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f zu{ g } 14 í } 12 2010 03 19 Çf Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research March 19, 2010 Vol.14, No.12 Îï ö ³¼ µ Š ÄŒ ³q *** d Ø e µ t Transmyocardial high-pressure injection revascularization combined with thermo-sensitive chitosan hydrogel effects on channels Xiong Lu, Huang Jing, Zhou Da-yan, Guo Rui Medical Xiong Lu, Studying for master s degree, Medical Correspondence to: Huang Jing, Master, Doctoral supervisor, Medical huangjing_9901@ Supported by: the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Key Program), No. 30527001*, (General Program) No. 3067087*; the Tackle Key Program in Science and Technology of City, No. CSTS2005AA 5008-5* Received: 2009-12-24 Accepted: 2010-01-26 Abstract BACKGROUND: Many experiments have suggested that transmyocardial revascularization (TMR) is effective in refractory angina pectoris and end-stage coronary artery disease. The main problem for TMR, however, is occlusion of the transmural channels, which limits the application of the technology. OBJECTIVE: To explore the impact of transmyocardial high-pressure injection revascularization combined with thermo-sensitive chitosan hydrogel filled the channels on channel s patency and the effect of promoting angiogenesis and myocardial protection on acute myocardial infarction. METHODS: High-pressure injection system, Injex needle-free syringe was made by the appropriate transformation of post-production. Thermo-sensitive chitosan hydrogel was made of chitosan hydrochloride, β-glycerol phosphate and hydroxyethyl cellulose prepared in accordance with a certain concentration ratio. A total of 24 healthy hybrid dogs were randomly assigned to three groups. In the simple myocardial infarction group (SMI), acute myocardital infarction models were made by ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery. No treatment was given in SMI group. In the transmyocardial high-pressure injection revascularization group (TMIR) with thermo-sensitive chitosan hydrogel group (TMIR+chitosan), transmyocardial high-pressure injection revascularization was performed on infarct myocardium and about 8 to 10 transmural channels were created in ischemic area, one channel per square centimeter. In the TMIR group, the same volume saline was used in the identical site. Hemodynamics, capillary density and myocardial infarct size were detected at 6 weeks after treatment. Hematoxylin and eosin staining and Sirius red staining were used to detect channel patency and collagenous fiber proliferation, and the ratio of type, collagen was calculated. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The channels in TMIR group had significantly narrowed; some segments had been completely occluded. However, channels in TMIR + chitosan group had not been occluded, the opening diameter was about 100300 μm; some segments had been endothelialization. Compared with the SMI group, TMIR group and TMIR + chitosan group promoted angiogenesis in the infarct area, and TMIR + chitosan group reduced the infarct size and improved left ventricular remodeling. These indicated that transmyocardial high-pressure injection revascularization combined with thermo-sensitive chitosan hydrogel filled the channels is helpful to maintain the channel patency and can promote angiogenesis around the channels, reduce infarct size and improve left ventricular remodeling. It may be a viable approach in the treatment of myocardial infarction. Xiong L, Huang J, Zhou DY, Guo R.Transmyocardial high-pressure injection revascularization combined with thermo-sensitive chitosan hydrogel effects on channels. Zhongguo Zuzhi Gongcheng Yanjiu yu Linchuang Kangfu. 2010;14(12): 2132-2136. [] u{ÿ ² ž~ Œ oä o ¾ o ž² ý² ³ Œ À ³n Áü v ÂÍo q n rq: Îï Šü ³¼ µ Š ÄŒ ³q xö o gqž~ mö q n : Injex ¾ ² ³ýÍ Îï n Š r r βm w ¾ ˆ j d q Í Š ÄŒ Ÿ yg 24 ùã Ég 3 ê Í Øýr ºŒ + ÄŒ Š ÄŒp x Ð ŸÎï ² 8~10 f(1 /cm 2 ) n}ƒ zmkr prüµƒÿ 6 ýÿž Ù ~ ž~ Åz Ÿ ³³n À hh Œñ m À ~ Œñ ý 6 ³ µé ¹Á + ÄŒ ³v Á, r 100~300 μm,µé ¼qä ê ± + ÄŒ ²o çž~ m d + ÄŒ o Åz z o xîï Šü ³¼ Š Ä Œ µ Ùp ³q³n Œ ² ³ ž~ m Åz º q n o q yùÿq ºÀ Îï ³ Š ÄŒ ž~ m doi:10.3969/j.issn.1673-8225.2010.12.011 d Ø e µt.îï ö ³¼ µ Š ÄŒ ³q [J].f zu{ g 2010 14(12):2132-2136. [] 2132

d }. Îï ö ³¼ µ Š ÄŒ ³q 0 q¾gùœv ¾gÙŒ g q ž² o ž ofö o q n ¾ ž~o ²ey o Ío ÂÍ [1-3] u{ÿ ž² (transmyocardial laser revascularization, TMLR) g È oè oq y ù oä o ¾ o [4-10] np ³ rmq nxö ³¼Œñ m ˆ ³ u ¼ pá  Ío q n [11] Í nqîï y ºÌ nî³ qñk ž r 1.2 mmq² ³ ³ n qü Œý ³¼ ù  qmg ³²mg ³q n º u ¼ mq Œñ µ Á d qmg ù ¼ ¹Â v ˆ ³ È qð Ùg Í ~Ž º ùÿ Í ² q o n à dùg Í Âö Íp200902/10 çy ÍÙgf ç zu{ Ÿ yg24ù ÄÄ Â ƒ«9~12 kg çy Ùgf ( ù úscxk( )2007-01) Ͳzf Ùg ˆ}ü2006 y µö qºp ÍÙgq [12] g Ï Ï Š r r mgä ¹ú βm w ¾ Sigma¹ú ˆ j m mg z ¹ú à t VWF Dako ¹ú SP o ä äsf mg Ïr ¹ú Í ¾ q Í Injex ¾ ( Rösch AG Medizintechnik¹ú) ² ³ ýí Îï 1 a: DOA collagenous fiber staining b: SDS collagenous fiber staining A B1 B2 B3 B4 C A: ampoule; B1B4: different dynamic spring; C: ejector Figure 1 High-pressure injection system 1 Îï npñ Injex ¾ q Ù r ± (0.172 mm), ŸÎï ƒùx{²gyƒ Œ Ð ² ý ¼ d q ³r ± ( 0.6 mm) Ø oûœ± q g Ù ü o r ²Ÿgyƒö ƒ Œ Í öj r g 0.5 mm ³ g58 m/s(b3 ) Œ 80 μl Š ÄŒÉ8~10 Ð ¼ r 1.2 mmq² ³ Š ÄŒqÍ õd Hoemann} [13] Í Š ÄŒq g n3y ƒ É A g 400 mg Š r r(œj 83% äg ÿ 18.61%) p8 ml Ë Í 5% q,îï20 min B g230 mg βm w ¾ p2 ml Ë Í 11.5%q C g62.5 mgˆ j p2.5 ml Ë Í 2.5%q B C ² à 8 ml A 2 ml B 2.5 mlc À fµé â,n ³ýq m 80 μl ü ºˆp37 ~ f 30 min Ø ŒÁg ÄŒ ÍÉ 24ù Ígà Ég3 ê Îï ( ) Îï + Š ÄŒ µ ( + ÄŒ ) 8ù Í Ã ² g z«30 g/l ¾ Ø (1 ml/kg) Ùg ì Œ ~ ~ ±Ù p Ð Œ}4 ÂÉ q ² È Éy Ó }5 Î ŸÓ â Å Œ p} x 1 cm Þ{ œ Þ 400010 ù 1984 t Þ{ Þ x ¾ ñ Ôd 604080761@ ¹ Ò Þ{ œ Þ 400010 huangjing_9901 cn f É ú:r318 h u:b ú:1673-8225 (2010)12-02132-05 2009-12-24 º 2010-01-26 (20091224014/W Q) 2133

Рý Ð È Ùà n xst Î gí Ø Îï ² ê Í Øýr ºŒ + ÄŒ 80 μl Ø ŒÁgq Š ÄŒp x Ð ŸÎ ï ² 8~10f(1 /cm 2 ) n m }ƒzmkr prüµƒÿîï ² 8~10f(1 /cm 2 ) ý ü â ² ºŒ ÍÙg jz ý Ç ~ ~ Ê»6 ý5 d² ÅÄ 200 U/d ž Ù 6 ý Ø ÉyúÈ ÙŒ ² ~Ž,² m k y i(hr) ï(lvedp) ï(lvsp) ¼ï é³i(+dp/dt max ) ¼ï ³i(-dp/dt max ) Åz ~ õdfreyman} [14] ~ Åz q ² KCl ÈÙŒ Ùg Ç Œ ŸÑ Œ Éy qç ²Ó ÉÌz«x «/ «100% g ÅzqÉ ÉfÍ É ÿ ³q¹ (x ³g f r 0.5~1.0 cm) 40 g/l Šn Œ uœâ ³ Ÿ ýí Éf Ÿ hh vwf o ä ù µé ³Ÿ nà vwf o ä ž~ ž~¼q Œ vwf o ä ý 400 À à ² 5f f ¼ p p20 μmq ž~éì ígüžq g 6 ýÿž Ù, ~ ž ~ Åz Ÿ n À ³³n À hh Œñ m À ~ Œñ g} g}p ² ˆnr É nspss 10.0 ±zé «Í xx _ ±sÿx ü iâ ± nê É q f ee ± ee ± nq Í P < 0.05g i 2.1 ð 24ùg Í ²z fê r3ù r2ù + ÄŒ r1ù º18ùÙg² É 2.2 ö î ÆgΫê üž Ù i(p > 0.05) 2134 d }. Îï ö ³¼ µ Š ÄŒ ³q ê ± + Ä Œ ï  ¼ï ³iéÎ i(p < 0.05) Ÿ1 Ÿ 1 ý 6 ü ž Ù ± Table 1 Comparison of hemodynamics at 6 weeks after surgery Group SMI (n = 5) TMIR (n = 6) TMIR+ chitosan (n=7) Heart rate (beat/min) 152.50±21.67 151.40±17.99 149.75±18.46 LVSP(kPa) 18.39±0.87 18.72±0.91 19.56±1.02 LVEDP(kPa) 1.96±0.17 1.89±0.16 1.59±0.20 ab +dp/dt max (kpa/s) 108.58±3.72 109.76±3.28 111.38±3.56 dp/dt max (kpa/s) 102.36±2.15 104.46±1.99 108.64±2.46 ab LVSP: left ventricular systolic pressure; LVEDP: left ventricular end diastolic pressure; +dp/dt max and dp/dt max : maximum rate of intraventricular pressure rise; TMIR: transmyocardial high-pressure injection revascularization; SMI: simple myocardial infarction; a P < 0.05, vs. SMI group; b P < 0.05, vs. TMIR group 2.3 à k ã ý6 ³ µé ¹Á + ÄŒ ³ Á r 100~300 μm dµé ¼qä 2 a: Haematoxylin-eosin staining ( 400) c: Endothelial cells along the channel (Imunostaining for factor vwf, 400) b: Scanning electron microscope image of channel surface ( 250) Endo d: Channel openings in the endocardium (Haematoxylineosin staining, 100) The inner diameter (*) still reached about 250 μm; TMIR: transmyocardial high-pressure injection revascularization Figure 2 Channel patency in TMIR+chitosan group 2 Îï + Š ÄŒ µ ³³n À 2.4 ¾  ê Åz i(p > 0.05) ê ± + ÄŒ Åz (P < 0.05) p20 μmq ž~ ü  i(p > 0.05) ê ± + ÄŒ p20 μmq ž~ Ø dý Ø g ü  P.O. Box 1200, Shenyang 110004 * Epi

d }. Îï ö ³¼ µ Š ÄŒ ³q i(p < 0.05) Ÿ2 3 Ÿ 2 ü Åz ëqé ž~ Table 2 Percentage of infarction size and capillary counting in each group Group n Infarcttion size Capillary Capillary percentage (%) (< 20 μm) (> 20 μm) SMI 5 29.34±2.39 94.80±10.35 6.20±1.04 TMIR 6 28.89±2.08 98.83±9.20 9.19±1.22 b TMIR+chitosan 7 25.73±2.17 ac 104.20±8.17 13.19±1.57 bd a: SMI group b: TMIR group simple myocardial infarction; a P < 0.05, b P < 0.01, vs. SMI group; c P < 0.05, d P < 0.01 vs. TMIR group c: TMIR +chitosan group simple myocardial infarction a: SMI group b: TMIR group Figure 4 Sirius red staining of the infarct border zone( 100) 4 rnç hh ( 100) 2.6 Þ Ê ¾ h + ÄŒ g Ͳz r1ù Ò 7ù Š ÄŒýÇj ö 4~6 ýž ²  ºw ö c: TMIR +chitosan group simple myocardial infarction Figure 3 Neovessels in infarct myocardial tissues (Immunostaining for factor vwf, 400) 3 fq mž~ (vwf o ä 400) 2.5 Ê À c Ê À ù ŒñŸ ŒñŸ ê ± + ÄŒ Œñ m à (P < 0.05) Œñ  ƒ(p < 0.01 Ÿ3 4 Ÿ 3 ü Œñ ± Table 3 Comparison of and collagen in each group Group n collagen (%) collagen (%) / SMI 5 10.28±2.50 1.99±0.47 5.24±1.18 TMIR 6 8.58±1.78 2.18±0.55 4.06±1.02 TMIR+chitosan 7 5.11±2.19 a 2.35±0.78 2.14±0.58 bc simple myocardial infarction; a P < 0.05, b P < 0.01, vs. SMI group; c P < 0.05, vs. TMIR group ³²ÎØi ä rm ³ ²zfrmqÎ ˆ~ ä o öä v ŽmÀ ŒŸÅ ƒ z ýož q ö¼ q Œý q²z ²z f rm, q ~³ ² ý mà q ² ú~ Œ²z ű º~Û [15] np ²zr v Í rð p Íu { ² q ³µŸ ÁÈ [16-22] y g q x j ³q ÍŸ g yù Š Ä Œº q Ù ù mg r r Ð npq Î ±Î Œ x xöž~ } zè [23-26] ͳ²Îï ² Š ÄŒ Í ³¼, öj ý6 Š ÄŒ ¹µ  ³ ³n µé ³ r³ r 100~300 μm dµé ³ ¼qä ² 2135

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