Shopping Mall brochure final

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shopping malls 购物中心 maximise the retail potential of a mall with improved access and circulation planning 畅达设计及交通动线规划提升购物中心的商业潜力

mall planning: value-added, purpose and means 购物中心规划 : 增加价值 目标及方法 Access 可达性设计 Circulation 交通动线 Way-finding 路径指引 Level of Service 服务水平 WHY US? 为何选择我们? Circulation is one of the keys to a successful mall. 交通动线是购物中心项目其中一项成功的关键 MVA has been responsible for the enhancement of the circulation design of many malls in Asia with total gross floor over 50 million sqm and car park number exceeding 300,000. * MVA 已为亚洲多个购物中心提供咨詢, 改善交通动线, 所负责项目的总楼面超过 5000 万平方米及停车场数量超过 300,000 个 * MVA can help you optimize layouts in order to maximize returns for malls of any scale and complexity. 不论规模大小 复杂程度,MVA 能全面优化购物中心平面设计, 实现项目最大回报 * as at December 2014 * 截至 2014 年 12 月 Value-added 增值 To help realize maximum shop lease and revenue potential 帮助我们的客户实现购物中心商户出租及回报最大化 Comfort 舒适体验 Visibility 通透 Ambience 良好氛围 Purpose 目标 Means 方法 To help maximize patronage through optimizing mall circulation and operations and by creating a welcoming environment 通过购物中心的运营优化及舒适购物体验的营造来实现项目客流最大化 Circulation Plans 交通动线计划 Vertical transport 垂直交通规划 Way-finding 路径指引设计 Simulation 仿真建模分析 Car Park Operations 停车场运营 Goods Transport 物流运输规划 Patronage 客流提升 Revenue 资金回报

shopping malls optimization 优化购物中心 Pacific Place Mall Contemporisation, Hong Kong 香港太古广场翻新工程 MVA reviewed the contemporisation work and assessed the temporary measures and permanent design for the renovation works. MVA 审查了该翻新工程, 并对翻新工程的交通设计及实施期间采取的临时性措施进行了评估 Festival Walk Pedestrian Study, Hong Kong 香港又一城客流研究 MVA conducted pedestrian study to identify and formulate pedestrian facilities connecting Festival Walk and the Main Campus of City University to the MTRC stations. MVA 进行了该项目的客流研究, 并规划设计连接港铁站与又一城 城市大学主校区的行人设施 Vertical Transport 垂直交通规划 MVA has extensive experience in pedestrian forecasting, vertical transportation system assessment and optimization for conventional shopping malls and vertical retail buildings. MVA 在现代购物中心的垂直零售建筑设计 客流量预测 垂直交通系统设计及评估, 拥有丰富项目经验 Layout Improvements 平面设计优化 MVA is expert in the design and improvement of vehicular and pedestrian access and circulation arrangements within and adjacent to shopping malls. MVA 在购物中心的内外部设计和改进方面, 是车辆和平面客流动线分析及优化领域的专家 Way-finding 路径指引 MVA offers a range of services to develop and improve pedestrian and vehicle way-finding systems for enhancing operation and sense of arrival. MVA 就发展和改善车辆和行人路径指引系统的设计及优化, 提供全方位的服务, 增强操作性和方向感 Redevelopment of Mongkok MTRC Station, Grand Century Place, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龙新世纪广场旺角港铁站再开发项目 MVA assessed the external and internal traffic circulation of the proposed development. MVA 评估了该项目的内部及外部交通流线设计 Hang Lung Forum 66, Shenyang, China 中国沈阳市府恒隆广场 MVA provided traffic and transport advice for a mixed-use development at the City Centre during the master planning, schematic design, detailed design and construction stages. MVA 为该项目的各个设计及施工阶段提供了全方位的交通咨询服务 ION Orchard, Singapore 新加坡 ION Orchard 购物中心 MVA undertook the traffic assessment for this major mixed use development comprising retail, office and apartments, and pedestrian assessment of the internal circulation including links to the Orchard MRT station and a basement. MVA 为这一大型综合发展进行交通评估, 包括零售 写字楼 公寓和购物中心内部的行人评估, 链接到乌节路地铁站和地库 Taikoo Hui Cultural Plaza Commercial Development, Guangzhou 广州太古汇商业广场 MVA conducted traffic and pedestrian studies in support of the design for a Cultural Centre, Retail, Office, Hotel and Entertainment Centre at the Tienhe District. MVA 进行了该项目的机动车及行人交通研究及设计, 该项目是广州天河区的文化及商业中心

simulation for shopping malls 购物中心仿真 Bangkok Shopping Center, Thailand 曼谷购物中心, 泰国 MVA conducted the patronage estimation and shopping behaviour simulation for this iconic shopping mall development in Bangkok. MVA 在这个曼谷标志性的购物中心开发项目中承担了客流量预测及客流行为仿真方面的研究 Central World Traffic Study, Bangkok 泰国曼谷中央世界商业中心交通研究 MVA was responsible for the overall traffic and transport aspects of the study to enhance accessibility to the development in the heart of Bangkok MVA 进行了这项地处曼谷中心的商业发展项目的交通研究, 旨在增强该项目的交通可达性 Simulation 仿真 MVA offers specialist expertise in microscopic traffic modelling, ranging from assessment of road network design layout & optimization schemes to 3D visualization of proposed traffic schemes that accompany traffic studies and impact assessments. MVA 专长于微观交通建模领域, 能够通过 3D 可视化交通仿真及交通影响分析, 为项目提供路网设计 商场设计和优化方面的咨询服务 Pedestrian simulations are used to assess internal circulation plans, vertical circulation elements (lifts, escalators and stairs), and footfall at retail locations. 行人仿真用于评估内部交通动线计划, 垂直动线元素, 包括升降机 自动扶梯和楼梯和零售点的客流量 The Dubai Mall Development, Dubai, UAE 阿联酋迪拜购物中心 MVA provided traffic and transport advice including traffic and pedestrian circulation, parking circulation and access arrangements and circulation strategy for a large mixed used retail development MVA 为这一大型城市综合体的设计和建设提供了交通方面的一体化咨询服务, 包括机动车流线 行人流线 停车流线 进出口规划等 Dubai Marina Mall Hotel Car Park Management Audit, Dubai 迪拜 Marina Mall Hotel 停车场管理审计 MVA reviewed the design of the car park management system, internal parking arrangement and circulation, ticket and pay-on-foot machines, ticket gates and security barriers. MVA 审查了该项目的停车场管理系统 内部停车规划及流线 收费系统及安保隔离设施等的设计 Jeddah Rivera Mall, Savdi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯 Jeddah Rivera 购物中心 MVA conducted the design of the car park management system, internal parking arrangement and circulation MVA 进行设计了该项目的停车场管理系统, 并进行了内部停车规划以及流线设计 Mega Bangua Shopping Center, Bangkok, Thailand 泰国曼谷 Mega Bangua 购物中心 MVA conducted a detailed traffic study of the area to develop traffic improvement plans to mitigate traffic issues in the area. MVA 进行了该项目的交通研究, 旨在优化项目周边的交通情况

our strengths 我们的优势 MVA has extensive experience in the design of shopping malls from conceptual design, scheme design to detailed design. Our services include: MVA 在购物中心的概念设计 初步设计以及最终设计等方面都拥有丰富的项目经验 我们提供的咨询服务包括 : T ailormade and innovative studies to support you in designing your current and future mall projects. 不论是现在还是将来, 我们将一直专注于为您的购物中心项目量身定制合适且富有创意的解决方案 Customer Flow Forecasting 客流预测 Shop Simulation Modelling 购物中心仿真建模 Customer Flow Circulation Design 客流动线设计 Vertical Transport Study (Lifts, Escalators and Stairs) 垂直交通规划 ( 升降机 自动扶梯和楼梯 ) Design of Layout Plans 平面图设计 Passenger Boarding and Alighting Area Design 上下客区域设计 Special Event Planning and Design 大型活动规划及设计 Car Park Design and Management 停车场设计及管理 Logistics Planning and Design 物流规划及设计 Market Research 市场调查 MVA has vast design experience in excess of 100 malls across asia MVA 的专业设计已经在全亚洲超过 100 个购物中心得到了应用 Hong Kong 香港 China 中国 Rest of Asia 其他亚洲地区

China 中国 MVA Transport Consultants (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd. Room 905, Excellence Mansion, No.98, No.1 Fuhua Road, Futian Central Zone, Shenzhen, PRC Post Code 518048 弘达交通咨询 ( 深圳 ) 有限公司深圳市福田区福华一路 98 号卓越大厦 905 室邮编 :518048 Tel 电话 +86 755 3336 1898 Fax 传真 +86 755 3336 2060 MVA Transport Consultants (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd. - Beijing Branch Office Room 1503, Block C, He Qiao Mansion, No. 8 Guanghua Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, PRC Post Code 100026 弘达交通咨询 ( 深圳 ) 有限公司北京分公司北京市朝阳区光华路 8 号和乔大厦 C 座 1503 室邮编 :100026 Tel 电话 +86 10 8557 0116 Fax 传真 +86 10 8557 0126 MVA Transport Consultants (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd. - Shanghai Branch Of ice Room 2305, Kerry Everbright City, 218 Tianmu Road West, Zhabei District, Shanghai, PRC Post Code 200070 弘达交通咨询 ( 深圳 ) 有限公司上海分公司上海市闸北区天目西路 218 号嘉里不夜城一座 2305 室邮编 :200070 Tel 电话 +86 21 6353 6033 Fax 传真 +86 21 6353 6006 Beijing MVA Transport Consultants Co. Ltd. No.60 Nan Li Shi Road, Xicheng District, Beijing, PRC Post Code 100045 北京艾威爱交通咨询有限公司北京市西城区南礼士路 60 号邮编 :100045 Tel 电话 +86 10 8807 3717 Fax 传真 +86 10 6805 6180 Singapore 新加坡 Systra MVA Singapore Pte Ltd. 25 Seah Street #04-01 Singapore 188381 Tel 电话 +65 6227 3252 Fax 传真 +65 6423 0178 MVA Hong Kong Limited / MVA Asia Limited 14th Floor West, Warwick House, TaiKoo Place, 979 King's Road, Island East, Hong Kong 弘达交通顾问有限公司 / 弘达亚洲有限公司香港港岛东英皇道 979 号太古坊和域大厦西翼 14 楼 Tel 电话 : +852 2529 7037 Fax 传真 : +852 2527 8490 Email 电邮 : Thailand 泰国 Systra MVA (Thailand) Ltd. 37th Floor, Unit F, Payatai Plaza Building, 128/404-405 Payathai Road, Thung-payathai, Rajthewee, Bangkok 10400, Thailand Tel +662 216 6652 Fax +662 216 6651 Vietnam 越南 MVA Asia Limited (Vietnam - Project Office) No. 52 Nguyen Thi Thap Street, KDC Him Lam, Tan Hung Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City Tel +84 8 62 515 608 Fax +84 8 62 515 601 SYSTRA 72 rue Henry Farman, 75015 Paris, France Tel +33 1 40 16 61 00 Email: Web: MVA - Marketing & Communications - 2015 MVA