Describing age wĕn nĭ Happy Birthday! How old are they? Look at the birthday cakes below and count the candles. Ian suì le Ian David suì le David Mia

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Describing people wĕn nĭ Introducing... Me! 1. Trace and color the yăn jı ng. nĭ de yăn jı ng shì lán sè de ma Are your eyes blue? ka fe i sè de ma lǜ sè de ma Brown? Green? wŏ de yăn jı ng shì My eyes are (color the eyes!) 2. Draw your ĕr duo and bí zi. 3. Trace the zuĭ. 4. Draw your tóu fa. nĭ de tóu fa shì cháng de ma (Circle one) nĭ de tóu fa shì duăn de ma Is your hair long? Or is your hair short? Look through your family photo album and describe who you see. Who has lán sè de yăn jı ng /blue fe eyes? i sè de ka tóu fa /brown hair? Make a paper bag puppet. What can you use for the yăn jı ng /eyes? Buttons? Stickers? Try some yarn for the tóu fa /hair, and some red licorice for a zuĭ /mouth.

Describing age wĕn nĭ Happy Birthday! How old are they? Look at the birthday cakes below and count the candles. Ian suì le Ian David suì le David Mia suì le Mia And you? Decorate your own birthday cake and add the candles! wŏ suì le The next time someone in your family has a birthday, make a birthday card in Mandarin and sing zhù nĭ she ng rì kuài lè / For help, listen to Around the World with Langu Stars, Track 74!

Describing actions wĕn nĭ What Do You Like To Do? nĭ xĭ hua n gàn shén me What do you like to do? wŏ xĭ hua n I like......tı zú qiú nĭ xu yào shén me What do you need? wŏ xu yào I need......qiú qia n...qí zì xíng che...zú qiú...dàng qiú qia n...zì xíng che wŏ men qù wán ba Let s go play! wŏ mén yào gàn shén me ne What should we do? nĭ xĭ hua n tí zú qiú ma Do you like to play soccer? nĭ xĭ hua n qí zì xíng che ma Do you like to ride your bike? nĭ xĭ hua n dàng qiú qia n ma Do you like to swing?

I can! structures wĕn nĭ I Can Recycle! Go green! Look at the items below and circle whether it can be recycled or not! 4 bào zhĭ kĕ yĭ huí sho u. 4 zhĭ be i kĕ yĭ huí sho u. 4 yĭn liào guàn kĕ yĭ huí sho u. 8 bào zhĭ bù kĕ yĭ huí sho u. 8 zhĭ be i bù kĕ yĭ huí sho u. 8 yĭn liào guàn bù kĕ yĭ huí sho u. 4 shèng sa n míng zhì kĕ yĭ 4 sù liào píng kĕ 4 zhĭ hé zi kĕ huí sho u. yĭ huí sho u. yĭ huí sho u. 8 shèng sa n míng zhì bù kĕ 8 sù liào píng bù kĕ 8 zhĭ hé zi bù kĕ yĭ huí sho u. yĭ huí sho u. yĭ huí sho u. Make a recycling chart at home to remind your family to go green! Tape it to your recycling bin. (If you don t have a bin, consider making one!) sù liào zhĭ he bo li kĕ yĭ huí sho u Plastic, paper and glass can be recycled. sù liào n píng liào yĭ guàn bào zhĭ hé zhĭ hé zi fàng zài zhèr Bottles, cans, new

I can! structures wĕn nĭ Go Green! Help Jack decide what he can recycle and what needs to be thrown away. kĕ yĭ huí sho u ma Can be recycled? If yes, draw a line from the item to the recycle bin. If no, draw a line from the item to the trash bin. zhĭ hé zi bào zhĭ la jı tong zhĭ be i yĭn liào guàn shèng sa n míng zhì sù liào píng huí sho u tŏng Make a chart at home with the following two headings: kĕ yĭ huí sho u /I can recycle this. kĕ yĭ huí sho u /I can t recycle this. Every time you throw something away, write the name of the item under the appropriate column. Look at what you throw away in a week. Can you find a recyclable option for any of them?

Describing future and past events wĕn nĭ Coin Flip What will it land on? Heads or tails? Find a friend, make your guesses, then flip the coin to see what happens! PREDICTION OUTCO zhèng miàn Heads? huì shì shén me bĕn lái shì shén me What is it going to be? What was it? huì shì zhèng miàn bĕn lái shì fă n miàn It will be heads. It was tails. făn miàn Tails? Build a Lego or block tower. Ask nĭ yào yòng shén me yán sè What color ar going to use? before each block, and nĭ yòng le shén me yán sè What color did you use? after each one.

Describing past and future events wĕn nĭ At the Races! Use two balls of different size and weight and roll them together down different slopes. Which one will get to the bottom faster? PREDICTION OUTCO huì fa she ng shén me fa she ng le shén me What is going to What happened? happen? hóng sè huì yíng lán sè yíng le Red is going to win! Blue won. Finish Finish Choose a simple recipe and follow step by step instructions as you cook, asking wŏ men yào zuò shén me What are we going to do? before and wŏ each men step, zuò le shén me What did we do? after each one.

Describing health wĕn nĭ How Do You Feel? OW! wŏ wèi téng wŏ tóu téng wŏ tuĭ téng wŏ săng zi téng* My stomach hurts. My head hurts. My leg hurts. My throat hurts. * tòng is another way to express hurts. You can say wŏ tóu téng or wŏ tóu tòng Draw a bandage (or stick a real one!) on what hurts. wŏ tóu téng wŏ tuĭ téng wŏ wèi téng Play Hospital at home! yı she ng wŏ săng zi téng Doctor, I have a sore throat! Make some fruit punch medicine for your patient s sore throat, or find a band-aid for Teddy s sore arm!

Describing health wĕn nĭ Charades! Cut up the Charades Cards below. Player 1 picks a card and acts it out silently. Player 2 has to guess the ailment Player 1 is depicting. Optionally play in teams! OW! wŏ săng zi téng wŏ tuĭ téng wŏ wèi téng get well soon!! Hi wŏ shŏu téng wŏ ge bo téng wŏ tóu téng

Describing emotions wĕn nĭ How Are You? ta hĕn ga o xìng ta hĕn nán guò ta hĕn she ng qì ta hĕn lèi He is happy. She is sad. He is angry. He is tired. Complete the faces: wŏ hĕn lèi wŏ I ta He ta She wŏ hĕn nán guò wŏ hĕn ga o xìng wŏ hĕn she ng qì Listen to If You re Happy and You Know It (found on our website under Student Center/ Pronunciation Guide/Songs). Clap, cry, stomp, and yawn along! As you read bedtime stories each night, ask how the characters are feeling. Is he ga o xìng /happy? Is she nán guò /sad? wèi shén me Why?

Prepositions of place wĕn nĭ I Spy... ta shì shén me Color the picture, then play qı I Spy with a partner. ng tíng a dragonfly I see something on the log! piáo chóng a ladybug What is it? wŏ kàn jiàn zài hé yè de qı ng wa a frog shàng miàn yú a fish zài shàng miàn I see on the lily pad. on zài lĭ miàn wŏ kàn jiàn zài chí in zài zho ng jia n táng de lĭ miàn between zài páng bia n I see in the pond. next to wŏ kàn jiàn zài shù zhua ng de páng bia n I see next to the log. wŏ kàn jiàn zài shuĭ căo de zho ng jia n I see between the reeds. Play I Spy at home using a paper towel tube as a spyglass. What do you spy zài zhuo zi de shàng miàn On the table? zài ma ma de páng bia n Next to Mom? Play I Spy using the I Spy book series, found at or your local bookstore!

I like... wĕn nĭ What Do You Like To Eat? YUM! YUCK! wŏ xĭ hua n chı píng guŏ wŏ bù xĭ hua n chı xı lán hua I like to eat apples. I don t like to eat broccoli. Do you like it? Draw a or a and write a sentence to tell us what you like: bı ng qí lín pú táo jı tuĭ hú luó bo Go to a Chinese restaurant and try several dishes. Decide what you like to eat and what you don t like to eat. nĭ xĭ hua n chı Do you like to eat?

I have... wĕn nĭ What s Missing? Look: tuĭ the legs wĕi ba ba n diăn tiáo wén the tail the spots the stripes Oh no! The artist forgot to finish his pictures. Can you draw in the missing parts? dà xiàng méi yŏu tuĭ The elephant DOES NOT HAVE legs! shı zi méi yŏu wĕi ba The lion DOES NOT HAVE a tail! cháng jĭng lù méi yŏu ba n diăn The giraffe DOES NOT HAVE spots! ba n mă méi yŏu tiáo we n The zebra DOES NOT HAVE stripes! When you check your backpack in the morning, run through a checklist to make sure you have all your things in your backpack: Do you have.../nĭ yŏ u ma Do you have books, pencils, or notebook? nĭyŏ u qia n bĭ, shu hé b ĕn zi ma w ŏ yŏ u /Yes, I have... ŏ yŏ wu shu /Yes, I have books. wŏ méi yŏ u /No, I don t have... ŏ méi wyŏ u qia n bĭ /No, I don t have pencils.

To have wĕn nĭ Animal Go Fish Color the cards. Then cut them out to play Memory, or make a copy and use a double set to play Go Fish! shı zi the lion dà xiàng the elephant ba n mă the zebra cháng jĭng lù hóu zi lă o hŭ the giraffe the monkey the tiger

Review wĕn nĭ 20 Questions Use a die from a game at home or put slips of paper numbered 1 3 into a hat to determine how many spaces each player will advance. Use coins, paper clips, or other small objects as playing pieces. START wŏ jiào nĭ yŏ u lán nĭ shàng nĭ jiào shén nĭ jĭ suì le nĭ zhù nĭ xĭ hua nĭ hăo ma n sè de yăn xué ma me míng zi zài năr How old shŭ dào wŭ ch ı shén me j ıng ma How are you? Do you are you? Do you have go to What is Where do What do you blue eyes? school? your name? you live? Count to 5! like to eat? My name is wŏ I am wŏ zhù zài I live y ı, èr, sa n One, two, three wŏ xĭ hua n I like wŏ yŏ u I have wŏ I am shì, wŏ Yes, I go To add incentive, play with candies or stickers to reward each correct answer. FINISH Take a plain box and seal it to make a cube. Write a different review question on each side: nĭ jiào shén me míng zi What s your zhù name? zài năr nĭ Where do you live Take turns rolling your new game die, answering questions as you land on them.