數學課程第二學習階段終結的基本能力 ( 試用稿 ) 數範疇 五位數 代號 重點 學生能 : KS2-N1-1 KS2-N1-2 認識個位 十位 百位 千位和萬位的位值 讀 寫和排列不超過五位的數 倍數和因數 學生能 : KS2-N2-1 KS2-N2-2 KS2-N2-3 KS2-N2-4 KS2-

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1 數學課程第二學習階段終結的基本能力 ( 試用稿 ) 數範疇 五位數 代號 重點 KS2-N1-1 KS2-N1-2 認識個位 十位 百位 千位和萬位的位值 讀 寫和排列不超過五位的數 倍數和因數 KS2-N2-1 KS2-N2-2 KS2-N2-3 KS2-N2-4 KS2-N2-5 認識倍數及因數 用列舉法找出一個數的所有因數 認識公倍數及公因數 用列舉法找出兩個數的公倍數 公因數 用列舉法找出兩個數的最小公倍數 最大公因數 分數 KS2-N3-1 KS2-N3-2 KS2-N3-3 KS2-N3-4 KS2-N3-5 認識分數作為整體的部分 認識分數與整體的關係 把假分數和帶分數互化 通過擴分和約分認識等分 比較分數的大小 小數 KS2-N4-1 KS2-N4-2 KS2-N4-3 備註 : 用小數記數 認識小數的位值 進行小數和分數的互化 小數答案取至十分位或百分位 A-26

2 數學課程第二學習階段終結的基本能力 ( 試用稿 ) 數範疇 四則計算 代號 重點 KS2-N5-1 進行整數及分數的四則計算 ( 分數加減時涉及的分母不超過 10 ) KS2-N5-2 KS2-N5-3 KS2-N5-4 KS2-N5-5 KS2-N5-6 進行整數及小數的四則計算 解答整數及分數的應用題 解答整數及小數的應用題 解答整數及小數有關貨幣的應用題 估計計算結果 備註 1 : 1. 加減法 不超過三個位 包括小括號 加法交換及結合性質 2. 乘法 不超過兩位乘三位 包括乘法交換及結合性質 3. 除法 不超過兩位除三位 4. 分數除法應用題 不包括求原數 5. 小數乘法 所用小數只限於 1 位小數 ( 計算圓周除外 ); 答案取至十分位或百分位 6. 小數除法 除數只限於 1 位小數 ( 計算半徑或直徑除外 ); 答案取至十分位或百分位 7. 每題不超過兩步運算 ( 計算梯形面積除外 ) 百分數 KS2-N6-1 KS2-N6-2 KS2-N6-3 認識百分數 進行百分數與分數的互化 進行百分數與小數的互化 KS2-N6-4 解答簡單百分數應用題, 包括 : (a) 求百分率 ; (b) 根據百分率求出數值 ; (c) 折扣 1 為避免繁複運算, 涉及數字不宜太大或繁複 A-27

3 數學課程第二學習階段終結的基本能力 ( 試用稿 ) 度量範疇 香港通用的貨幣 代號 重點 KS2-M1-1 KS2-M1-2 辨認香港的流通貨幣 進行貨幣換算及使用 時間 KS2-M2-1 KS2-M2-2 KS2-M2-3 KS2-M2-4 認識年 月 日和星期 閱讀鐘面及數字鐘 以 小時 和 分 分 和 秒 或 秒, 量度活動所用的時間 ( 不包括化聚 ) 認識和應用 24 小時報時制 長度和距離 KS2-M3-1 KS2-M3-2 KS2-M3-3 KS2-M3-4 KS2-M3-5 KS2-M3-6 KS2-M3-7 備註 : 直接比較物件的長度和物件間的距離 以自訂單位 ( 例如 : 萬字夾 橡皮 書本 ) 比較物件的長度和物件間的距離 以 毫米 (mm) 厘米 (cm) 或 米 (m) 為單位, 量度及比較物件的長度和物件間的距離 以 公里 (km) 為單位, 表示及比較物件的長度和物件間的距離 以手指闊度 臂長 腳板的長度 指距 步距, 作為 永備尺 量度物件的長度和物件間的距離 選擇合適的工具進行量度 選擇合適的單位以單名數記錄物件的長度和物件間的距離 包括化聚 例如長方形邊長 2 米, 闊 50 厘米, 求長方形的周界 在計算過程中須把 2 米轉為 200 厘米或 50 厘米轉為 0.5 米 A-28

4 數學課程第二學習階段終結的基本能力 ( 試用稿 ) 度量範疇 重量 代號 重點 KS2-M4-1 KS2-M4-2 KS2-M4-3 KS2-M4-4 KS2-M4-5 直接比較物件的重量 以自訂單位量度及比較物件的重量 以 克 (g) 或 公斤 (kg) 為單位, 量度及比較物件的重量 選擇合適的工具進行量度 選擇合適的單位記錄物件的重量 容量 KS2-M5-1 KS2-M5-2 KS2-M5-3 KS2-M5-4 KS2-M5-5 直接比較容器的容量 以自訂單位量度及比較容器的容量 以 升 (L) 或 毫升 (ml) 為單位, 量度及比較容器的容量 選擇合適的工具進行量度 選擇合適的單位以單名數記錄容器的容量 周界 KS2-M6-1 KS2-M6-2 KS2-M6-3 KS2-M6-4 備註 : 量度平面圖形的周界 計算正方形及長方形的周界 認識圓周與直徑的關係 應用圓周的公式 取 π 值為 3.14 或 22 7 面積 KS2-M7-1 KS2-M7-2 KS2-M7-3 以直接比較的方式或自訂單位比較平面圖形面積的大小 以 平方厘米 (cm 2 ) 或 平方米 (m 2 ) 為單位, 量度及比較平面圖形面積的大小 計算正方形 長方形 平行四邊形 梯形 三角形及多邊形的面積 A-29

5 數學課程第二學習階段終結的基本能力 ( 試用稿 ) 度量範疇 體積 代號 重點 KS2-M8-1 KS2-M8-2 以 立方厘米 (cm 3 ) 或 立方米 (m 3 ) 為單位來量度及比較立體的體積 計算正方體及長方體的體積 KS2-M8-3 認識容量和體積的關係 ( 升 / 毫升 與 立方厘米 的關係 ) KS2-M8-4 用排水法或其他方法找出不規則立體的體積 速率 KS2-M9-1 KS2-M9-2 以 米每秒 (m/s) 或 公里每小時 (km/h) 作為記錄速率的單位 解答有關速率的簡易應用題 A-30

6 數學課程第二學習階段終結的基本能力 ( 試用稿 ) 圖形與空間範疇 立體圖形 代號 重點 KS2-S1-1 認識圓錐 角錐 圓柱 角柱及球體的特性 ( 包括立體圖形中的頂 稜和面的認識, 但不需計算 ) 平面圖形 KS2-S2-1 KS2-S2-2 認識各種平面圖形的特性 : 三角形 ( 例如有三條邊 有三隻角 ; 包括直角三角形 等腰三角形和等邊三角形 ) 四邊形 五邊形 六邊形 正方形 長方形 菱形 平行四邊形 梯形及圓形 把平面圖形分類 線 KS2-S3-1 辨別直線 曲線 平行線及垂直線 角 KS2-S4-1 比較角的大小 八個方向 KS2-S5-1 認識八個主要方向 A-31

7 數學課程第二學習階段終結的基本能力 ( 試用稿 ) 數據處理範疇 象形圖 代號 重點 KS2-D1-1 KS2-D1-2 KS2-D1-3 備註 : 閱讀及解釋 一個圖形代表 個單位 的象形圖 採用 一個圖形代表 個單位 的表示法製作象形圖 閱讀及解釋數據較大的象形圖 涉及的數據不超過五位數 棒形圖 KS2-D2-1 KS2-D2-2 KS2-D2-3 備註 : 閱讀及解釋 一格代表 個單位 的棒形圖 採用 一格代表 個單位 的表示法製作棒形圖 閱讀及解釋數據較大的棒形圖 涉及的數據不超過五位數 平均數 KS2-D3-1 KS2-D3-2 計算一組數據之平均數 計算簡易平均數應用題 A-32

8 數學課程第二學習階段終結的基本能力 ( 試用稿 ) 代數範疇 初步代數 代號 重點 KS2-A1-1 用符號代表數 簡易方程 KS2-A2-1 KS2-A2-2 認識方程 解答不超過兩步計算的簡易方程, 不涉及同類項運算 KS2-A2-3 用簡易方程解答應用題 ( 不超過兩步計算 ) A-33

9 Mathematics Curriculum The Basic Competency at the end of KS2 (Trial Version) Dimension: Number 5-digit Numbers Code Objectives KS2-N1-1 KS2-N1-2 Recognize the place values: units, tens, hundreds, thousands and ten thousands. Read, write and order numbers up to 5 digits. Multiples and Factors KS2-N2-1 KS2-N2-2 KS2-N2-3 KS2-N2-4 KS2-N2-5 Understand the concepts of multiples and factors. Use the listing method to find all the factors of a number. Understand the concepts of common multiples and common factors. Use the listing method to find common multiples and common factors of two numbers. Use the listing method to find the least common multiple and the highest common factor of two numbers. Fractions KS2-N3-1 KS2-N3-2 KS2-N3-3 KS2-N3-4 KS2-N3-5 Understand the concept of fractions as a part of one whole. Recognize the relationship between fractions and the whole. Convert improper fractions into mixed fractions and vice versa. Understand the concept of equivalent fractions. Compare fractions. Decimals KS2-N4-1 KS2-N4-2 KS2-N4-3 Remark: Record numbers with decimals. Recognize the place values in decimals. Convert decimals into fractions and vice versa. Answers are corrected to the nearest tenths or hundredths. A-34

10 Mathematics Curriculum The Basic Competency at the end of KS2 (Trial Version) Dimension: Number Mixed Operations Code Objectives KS2-N5-1 KS2-N5-2 KS2-N5-3 KS2-N5-4 KS2-N5-5 KS2-N5-6 Perform the four operations on whole numbers and fractions (with denominators not exceeding ten for addition and subtraction.) Perform the four operations involving whole numbers and decimals. Solve problems involving whole numbers and fractions. Solve problems involving whole numbers and decimals. Solve problems involving whole numbers and decimals in the calculation of money. Estimate the answers. Remarks 1 : 1. Addition and subtraction with numbers up to 3 digits, including small brackets, the commutative and associative properties of addition. 2. Multiplication with numbers up to 2 digits by 3 digits, including the commutative and associative properties of multiplication. 3. Division with divisor 2 digits and dividend 3 digits. 4. Solving problems of division involving fractions excluding the problems on finding the original numbers. 5. Multiplication of decimals with numbers involving only 1 place of decimal (except finding the circumference); answers corrected to the nearest tenths or hundredths. 6. Division of decimals with divisors involving only 1 place of decimal (except finding the radius or diameter); answers corrected to the nearest tenths or hundredths. 7. Each sum should involve at most two operations (except finding the area of trapeziums). Percentages KS2-N6-1 KS2-N6-2 KS2-N6-3 KS2-N6-4 Understand the concept of percentages. Convert percentages into fractions, and vice versa. Convert percentages into decimals, and vice versa. Solve simple problems on percentages, including: (a) Finding percentages; (b) Expressing the value of a percentage of a quantity; (c) Discount. 1 The numbers involved should not be too large or complicated to avoid complex manipulation. A-35

11 Mathematics Curriculum The Basic Competency at the end of KS2 (Trial Version) Dimension: Measures Hong Kong Money Code Objectives KS2-M1-1 KS2-M1-2 Identify Hong Kong money. Exchange and use money. Time KS2-M2-1 KS2-M2-2 KS2-M2-3 KS2-M2-4 Tell the dates and days of a week. Tell time from a clock face and a digital clock. Record the duration of time for different activities using hours and minutes, minutes and seconds or seconds (not involving changing units). Recognize and apply the 24-hour time. Length and Distance KS2-M3-1 KS2-M3-2 KS2-M3-3 KS2-M3-4 KS2-M3-5 KS2-M3-6 KS2-M3-7 Remark: Compare the length of objects and the distance between objects directly. Compare the length of objects and the distance between objects using improvised units (e.g. a paper clip, an eraser, a book, etc.) Measure and compare the length of objects and the distance between objects using millimetre (mm), centimetre (cm) or metre (m). Express and compare the length of objects and the distance between objects using kilometre (km). Measure the length of objects and the distance between objects with finger width, arm length, foot span, finger span, stride length, etc., as ever-ready rulers. Measure with appropriate measuring tools. Record the length of objects and the distance between objects with an appropriate single unit. It includes conversion. For example, the length of a rectangle is 2m, width 50cm. Find the perimeter of the rectangle. During the process of calculation, it is necessary to convert 2m to 200cm or 50cm to 0.5m. A-36

12 Mathematics Curriculum The Basic Competency at the end of KS2 (Trial Version) Dimension: Measures Weight Code Objectives KS2-M4-1 KS2-M4-2 KS2-M4-3 KS2-M4-4 KS2-M4-5 Compare the weight of objects directly. Measure and compare the weight of objects using improvised units. Measure and compare the weight of objects using gram (g) or kilogram (kg). Measure with appropriate tools. Record the weight of objects with appropriate units. Capacity KS2-M5-1 KS2-M5-2 KS2-M5-3 KS2-M5-4 KS2-M5-5 Compare the capacity of containers directly. Measure and compare the capacity of containers using improvised units. Measure and compare the capacity of containers using Litre (L) or millilitre (ml). Measure with appropriate tools. Record the capacity of containers with an appropriate single unit. Perimeter KS2-M6-1 KS2-M6-2 KS2-M6-3 KS2-M6-4 Measure the perimeter of 2-D shapes. Find the perimeter of squares and rectangles. Recognize the relationship between circumferences and diameters. Apply the formula of circumference. Remark: Take π as 3.14 or Area KS2-M7-1 KS2-M7-2 KS2-M7-3 Compare the area of 2-D shapes directly or using improvised units. Measure and compare the area of 2-D shapes using square centimetre (cm 2 ) or square metre (m 2 ). Find the area of squares, rectangles, parallelograms, trapeziums, triangles and polygons. A-37

13 Mathematics Curriculum The Basic Competency at the end of KS2 (Trial Version) Dimension: Measures Volume Code Objectives KS2-M8-1 KS2-M8-2 KS2-M8-3 KS2-M8-4 Measure and compare the volume of solids using cubic centimetre (cm 3 ) or cubic metre (m 3 ). Find the volume of cubes and cuboids. Understand the relationship between capacity and volume (the relationship between litre / millilitre and cubic centimetre). Find the volume of irregular solids by displacement of water or other methods. Speed KS2-M9-1 KS2-M9-2 Record speed using metres per second (m/s) or kilometres per hour (km/h). Solve simple problems involving speed. A-38

14 Mathematics Curriculum The Basic Competency at the end of KS2 (Trial Version) Dimension: Shape and Space 3-D shapes Code Objectives KS2-S1-1 Recognize the characteristics of cones, pyramids, cylinders, prisms and spheres (involving the recognition of the vertices, edges and faces of 3-D shapes, but not involving any calculation). 2-D shapes KS2-S2-1 KS2-S2-2 Recognize the characteristics of 2-D shapes: triangles (e.g. 3 sides, 3 angles, including right-angled triangles, isosceles triangles and equilateral triangles), quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, squares, rectangles, rhombuses, parallelograms, trapeziums and circles. Group 2-D shapes. Lines KS2-S3-1 Identify straight lines, curves, parallel lines and perpendicular lines. Angles KS2-S4-1 Compare the size of angles. The Eight Compass Points KS2-S5-1 Recognize the eight compass points. A-39

15 Mathematics Curriculum The Basic Competency at the end of KS2 (Trial Version) Dimension: Data Handling Pictograms Code Objectives KS2-D1-1 KS2-D1-2 KS2-D1-3 Remark: Read and interpret pictograms with a one-to-one, one-to-ten or one-to-hundred representation. Construct pictograms using a one-to-one, one-to-ten or one-to-hundred representation. Read and interpret pictograms of greater frequency counts. Data involved should not exceed 5 digits. Bar Charts KS2-D2-1 KS2-D2-2 KS2-D2-3 Remark: Read and interpret bar charts with a one-to-one, one-to-two, one-to-ten or one-to-hundred representation. Construct bar charts using a one-to-one, one-to-two, one-to-ten or one-to-hundred representation. Read and interpret bar charts of greater frequency counts. Data involved should not exceed 5 digits. Averages KS2-D3-1 KS2-D3-2 Find the average of a group of data. Solve simple problems of averages. A-40

16 Mathematics Curriculum The Basic Competency at the end of KS2 (Trial Version) Dimension: Algebra Elementary Algebra Code Objectives KS2-A1-1 Use symbols to represent numbers. Simple Equations KS2-A2-1 KS2-A2-2 KS2-A2-3 Understand the concept of equations. Solve equations involving at most two steps in the solutions, not involving collecting like terms. Solve problems by simple equations (involving at most two steps in the solutions.) A-41

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Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze mother s meta-emotion philosophy and children s emotional adjustment in order to understand the actual interaction between mother s meta-emotion philosophy

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