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Chinese oil import policies and reforms 随 着 经 济 的 发 展, 目 前 中 国 石 油 消 费 总 量 已 经 跃 居 世 界 第 二 作 为 一 个 负 责 任 的 大 国, 中 国 正 在 积 极 推 进 能 源 进 口 多 元 化, 鼓 励 替 代

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MEMBERS CIRCULAR 6 July 2017 Ref. 030/07/17 Dear Members STUDY TRIP 2017 TO CHINA: Sunday 15 - Sunday, 22 October 2017 (8D/6N) Greetings! We are pleased to announce our long haul study trip for 2017 to CHINA, specifically to Beijing and Shenyang. China is well known as a shopping paradise and over the past years, malls have been proliferating, with more mall space under construction in a single Chinese city compared to those in Europe. These cities include the 1st, 2nd and even 3rd tier cities and China now has nearly 4,000 shopping malls. In both Beijing and Shenyang (a Tier 2 city), the shopping malls merchandise mix ranges from super high end, branded boutiques to the mass brands. Most malls have their own unique selling points(usp) and may specialize in entertainment, lifestyle and flamboyant mall designs etc. The itinerary will include some of the following malls for participants to focus on building design, merchandise mix, visual merchandising and marketing techniques etc. Details are as follows: Duration/Dates *Cost per pax(rm) Twin-sharing (4 star hotel) A selection of some of the proposed malls/precincts to visit includes: Remarks 8D/6N Proposed flight details via AIR CHINA (subject to confirmation): Sun 15 Oct 2017: KL-Beijing assemble at KLIA by 2030 (08.30 pm) Dep 2340 Arr 0555 (+1) Thurs 19 Oct 2017: Beijing-Shenyang (To be advised) Sun 22 Oct 2017: Shenyang-Beijing Dep1110 Arr 1250 Members Nonmembers Beijing: APM Capitaland Mall (Xizhimen) RM6,299* RM7,599* China World Mall Chaoyang Joy City Seasons Place Parkview Green Xidan Joy City Shenyang: Zhongliang Joy City Mall MixC Shopping Mall Forum 66 Star Mall Shenyang Plaza Happy Family Xinglong Outlets The trip will only be confirmed with a minimum no. of 20 participants subject to a maximum of 40 pax. Climate: Beijing: minimum 7 o C to maximum 19 o C (approx) Shenyang: minimum 4 o C to maximum 16 o C (approx) Single supplement: Additional RM1,500/-. Beijing-KL Dep 1550 Arr 2220 *inclusive of GST where applicable Persatuan Pengurusan Kompleks Malaysia (PPK) Malaysia Shopping Malls Association A608, 6th Floor, Lobby 2, No. 1, Jalan SS20/27, Damansara Intan, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor D.E. Malaysia T +603 7727 6202/6232 F +603 7727 6203 E secretariat@ppkm.org.my W www.ppkm.org.my 1

The above costs (ex-kuala Lumpur) include the following: return economy flight tickets and check-in luggage of maximum 30 kg and carry-on luggage of not more than 7 kg. per pax. (Any extra charges incurred will be borne by the participant personally.) internal return flight from Beijing-Shenyang-Beijing airport transfers (in Beijing and Shenyang) 6 nights twin-share accommodation (including breakfast at hotel) transport for the above visits to the various shopping malls/precincts (where applicable) but excludes meals and expenses travel insurance GST (where applicable) Additional costs which are NOT inclusive are as follows: application of China visa of RM88.30 (single visit/regular application) and travel agent s processing fee RM53 ie total of RM141.30 inclusive of GST. (Please complete the form as in Appendix 4 and note there is no guarantee of any visa approvals whereupon there is NO refund in the event your visa application is unsuccessful.) Interested participants are requested to please register with FULL PAYMENT (payable to Persatuan Pengurusan Kompleks Malaysia (PPK) to reach our secretariat on or before 5 p.m. on *Friday, 28 July 2017 with the following documents: photocopy of your passport duly completed registration form (Appendix 2) duly completed travel insurance form (Appendix 3) duly completed China visa form (Appendix 4) *Any registrations received after this date will be subject to an administrative surcharge of RM318 (inclusive of GST) per person and subject to availability. Interested participants are requested to indicate in the attached form in order that we may plan accordingly please photocopy extra copies and IT IS ESSENTIAL TO COMPLETE ONE (1) FORM PER PARTICIPANT WITH ALL DETAILS INDICATED. Kindly note that the entire trip will only be confirmed subject to the required minimum no. of participants and/or flight/hotel availability etc. and on a first-come-first-served basis. We shall keep you posted in due course of further confirmed details concerning the detailed itinerary etc. Kindly also be informed that the organizer reserves the right to revise details of the Study Trip (including departure dates and flight carriers) subject to availability and solely at our discretion. Interested participants may contact our secretariat at Tel: 03-7727 6202 for any further information, thank you. Yours faithfully PERSATUAN PENGURUSAN KOMPLEKS MALAYSIA (PPK) TAN SRI DATUK EDDY CHEN President 2

Thumbnails of a selection of BEIJING/SHENYANG SHOPPING MALLS Appendix 1 BEIJING 1 APM Opened in 1993, Beijing apm, also known as Xindong'an Plaza, is a shopping mall and office building at Wangfujing, Beijing, China, developed by Sun Hung Kai Properties. With a total area of 120,000 sq.m., the mall has international big name brands, including China s first duplex GAP flagship store, China s first three-layer ZARA flagship store and the largest NIKE flagship of Asia NIKE Beijing. There are many featured restaurants offering both local and western cuisine including fast food. 2 Capitaland Mall (Xizhimen) With an area of 89,000 sq. m. and accessible by 3 interconnecting metro lines, the mall opened in 2007 and contains large department stores, international brands flagship stores, beauty and fitness service, entertainment, fast food, food courts, featured restaurants, and KTV. 3 China World Mall Located at Chaoyang District, one of the most prosperous districts in Beijing, China World Mall is an integral part of China World Trade Center. It first opened in 1990 and underwent expansion in 1997 to relaunch as China World Mall in 2000. It features over 300 specialty shops with a total size of 100,000 sq m GFA and 50,000 sq m of leasable area. There is also an ice rink with a total ice surface of 800 sq. m. 3

4 Chaoyang Joy City With a 14-storey retail podium opened in 2015 and a total built-up area of 230,000 sq m, there are more than 70 restaurants and cafes amongst many big-name brand fashion stores. 5 Seasons Place Located at the centre plaza of Beijing s finance street, Seasons Place provides a one-stop shopping experience with more than 100 shops and restaurants covering fashion, accessories, fine dining, beauty and entertainment. The mall has a total built up area of 89,000 sq m and opened in 2007. 6 Parkview Green Fangcaodi This is Beijing s futuristic mall in the heart of the CBD, an intelligent building that sets new standards in both form and function. Parkview Green s vast urban pyramid is a potent symbol of a new way of thinking, made up of 4 buildings, incorporating 200,000 sq m of office, conference, hotel, retail and leisure space which are designed with atria spaces, sky-gardens, terraces, link bridges, and together are shielded away from the external environment. Parkview Green is being hyped as the most energy efficient building in China, designed to maximize energy efficiency by maintaining its own "microclimate," reducing (though not eliminating) the need for air-conditioning. An elaborate engineering system allows for the building's sloping roof to be "opened" ever-so-slightly, allowing fresh air to circulate and stop the temperature from getting too high. With its opening in 2012 and winner of several green building awards, the loftier goal is for Parkview Green to set a green example for the surrounding community to follow. The mall at Parkview Green features multiple floors of shopping, ranging from fast fashion brands to highend luxury labels. There are various art pieces currently scattered around and a huge bridge running right through the center of the place. 4

7 Xidan Joy City 13-storey Joy City comes equipped with the world s longest escalator (from F1 to F8), the largest digital cinema in China, the largest cosmetic shop in Beijing and a host of international designer stores. The shopping centre itself stands out with its unique glass frontage incorporating many interesting angles across its face. Once inside you will be amazed by the huge voids decorated in a variety of themes as they stretch up upwards. Above the 7 floors of retail space, the building then provides apartments and hotel accommodation. 1 Zhongliang Joy City Mall SHENYANG The mall is a super-big shopping centre providing leisure, dining, and entertainment, which is funded and built by the state-owned enterprise, China Oil and Foodstuffs Corporation. The two buildings of the mall are connected by a flyover. Many famous brands choose Joy City Mall as the place to open their first branch in Shenyang, such as ZARA, MUJI and Haidilao, etc. Now Joy City Mall, together with the big screen, the coffee houses, the leisure promenade and those sculptures in its neighbor square, has become a new place to go for relaxation and entertainment. The Xingmei theatre can accommodate 1,400 people and is one of northeast China s largest and most luxurious. Joy City also has a comprehensive bookstore and an indoor ice skating rink. 2 MixC Shopping Mall Opened in 2015, it is not only a shopping centre but also a life centre. There are lots of entertainment including the best cinema in town on the 3rd floor together with many restaurants. On the 2nd floor, there are childrens shops from entertainment to education, from kids fashion to sports. 1st floor has local and international fashion together with a huge french hypermarket. It has a glass roof top which lets the natural daylight indoors which makes people feel more comfortable and relaxed. In total, MixC represents 125,000 sq m of retail, a 65,000 sq m office tower, 105,000 total sq m of residential towers, 24,000 sq m of meeting space and a five-star Grand Hyatt hotel tower. 5

3 Forum 66 Opened in 2012, this 861,240 sq m complex is located on a prime site on Qingnian Da Jie, known as the "Golden Corridor" which runs through the heart of Shenyang. The development comprises construction of a 360m high mega office tower, 34-storey hotel & service apartment twin tower, an exhibition centre, a 4-level basement retail and car park and a 4-level retail podium. The mall was awarded several green and building awards 4 Star Mall Shenyang Plaza Star Mall, the US$250 million joint project was opened in 2014. The 325,000 sq m shopping centre includes 128,000 sq ms of gross leasable area and is located in the city s Tiexi district. Developed by Turkish conglomerate Fiba Holding, Star Mall Shenyang Plaza was co-invested by the State General Reserve Fund of the Sultanate of Oman. The project is said to be the largest Turkish investment in China to date. The mall features shops from seven different brands belonging to Spain s Inditex, including Zara, Zara Home, Massimo Dutti, Bershka, Oysho, Pull and Bear and Stradivarius. The mall includes a 12 screen multi-plex from China s Huayi Brothers, as well as the first hypermarket opened in Liaoning province by France s Auchan. Other brands opening the new development include The GAP, H&M, Only, and Vero Moda. In addition to the mall, the project includes a 45,000 sq m office tower invested by Malaysia s KH Group. 5 Happy Family Mall The mall is anchored by a prominent department store and houses an indoor ice rink. 6

TO: PPK MALAYSIA, A 608, 6th Floor, Block A, No. 1, Jalan SS20/27 Damansara Intan, 47400 Petaling Jaya Appendix 2: Registration Form Email: secretariat@ppkm.org.my 8D/6N STUDY TRIP 2017 TO CHINA: Sun 15 to Sun 22 October 2017 I am interested in the abovementioned STUDY TRIP 2017 TO CHINA as follows: Name as in NRIC/passport Office Tel: Mobile No.: E-mail address: PPK Membership No.: Name of Organisation/ Shopping Centre/Building: Address: MR/MS. Designation: NRIC No: Passport No: Expiry Date of Passport:: (kindly ensure minimum of 6 mths validity): Single room supplement* Yes No Extension of trip on your own account* Yes. My return date will be on. No Enclosed please find my full payment amounting to RM payable to Persatuan Pengurusan Kompleks Malaysia (PPK) via cheque No dated..which will be refunded to me only in the event the trip is cancelled by the organizers and not otherwise. However, in the event I am unable to participate in the trip, I shall undertake to source for a replacement which shall be subject to any differences in payment (if applicable) and final approval by the Committee. I also understand that the organiser reserves the right to revise details of the Study Trip (including departure dates) subject to availability and at their discretion. Yours faithfully Name : Date : Company Stamp (if applicable): 7

Appendix 3 TRAVEL INSURANCE FORM TO: PPK MALAYSIA Fax: 03-7727 6203 A 608, 6th Floor, Lobby 2, Block A, No. 1, Jalan SS20/27 Damansara Intan, 47400 Petaling Jaya 8D/6N STUDY TRIP 2017 TO CHINA: Sun 15 to Sun 22 October 2017 TRAVEL INSURANCE Appended are my details as follows: Name as in NRIC/passport: NRIC: Mobile No.: E-mail address: HOME Address: *MR/MS. Name of Beneficiary: NRIC of Beneficiary: Relationship: *MR/MS... I also understand that as per the Schedule of Benefits (available to me upon request), I will not be entitled to any refunds once the policy has been issued in respect of the abovementioned travels. Yours faithfully Name : Date : *Please delete wherever applicable 8

Form V.2013 中华人民共和国签证申请表 Visa Application Form of the People s Republic of China (For the Mainland of China only) 申请人必须如实 完整 清楚地完整 清楚地填写本表格 请逐项在空白处用中文或英文大写字母打印填写, 或在 内打 选择 如有关项目不适用, 请写 无 The applicant should fill in this form truthful thfully ly,completely and clearly. Please type the answer in capital English letters in the space provided or tick ( ) the relevant box to select. If some of the items do not apply, please type N/A or None. 一 个人信息 Part 1: Personal Information 姓 Last name 1.1 英文姓名 Full English name 中间名 Middle name as in passport 名 First name 1.2 中文姓名 Name in Chinese 1.4 性别 Sex 男 M 女 F 1.6 现有国籍 Current nationality ationality(ies) 1.8 出生地点 ( 市 省 / 州 国 ) Place of birth( irth(city ity, province/s /state tate,c,country ountry) 1.9 身份证 / 公民证号码 Local ID/ Citizenship number 1.10 10 护照 / 旅行证件种类 Passport/Travel document type 1.3 别名或曾用名 Other name ame(s) 1.5 出生日期 DOB OB(yyyy-mm-dd yyyy-mm-dd) 1.7 曾有国籍 Former nationality ationality(ies) 外交 Diplomatic 普通 Ordinary 公务 官员 Service or Official 粘贴一张近期正面免冠 浅色背景的彩色护照照片 照片 /Photo Affix one recent color passport photo (full face, front view, bareheadedand and against a plain light colored background). 其他证件 ( 请说明 ) Other (Please specify): 1.11 护照号码 Passport number 1.13 签发地点 Place of issue 1.15 当前职业 ( 可选多项 ) Current occupation(s) 商人 Businessperson 公司职员 Company employee 演艺人员 Entertainer 工人 / 农民 Industrial/Agricultural worker 学生 Student 乘务人员 Crew member 自雇 Self-employed 无业 Unemployed 退休 Retired 1.12 签发日期 Date of issue( ssue(yyyy-mm-dd yyyy-mm-dd) 1.14 失效日期 Date of expir xpiry(yyyy-mm-dd yyyy-mm-dd) 前 / 现任议员 Former/incumbent member of parliament 职位 Position 前 / 现任政府官员 Former/incumbent government official 职位 Position 军人 Military personnel 职位 Position 非政府组织人员 NGO staff 宗教人士 Religious personnel 新闻从业人员 Staff of media 其他 ( 请说明 ) Other (Please specify): 1.16 受教育程度 Education 研究生 Postgraduate 其他 ( 请说明 ) Other (Please specify): 大学 College 1.17 工作单位 / 学校 Employer/School 名称 Name 地址 Address 联系电话 Phone number 邮政编码 Zip Code 第 1 页共 4 页 / Page 1 of 4

1.18 家庭住址 Home address 1.19 邮政编码 Zip Code 1.20 电话 / 手机 Home/mobile phone number 1.21 电子邮箱 E-mail address 1.22 婚姻状况 Marital status 已婚 Married 单身 Single 其他 Other(Please specify): 1.23 主要家庭成员 ( 配偶 子女 父母等, 可另纸 ) Major family members(spouse, spouse, children,parents,et c.,may type on separate paper) 姓名 Name 国籍 Nationality 职业 Occupation 关系 Relationship 1.24 姓名紧急联络人信息 Name Emergency 与申请人的关系 Contact Relationship with the applicant 1.25 申请人申请签证时所在的国家或地区 Country or territory where the applicant is located when applying for this visa 手机 Mobile phone number 二 旅行信息 Part 2: Travel Information 官方访问 Official Visit 旅游 Tourism 交流 考察 访问 Non-business visit 商业贸易 Business & Trade 人才引进 As introduced talent 执行乘务 As crew member 过境 Transit 短期探望中国公民或者具有中国永久居留资格的 2.1 申请入境事由外国人 Short-term visit to Chinese citizen or Major purpose foreigner with Chinese permanent residence status of your visit 短期探望因工作 学习等事由在中国停留居留的外国人 Short-term visit to foreigner residing in China due to work, study or other reasons 短期学习 Short-term study for less than 180 days 短期采访报道 As journalist for temporary news coverage 其他 ( 请说明 )Other (Please specify): 常驻外交 领事 国际组织人员 As resident diplomat iplomat,consul onsul or staff of international al organization 永久居留 As permanent resident 工作 Work 寄养 As child in foster care 与中国公民或者具有中国永久居留资格的外国人家庭团聚居留超过 180 日 Family reunion for over 180 days with Chinese citizen or foreigner with Chinese permanent residence status 长期探望因工作 学习等事由在中国居留的外国人 As accompanying family member of foreigner residing in China due to work, study or other reasons 长期学习 Long-term study for over 180 days 外国常驻中国新闻机构记者 As resident journalist 2.2 计划入境次数 Intended number of entries 一次 ( 自签发之日起 3 个月有效 ) One entry valid for 3 months from the date of issue 二次 ( 自签发之日起 3-6 个月有效 ) Two entries valid for 3 to 6 months from the date of issue 半年多次 ( 自签发之日起 6 个月有效 ) Multiple entries valid for 6 months from the date of issue 一年多次 ( 自签发之日起 1 年有效 ) Multiple entries valid for 1 year from the date of issue 其他 ( 请说明 )Other (Please specify): 2.3 是否申请加急服务 Are you applying for express service? 注 : 加急服务须经领事官员批准, 将加收费用 Note: Express service needs approval consular officials, and extra fees may apply. of 是 Yes 否 No 2.4 本次行程预计首次抵达中国的日期 Expected date of your first entry into China on this trip (yyyy-mm-dd yyyy-mm-dd) 第 2 页共 4 页 / Page 2 of 4

2.5 预计行程中单次在华停留的最长天数 Longest intended stay in China among all entries Days 日期 Date 详细地址 Detailed address 2.6 在中国境内行程 ( 按时间顺序, 可附另纸填写 ) Itinerary in China (in time sequence,may type on separate paper) 2.7 谁将承担在中国期间的费用? Who will pay for your travel and expenses during your stay in China? 姓名或名称 Name 2.8 中国境内邀请单位或个人信息 Information of inviter in China 地址 Address 联系电话 Phone number 与申请人关系 Relationship with the applicant 2.9 是否曾经获得过中国签证? 如有, 请说明最近一次获得中国签证的时间和地点 Have you ever been granted a Chinese visa? If applicable, please specify the date and place of the last time you were granted the visa. 2.10 过去 12 个月中访问的其他国家或地区 Other countries or territories you visited in the last 12 months 三 其他事项 Part 3: Other Information 3.1 是否曾在中国超过签证或居留许可允许的期限停留? Have you ever overstayed your visa or residence permit in China? 3.2 是否曾经被拒绝签发中国签证, 或被拒绝进入中国?Have you ever been refused a visa for China, or been refused entry into China? 3.3 是否在中国或其他国家有犯罪记录? Do you have any criminal record in China or any other country? 3.4 是否具有以下任一种情形 Are you experiencing any of the following conditions? 1 严重精神障碍 Serious mental dis isorder 2 传染性肺结核病 Infectious pulmonary tuberculosis 3 可能危害公共卫生的其他传染病 Other infectious disease of public health hazards 3.5 近 30 日内是否前往过流行性疾病传染的国家或地区?Did you visit countries or territories affected by infectious diseases in the last 30 days? 3.6 如果对 3.1 到 3.5 的任何一个问题选择 是, 请在下面详细说明 If you select Yes to any questions from 3.1 to 3.5, please give details below. 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes 否 No 否 No 否 No 否 No 否 No 第 3 页共 4 页 / Page 3 of 4

3.7 如果有本表未涉及而需专门陈述的其他与签证申请相关的事项, 请在此或另纸说明 If you have more information about your visa application other than the above to declare,please give details below or type on a separate paper. 3.8 如申请人护照中的偕行人与申请人一同旅行, 请将偕行人照片粘贴在下面并填写偕行人信息 If someone else travels and shares the same passport with the applicant, please affix their photos and give their information below. 偕行人信息 Information 偕行人 1 Person 1 粘贴照片于此 Affix Photo here 偕行人 2 Person 2 粘贴照片于此 Affix Photo here 偕行人 3 Person 3 粘贴照片于此 Affix Photo here 姓名 Full name 性别 Sex 生日 DOB OB(yyyy-mm-dd) 四 声明及签名 Part 4: Declaration & Signature 4.1 我声明, 我已阅读并理解此表所有内容要求, 并愿就所填报信息和申请材料的真实性承担一切法律后果 I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the questions in this application and shall bear all the legal consequences for the authenticity of the information and materials I provided. 4.2 我理解, 能否获得签证 获得何种签证 入境次数以及有效期 停留期等将由领事官员决定, 任何不实 误导或填写不完整均可能导致签证申请被拒绝或被拒绝进入中国 I understand that whether to issue a visa, type of visa, number of entries, validity and duration of each stay will be determined by consular official, and that any false, misleading or incomplete statement may result in the refusal of a visa for or denial of entry into China. 4.3 我理解, 根据中国法律, 申请人即使持有中国签证仍有可能被拒绝入境 I understand that, according to Chinese law, applicant may be refused entry into China even if a visa is granted. 申请人签名 Applicant s signature: 日期 Date (yyyy-mm-dd yyyy-mm-dd): 注 : 未满 18 周岁的未成年人须由父母或监护人代签 Note: The parent or guardian shall sign on behalf of a minor under 18 years of age. 五 他人代填申请表时填写以下内容 Part 5:If the application form is completed by another person on the applicant's behalf, please fill out the information of the one who completes the form 5.2 与申请人关系 Relationship 5.1 姓名 Name with the applicant 5.3 地址 Address 5.4 电话 Phone number 5.5 声明 Declaration 我声明本人是根据申请人要求而协助填表, 证明申请人理解并确认表中所填写内容准确无误 I declare that I have assisted in the completion of this form at the request of the applicant and that the applicant understands and agrees that the information provided is true and correct. 代填人签名 /Signature: 日期 /Date (yyyy-mm-dd yyyy-mm-dd): 第 4 页共 4 页 / Page 4 of 4