舒適沐浴新革命慳水慳電好拍檔 A Modern Revolution for an Eco-friendly Showering Experience 專利智能調控雙膽速熱系統 Patented for Double Inner Tanks Smart-Control Heating System

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Instantaneous Electric Water Heaters 德國寶即熱式電熱水器 GPI-M6 GPI-M8 CEX CFX DSX DEX DCX DBX 三保用 GERMAN - E A R 快捷慳位經濟環保 德國寶新一代即熱式電熱水器系列, 全線原廠德國製造, 採用高端製熱科技,



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全新速熱式電熱水器 榮獲香港名牌最高榮譽獎之十年成就獎 舒適淋浴新革命 慳水節能花灑頭 Water-Saving Aerator 中央型 Central Type 3000W 花灑型 Shower Type 3000W 慳水 : 專用節水花灑頭, 慳水高達 70% # WATER EFFICIENT: Dedicated water-saving aerator showerhead slashes water usage by as much as 70% # 慳電 :3kW 智能調控技術, 高效加熱慳電 70% # ENERGY EFFICIENT: 3kW smart-control alternate heating reduces energy consumption by 70% # 慳位 : 纖薄機身設計, 節省空間更慳位 SPACE-SAVING: Slim design that takes up minimal space 節能 : 高效節能, 環保又慳錢 ECO-FRIENDLY: Less water and electricity consumption means eco-friendly and thrifty 舒適 :5 分鐘速熱, 超長舒適沐浴體驗 COMFORTABLE: 5 minutes rapid heating creates long-lasting showering comfort # 混合流水量 3.5L/min, 升溫 20 情況下與傳統 6 加侖容量電熱水器運作耗電耗水量相比 # Compared with the water and energy consumption of a traditional 6-gallon capacity electric water heater under the condition of 20 C increase in water temperature with a flow rate of 3.5L/min. RAPID FAST FLOW ELECTRIC WATER HEATER

舒適沐浴新革命慳水慳電好拍檔 A Modern Revolution for an Eco-friendly Showering Experience 專利智能調控雙膽速熱系統 Patented for Double Inner Tanks Smart-Control Heating System 專利左右雙膽設計, 分別配備 3kW 獨立雙加熱管, 普通家庭即可安裝使用, 左右分工智能加熱, 熱水器即開速熱, 源源不斷享受舒適熱水 Creative double inner tanks design is equipped with two independent 3kW heating elements suitable for domestic installation and usage. Smart-control alternate heating makes rapid heating possible for a continuous supply of hot water. 快 5 分鐘即可享受舒適淋浴 FAST only takes 5 min to prepare for an enjoyable shower 傳統單爐膽加熱耗時長, 需要消耗很多能量 ; 智能調控雙膽速熱技術, 採用獨立 3kW 雙加熱管, 集中熱力優先加熱部分熱水, 通過動態熱循環迅速加熱來水,5 分鐘即可達到舒適淋浴水溫 Traditional single tank heating is time and energy-consuming. The Smart-control alternate heating technology uses two independent 3kW heating elements to quickly heat up part of the water through dynamic thermal cycle. It takes only 5 minutes to bring water to a thermally comfortable temperature. 久 可連續沖涼長達 40 分鐘 * LASTING up to 40 min* of showering comfort 智能控溫技術, 自動感應水溫變化, 通過熱能轉換速熱技術, 有效延長熱水供應時間, 可連續沖涼長達 40 分鐘 *, 令沖涼時間更持久 Intelligent temperature control technology detects the change in water temperature. The alternate intelligent heating enables a continuous hot water supply & lasting showering experience for up to 40 minutes*. 慳 節能高達 70% # COST-EFFECTIVE up to 70% # in energy saving 相比單爐膽和傳統熱水供應方式, 智能速熱系統有效令熱水使用效率更高, 更能減少熱能浪費, 配合專用慳水花灑頭, 相比傳統 6 加侖容量電熱水器慳電慳水高達 70% #, 節省更多的能源和金錢 Compared with single tank and the traditional mode of hot water supply, the smart-control heating system could achieve a higher water conservation rate and reduction in heat loss. Together with the dedicated water-saving aerator showerhead, it slashes water and energy consumption by up to 70% # when compared with the traditional 6-gallon capacity electric water heater. The whole user experience will be more energy-efficient and cost-effective. 分鐘 5 min 速熱 Rapid heating 舒適淋浴熱水溫度 Comfortable showering temperature 超長連續供應熱水 Long-lasting hot water supply 爽 3kW 舒適淋浴新革命 REFRESHING - 3kW revolutionary power for showering comfort 突破住宅電力限制, 只需 3kW 的功率就能帶給您持久舒適的沐浴體驗, 專利智能調控雙膽速熱技術, 左右分工智能加熱, 熱效率大幅提升, 有效延長供應適溫熱水時間, 舒適沐浴不再受限, 帶給您超爽淋浴新體驗 Surpassing household electricity limit, it only takes 3kW of power to enjoy continuous bathing comfort. The patented smart-control alternate heating technology greatly enhances heating efficiency to render lasting supply of warm water and boundless bathing refreshment. 薄 超薄慳位設計 SLIM ultra-slim space-saving design 相比傳統 6 加侖容量電熱水器更纖薄, 機身厚度僅為 21cm, 為浴室節省更多空間, 更省位 Compared with traditional 6-gallon capacity electric water heaters, they offer a slimmer design (only 21cm in thickness) that takes up much less bathroom space. 3000W 厚度 Thickness 21cm VS 厚度 Thickness 30cm 以上 Above * 需配合德國寶慳水節能花灑頭使用 加熱 30 分鐘, 入水溫度 20, 流量 3.5L/min, 混合水溫度 40, 出水時間 40.20 分鐘 * Ought to pair with the dedicated water-saving aerator showerhead. Inlet water at 20 C with a flow rate of 3.5L/min is heated for 30 minutes. Hot water at 40 C can be continuously supplied for 40.20 minutes. # 混合流水量 3.5L/min, 升溫 20 情況下與傳統 6 加侖容量電熱水器運作耗電耗水量相比 # Compared with the water and energy consumption of a traditional 6-gallon capacity electric water heater under the condition of 20 C increase in water temperature with a flow rate of 3.5L/min. 德國寶速熱式電熱水器 German Pool Rapid Fast Flow Electric Water Heater 傳統電熱水器 Traditional Electric Water Heaters

速熱式電熱水器 + 慳水節能花灑頭 Rapid Fast Flow Electric Water Heater + Water-Saving Aerator 慳水節能花灑頭減少浪費不減舒適 Less Water Consumption Without Compromising Showering Comfort 配合全新推出的慳水節能花灑頭, 根據德國寶速熱式電熱水器特性度身研發設計, 相比傳統 6 加侖容量電熱水器有效慳水高達 70% # 通過創新空氣加壓技術, 花灑流量媲美 8 公升 / 分鐘之按摩花灑頭 ^, 有效延長沐浴熱水供應時間, 慳水同時有效提升沐浴舒適度, 享受最佳沐浴體驗 Coupled with the new water-saving aerator showerhead, which is specially designed to be used with German Pool s Rapid Fast Flow Electric Water Heaters, it slashes up to 70% # of the water consumed by a traditional 6-gallon capacity water heater. The special designed aerator adopts the innovative Air Jet Compression Technology to increase water discharge to a rate that is comparable to a massaging jet (8L/min)^, resulting in a more lasting showering experience without compromising showering comfort. It will simply enable you to spend less while enjoy more. 慳水節能花灑頭 Water-Saving Aerator 採用創新空氣加壓技術, 有效提升沐浴舒適度, 體感效果媲美 8 公升 / 分鐘按摩花灑頭 ^ The special designed aerator adopts the innovative Air Jet Compression Technology to deliver showering comfort comparable to a massaging jet at 8L/min^. 空氣加壓掣 Aerator Switch 特設空氣加壓掣, 打開氣孔加入空氣, 保持慳水效果同時增強出水力度, 為您帶來最佳舒適沐浴 The unique Aerator Switch draws air through the air hole to increase water pressure, bringing you the most comfortable showering experience with reduced water consumption. GPNB-6SSL: 內部運作效果圖 GPNB-6SSL: Internal Operating Mechanism 多角度靈活調節, 適合不同位置 Flexible holder for easy placement. ^ 市面標稱流量為 8 公升 / 分鐘之一般按摩花灑頭 ^ The 8L/min flow rate offered by a typical massaging showerhead available in the market.

速熱式電熱水器 ( 中央型 ) Rapid Fast Flow Electric Water Heater (Central Type) GPU-6SSL 產品特點 Product Features 3 kw 功率 雙內膽 Double Inner Tanks 多點出水 Multi-point application 慳水節能花灑頭 Water-Saving Aerator 產品結構 Product Structure (W) 420mm (D) 210mm (H) 640mm 簡潔出入水喉設計, 安裝接駁容易, 有效避免錯誤安裝 Simple water inlet and outlet design for easy and error-free installation. 優質進口配件 First-Rated Imported Components 2 合 1 溫度調節器及超溫斷路器 2-in-1 Thermostat & Thermal Circuit Breaker ( 法國製造 Made in France) 溫度調節器自動恆溫, 保持水溫在預設溫度, 節省能源及配合個人的使用熱水習慣 超溫斷路器設定溫度上限為 82 C 嶄新 2 合 1 設計更為簡潔耐用 Thermostat automatically maintains at preset value to save energy and accommodate individual bathing habits. Thermal circuit breaker is set at a maximum temperature of 82 C. The advanced 2-in-1 design makes it more compact and durable. 超溫及超壓排放閥 Pressure & Temperature Relief Valves (P.T.V.) ( 意大利製造 Made in Italy) 超溫排放固定於 90 C, 或壓力排放於 1,000kPa Water discharge at 90 C or 1,000kPa. 頂級不銹鋼內膽 Premium Stainless Steel Inner Tank ( 日本製造 Made in Japan) 頂級耐腐蝕日本特殊不銹鋼內膽, 採用氬弧轆焊技術, 確保防銹 耐壓, 不受水質侵蝕 Ultra-durable Japanese stainless steel inner tank assembled by argon arc welding technology to ensure the tank is resistant to rusting, high pressure and corrosion attack by impure water. 高效發熱管 Efficient Heating Elements 優質不銹鋼雙發熱管高效加熱, 發揮最高導熱效能 Dual high quality stainless steel heating elements ensure maximum thermal efficiency. 防倒流裝置 Anti-back Syphon Device 當無水供應時控制熱水器內的水不能排出 Prevent hot water from being syphoned back to the supply pipe during water storage period. 節能保溫設計 Effective Insulation 完密噴注式保溫層, 使用先進合成樹脂纖維材料, 失溫程度最低 保持熱水溫度, 節省電能 Optimal thermal insulation is achieved by the polyurethane foam layer, which slows down water heat loss and conserves electricity. 溫度顯示器 Temperature Display 溫度顯示器方便查看熱水溫度 Temperature display conveniently indicates the water temperature.

速熱式電熱水器 ( 花灑型 ) Rapid Fast Flow Electric Water Heater (Shower Type) GPNB-6SSL 產品特點 Product Features 3 kw 功率 雙內膽 Double Inner Tanks 出水 Outlet 入水 Inlet 簡易接駁安裝 Simple installation 單點出水 Single-point application 慳水節能花灑頭 Water-Saving Aerator 產品結構 Product Structure (W) 420mm (D) 210mm (H) 640mm 簡潔出入水喉設計, 安裝接駁容易, 有效避免錯誤安裝 Simple water inlet and outlet design for easy and error-free installation. 優質進口配件 First-Rated Imported Components 2 合 1 溫度調節器及超溫斷路器 2-in-1 Thermostat & Thermal Circuit Breaker ( 法國製造 Made in France) 溫度調節器自動恆溫, 保持水溫在預設溫度, 節省能源及配合個人的使用熱水習慣 超溫斷路器設定溫度上限為 82 C 嶄新 2 合 1 設計更為簡潔耐用 Thermostat automatically maintains at preset value to save energy and accommodate individual bathing habits. Thermal circuit breaker is set at a maximum temperature of 82 C. The advanced 2-in-1 design makes it more compact and durable. 頂級不銹鋼內膽 Premium Stainless Steel Inner Tank ( 日本製造 Made in Japan) 頂級耐腐蝕日本特殊不銹鋼內膽, 採用氬弧轆焊技術, 確保防銹 耐壓, 不受水質侵蝕 Ultra-durable Japanese stainless steel inner tank assembled by argon arc welding technology to ensure the tank is resistant to rusting, high pressure and corrosion attack by impure water. 高效發熱管 Efficient Heating Elements 優質不銹鋼雙發熱管高效加熱, 發揮最高導熱效能 Dual high quality stainless steel heating elements ensure maximum thermal efficiency. 節能保溫設計 Effective Insulation 完密噴注式保溫層, 使用先進合成樹脂纖維材料, 失溫程度最低 保持熱水溫度, 節省電能 Optimal thermal insulation is achieved by the polyurethane foam layer, which slows down water heat loss and conserves electricity. 溫度顯示器 Temperature Display 溫度顯示器方便查看熱水溫度 Temperature display conveniently indicates the water temperature. 內置單控式混合龍頭 Built-in Water Mixer 內置式設計, 無需另駁配件, 安裝簡單方便, 有效避免錯誤安裝 節省空間同時有效減少熱量流失, 溫度更精準 Built-in water mixer requires no other odd-ons. Installation is simple and less prone to errors. It also saves space and helps reduce heat loss, which ensures a more precise water temperature output.

五重保險 * 安全加倍 5-Tier * Fail-safe Features 第 1 重 : 自動恆溫設備 1st Tier: Automatic Thermostatic Control 使用者可隨時因應個人習慣而調校法國製恆溫器 ( 最高 75±3 C) 溫度選定後, 若溫度達到預設之最高溫, 電源會立即自動被切斷 ; 相反, 當水溫低於預設溫度, 電源便會自動開啟 Temperature can be adjusted according to user s preference (max. 75±3 C) with the Frenchmade thermostat. When the upper limit is reached, electricity would be cut off automatically; once the water temperature drops below the lower limit, power will be resumed automatically. 第 2 重 : 超溫斷路設備 2nd Tier: Thermal Circuit Breaker 內設法國製固定溫度斷路器 ( 最高溫度為 82 C) 若水溫達到 82 C 時, 超溫斷路裝置會立即將所有電源切斷, 以提醒使用者應找註冊維修技師檢查自動恆溫器, 確保安全 The built-in French-made thermal circuit breaker is set at 82 C. If water temperature reaches 82 C, power would be cut off automatically to remind users that a proper check-up should be conducted by an authorized technician to ensure safety. 第 3 重 : 超溫感應排放閥 3rd Tier: Temperature Relief Valve 當水溫達到 90 C 時, 熱水器的意大利製造超溫感應排放閥門便會自動打開, 以防止熱水爐因連續加熱而產生壓縮蒸氣 When water temperature reaches 90 C, the Italian-made temperature relief valve will open automatically to prevent buildup of steam pressure caused by continuous heating on water in the inner tank. 第 4 重 : 壓力感應排放閥 4th Tier: Pressure Relief Valve 熱水器爐膽加熱後水壓上限設定為 1,000kPa (10 bar) 在不正常情況下來水壓力超越了指定壓力時, 意大利製的壓力排放閥隨即自動打開閥門, 將水排出 註一 : 正常情況下, 供水系統之來水水壓不能超過 500kPa (5 bar), 否則用戶須額外加裝減壓器 註二 : 產品出廠前內膽測試壓力為 1,200kPa (12 bar) Normal working pressure is set at 1,000kPa (10 bar). Under abnormal circumstances where the inner tank is subject to excessive pressure, the Italian-made pressure relief valve will open automatically to discharge water. Note 1: Incoming pressure should not exceed 500kPa (5 bar) under normal working conditions. Otherwise, an extra pressure relief device must be installed. Note 2: Each inner tank has been subject to a 1,200kPa (12 bar) pressure test prior to shipping. 第 5 重 : 防倒流裝置 5th Tier: Anti-back Syphon Device 熱水器設有防倒流裝置, 當遇到無水供應情況時 ( 如供水系統故障 ), 防倒流安全裝置能有效防止爐內熱水產生回抽作用 (back syphon), 以免內膽結構受破壞, 同時保證發熱管不因缺水而乾燒 Anti-back syphon device prevents hot water from being syphoned back to the supply pipe during water shortage period. This can effectively protect the inner tank from damage and the heating element from dry-heating. 1 2 4 3 5 * 只限中央型 Only applies to central type 出水 ( 熱 ) Outlet (Hot)

產品規格 Product Specifications R A P ID FA S T FLOW E LE C T R IC WAT E R H E AT E R 速熱式電熱水器系列 Type 類形 Central Type 中央型 Shower Type 花灑型 GPU-6SSL GPNB-6SSL Product Image 產品圖片 Model 型號 Voltage / Frequency 電壓 / 頻率 220 V / 50 Hz Electric Power (kw) 功率 3 kw Product Dimensions (mm) 機身尺寸(毫米) (H)640 (W)420 (D)210 Capacity 容量 6 Gal. / 23 L Net Weight 淨重 17 kg Net Weight: Full Tank 注水後重量 40 kg Working Pressure 正常水壓 0.6 MPa 0 MPa Testing Pressure 測試水壓 1.2 MPa 0.5 MPa Water Resistance 防水等級 Certifications 認證 IPX4 符合機電工程署電氣產品 安全 條例 IEC 60335-2-21: 2012 (Sixth Edition) used in conjunction with IEC 603351:2010 (Fifth Edition) incl. Corr. 1:2010 and Corr. 2:2011 +A1:2013 Energy Efficiency Label 能源標籤 Complimentary Set 隨機附送 1級/Grade 1 慳水節能花 灑頭 Water-Saving Aerator 可調式花 灑座 Adjustable Holder 1.5米金屬花 灑喉 1.5m Metal Hose 產品規格及設計如有變更 恕不另行通知 產品外觀以實物為準 中英文版本如有出入 一概以中文版為準 最新版本以www.germanpool.com 網上版為準 安裝注意事項 所有速熱式電熱水器(熱水器)必須由經認可的專業人員安裝 整個安裝工程必須由這名人員全權負責 每部熱水器安裝手冊內 的指示必須嚴格遵守 電工必須遵守適用標準和安裝規定 並確保安裝符合當地所有相關法規 供電和供水公司規定及安全規例 Specifications and designs are subject to change without prior notice. The appearance of the actual product shall prevail. If there are any inconsistencies or ambiguities between the English version and the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail. Refer to www.germanpool. com for the most up-to-date version. Installation Notice: All electric water heaters must be installed by qualified technicians only, who will assume responsibility for the entire heater installation. Respective installation manuals of each individual heater must be strictly observed without compromises. Local Safety Regulations must also be observed this is the sole responsibility of the executing technician. E W 首家榮獲 一級能源標籤 First To Receive 1st Class Energy Efficiency Label AR RA NT Y FOR NKS TA ER 內膽保用 IM 入水 (冷) Inlet (Cold) 永久 LIFET GPU-6SSL: 內部運作效果圖 GPU-6SSL: Internal Operating Mechanism 式 電 熱 水 器 速 熱 IN N 首創永久內膽保用 兩年電器零件保用證明及 質量證明書 保證質量 All water heaters come with a quality passport with lifetime warranty for the inner tanks and 2-year warranty for electrical parts. 符合機電工程署電氣 產品(安全)規例 Comply With Hong Kong Electrical Products (Safety) Regulation

SINCE 1982 德國寶全線熱水器系列 GERMAN POOL WATER HEATER SERIES 即熱式電熱水器 Instantaneous Electric Water Heater 德國原廠製造 MADE IN GERMANY GPI-M6 GPI-M8 CEX21 CFX21 DB DSX DEX DCX DBX 速熱式電熱水器 Rapid Fast Flow Electric Water Heater 儲水式電熱水器 ( 花灑型 ) Storage Water Heater (Shower Type) 中央型 Central Type 花灑型 Shower Type GPU-6SSL GPNB-6SSL GPN-2TL GPN-4TD GPN-4TMS 儲水式電熱水器 ( 中央型 ) Storage Water Heater (Central Type) 數碼恒溫氣體熱水器 Instantaneous Gas Water Heater 太陽能熱水器 Solar Water Heater 澳洲製造 MADE IN AUSTRALIA GPU-GB GPU-HF GPU-KF GPS16 GPS13 GPS212 GPS12 Solahart 302K 產品規格及設計如有變更, 恕不另行通知 最新版本以 www.germanpool.com 網上版為準 Specifications are subject to change without prior notice. Refer to www.germanpool.com for the most up-to-date version. 中英文版本如有出入, 一概以中文版為準 If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail. 德國寶 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 德國寶廚櫃及電器陳列中心 GERMAN POOL (HONG KONG) LIMITED 香港 中國 澳門 2015 香港潛質品牌 大中華卓越貢獻品牌大獎 旗艦店及廚樂體驗館土瓜灣馬頭角道新寶工商中心地舖 T. +852 2773 2828 生活 廚樂概念店九龍灣宏照道 MegaBox L5-5 舖 T. +852 3907 0356 長沙灣陳列中心長沙灣長裕街永明工業中心地舖 T. +852 2370 3189 荃灣陳列中心大壩街荃灣廣場四樓 435-436 號舖 T. +852 2455 2382 灣仔陳列中心灣仔摩利臣山道 22 號地舖 T. +852 3110 2030 深圳旗艦店南山區 HOKO 購物中心 2 期 401-402 ( 即將開幕 ) 順德旗艦店佛山市順德區德順廣場三層 T. +86 757 2980 8308 俾利喇街陳列中心澳門俾利喇街 145 號寶豐工業大廈 3 樓 T. +853 2875 2699 香港超級品牌 Q 嘜 優質服務證書 香港卓越名牌 www.germanpool.com www.germanpool.com 德國寶 GPNB-GPU-6SSL-SERIES-PS-16(1)