中國信託人壽一陸鑽外幣變額萬能壽險(OIU) 商品說明書_

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1 中國信託人壽一陸鑽外幣變額萬能壽險 (OIU) CTBC Life Yi-Lu-Zuan Foreign Currency Variable Universal Life (OIU) 商品說明書 (LFF04) Product Brochure (LFF04) 商品名稱 : 中國信託人壽一陸鑽外幣變額萬能壽險 (OIU) CTBC Life Yi-Lu-Zuan Foreign Currency Variable Universal Life(OIU) 商品文號 : 中華民國 104 年 8 月 5 日 104 中信壽商發二字第 084 號函備查 Filed for reference with Letter 084 from PDII, CTBC Life on 給付項目 (Contract Coverage): 身故保險金 (Death Benefit) 祝壽保險金 (Maturity Benefit) 加值給付金 (Special Bonus) ( 本保險為不分紅保險單, 不參加紅利分配, 並無紅利給付項目 ) (This insurance policy is a non-participating policy, in which neither dividend participation nor payment of dividend benefit is granted.) ( 本保險為外幣保險單, 本公司所收付之款項均以約定幣別計價 ) (This insurance policy is a foreign currency insurance policy. All payments and transactions will be denominated in Assigned Currency) 商品說明書發行日期 :2015 年 08 月 Issue date:aug 2015 本公司資訊公開說明文件已登載於網站 ( 客戶服務專線為 (886) , 地址 : 臺灣臺北市 115 南港區經貿二路 188 號 8 樓 Control No:MK ( 封面 )

2 注意事項 1. 請注意您的保險業務員是否主動出示 人身保險業務員登錄證 及投資型保險商品測驗機構所發之投資型保險商品測驗合格證, 並提供保單條款 商品說明書供本人參考 消費者於購買本商品前, 應詳閱各種銷售文件內容, 以保障您的權益 The sales representative shall provide certified sales document, policy provision and product brochure for your reference. Proposer shall thoroughly read the relevant documents. 2. 本商品所連結之一切投資標的 ( 或投資標的所連結之投資子標的 ), 其發行或管理機構以往之投資績效不保證未來之投資收益, 除保險契約另有約定外, 中國信託人壽保險股份有限公司 ( 以下簡稱中國信託人壽 ) 不負投資盈虧之責, 要保人投保前應詳閱商品說明書 保單條款 要保書等相關資料 ; 投資標的之詳細內容介紹, 請詳閱投資標的公開說明書或中國信託人壽網站 The previous performance of all investment choices underlying in this policy does not guarantee for the future investment performance. CTBC Life also does not hold guarantee for the investment return. Proposer shall thoroughly read through the relevant document, eg. product brochure, provision, proposal documents and etc; details of investment choice can be found in either Fund prospectus on CTBC Life official website. 3. 本商品所連結之一切投資標的無保證投資收益, 最大可能損失為全部投資本金 要保人應承擔一切投資風險及相關費用 要保人於選定該項投資標的前, 應確定已充分暸解其風險與特性 本說明書之內容如有虛偽 隱匿或不實, 應由中國信託人壽及負責人與其他在說明書上簽章者依法負責 There is no guarantee return for all the investment choices underlying in this policy, the maximum loss may be the sum of principal. All investment risks and relevant costs lay on proposer, who shall fully understand the investment choice s risk and objective before making decision. CTBC Life holds the legal responsibility for the authenticity of the product brochure. 4. 本保險為不分紅保險單, 不參加紅利分配, 並無紅利給付項目 This insurance policy is a non-participating policy, in which neither dividend participation nor payment of dividend benefit is granted. 5. 投資型保險商品之專設帳簿記載投資資產之價值金額, 不受人身保險安定基金之保障 Asset under Investment Linked Policy separate account is excluded from the coverage of Insurance Stabilization Funds. 6. 本商品為保險商品, 非存款商品, 故不受存款保險之保障 This contract is an insurance policy, not a deposit, hence, is excluded from the deposit protection. 7. 本商品經中國信託人壽合格簽署人員檢視其內容業已符合一般精算原則及保險法令, 惟為確保權益, 基於保險公司與消費者衡平對等原則, 消費者仍應詳加閱讀保險單條款與相關文件, 審慎選擇保險商品 本商品如有虛偽不實或違法情事, 應由中國信託人壽及負責人依法負責 This product has been reviewed by CTBC Life authorized signatory to confirm it is in line with the general actuarial principle and insurance regulations. In order to secure proposer s rights, and equally weighted both parties wellbeing, proposer shall thoroughly read through the provision and relevant documents and choose your policy with consideration. CTBC Life holds the legal responsibility for the authenticity of the contract or illegal act. 8. 投保後解約或不繼續繳費可能不利消費者, 請慎選符合需求之保險商品 Policy surrender or fail to continue with premium payment may result in unfavorable consequences to proposer, please be mindful when selecting your insurance policy. 9. 消費者於購買本商品前, 應詳閱各種銷售文件內容, 如要詳細了解本商品之各項費用或其他相關資訊, 請洽中國信託人壽客戶服務電話 :(886) 或網站 ( 網址 : 以保障您的權益 Proposer shall thoroughly read the relevant documents, for further understanding the costs and charges or other information regarding the policy, please contact CTBC Life customer services (886) or contact official website ( 10. 中國信託人壽資訊公開說明文件已登載於公司網站上 ( 並於中國信託人壽提供電腦設備供公開查閱下載 公司地址 : 台北市 南港區經貿二路 188 號 8 樓 客戶服務電話 :(886) CTBC Life s public information disclosure has been published on CTBC Life website ( which can also be accessed on CTBC Life site. Address: 8th Floor, No.188, Jing mao 2nd RD., Nangang Dist., Taipei, Taiwan Customer services (886) 本商品文宣僅供參考, 詳細內容請詳閱中國信託人壽相關作業規定 ( 詳閱網站 : 及保單條款約定為準 客戶服務電話 :(886) This flyer is for reference only; all contents shall be subject to CTBC Life operation regulation ( and policy provision. Customer services (886) 若投資標的為配息型基金, 基金的配息可能由基金的收益或本金中支付 任何涉及由本金支出的部分, 可能導致原始投資金額減損 ; 若投資標的為全權委託帳戶, 中國信託人壽委託全權委託投資事業代為運用與管理之全權委託帳戶之資產撥回機制可能由該帳戶之收益或本金中支付 任何涉及該帳戶本金支出的部分, 可能導致原始投資金額減損 If investment choice is fund with dividend, the dividend payable may deduct from account capital gain or principal. If investment choice is mandate, the distribution mechanism of mandate that CTBC Life authorizes securities investment trust enterprise to operate can deduct from account capital gain or principal. 本公司資訊公開說明文件已登載於網站 ( 客戶服務專線為 (886) , 地址 : 臺灣臺北市 115 南港區經貿二路 188 號 8 樓 Control No:MK ( 封裡內頁 )

3 13. 要保人應充分瞭解本商品為投資型保險商品, 投保本商品需承擔相關風險 本商品連結之一切投資標的 ( 或投資標的所連結之所有的投資子標的, 以下簡稱投資子標的 ) 均依相關適用法律所發行, 其一切係由投資標的 ( 或投資子標的 ) 發行公司負責履行, 保戶必須承擔投資之法律風險 ( 例如因適用法律變更致無法投資 轉換 贖回或給付金額等 ) 以外幣計價之外匯管制及匯率變動之風險 市場價格風險 ( 含最大可能損失風險 ) 信用風險 產業景氣循環之風險 證券交易市場流動性不足之風險 投資地區政治 經濟變動之風險及其他投資之風險 當可能風險發生時, 中國信託人壽並不保證投資本金或為任何收益保證, 投資標的 ( 或投資子標的 ) 過去的績效不代表未來的表現, 要保人於投保前應審慎評估 Proposer shall be awared that this product is an investment linked policy with certain level of risks. All investment choices underlying are issued and governed by relevant laws and regulations. The issuer of investment choices shall fulfill the liabilities of the investment choices, and proposer will take the risks of regulation change (eg. changing of governing regulation resulting in unable to invest, transfer, redemption, making payment or etc.), changing in foreign currency control or exchange rate fluctuation, changing in market value (including the maximum possible loss in investment),credit risk, risk of changing in industry trend, risk of stock exchange market of the invested region lacks of liquidity, changing in political and economic environment and other risks. When the aforementioned risk occurs, CTBC Life does not guarantee for the principal or investment return. The previous performance of all investment choices underlying in this policy does not guarantee for the future investment performance. Please be mindful when selecting your insurance policy. 14. 本文件係由中國信託人壽核定後統一提供, 僅供客戶參考, 詳細內容以保單條款為準 This flyer is provided by CTBC Life after content reviewing, the content is for reference, please refer to policy provision for details. 15. 如有疑義或中 英文版本有歧異時, 應以中文版本為準 Shall there be any questions or discrepancy between English and Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail. 本商品可能透過中國信託人壽業務員 保險代理人 / 經紀人協助招攬或推介, 且中國信託人壽與保險代理人 / 經紀人間並無成立任何僱傭或合夥關係 本商品係由中國信託人壽提供並負擔因本商品所生之權利義務 The product may be sold through CTBC Agent or brokers. CTBC Life holds neither employment nor partnership relationship with brokers. The product is provided by CTBC Life, thus lays the responsibility for its rights and liabilities. 公司章 : 負責人章 : 日期 : 中華民國 104 年 8 月 5 日 日期 : 中華民國 104 年 8 月 5 日 本公司資訊公開說明文件已登載於網站 ( 客戶服務專線為 (886) , 地址 : 臺灣臺北市 115 南港區經貿二路 188 號 8 樓 Control No:MK ( 封裡內頁 )

4 本說明書內重要特性陳述係依主管機關所訂 投資型保險資訊揭露應遵循事項 辦理, 可幫助您瞭解以決定本項商品是否切合您的需要 The items within this Product Brochure is being disclosed under the guidance of "Compliance Matters for Disclosure of Information on Investment-linked Insurance" and aim to assist client to confirm if the product fits the demand. 您的保單帳戶餘額是由您所繳保險費金額及投資報酬, 扣除保單相關費用 借款本息及已解約或已給付金額來決定 若一旦早期解約, 您可領回之解約金有可能小於已繳之保險費 The balance of Policy value is the sum of total paid premium and investment return deduct policy relevant charges & fees, policy loan(principal and interest) and surrender or paid benefits. Early surrender may result in surrender value less than total paid premium. 保險契約各項權利義務皆詳列於保單條款, 消費者務必詳加閱讀了解, 並把握保單契約撤 銷之時效 ( 本公司寄送或交付保險單時起算二十一日內 ) 應以書面方式通知中國信託人 壽撤銷保單 All rights and liabilities are listed in the policy provision; proposer must thoroughly read through and may cancel this contract by giving a written notice to CTBC Life within 21 days from the day on which CTBC life sent or delivered insurance contract to the proposer. 一 保險費的交付原則 限制及不交付之效果 ( 一 ) 保險責任的開始及交付保險費 Commencement of Insurer s Liability 本公司應自同意承保並收取第一期保險費後負保險責任, 並應發給保險單作為承保的憑證 本公司如於同意承保前, 預收相當於第一期保險費之金額時, 其應負之保險責任, 以同意承保時溯自預收相當於第一期保險費金額時開始 前項情形, 在本公司為同意承保與否之意思表示前發生應予給付之保險事故時, 本公司仍負保險責任 CTBC Life shall bear insurance liabilities after committing to insure and receiving the first payment of Insurance Premium. CTBC Life will issue an insurance contract as evidence of its commitment to insure. If CTBC Life collects in advance an amount equal to the first payment of Insurance Premium before committing to insure, CTBC Life shall bear insurance liabilities from the date on which such payment is collected. Under the circumstance as described in preceding paragraph, if insurance peril happens before CTBC Life commits to insure, CTBC Life will bear insurance liabilities accordingly. ( 二 ) 第一期之後保險費的交付及配置 寬限期間及契約效力的停止 Top-up Premium Grace Period and Lapse of Policy 第一期之後的保險費, 可於本契約有效期間內經本公司同意後繳納 要保人交付保險費時, 應照本契約所載交付方法, 向本公司指定地點交付, 並由本公司交付開發之憑證 第一期之後的保險費扣除保費費用後, 其餘額於本公司保險費實際入帳日之後的第一個資產評價日依保單條款第十五條之約定配置於各投資標的 ; 但於首次投資配置日前, 該第一期之後的保險費扣除保費費用後之餘額依保單條款第二條第十二款約定納入首次投資配置金額計算 Control No:MK /230

5 本契約自契約生效日起, 若本契約項下之保單帳戶價值扣除保險單借款本息後之餘額不足以支付每月扣除額時, 本公司按日數比例扣除至保單帳戶價值為零, 本公司應於前述保單帳戶價值為零之當日催告要保人交付保險費, 自催告翌日起三十日內為寬限期間 逾寬限期間仍未交付者, 本契約自寬限期間終了翌日起停止效力 如在寬限期間內發生保險事故時, 本公司應負保險責任, 要保人並應按日數比例支付寬限期間內每月扣除額 停效期間內發生保險事故時, 本公司不負保險責任 By consent of CTBC Life, the proposer may make top-up premium payment during the effective period of this contract. CTBC Life will issue a receipt after the top-up premium paid at assigned place in the ways appointed in this contract. The amount of top-up premium minus Policy Fee will be allocated to Investment Choices per Article 15 at the first Valuation Day on receipt of aforementioned top-up premium. If the top-up premium payment is made before the Initial Investment Date, it will be allocated per policy provision 12th subparagraph, 1st paragraph of Article 2. From policy effective date onward, if the amount of account value minus policy loan(with interest) is lower than the Monthly Deduction to be deducted at Monthiversary, CTBC Life will collect Monthly Deduction day by day calculated in portion of the month. CTBC Life will inform the proposer making a top-up premium payment the day the account value decrease to zero. The grace period is 30 days from the sending of notice of premium payment. If no premium payment is made by end of the grace period, this contract will lapses from the following day when the grace period expired. If the insured peril occurs during the grace period, CTBC Life shall bear insurance liabilities. Meanwhile the proposer should pay the unpaid Monthly Deduction calculated in portion of the month during grace period. During the period of lapse, CTBC Life will not bear insurance liabilities. ( 三 ) 保險費繳交限制及繳費方式 / Restriction and Method of Premium Payment: 1. 投保對象 : 符合國際保險業務分公司 (OIU) 之投保對象 Insured Object:Potential clients are compliant with the rules of Offshore Insurance Unit(OIU). 2. 本險 約定外幣 限 : () 澳幣(AUD) 歐元(EUR), 需擇一約定 The proposer has to choice one ( AUD or EUR) to make agreement. 3. 投保年齡規定 :0 歲至 70 歲 Issued Age : 0 to 70 years old. 4. 保險費繳交限制及繳費方式 :Restriction and Method of Premium Payment 繳費限制 () 澳幣 (AUD) 歐元 (EUR) Payment Restriction 最低第一期保險費 Lowest first Premium 10,000 元 14,000 元 10,000 元 Payment 第一期之後保險費 1,000 元 1,400 元 1,000 元 Top-up Premium 累計所繳保險費上限 1,000 萬元 1,400 萬元 1,000 萬元 Limit of Gross Premiums (1) 每張保單日後每次繳交保險費時, 淨危險保額將依所繳保險費之 5% 增加, 淨危險保額增加部分將以繳交保險費當時被保險人之健康狀況重新評估 When the proposer pays premium, the Net Amount At Risk will be increased by 5% of paid premium. The increased portion of Net Amount At Risk will be accessed per insured s health condition during the time the premium is paid. (2) 繳費方式 : 採匯款方式彈性繳交保費 Payment Method:Flexible premium payment by remittance. Control No:MK /230

6 5. 體檢規定 (Medical Examination): (1) 本險以淨危險保額 ( 註 1), 作為應否體檢及體檢項目 ( 註 2) 之核定標準 The Net Amount At Risk may be used as the criteria for underwriters to decide whether a medical examination is required or not and the scope of medical examination. I. 免體檢額度表 : Exemption from medical Exam: 淨危險保額 The Net Amount at Risk 保險年齡 Attained Age () 澳幣 (AUD) 歐元 (EUR) 35 歲 ( 含 ) 以下 260, , , 歲 ~45 歲 250, , , 歲 ~50 歲 210, , , 歲 ~55 歲 180, , , 歲 ~60 歲 100, ,000 70, 歲 ~65 歲 100, ,000 70, 歲 ~70 歲 30,000 30,000 20,000 ( 註 1) 淨危險保額以所繳保險費之 5% 計 *The Net Amount at Risk is calculated by the 5% of the paid premiums. ( 註 2) 參照新契約投保手冊之體檢項目表 *Please refer to the Required Medical Project Chart in the New Contract Insurance Guidebook. (2) 依被保險人投保紀錄或健康告知狀況為免體檢件者, 如有需要時, 核保單位得要求加作體檢及相關檢驗項目 If the exemption of medical examination is based on the insured s insurance history or healthy statements, the underwriters reserve the right to request the insured undergo a medical exam and related medical tests. 6. 各項投資標的之配置比例合計必須等於 100% The sum of the proportional allocation of each investment must be equal to 100%. Control No:MK /230

7 二 保險給付項目及條件 (Policy Coverage & Conditions) ( 一 ) 身故保險金給付 (Death Benefit): 被保險人於本契約有效期間內身故者, 本公司按保險金額給付身故保險金, 本契約效力即行終止 受益人依保單條款第二十八條約定申領身故保險金時, 若已超過保單條款第三十八條所約定之時效, 本公司得拒絕給付保險金 本公司將以受益人檢齊申請身故保險金之所須文件並送達本公司之次一個資產評價日為基準, 計算本契約項下的保單帳戶價值, 返還予要保人, 本契約效力即行終止 If the insured deceases during the effective period of this contract, CTBC Life will pay Sum Assured as death benefit and this contract will terminate immediately. CTBC Life could reject to pay death benefit if the beneficiaries apply for the death benefit (Article 28) after the appointed time period in Article 38. CTBC Life will refund policy value at the next Valuation Day on receipt of all documents required from the beneficiary and this contract will terminate immediately. ( 二 ) 祝壽保險金給付 (Maturity Benefit): 被保險人於保險年齡達一百歲之保單週年日仍生存且本契約仍有效時, 本公司按該保單年度第一個資產評價日計算保單帳戶價值給付祝壽保險金, 本契約效力即行終止 If the insured survives the policy anniversary when Attained Age reaches 100 and this contract is still effective, CTBC Life will pay policy value as ofthe first Valuation Day of that year as maturity benefit and this contract will terminate immediately. ( 三 ) 加值給付金給付 (Special Bonus): 本公司於本契約撤銷權行使期限屆滿日後之第一個資產評價日, 按要保人撤銷權行使期限屆滿日前已繳交之保險費乘以萬分之七所得之金額, 做為 加值給付金 前項加值給付金依要保人當時所約定之投資標的及配置比例, 進行加值給付分配 前開投資標的於評價日時, 因故關閉 合併或終止致原約定之投資標的已無法投資時, 本公司將依保單條款第十八條約定辦理 At the first Valuation Day after the cooling-off period, CTBC Life will pay special bonus, 0.07% of premium paid before cooling-off period expired. The special bonus will be allocated to Investment Choices according to the proposer s appointed allocation on the day special bonus was paid. If, at the valuation day, the appointed Investment Choices are closed, merged or terminated that they are no longer available, CTBC Life will conduct this affair per Article 18. Control No:MK /230

8 三 範例說明 : 被保人 /Insured: 陳先生 / Mr. Chen 年齡 /Issue Age:40 歲 /Years 性別 /Sex: 男 /M 第一期保費 /First payment of Insurance Premium: 美金 / 100,000 元投資標的 /Investment Choice:100% ETF 保單年度末 Policy Year(End) 保險年齡 Attained Age 所繳保險費 Insurance Premium Payment 加值給付金 Special Bonus 保單管理費 Administration Fee 保險成本 Cost of Insurance 投資標的申購費 Subscription Fee 假設投資報酬率 3% Scenario 1: Annual Investment Return 3% 保單帳戶價值 Policy Value 身故保險金 Death Benefit 幣別 /Currency: / 假設投資報酬率 5% Scenario 2: Annual Investment Return 5% 保單帳戶價值 Policy Value 身故保險金 Death Benefit 假設投資報酬率 -5% Scenario 3: Annual Investment Return -5% 保單帳戶價值 Policy Value 身故保險金 Death Benefit , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 註 1. 中國信託人壽於本保險契約撤銷權行使期限屆滿日後之第一個資產評價日, 按要保人撤銷權行使期限屆滿日前已繳交之保險費乘以萬分之七所得之金額, 做為 加值給付金 並依要保人當時所約定之投資標的及配置比例, 進行加值給付分配 Remark 1. At the first Valuation Day after the cooling-off period, CTBC Life will pay special bonus, 0.07% of premium paid before cooling-off period expired. The special bonus will be allocated to Investment Choices according to the proposer s appointed allocation on the day special bonus was paid. 註 2. 上述範例投資報酬率中之保單帳戶價值所呈現之數值, 為扣除保單管理費及保險成本後計算得出, 僅供投保時分析參考, 未來實際之投資報酬率仍須視保戶所選擇之投資標的績效高低而定 Remark 2. The above-mentioned Policy Value is calculated after deduction of policy administration fee and Cost of Insurance, and is for reference only. The future investment return will vary according to the performance of investment choices. Control No:MK /230

9 註 3. 上述範例之保單帳戶價值係指尚未扣除解約費用之金額, 要保人申領解約金時須自解約當時該保單帳戶價值中另扣除解約費用 Remark 3.The above-mentioned Policy Value is calculated before deduction of surrender charge,which will be deducted from Policy Value while the surrender takes place. 註 4. 若保單帳戶餘額不足以支付當月之保險成本及保單管理費時, 保單價值總額以數字 0 表示 Remark 4. In the time while policy value is insufficient to pay the Cost of Insurance and/or administration fee of the month, policy value will be shown as 0. 註 5. 保單管理費 : 每月收取當時保單帳戶價值乘以 0.1% Remark 5. Administration Fee:0.1% of Policy Value at Monthiversary 註 6. 上列各項費用係以假設投資標的報酬率為 3% 時試算 Remark 6. The costs and charges are calculated under the assumption of 3% investment return. 四 投資標的之新增 關閉與終止 / Addition, Close and Termination of Investment Choices 本公司得依下列方式, 新增 關閉與終止投資標的之提供 : 一 本公司得新增投資標的供要保人選擇配置 二 本公司得主動終止某一投資標的, 且應於終止日前三十日以書面或其他約定方式通知要保人 但若投資標的之價值仍有餘額時, 本公司不得主動終止該投資標的 三 本公司得經所有持有投資標的價值之要保人同意後, 主動關閉該投資標的, 並於關閉日前三十日以書面或其他約定方式通知要保人 四 本公司得配合某一投資標的之終止或關閉, 而終止或關閉該投資標的 但本公司應於接獲該投資標的發行或經理機構之通知後五日內於本公司網站公布, 並另於收到通知後三十日內以書面或其他約定方式通知要保人 投資標的一經關閉後, 於重新開啟前禁止轉入及再投資 投資標的一經終止後, 除禁止轉入及再投資外, 保單帳戶內之投資標的價值將強制轉出 投資標的依第一項第二款 第三款及第四款調整後, 要保人應於接獲本公司書面或其他約定方式通知後十五日內且該投資標的終止或關閉日三日前向本公司提出下列申請 : 一 投資標的終止時 : 將該投資標的之價值申請轉出或提領, 並同時變更購買投資標的之投資配置比例 二 投資標的關閉時 : 變更購買投資標的之投資配置比例 若要保人未於前項期限內提出申請, 或因不可歸責於本公司之事由致本公司接獲前項申請時已無法依要保人指定之方式辦理, 視為要保人同意以該通知約定之方式處理 而該處理方式亦將於本公司網站公布 因前二項情形發生而於投資標的終止或關閉前所為之轉換及提領, 該投資標的不計入轉換次數及提領次數 本契約關於投資標的之全部條款適用於新增的投資標的 CTBC Life may add, close and terminate Investment Choices in the following way: 1. CTBC Life may add Investment Choices for the proposer. 2. CTBC Life may terminate any of Investment Choices and send notice (written or as agreed) to the proposer. If the balance of Investment Choice is still positive, CTBC Life could not take the initiative to terminate it. 3. CTBC Life, upon agreements by all proposers who owned the Investment Choice in the policy, may close it. CTBC Life will send notice (written or as agreed) to the proposers. 4. CTBC Life may coordinated with the fund house and close or terminate any of Investment Choices. The information of fund closure or termination will be announced on CTBC Life s official website within 5 days after receipt of notice from fund house. CTBC Life will additionally send notice (written or as agreed) to the proposers within 30 days after receipt of notice from fund house. Control No:MK /230

10 The Investment Choices transition and reinvestment is prohibited after closure or termination. Furthermore, The asset value will be redeemed compulsory after termination. The proposer should file request the following application within 15 days after receipt of the notice and 3 days before the Investment Choice s closure or termination to CTBC Life in accordance with the 2nd, 3rd and 4th subparagraph of 1st paragraph: 1. When Investment Choice is terminated: Partial Withdrawal the asset value of Investment Choice or transit it into other Investment Choices and change the allocation of Investment Choices. 2. When the Investment Choice is closed: Change the allocation of Investment Choices. If the proposer does not file the application within the time appointed in the preceding paragraph or CTBC Life could not conduct in the way proposer appointed at the time of receipt of application due to any cause not attributable to CTBC Life, it is deemed as proposer agree with the stipulation, as announced on CTBC Life s official website, in the notice. The partial withdrawal and transition in situations referred in the 1st and 2nd paragraphs will be excluded from the initial stipulation for these transaction in this contract. All the provisions will apply to new Investment Choices. 五 連結標的遴選準則 第一條目的中國信託人壽保險股份有限公司 ( 以下稱本公司 ) 為提供保戶全方位的投資型保險連結標的選擇, 以滿足保戶各種投資需求與風險分散需求, 特訂定投資型保險連結標的遴選辦法 ( 下稱本遴選辦法 ) Article 1 Objective CTBC Life Insurance Corporation Limited(CTBC Life) (including OIU) will provide broadly investment choices to satisfy proposer s investment needs and diversify market risk. 第二條連結標的遴選策略投資型保險連結標的之遴選策略應考量下列原則 : 一 連結標的幣別 : 考量不同的計價幣別, 以提供保戶多樣化的選擇 二 連結標的投資目標與投資策略 : 考量不同的投資目標與投資策略, 以提供保戶投資風險分散至不同區域 產業或全球市場 三 連結標的類型 : 考量不同類型的連結標的, 以提供保戶多樣化的選擇 四 連結標的風險等級 : 考量不同連結標的風險等級, 以提供保戶多樣化的選擇 五 保險業利益衝突的評估 : 考量投資標的與公司是否有利害關係人交易或其他避免利益衝突之情勢 Article 2 Investment choice selecting strategy Investment choice selection should consider following criteria: 1. Currency of investment choice: providing prosper underling with different currencies. 2. Objective and strategy of investment choice: providing prosper investment choice with different regions, industries, or markets. 3. Type of investment choice: Providing varieties of types. 4. Risk level of investment choice: providing proposer investment choice with different risk level. 5. Conflict of interest evaluation: considering investment choice issuer will have stakeholder transaction or other interest conflict with CTBC Life or not. 第三條連結標的範圍投資型保險連結標的需符合 投資型保險投資管理辦法 及相關函令規定之運用範圍, 本公司投資型保險所連結之投資標的包括下列 : 一 國內 / 境外共同基金二 國內外 ETF Control No:MK /230

11 三 委外代操投資標的四 資金停泊帳戶五 保本型基金六 國內結構型商品七 境外結構型商品八 適用國際保險業務分公司 (OIU) 之投資型保險連結標的 Article 3 Range of investment choice The investment choice of investment-oriented insurance products should comply with Regulations Governing Investment of Investment-linked Insurance and related regulation. The investment choice of CTBC Life investment-oriented insurance products is as follows: 1. Onshore and offshore mutual fund 2. Onshore and offshore ETF 3. Discretionary investment account (mandate) 4. Parking fund 5. Principal guaranteed fund 6. Structured instrument (SI) 7. Structured note(sn) 8. The investment choice linked to OIU investment-oriented insurance products 第四條連結標的遴選標準投資型保險連結標的之遴選, 應依照以下遴選標準辦理 : 一 國內 / 境外基金 : 任一個別基金需符合下述第 ( 一 ) 點及第 ( 二 )~( 八 ) 點中之任 5 項遴選標準, 始可作為投資型保險連結標的 ; 如不符合第 ( 二 )~( 八 ) 點中之任 5 項遴選標準但有連結之必要性者, 得經總經理核准後, 作為投資型保險連結標的 ( 一 ) 國內基金應為經主管機關核准或申報生效得募集發行之證券投資信託基金受益憑證 ; 其為境外基金者, 係經主管機關核准或申報生效在國內募集及銷售之境外基金 ( 二 ) 基金公司 1. 國內基金公司 (1) 成立滿 3 年以上, 且近 1 年無重大違規紀錄 (2) 管理之總資產高於新台幣 50 億元 2. 境外基金公司 (1) 成立滿 5 年以上, 且近 1 年無重大違規紀錄 (2) 管理之總資產高於等值 20 億 ( 三 ) 基金規模 1. 國內基金 (1) 貨幣型基金 : 總資產高於新台幣 100 億元 (2) 債券型基金 : 總資產高於新台幣 5 億元 (3) 其他類型 : 總資產高於新台幣 2 億元 2. 境外基金 (1) 不分類型 : 總資產高於等值 2,000 萬 ( 四 ) 基金成立期間 1. 國內基金 : 成立閉鎖期滿後 2. 境外基金 : 成立至少 2 年以上 ( 五 ) 基金績效 1. 國內基金 (1) 1 年或 3 年或 5 年夏普指標 (Sharpe ratio) 排名同類型基金前 50% 或高於同類型基金平均值或高於整體指標 (Benchmark) (2) 或近三年內榮獲基金相關大獎 Control No:MK /230

12 2. 境外基金 (1) 1 年或 3 年或 5 年夏普指標 (Sharpe ratio) 排名同類型基金前 50% 或高於同類型基金平均值或高於整體指標 (Benchmark) (2) 或 Morningstar 評比 以上 (3) 或近三年內榮獲基金相關大獎 (4) 投資目標與方針與風險報酬 ( 於本公司官網呈現 ) ( 六 ) 基金策略 1. 國內基金 : 基金經理人有 3 年以上投資分析經驗 2. 境外基金 : 基金經理人有 5 年以上投資分析經驗 ( 七 ) 基金費用 1. 國內基金 : 基金管理費 保管費與手續費及其他相關費用 ( 包括短線交易費用 反稀釋費用或價格調整機制等 ) 合理且符合市場行情 2. 境外基金 : 基金管理費 保管費與手續費及其他相關費用 ( 包括短線交易費用 反稀釋費用或價格調整機制等 ) 合理且符合市場行情 ( 八 ) 基金公司後續專業服務 1. 基金買賣流通性佳且投資資訊公開透明容易取得 2. 基金資訊提供 : 提供基金內容 申購 / 贖回 淨值等資訊正確性及充分揭露及基金投資標的市場最新投資建議與專業報告 3. 教育訓練配合 : 提供基金相關金融專業培訓 二 國內 / 外 ETF: 任一個別 ETF 需符合下述第 ( 一 )~( 三 ) 點, 始可作為投資型保險連結標的 ; 如不符合但有連結之必要性, 得經總經理核准後, 即可作為投資型保險連結標的 ( 一 ) 投資策略 : 以投資股票 債券為主且不具槓桿或放空效果, 亦非採合成複製法設計, 並於符合主管機關規定得受託買賣之證券市場交易 ( 二 ) 成立期間 : 成立至少 6 個月 ( 含 ) 以上 ( 三 ) 成交量 : 1. 新台幣計價 : 近 1 年平均月成交量高於新台幣 1,000 萬元 2. 外幣計價 : 近 1 年平均月成交量高於 5,000 股 三 委外代操投資標的 : 依本公司 專設帳簿資產委託運用與管理辦法 辦理 四 資金停泊帳戶 : 資產運用為銀行存款 五 保本型基金 六 國內結構型商品 七 境外結構型商品 八 適用國際保險業務分公司 (OIU) 之投資型保險連結標的 : 依照相關法令規定辦理 Article 4: Criteria of selecting investment choices Investment choices linked to investment-oriented insurance products should follow the selecting criteria listed below: 1. Onshore/offshore mutual fund: any particular fund should meet the selecting criteria 1.1 and any 5 items from If any particular fund is not qualified but still need to be linked, must need to be approved by General Manager. 1.1 Onshore/offshore mutual fund: should be approved by regulator. 1.2 Fund house: SITE: The company should set up more than 3 years and no violate regulation seriously in 1 year AUM should be more than 5 billion NTD SICE Control No:MK /230

13 The company should establish more than 5 years and no major violating regulation within 1 year AUM should be more than 2 billion. 1.3 AUM: Onshore mutual fund: Money Market Fund: AUM should be more than 10 billion NTD Bond Fund: AUM should be more than 0.5 billion NTD Others: AUM should be more than 0.2 billion NTD Offshore mutual fund: AUM should be more than 20 million. 1.4 Tenor: Onshore mutual fund: After lock up period Offshore mutual fund: more than 2 years. 1.5 Performance: Onshore mutual fund: Y or 3Y or 5Y Sharpe ratio ranking is in one or second quartile. Or performance is better than average. Or performance is better than benchmark Or to earn related prize in 3 years Offshore mutual fund: Y or 3Y or 5Y Sharpe ratio ranking is in one or second quartile. Or performance is better than average. Or performance is better than benchmark Or earn in Morningstar Or earn related prize in 3 years Investment objective and risk level (will show on company website) 1.6 Fund Strategy: Onshore mutual fund: fund manager with investment and analysis experience more than 3 years Offshore mutual fund: fund manager with investment and analysis experience more than 5 years. 1.7 Fee: Onshore mutual fund: fund management fee, custodian fee, subscription fee, and other fees (including short swing trading fee, anti-dilution fee, price adjustment scheme, etc). Fee should be reasonable and conform market practice Offshore mutual fund: fund management fee, custodian fee, subscription fee, and other fees (including short swing trading fee, anti-dilution fee, price adjustment scheme, etc). Fee should be reasonable and meets the market practice. 1.8 After service: Fund with better liquidly, easy asses investment information Fund information: to provide fund investment content, subscription and unwind service, NAV and disclose market information, investment advise, and professional report Training: to provide fund related training course. 2. Onshore and offshore ETF: any particular ETF should meet the selecting criteria If any particular ETF is not qualified but still need to be linked, must need to be approved by General Manager. 2.1 Investment strategy: should invest equity or bond, cannot be leverage or short, and cannot be synthetic ETF. Moreover, the ETF should be traded in stock exchange listed by regulator. 2.2 Tenor: more than 6 months. 2.3 Turnover: NTD denominated: average monthly turnover is more than 10 million NTD in 1 year Other denominated: average monthly turnover is more than 5,000 shares. Control No:MK /230

14 3. Discretionary investment account (mandate): should follow CTBC Life Regulation governing authorize institution in separate account business 4. Parking fund: should like to deposit. 5. Principal guaranteed fund 6. Structured instrument 7. Structured note 8. The investment choice linked to OIU investment-oriented insurance products 第五條審查項目除境外結構型商品以外之連結標的 :( 投資型保險商品銷售應注意事項第八條 ) 保險業應對擬連結之投資標的進行上架前審查 除連結境外結構型商品者應依境外結構型商品管理規則規定外, 連結上述投資標的者, 於上架前應審查下列事項 ( 如無下列項目, 則無須審查 ): ( 一 ) 擬選擇連結投資標的之合法性 ( 二 ) 擬選擇連結投資標的之費用及合理性 ( 三 ) 擬選擇連結投資標的之投資目標與方針 投資操作策略 過去績效 風險報酬及合理性 ( 四 ) 擬選擇連結投資標的商品說明書及投資人須知內容之正確性及資訊之充分揭露 ( 五 ) 保險業利益衝突之評估 ( 六 ) 擬選擇連結投資標的之風險等級 Article 5: Review criteria All investment choices exclude SN: Directions for selling investment-oriented insurance products : Insurance company should review investment choice by using following criteria before it linked to investment-oriented insurance products. If there is no such criteria for particular type of investment choice, no need to examine. 5.1 Legality 5.2 Reasonable fee structure 5.3 Investment objective, strategy, performance, and rate of risk return on investment. 5.4 Accuracy and disclosure of investment choice prospectus, and investor direction. 5.5 Conflict of interest evaluation 5.6 Risk level of investment choice 第六條內部控制與定期評估權責單位每半年至少一次自行評估連結標的是否符合本遴選辦法 投資型保險投資管理辦法 及相關法令規定, 建立觀察名單自行存查並提供相關單位作為通路服務 商品設計與風險管理之參考 Article 6: Internal control and evaluation Investment choice should be reviewed once in half year and should follow CTBC Life Criteria of selecting investment choices linked to investment-oriented insurance products, Regulations Governing Investment of Investment-linked Insurance, and related regulations. The evaluation report should be saved and provided to related Departments for reference. 第七條本遴選辦法經總經理核准後自公告日起實施, 修正時亦同 Article 7: Criteria of selecting investment choices linked to investment-oriented insurance products should be approved by General Manager upon implementation and amendment. Control No:MK /230

15 風險告知 / Risks Disclosure 信用風險 / Credit Risk: 保單帳戶價值獨立於中國信託人壽之一般帳戶外, 因此要保人或受益人需自行承擔發行公司履行交付投資本金與收益義務之信用風險 Policy value under Investment Linked Policy separate account is independent from CTBC Life general account, hence, the risks relating to paying investment amount and receiving returns from issuer lay on proposer and beneficiary. 市場價格風險 / Market Value Risk: 投資標的之市場價格, 將受金融市場發展趨勢影響 全球景氣 各國經濟與政治狀況等影響, 發行或管理機構以往之投資報酬率不保證未來之投資收益, 中國信託人壽亦不保證投資標的之投資報酬率且不負投資盈虧之責 The market value of investment choices may be affected by financial industry trends, global economy, political issues etc.ctbc Life does not guarantee for the investment return. The prior investment return does not serve as a guarantee for future investment performance. 匯率風險 / Exchange Rate Risk: 投資期間內之投資標的均以個別投資標的之計價幣別計價, 要保人或受益人須自行承擔任何辦理投資標的轉換 贖回 投資標的收益分配及保險金給付等所產生之匯率風險 During the effective period of this contract, all investment choices are denominated in assigned currency of their own. The risks of exchange rate relating to investment choice transfer, redemption, return allocation, policy benefit receiving etc. lay on the proposer and beneficiaries. 法律風險 / Risk of Regulatory Changes: 投資標的係發行機構依其適用法律所發行, 其一切履行責任係由發行機構承擔, 但要保人或受益人必須承擔因適用稅法法令之變更所致稅賦調整或因適用其他法令之變更所致權益發生得喪變更的風險 舉例說明 : 投資標的可能因所適用法令之變更而致無法繼續投資 不能行使轉換或贖回之權利 或不得獲得期滿給付等情事 All investment choices in this policy are issued and governed by relevant laws and regulations. Proposer will take the risks of changing of taxation law resulting in affecting the tax amount payable, or changing in other governing regulations resulting in forfeiting certain advantages. Eg. changing of governing regulation resulting in unable to invest, transfer, redemption, receiving maturity payment or etc. 中途贖回風險 / Early Redemption Risk: 要保人於契約有效期間內申請部分提領或解約時, 因此贖回而退回之保單帳戶價值, 可能有低於原始投資本金之風險 While the proposer applies for partial withdrawal or policy surrender within the effective period of the contract, the risk of the policy value being received may be lower than the original investment amount. 六 保單帳戶價值之通知 / Notice of Policy Value 本契約於有效期間內, 本公司將採電子郵件或其他約定方式每年通知要保人其保單帳戶價值 前項保單帳戶價值內容包括如下 : ( 一 ) 期初及期末計算基準日 ( 二 ) 投資組合現況 ( 三 ) 期初單位數及單位淨值 ( 四 ) 本期單位數異動情形 ( 含異動日期及異動當時之單位淨值 ) ( 五 ) 期末單位數及單位淨值 ( 六 ) 本期收受之保險費金額 ( 七 ) 本期已扣除之各項費用明細 ( 包括保費費用 保單管理費 保險成本 ) Control No:MK /230

16 ( 八 ) 期末之保險金額 解約金金額 ( 九 ) 期末之保險單借款本息 ( 十 ) 本期收益分配或資產撥回情形 During the effective period of this contract, CTBC Life will send notice ( or as agreed) to the proposer annually. Annual policy value notice will include the following items: 1. Beginning of the term basis date and End of the term basis date. 2. Current status of portfolio 3. Units at beginning of the term and unitized Net Asset Value. 4. Change in unit of asset (including the date of change and its net asset value). 5. Units at end of the term and unitized Net Asset Value. 6. Premium paid during this term. 7. Details of expense deducted (including Policy Fee, Administration Fee and Cost Of Insurance) 8. The amount of Sum Assured and surrender value at the end of term. 9. Policy loan with interest accrued at the end of term. 10. The status of distributable investment income or asset payback. 七 契約撤銷權 / Right of Cancellation 要保人於本公司寄送或交付保險單時起算二十一日內, 得以書面檢同保險單向本公司撤銷本契約 要保人依前項約定行使本契約撤銷權者, 撤銷的效力應自要保人書面之意思表示到達翌日零時起生效, 本契約自始無效, 本公司應退還收到前項書面通知之次一個資產評價日的保單帳戶價值與已扣除之保費費用及每月扣除額三者之和, 扣除已給付之加值給付金後之餘額 ; 本契約撤銷生效後所發生的保險事故, 本公司不負保險責任 但契約撤銷生效前, 若發生保險事故者, 視為未撤銷, 本公司仍應依本契約約定負保險責任 The proposer may cancel this contract by giving a written notice to CTBC Life within 21 days from the day on which CTBC Life sent or delivered insurance contract to the proposer. When the proposer exercises the right of cancellation as provided in the preceding paragraph, it will be effective from 12 o'clock midnight of the next day on receipt of the proposer's written notice; this contract will then be void ab initio and CTBC Life shall refund the proposer with the policy value as of at the next Valuation Day on receipt of the proposer's written notice; CTBC Life will not provide any policy coverage after cancellation being effective. However, if the insurance peril occurred before cancellation being effective, CTBC Life shall provide policy coverage under this contract. 八 不保事項及除外責任 / Exclusion 有下列情形之一者, 本公司不負給付保險金的責任 : 一 要保人故意致被保險人於死 二 被保險人故意自殺 三 被保險人因犯罪處死或拒捕或越獄致死 第一項各款情形而免給付保險金時, 本公司依據要保人或受益人檢齊所須文件送達本公司次一個資產評價日之保單帳戶價值, 依照約定返還予要保人 CTBC Life will be exempted for policy coverage if any of the following event occurs: 1. The proposer intentionally caused the death of the insured. 2. The insured intentionally commits suicide. 3. The insured is executed for a crime or deceases as the result of resisting arrest or escaping from jail. CTBC Life will return the policy value, valued at the next Valuation Day after the receipt of all documents required, to the proposer under circumstances referred in 1 st paragraph. Control No:MK /230

17 九 重要保單條款之摘要 / Abstract of important policy provision ( 詳細中國信託人壽一陸鑽外幣變額萬能壽險保單條款及保單借款利率之決定方式, 請參閱本公司資訊網站 : The detail of CTBC Life Yi-Lu-Zuan Foreign Currency Variable Universal Life policy provision and Policy Loans Rules is available on company s website( 第三條 保險責任的開始及交付保險費 Article 3 [Commencement of Insurer s Liability] 本公司應自同意承保並收取第一期保險費後負保險責任, 並應發給保險單作為承保的憑證 本公司如於同意承保前, 預收相當於第一期保險費之金額時, 其應負之保險責任, 以同意承保時溯自預收相當於第一期保險費金額時開始 前項情形, 在本公司為同意承保與否之意思表示前發生應予給付之保險事故時, 本公司仍負保險責任 CTBC Life shall bear insurance liabilities after committing to insure and receiving the first payment of Insurance Premium. CTBC Life will issue an insurance contract as evidence of its commitment to insure. If CTBC Life collects in advance an amount equal to the first payment of Insurance Premium before committing to insure, CTBC Life shall bear insurance liabilities from the date on which such payment is collected. Under the circumstance as described in preceding paragraph, if insurance peril happens before CTBC Life commits to insure, CTBC Life will bear insurance liabilities accordingly. 第六條 第一期之後保險費的交付及配置 寬限期間及契約效力的停止 Article 6 [Top-up Premium Grace Period and Lapse of Policy] 第一期之後的保險費, 可於本契約有效期間內經本公司同意後繳納 要保人交付保險費時, 應照本契約所載交付方法, 向本公司指定地點交付, 並由本公司交付開發之憑證 第一期之後的保險費扣除保費費用後, 其餘額於本公司保險費實際入帳日之後的第一個資產評價日依保單條款第十五條之約定配置於各投資標的 ; 但於首次投資配置日前, 該第一期之後的保險費扣除保費費用後之餘額依保單條款第二條第十二款約定納入首次投資配置金額計算 本契約自契約生效日起, 若本契約項下之保單帳戶價值扣除保險單借款本息後之餘額不足以支付每月扣除額時, 本公司按日數比例扣除至保單帳戶價值為零, 本公司應於前述保單帳戶價值為零之當日催告要保人交付保險費, 自催告翌日起三十日內為寬限期間 逾寬限期間仍未交付者, 本契約自寬限期間終了翌日起停止效力 如在寬限期間內發生保險事故時, 本公司應負保險責任, 要保人並應按日數比例支付寬限期間內每月扣除額 停效期間內發生保險事故時, 本公司不負保險責任 By consent of CTBC Life, the proposer may make top-up premium payment during the effective period of this contract. CTBC Life will issue a receipt after the top-up premium paid at assigned place in the ways appointed in this contract. The amount of top-up premium minus Policy Fee will be allocated to Investment Choices per Article 15 at the first Valuation Day on receipt of aforementioned top-up premium. If the top-up premium payment is made before the Initial Investment Date, it will be allocated per 12 th subparagraph, 1 st paragraph of Article 2. From policy effective date onward, if the amount of account value minus policy loan(with interest) is lower than the Monthly Deduction to be deducted at Monthiversary, CTBC Life will collect Monthly Deduction day by day calculated in portion of the month. CTBC Life will inform the proposer making a top-up premium payment the day the account value decrease to zero. The grace period is 30 days from the sending of notice of premium payment. If no premium payment is made by end of the grace period, this contract will lapses from the following day when the grace period expired. If the insured peril occurs during the grace period, CTBC Life shall bear insurance liabilities. Meanwhile the proposer should pay the unpaid Monthly Deduction calculated in portion of the month during grace period. During the period of lapse, CTBC Life will not bear insurance liabilities. Control No:MK /230

18 第七條 本契約效力的恢復 Article 7 [Reinstatement of this Contract] 本契約停止效力後, 要保人得在停效日起二年內, 申請復效 但保險期間屆滿後不得申請復效 要保人於停止效力之日起六個月內提出前項復效申請, 並經要保人清償寬限期間欠繳之每月扣除額, 並另外繳交一筆保險費後, 自翌日上午零時起, 開始恢復其效力 要保人於停止效力之日起六個月後提出第一項之復效申請者, 本公司得於要保人之復效申請送達本公司之日起一個月內要求要保人提供被保險人之可保證明 要保人如未於二十日內交齊本公司要求提供之可保證明者, 本公司得退回該次復效之申請 被保險人之危險程度有重大變更已達拒絕承保程度者, 本公司得拒絕其復效 本公司未於第三項約定期限內要求要保人提供可保證明, 或於收齊可保證明後一個月內不為拒絕者, 視為同意復效, 並經要保人清償及繳交第二項約定之各項金額後, 自翌日上午零時起, 開始恢復其效力 要保人依第三項提出申請復效者, 除有同項後段或第四項之情形外, 於交齊可保證明, 並清償及繳交第二項約定之各項金額後, 自翌日上午零時起, 開始恢復其效力 第二項 第五項及第六項繳交之保險費扣除保費費用後之餘額, 本公司於保險費實際入帳日之後的第一個資產評價日, 依保單條款第十五條之約定配置於各投資標的 本契約因第三十三條約定停止效力而申請復效者, 除復效程序依前七項約定辦理外, 如有保單條款第三十三條第二項所約定保單帳戶價值不足扣抵保險單借款本息時, 不足扣抵部分應一併清償之 本契約效力恢復時, 本公司按日數比例收取當期未經過期間之每月扣除額, 以後仍依約定扣除每月扣除額 第一項約定期限屆滿時, 本契約效力即行終止 The proposer may reinstate this suspended contract within two years after lapse but no later than coverage period of this contract. If the proposer submits the reinstatement application and pays up all Monthly Deductions and top-up premium within six months after the date this contract lapse, this contract will be reinstated from 12 o'clock midnight of the next day on receipt of such payment. Where the proposer applies for reinstatement six months after this contract lapse, CTBC Life may require the proposer to provide evidence of insurability(eoi) of the insured within one month after receipt of reinstatement application. If the proposer failed to provide EOI of the insured within 20 days from the day CTBC Life requires EOI from the proposer, CTBC Life could reject this reinstatement application. If the degree of risk of the insured has undergone a change that is sufficiently material as to justify refusal to insure, CTBC Life could reject this reinstatement. If CTBC Life does not require EOI within the time period set out in 3 rd paragraph or does not reject within a month after receipt of EOI and all other required documents, it will be deemed that CTBC Life agrees on the reinstatement and this contract will be reinstated from 12 o'clock midnight of the next day on receipt of payments as set out in 2 nd paragraph. If proposer applies for reinstatement per 3 rd paragraph, unless otherwise provided for in the second half of 3 rd paragraph or the Proviso of 4 th paragraph, this contract will be reinstated from 12 o'clock midnight of the next day on receipt of EOI(if required) and payments as set out in 2 nd paragraph. The amount of premium payments(as set out in 2 nd, 5 th and 6 th paragraphs) minus Policy Fee will be allocated to Investment Choice(s) per Article 15 at the first Valuation Day on receipt of premium. If this contract lapse due to condition referred in Article 33. The process of reinstatement shall follow the procedure set forth in preceding 1 st to 7 th paragraphs, and shall in addition thereto, repaying the amount that the policy loan with interest minus account value. When this contract is reinstated, CTBC Life will collect Monthly Deduction based on the number of days in the remaining month. Monthly Deduction will still be deducted from account value per Article 11 thereafter. This contract will be terminated immediately when the demand period as set out in the 1 st paragraph expired. 第十七條 投資標的轉換 Article 17 [Transition Among Investment Choices] 要保人於本契約有效期間內, 得以書面或其他約定方式向本公司申請不同投資標的間之轉換, 並應於申請書中載明轉出的投資標的及其單位數 ( 或轉出比例 ) 及指定欲轉入之投資標的 本公司以收到前項申請書後之次一個資產評價日為準計算轉出之投資標的價值, 並以該價值扣除轉換費用後, 於本公司收到申請書之後的次二個資產評價日配置於欲轉入之投資標的 Control No:MK /230

19 前項轉換費用如附表一 當申請轉換的金額低於二百元之等值約定貨幣或轉換後的投資標的價值將低於二百元之等值約定貨幣時, 本公司得拒絕該項申請, 並以書面或其他約定方式通知要保人 During the effective period of this contract, the proposer send notice (written or as agreed) to CTBC Life and apply for transiting into different Investment Choices. The redeeming / buying amount or ratio of certain Investment Choices should be specified in application document. CTBC Life will redeem the Investment Choices based on the next Valuation Day after receipt of application document. After deducting transition fees, CTBC Life allocate the amount into buying Investment Choice the 2 nd Valuation Day after receipt of application document. The transition fee is given in Appendix 1. If the amount of transition is lower than 200(or equivalent) or the asset value of Investment Choice will be lower than 200(or equivalent), CTBC Life may reject this application and will send notice (written or as agreed) to the proposer. 第二十一條 契約的終止 Article 21 [Termination of Contract] 要保人得隨時終止本契約 前項契約之終止, 自本公司收到要保人書面通知時, 開始生效 要保人繳費累積達有保單帳戶價值而申請終止契約時, 本公司應以收到前項書面通知之次一個資產評價日的保單帳戶價值扣除解約費用後之餘額計算解約金, 及按未經過日數比例計算未到期之保險成本, 並於接到通知之日起一個月內償付之 逾期本公司應加計利息給付, 其利息按年利率百分之五計算 前項解約費用如附表一 The proposer may terminate this contract any time before maturity. Termination of contract becomes effective upon CTBC Life receives the written notice form the proposer. If the proposer applies for terminating this contract and the policy value of this contract is greater than zero, CTBC Life will calculate surrender value which equals the policy value at the first Valuation Day after the day written notice from proposer been received minus Surrender Charge, plus unearned COI (calculated in proportion to days left in term). CTBC Life should pay surrender value within a month from receipt of written notice from proposer and interest accrued in 5% per annum should be paid if CTBC Life does not make the payment in time. Please refer to Appendix 1 for the detailed Surrender Charge rate schedule. 第三十條 除外責任 Article 30 [Exclusion] 有下列情形之一者, 本公司不負給付保險金的責任 : 一 要保人故意致被保險人於死 二 被保險人故意自殺 三 被保險人因犯罪處死或拒捕或越獄致死 第一項各款情形而免給付保險金時, 本公司依據要保人或受益人檢齊所須文件送達本公司次一個資產評價日之保單帳戶價值, 依照約定返還予要保人 CTBC Life will be exempted for policy coverage if any of the following event occurs: 1. The proposer intentionally caused the death of the insured. 2. The insured intentionally commits suicide. 3. The insured is executed for a crime or deceases as the result of resisting arrest or escaping from jail. CTBC Life will return the policy value, valued at the next Valuation Day after the receipt of all documents required, to the proposer under circumstances referred in 1 st paragraph. 第三十三條 保險單借款及契約效力的停止 Article 33 [Policy Loans and Lapse of this Contract] 本契約有效期間內, 要保人得向本公司申請保險單借款, 其可借金額上限為借款當日保單帳戶價值之百分之五十 當未償還之借款本息, 超過本契約保單帳戶價值之百分之八十時, 本公司應以書面或其他約定方式通知要保人 ; 如未償還之借款本息超過本契約保單帳戶價值之百分之九十時, 本公司應再通知要保人, 並於通知翌日起算第二個資產評價日以保單帳戶價值扣抵之 但若要保人尚未償還借款本息, 而本契約累積的未償還之借款本息已超過 Control No:MK /230

20 保單帳戶價值時, 本公司將立即扣抵並通知要保人, 要保人如未於通知翌日起算三十日內償還不足扣抵之借款本息時, 本契約自該三十日之次日起停止效力 前項扣抵之保單帳戶價值視同保單條款第二十二條約定的保單帳戶價值部分提領 本公司於本契約累積的未償還借款本息已超過保單帳戶價值, 且未依第二項約定為通知時, 於本公司通知要保人之日起三十日內要保人未償還不足扣抵之借款本息者, 保險契約之效力自該三十日之次日起停止 During the effective period of this contract, the proposer may apply to CTBC Life for a policy loan in an amount no greater than 50 percent of the policy value. When the policy loan plus accrued interests exceeds 80% of policy value, CTBC Life will send notice (written or as agreed) to the proposer. When the policy loan plus accrued interests exceeds 90% of policy value, CTBC Life will again send notice (written or as agreed) to the proposer and deduct the same amount from policy value as repayment at the 2 nd Valuation Day from the day notice sent. However, if the proposer does not repay policy loan and the total amount of policy loan and interest accrued exceeds policy value, CTBC Life will immediately deduct all policy value to repay the policy loan and send notice (written or as agreed) to the proposer. If the proposer does not repay the deficit within 30 days from the day notice sent, this contract will be lapsed thereafter. The amount of policy value deducted for the policy loan is deemed to be the partial withdrawal (Article 22). If the total amount of policy loan and interest accrued has already exceed policy value and CTBC Life did not send notice as stipulated in 2 nd paragraph, this contract will be terminated from the beginning of 31 days from the day notice sent given the proposer fail to repay the deficit within 30 days from the day notice sent. 第三十四條 不分紅保險單 Article 34 [Non-Participation Policy] 本保險為不分紅保單, 不參加紅利分配, 並無紅利給付項目 This contract is a non-participating policy, in which neither dividend participation nor payment of dividend benefit is granted. Control No:MK /230

21 附表一 : 投資型壽險保單保險公司收取之相關費用一覽表 [Appendix 1: Fees and Charges (Insurance Company)] ( 單位 : 約定幣別 / 元或 %) 費用項目 (Items) 一 保費費用 (Policy Fee) 無 (N/A) 二 保險相關費用 (Insurance Related Expense) 1. 保單管理費 (Administration Fee) 2. 保險成本 (Cost Of Insurance) 三 投資相關費用 (Investment Related Expense) 1. 投資標的申購費 (Subscription Fee) 2. 投資標的經理費 (Management Fee) 3. 投資標的保管費 (Custodian Fee) 4. 投資標的管理費 (Maintenance Fee) 5. 投資標的贖回費用 (Redemption Fee) 每月收取當時保單帳戶價值乘以 0.1% (0.1% of Policy Value at Monthiversary) 詳附表二 (Please refer to Appendix 2) [Unit:denominated in Assigned Currency / dollar or %] 收取標準 (Charge) (1) 資金停泊帳戶 : 無 Parking Fund: N/A (2) 共同基金 : 無 Mutual Fund: N/A (3) 指數股票型基金 : 於每次申購及轉入時收取 1.0% ETF: 1.0% for each purchase or inward transition. (4) 全權委託帳戶 : 詳附表五 Discretionary Investment Account (hereinafter referred to as Mandate ): Please refer to Appendix 5. (1) 資金停泊帳戶 : 無 Parking Fund: N/A (2) 共同基金 : 投資機構收取, 並反應於投資標的單位淨值中, 本公司未另外收取 Mutual Fund: Reflected in NAV of Investment Choice. Charged by investment institution instead of CTBC Life. (3) 指數股票型基金 : 投資機構收取, 並反應於投資標的單位淨值中, 本公司未另外收取 ETF: Reflected in NAV of Investment Choice. Charged by investment institution instead of CTBC Life (4) 全權委託帳戶 : 詳附表五 Mandate: Please refer to Appendix 5. (1) 資金停泊帳戶 : 無 Parking Fund: N/A (2) 共同基金 : 投資機構收取, 並反應於投資標的單位淨值中, 本公司未另外收取 Mutual Fund: Reflected in NAV of Investment Choice. Charged by investment institution instead of CTBC Life. (3) 指數股票型基金 : 每年 0.1%, 並反應於投資標的單位淨值中 ETF: 0.1% per annum. Reflected in NAV of Investment Choice. (4) 全權委託帳戶 : 詳附表五 Mandate: Please refer to Appendix 5. (1) 資金停泊帳戶 : 無 Parking Fund: N/A (2) 共同基金 : 無 Mutual Fund: N/A (3) 指數股票型基金 : 每年 1.2%, 並反應於投資標的單位淨值中 ETF: 1.2% per annum. Reflected in NAV of Investment Choice. (4) 全權委託帳戶 : 詳附表五 Mandate: Please refer to Appendix 5. (1) 資金停泊帳戶 : 無 Parking Fund: N/A (2) 共同基金 : 依投資標的規定收取 若投資標的有收取贖回費用時, 該贖回費用將反應於贖回時投資標的之單位淨值中, 本公司未另外收取 Mutual Fund: Based on investment institution s rule. Extra redemption fee will be reflected in NAV of Investment Choice. Charged by investment institution instead of CTBC Life (3) 指數股票型基金 : 無 ETF: N/A Control No:MK /230

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Microsoft Word - 中級會計學--試題.doc 國 立 高 雄 應 用 科 技 大 學 100 學 年 度 碩 士 班 招 生 考 試 會 計 系 准 考 證 號 碼 ( 考 生 必 須 填 寫 ) 中 級 會 計 學 試 題 共 5 頁, 第 1 頁 注 意 :a. 本 試 題 共 題, 每 題 分, 共 100 分 b. 作 答 時 不 必 抄 題 c. 考 生 作 答 前 請 詳 閱 答 案 卷 之 考 生 注 意 事 項 ㄧ 選 擇 題

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