迁徙的鹤类和水鸟快讯 2016 第三卷第 5 期 Cranes and Waterbirds Migration Briefs 2016 Vol. 3 No.5 各位关注迁徙候鸟的朋友们, 大家好! 2016 年春季迁徙鹤类和水鸟同步调查, 在各位的共同努力下已经结束! 特别感谢各 位的参与, 并将

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Download "迁徙的鹤类和水鸟快讯 2016 第三卷第 5 期 Cranes and Waterbirds Migration Briefs 2016 Vol. 3 No.5 各位关注迁徙候鸟的朋友们, 大家好! 2016 年春季迁徙鹤类和水鸟同步调查, 在各位的共同努力下已经结束! 特别感谢各 位的参与, 并将"


1 迁徙的鹤类和水鸟快讯 2016 第三卷第 5 期 Cranes and Waterbirds Migration Briefs 2016 Vol. 3 No.5 各位关注迁徙候鸟的朋友们, 大家好! 2016 年春季迁徙鹤类和水鸟同步调查, 在各位的共同努力下已经结束! 特别感谢各 位的参与, 并将野外观察数据整理好汇过来分享 在此, 向大家汇报今春同步调查的成 果 2016 年春季迁徙鹤类和水鸟同步调查共开展了三次, 分别是 3 月 26 日 4 月 16 日和 5 月 7 日, 共有七十余人参与 调查地点包含了从黄河三角洲到呼伦贝尔和三江平原共 19 个 湿地 109 个调查点, 共记录到鸟类 8 目 22 科 112 种 其中第一次同步调查 (3 月 26 日 ) 共调查到白鹤 283, 丹顶鹤 76, 白枕鹤 14, 灰鹤 2698, 东方白鹳 38, 青头潜鸭 3, 大天鹅 15, 小天鹅 205, 疣鼻天鹅 1, 鸿雁 132, 豆雁 3891, 白 额雁 10, 灰雁 434, 雁鸭类共计 第二次同步调查 (4 月 16 日 ) 共调查到白鹤 1142, 丹顶鹤 23, 白头鹤 554, 白枕鹤 82, 灰鹤 2665, 东方白鹳 21, 大天鹅 52, 小天鹅 516, 疣鼻天鹅 3, 鸿雁 365, 豆雁 8297, 白额 雁 35856, 小白额雁 401, 灰雁 8, 雁鸭类共计 等共计 3145 第三次同步调查 (5 月 7 日 ) 共调查到白鹤 820, 丹顶鹤 33, 白头鹤 29, 白枕鹤 2, 东 方白鹳 54, 青头潜鸭 2, 鸿雁 2, 豆雁 10284, 白额雁 160, 雁鸭类共计 鹭类 鸻鹬类 鸥类等共计 祝好! June 26, 2016 Dear Friends, 鹤类和水鸟监测网络工作组 2016 年 6 月 26 日 With all your supports, we successfully accomplished three Synchronized Counts for Migratory Cranes and Waterbirds in spring of Here, we are reporting the results of the Synchronized Counts. 1

2 We have done three synchronized counts during spring of 2016, the dates are: March 26, April 16, and May 7. There were over seventy people participanted these counts. Our counts covered ninteen wetlands from Yellow River Delta to Hulunbeier and Sanjiang Plain in total 109 survey sites. We recorded 112 species in 8 orders, 22 families. First Synchronized Count on March 26, we counted 283 Siberian Cranes, 76 Red-crowned Cranes, 14 White-naped Cranes, 2698 Eurasian Cranes, 38 Oriental Storks, 3 Baer's Pochards, 15 Whooper Swans, 205 Tundra Swans, 1 Mute Swan, 132 Swan Geese, 3891 Bean Geese, 10 Greater White-fronted Geese, 434 Greylag Geese, the total number of Geese and Ducks are 28973, other water birds include Grebes, Herons, Egrets, Shorebirds, Gulls etc. The total number of birds is Second Synchronized Count on April 16, we counted 1142 Siberian Cranes, 23 Red-crowned Cranes, 554 Hooded Cranes, 82 White-naped Cranes, 2665 Eurasian Cranes, 21 Oriental Storks, 52 Whooper Swans, 516 Tundra Swans, 3 Mute Swans, 365 Swan Geese, 8297 Bean Geese, Greater White-fronted Geese, 401 Lesser White-fronted Geese, 8 Greylag Geese, the total number of Geese and Ducks are 65517, other water birds include Grebes, Herons, Egrets, Shorebirds, Gulls etc. The total number of birds is Third Synchronized Count on May 7, we counted 820 Siberian Cranes, 33 Red-crowned Cranes, 29 Hooded Cranes, 2 White-naped Cranes, 54 Oriental Storks, 2 Baer's Pochards, 2 Swan Geese, Bean Geese, 160 Greater White-fronted Geese, the total number of Geese and Ducks are 13010, other water birds include Grebes, Herons, Egrets, Shorebirds, Gulls etc. the total number of the birds is Best wishes, Working Group of Crane and Waterbird Monitoring Network. 济宁, 山东 5 月 14 日, 斑嘴鸭 11, 草鹭 51, 白鹭 7, 牛背鹭 9, 池鹭 10, 夜鹭 10, 黑水鸡 5, 金眶鸻 1, 林鹬 1, 普通燕鸥 7, 灰翅浮鸥 ( 须浮鸥 )3, 普通翠鸟 2 ( 野外调查 : 宋泽远 陈敬琛 国天曰, 国天曰提供信息 ) 5 月 15 日, 青头潜鸭 6, 绿头鸭 4, 斑嘴鸭 5, 白眼潜鸭 1 5, 草鹭 13, 大白鹭 1, 白鹭 1, 池鹭 14, 夜鹭 52, 黑水鸡 9, 白骨顶 ( 骨顶鸡 )9, 水雉 1, 黑翅长脚鹬 42, 普通燕鸻 4, 金鸻 ( 金斑鸻 )9, 金眶鸻 2, 鹤鹬 34, 矶鹬 2, 红颈滨鹬 1, 弯嘴滨鹬 4, 灰翅浮鸥 20, 白翅浮鸥 4, 普通翠鸟 5, 未识别沙鸻 1, 未识别沙锥 1 ( 野外调查 : 宋泽远 陈敬琛 陈琰栋 赵硕 韩梅傲雪 国天曰, 国天曰提供信息 ) Jining, Shandong May 14, 11 Indian Spot-billed Ducks, 51 Purple Herons, 7 Little Egrets, 9 Cattle Egrets, 10 2

3 Chinese Pond-herons, 10 Black-crowned Night-herons, 5 Common Moorhens, 1 Little Ringed Plover, 1 Wood Sandpiper, 7 Common Terns, 3 Whiskered Terns, 2 Common Kingfishers. (Field observation: Song Zeyuan, Chen Jingchen, Guo Tianyue. The information provided by Guo Tianyue.) May 15, 6 Baer's Pochards, 4 Mallards, 5 Indian Spot-billed Ducks, 1 Ferruginous Duck, 5 Little Grebes, 13 Purple Herons, 1 Great White Egret, 1 Little Egret, 14 Chinese Pondherons, 52 Black-crowned Night-herons, 9 Common Moorhens, 9 Common Coots, 1 Pheasant-tailed Jacana, 42 Black-winged Stilts, 4 Oriental Pratincoles, 9 Pacific Golden Plovers, 2 Little Ringed Plovers, 34 Spotted Redshanks, 2 Common Sandpipers, 1 Rednecked Stint, 4 Curlew Sandpipers, 20 Whiskered Terns, 4 White-winged Terns, 5 Common Kingfishers, 1 Unidentified Sandplover, 1 Unidentified Snipe. (Field observation: Song Zeyuan, Chen Jingchen, Chen Yandong, Zhao Shuo, Han Meiaoxue, Guo Tianyue. The information provided by Guo Tianyue.) 黄河三角洲, 山东 4 月 18 日, 绿头鸭 3, 斑嘴鸭 22, 白眉鸭 5, 白眼潜鸭 , 普通鸬鹚 19, 苍鹭 10, 白鹭 57, 白骨顶 44, 蛎鹬 21, 黑翅长脚鹬 450, 反嘴鹬 24, 普通燕鸻 5, 灰鸻 ( 灰斑鸻 )1625, 环颈鸻 1617, 黑尾塍鹬 234, 斑尾塍鹬 84, 中杓鹬 12, 白腰杓鹬 1061, 大杓鹬 235, 鹤鹬 6, 青脚鹬 66, 翘嘴鹬 1, 大滨鹬 51, 红腹滨鹬 37, 红颈滨鹬 47, 黑腹滨鹬 756, 普通海鸥 ( 海鸥 )2, 西伯利亚银鸥 ( 织女银鸥 )3, 红嘴鸥 199, 黑嘴鸥 1342, 鸥嘴噪鸥 5, 红嘴巨燕鸥 ( 红嘴巨鸥 )66, 普通燕鸥 113, 灰翅浮鸥 20 ( 野外调查 : 朱书玉 吴立新 冯光海 Taej 赵亚杰 王学民 牛汝强 张树岩 付守强 王安东 孙学礼 ) 4 月 19 日, 东方白鹳 3, 赤麻鸭 4, 翘鼻麻鸭 25, 绿翅鸭 208, 斑嘴鸭 1 3, 2, 普通鸬鹚 2, 苍鹭 1, 草鹭 2, 大白鹭 5, 白鹭 1, 牛背鹭 3, 蛎鹬 55, 黑翅长脚鹬 65, 反嘴鹬 22, 灰鸻 1987, 环颈鸻 505, 黑尾塍鹬 400, 斑尾塍鹬 78, 中杓鹬 104, 白腰杓鹬 644, 大杓鹬 56, 鹤鹬 5, 红脚鹬 1, 青脚鹬 27, 大滨鹬 9, 红腹滨鹬 650, 弯嘴滨鹬 27, 黑腹滨鹬 4833, 红嘴鸥 3, 黑嘴鸥 1136, 鸥嘴噪鸥 7, 红嘴巨燕鸥 23, 普通燕鸥 27, 未识别杓鹬 350, 未识别鸻鹬 219 ( 野外调查 :Taej 赵亚杰 王立冬 王学民 吴立新 冯光海 朱书玉 张树岩 牛汝强 付守强 ) 4 月 20 3, 大白鹭 2, 白鹭 1, 蛎鹬 4, 普通燕鸻 27, 环颈鸻 21, 白腰杓鹬 15, 大杓鹬 6, 泽鹬 4, 青脚鹬 4, 普通海鸥 26, 红嘴鸥 4, 黑嘴鸥 599, 普通燕鸥 39 ( 野外调查 : 吴立新 王学民 车 3

4 纯广 ) 4 月 21 日, 翘鼻麻鸭 208, 罗纹鸭 64, 绿头鸭 56, 蛎鹬 21, 金鸻 120, 灰鸻 610, 环颈鸻 369, 蒙古沙鸻 10, 铁嘴沙鸻 21, 黑尾塍鹬 343, 斑尾塍鹬 556, 中杓鹬 616, 白腰杓鹬 4778, 大杓鹬 4830, 泽鹬 18, 青脚鹬 25, 翘嘴鹬 30, 大滨鹬 235, 红颈滨鹬 212, 黑腹滨鹬 10075, 普通海鸥 4, 黑嘴鸥 325, 鸥嘴噪鸥 7, 普通燕鸥 87, 白额燕鸥 17, 未识别鸻鹬 3100 ( 野外调查 : 冯光海 张树岩 王立冬 赵亚杰 付守强 吴立新 王学民 牛汝强 ) 4 月 22 日, 赤麻鸭 65, 翘鼻麻鸭 350, 白鹭 11, 蛎鹬 22, 灰鸻 10, 长嘴剑鸻 12, 环颈鸻 53, 蒙古沙鸻 10, 铁嘴沙鸻 8, 中杓鹬 410, 白腰杓鹬 69, 大杓鹬 37657, 青脚鹬 4, 大滨鹬 42, 黑腹滨鹬 3209, 普通海鸥 32, 西伯利亚银鸥 4, 红嘴鸥 3, 黑嘴鸥 332, 遗鸥 2, 鸥嘴噪鸥 18, 普通燕鸥 2 ( 野外调查 : 王立冬 赵亚杰 付守强 吴立新 王学民 孙学礼 ) 4 月 23 日, 东方白鹳 30, 灰雁 1, 赤麻鸭 5, 翘鼻麻鸭 200, 赤颈鸭 30, 绿头鸭 35, 斑嘴鸭 , 卷羽鹈鹕 1, 苍鹭 9, 草鹭 2, 白鹭 1, 夜鹭 1, 白琵鹭 44, 白骨顶 1433, 彩鹬 1, 蛎鹬 24, 黑翅长脚鹬 114, 反嘴鹬 295, 凤头麦鸡 1, 金鸻 807, 灰鸻 5649, 金眶鸻 87, 环颈鸻 401, 蒙古沙鸻 22, 铁嘴沙鸻 50, 黑尾塍鹬 1112, 斑尾塍鹬 730, 中杓鹬 929, 白腰杓鹬 3525, 大杓鹬 3947, 鹤鹬 889, 红脚鹬 7, 泽鹬 2165, 青脚鹬 334, 大滨鹬 1230, 红腹滨鹬 1573, 红颈滨鹬 3378, 弯嘴滨鹬 100, 黑腹滨鹬 6643, 黑尾鸥 169, 普通海鸥 42, 西伯利亚银鸥 2, 红嘴鸥 54, 黑嘴鸥 824, 鸥嘴噪鸥 194, 普通燕鸥 70, 白额燕鸥 9, 未识别鸭 300, 未识别鸻鹬 180 ( 野外调查 : 王立冬 赵亚杰 王学民 付守强 ) 4 月 24 日, 翘鼻麻鸭 502, 蛎鹬 12, 黑翅长脚鹬 61, 反嘴鹬 55, 灰鸻 60, 环颈鸻 162, 蒙古沙鸻 4, 铁嘴沙鸻 220, 黑尾塍鹬 1281, 斑尾塍鹬 1895, 中杓鹬 815, 白腰杓鹬 51, 大杓鹬 154, 鹤鹬 4, 红脚鹬 59, 泽鹬 63, 青脚鹬 320, 翘嘴鹬 259, 矶鹬 4, 大滨鹬 2, 红腹滨鹬 55, 红颈滨鹬 20, 长趾滨鹬 20, 尖尾滨鹬 3, 黑腹滨鹬 1892, 红嘴鸥 1156, 黑嘴鸥 164, 鸥嘴噪鸥 24, 普通燕鸥 10, 白额燕鸥 1, 灰翅浮鸥 55, 未识别鸻鹬 13 ( 野外调查 : 张树岩 赵亚杰 吴立新 冯光海 孙学礼 ) Yellow River Delta, Shandong April 18, 3 Mallards, 22 Indian Spot-billed Ducks, 5 Garganeys, 27 Ferruginous Ducks, 2 Little Grebes, 29 Great Crested Grebes, 19 Great Cormorants, 10 Grey Herons, 57 Little Egrets, 44 Common Coots, 21 Eurasian Oystercatchers, 450 Black-winged Stilts, 24 Pied Avocets, 5 Oriental Pratincoles, 1625 Grey Plovers, 1617 Kentish Plovers, 234 Black- 4

5 tailed Godwits, 84 Bar-tailed Godwits, 12 Whimbrels, 1061 Eurasian Curlews, 235 Far Eastern Curlews, 6 Spotted Redshanks, 66 Common Greenshanks, 1 Terek Sandpiper, 51 Great Knots, 37 Red Knots, 47 Red-necked Stints, 756 Dunlins, 2 Mew Gulls, 3 Siberian Gulls, 199 Black-headed Gulls, 1342 Saunders's Gulls, 5 Common Gull-billed Terns, 66 Caspian Terns, 113 Common Terns, 20 Whiskered Terns. (Field observation: Zhu Shuyu, Wu Lixin, Feng Guanghai, Taej, Zhao Yajie, Wang Xuemin, Niu Ruqiang, Zhang Shuyan, Fu Shouqiang, Wang Andong and Sun Xueli) April 19, 3 Oriental Storks, 4 Ruddy Shelducks, 25 Common Shelducks, 208 Common Teals, 1 Indian Spot-billed Duck, 3 Little Grebes, 2 Great Crested Grebes, 2 Great Cormorants, 1 Grey Heron, 2 Purple Herons, 5 Great White Egrets, 1 Little Egret, 3 Cattle Egrets, 55 Eurasian Oystercatchers, 65 Black-winged Stilts, 22 Pied Avocets, 1987 Grey Plovers, 505 Kentish Plovers, 400 Black-tailed Godwits, 78 Bar-tailed Godwits, 104 Whimbrels, 644 Eurasian Curlews, 56 Far Eastern Curlews, 5 Spotted Redshanks, 1 Common Redshank, 27 Common Greenshanks, 9 Great Knots, 650 Red Knots, 27 Curlew Sandpipers, 4833 Dunlins, 3 Black-headed Gulls, 1136 Saunders's Gulls, 7 Common Gull-billed Terns, 23 Caspian Terns, 27 Common Terns, 350 Unidentified Curlews, 219 Unidentified shorebirds. (Field observation: Taej, Zhao Yajie, Wang Lidong, Wang Xuemin, Wu Lixin, Feng Guanghai, Zhu Shuyu, Zhang Shuyan, Niu Ruqiang and Fu Shouqiang) April 20, 3 Little Grebes, 2 Great White Egrets, 1 Little Egret, 4 Eurasian Oystercatchers, 27 Oriental Pratincoles, 21 Kentish Plovers, 15 Eurasian Curlews, 6 Far Eastern Curlews, 4 Marsh Sandpipers, 4 Common Greenshanks, 26 Mew Gulls, 4 Black-headed Gulls, 599 Saunders's Gulls, 39 Common Terns. (Field observation: Wu Lixin, Wang Xuemin and Che Chunguang) April 21, 208 Common Shelducks, 64 Falcated Ducks, 56 Mallards, 21 Eurasian Oystercatchers, 120 Pacific Golden Plovers, 610 Grey Plovers, 369 Kentish Plovers, 10 Lesser Sandplovers, 21 Greater Sandplovers, 343 Black-tailed Godwits, 556 Bar-tailed Godwits, 616 Whimbrel s, 4778 Eurasian Curlews, 4830 Far Eastern Curlews, 18 Marsh Sandpipers, 25 Common Greenshanks, 30 Terek Sandpipers, 235 Great Knots, 212 Rednecked Stints, Dunlins, 4 Mew Gulls, 325 Saunders's Gulls, 7 Common Gull-billed Terns, 87 Common Terns, 12 Little Terns, 3100 Unidentified shorebirds. (Field observation: Feng Guanghai, Zhang Shuyan, Wang Lidong, Zhao Yajie, Fu Shouqiang, Wu Lixin, Wang Xuemin and Niu Ruqing) April 22, 65 Ruddy Shelducks, 350 Common Shelducks, 11 Little Egrets, 22 Eurasian Oystercatchers, 10 Grey Plovers, 12 Long-billed Plovers, 53 Kentish Plovers, 10 Lesser Sandplovers, 8 Greater Sandplovers, 410 Whimbrels, 69 Eurasian Curlews, Far 5

6 Eastern Curlews, 4 Common Greenshanks, 42 Great Knots, 3209 Dunlins, 32 Mew Gulls, 4 Siberian Gulls, 3 Black-headed Gulls, 332 Saunders's Gulls, 2 Relict Gulls, 18 Common Gull-billed Terns, 2 Common Terns. (Field observation: Wang Lidong, Zhao Yajie, Fu Shouqiang, Wu Lixin, Wang Xuemin and Su Xueli) April 23, 30 Oriental Storks, 1 Greylag Goose, 5 Ruddy Shelducks, 200 Common Shelducks, 30 Eurasian Wigeons, 35 Mallards, 7 Indian Spot-billed Ducks, 1 Little Grebe, 27 Great Crested Grebes, 1 Dalmatian Pelican, 9 Grey Herons, 2 Purple Herons, 1 Little Egret, 1 Black-crowned Night-heron, 44 Eurasian Spoonbills, 1433 Common Coots, 1 Greater Painted-snipe, 24 Eurasian Oystercatchers, 114 Black-winged Stilts, 295 Pied Avocets, 1 Northern Lapwing, 807 Pacific Golden Plovers, 5649 Grey Plovers, 87 Little Ringed Plovers, 401 Kentish Plovers, 22 Lesser Sandplovers, 50 Greater Sandplovers, 1112 Black-tailed Godwits, 730 Bar-tailed Godwits, 929 Whimbrels, 3525 Eurasian Curlews, 3947 Far Eastern Curlews, 889 Spotted Redshanks, 7 Common Redshanks, 2165 Marsh Sandpipers, 334 Common Greenshanks, 1230 Great Knots, 1573 Red Knots, 3378 Rednecked Stints, 100 Curlew Sandpipers, 6643 Dunlins, 169 Black-tailed Gulls, 42 Mew Gulls, 2 Siberian Gulls, 54 Black-headed Gulls, 824 Saunders's Gulls, 194 Common Gullbilled Terns, 70 Common Terns, 9 Little Terns, 300 Unidentified Ducks, 180 Unidentified shorebirds. (Field observation: Wang Lidong, Zhao Yajie, Wang Xuemin and Fu Shouqiang) April 24, 502 Common Shelducks, 12 Eurasian Oystercatchers, 61 Black-winged Stilts, 55 Pied Avocets, 60 Grey Plovers, 162 Kentish Plovers, 4 Lesser Sandplovers, 220 Greater Sandplovers, 1281 Black-tailed Godwits, 1895 Bar-tailed Godwits, 815 Whimbrels, 51 Eurasian Curlews, 154 Far Eastern Curlews, 4 Spotted Redshanks, 59 Common Redshanks, 63 Marsh Sandpipers, 320 Common Greenshanks, 259 Terek Sandpipers, 4 Common Sandpipers, 2 Great Knots, 55 Red Knots, 20 Red-necked Stints, 20 Long-toed Stints, 3 Sharp-tailed Sandpipers, 1892 Dunlins, 1156 Black-headed Gulls, 164 Saunders's Gulls, 24 Common Gull-billed Terns, 10 Common Terns, 1 Little Tern, 55 Whiskered Terns, 13 Unidentified shorebirds. (Field observation: Zhang Shuyan, Zhao Yajie, Wu Lixin, Feng Guanghai and Sun Xueli) 辽河口, 辽宁 5 月 7 日, 丹顶鹤 2, 翘鼻麻鸭 872, 赤颈鸭 24, 罗纹鸭 27, 绿翅鸭 500, 绿头鸭 150, 斑嘴鸭 15, 白眉鸭 , 苍鹭 15, 草鹭 6, 大白鹭 6, 白鹭 8, 池鹭 4, 夜鹭 1, 黑水鸡 3, 白骨顶 4, 蛎鹬 40, 黑翅长脚鹬 56, 反嘴鹬 161, 普通燕鸻 1, 金鸻 79, 灰鸻 1550, 环颈鸻 343, 蒙古沙鸻 456, 6

7 斑尾塍鹬 2777, 小杓鹬 396, 中杓鹬 300, 白腰杓鹬 147, 大杓鹬 609, 红脚鹬 53, 泽鹬 3, 青脚鹬 7, 林鹬 13, 翘嘴鹬 11, 矶鹬 5, 翻石鹬 2, 大滨鹬 16031, 红颈滨鹬 721, 弯嘴滨鹬 23, 黑腹滨鹬 6132, 黑尾鸥 52, 红嘴鸥 732, 黑嘴鸥 6605, 鸥嘴噪鸥 251, 红嘴巨燕鸥 1, 普通燕鸥 16, 白额燕鸥 7, 灰翅浮鸥 38, 未 识别鸥 170 Mouth of Liao River, Liaoning ( 野外调查 : 李玉祥 刘野 ) May 7, 2 Red-crowned Cranes, 872 Common Shelducks, 24 Eurasian Wigeons, 27 Falcated Ducks, 500 Common Teals, 150 Mallards, 15 Indian Spot-billed Ducks, 420 Garganeys, 148 Little Grebes, 103 Great Crested Grebes, 15 Grey Herons, 6 Purple Herons, 6 Great White Egrets, 8 Little Egrets, 4 Chinese Pond-herons, 1 Black-crowned Night-heron, 3 Common Moorhens, 4 Common Coots, 40 Eurasian Oystercatchers, 56 Black-winged Stilts, 161 Pied Avocets, 1 Oriental Pratincole, 79 Pacific Golden Plovers, 1550 Grey Plovers, 343 Kentish Plovers, 456 Lesser Sandplovers, 2777 Bar-tailed Godwits, 396 Little Curlews, 300 Whimbrels, 147 Eurasian Curlews, 609 Far Eastern Curlews, 53 Common Redshanks, 3 Marsh Sandpipers, 7 Common Greenshanks, 13 Wood Sandpipers, 11 Terek Sandpipers, 5 Common Sandpipers, 2 Ruddy Turnstones, Great Knots, 721 Red-necked Stints, 23 Curlew Sandpipers, 6132 Dunlins, 52 Black-tailed Gulls, 732 Black-headed Gulls, 6605 Saunders's Gulls, 251 Common Gull-billed Terns, 1 Caspian Tern, 16 Common Terns, 7 Little Terns, 38 Whiskered Terns, 170 Unidentified Gulls. (Field observation: Li Yuxiang and Liu Ye) 獾子洞, 辽宁 4 月 20 日, 白鹤 42, 大天鹅 5, 小天鹅 5, 鸿雁 150, 白额雁 11, 赤麻鸭 9, 赤颈鸭 2, 赤膀鸭 25, 绿翅鸭 144, 绿头鸭 123, 斑嘴鸭 136, 白眉鸭 174, 红头潜鸭 , 苍鹭 17, 白骨顶 2, 黑翅长脚鹬 69, 凤头麦鸡 1, 金眶鸻 1, 泽鹬 4, 矶鹬 1, 黄脚银鸥 32, 红嘴鸥 1121, 未识别鸭 60, 未识别鹬 4, 未识别鸥 6 4 月 21 日, 白鹤 47, 大天鹅 8, 小天鹅 1, 鸿雁 32, 白额雁 8, 赤膀鸭 1, 绿翅鸭 88, 绿头鸭 85, 斑嘴鸭 50, 白眉鸭 100, 红头潜鸭 6 16, 苍鹭 3, 白琵鹭 3, 白骨顶 1, 黑翅长脚鹬 60, 金眶鸻 5, 扇尾沙锥 4, 矶鹬 2, 黄脚银鸥 1, 红嘴鸥 140, 未识别天鹅 3, 未识别雁 30, 未识别鸭 72 4 月 22 日, 白鹤 46, 大天鹅 10, 小天鹅 4, 鸿雁 35, 白额雁 29, 绿翅鸭 80, 绿头鸭 92, 斑嘴鸭 41, 白眉鸭 66, 红头潜鸭 23, 苍鹭 1, 黑翅长脚鹬 35, 凤头麦鸡 2, 金眶鸻 4, 红嘴鸥 114, 未识别鸭 95, 未识别鹬 22 4 月 23 日, 白鹤 49, 东方白鹳 9, 大天鹅 3, 小天鹅 8, 鸿雁 57, 白额雁 16, 翘鼻麻鸭 11, 赤颈鸭 2, 赤膀鸭 2, 绿翅鸭 88, 绿头鸭 125, 斑嘴鸭 93, 白眉鸭 112, 琵 7

8 嘴鸭 8, 红头潜鸭 37, 红胸秋沙鸭 , 苍鹭 1, 白琵鹭 20, 黑翅长脚鹬 66, 凤头麦鸡 1, 金眶鸻 40, 扇尾沙锥 11, 白腰杓鹬 6, 大杓鹬 15, 鹤鹬 60, 青脚鹬 28, 白腰草鹬 2, 黑尾鸥 5, 黄脚银鸥 20, 红嘴鸥 314, 普通燕鸥 24, 未识别雁 13, 未识别鸭 180, 未识别滨鹬 2 4 月 24 日, 白鹤 61, 鸿雁 4, 白额雁 20, 绿翅鸭 67, 绿头鸭 36, 斑嘴鸭 24, 白眉鸭 62, 红头潜鸭 1 44, 黄脚银鸥 3, 红嘴鸥 43, 未识别鸭 135, 未识别鹬 10, 为识别鸥 1 4 月 25 日, 白鹤 26, 鸿雁 53, 罗纹鸭 2, 赤膀鸭 15, 绿翅鸭 130, 绿头鸭 49, 斑嘴鸭 59, 白眉鸭 177, 琵嘴鸭 7, 红头潜鸭 28, 红胸秋沙鸭 , 苍鹭 2, 白骨顶 17, 黑翅长脚鹬 221, 反嘴鹬 6, 凤头麦鸡 1, 白腰杓鹬 6, 鹤鹬 21, 青脚鹬 150, 黄脚银鸥 4, 红嘴鸥 705, 未识别鸭 63 4 月 26 日, 白鹤 25, 鸿雁 29, 白额雁 15, 绿翅鸭 161, 绿头鸭 57, 斑嘴鸭 85, 白眉鸭 128, 红头潜鸭 36, 白眼潜鸭 3 46, 凤头 258, 苍鹭 9, 白琵鹭 10, 黑翅长脚鹬 64, 反嘴鹬 4, 凤头麦鸡 3, 长嘴剑鸻 1, 扇尾沙锥 2, 黑尾塍鹬 7, 鹤鹬 2, 银鸥 1, 红嘴鸥 367, 未识别天鹅 5, 未识别鸭 254, 未识别鹬 10 4 月 27 日, 白鹤 23, 白头鹤 1, 鸿雁 20, 豆雁 34, 白额雁 30, 赤颈鸭 1, 罗纹鸭 3, 绿翅鸭 82, 绿头鸭 123, 斑嘴鸭 104, 针尾鸭 8, 白眉鸭 84, 琵嘴鸭 2, 红头潜鸭 , 苍鹭 18, 白琵鹭 9, 白骨顶 100, 黑翅长脚鹬 68, 凤头麦鸡 2, 金眶鸻 4, 扇尾沙锥 11, 鹤鹬 1, 青脚鹬 1, 矶鹬 6, 红嘴鸥 125, 普通燕鸥 3, 灰翅浮鸥 2, 未识别鸭 95 4 月 28 日, 白鹤 23, 鸿雁 42, 赤颈鸭 4, 赤膀鸭 36, 绿翅鸭 113, 绿头鸭 68, 斑嘴鸭 89, 白眉鸭 78, 红头潜鸭 , 苍鹭 18, 白琵鹭 4, 白骨顶 2, 黑翅长脚鹬 83, 凤头麦鸡 3, 金眶鸻 9, 扇尾沙锥 15, 白腰杓鹬 11, 青脚鹬 20, 白腰草鹬 3, 林鹬 2, 矶鹬 6, 黄脚银鸥 1, 红嘴鸥 1, 未识别天鹅 1, 未识别雁 40, 未识别鸭 120, 未识别鹬 12 4 月 29 日, 白鹤 20, 鸿雁 70, 豆雁 20, 白额雁 5, 罗纹鸭 7, 赤膀鸭 2, 绿翅鸭 113, 绿头鸭 59, 斑嘴鸭 66, 针尾鸭 4, 白眉鸭 37, 红头潜鸭 22 90, 凤 24, 苍鹭 20, 白鹭 2, 白琵鹭 4, 黑翅长脚鹬 36, 白腰杓鹬 3, 青脚鹬 2, 矶鹬 5, 红嘴鸥 1220, 未识别鸭 89, 未识别鸥 50 4 月 30 日, 白鹤 5, 白额雁 2, 绿翅鸭 102, 绿头鸭 97, 斑嘴鸭 113, 针尾鸭 2, 白眉鸭 48 25, 苍鹭 12, 白琵鹭 27, 黑翅长脚鹬 54, 白腰杓鹬 12, 黑尾鸥 1, 红嘴鸥 170, 未识别雁 31, 未识别鸭 70, 未识别鹬 1, 未识别鸥 30 5 月 1 日, 白鹤 1, 鸿雁 34, 绿头鸭 28, 斑嘴鸭 31, 苍鹭 1, 白琵鹭 10, 黑翅长脚鹬 12, 中杓鹬 1, 白腰杓鹬 8, 大杓鹬 1, 红嘴鸥 11, 未识别鸭 135, 未识别鸥 80 5 月 2 日, 鸿雁 11, 豆雁 21, 白额雁 12, 绿翅鸭 25, 绿头鸭 52, 斑嘴鸭 79, 白眉鸭 8

9 10, 苍鹭 1, 白琵鹭 12, 黑翅长脚鹬 6, 鹤鹬 2, 林鹬 1, 红嘴鸥 70, 未识别鸭 50 Huanzidong, Liaoning ( 苏立英 郭志伟提供信息 ) April 20, 42 Siberian Cranes, 5 Whooper Swans, 5 Tundra Swans, 150 Swan Geese, 11 Greater White-fronted Geese, 9 Ruddy Shelducks, 2 Eurasian Wigeons, 25 Gadwalls, 144 Common Teals, 123 Mallards, 136 Indian Spot-billed Ducks, 174 Garganeys, 32 Common Pochards, 80 Little Grebes, 250 Great Crested Grebes, 17 Grey Herons, 2 Common Coots, 69 Black-winged Stilts, 1 Northern Lapwing, 1 Little Ringed Plover, 4 Marsh Sandpipers, 1 Common Sandpiper, 32 Caspian Gulls, 1121 Black-headed Gulls, 60 Unidentified Ducks, 4 Unidentified Shorebirds, 6 Unidentified Gulls. April 21, 47 Siberian Cranes, 8 Whooper Swans, 1 Tundra Swan, 32 Swan Geese, 8 Greater White-fronted Geese, 1 Ruddy Shelduck, 88 Common Teals, 85 Mallards, 50 Indian Spotbilled Ducks, 100 Garganeys, 6 Common Pochards, 16 Little Grebes, 3 Grey Herons, 3 Eurasian Spoonbills, 1 Common Coot, 60 Black-winged Stilts, 5 Little Ringed Plovers, 4 Common Snipes, 2 Common Sandpipers, 1 Caspian Gull, 140 Black-headed Gulls, 3 Unidentified Swans, 30 Unidentified Geese, 72 Unidentified Ducks. April 22, 46 Siberian Cranes, 10 Whooper Swans, 4 Tundra Swans, 35 Swan Geese, 29 Greater White-fronted Geese, 80 Common Teals, 92 Mallards, 41 Indian Spot-billed Ducks, 66 Garganeys, 23 Common Pochards, 1 Grey Heron, 35 Black-winged Stilts, 2 Northern Lapwings, 4 Little Ringed Plovers, 114 Black-headed Gulls, 95 Unidentified Ducks, 22 Unidentified Shorebirds. April 23, 49 Siberian Cranes, 9 Oriental Storks, 3 Whooper Swans, 8 Tundra Swans, 57 Swan Geese, 16 Greater White-fronted Geese, 11 Common Shelducks, 2 Eurasian Wigeons, 2 Gadwalls, 88 Common Teals, 125 Mallards, 93 Indian Spot-billed Ducks, 112 Garganeys, 8 Northern Shovelers, 37 Common Pochards, 3 Red-breasted Mergansers, 2 Little Grebes, 210 Great Crested Grebes, 1 Grey Heron, 20 Eurasian Spoonbills, 66 Blackwinged Stilts, 1 Northern Lapwing, 40 Little Ringed Plovers, 11 Common Snipes, 6 Eurasian Curlews, 15 Far Eastern Curlews, 60 Spotted Redshanks, 28 Common Greenshanks, 2 Green Sandpipers, 5 Black-tailed Gulls, 20 Caspian Gulls, 314 Blackheaded Gulls, 24 Common Terns, 13 Unidentified Geese, 180 Unidentified Ducks, 2 Unidentified Stints. April 24, 61 Siberian Cranes, 4 Swan Geese, 20 Greater White-fronted Geese, 67 Common Teals, 36 Mallards, 24 Indian Spot-billed Ducks, 62 Garganeys, 1 Common Pochard, 44 Great Crested Grebes, 3 Caspian Gulls, 43 Black-headed Gulls, 135 Unidentified Ducks, 10 Unidentified Shorebirds, 1 Unidentified Gull. April 25, 26 Siberian Cranes, 53 Swan Geese, 2 Falcated Ducks, 15 Gadwalls, 130 Common Teals, 49 Mallards, 59 Indian Spot-billed Ducks, 177 Garganeys, 7 Northern Shovelers, 28 Common Pochards, 3 Red-breasted Mergansers, 74 Little Grebes, 149 Great Crested Grebes, 2 Grey Herons, 17 Common Coots, 221 Black-winged Stilts, 6 Pied Avocets, 1 Northern Lapwing, 6 Eurasian Curlews, 21 Spotted Redshanks, 150 Common 9

10 Greenshanks, 4 Caspian Gulls, 705 Black-headed Gulls, 63 Unidentified Ducks. April 26, 25 Siberian Cranes, 29 Swan Geese, 15 Greater White-fronted Geese, 161 Common Teals, 57 Mallards, 85 Indian Spot-billed Ducks, 128 Garganeys, 36 Common Pochards, 3 Ferruginous Ducks, 46 Little Grebes, 258 Great Crested Grebes, 9 Grey Herons, 10 Eurasian Spoonbills, 64 Black-winged Stilts, 4 Pied Avocets, 3 Northern Lapwings, 1 Long-billed Plover, 2 Common Snipes, 7 Black-tailed Godwits, 2 Spotted Redshanks, 1 European Herring Gull, 367 Black-headed Gulls, 5 Unidentified Swans, 254 Unidentified Ducks, 10 Unidentified Shorebirds. April 27, 23 Siberian Cranes, 1 Hooded Crane, 20 Swan Geese, 34 Bean Geese, 30 Greater White-fronted Geese, 1 Eurasian Wigeon, 3 Falcated Ducks, 82 Common Teals, 123 Mallards, 104 Indian Spot-billed Ducks, 8 Northern Pintails, 84 Garganeys, 2 Northern Shovelers, 37 Common Pochards, 52 Little Grebes, 74 Great Crested Grebes, 18 Grey Herons, 9 Eurasian Spoonbills, 100 Common Coots, 68 Black-winged Stilts, 2 Northern Lapwings, 4 Little Ringed Plovers, 11 Common Snipes, 1 Spotted Redshank, 1 Common Greenshank, 6 Common Sandpipers, 125 Black-headed Gulls, 3 Common Terns, 2 Whiskered Terns, 95 Unidentified Ducks. April 28, 23 Siberian Cranes, 42 Swan Geese, 4 Eurasian Wigeons, 36 Gadwalls, 113 Common Teals, 68 Mallards, 89 Indian Spot-billed Ducks, 78 Garganeys, 17 Common Pochards, 52 Little Grebes, 90 Great Crested Grebes, 18 Grey Herons, 4 Eurasian Spoonbills, 2 Common Coots, 83 Black-winged Stilts, 3 Northern Lapwings, 9 Little Ringed Plovers, 15 Common Snipes, 11 Eurasian Curlews, 20 Common Greenshanks, 3 Green Sandpipers, 2 Wood Sandpipers, 6 Common Sandpipers, 1 Caspian Gull, 1 Black-headed Gull, 1 Unidentified Swan, 40 Unidentified Geese, 120 Unidentified Ducks, 12 Unidentified Shorebirds. April 29, 20 Siberian Cranes, 70 Swan Geese, 20 Bean Geese, 5 Greater White-fronted Geese, 7 Falcated Ducks, 2 Gadwalls, 113 Common Teals, 59 Mallards, 66 Indian Spot-billed Ducks, 4 Northern Pintails, 37 Garganeys, 22 Common Pochards, 90 Little Grebes, 24 Great Crested Grebes, 20 Grey Herons, 2 Little Egrets, 4 Eurasian Spoonbills, 36 Blackwinged Stilts, 3 Eurasian Curlews, 2 Common Greenshanks, 5 Common Sandpipers, 1220 Black-headed Gulls, 89 Unidentified Ducks, 50 Unidentified Gulls. April 30, 5 Siberian Cranes, 2 Greater White-fronted Geese, 102 Common Teals, 97 Mallards, 113 Indian Spot-billed Ducks, 2 Northern Pintails, 48 Garganeys, 25 Great Crested Grebes, 12 Grey Herons, 27 Eurasian Spoonbills, 54 Black-winged Stilts, 12 Eurasian Curlews, 1 Black-tailed Gull, 170 Black-headed Gulls, 31 Unidentified Geese, 70 Unidentified Ducks, 1 Unidentified Shorebird, 30 Unidentified Gulls. May 1, 1 Siberian Crane, 34 Swan Geese, 28 Mallards, 31 Indian Spot-billed Ducks, 1 Grey Heron, 10 Eurasian Spoonbills, 12 Black-winged Stilts, 1 Whimbrel, 8 Eurasian Curlews, 1 Far Eastern Curlew, 11 Black-headed Gulls, 135 Unidentified Ducks, 80 Unidentified Gulls. May 2, 11 Swan Geese, 21 Bean Geese, 12 Greater White-fronted Geese, 25 Common Teals, 52 Mallards, 79 Indian Spot-billed Ducks, 10 Garganeys, 1 Grey Heron, 12 Eurasian Spoonbills, 6 Black-winged Stilts, 2 Spotted Redshanks, 1 Wood Sandpiper, 70 Black- 10

11 headed Gulls, 50 Unidentified Ducks. (The information provided by Su Liying and Guo Zhiwei) 双辽湿地, 吉林 4 月 5 日, 小天鹅 59 4 月 6 日, 小天鹅 45 4 月 7 日, 小天鹅 47 4 月 8 日, 小天鹅 58 4 月 9 日, 小天鹅 49 4 月 10 日, 小天鹅 47 ( 野外调查 : 尹航 闵宏志 ) 5 月 7 日, 白头鹤 4 5 月 8 日, 白头鹤 1 ( 班刚提供信息 ) 5 月 30 日, 白鹤 6 5 月 31 日, 白鹤 6 6 月 1 日, 白鹤 6 6 月 2 日, 白鹤 6 6 月 3 日, 白鹤 6 6 月 4 日, 白鹤 6 6 月 5 日, 白鹤 4 6 月 6 日, 白鹤 4 6 月 7 日, 白鹤 4 ( 野外调查 : 班刚 尹航 ) Shuangliao Wetland, Jilin April 5, 59 Tundra Swans. April 6, 45 Tundra Swans. April 7, 47 Tundra Swans. April 8, 58 Tundra Swans. April 9, 49 Tundra Swans. April 10, 47 Tundra Swans. (Field observation: Yin Hang and Min Hongzhi) May 7, 4 Hooded Cranes. May 8, 1 Hooded Crane. (The information provided by Ban Gang) 11

12 May 30, 6 Siberian Cranes. May 31, 6 Siberian Cranes. June 1, 6 Siberian Cranes. June 2, 6 Siberian Cranes. June 3, 6 Siberian Cranes. June 4, 6 Siberian Cranes. June 5, 4 Siberian Cranes. June 6, 4 Siberian Cranes. June 7, 4 Siberian Cranes. (Field observation: Ban Gang and Yin Hang) 科尔沁左翼后旗, 内蒙古 4 月 6 日, 小天鹅 12, 鸿雁 86, 白额雁 1, 小白额雁 17, 翘鼻麻鸭 27, 赤颈鸭 25, 赤膀鸭 14, 绿头鸭 16, 斑嘴鸭 5, 琵嘴鸭 9, 黑翅长脚鹬 3, 反嘴鹬 82, 凤头麦鸡 29, 灰头麦鸡 5, 环颈鸻 12 4 月 7 日, 大天鹅 7, 鸿雁 82, 白额雁 83, 小白额雁 12, 赤麻鸭 40, 翘鼻麻鸭 29, 赤颈鸭 21, 赤膀鸭 8, 绿翅鸭 30, 绿头鸭 28, 斑嘴鸭 5, 白眉鸭 1, 琵嘴鸭 9, 红头潜鸭 5, 鹊鸭 16, 黑翅长脚鹬 10, 反嘴鹬 145, 凤头麦鸡 10, 灰头麦鸡 10, 白腰杓鹬 9, 环颈鸻 200, 未识别塍鹬 40 4 月 8 日, 鸿雁 30, 白额雁 6, 赤麻鸭 34, 翘鼻麻鸭 50, 赤颈鸭 3, 赤膀鸭 30, 绿翅鸭 65, 绿头鸭 14, 琵嘴鸭 3, 红头潜鸭 15, 斑头秋沙鸭 3, 白琵鹭 6, 反嘴鹬 5, 凤头麦鸡 5, 黑尾塍鹬 1, 黄脚银鸥 15, 未识别塍鹬 70 ( 苏立英 刘涛提供信息 ) 4 月 9 日, 鸿雁 1030, 白额雁 168+, 赤麻鸭 132, 翘鼻麻鸭 314, 罗纹鸭 2, 绿头鸭 42, 斑嘴鸭 12, 白眉鸭 36, 红头潜鸭 1168, 琵嘴鸭 8, 鹊鸭 1120, 普通鸬鹚 4, 苍鹭 7, 白骨顶 1300, 黑翅长脚鹬 204, 反嘴鹬 10, 灰头麦鸡 16, 灰鸻 2, 环颈鸻 54, 银鸥 8, 未识别天鹅 967, 未识别鸭 2700, 未识别鹬 月 16 日, 白鹤 2, 鸿雁 99, 豆雁 80, 赤麻鸭 2, 翘鼻麻鸭 113, 赤膀鸭 330, 斑嘴鸭 28, 鹊鸭 16, 苍鹭 4, 白骨顶 620+, 黑翅长脚鹬 52, 反嘴鹬 12, 环颈鸻 25, 未识别天鹅 1920, 未识别雁 15, 未识别鸭 5584, 未识别鹬 月 30 日, 大天鹅 4, 赤麻鸭 14, 翘鼻麻鸭 36, 赤膀鸭 12, 绿头鸭 12, 红头潜鸭 3, , 白骨顶 687, 黑翅长脚鹬 71, 凤头麦鸡 5, 灰头麦鸡 2, 长嘴剑鸻 1, 金眶鸻 4, 环颈鸻 5, 红脚鹬 6, 泽鹬 2, 矶鹬 10, 银鸥 3, 红嘴鸥 110+, 未识别鸭 650 ( 野外调查 : 苏雅拉图 韩玉萍 ) 12

13 Keerqin Zuoyihouqi, Inner Mongolia April 6, 12 Tundra Swans, 86 Swan Geese, 1 Greater White-fronted Goose, 17 Lesser Whitefronted Geese, 27 Common Shelducks, 25 Eurasian Wigeons, 14 Gadwalls, 16 Mallards, 5 Indian Spot-billed Ducks, 9 Northern Shovelers, 3 Black-winged Stilts, 82 Pied Avocets, 29 Northern Lapwings, 5 Grey-headed Lapwings, 12 Kentish Plovers. April 7, 7 Whooper Swans, 82 Swan Geese, 83 Greater White-fronted Geese, 12 Lesser White-fronted Geese, 40 Ruddy Shelducks, 29 Common Shelducks, 21 Eurasian Wigeons, 8 Gadwalls, 30 Common Teals, 28 Mallards, 5 Indian Spot-billed Ducks, 1 Garganey, 9 Northern Shovelers, 5 Common Pochards, 16 Common Goldeneyes, 10 Black-winged Stilts, 145 Pied Avocets, 10 Northern Lapwings, 10 Grey-headed Lapwings, 9 Eurasian Curlews, 200 Kentish Plovers, 40 Unidentified Godwits. April 8, 30 Swan Geese, 6 Greater White-fronted Geese, 34 Ruddy Shelducks, 50 Common Shelducks, 3 Eurasian Wigeons, 30 Gadwalls, 65 Common Teals, 14 Mallards, 3 Northern Shovelers, 15 Common Pochards, 3 Smews, 6 Eurasian Spoonbills, 5 Pied Avocets, 5 Northern Lapwings, 1 Black-tailed Godwit, 15 Caspian Gulls, 70 Unidentified Godwits. (The information provided by Su Liying and Liu Tao) April 9, 1030 Swan Geese, more than 168 Greater White-fronted Geese, 132 Ruddy Shelducks, 314 Common Shelducks, 2 Falcated Ducks, 42 Mallards, 12 Indian Spot-billed Ducks, 36 Garganeys, 1168 Common Pochards, 8 Northern Shovelers, 1120 Common Goldeneyes, 4 Great Cormorants, 7 Grey Herons, 1300 Common Coots, 204 Blackwinged Stilts, 10 Pied Avocets, 16 Grey-headed Lapwings, 2 Grey Plovers, 54 Kentish Plovers, 8 European Herring Gulls, 967 Unidentified Swans, 2700 Unidentified Ducks, more than 500 Unidentified Shorebirds. April 16, 2 Siberian Cranes, 99 Swan Geese, 80 Bean Geese, 2 Ruddy Shelducks, 113 Common Shelducks, 330 Gadwalls, 28 Indian Spot-billed Ducks, 16 Common Goldeneyes, 4 Grey Herons, more than 620 Common Coots, 52 Black-winged Stilts, 12 Pied Avocets, 25 Kentish Plovers, 1920 Unidentified Swans, 15 Unidentified Geese, 5584 Unidentified Ducks, 250 Unidentified Shorebirds. April 30, 4 Whooper Swans, 14 Ruddy Shelducks, 36 Common Shelducks, 12 Gadwalls, 12 Mallards, 3 Common Pochards, 8 Little Grebes, 5 Great Crested Grebes, 387 Blacknecked Grebes, 687 Common Coots, 71 Black-winged Stilts, 5 Northern Lapwings, 2 Grey-headed Lapwings, 1 Long-billed Plover, 4 Little Ringed Plovers, 5 Kentish Plovers, 6 Common Redshanks, 2 Marsh Sandpipers, 10 Common Sandpipers, 3 Europeane Herring Gulls, more than 110 Black-headed Gulls, 650 Unidentified Ducks. (Field observation: Su Yalatu and Han Yuping) 向海, 吉林 5 月 6 日, 东方白鹳 2, 小天鹅 74, 鸿雁 37, 豆雁 5, 白额雁 16, 灰雁 4, 赤麻鸭 4, 翘鼻麻鸭 41, 赤颈鸭 38, 罗纹鸭 10, 赤膀鸭 151, 绿翅鸭 437, 绿头鸭 80, 斑嘴 13

14 鸭 12, 白眉鸭 10, 琵嘴鸭 25, 红头潜鸭 109, 凤头潜鸭 , 普通鸬鹚 1, 苍鹭 11, 草鹭 4, 大白鹭 3, 白琵鹭 23, 白骨 顶 89, 蛎鹬 2, 黑翅长脚鹬 233, 反嘴鹬 58, 普通燕鸻 22, 凤头麦鸡 25, 灰头麦 鸡 15, 金眶鸻 10, 环颈鸻 2, 扇尾沙锥 3, 黑尾塍鹬 115, 大杓鹬 13, 鹤鹬 5, 红 脚鹬 4, 青脚鹬 19, 矶鹬 1, 红嘴鸥 135, 普通燕鸥 5, 白额燕鸥 2 5 月 9 日, 蓑羽鹤 1, 青头潜鸭 5, 鸿雁 2, 赤膀鸭 4, 绿头鸭 6, 琵嘴鸭 3 Xianghai, Jilin ( 野外调查 : 李连山 利世锋 林宝庆 ) May 6, 2 Oriental Storks, 74 Tundra Swans, 37 Swan Geese, 5 Bean Geese, 16 Greater Whitefronted Geese, 4 Greylag Geese, 4 Ruddy Shelducks, 41 Common Shelducks, 38 Eurasian Wigeons, 10 Falcated Ducks, 151 Gadwalls, 437 Common Teals, 80 Mallards, 12 Indian Spot-billed Ducks, 10 Garganeys, 25 Northern Shovelers, 109 Common Pochards, 73 Tufted Ducks, 21 Little Grebes, 31 Great Crested Grebes, 10 Black-necked Grebes, 1 Great Cormorant, 11 Grey Herons, 4 Purple Herons, 3 Great White Egrets, 23 Eurasian Spoonbills, 89 Common Coots, 2 Eurasian Oystercatchers, 233 Black-winged Stilts, 58 Pied Avocets, 22 Oriental Pratincoles, 25 Northern Lapwings, 15 Grey-headed Lapwings, 10 Little Ringed Plovers, 2 Kentish Plovers, 3 Common Snipes, 115 Black-tailed Godwits, 13 Far Eastern Curlews, 5 Spotted Redshanks, 4 Common Redshanks, 19 Common Greenshanks, 1 Common Sandpiper, 135 Black-headed Gulls, 5 Common Terns, 2 Little Terns. May 9, 1 Demoiselle Crane, 5 Baer's Pochards, 2 Swan Geese, 4 Gadwalls, 6 Mallards, 3 Northern Shovelers. (Field observation: Li Lianshan, Li Shifeng and Lin Baoqing) 莫莫格, 吉林 4 月 5 日, 白鹤 290, 白头鹤 260, 白枕鹤 7, 灰鹤 月 7 日, 白鹤 月 10 日, 白鹤 32 5 月 13 日, 白鹤 38 5 月 16 日, 白鹤 45 5 月 19 日, 白鹤 30 ( 邹畅林提供信息 ) Momoge, Jilin April 5, 290 Siberian Cranes, 260 Hooded Cranes, 7 White-naped Cranes, 1620 Eurasian Cranes. May 7, 820 Siberian Cranes. 14

15 May 10, 32 Siberian Cranes. May 13, 38 Siberian Cranes. May 16, 45 Siberian Cranes. May 19, 30 Siberian Cranes. (The information provided by Zou Changlin) 七星河, 黑龙江 3 月 15 日, 丹顶鹤 3, 苍鹭 1 3 月 16 日, 丹顶鹤 2, 苍鹭 1, 凤头麦鸡 1 3 月 17 日, 未识别鹤 3 3 月 28 日, 丹顶鹤 2, 斑嘴鸭 50, 凤头潜鸭 2, 苍鹭 60, 白鹭 100, 凤头麦鸡 3, 红嘴鸥 50, 未识别雁 1 3 月 29 日, 白枕鹤 2, 苍鹭 300, 白鹭 800, 红嘴鸥 500, 灰翅浮鸥 1, 未识别鹤 6, 未识别雁 4, 未识别鸭 月 30 日, 丹顶鹤 2, 白枕鹤 12, 凤头潜鸭 2, 苍鹭 450, 白鹭 900, 大麻鳽 1, 白琵鹭 1, 红嘴鸥 550, 灰翅浮鸥 30, 未识别雁 100, 未识别鸭 月 12 日, 丹顶鹤 1, 白枕鹤 1, 苍鹭 200, 白鹭 400, 白琵鹭 1, 白骨顶 30, 红嘴鸥 600, 未识别雁 600, 未识别鸭 月 13 日, 丹顶鹤 3, 白枕鹤 2, 苍鹭 200, 白鹭 350, 白琵鹭 2, 白骨顶 20, 红嘴鸥 1100, 未识别雁 200, 未识别鸭 月 14 日, 白枕鹤 2, 鸳鸯 2, 苍鹭 100, 白鹭 300, 白骨顶 400, 未识别雁 月 18 日, 未识别雁 月 19 日, 白鹭 30, 白骨顶 40, 红嘴鸥 30, 未识别雁 70000, 未识别鸭 20, 未识别 2 4 月 27 日, 丹顶鹤 1, 白枕鹤 2, 白额雁 , 草鹭 1, 白鹭 180, 白骨顶 100, 红嘴鸥 300, 未识别鸭 月 28 日, 丹顶鹤 5, 白枕鹤 6, 白额雁 20000, 苍鹭 30, 白鹭 40, 大麻鳽 2, 白琵鹭 2, 白骨顶 60, 凤头麦鸡 15, 未识别雁 20000, 未识别鸭 月 29 日, 白鹭 5, 未识别雁 月 10 日, 白骨顶 4, 凤头麦鸡 2 5 月 11 日, 丹顶鹤 1, 苍鹭 30, 白鹭 180, 白骨顶 5, 红嘴鸥 200, 未识别鸭 70 5 月 12 日, 白鹭 3, 白琵鹭 11 15

16 5 月 14 日, 丹顶鹤 3, 白头鹤 2, 白枕鹤 52, 灰雁 7, 白琵鹭 12 5 月 17 日, 白枕鹤 月 18 日, 白枕鹤 1, 苍鹭 80, 白鹭 300, 白琵鹭 22, 白骨顶 月 19 日, 丹顶鹤 5, 白枕鹤 4, 苍鹭 100, 白鹭 430, 白骨顶 50, 白翅浮鸥 1000, 未 识别雁 3, 未识别鸭 80 30, 未识别鸥 月 20 日, 白枕鹤 7, 苍鹭 100, 白鹭 200, 白骨顶 40, 未识别天鹅 1, 未识别鸭 月 22 日, 丹顶鹤 3, 白枕鹤 11, 绿头鸭 20, 斑嘴鸭 40, 苍鹭 27, 白鹭 33, 白琵鹭 5, 凤头麦鸡 5, 白翅浮鸥 月 26 日, 丹顶鹤 2, 鸿雁 5, 白鹭 20, 白琵鹭 2, 白骨顶 40 Qixinghe, Heilongjiang March 15, 3 Red-crowned Cranes, 1 Grey Heron. March 16, 2 Red-crowned Cranes, 1 Grey Heron, 1 Northern Lapwing. March 17, 3 Unidentified Cranes. ( 崔守斌提供信息 ) March 28, 2 Red-crowned Cranes, 50 Indian Spot-billed Ducks, 2 Tufted Ducks, 60 Grey Herons, 100 Little Egrets, 3 Northern Lapwings, 50 Black-headed Gulls, 1 Unidentified Goose. March 29, 2 White-naped Cranes, 300 Grey Herons, 800 Little Egrets, 500 Black-headed Gulls, 1 Whiskered Tern, 6 Unidentified Cranes, 4 Unidentified Geese, 300 Unidentified Ducks. March 30, 2 Red-crowned Cranes, 12 White-naped Cranes, 2 Tufted Ducks, 450 Grey Herons, 900 Little Egrets, 1 Eurasian Bittern, 1 Eurasian Spoonbill, 550 Black-headed Gulls, 30 Whiskered Terns, 100 Unidentified Geese, 100 Unidentified Ducks. April 12, 1 Red-crowned Crane, 1 White-naped Crane, 200 Grey Herons, 400 Little Egrets, 1 Eurasian Spoonbill, 30 Common Coots, 600 Black-headed Gulls, 600 Unidentified Geese, 500 Unidentified Ducks. April 13, 3 Red-crowned Cranes, 2 White-naped Cranes, 200 Grey Herons, 350 Little Egrets, 2 Eurasian Spoonbills, 20 Common Coots, 1100 Black-headed Gulls, 200 Unidentified Geese, 600 Unidentified Ducks. April 14, 2 White-naped Cranes, 2 Mandarin Ducks, 100 Grey Herons, 300 Little Egrets, 400 Common Coots, 150 Unidentified Geese. April 18, 2000 Unidentified Geese. April 19, 30 Little Egrets, 40 Common Coots, 30 Black-headed Gulls, Unidentified Geese, 20 Unidentified Ducks, 2 Unidentified Gerbes. 16

17 April 27, 1 Red-crowned Crane, 2 White-naped Cranes, Greater White-fronted Geese, 100 Great Crested Grebes, 1 Purple Heron, 180 Little Egrets, 100 Common Coots, 300 Black-headed Gulls, 120 Unidentified Ducks. April 28, 5 Red-crowned Cranes, 6 White-naped Cranes, Greater White-fronted Geese, 30 Grey Herons, 40 Little Egrets, 2 Eurasian Bitterns, 2 Eurasian Spoonbills, 60 Common Coots, 15 Northern Lapwings, Unidentified Geese, 130 Unidentified Ducks, 50 Unidentified Gerbes. April 29, 5 Little Egrets, Unidentified Geese. May 10, 4 Common Coots, 2 Northern Lapwings. May 11, 1 Red-crowned Crane, 30 Grey Herons, 180 Little Egrets, 5 Common Coots, 200 Black-headed Gulls, 70 Unidentified Ducks. May 12, 3 Little Egrets, 11 Eurasian Spoonbills. May 14, 3 Red-crowned Cranes, 2 Hooded Cranes, 52 White-naped Cranes, 7 Greylag Geese, 12 Eurasian Spoonbills. May 17, more than 200 White-naped Cranes. May 18, 1 White-naped Crane, 80 Grey Herons, 300 Little Egrets, 22 Eurasian Spoonbills, 50 Common Coots, 30 Unidentified Gerbes. May 19, 5 Red-crowned Cranes, 4 White-naped Cranes, 100 Grey Herons, 430 Little Egrets, 50 Common Coots, 1000 White-winged Terns, 3 Unidentified Geese, 80 Unidentified Ducks, 30 Unidentified Gerbes, 500 Unidentified Gulls. May 20, 7 White-naped Cranes, 100 Grey Herons, 200 Little Egrets, 40 Common Coots, 1 Unidentified Swan, 100 Unidentified Ducks, 30 Unidentified Gerbes. May 26, 2 Red-crowned Cranes, 5 Swan Geese, 20 Little Egrets, 2 Eurasian Spoonbills, 40 Common Coots. (The information provided by Cui Shoubin) 兴凯湖, 黑龙江 3 月 26 日, 东方白鹳 12, 赤颈鸭 112, 罗纹鸭 136, 赤膀鸭 153, 花脸鸭 236, 绿翅鸭 164, 绿头鸭 3175, 斑嘴鸭 160, 针尾鸭 1185, 琵嘴鸭 107, 红头潜鸭 58, 斑背潜鸭 363, 鹊鸭 782, 普通鸬鹚 17, 苍鹭 5, 草鹭 2, 大白鹭 23, 白骨顶 172, 红嘴鸥 21, 未识别鸭 月 16 日, 赤颈鸭 1, 罗纹鸭 36, 赤膀鸭 35, 绿翅鸭 96, 绿头鸭 275, 斑嘴鸭 24, 针尾鸭 64, 琵嘴鸭 131, 红头潜鸭 18, 鹊鸭 28, 普通鸬鹚 8, 白骨顶 82, 红嘴鸥 24, 未识别鸥 月 7 日, 丹顶鹤 19, 东方白鹳 35, 赤膀鸭 6, 绿翅鸭 39, 绿头鸭 67, 斑嘴鸭 58, 琵嘴鸭 3, 红头潜鸭 4, 凤头潜鸭 39 31, 普通鸬鹚 5, 苍鹭 26, 大白鹭 17

18 78, 白骨顶 50, 凤头麦鸡 24, 银鸥 23, 红嘴鸥 127, 普通燕鸥 12, 未识别鸭 35, 未识别鸥 534 Xingkai Lake, Heilongjiang ( 野外调查 : 刘宇霖 杨培宇 ) March 26, 12 Oriental Storks, 112 Eurasian Wigeons, 136 Falcated Ducks, 153 Gadwalls, 236 Baikal Teals, 164 Common Teals, 3175 Mallards, 160 Indian Spot-billed Ducks, 1185 Northern Pintails, 107 Northern Shovelers, 58 Common Pochards, 363 Greater Scaups, 782 Common Goldeneyes, 17 Great Cormorants, 5 Grey Herons, 2 Purple Herons, 23 Great White Egrets, 172 Common Coots, 21 Black-headed Gulls, 534 Unidentified Ducks. April 16, 1 Eurasian Wigeon, 36 Falcated Ducks, 35 Gadwalls, 96 Common Teals, 275 Mallards, 24 Indian Spot-billed Ducks, 64 Northern Pintails, 131 Northern Shovelers, 18 Common Pochards, 28 Common Goldeneyes, 8 Great Cormorants, 82 Common Coots, 24 Black-headed Gulls, 360 Unidentified Gulls. May 7, 19 Red-crowned Cranes, 35 Oriental Storks, 6 Gadwalls, 39 Common Teals, 67 Mallards, 58 Indian Spot-billed Ducks, 3 Northern Shovelers, 4 Common Pochards, 39 Tufted Ducks, 31 Great Crested Grebes, 5 Great Cormorants, 26 Grey Herons, 78 Great White Egrets, 50 Common Coots, 24 Northern Lapwings, 23 European Herring Gulls, 127 Black-headed Gulls, 12 Common Terns, 35 Unidentified Ducks, 534 Unidentified Gulls. (Field observation: Liu Yulin and Yang Peiyu) 七仙湖, 内蒙古 5 月 6 日, 白枕鹤 1, 蓑羽鹤 6, 灰鹤 6, 黑鹳 1, 大天鹅 2, 小天鹅 109, 鸿雁 49, 豆雁 107, 灰雁 7, 赤麻鸭 4, 翘鼻麻鸭 27, 赤颈鸭 108, 罗纹鸭 21, 赤膀鸭 212, 绿翅鸭 188, 绿头鸭 43, 针尾鸭 2, 琵嘴鸭 66, 红头潜鸭 427, 凤头潜鸭 414, 鹊鸭 80, 斑头秋沙鸭 , 普通鸬鹚 106, 苍鹭 5, 白骨顶 195, 黑翅长脚鹬 4, 凤头麦鸡 80, 白腰杓鹬 2, 银鸥 3, 红嘴鸥 209, 未识别银鸥 24 Qixian Lake, Inner Mongolia ( 野外调查 : 苏立英 沃强 刘涛 ) May 6, 1 White-naped Crane, 6 Demoiselle Cranes, 6 Eurasian Cranes, 1 Black Stork, 2 Whooper Swans, 109 Tundra Swans, 49 Swan Geese, 107 Bean Geese, 7 Greylag Geese, 4 Ruddy Shelducks, 27 Common Shelducks, 108 Eurasian Wigeons, 21 Falcated Ducks, 212 Gadwalls, 188 Common Teals, 43 Mallards, 2 Northern Pintails, 66 Northern Shovelers, 427 Common Pochards, 414 Tufted Ducks, 80 Common Goldeneyes, 12 Smews, 3 Red-necked Grebes, 10 Great Crested Grebes, 40 Black-necked Grebes, 106 Great Cormorants, 5 Grey Herons, 195 Common Coots, 4 Black-winged Stilts, 80 Northern Lapwings, 2 Eurasian Curlews, 3 European Herring Gulls, 209 Black-headed 18

19 Gulls, 24 Unidentified Gulls. (Field observation: Su Liying, Wo Qiang and Liu Tao) 毛盖河, 内蒙古 5 月 5 日, 鸿雁 67, 灰雁 6, 赤麻鸭 4, 翘鼻麻鸭 5, 罗纹鸭 21, 赤膀鸭 158, 绿翅鸭 24, 绿头鸭 22, 白眉鸭 5, 琵嘴鸭 71, 红头潜鸭 78, 凤头潜鸭 82, 鹊鸭 4, 赤颈 3 2, 白骨顶 67, 黑翅长脚鹬 2, 凤头麦鸡 5, 普通海鸥 23, 未识 别鸭 100 ( 野外调查 : 苏立英 沃强 刘涛 ) 5 月 27 日, 白头鹤 9, 白枕鹤 2, 灰鹤 20, 鸿雁 15, 灰雁 29, 赤麻鸭 17, 翘鼻麻鸭 2, 赤颈鸭 4, 罗纹鸭 2, 赤膀鸭 202, 绿头鸭 69, 斑嘴鸭 4, 白眉鸭 5, 琵嘴鸭 39, 赤嘴潜鸭 1, 红头潜鸭 44, 凤头潜鸭 45, 鹊鸭 12 11, 普通鸬鹚 2, 苍鹭 2, 大麻鳽 1, 白骨顶 6, 凤头麦鸡 13, 金眶鸻 1, 红脚鹬 1, 银鸥 14, 红 嘴鸥 200, 普通燕鸥 6, 白翅浮鸥 20 Maogai River, Inner Mongolia ( 野外调查 : 沃强 布和 ) May 5, 67 Swan Geese, 6 Greylag Geese, 4 Ruddy Shelducks, 5 Common Shelducks, 21 Falcated Ducks, 158 Gadwalls, 24 Common Teals, 22 Mallards, 5 Garganeys, 71 Northern Shovelers, 78 Common Pochards, 82 Tufted Ducks, 4 Common Goldeneyes, 3 Rednecked Grebes, 2 Great Crested Grebes, 67 Common Coots, 2 Black-winged Stilts, 5 Northern Lapwings, 23 Mew Gulls, 100 Unidentified Ducks. (Field observation: Su Liying, Wo Qiang and Liu Tao) May 27, 9 Hooded Cranes, 2 White-naped Cranes, 20 Eurasian Cranes, 15 Swan Geese, 29 Greylag Geese, 17 Ruddy Shelducks, 2 Common Shelducks, 4 Eurasian Wigeons, 2 Falcated Ducks, 202 Gadwalls, 69 Mallards, 4 Indian Spot-billed Ducks, 5 Garganeys, 39 Northern Shovelers, 1 Red-crested Pochard, 44 Common Pochards, 45 Tufted Ducks, 12 Common Goldeneyes, 11 Great Crested Grebes, 2 Great Cormorants, 2 Grey Herons, 1 Eurasian Bittern, 6 Common Coots, 13 Northern Lapwings, 1 Little Ringed Plover, 1 Common Redshank, 14 European Herring Gulls, 200 Black-headed Gulls, 6 Common Terns, 20 White-winged Terns. (Field observation: Wo Qiang and Bu He) 辉河, 内蒙古 5 月 25 日, 白鹤 1, 丹顶鹤 22, 白枕鹤 27, 灰鹤 11, 蓑羽鹤 1, 大天鹅 18, 鸿雁 1182, 灰雁 635, 赤麻鸭 5, 翘鼻麻鸭 32, 赤颈鸭 2, 罗纹鸭 2, 赤膀鸭 10, 绿头鸭 24, 琵嘴鸭 6, 红头潜鸭 1097, 凤头潜鸭 139, 鹊鸭 65 85, 黑 19

20 270, 普通鸬鹚 26, 苍鹭 11, 大麻鳽 2, 白琵鹭 163, 白骨顶 348, 黑翅 长脚鹬 9, 反嘴鹬 7, 凤头麦鸡 82, 环颈鸻 8, 黑尾塍鹬 107, 鹤鹬 30, 银鸥 19, 红嘴鸥 30, 普通燕鸥 5, 白翅浮鸥 2090, 未识别雁 200, 未识别鸭 300, 未 识别沙锥 2 5 月 26 日, 绿头鸭 4, 凤头潜鸭 2, 白腰杓鹬 1 Hui River, Inner Monglia ( 野外调查 : 沃强 布和 ) May 25, 1 Siberian Crane, 22 Red-crowned Cranes, 27 White-naped Cranes, 11 Eurasian Cranes, 1 Demoiselle Crane, 18 Whooper Swans, 1182 Swan Geese, 635 Greylag Geese, 5 Ruddy Shelducks, 32 Common Shelducks, 2 Eurasian Wigeons, 2 Falcated Ducks, 10 Gadwalls, 24 Mallards, 6 Northern Shovelers, 1097 Common Pochards, 139 Tufted Ducks, 65 Common Goldeneyes, 85 Great Crested Grebes, 270 Black-necked Grebes, 26 Great Cormorants, 11 Grey Herons, 2 Eurasian Bitterns, 163 Eurasian Spoonbills, 348 Common Coots, 9 Black-winged Stilts, 7 Pied Avocets, 82 Northern Lapwings, 8 Kentish Plovers, 107 Black-tailed Godwits, 30 Spotted Redshanks, 19 European Herring Gulls, 30 Black-headed Gulls, 5 Common Terns, 2090 White-winged Terns, 200 Unidentified Geese, 300 Unidentified Ducks, 2 Unidentified Snipes. May 26, 4 Mallards, 2 Tufted Ducks, 1 Eurasian Curlew. (Field observation: Wo Qiang and Bu He) 本期编辑 : 苏立英刘涛 国际鹤类基金会 邮箱 :cranemigration@163.com Editors for this issue: Su Liying Liu Tao International Crane Foundation cranemigration@163.com 20 向海港湿地 Xianghai, Jilin 摄影 : 杨军 Photo by Yang Jun

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