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JEWELS AND JADEITE Wednesday 14 March 2018

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501 A GROUP OF GEM-SET AND DIAMOND NOVELTY PENDANTS Modelled as dancers dressed in national ethnic costumes, set with multi-coloured circular-cut sapphires, accented by similarly cut tsavorite garnets and brilliant-cut diamonds, sapphires approx. 4.45cts total, lengths 3.5-3.1cm (5) HK$20,000-30,000 US$2,600-3,800 NO RESERVE 不設底價 一組五件彩色寶石配鑽石吊墜 502 A DIAMOND RING Of bombé design, set with brilliant-cut black diamonds and diamonds, some of cognac tint, diamonds approx. 4.50cts total, ring size 7½ HK$5,000-8,000 US$640-1,000 NO RESERVE 不設底價 鑽石戒指 503 A CULTURED PEARL AND SAPPHIRE NECKLACE The bib necklace set with round cultured pearls, measuring 6.7-6.5mm, accented by circular-cut sapphires of various hues and briolette-cut sapphires of similar colours, sapphires approx. 4.60cts total, length 42.5cm HK$8,000-12,000 US$1,000-1,500 NO RESERVE 不設底價 505 A CULTURED PEARL AND SAPPHIRE NECKLACE Composed of eight off-round cultured pearls, measuring 12.1-11.2mm, between oval and pear-shaped sapphire accents of various hues, completed by a double trace-link chain, sapphires approx. 13.80cts total, length 105.0cm HK$15,000-25,000 US$1,900-3,200 NO RESERVE 不設底價 養殖珍珠配彩色剛玉項鏈 506 A DIAMOND RING AND A GEM-SET RING Each circle set with brilliant-cut diamonds throughout; the bombé ring, pavé-set with circular-cut pink sapphires and citrines, accented by similarly cut tsavorite garnets, diamonds approx. 2.20cts total, sapphires approx. 3.80cts total, ring sizes 6 and 5½ (2) HK$10,000-15,000 US$1,300-1,900 鑽石戒指及彩色寶石戒指 507 A DIAMOND BANGLE The sprung bangle set with dragonfly terminals, accented by brilliantcut diamonds, inner circumference 17.2cm HK$8,000-12,000 US$1,000-1,500 NO RESERVE 不設底價 鑽石手鐲 養殖珍珠配彩色剛玉項鏈 504 A GEM-SET AND DIAMOND RING The rectangular-cut citrine, within an openwork brilliant-cut diamond surround, accented by briolette-cut citrines, diamonds approx. 1.00ct total, citrines approx. 24.20cts total, ring size 6 HK$8,000-12,000 US$1,000-1,500 黃水晶配鑽石戒指 4 BONHAMS

502 501 503 504 505 506 507 JEWELS AND JADEITE 5

508 A PAIR OF GEM-SET AND DIAMOND PENDENT EARRINGS, AND A DIAMOND PENDANT NECKLACE, BY UNOAERRE Each earring terminal set with circular-cut rubies, sapphires and emeralds, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds; pendant accented by similarly cut diamonds, completed by a beaded-chain, signed, lengths: earring 4.5cm, pendant 4.0cm, necklace 50.5cm (2) HK$9,000-12,000 US$1,200-1,500 彩色寶石配鑽石耳環及鑽石吊墜項鏈, Unoaerre 509 A COLOURED DIAMOND AND DIAMOND NECKLACE The oval-cut diamond of yellow tint, between tapered baguettecut diamonds, accented by marquise and brilliant-cut diamonds, completed by a belcher-link chain, diamonds approx. 5.50cts total, length 45.2cm HK$35,000-55,000 US$4,500-7,000 彩色鑽石配鑽石項鏈 510 A PAIR OF CULTURED PEARL, GEM-SET AND DIAMOND PENDENT EARRINGS, BY CRISTOFOL Each drop-shaped cultured pearl measuring 10.9 x 10.2mm, surmounted by a round cultured pearl measuring 9.8mm, circular-cut pink sapphires and brilliant-cut diamonds, accented by two cabochon emeralds, drops detachable, unsigned, maker s marks, French assay marks, length 4.2cm HK$38,000-45,000 US$4,900-5,800 養殖珍珠配粉紅色剛玉及鑽石耳環,Cristofol 511 A DIAMOND BANGLE The sprung bangle designed with two terminal spheres, set throughout with brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 2.95cts total, inner circumference 14.4cm 513 A KUNZITE AND DIAMOND RING The lozenge-shaped kunzite, between old brilliant-cut diamond shoulders, kunzite approx. 52.00cts, ring size 7½ HK$15,000-20,000 US$1,900-2,600 鋰輝石配鑽石戒指 514 A TOURMALINE AND DIAMOND BRACELET The articulated bracelet set throughout with vari-cut tourmalines of multi-colour tints, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 3.25cts total, tourmalines approx. 87.75cts total, length 15.8cm HK$85,000-120,000 US$11,000-15,000 彩色碧璽配鑽石手鏈 515 A COLOURED DIAMOND AND DIAMOND BRACELET AND EARRING SUITE The bracelet set with vari-cut diamonds, some of yellow and cognac tints; the pair of pendent earrings en suite, diamonds approx. 3.55cts total, lengths: bracelet 18.5cm, earring 3.3cm (2) HK$17,000-25,000 US$2,200-3,200 鑽石手鏈及耳環套裝 516 A DIAMOND RING AND A SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND RING Of geometric design, the ring set with brilliant-cut diamonds; the ovalcut sapphire ring, accented by calibré-cut sapphires and brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 1.50cts total, ring sizes 5¾ and 7 (2) HK$8,000-12,000 US$1,000-1,500 鑽石戒指及藍寶石配鑽石戒指 HK$28,000-31,000 US$3,600-4,000 鑽石手鐲 512 A COLOURED DIAMOND AND DIAMOND BRACELET Designed as a line of floral motifs set with brilliant-cut diamonds of pink tint, alternated by baguette-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 3.75cts total, length 17.6cm HK$50,000-54,000 US$6,400-6,900 彩色鑽石配鑽石手鏈 6 BONHAMS

509 508 511 510 512 513 514 515 516 JEWELS AND JADEITE 7

517 Y A CONCH PEARL AND DIAMOND PENDANT The central baroque-shaped conch pearl, accented by old brilliant-cut diamonds, with suspending a drop-shaped conch pearl, diamonds approx. 2.15cts total, length 6.0cm HK$25,000-35,000 US$3,200-4,500 NO RESERVE 不設底價 海螺珠配鑽石吊墜 518 A DIAMOND THREE-STONE RING Three brilliant-cut diamonds, set within a similarly cut diamond frame, diamonds approx. 2.10cts total, ring size 7¼ HK$28,000-38,000 US$3,600-4,900 鑽石戒指 519 AN EARLY TWENTIETH CENTURY CULTURED PEARL AND DIAMOND BROOCH, CIRCA 1910 Designed as a stylised bow, set with a round cultured pearl, accented by old brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 5.20cts total, length 4.8cm HK$28,000-38,000 US$3,600-4,900 二十世紀早期養殖珍珠配鑽石別針, 約 1910 年代 520 A PAIR OF DIAMOND NOVELTY EARRINGS Each shell set throughout with brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 2.60cts total, length 1.9cm HK$13,000-18,000 US$1,700-2,300 鑽石耳環 521 AN EARLY TWENTIETH CENTURY RUBY AND DIAMOND RING Set with an oval and two pear-shaped rubies, accented by single-cut diamonds, rubies approx. 2.50cts total, composite, ring size 7½ HK$38,000-48,000 US$4,900-6,100 Accompanied by a GIA report stating that the selected natural ruby is of GIA pigeon s blood vivid red colour, has no indications of thermal treatment and originates from Burma (Myanmar). 二十世紀早期天然無經加熱處理緬甸 鴿血紅 紅寶石配鑽石戒指, 附 GIA 證書 522 A DIAMOND RING Set with five Asscher-cut diamonds, within a baguette and tapered baguette-cut diamond frame, diamonds approx. 1.55cts total, ring size 6½ 523 AN EARLY TWENTIETH CENTURY DIAMOND AND GEM-SET NOVELTY BROOCH, CIRCA 1900 Modelled as a bird, set with old brilliant-cut diamonds, highlighted by a cabochon pink sapphire, diamonds approx. 1.40cts total, length 4.0cm HK$16,000-30,000 US$2,000-3,800 二十世紀早期鑽石配彩色寶石 雀鳥 別針, 約 1900 年代 524 A DEMANTOID GARNET AND DIAMOND RING The cushion-shaped demantoid garnet, set between tapered baguette-cut diamond shoulders, ring size 7¼ HK$12,000-18,000 US$1,500-2,300 翠榴石配鑽石戒指 525 A RUBY AND DIAMOND RING An oval-cut ruby weighing 1.18cts, set in an openwork band, accented by old brilliant-cut diamonds, one small diamond deficient, ring size 6 HK$12,000-18,000 US$1,500-2,300 Accompanied by a GRS report stating that the natural ruby has no indications of thermal treatment and originates from Burma (Myanmar). 1.18 克拉天然無經加熱處理緬甸紅寶石配鑽石戒指, 附 GRS 證書 526 AN EMERALD, SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND BRACELET The thirteen oval-cut emeralds set within brilliant-cut diamond surrounds, the background set with circular-cut sapphires and pink sapphires, accented by similar and rose-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 14.85cts total, emeralds approx. 10.25cts total, sapphires approx. 18.90cts total, length 18.2cm HK$140,000-200,000 US$18,000-26,000 祖母綠配彩色剛玉及鑽石手鏈 527 A LADIES DIAMOND WRISTWATCH, BY GIRARD PERREGAUX, CIRCA 1940 The round cream dial, baton hour markers, silvered hands, case and lugs set with brilliant-cut diamonds, to a brick-link bracelet, mechanical movement, dial signed, numbered, length 14.6cm HK$4,500-5,000 US$580-640 鑽石女裝腕錶, 芝柏, 約 1940 年代 HK$20,000-30,000 US$2,600-3,800 鑽石戒指 8 BONHAMS

518 521 517 519 520 522 523 524 517 526 525 527 JEWELS AND JADEITE 9

528 A PAIR OF DIAMOND PENDANT NECKLACES The pendants each modelled as a wine bottle and a burgundy glass, accented by brilliant-cut black diamonds and diamonds, some of cognac tint, both completed by a trace-link chain, diamonds approx. 4.60cts total, pendant lengths: 3.5cm and 1.9cm, chain lengths: 45.5cm (2) HK$18,000-26,000 US$2,300-3,300 NO RESERVE 不設底價 鑽石吊墜項鏈一對 529 A DIAMOND NECKLACE AND EARRING ASTRALE SUITE, BY BULGARI The necklace with suspending brilliant-cut diamond concentric circles, completed by a trace-link chain; pair of earrings en suite, diamonds approx. 6.00cts total, signed, numbered, lengths: chain 42.0cm, earring 3.9cm, with original case and pouch (2) HK$50,000-80,000 US$6,400-10,000 鑽石項鏈及耳環 Astrale 套裝, 寶格麗, 附原裝盒及原裝袋 530 A PAIR OF DIAMOND PENDENT EARRINGS Of openwork design, each earring set with brilliant-cut diamonds, accented by rose, pear and marquise-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 4.35cts total, length 5.5cm HK$38,000-48,000 US$4,900-6,100 鑽石耳環 531 A DIAMOND BROOCH The openwork rectangular plaque, set throughout with brilliant-cut diamonds, with three briolette-cut diamonds suspended below, diamonds approx. 2.50cts total, length 4.1cm HK$13,000-18,000 US$1,700-2,300 鑽石別針 532 A CULTURED PEARL AND DIAMOND RING The round cultured pearl, measuring 16.8mm, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, ring size 5¼ HK$12,000-20,000 US$1,500-2,600 養殖珍珠配鑽石戒指 533 A DIAMOND RING Of crossover design, set with baguette and brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 4.25cts total, ring size 7 HK$10,000-15,000 US$1,300-1,900 鑽石戒指 534 A DIAMOND RING Of bombé design, pavé-set with brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 1.00ct total, ring size 6 HK$10,000-15,000 US$1,300-1,900 鑽石戒指 535 A CULTURED PEARL, HEMATITE AND DIAMOND BRACELET Of two strands, one composed of round cultured pearls, measuring 7.9-7.5mm, the other of hematite beads, measuring 7.8-7.5mm. Clasp set with single and baguette-cut diamonds, length 17.2cm HK$6,000-8,000 US$770-1,000 養殖珍珠, 赤鐵礦配鑽石手鏈 536 A COLOURED DIAMOND AND DIAMOND LONGCHAIN Of bezel-set vari-cut diamonds, set at intervals, some of yellow tint, diamonds approx. 8.70cts total, length 96.3cm HK$40,000-50,000 US$5,100-6,400 彩色鑽石配鑽石項鏈 10 BONHAMS

529 528 530 531 533 534 532 535 536 JEWELS AND JADEITE 11

537 A TOURMALINE AND DIAMOND RING The oval-cut pink tourmaline, between brilliant-cut diamond shoulders, tourmaline approx. 8.30cts, ring size 7½ HK$15,000-20,000 US$1,900-2,600 粉紅色碧璽配鑽石戒指 538 A SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND RING The oval-cut padparadscha sapphire, accented by brilliant and baguette-cut diamonds, sapphire approx. 2.10cts, ring size 5½ HK$20,000-30,000 US$2,600-3,800 NO RESERVE 不設底價 帕德瑪剛玉配鑽石戒指 539 A SAPPHIRE NOVELTY BROOCH, BY LAURA MUNDER Designed as a star, set throughout with circular-cut pink sapphires, sapphires approx. 8.00cts total, unsigned, length 5.0cm HK$7,000-10,000 US$900-1,300 粉紅色剛玉別針,Laura Munder 540 A PINK SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND RING, BY FIESSLER Designed as a wide band set with brilliant-cut diamonds and circularcut pink sapphires, diamonds approx. 2.40cts total, sapphires approx. 1.60cts total, unsigned, maker s mark, ring size 6 HK$26,000-33,000 US$3,300-4,200 粉紅色剛玉配鑽石戒指,Fiessler 541 A PINK SAPPHIRE PENDANT NECKLACE, BY FIESSLER The openwork heart-shaped pendant and necklace set throughout with circular-cut pink sapphires, pendant detachable, pink sapphires approx. 7.50cts total, maker s mark, lengths: pendant 2.5cm, necklace 42.2cm HK$32,000-40,000 US$4,100-5,100 粉紅色剛玉吊墜項鏈,Fiessler 542 A SAPPHIRE, TOURMALINE AND DIAMOND NECKLACE, BY SABBADINI The sapphire beads, measuring 9.7 x 5.5mm-8.2 x 4.1mm, between pink tourmaline beads measuring 12.6 x 8.1mm-11.0 x 7.8mm, completed by brilliant-cut diamonds and gold spheres, sapphires approx. 19.60cts total, pink tourmalines approx. 90.20cts total, signed, length 93.0cm HK$46,000-50,000 US$5,900-6,400 543 A PAIR OF SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND EARRINGS Each hoop set throughout with brilliant-cut diamonds, highlighted by triangular-cut pink sapphire florets, diamonds approx. 1.40cts total, pink sapphires approx. 4.20cts total, length 3.2cm HK$13,000-18,000 US$1,700-2,300 粉紅色剛玉配鑽石耳環 544 A RUBY AND DIAMOND BRACELET, BY ENIGMA Each heart-shaped link pavé-set with circular-cut rubies, with alternate brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 1.05cts total, rubies approx. 1.35cts total, signed, length 17.0cm HK$15,000-18,000 US$1,900-2,300 紅寶石配鑽石手鏈,Enigma 545 A SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND RING The rectangular-cut purple-pink sapphire, weighing 5.37cts, within a brilliant-cut diamond frame, accented by vari-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 1.65cts total, ring size 6½ HK$48,000-60,000 US$6,100-7,700 Accompanied by a GRS report stating that the natural sapphire is purple-pink colour, and has no indications of thermal treatment. 5.37 克拉天然無經加熱處理粉紅色剛玉配鑽石戒指, 附 GRS 證書 546 A PAIR OF ENAMEL AND DIAMOND CUFFLINKS AND MATCHING STUDS The round cufflinks and dress studs, each set with purple enamel of guilloché finish, each within a single-cut diamond surround, diamonds approx. 1.40cts total, lengths: cufflink 2.8cm, stud 1.9cm (5) HK$25,000-35,000 US$3,200-4,500 琺瑯配鑽石袖扣及鈕扣 547 A SPINEL AND DIAMOND RING The antique cushion-shaped spinel, weighing 7.00cts, within a brilliantcut diamond surround extending to the bifurcated hoop, diamonds approx. 1.05cts total, ring size 6½ HK$110,000-150,000 US$14,000-19,000 Accompanied by a Lotus report stating that the natural spinel is vivid red colour, has no indications of thermal treatment and originates from Burma (Myanmar). 7.00 克拉天然無經加熱處理緬甸尖晶石配鑽石戒指, 附 Lotus 證書 藍寶石, 粉紅色碧璽配鑽石項鏈,Sabbadini 12 BONHAMS

537 540 538 539 541 544 543 542 545 547 546 JEWELS AND JADEITE 13

548 TWO JADEITE AND DIAMOND PENDANTS The translucent orange-red jadeite plaques, largest measuring 31.6 x 13.7 x 5.5mm, suspended from a jadeite cabochon, one of similar material and the other of bright green colour, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, some of yellow tint, lengths: 4.8cm and 4.2cm (2) HK$20,000-32,000 US$2,600-4,100 NO RESERVE 不設底價 Accompanied by two HKJSL reports stating that the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) have no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石吊墜一對, 各附證書 549 A JADEITE, NEPHRITE, GEM-SET AND DIAMOND NOVELTY PENDANT, BY MARGARET SHEN The translucent carved nephrite flower, surmounted by two highly translucent bright green jadeite plaques, each measuring 5.7 x 2.3 x 1.8mm, accented by a cabochon tourmaline and seed pearls, signed, length 4.5cm HK$4,000-6,000 US$510-770 the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠, 軟玉及彩色寶石配鑽石吊墜,Margaret Shen, 附證書 550 A JADEITE AND DIAMOND BRACELET AND EARRING SUITE The bracelet set with seven light lavender jadeite cabochons, largest measuring 13.1 x 11.3 x 6.9mm, accented by smaller green jadeite cabochons and brilliant-cut diamonds; pair of earrings en suite, the largest jadeite measuring 20.0 x 13.1 x 4.3mm, lengths: bracelet 18.0cm, earring 4.5cm (2) HK$22,000-35,000 US$2,800-4,500 Accompanied by two HKJSL reports stating that the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) have no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石手鏈及耳環套裝, 各附證書 551 A PAIR OF JADEITE AND DIAMOND NOVELTY BROOCHES The conductor and musician duo, each set with a highly translucent jadeite cabochon of bright green colour, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, lengths 2.6cm and 2.1cm (2) HK$18,000-24,000 US$2,300-3,100 the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石 音樂家 別針一對, 附證書 552 A JADEITE AND DIAMOND NOVELTY BROOCH, BY MARGARET SHEN The dragonfly set with a highly translucent bright green jadeite cabochon, measuring 9.1 x 8.0 x 2.9mm, accented by marquise and brilliant-cut diamonds, to yellow jadeite cabochon eyes, diamonds approx. 1.40cts total, signed, length 8.2cm HK$55,000-75,000 US$7,000-9,600 the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石 蜻蜓 別針,Margaret Shen, 附證書 553 A JADEITE, GEM-SET AND DIAMOND PENDANT The translucent lavender jadeite cabochon, measuring 22.1 x 17.4 x 13.2mm, within a brilliant-cut diamond and circular-cut pink sapphire surround, to a similarly set surmount, length 3.8cm HK$35,000-55,000 US$4,500-7,000 NO RESERVE 不設底價 the natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠配彩色寶石及鑽石吊墜 554 A JADEITE, GEM-SET AND DIAMOND NOVELTY BROOCH Of three sparrows watching over a nest of eggs, the seven highly translucent bright green jadeite cabochons, one measuring 7.0 x 5.5 x 2.1mm, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds and circular-cut rubies, diamonds approx. 1.10cts total, width 5.0cm HK$28,000-35,000 US$3,600-4,500 the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠及彩色寶石配鑽石 雛鳥 別針, 附證書 555 THREE JADEITE, DIAMOND AND GEM-SET NOVELTY PENDANTS Each set with translucent jadeite cabochons of bright green colour, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, the fox s eyes highlighted by circular-cut pink sapphires, lengths 4.7cm, 4.1cm and 4.0cm (3) HK$20,000-30,000 US$2,600-3,800 NO RESERVE 不設底價 Accompanied by three HKJSL reports stating that the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) have no resin detected. 一組三件天然翡翠配鑽石及彩色寶石吊墜, 各附證書 14 BONHAMS

549 548 550 551 553 552 543 554 555 JEWELS AND JADEITE 15

556 A JADEITE PENDANT The highly translucent huaigu jadeite of celadon green colour, measuring 30.6 x 6.8 x 4.1mm, length 3.0cm HK$30,000-38,000 US$3,800-4,900 NO RESERVE 不設底價 the natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠 懷古 吊墜, 附證書 557 A JADEITE, RUBY AND DIAMOND NOVELTY BROOCH Modelled as a pair of squirrels climbing over two highly translucent intense emerald green jadeite plaques, each measuring 26.2 x 10.0 x 3.1mm, accented by circular-cut rubies, marquise and brilliant-cut diamonds, some of yellow tint, diamonds approx. 3.40cts total, width 6.1cm HK$98,000-128,000 US$13,000-16,000 the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石 松鼠 別針, 附證書 558 A FINE JADEITE AND DIAMOND RING The translucent jadeite cabochon of lavender colour, measuring 17.5 x 13.4 x 8.5mm, between crescent-shaped diamond shoulders, ring size 6¼ HK$80,000-150,000 US$10,000-15,000 the natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石戒指 16 BONHAMS 559 A JADEITE BANGLE AND PENDENT EARRING SUITE The translucent jadeite bangle of celadon green colour suffused with yellow streaks; each earring with two interlocking translucent jadeite hoops of similar material suspended below, measuring 19.5 x 9.1 x 6.7mm, to a circular-cut ruby and brilliant-cut diamond surmount, the bangle outer, inner diameter and thickness 71.7 x 52.9 x 9.2mm, earring length 4.4cm (2) HK$30,000-36,000 US$3,800-4,600 Accompanied by two HKJSL reports stating that the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) have no resin detected. 天然翡翠手鐲及耳環套裝, 各附證書 560 A PAIR OF JADEITE AND DIAMOND EARRINGS The highly translucent jadeite cabochons of bright green colour, measuring 11.4 x 10.3 x 5.3mm, within a pear and brilliant-cut diamond surround, diamonds approx. 2.10cts total, length 2.0cm HK$30,000-50,000 US$3,800-6,400 NO RESERVE 不設底價 the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石耳環, 附證書 561 A JADEITE AND DIAMOND RING The highly translucent jadeite cabochon of bright green colour, measuring 13.0 x 10.7 x 5.7mm, within a brilliant-cut diamond surround, extending to the half hoop, diamonds approx. 1.60cts total, ring size 6 HK$110,000-170,000 US$14,000-22,000 the natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石戒指, 附證書 562 A PAIR OF JADEITE AND DIAMOND PENDENT EARRINGS Each highly translucent carved intense emerald green jadeite mystic knot, measuring 17.3 x 11.8 x 2.2mm, accented by pear, marquise and brilliant-cut diamonds, drops detachable, diamonds approx. 1.80cts total, length 3.4cm HK$110,000-180,000 US$14,000-23,000 the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石耳環, 附證書 563 A JADEITE, GEM-SET AND DIAMOND NOVELTY BROOCH, BY MARGARET SHEN The bicycle wheels set with translucent intense green jadeite discs, the larger measuring 18.2 x 18.4 x 2.9mm, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds and circular-cut rubies, diamonds approx. 1.30cts total, signed, length 5.0cm HK$20,000-30,000 US$2,600-3,800 the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠配紅寶石及鑽石 單車 別針,Margaret Shen, 附證書 564 A JADEITE AND DIAMOND PENDANT The highly translucent carved intense emerald green jadeite laughing Buddha, measuring 24.5 x 20.2 x 1.2mm, accented by smaller jadeite cabochons of similar material and brilliant-cut diamonds, length 3.1cm HK$48,000-62,000 US$6,100-7,900 the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠 佛公 配鑽石吊墜, 附證書 565 A JADEITE AND DIAMOND BROOCH The foliate brooch composed of highly translucent bright emerald green jadeite plaques, the largest measuring 8.8 x 5.1 x 1.5mm, accented by brilliant and baguette-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 4.25cts total, length 7.0cm HK$30,000-50,000 US$3,800-6,400 the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石別針, 附證書

558 557 556 560 561 559 563 562 565 564 JEWELS AND JADEITE 17

566 A PAIR OF CULTURED PEARL AND DIAMOND PENDENT EARRINGS Of openwork design, each set with an oval golden cultured pearl, measuring 11.5-10.0mm, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, some of yellow tint, diamonds approx. 7.50cts total, length 7.8cm HK$40,000-50,000 US$5,100-6,400 養殖珍珠配鑽石耳環 567 A DIAMOND NECKLACE The three pear-shaped diamonds, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, completed by a flat double-curb link chain, diamonds approx. 2.40cts total, length 41.8cm HK$15,000-20,000 US$1,900-2,600 鑽石項鏈 568 A SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND RING The oval-cut sapphire, weighing 6.22cts, between baguette-cut diamond shoulders, ring size 6¾ HK$8,000-12,000 US$1,000-1,500 NO RESERVE 不設底價 Accompanied by an AGL report stating that the natural sapphire is greyish greenish blue colour and has no indications of heat treatment. 6.22 克拉天然無經加熱處理藍寶石配鑽石戒指, 附 AGL 證書 569 A FIRE OPAL, GEM-SET AND DIAMOND DRESS RING, BY MARCHAK The cabochon fire opal, within a foliate frame set with circular-cut pink sapphires, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, opal approx. 30.00cts, signed, numbered, maker s marks, French assay mark, ring size 6 HK$38,000-46,000 US$4,900-5,900 火焰蛋白石配彩色寶石及鑽石戒指,Marchak 570 A SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND RING The three cabochon star sapphires of yellow tint, graduating in size towards the centre, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, sapphires approx. 17.90cts total, ring size 5½ HK$26,000-35,000 US$3,300-4,500 571 AN OPAL, EMERALD AND DIAMOND RING The cabochon opal, set between calibré-cut emeralds and brilliant-cut diamond shoulders, opal approx. 17.80cts, ring size 7¼ HK$15,000-25,000 US$1,900-3,200 蛋白石配祖母綠及鑽石戒指 572 A CAT S EYE CHRYSOBERYL AND DIAMOND LONGCHAIN The seventeen bezel-set cabochon cat s eye chrysoberyls, accented at intervals by similarly set brilliant and marquise-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 4.20cts total, chrysoberyls approx. 11.10cts total, length 93.3cm HK$20,000-30,000 US$2,600-3,800 金綠貓眼石配鑽石項鏈 573 A COLOURED DIAMOND AND DIAMOND BRACELET Designed as a line of floral motifs set with brilliant-cut diamonds of yellow tint, with alternate baguette-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 5.10cts total, length 17.6cm HK$28,000-32,000 US$3,600-4,100 彩色鑽石配鑽石手鏈 574 Y A CULTURED PEARL, GEM-SET AND DIAMOND NOVELTY PIN, BY MICHELE DELLA VALLE The baroque cultured pearl modelled as a duck, accented by brilliantcut diamonds and circular-cut pink hardstones, with a mother-of-pearl beak, signed, length 4.6cm HK$7,000-9,000 US$900-1,200 NO RESERVE 不設底價 養殖珍珠及彩色寶石配鑽石 小鴨 別針,Michele della Valle 575 A LADIES DIAMOND PANTHÈRE WRISTWATCH, BY CARTIER The beige square dial applied with Roman numerals, case accented by single-cut diamonds to a brick-link bracelet, quartz movement, signed, maker s mark, numbered, inner circumference 15.0cm, extra link 0.8cm, with original case HK$50,000-65,000 US$6,400-8,300 鑽石女裝 獵豹 腕錶, 卡地亞, 附原裝盒 淡黃色星光剛玉配鑽石戒指 18 BONHAMS

567 568 566 570 571 569 573 572 574 575 JEWELS AND JADEITE 19

576 A CULTURED PEARL, RUBY AND DIAMOND NECKLACE AND A RUBY AND DIAMOND RING The button-shaped cultured pearl, measuring 13.9 x 11.8mm; and the articulated rope-twist ring, both set with cabochon rubies, accented by brilliant and single-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 7.25cts total, rubies approx. 13.80cts total, necklace length 38.5cm, ring size 5 (2) HK$10,000-15,000 US$1,300-1,900 養殖珍珠, 紅寶石配鑽石項鏈 ; 及紅寶石配鑽石戒指 577 A PAIR OF CULTURED PEARLS AND GEM-SET EARRINGS The button-shaped cultured pearl surmounts, the larger measuring 12.9 x 9.3mm, suspending three rows set with oval-cut pink sapphires, cabochon colourless and pastel-blue sapphires, and smaller similarly shaped cultured pearls, length 6.0cm HK$15,000-20,000 US$1,900-2,600 Accompanied by a GRS report stating that the selected natural coloured sapphires have no indications of heat treatment. 養殖珍珠配彩色剛玉耳環, 附 GRS 證書 578 A RUBY AND DIAMOND NOVELTY PENDANT NECKLACE, BY CHANTECLER The bell pendant set with circular-cut rubies, completed by a spigalink double chain, all accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, pendant detachable, rubies approx. 1.15cts total, signed, lengths: pendant 2.2cm, chain 40.0cm HK$15,000-20,000 US$1,900-2,600 紅寶石配鑽石吊墜項鏈,Chantecler 579 A PAIR OF DIAMOND EARRINGS, BY CHOPARD Each half-hoop set with two rows of brilliant-cut diamonds, signed, numbered, length 2.0cm HK$12,000-20,000 US$1,500-2,600 鑽石耳環, 萧邦 581 A PAIR OF RUBY AND DIAMOND EARRINGS, BY CHANTECLER Each set with a cushion-shaped ruby, within a pear-shaped diamond surround, diamonds approx. 3.20cts total, rubies approx. 3.05cts total, signed, length 1.7cm HK$50,000-60,000 US$6,400-7,700 Accompanied by a GIA report stating that the selected natural ruby has no indications of heat treatment and originates from Thailand. 天然無經加熱處理泰國紅寶石配鑽石耳環,Chantecler, 附 GIA 證書 582 A GEM-SET AND DIAMOND NECKLACE AND EARRING SUITE The articulated necklace set with cabochon rubies, sapphires and emeralds, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds; the pair of shieldshaped earclips en suite, diamonds approx. 1.30cts total, rubies approx. 12.00cts total, sapphires approx. 12.80cts total, emeralds approx. 5.60cts total, lengths: necklace 42.1cm, earring 2.5cm (2) HK$40,000-50,000 US$5,100-6,400 彩色寶石配鑽石項鏈及耳環套装 583 A PAIR OF RUBY AND DIAMOND EARRINGS Each earring set throughout with calibré-cut rubies and tapered baguette-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 1.90cts total, length 1.2cm HK$16,000-22,000 US$2,000-2,800 紅寶石配鑽石耳環 584 A TOURMALINE AND DIAMOND RING The oval-cut rubellite tourmaline set within a brilliant-cut diamond double surround, tourmaline approx. 12.70cts, detachable to become pendant, ring size 7¼ HK$30,000-50,000 US$3,800-6,400 NO RESERVE 不設底價 紅碧璽配鑽石戒指 / 吊墜 580 A GEM-SET COCO RING, BY CHANEL Of bombé design, the cushion-shaped amethyst, encircled by buff-top peridots and blue topazes surround, signed, numbered, maker s mark, French assay mark, ring size 5¼ HK$10,000-15,000 US$1,300-1,900 彩色寶石 Coco 戒指, 香奈兒 20 BONHAMS

576 577 578 579 580 581 583 582 584 JEWELS AND JADEITE 21

585 A PAIR OF SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND EARRINGS The marquise-cut diamonds of yellow tint, accented by calibré-cut sapphires, with suspending pear-shaped sapphires, diamonds approx. 3.50cts total, sapphires approx. 6.00cts total, length 4.5cm HK$12,000-15,000 US$1,500-1,900 NO RESERVE 不設底價 藍寶石配鑽石耳環 586 A SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND BANGLE, BY ENIGMA The articulated pavé-set circular-cut sapphire bangle, highlighted by opposing brilliant-cut diamond arrowhead motifs, diamonds approx. 3.25cts total, sapphires approx. 10.50cts total, signed, length 15.0cm HK$50,000-55,000 US$6,400-7,000 藍寶石配鑽石手鐲,Enigma 587 A DIAMOND BANGLE AND A PAIR OF CULTURED PEARL AND DIAMOND PENDENT EARRINGS The sprung bangle accented by brilliant-cut diamonds; each earring suspending a round cultured pearl, surmounted by a smaller black cultured pearl and similarly cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 2.30cts total, inner circumference 16.9cm, earring length 5.1cm (2) HK$18,000-22,000 US$2,300-2,800 鑽石手鐲及養殖珍珠配鑽石耳環 588 A GEM-SET AND DIAMOND LONGCHAIN The eighteen bezel-set cabochon moonstones, accented at intervals by similarly set circular-cut sapphires and brilliant-cut diamonds, sapphires approx. 5.20cts total, length 78.8cm HK$20,000-30,000 US$2,600-3,800 彩色寶石配鑽石項鏈 589 A GEM-SET AND DIAMOND RING The rectangular-cut blue topaz, within an openwork brilliant-cut diamond surround, accented by briolette-cut blue topaz, diamonds approx. 1.00ct total, topaz approx. 31.50cts total, ring size 5½ HK$12,000-15,000 US$1,500-1,900 托帕石配鑽石戒指 590 AN AQUAMARINE, SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND RING The step-cut aquamarine, set between calibré-cut sapphires and brilliant-cut diamond shoulders, aquamarine approx. 23.70cts, ring size 7¾ HK$30,000-40,000 US$3,800-5,100 海藍寶石配藍寶石及鑽石戒指 591 A SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND BROOCH The titanium floral brooch set with circular-cut sapphires of various tints, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 1.00ct total, length 5.7cm HK$30,000-40,000 US$3,800-5,100 Accompanied by a Gubelin report stating that the selected natural coloured sapphires have no indications of heat treatment. Accompanied by two GIA reports stating that the sixteen natural sapphires have no indications of heat treatment and one natural sapphire undetermined. 天然無經加熱處理彩色剛玉配鑽石別針, 附 Gubelin 及兩張 GIA 證書 592 A TANZANITE AND DIAMOND RING The step-cut tanzanite, weighing 4.90cts, set between pear-shaped diamond shoulders, maker s mark, numbered, ring size 7 HK$12,000-16,000 US$1,500-2,000 坦桑石配鑽石戒指 593 AN AQUAMARINE AND DIAMOND BROOCH, BY FAVERO Designed as a flowerhead, set with oval and circular-cut aquamarines, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, aquamarines approx. 21.50cts total, numbered, maker s mark, length 3.7cm HK$23,000-26,000 US$2,900-3,300 海藍寶石配鑽石別針,Favero 594 A BLACK OPAL AND DIAMOND NOVELTY RING, BY MARCHAK The cabochon black opal, accented by a frog and lotus leaves, set with brilliant-cut diamonds, opal approx. 26.00cts, signed, numbered, maker s marks, French assay mark, ring size 6¼ HK$52,000-60,000 US$6,700-7,700 黑蛋白石配鑽石戒指,Marchak 22 BONHAMS

585 586 588 587 589 591 590 594 592 593 JEWELS AND JADEITE 23

595 A RETRO AQUAMARINE AND DIAMOND REFLECTION BROOCH, BY TRABERT & HOEFFER MAUBOUSSIN, CIRCA 1940 Of abstract design depicting the initials K.W. for Katharine Whelpley, accented by oval-cut aquamarines and single-cut diamonds, aquamarines approx. 12.00cts total, signed Trabert & Hoeffer Mauboussin designed and executed for Mrs. Medley G.B. Whelpley and Reflection, length 5.5cm HK$21,000-24,000 US$2,700-3,100 海藍寶石配鑽石別針,Trabert & Hoeffer-Mauboussin, 約 1940 年代 596 A CULTURED PEARL AND DIAMOND NECKLACE, BY CHAUMET The articulated necklace designed as a series of foliate links, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds and round cultured pearls, measuring 5.7-5.5mm, diamonds approx. 11.10cts total, signed, numbered, maker s mark, inner circumference 39.2cm, with original case HK$80,000-120,000 US$10,000-15,000 養殖珍珠配鑽石項鏈,Chaumet, 附原裝盒 597 A PAIR OF CHALCEDONY EARRINGS Each cushion-shaped cabochon blue chalcedony, within a gold bead surround, length 2.8cm HK$10,000-15,000 US$1,300-1,900 玉髓耳環 598 Y A LADIES GEM-SET AND DIAMOND BRACELET WATCH, BY PIAGET The round iridescent mother-of-pearl dial, gold hands, case set with cabochon rubies, sapphire and emerald case, completed by a brilliantcut diamond openwork bracelet, quartz movement, signed, numbered, length 16.5cm, with original pouch HK$25,000-35,000 US$3,200-4,500 Accompanied by a certificate of repair warranty from Piaget. 彩色寶石配鑽石女裝腕錶, 伯爵, 附保修證書及原裝袋 599 A PAIR OF CULTURED PEARL AND COLOURED DIAMOND PENDENT EARRINGS Each round cultured pearl measuring 15.1mm, attached to a surmount set with brilliant-cut diamonds of yellow tint, diamonds approx. 4.00cts total, length 4.0cm HK$30,000-40,000 US$3,800-5,100 養殖珍珠配彩色鑽石耳環 600 A CULTURED PEARL NECKLACE, BY BULGARI Set with fourteen round cultured pearls, measuring 8.7-8.6mm, signed, length 42.0cm HK$25,000-35,000 US$3,200-4,500 養殖珍珠項鏈, 寶格麗 601 A CULTURED PEARL BRACELET, BY BULGARI Set with six round cultured pearls, measuring 8.2-8.0mm, signed, length 17.1cm HK$12,000-18,000 US$1,500-2,300 養殖珍珠手鏈, 寶格麗 602 A DIAMOND BROOCH Designed as a tied bow, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 1.50cts total, width 4.5cm HK$12,000-20,000 US$1,500-2,600 鑽石別針 603 A TUBOGAS CUFF, BY BULGARI The bi-colour sprung bangle, signed, inner circumference 16.1cm, with original pouch HK$20,000-30,000 US$2,600-3,800 Tubogas 手鐲, 寶格麗, 附原裝袋 24 BONHAMS

595 596 597 598 599 602 600 603 601 JEWELS AND JADEITE 25

604 A CULTURED PEARL, GEM-SET AND DIAMOND NECKLACE The cushion-shaped peridot, with an oval-cut lemon quartz suspended below, each set within tapered baguette and brilliant-cut diamond frames, accented by a rose-cut diamond, completed by two strands of cultured pearls, approx. 6.8-6.5mm, diamonds approx. 6.40cts total, peridot approx. 35.70cts, lemon quartz approx. 28.00cts, length 55.0cm HK$95,000-150,000 US$12,000-19,000 養殖珍珠及彩色寶石配鑽石項鏈 605 A PAIR OF PERIDOT AND DIAMOND EARRINGS The step-cut peridots, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, peridots approx. 9.00cts total, length 2.1cm HK$3,000-4,000 US$380-510 橄欖石配鑽石耳環 606 A PAIR OF OPAL AND DIAMOND EARRINGS Each elongated drop-shaped cabochon opal, attached to a brilliant-cut diamond floral surmount, opals approx. 10.50cts total, length 3.8cm HK$20,000-30,000 US$2,600-3,800 蛋白石配鑽石耳環 607 A TSAVORITE GARNET NOVELTY BROOCH, BY LAURA MUNDER Designed as a star, set throughout with circular-cut tsavorite garnets, garnets approx. 2.40cts total, signed, length 4.1cm HK$7,000-10,000 US$900-1,300 翠榴石別針,Laura Munder 608 A GEM-SET AND DIAMOND LONGCHAIN The bezel-set marquise-cut peridots, accented at intervals by circularcut rubies and brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 1.30cts total, rubies approx. 6.55cts total, peridots approx. 32.00cts total, length 125.0cm HK$28,000-38,000 US$3,600-4,900 彩色寶石配鑽石項鏈 609 A PERIDOT AND DIAMOND RING The oval-cut peridot, set between triangular-cut diamond shoulders, within a brilliant-cut diamond surround, extending to the hoop, diamonds approx. 1.50cts total, peridot approx. 27.50cts, ring size 7 HK$40,000-60,000 US$5,100-7,700 橄欖石配鑽石戒指 610 AN EMERALD AND DIAMOND RING The circular-cut emerald, within a pear-shaped emerald surround, accented by marquise and baguette-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 1.50cts total, emeralds approx. 2.00cts total, ring size 8 with spring insert HK$12,000-25,000 US$1,500-3,200 祖母綠配鑽石戒指 611 A PERIDOT BRACELET The articulated bracelet set with step-cut peridots, peridots approx. 35.25cts total, length 17.7cm HK$28,000-38,000 US$3,600-4,900 橄欖石手鏈 26 BONHAMS

605 606 604 607 610 609 608 611 JEWELS AND JADEITE 27

612 A JADEITE AND RUBY PENDANT The translucent jadeite huaigu disc of bright green colour, suffused with white patches, measuring 23.2 x 7.5 x 3.4mm, accented by a ruby bead and jadeite beads of green and lavender hues, length 4.3cm HK$45,000-65,000 US$5,800-8,300 the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠 懷古 配紅寶石吊墜, 附證書 613 A JADEITE AND DIAMOND PENDANT The highly translucent light green jadeite leaf, measuring 52.5 x 31.2 x 6.2mm, surmounted by a bright green jadeite cabochon, accented by pear and brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 2.35cts total, length 7.1cm HK$30,000-50,000 US$3,800-6,400 NO RESERVE 不設底價 the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石 葉 吊墜, 附證書 614 A PAIR OF JADEITE AND DIAMOND PENDENT EARRINGS Each set with a translucent carved jadeite plaque of intense green colour, measuring 24.0 x 8.9 x 2.8mm, accented by marquise and brilliant-cut diamonds, length 4.5cm HK$18,000-26,000 US$2,300-3,300 the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石耳環, 附證書 615 A JADEITE AND DIAMOND PENDANT NECKLACE The highly translucent carved jadeite plaque of intense emerald green colour, measuring 30.8 x 10.5 x 3.2mm, accented by pear, marquise and brilliant-cut diamonds, completed by a trace-link chain, diamonds approx. 1.30cts total, lengths: pendant 4.8cm, chain 56.0cm HK$38,000-48,000 US$4,900-6,100 the natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石吊墜項鏈, 附證書 616 A JADEITE AND DIAMOND PENDANT The translucent carved jadeite laughing Buddha of bright green colour, measuring 48.6 x 43.9 x 8.0mm, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 1.05cts total, length 5.8cm HK$50,000-60,000 US$6,400-7,700 the natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石吊墜, 附證書 617 A PAIR OF JADEITE AND DIAMOND PENDENT EARRINGS The interlocking jadeite double-hoops of bright green colour, each hoop measuring 14.9-5.1 x 2.4mm, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, length 3.7cm HK$12,000-20,000 US$1,500-2,600 the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石 雙環 耳環, 附證書 618 A JADEITE SADDLE RING The translucent jadeite saddle ring of bright green colour, measuring 26.6 x 25.2 x 16.9 x 6.7mm, ring size 6½ HK$9,000-12,000 US$1,200-1,500 the natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠馬鞍戒指, 附證書 619 A JADEITE AND DIAMOND RING AND PENDENT EARRING SUITE Each set with a translucent lavender jadeite bead, the largest measuring 13.2mm, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds; the earrings highlighted with ruby rondelles, ring size 5¾, earring length 3.1cm (2) HK$30,000-36,000 US$3,800-4,600 NO RESERVE 不設底價 Accompanied by two HKJSL reports stating that the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) have no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石戒指及耳環套装, 各附證書 620 A JADEITE AND DIAMOND PENDANT The translucent pale lavender jadeite longevity peach suffused with white patches, measuring 31.6 x 24.1 x 12.6mm, surmounted by smaller jadeite plaques, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, length 4.5cm HK$15,000-25,000 US$1,900-3,200 NO RESERVE 不設底價 the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石 桃 吊墜, 附證書 621 A PAIR OF JADEITE, RUBY AND DIAMOND PENDENT EARRINGS Each drop-shaped black jadeite cabochon, measuring 36.0 x 10.6 x 4.3mm, set within a circular-cut ruby frame, attached to a brilliantcut diamond surmount, accented by a black diamond rondelle, rubies approx. 1.55cts total, length 6.1cm HK$10,000-20,000 US$1,300-2,600 the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然墨翠配紅寶石及鑽石耳環, 附證書 622 A PAIR OF JADEITE AND GEM-SET PENDENT EARRINGS Each earring set with a translucent lavender jadeite bead, measuring 14.1mm, accented by circular-cut rubies, length 6.1cm HK$10,000-18,000 US$1,300-2,300 NO RESERVE 不設底價 the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠配彩色寶石耳環, 附證書 28 BONHAMS

612 615 613 614 616 617 618 619 621 622 620 JEWELS AND JADEITE 29

623 A JADEITE BEAD AND DIAMOND NECKLACE The strand of forty-nine translucent celadon green jadeite beads, largest measuring 13.4mm, between green jadeite spacers, completed by a brilliant-cut diamond spherical clasp, length 92.5cm HK$38,000-56,000 US$4,900-7,200 the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石珠鏈, 附證書 624 A PAIR OF JADEITE AND DIAMOND PENDENT EARRINGS Each highly translucent huaigu jadeite of celadon green colour suffused with bright green streaks, measuring 16.7 x 5.9 x 3.5mm, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, length 3.0cm HK$38,000-45,000 US$4,900-5,800 NO RESERVE 不設底價 the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠 懷古 配鑽石耳環, 附證書 625 A JADEITE NOVELTY PENDANT The translucent jadeite longevity peach of bright green colour, suffused with white patches, measuring 27.5 x 22.9 x 13.1mm, accented by green and orangey-red jadeite beads, length 4.0cm HK$18,000-24,000 US$2,300-3,100 the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠 壽桃 吊墜, 附證書 626 A JADEITE AND DIAMOND PENDANT The translucent carved jadeite laughing Buddha of bright green and white colour, measuring 23.0 x 22.4 x 5.5mm, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, attached to a jadeite cabochon surmount of intense emerald green hue, length 3.2cm HK$8,000-12,000 US$1,000-1,500 the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠 佛公 配鑽石吊墜, 附證書 30 BONHAMS 627 A PAIR OF JADEITE AND DIAMOND PENDENT EARRINGS The four highly translucent jadeite cabochons of intense emerald green colour, each measuring 7.7 x 5.9 x 2.8mm, accented by rose and brilliant-cut diamonds, length 4.1cm HK$28,000-36,000 US$3,600-4,600 the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) have no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石耳環, 附證書 628 A JADEITE BANGLE The translucent semi-cylindrical jadeite bangle of lavender bodycolour, suffused with yellowish brown and white patches, the outer, inner diameter and thickness measuring 75.2 x 59.5 x 16.9mm HK$55,000-80,000 US$7,000-10,000 the natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠手鐲, 附證書 629 A JADEITE AND DIAMOND PENDANT The translucent heart-shaped lavender jadeite, measuring 31.6 x 27.0 x 10.1mm, surmounted by a highly translucent intense green jadeite cabochon within a brilliant-cut diamond surround, length 4.1cm HK$16,000-20,000 US$2,000-2,600 NO RESERVE 不設底價 the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石吊墜, 附證書 630 A JADEITE, AMETHYST AND DIAMOND RING The highly translucent lavender jadeite gourd, measuring 19.5 x 11.9 x 6.0mm, accented by princess and brilliant-cut diamonds and two pear-shaped amethysts, ring size 6½ HK$20,000-30,000 US$2,600-3,800 the natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠 葫蘆 配紫水晶及鑽石戒指, 附證書 631 A JADEITE AND DIAMOND PENDANT AND EARRING SUITE The carved translucent bright green jadeite plaque, measuring 28.8 x 9.8 x 8.1mm, to a colourless jadeite cabochon surmount, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds; pair of earstuds en suite, lengths: pendant 4.1cm, earring 1.0cm (2) HK$20,000-28,000 US$2,600-3,600 NO RESERVE 不設底價 Accompanied by two HKJSL reports stating that the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) have no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石吊墜及耳環套裝, 各附證書 632 TWO JADEITE AND DIAMOND RINGS The highly translucent colourless jadeite cabochon, within an intense green jadeite huaigu frame; the jadeite gourd ring of translucent bright green material, all accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, the selected jadeite measuring 7.9 x 6.4 x 2.0mm and 9.7 x 7.1 x 4.7mm, ring sizes 6 (2) HK$15,000-20,000 US$1,900-2,600 NO RESERVE 不設底價 Accompanied by two HKJSL reports stating that the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) have no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石戒指一對, 各附證書 633 A PAIR OF JADEITE PENDANTS Each translucent carved jadeite plaque of bright green colour suffused with white patches, largest measuring 51.2 x 38.6 x 5.8mm, one of floral theme; the other as monkey and peach, lengths: 6.1cm and 5.9cm (2) HK$10,000-16,000 US$1,300-2,000 Accompanied by two HKJSL reports stating that the natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) have no resin detected. 天然翡翠吊墜一對, 各附證書

624 628 625 626 623 629 627 630 632 631 633 JEWELS AND JADEITE 31

634 A PAIR OF COLOURED DIAMOND AND DIAMOND PENDENT EARRINGS Each set with rose-cut diamonds of olive green tint, completed with brilliant-cut diamonds of yellow, brown and green tints, accented by rose-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 8.85cts total, length 6.4cm HK$20,000-30,000 US$2,600-3,800 NO RESERVE 不設底價 彩色鑽石配鑽石耳環 635 A DIAMOND NECKLACE The triangular-cut diamond set within a brilliant-cut diamond surround, accented by baguette and tapered baguette-cut diamonds, completed by a fancy-link chain, diamonds approx. 7.90cts total, length 43.0cm HK$35,000-55,000 US$4,500-7,000 鑽石項鏈 636 A RUBY AND DIAMOND RING, BY BULGARI Of crossover design, set with an oval-cut ruby, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, signed, numbered, ring size 4½ HK$17,000-20,000 US$2,200-2,600 紅寶石配鑽石戒指, 寶格麗 637 A PAIR OF GEM-SET AND DIAMOND EARRINGS, BY MARCHAK The hoops pavé-set with circular-cut tsavorite garnets, peridots, sapphires, citrines and brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 1.03cts total, tsavorite garnets approx. 3.00cts total, sapphires approx. 4.40cts total, signed, numbered, maker s marks, French assay marks, length 4.8cm HK$19,000-26,000 US$2,400-3,300 639 A GEM-SET AND DIAMOND NOVELTY BROOCH The butterfly set with pear and brilliant-cut diamonds, to an oval-cut ruby body, accented by calibré-cut rubies, sapphires and emeralds, width 5.6cm HK$20,000-30,000 US$2,600-3,800 彩色寶石配鑽石 蝴蝶 別針 640 A RUBY AND DIAMOND RING The stylised band set with a cushion-shaped ruby, accented by brilliant and princess-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 3.20cts total, ruby approx. 1.10cts, ring size 6¾ HK$25,000-45,000 US$3,200-5,800 紅寶石配鑽石戒指 641 A RUBY AND DIAMOND RING The articulated band set with fourteen pear-shaped rubies, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, rubies approx. 7.30cts total, ring size 7 HK$24,000-34,000 US$3,100-4,300 紅寶石配鑽石戒指 642 A TRINITY DE CARTIER BANGLE, BY CARTIER The three round interlinking bangles, signed, numbered, maker s marks, French assay marks, inner circumference 19.1cm, with original case HK$12,000-15,000 US$1,500-1,900 NO RESERVE 不設底價 Trinity de Cartier 手鐲, 卡地亞, 附原裝盒 彩色寶石配鑽石耳環,Marchak 638 A GEM-SET AND DIAMOND BRACELET, BY MARCHAK The articulated bracelet set with circular-cut tsavorite garnets, periodots, sapphires, citrines and brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 2.90cts total, tsavorite garnets approx. 17.70cts total, periodots approx. 4.10cts total, sapphires approx. 31.60cts total, citrines approx. 3.40cts total, signed, numbered, maker s mark, French assay mark, length 19.0cm HK$100,000-118,000 US$13,000-15,000 彩色寶石配鑽石手鏈,Marchak 32 BONHAMS

634 635 637 636 639 640 638 642 641 JEWELS AND JADEITE 33

643 A BERYL, SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND RING The octagonal-shaped step-cut green beryl, weighing 4.40cts, between similarly cut yellow sapphire and violet sapphire shoulders, weighing 1.96cts and 1.68cts, accented by baguette-cut diamonds, ring size 8 HK$12,000-18,000 US$1,500-2,300 Accompanied by a GRS report stating that the natural yellow sapphire, green beryl and violet sapphire have no indications of thermal treatment. 4.40 克拉天然無經加熱處理綠色綠柱石, 黃色及紫色剛玉配鑽石戒指, 附 GRS 證書 644 A TOPAZ AND DIAMOND NECKLACE The articulated necklace set throughout with step and circular-cut blue topaz, accented by marquise-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 7.00cts total, topaz approx. 41.30cts total, length 38.5cm HK$20,000-30,000 US$2,600-3,800 NO RESERVE 不設底價 托帕石配鑽石項鏈 645 A COLOURED DIAMOND RING AND EARRING SUITE The ring set with vari-cut diamonds of yellow and cognac tints; the pair of earrings en suite, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 4.30cts total, ring size 6¼, earring length 3.5cm (2) HK$20,000-28,000 US$2,600-3,600 鑽石戒指及耳環套裝 646 A PAIR OF DIAMOND PENDENT EARRINGS Each earring of openwork design, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 8.80cts total, length 6.8cm HK$75,000-95,000 US$9,600-12,000 鑽石耳環 647 A DIAMOND BROOCH The spray brooch accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 3.00cts total, maker s mark, French assay mark, width 4.2cm HK$19,000-28,000 US$2,400-3,600 鑽石別針 648 A SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND RING The circular-cut sapphire, weighing 17.31cts, within a brilliant-cut diamond surround, extending to the bifurcated hoop, diamonds approx. 1.30cts total, ring size 6¼ HK$130,000-180,000 US$17,000-23,000 Accompanied by a GIA report stating that the natural sapphire has no indications of thermal treatment and originates from Sri Lanka (Ceylon). 17.31 克拉天然無經加熱處理斯里蘭卡藍寶石配鑽石戒指, 附 GIA 證書 649 AN EMERALD AND DIAMOND RING Of bombé design, set with a cabochon emerald weighing 11.41cts, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds and black diamonds, diamonds approx. 1.15cts, maker s mark, numbered, French assay mark, ring size 7½ HK$15,000-20,000 US$1,900-2,600 Accompanied by a GRS report that the natural emerald has indications of minor to moderate clarity enhancement and originates from Zambia. 11.41 克拉天然贊比亞祖母綠配鑽石戒指, 附 GRS 證書 650 A CULTURED PEARL AND DIAMOND NECKLACE Composed of fifty-five round cultured pearls, measuring 12.6-10.2mm, completed by a brilliant-cut diamond clasp, length 66.0cm HK$50,000-80,000 US$6,400-10,000 NO RESERVE 不設底價 養殖珍珠配鑽石項鏈 34 BONHAMS

643 645 644 649 647 648 650 646 JEWELS AND JADEITE 35

651 A GEM-SET NECKLACE The pear-shaped aquamarine and shield-shaped citrine suspended from a curb-link chain, aquamarine approx. 5.85cts, citrine approx. 6.80cts, maker s mark, length 38.1cm HK$25,000-35,000 US$3,200-4,500 海藍寶石及黃水晶項鏈 652 A PAIR OF ENAMEL AND DIAMOND EARCLIPS, BY ENIGMA Each earclip set with brilliant-cut diamonds, accented by black enamel, signed, numbered, length 1.7cm HK$8,000-12,000 US$1,000-1,500 琺瑯配鑽石耳環,Enigma 653 A CULTURED PEARL AND DIAMOND NECKLACE The five round cultured pearls, measuring 12.0-11.7mm, suspended from a necklace set with marquise and brilliant-cut diamonds, some of cognac tint, diamonds approx. 9.90cts total, inner circumference 39.5cm HK$52,000-60,000 US$6,700-7,700 養殖珍珠配鑽石項鏈 654 AN AQUAMARINE, RUBY AND DIAMOND BROOCH The brooch set with a step-cut aquamarine, accented by the circularcut rubies and brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 1.75cts total, aquamarine approx. 42.00cts, rubies approx. 1.40cts total, length 6.5cm HK$32,000-35,000 US$4,100-4,500 656 A DIAMOND BRACELET, BY ENIGMA The articulated arrowhead bracelet, accented by pavé-set brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 1.00ct total, signed, length 17.7cm HK$11,000-15,000 US$1,400-1,900 鑽石手鏈,Enigma 657 AN AQUAMARINE, SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND RING The cushion-shaped aquamarine, between calibré-cut sapphires and triangular-cut diamond shoulders, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, aquamarine approx. 64.15cts, ring size 7 HK$50,000-60,000 US$6,400-7,700 海藍寶石配藍寶石及鑽石戒指 658 A DIAMOND NOVELTY PENDANT Modelled as a panther head, enhanced with a pear-shaped diamond eye, the collar accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, length 4.0cm HK$8,000-10,000 US$1,000-1,300 鑽石 豹 吊墜 659 A LADIES DIAMOND WRISTWATCH, BY BULGARI The black circular dial with Arabic numeric 12, baton and singlecut diamond indicators, to a polished bezel and sprung Tubogas strap, quartz movement, signed, maker s mark, numbered, inner circumference 13.5cm HK$25,000-35,000 US$3,200-4,500 女裝鑽石腕錶, 寶格麗 海藍寶石, 紅寶石配鑽石別針 655 A DIAMOND BANGLE The sprung bangle, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 1.20cts total, inner circumference 14.4cm HK$12,000-16,000 US$1,500-2,000 鑽石手鐲 36 BONHAMS

651 652 653 654 656 655 657 658 659 JEWELS AND JADEITE 37

660 A CULTURED PEARL NECKLACE Composed of eighty-one round cultured pearls, measuring 13.6-8.5mm, graduating towards the back from dark grey to grey to creamy white hue, length 85.7cm HK$55,000-75,000 US$7,000-9,600 NO RESERVE 不設底價 養殖珍珠項鏈 661 A SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND BRACELET Designed as a series of swirls, set with six oval-cut sapphires of pink and purple hues, weighing 13.47cts total, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 12.90cts total, length 18.0cm HK$80,000-120,000 US$10,000-15,000 Accompanied by six AGL reports stating that the natural sapphires are purplish pink, purplish pink, pinkish purple, pinkish purple, purple-pink, and purple-pink colours, and have no indications of heat treatment. 天然無經加熱處理彩色剛玉配鑽石手鏈, 附六張 AGL 證書 662 A PAIR OF EMERALD AND DIAMOND PENDENT EARRINGS Each set with a step-cut emerald, within a brilliant-cut diamond surround, accented by baguette-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 3.40cts total, emeralds approx. 1.60cts total, length 3.1cm HK$25,000-35,000 US$3,200-4,500 祖母綠配鑽石耳環 663 A PAIR OF ENAMEL AND DIAMOND CUFFLINKS AND MATCHING STUDS Each round cufflink and dress stud is set with black enamel within a brilliant-cut diamond surround, accented by a French-cut diamond, diamonds approx. 1.45cts total, lengths: cufflink 2.2cm, stud 1.1cm (5) HK$22,000-30,000 US$2,800-3,800 琺瑯配鑽石袖扣及鈕扣 664 A DIAMOND NOVELTY BROOCH Modelled as a butterfly, set throughout with rose and brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 16.30cts total, width 6.3cm HK$125,000-165,000 US$16,000-21,000 665 A DIAMOND STARS OF AFRICA RING, BY ROYAL ASSCHER The fluid filled dome containing free-moving brilliant-cut diamonds, signed, numbered, ring size 7¼ HK$9,500-14,000 US$1,200-1,800 非洲之星 鑽石戒指,Royal Asscher 666 A DIAMOND STARS OF AFRICA RING, BY ROYAL ASSCHER The fluid filled dome containing free-moving brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 1.20cts total, signed, numbered, ring size 7½ HK$13,000-18,000 US$1,700-2,300 非洲之星 鑽石戒指,Royal Asscher 667 A SPINEL AND DIAMOND RING The oval-cut spinel, weighing 10.83cts, between pear-shaped diamond shoulders, ring size 6¼ HK$15,000-20,000 US$1,900-2,600 Accompanied by a GRS report stating that the Natural Spinel is of greyish-purple colour, has no indications of thermal treatment and originates from Burma (Myanmar). 10.83 克拉天然無經加熱處理緬甸尖晶石配鑽石戒指, 附 GRS 證書 668 A TOURMALINE AND DIAMOND RING The oval-cut rubellite tourmaline, set within a brilliant-cut diamond surround, extending to the hoop, diamonds approx. 1.10cts total, tourmaline approx. 6.45cts, ring size 6 HK$18,000-28,000 US$2,300-3,600 紅碧璽配鑽石戒指 669 A RUBY AND DIAMOND RING The octagonal-shaped step-cut ruby, weighing 1.16 carats, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, ring size 6½ HK$20,000-30,000 US$2,600-3,800 Accompanied by a GRS report stating that the natural ruby has no indications of thermal treatment and originates from Burma (Myanmar). 1.16 克拉天然無經加熱處理緬甸紅寶石配鑽石戒指, 附 GRS 證書 鑽石 蝴蝶 別針 38 BONHAMS

662 660 661 668 663 667 669 665 664 666 JEWELS AND JADEITE 39

670 A PAIR OF DIAMOND EARCLIPS, BY GIANNI BULGARI Of foliate design, each earclip accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, signed, maker s mark, length 3.4cm HK$6,200-8,200 US$790-1,000 鑽石耳環,Gianni Bulgari 671 A DIAMOND NECKLACE, BY PIERO MILANO The articulated necklace set with brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 3.45cts total, signed, inner circumference 38.7cm HK$74,000-78,000 US$9,500-10,000 鑽石項鏈,Piero Milano 672 A RUBY AND DIAMOND RING The cabochon star ruby, weighing 14.57cts, within a brilliant-cut diamond surround, accented by baguette-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 1.40cts total, ring size 6¼ HK$25,000-40,000 US$3,200-5,100 星光紅寶石配鑽石戒指 673 A DIAMOND DRESS RING Of bombé style, centre pavé-set with brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 2.00cts total, ring size 6½ HK$19,000-26,000 US$2,400-3,300 鑽石戒指 674 A SPINEL AND DIAMOND RING The cushion-shaped spinel, weighing 6.97cts, within a brilliant-cut diamond surround extending to the bifurcated hoop, ring size 6¼ 675 A SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND PENDANT The hoop pendant set with a sphere, set throughout with brilliant-cut diamonds, highlighted by circular-cut sapphire squares, diamonds approx. 6.30cts total, sapphires approx. 1.20cts total, length 5.5cm HK$36,000-40,000 US$4,600-5,100 藍寶石配鑽石吊墜 676 A DIAMOND BANGLE The sprung bangle designed with two terminal spheres, set throughout with brilliant-cut diamonds, some of black tint, diamonds approx. 6.40cts total, inner circumference 14.4cm HK$50,000-55,000 US$6,400-7,000 鑽石手鐲 677 A DIAMOND BRACELET, BY ENIGMA The articulated bracelet set with arrowhead links pavé-set with brilliantcut diamonds, diamonds approx. 2.00cts total, signed, length 17.8cm HK$15,000-18,000 US$1,900-2,300 鑽石手鏈,Enigma 678 A PAIR OF ENAMEL AND DIAMOND CUFFLINKS AND MATCHING STUDS The round cufflinks and dress studs, each set with sky blue enamel of guilloché finish, each within a single-cut diamond surround, diamonds approx. 1.40cts total, lengths: cufflink 2.8cm, stud 1.9cm (5) HK$25,000-35,000 US$3,200-4,500 琺瑯配鑽石袖扣及鈕扣 HK$20,000-26,000 US$2,600-3,300 Accompanied by a GRS report stating that the natural spinel has no indications of thermal treatment and originates from Burma (Myanmar). 6.97 克拉天然無經加熱處理緬甸尖晶石配鑽石戒指, 附 GRS 證書 40 BONHAMS

670 675 671 673 672 676 674 677 678 JEWELS AND JADEITE 41

679 A JADEITE AND TOURMALINE PENDANT The highly translucent carved colourless jadeite mystical beast and pepper, measuring 50.4 x 18.2 x 10.5mm, surmounted by a pink tourmaline bead, length 6.0cm HK$38,000-52,000 US$4,900-6,700 the natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠配粉紅色碧璽 瑞獸及辣椒 吊墜, 附證書 680 A JADEITE AND DIAMOND RING The highly translucent jadeite cabochon of bright green colour, measuring 10.0 x 7.5 x 3.6mm, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds and smaller jadeite cabochons of intense emerald green hue, ring size 7 HK$13,000-18,000 US$1,700-2,300 the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石戒指, 附證書 681 A JADEITE AND DIAMOND PENDANT The translucent carved bright green jadeite Buddha s hand and mystical animal, measuring 42.9 x 24.0 x 9.2mm, joined to a pavé-set brilliant-cut diamond surmount, length 5.3cm HK$30,000-50,000 US$3,800-6,400 the natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠 佛手和瑞獸 配鑽石吊墜, 附證書 682 A JADEITE, GEM-SET AND DIAMOND PENDANT The translucent celadon green jadeite huaigu suffused with bright green veins, measuring 31.0x 5.7 x 3.7mm, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds and a cabochon ruby, length 4.9cm 683 A JADEITE AND DIAMOND PENDANT The translucent carved jadeite ruyi of bright green colour, measuring 36.0 x 23.6 x 4.6mm, accented by heart, pear, marquise and brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 1.60cts total, length 5.0cm HK$90,000-120,000 US$12,000-15,000 the natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石 如意 吊墜, 附證書 684 A JADEITE AND DIAMOND PENDANT AND EARRING SUITE The translucent bright emerald green jadeite cabochon, measuring 26.4 x 17.0 x 3.6mm, within a tapered baguette and brilliant-cut diamond surround; the pair of earrings en suite, diamonds approx. 2.60cts total, lengths: pendant 4.5cm, earring 1.7cm (2) HK$50,000-80,000 US$6,400-10,000 Accompanied by two HKJSL reports stating that the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) have no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石吊墜及耳環套装, 各附證書 685 A JADEITE AND DIAMOND BROOCH AND EARRING SUITE The brooch set with eleven translucent intense green jadeite cabochons, largest measuring 15.0 x 8.9 x 3.0mm; the earrings en suite, both accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 4.00cts total, lengths: brooch 7.5cm, earring 2.0cm (2) HK$25,000-40,000 US$3,200-5,100 Accompanied by two HKJSL reports stating that the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) have no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石別針及耳環套裝, 各附證書 686 A JADEITE AND DIAMOND PENDANT The highly translucent intense emerald green jadeite huaigu, measuring 33.7-33.6 x 1.6mm, to a jadeite cabochon surmount of similar material, both set within a single-cut diamond surround, length 5.9cm HK$25,000-40,000 US$3,200-5,100 the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石 懷古 吊墜, 附證書 687 A JADEITE AND DIAMOND NOVELTY BROOCH The translucent carved jadeite butterfly of intense green colour, measuring 36.5 x 14.6 x 1.6mm, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, some of yellow tint, diamonds approx. 1.50cts total, length 6.0cm HK$22,000-36,000 US$2,800-4,600 the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石 蝴蝶 別針, 附證書 688 A PAIR OF JADEITE AND DIAMOND PENDENT EARRINGS Each translucent bright emerald green jadeite disc, suffused with white patches, measuring 18.4 x 18.4 x 3.8mm, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 1.40cts total, length 3.7cm HK$50,000-60,000 US$6,400-7,700 the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石耳環, 附證書 HK$20,000-30,000 US$2,600-3,800 the natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠 懷古 配彩色寶石及鑽石吊墜, 附證書 42 BONHAMS

680 679 681 684 683 682 685 687 686 688 JEWELS AND JADEITE 43

689 A JADEITE AND DIAMOND RING The translucent jadeite cabochon of bright green colour, measuring 18.6 x 11.3 x 3.7mm, within a pear and brilliant-cut diamond surround, extending to the hoop, diamonds approx. 2.30cts total, ring size 6¼ HK$40,000-60,000 US$5,100-7,700 the natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石戒指, 附證書 690 A PAIR OF JADEITE AND DIAMOND PENDENT EARRINGS Each highly translucent jadeite cabochon of bright green colour, measuring 9.8 x 8.6 x 3.3mm, accented by pear and brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 1.60cts total, length 2.2cm HK$30,000-50,000 US$3,800-6,400 NO RESERVE 不設底價 the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石耳環, 附證書 691 A JADEITE AND DIAMOND PENDANT The highly translucent jadeite cabochon of intense emerald green colour, measuring 13.2 x 10.6 x 5.6mm, accented by rose and brilliant-cut diamonds, suspended from a smaller jadeite cabochon of similar material, length 3.5cm HK$95,000-125,000 US$12,000-16,000 the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石吊墜, 附證書 692 A JADEITE AND DIAMOND NECKLACE The articulated necklace composed of highly translucent intense green jadeite plaques, the largest measuring 33.1 x 8.4 x 2.8mm, accented by marquise and brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 10.20cts total, inner circumference 42.4cm HK$130,000-180,000 US$17,000-23,000 the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石項鏈, 附證書 693 A JADEITE AND DIAMOND RING The translucent jadeite cabochon of intense green colour, measuring 18.1 x 11.7 x 5.1mm, accented by marquise and brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 2.00cts total, ring size 6¼ HK$45,000-65,000 US$5,800-8,300 the natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石戒指, 附證書 694 A PAIR OF JADEITE AND DIAMOND PENDENT EARRINGS The highly translucent jadeite cabochons of bright green colour, measuring 11.4 x 10.0 x 4.0mm, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, length 2.7cm HK$75,000-100,000 US$9,600-13,000 the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石耳環, 附證書 695 A JADEITE AND DIAMOND RING The highly translucent light lavender jadeite cabochon, measuring 18.6 x 15.0 x 5.6mm, within a bright green jadeite cabochon frame, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, ring size 6¼ HK$22,000-34,000 US$2,800-4,300 the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石戒指, 附證書 696 A JADEITE AND DIAMOND RING The translucent lavender jadeite cabochon, measuring 17.3 x 12.8 x 6.5mm, within a bright green jadeite cabochon surround, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, ring size 5½ HK$30,000-45,000 US$3,800-5,800 the selected natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石戒指, 附證書 697 A JADEITE AND DIAMOND PENDANT The translucent carved jadeite laughing Buddha of intense emerald green colour, measuring 34.1 x 27.8 x 3.0mm, within a pear and brilliant-cut diamond surround, diamonds approx. 2.10cts total, length 4.5cm HK$130,000-180,000 US$17,000-23,000 the natural colour fei cui (jadeite jade) has no resin detected. 天然翡翠配鑽石 佛公 吊墜, 附證書 44 BONHAMS

691 690 689 693 694 692 695 696 697 JEWELS AND JADEITE 45

698 A PAIR OF RUBY, CULTURED PEARL AND DIAMOND PENDENT EARRINGS Each oval-cut ruby surmount, with suspending rows of similarly set rubies and round cultured pearls, measuring 4.1-4.0mm, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 1.90cts total, rubies approx. 11.85cts total, length 5.8cm HK$35,000-45,000 US$4,500-5,800 紅寶石配養殖珍珠及鑽石耳環 699 A GEM-SET, CULTURED PEARL AND DIAMOND SAUTOIRE The brilliant-cut diamond and ruby bead pendant, accented by rosecut diamonds and a round cultured pearl, suspending a similarly set tassel, completed by a colourless gemstone and ruby bead chain necklace, pendant detachable, diamonds approx. 3.15cts total, lengths: pendant 12.3cm, necklace 81.0cm HK$35,000-45,000 US$4,500-5,800 彩色寶石配養殖珍珠及鑽石項鏈 700 A RUBY AND DIAMOND RING The oval-cut ruby, weighing 2.14cts, set within a similarly cut ruby surround, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, extending to the hoop, remaining rubies approx. 4.45cts total, ring size 6½ HK$75,000-100,000 US$9,600-13,000 Accompanied by a GRS report stating that the 2.14ct natural ruby is GRS vivid red colour, has no indications of thermal treatment and originates from Madagascar. 2.14 克拉天然無經加熱處理馬達加斯加紅寶石配鑽石戒指, 附 GRS 證書 702 A PAIR OF RUBELLITE TOURMALINE AND DIAMOND EARRINGS Each set with an oval-cut rubellite tourmaline, suspended from a smaller circular-cut rubellite tourmaline, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 1.40cts total, tourmalines approx. 5.20cts total, length 3.6cm HK$10,000-15,000 US$1,300-1,900 紅碧璽配鑽石耳環 703 A RUBY AND DIAMOND BRACELET The articulated bracelet set with cabochon rubies, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 2.10cts total, rubies approx. 73.5cts total, length 18.0cm HK$20,000-30,000 US$2,600-3,800 紅寶石配鑽石手鏈 704 A RUBY AND DIAMOND RING AND EARRING SUITE The openwork ring set with circular-cut rubies and brilliant-cut diamonds; pair of bow earrings en suite, diamonds approx. 1.65cts total, rubies approx. 5.00cts total, ring size 6, earring length 2.0cm (2) HK$25,000-32,000 US$3,200-4,100 紅寶石配鑽石戒指及耳環套裝 705 NO LOT 706 NO LOT 701 AN EMERALD, TOURMALINE AND DIAMOND NECKLACE Of openwork design, two drop-shaped rubellite tourmalines suspended from an oval-cut emerald, accented by rose and brilliantcut diamonds, to a marquise and brilliant-cut diamond necklace, diamonds approx. 4.50cts total, tourmalines approx. 15.20cts total, length 39.5cm HK$70,000-100,000 US$9,000-13,000 祖母綠及紅碧璽配鑽石項鏈 46 BONHAMS

700 698 701 702 699 704 703 JEWELS AND JADEITE 47

707 A TOURMALINE AND DIAMOND RING, BY LARRY The oval-cut pink tourmaline, set within a brilliant and tapered baguette-cut diamond ballerina setting, diamonds approx. 4.20cts total, signed, ring size 6 HK$15,000-20,000 US$1,900-2,600 粉紅色碧璽配鑽石戒指,Larry 708 A PAIR OF RUBY AND DIAMOND EARRINGS Each earring set throughout with calibré-cut rubies and brilliant-cut diamonds, retractable posts, diamonds approx. 2.75cts total, rubies approx. 2.75cts total, length 2.1cm HK$47,000-57,000 US$6,000-7,300 紅寶石配鑽石耳環 709 A CULTURED PEARL, RUBY AND DIAMOND NECKLACE Graduating from five to three strands of round cultured pearls, measuring 7.5-5.1mm, highlighted by two carved ruby plaques, accented by brilliant and baguette-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 4.50cts total, rubies approx. 72.00cts total, length 67.5cm HK$90,000-150,000 US$12,000-19,000 養殖珍珠及紅寶石配鑽石項鏈 710 A GEM-SET, CULTURED PEARL AND DIAMOND SAUTOIRE The pendant set with seed pearls and brilliant-cut diamonds, centring upon a pear-shaped ruby, with a suspending tassel composed of cultured pearls measuring 5.3-2.0mm, completed by a circular-cut colourless gemstone and ruby bead chain, pendant detachable, diamonds approx. 2.25cts total, rubies approx. 40.10cts total, lengths: pendant 11.5cm, necklace 91.6cm HK$30,000-40,000 US$3,800-5,100 彩色寶石配養殖珍珠及鑽石項鏈 711 A DIAMOND NECKLACE The articulated rivieré necklace set with brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 20.50cts total, length 46.2cm HK$60,000-80,000 US$7,700-10,000 鑽石項鏈 712 A LADIES DIAMOND MASTER SQUARE WRISTWATCH, BY FRANCK MULLER The guilloché silver dial, Roman hour numerals, blue steeled spade hands, sapphire crystal, on a square case and lugs, both set with brilliant-cut diamonds, quartz movement, completed by a leather strap, diamonds approx. 1.50cts total, signed, numbered, extra strap, length 19.5cm HK$38,000-48,000 US$4,900-6,100 女裝鑽石 Master Square 腕錶,Franck Muller 48 BONHAMS

707 708 709 711 712 710 JEWELS AND JADEITE 49

713 Y A CORALLIUM RUBRUM, CULTURED PEARL AND DIAMOND SAUTOIRE The round black cultured pearl, measuring 11.9mm, with suspending a corallium rubrum bead and grey cultured pearl tassel, joined to a brilliantcut diamond and black enamel crown top, completed by a colourless gemstone and corallium rubrum bead chain necklace, diamonds approx. 1.90cts total, lengths: pendant 10.3cm, necklace 95.0cm HK$22,000-28,000 US$2,800-3,600 珊瑚配養殖珍珠及鑽石項鏈 714 A PAIR OF SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND PENDENT EARRINGS Of asymmetrical design, set with oval and pear-shaped sapphires of purple and brown hue, between marquise-cut diamond accents, diamonds approx. 1.75cts total, sapphires approx. 14.80cts total, length 2.7cm HK$25,000-35,000 US$3,200-4,500 NO RESERVE 不設底價 Accompanied by four AGL reports stating that the natural sapphires are greyish purple, reddish brown and brown colours, and have no indications of heat treatment. 天然無經加熱處理彩色剛玉配鑽石耳環, 附四張 AGL 證書 715 A TANZANITE AND DIAMOND NECKLACE, BY CITRA The articulated necklace set with thirty-five vari-cut tanzanites of multicolour tints, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 3.80cts total, tanzanites approx. 17.85cts total, unsigned, inner circumference 42.6cm HK$42,000-45,000 US$5,400-5,800 坦桑石配鑽石項鏈,Citra 716 A SPINEL AND DIAMOND RING The oval-cut spinel, weighing 6.17cts, between pear-shaped diamond shoulders, ring size 6 HK$15,000-20,000 US$1,900-2,600 Accompanied by a GIA report stating that the Natural Spinel is of purplish red colour, and has no indications of heat treatment. 6.17 克拉天然無經加熱處理尖晶石配鑽石戒指, 附 GIA 證書 717 A MORGANITE AND DIAMOND PENDANT The pear-shaped morganite, surmounted by brilliant-cut diamonds, morganite approx. 36.40cts, length 3.9cm HK$12,000-16,000 US$1,500-2,000 718 AN EARLY TWENTIETH CENTURY OPAL AND DIAMOND RING, CIRCA 1910 The central cushion-shaped fire opal, set between two circular-cut fire opals, the gallery set with single-cut diamonds, opals approx. 4.35cts total, ring size with ring guard 7¼ HK$6,000-8,000 US$770-1,000 二十世紀早期火焰蛋白石配鑽石戒指, 約 1910 年代 719 A SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND RING The cabochon star sapphire, weighing 7.89cts, within a brilliant and pear-shaped diamond surround, some of yellow tint, diamonds approx. 1.60cts total, ring size 6½ HK$35,000-55,000 US$4,500-7,000 星光藍寶石配鑽石戒指 720 A PAIR OF SPINEL AND DIAMOND PENDENT EARRINGS The channel-set brilliant-cut diamond swirls, with suspending triangular-cut spinels weighing 2.50cts total, diamonds approx. 1.10cts total, length 3.0cm HK$12,000-18,000 US$1,500-2,300 Accompanied by a GRS report stating that the natural spinels are of GRS vibrant pinkish-red colour, have no indications of thermal treatment and originate from Burma (Myanmar). 天然無經加熱處理緬甸尖晶石配鑽石耳環, 附 GRS 證書 721 A RUBY AND DIAMOND RING The flowerhead centring an oval-cut ruby, weighing 1.20cts, within a brilliant-cut diamond surround, some of yellow tint, accented by a green enamel leaf, diamonds approx. 2.20cts total, ring size 6½ HK$40,000-60,000 US$5,100-7,700 Accompanied by a Lotus report stating that the natural ruby is Lotus type pigeon s blood vivid red colour, and has no indications of thermal treatment and originates from Burma (Myanmar). 1.20 克拉天然無經加熱處理緬甸 鴿血紅 紅寶石配鑽石及琺瑯戒指, 附 Lotus 證書 722 A TOURMALINE AND DIAMOND BROOCH Modelled as a tulip, the bell-shaped pink tourmaline highlighted by a brilliant-cut diamond stem, tourmaline approx. 12.00cts, length 6.0cm HK$19,000-25,000 US$2,400-3,200 粉紅色碧璽配鑽石別針 摩根石配鑽石吊墜 50 BONHAMS

714 713 716 718 717 715 719 721 720 722 JEWELS AND JADEITE 51

723 A CULTURED PEARL AND AQUAMARINE NECKLACE The double strand of round cultured pearls, measuring 8.8-8.6mm, completed by a cushion-shaped aquamarine, with suspending a pearshaped aquamarine drop, drop detachable, aquamarines approx. 14.30cts total, can be worn as a single strand, length 95.5cm HK$8,000-12,000 US$1,000-1,500 NO RESERVE 不設底價 養殖珍珠配海藍寶石項鏈 724 A PAIR OF RUBY AND DIAMOND EARRINGS Each earring invisibly set with calibré-cut rubies, accented by brilliant and baguette-cut diamonds, drops detachable, rubies approx. 49.00cts total, length 4.0cm HK$45,000-55,000 US$5,800-7,000 紅寶石配鑽石耳環 725 A PAIR OF RUBY AND DIAMOND PENDENT EARRINGS The cabochon rubies accented by rose and brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 7.20cts total, rubies approx. 18.60cts total, length 6.7cm HK$80,000-120,000 US$10,000-15,000 Accompanied by a GRS report stating that the selected ruby has no indications of thermal treatment and originates from Burma (Mogok, Myanmar). 天然無經加熱處理緬甸抹谷紅寶石配鑽石耳環, 附 GRS 證書 726 A KUNZITE, AQUAMARINE AND DIAMOND DRESS RING The oval-cut kunzite, set within a brilliant-cut diamond and pearshaped aquamarine surround, diamonds approx. 1.15cts total, kunzite approx. 2.45cts, aquamarines approx. 5.75cts total, ring size 5¾ 727 A PERIDOT AND DIAMOND RING The hexagonal-shaped peridot, set within a brilliant-cut diamond surround, diamonds approx. 2.20cts total, peridot approx. 31.00cts, ring size 6 HK$80,000-120,000 US$10,000-15,000 橄欖石配鑽石戒指 728 A RUBY AND DIAMOND BROOCH Designed as a stylised flower, set throughout with calibré-cut rubies, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, completed by a baguette-cut diamond stem, rubies approx. 6.00cts total, diamonds approx. 3.90cts total, length 4.5cm HK$32,000-35,000 US$4,100-4,500 紅寶石配鑽石別針 729 A DIAMOND LONGCHAIN The bezel-set brilliant-cut diamonds, of varying sizes, set at intervals, diamonds approx. 3.00cts total, length 84.0cm HK$20,000-30,000 US$2,600-3,800 鑽石項鏈 730 A GEM-SET NECKLACE, BY SABBADINI Completed by six strands of faceted tear drop-shaped amethysts and peridots, jointed and connected by five round gaspeite beads measuring 22.5-22.2mm, accented by circular-cut amethysts, amethysts approx. 190.00cts total, peridots approx. 215.00cts total, gaspeites approx. 560.60cts total, signed, length 43.2cm HK$16,000-19,000 US$2,000-2,400 紫水晶, 橄欖石配菱鎳礦石項鏈, Sabbadini HK$25,000-35,000 US$3,200-4,500 鋰輝石配海藍寶石及鑽石戒指 52 BONHAMS

724 727 723 725 726 728 729 730 JEWELS AND JADEITE 53

731 A DIAMOND AND GEM-SET NOVELTY PENDANT NECKLACE, BY PICCHIOTTI Pendant designed as a dragon, set with brilliant-cut diamonds, accented by a cabochon emerald and similarly cut diamonds, completed by a curb-link chain, diamonds approx. 3.20cts total, signed, lengths: pendant 6.8cm, necklace 40.3cm HK$23,000-30,000 US$2,900-3,800 鑽石配彩色寶石吊墜項鏈,Picchiotti 732 A DIAMOND ZIP NECKLACE Designed as a zipper, collet-set throughout with brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 5.50cts total, maximum inner circumference 61.0cm HK$55,000-65,000 US$7,000-8,300 鑽石 拉鏈 項鏈 733 A CULTURED PEARL AND DIAMOND BANGLE The hinged, sprung bangle designed with two terminal round cultured pearls, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 3.20cts total, inner circumference 15.2cm HK$30,000-40,000 US$3,800-5,100 養殖珍珠配鑽石手鐲 734 AN ART DECO SEED PEARL AND DIAMOND PENDANT NECKLACE, BY J.E. CALDWELL The seed pearl basket, measuring 4.3-2.3mm, highlighted by single and old brilliant-cut diamonds, completed by a similarly set chain, diamonds approx. 2.00cts total, maker s mark, lengths: pendant 4.5cm, necklace 43.3cm HK$37,000-40,000 US$4,700-5,100 裝飾藝術時期小珍珠配鑽石吊墜項鏈,J.E. Caldwell 735 A RUBY AND DIAMOND RING AND A DIAMOND BROOCH The ring centring upon an oval-cut ruby; and the floral brooch, all accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 2.70cts total, ruby approx. 1.20cts, ring size 6¼, brooch length 7.0cm (2) HK$12,000-15,000 US$1,500-1,900 736 A PAIR OF CULTURED PEARL AND DIAMOND PENDENT EARRINGS Each set with four graduating round cultured pearls, measuring 13.7-9.1mm, accented by seed pearls, rose and brilliant-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 1.25cts total, length 6.8cm HK$25,000-35,000 US$3,200-4,500 養殖珍珠配鑽石耳環 737 A PAIR OF DIAMOND PENDENT EARRINGS AND A CULTURED PEARL AND DIAMOND RING The earrings set with marquise and brilliant-cut diamonds; the ring set with seventeen round cultured pearls measuring 4.5-3.9mm, accented by brilliant-cut diamonds, earring length 4.8cm, ring size 4¾ (2) HK$28,000-36,000 US$3,600-4,600 鑽石耳環及養殖珍珠配鑽石戒指 738 A PAIR OF COLOURED DIAMOND AND DIAMOND EARRINGS Of floral design, each accented by rose and briolette-cut diamonds, some of yellow tint, diamonds approx. 5.70cts total, length 2.7cm HK$30,000-40,000 US$3,800-5,100 彩色鑽石配鑽石 花朵 耳環 739 A CULTURED PEARL, GEM-SET AND DIAMOND RING The round grey cultured pearl, measuring 13.5mm, accented by a pear-shaped peridot and a cabochon pink tourmaline, each within a rose and brilliant-cut diamond surround, diamonds approx. 1.60cts total, peridot approx. 2.90cts, tourmaline approx. 1.00ct, ring size 6¼ HK$20,000-28,000 US$2,600-3,600 養殖珍珠, 彩色寶石配鑽石戒指 740 A PAIR OF DIAMOND NOVELTY EARRINGS Each four-leaf clover, pavé-set with brilliant-cut diamonds, accented by princess, pear and marquise-cut diamonds, diamonds approx. 6.30cts total, length 3.7cm HK$30,000-50,000 US$3,800-6,400 鑽石 幸運草 耳環 紅寶石配鑽石戒指及鑽石別針 54 BONHAMS

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