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申請資格 香港海洋公園暨蘋果日報慈善基金 遊樂日 ( 第二期 ) 參加者必須為本港低收入家庭成員, 任何年齡均可 申請必須透過非牟利機構或慈善團體 ( 下 稱 機構 ) 遞交予蘋果日報慈善基金 ( 下稱 本基金 ) 每人只可參加此計劃一次 低收入家庭定義為該人或家庭成員現正領取至少一項以下津助 : 1. 綜合社會保障援助 ( 綜援 ) 計劃 2. 學校書簿津貼計劃 3. 低收入在職家庭津貼計劃 4. 為低收入家庭護老者提供生活津貼試驗計劃第二期 5. 非政府機構營辦之短期食物援助服務計劃 6. 蘋果日報慈善基金 申請手續 可申請參觀日期 : 1. 2017 年 9 月 1 日至 9 月 30 日 2. 2017 年 11 月 1 日至 11 月 30 日 3. 2017 年 12 月 1 日至 12 月 22 日 不接受 2017 年 10 月 1 日至 10 月 31 日及 2017 年 12 月 23 日至 12 月 31 日之申請 每日之參觀名額有限, 先到先得 申請截止日期 :2017 年 7 月 28 日 請將填妥的表格傳真至本基金 (852) 2307-6307 如獲批參觀日期為 9 月份內日期, 申請機構必須於 2017 年 8 月 15 日或之前提交參加者名單 如獲批參觀日期為 11 月份內日期, 申請機構必須於 2017 年 10 月 15 日或之前提交參加者名單 如獲批參觀日期為 12 月份內日期, 申請機構必須於 2017 年 11 月 15 日或之前提交參加者名單 每次申請同日參觀人數最少 20 人及星期一至六上限為 200 人 ; 星期日上限為 150 人 同行之 3 歲以下小童及持香港身份證明文件之 65 歲或以上本港居民均計算在內 同行之 3 歲以下小童 將不獲發門票 若申請多於一個參觀日期, 請另交表格 每間機構申請次數不限, 惟未曾受惠於本計劃之機構優先 表格須附有機構負責人簽名及機構印章方為有效 交通安排 本基金不會作任何交通安排 申請機構需自行前往本園 膳食安排 入場人士均不可攜帶食物及飲品進入本園

申請機構可根據實際需要及自行下載 海洋公園福利機構及學校團體膳食優惠套餐訂購表格, 把填妥的訂購表格直接傳真至海洋公園 (852) 2562-1500 或電郵至 完成訂購程序 ( 由機構自行支付有關費用 ) 條款及細則 1. 申請機構所得之門票不得轉售 2. 參觀名額不得轉讓或兌換現金 3. 此計劃只適用於低收入家庭成員, 申請機構必須核實所有參加者均符合上述低收入家庭定義, 並且未曾受惠於本計劃 4. 申請機構必須於指定日期或之前提供參加者及帶隊者名單, 而使用此計劃入場票的參加者及帶隊者必須與此名單相符, 並遵守表格上列明之規則 任何更改須於 7 天前以書面通知本基金 5. 若所選參觀日期名額已滿, 本基金有權代為安排其他日期或取消其申請 6. 每 20 名參加者可獲贈券一張, 供隨團之帶隊者使用 其他工作人員或義工需自行安排購買海洋公園入場券 交通及膳食 帶隊者必須為申請機構職員或義工 7. 申請機構職員或義工不得使用參加者贈券進場, 反之亦然 8. 入場票只限於指定日期的日間使用 所有參加者及帶隊者必須整團一同進園 而個別遲到的參加者, 均不接受處理 申請一經批核, 已確定的參觀日期不得更改 9. 任何人士於入場後須遵守海洋公園入口處所示之公園的所有附例及安全規則 10. 海洋公園保留此計劃申請條款更改及批核之最終決定權 11. 海洋公園有權查核持本計劃入場票進場人士之身份證明文件 參加者請攜帶香港身分證或出生證明書或長者卡以便核對 12. 收集個人資料聲明 : 申請人須於申請表上提供申請人的全名 帶隊者的全名及其聯絡電話 遊樂日所有參加者或其監護人姓名 ( 如適用 ) 的全名及身分證首 4 位數字以作活動申請 參加者身份核對及記錄用 本基金及海洋公園將採取所有切實可行步驟將申請表及參加者聲明上的個人資料保密, 並只用於是次活動申請 申請表及參加者聲明上的個人資料將於活動後一年內銷毀 若申請人或參加者選擇不提供本申請表或參加者聲明上必須填寫的資料, 本基金及海洋公園會保留權利不處理其申請 所有已收集的個人資料只用於是次活動申請, 並會根據海洋公園個人資料私隱政策處理所有個人資料 有關海洋公園個人資料私隱政策, 可參閱海洋公園網頁 查詢請致電 2990 8688/ 傳真 2307 6307/ 電郵 與本基金同工謝先生聯絡

Ocean Park Hong Kong & Apple Daily Charitable Foundation Fun Day Programme (Phase 2) Eligibility Criteria Local low-income family members from all ages are eligible to participate in the Fun Day. Applications much be submitted through appointed welfare organizations or non-profit-making organizations. Each person can enjoy the Fun Day once only. Low-income family members must be the recipient of at least one of the following: 1. Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) Scheme 2. School Textbook Assistance Scheme 3. Low-income Working Family Allowance Scheme 4. Pilot Scheme on Living Allowance for Carers of the Elderly Persons from Low Income Families Phase II 5. Short-term food assistance service projects run by Non-Governmental Organizations 6. Apple Daily Charitable Foundation How to Apply Application of event period: 1. 1/9/017-30/9/2017 2. 1/11/2017-30/11/2017 3. 1/12/2017-22/12/2017 Applications of 1/10/2017 to 31/10/2017 and 23/12/2017 to 31/12/2017 are not acceptable. Due to limited capacity, applications are on first-come-first served basis. Application deadline: 28/7/2017 The completed application form shall be faxed to Apple Daily Charitable Foundation at (852) 2307-6307. If the approved event date is in 9/2017, Participant name list shall be provided on or before 15/8/2017. If the approved event date is in 10/2017, Participant name list shall be provided on or before 15/10/2017. If the approved event date is in 12/2017, Participant name list shall be provided on or before 15/11/2017. Each application should have a minimum of 20 participants and a maximum capacity for each day is 200 participants; maximum capacity for Sundays is 150 participants. Children under 3 years old or senior citizens aged 65 or above with Hong Kong Identity Card are also included in this quota. No ticket will be issued to children under 3 years old. Please submit one application for each event date. Each organization can submit more than one application, however, priority will be given to those has

not enjoyed the Fun Day previously. The organization officer in-charge must endorse the application with a signature and valid organization stamp. Transportation No transportation will be provided. Organizations should pay their transportation fees by themselves. Catering No food or drinks are allowed to be brought into Ocean Park. Organizations may be based on actual needs and download and fill in the Ocean Park Welfare Organizations and School Groups Meal Package Order Form. and fax to Ocean Park (852) 2562-1500 or email to (Organizations should pay by themselves.) Terms & Conditions 1. The tickets got by the organization cannot be sold. 2. This sponsorship is non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash. 3. This Fun Day Programme is for low-income families only. The organization must screen and confirm all participants that they have fulfilled the low-income family criteria. 4. The organization must provide participant list and coordinator name list on or before the specified dates. Tickets issued will be strictly in accordance with information provided in the application form. Any Change can only be accepted with 7 days advance notice in writing to Apple Daily Charitable Foundation. 5. If the selected date is full, alternate visit date will be assigned by Apple Daily Charitable Foundation or Apple Daily Charitable Foundation has the right to cancel the application. 6. One complimentary admission ticket will be issued for coordinator for every 20 low income family member participants. Additional coordinators or volunteers will be responsible for their own admission, meal and transportation. The coordinators or volunteers must be staff or volunteers registered with the appointed organization. 7. Coordinators or volunteers cannot use participant s ticket and vice versa. 8. Tickets are only valid on the designated date. All participants and coordinators or volunteers must enter Ocean Park in a group. Individual late comer will not be entertained. The visit date cannot be changed after confirmation. 9. All participants must comply with all the Ocean Park s bylaws and safety rules, which are available at the entrance of Ocean Park. 10. Ocean Park has the final decision on the application procedure and approval. 11. Ocean Park reserves the right to check the entrants identity. Participants should bring along their Hong Kong Identity Card / Birth Certificate or Senior Citizen Card for verification purpose. 12. Personal Information Collection Statement: Applicant shall provide his/her full name, coordinator s name, coordinator s contact number and

all Fun Day participants or his/her Parents / Guardian s name (if applicable) full name and the first 4 digits of their HKID on the application form for processing the Fun Day application, identity verification and the Park s record. Apple Daily Charitable Foundation and Ocean Park will take all practicable steps to keep the personal data provided on the application form and participant declaration form confidential, and shall apply such data for the purposes set out in the application form only. The personal data of any applicant and participant will be destroyed within 12 months from the data of his/her visit. In case the applicant or participant chooses not to provide any of the mandatory personal data required in the application form and participant declaration form, Apple Daily Charitable Foundation and Ocean Park reserve the right not to process the application. All the collected personal data will be used solely for the purpose of applying to Fun Day and will be handled in accordance with Ocean Park Privacy Policy. More information about Ocean Park Privacy Policy is available on Ocean Park website at Inquiry Please call 29908688 / fax 23076307 / email to to contact Mr. Tse, staff of Apple Daily Charitable Foundation.

致 : 蘋果日報慈善基金 / 傳真號碼 :2307 6307 To: Apple Daily Charitable Foundation / Fax: 2307 6307 香港海洋公園暨蘋果日報慈善基金遊樂日 ( 第二期 ) 申請表 Ocean Park Hong Kong & Apple Daily Charitable Foundation Fun Day Programme (Phase 2) - Application Form 機構名稱 ( 中文 ): Organization Name: 地址 Address: 申請人 Applicant: 機構電話 Tel No.: 手提電話 Mobile No.: 傳真號碼 Fax No.: 參觀日期 Visit Date: 首選 1st Choice: 次選 2nd Choice: 到達時間 Arrival Time: 帶隊者 Contact Person: 聯絡電話 Contact No.: 低收入家庭成員人數 No. of Low-income Family Members: 帶隊者 / 義工 ( 贈券數目 *)No. of Coordinator/Volunteer (Complimentary ticket*): 參觀總人數 Total No. of Participants: * 每 20 名參加者可獲贈帶隊者入場券一張 One complimentary ticket will be provided for coordinator/volunteer for 20 participants 本人為機構負責人, 同意是次申請的所有條款及細則及確認所有參加者 ( 帶隊者及義工除外 ) 皆 符合此計劃的申請資格 I, the Officer in charge, acknowledge and agree to all terms and conditions of the application, and declare that all the participants (except the coordinators or volunteers) fulfill the eligibility criteria. 本人確定所有提供的資料全部屬實, 本人明白如蘋果日報慈善基金或海洋公園發現任何失實申 請, 公園有權保留追究責任, 並向申請機構追討入場門票費用及其他相關開支 I declare that all information given is true and correct. I acknowledge that Apple Daily Charitable Foundation and Ocean Park reserves the right to claim the applying organization the full costs of admission tickets and other related expenses of the ineligible applicants upon identifying any dishonest applications. 本人明白海洋公園有權要求參加者於參觀日出示能核實該參加者符合申請資格的相關證明文 件 I acknowledge that Ocean Park has the right to require the participants to present supporting document to prove their eligibility. 本人確知香港海洋公園擁有本申請之最後決定權 I acknowledge that Ocean Park may, at its sole discretion, reject or accept this application.

本人亦已閱讀海洋公園的收集個人資料聲明並同意蘋果日報慈善基金及海洋公園使用表格上提供的資料作活動申請之用 I read Ocean Park's Personal Information Collection Statement and agreed Apple Daily Charitable Foundation and Ocean Park to use the personal data provided on the form for processing the Fun Day application. 申請機構所得之門票不得轉售 The tickets got by the organization cannot be sold. 參觀名額不得轉讓或兌換現金 This sponsorship is non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash. 機構負責人簽署 : Signature of Officer in charge: 機構負責人姓名 Name: ( 請以正楷填寫 In Block Letters) 職位 / 階級 Position / Rank: ( 請以正楷填寫 In Block Letters) 日期 Date: 機構印章 Organization Stamp

致 : 蘋果日報慈善基金 / 傳真號碼 :2307 6307 To: Apple Daily Charitable Foundation / Fax: 2307 6307 香港海洋公園暨蘋果日報慈善基金遊樂日 ( 第二期 ) 參加者名單 Ocean Park & Apple Daily Charitable Foundation Fun Day Programme (Phase 2) - Participant List 機構名稱 Organization Name: 參觀日期 Visit Date: 帶隊者 / 義工及參加者中 / 英文全名, 必須與香港身分證相同 ( 以正楷填寫 ) Coordinator/Volunteer and Participants Chinese / English Full Name, same as in HKID card (In Block Letters) 帶隊者 / 義工 Coordinator / Volunteer 參加者 Participants 申請編號 Application Number: 0-2 歲小童 ( 是 / 否 ) Child (aged 0-2) (Y/N) 香港身份證首 4 位數字 ( 如 :A321) The first 4 digits of HKID (Eg.: A321) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 註 : 提供的資料只供本計劃之用, 絕對保密 資料將於活動一年後全部銷毀 3 歲以下小童將不獲發門票 Remarks: All information provided will be used solely for the purpose of applying to the Ocean Park x Apple Daily Charitable Foundation Fun Day Programme and will be kept confidential. The information will be destroyed one year after the programme. No ticket will be issued to children under 3 years old. 本人為機構負責人, 確認所有參加者 ( 帶隊者及義工除外 ) 皆符合此計劃的申請資格 I, the Officer in charge, declare that all the participants (except the coordinator or volunteer) fulfill the eligibility criteria. 機構負責人簽署 : Signature of Officer in charge: 機構負責人姓名 Name: ( 請以正楷填寫 In Block Letters) 日期 Date: 機構印章 Organization Stamp 申請機構所得之門票不得轉售 The tickets got by the organization cannot be sold. 參觀名額不得轉讓或兌換現金 This sponsorship is non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash.