授权专利千余件 NAURA has applied for approximately 3000 patents of which more than 1000 patents are authorized. Certification of Integration of Informationization and Industrialization Management System 5 软件开发成熟度认证 :CMMI3 级 Capability Maturity Model Integration III 2014 北京市工业企业知识产权运用示范企业 Intellectual property usage model enterprise of Beijing 中关村知识产权重点示范企业 Intellectual property key model enterprise of Zhongguancun 2015 中国杰出企业知识产权管理团队 The outstanding Intellectual Property Management Team of China 2016 知识产权管理体系认证 Certification of intellectual Property Management System 23 24

15 研发平台 R&D Platform 专业的半导体级别洁净组装厂房 Professional semiconductor-grade assembly clean workshop 国际领先的各类研发实验室和先进检测设备 World-leading R&D lab and advanced test equipment 建筑面积达到 20 万平方米, 半导体级别厂房面积达到 4 万平方米, 为公司半导体装备业务的发展提供强有力的支撑 NAURA has a total gross floor area of 200,000sqm, of which the area of semiconductor-grade workshop is 40,000sqm, providing strong support for the development of our semiconductor equipment manufacture. 工艺设备开发实验室 Process and equipment development lab 工艺性能检测实验线 Process performance test line 射频等离子实验室 RF plasma lab 零部件精密清洗实验室 Parts precision cleaning lab 金属表面处理实验室 Metal surface treatment laboratory 25 26

16 社会荣誉 Social Honor 第十届中国半导体创新产品和技术项目 中国半导体行业协会 2010 年度等离子刻蚀团队奖 国家科技重大专项 02 专项 The Tenth China Semiconductor Innovational Product and Technology Project - China Semiconductor Industry Association 入选全国优秀首席信息官 2013 实施管理办公室 2010 Outstanding Team Award Awarded as one of the "National Excellent CIO" 2015 北京市突出贡献奖 北京市委市政府 Outstanding Contribution Award in Beijing- Beijing Government 2013 SEMI 中国产业奖 SEMI 中国 2009 SEMI China Industry Awards 国家科学技术进步二等奖 (100 纳米等离子刻蚀机项目 ) 国务院 工信部品牌培育示范企业 工信部 Second Prize of National Science and Technology Progress Brand Cultivation Demonstration Enterprise Ministry of Industry and Information Technology 北京市科技进步三等奖 ( 燃料电池气体流量控制系统 ) 北京市 2012 Award (100nm ICP system) Third prize of Beijing Science and Technology Progress Award(Fuel cell gas flow control system) 入选第四批百千万知识产权人才工程百名高层次人才培养人选 Selected into "The Forth Intellectual Property Talents Project" ELEDE 330/NMC508 刻蚀机荣获第一批国家战略性创新产品 科技部 商务部等 ELEDE 330 / NMC508 etching machine was honored as the first national strategic innovational product-the Ministry of 2007 science and technology, Ministry of Commerce 国家科学技术进步二等奖 (100 纳米等离子刻蚀机项目 ) Second in the National Science and Technology 2014 北京市科技进步二等奖 ( 热式数字气体质量流量测试系统 ) 北京市 Second prize of Beijing Science and Technology Progress Award (MFC) 北京市科技进步一等奖 (100 纳米等离子刻蚀机项目 ) 北京市 First Prize of Science and Technology Progress Award (100 nm ICP system) Progress Award (100nm ICP system) 北京市科技进步二等奖 ( 磁控溅射设备 ) 北京市 Second prize of Beijing Science and Technology Progress Award (magnetron sputtering) 2011 入选国家百千万人才工程 Selected into "National Talents Project" 入选光伏行业十大创新品牌影响力企业 PV TOP50 光伏评价组委会 北京市科技进步二等奖 ( 大产能高亮度 LED 刻蚀机研发及产业化 ) Top-Ten Innovational Brands in Photovoltaic Industry 北京市 Second prize of Beijing Science and Technology Progress Award (LED ICP plasma etcher) 27 28

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