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BRZIL VIS PPLICTION CENTRE/ 巴西签证申请中心 Family Reunion Visa pplication / 家庭团聚签证申请审核表 Name/ 姓名 : Passport Number/ 护照号 : Contact No./ 联系电话 : E-mail address/ 邮件地址 : Please follow these steps to apply for a visa to Brazil: Step 1: Read the Know your visa type section of the webpage of the Brazil Visa pplication Centre and apply for a visa that suits the purpose of your intended stay in Brazil. Step 2: ccess the online visa request form (, fill out the visa request form and print the receipt page with bar code. Step 3: For your convenience, book an appointment at the Brazil Visa pplication Centre in China of the jurisdiction of your residence ( Step 4: Bring the documents mentioned in the checklist below to the Brazil Visa pplication Centre 请按照以下步骤申请巴西签证 : 步骤一 : 阅读巴西签证申请中心网页中 了解您的签证类型 并且申请适用于您前往巴西旅行目的的签证 步骤二 : 进入在线签证申请表 (, 填写完整的签证申请表并且打印带有条码的签证申请回执页 步骤三 : 为了方便您的签证申请, 您可以在中国巴西签证申请中心网站 ( 预约来居住地管辖范围内的签证申请中心提交签证申请 步骤四 : 请携带审核表中所列的材料前往签证申请中心进行签证申请 The Brazil Visa pplication Centre will only receive applications that comply with all the requirements presented below. Incomplete applications will be refused. The Embassy of Brazil/Consulate-General of Brazil reserves the right to request additional documents, information and/or to interview the applicant, as deemed necessary. Providing inaccurate, misleading and/or false information will lead to the denial of your application and prevent you from obtaining visas to Brazil in the future. 巴西签证申请中心只接收符合下述要求的申请 不完整的申请有可能会被拒签 巴西使领馆保留要求其他额外材料 信息和 / 或要求申请人进行面谈 ( 如需 ) 的权利 提供不正确的 误导性的 和 / 或者错误信息将会导致您的签证申请被拒签, 并且影响将来获得巴西签证 Brazilian documents which need to be notarized must be done so in Brazil. Chinese documents that need to be legalized must go through the notarization and legalization process with a Chinese notary, the Ministry of Foreign ffairs of the PRC and the Embassy of Brazil/Consulate-General of Brazil in China. 需要公证的巴西材料, 必须在巴西完成公证, 需要认证的中国材料需由中国公证处公证并由中华人民共和国外交部和巴西驻华使领馆进行双认证

Family reunions are possible for: - family members of an individual ( sponsor ) who has obtained an authorization for a temporary or permanent visa from the Ministry of Work ( Ministério do Trabalho MTE ) in Brazil, - descendants (sons, daughters, stepson, stepdaughter, or minor under the custody) of a Brazilian national or Foreign Temporary or Permanent Resident under the age of 18 years - descendants (sons, daughters, stepson, stepdaughter, or minor under the custody) of a Brazilian national or Foreign Temporary or Permanent Resident over the age of 18 years who are financially dependent of a Brazilian national or Foreign Temporary or Permanent Resident - ascendants of a Brazilian national or Foreign Temporary or Permanent Resident, when there s evidence that the applicant needs to be under the care of the Brazilian national or Foreign Temporary or Permanent Resident - brother/sister, grandson/granddaughter, great-grandson/great-granddaughter of a Brazilian national or Foreign Temporary or Permanent Resident, when orphan, single and under the age of 18 years of age, or of any age, when unable to provide for himself/herself. - Spouse or civil-union or life partner of a Brazilian national or Foreign Temporary or Permanent Resident, regardless of gender/sex. 家庭团聚签证适用于 : - 持有有效的巴西劳动及就业部 ( Ministério do Trabalho MTE ) 批准的临时或永久工作签证的担保人的家庭成员 - 巴西公民或在巴西临时或永久居留的外国公民的 18 岁以下的子女 ( 儿子 女儿 继子 继女 受监护的儿童 ) - 巴西公民或在巴西临时或永久居留的外国公民的 18 岁以上的受供养的子女 ( 儿子 女儿 继子 继女 受监护的儿童 ) - 巴西公民或在巴西临时或永久居留的外国公民的祖 ( 父 ) 辈, 需提交其祖 ( 父 ) 辈受巴西公民或在巴西临时或永久居留的外国公民的供养的证明文件 - 巴西公民或在巴西临时或永久居留的外国公民的无自理能力的鳏寡孤独的兄弟 姐妹 ( 外 ) 孙子 ( 女 ) ( 外 ) 曾孙子 ( 女 ) - 巴西公民或在巴西临时或永久居留的外国公民的配偶或民事婚姻伴侣或事实婚姻伴侣 The application material should be delivered in the following order/ 备注 : 请将申请材料按以下顺序排列 For use of the Brazil Visa pplication Center 仅供巴西签证申请中心填写 : Required Documents/ 主要材料 Yes/ 有 No/ 没有 Remarks/ 备注 1. 2. Original passport, valid for at least six months after the intended arrival to Brazil. The passport must be signed and have at least 2 blank visa pages. 申请人护照, 有效期不得少于六个月, 且至少有两张空白页并且签字 Please note: soiled, damaged or defaced passports will not be accepted. Obtain a new passport if your current one does not meet such criteria. 请注意 : 污损的, 或者损毁的护照将不会被接受 如您的护照不符合此要求, 请新获得一本新的护照 Old passport, whenever available 旧护照, 如适用

3. 4. 5. 6. Fill out one Visa pplication Form per applicant, available online only at Print and sign the Visa pplication Form Receipt - RER (receipt page with the bar code, available once you have filled out the Visa pplication Form). 每人填写在线签证申请表, 网址为 打印并且签署签证申请表回执页 ( 回执页带有条形码, 在您填完签证申请表后即可生成 ) Please note: The signature on the Visa pplication Form Receipt RER receipt must match the one on the passport. Please transcribe names and any other expressions in Chinese to Pinyin. If the applicant is under 18 years of age, parents/guardians must sign the Visa pplication Form Receipt RER on the applicant s behalf. 请注意 : 签证申请表回执页上的签名必须和护照相符 请把您的姓名和其他有关姓名的内容用拼音标注 如申请人为 18 岁以下, 父母 法定监护人必须在签证申请表回执页上签名 One recent photo, size 4cm x 5cm, in color, front view, white background. 一张彩色近照, 尺寸为 4cm x 5cm, 正面照 白色背景 Non-criminal certificate issued within the past 90 days, legalized by the Ministry of Foreign ffairs - MF; 由申请人当地公安机关出具的近 90 天内无犯罪记录证明, 须经中国外交部或申请人当地省市外事办公室认证 Special requirements for minors (under 18 years old): - Presentation of the original birth certificate or a notarized copy. Copies presented without the original birth certificate must be Legalized by MF/FO Special requirements for minors who are travelling unaccompanied or with only one of the parents or legal guardians : -- Presentation of an uthorization for Brazilian Visa Issuance for Minors, signed by both parents or legal guardians (in which case legal proof of guardianship is required) at a public notary(this form may be downloaded at Please note that if both parents or legal guardians (in which case legal proof of guardianship is required) are travelling with the minor an uthorization for Brazilian Visa Issuance for Minors is NOT necessary, 适用于未成年人 (18 岁以下 ) 的特殊材料要求 : - 出生证明原件或经公证的复印件 不能提供原件时, 需要提供经外交部或外事办公室认证过的复印件 适用于单独旅行或跟随父母一方旅行的未成年人的特殊材料要求 : - 未成年人旅行时, 需父母双方或者法定监护人在公证处签署授权书 ( 授权书可在 下载 ), 如由法定监护人签署则需出具未成年人法定监护人的合法证明并需要公证 请注意, 如果父母双方双方或法定监护人双方与未成年人一起旅行, 未成年人旅行授权书将无需提供 法定监护人的合法证明需要提供并公证

7. 8. 9. Statement signed by the inviting party before a Brazilian Notary Public ( Tabelião/Cartório ), a Consular Section of the Embassy; stating that the inviting party will be financially responsible for the applicant, including cost of living, healthcare and expenses with the return to the country of nationality of the foreigner; 邀请方出具的证明信, 需声明全部承担申请人在巴西的花费 生活费并保证其离开巴西 该证明信需经巴西公证处 ( Tabelião/Cartório ) 公证并由巴西驻华使领馆进行认证 If the sponsor/inviting family member is already in Brazil or is a Brazilian national: - Notarized copy of a valid Brazilian Identity Card or Foreign National Identity Card (RNE); - Copy of his/her passport, including the Brazilian visa and the stamp of the first entry to Brazil (if applicable). 若担保人 / 邀请方现在巴西生活且为巴西公民 : - 有效的巴西身份证或外国公民身份证 (RNE) 公证书 - 担保人 / 邀请人护照, 若未非巴西公民, 则需提交巴西签证和巴西出入境章 Legalized or notarized proof of relationship with the Brazilian National or a Foreign Temporary or Permanent Resident (birth certificate, marriage certificate, judicial decision, etc.). For permanent visas an additional legalized or notarized copy is required; 巴西公民或在巴西临时或永久居留的外国公民的关系 ( 出生证 结婚证 判决书等 ) 认证书或公证书 申请永久签证的, 须多提供一份认证书或公证书 ; Family members of an individual ( sponsor ) who has obtained an authorization for a temporary or permanent visa from the Ministry of Work ( Ministério do Trabalho MTE ) in Brazil 持有有效的巴西劳动及就业部 ( Ministério do Trabalho MTE ) 批准的临时或永久工作签证的担保人的家庭成员 Proof of financial capacity of the sponsor; 担保人的财力证明

If the sponsor has applied separately for his/her visa: B - Copy of his/her Brazilian visa; - Copy of his/her passport page with the stamp of the first entry to Brazil (if applicable). 如果担保人单独申请签证 : - 巴西签证 - 护照以及首次入境巴西的出入境章 ( 如适用 ) 复印件 Descendants (sons, daughters, stepson, stepdaughter, or minor under the custody of the Brazilian or Foreign Temporary or Permanent Resident) over the age of 18 years (or 24 years of age, if enrolled in a undergraduate, graduate or post-graduate course 1 ), or brother/sister, grandsons/granddaughters, great-grandson/great-granddaughter 巴西公民或在巴西临时或永久居留的外国公民的 18 岁以上的子女 ( 儿子 女儿 继子 继女 受监护的儿童 )( 若注册学习专科 本科或研究生课程, 则为 18 至 24 岁的子女 ) Judicial decision or statement by competent authority in the country of nationality of the applicant stating the financial dependency of the applicant with regards to the sponsor family member. 申请人国籍所在国家相关部门签发的申请人受担保人供养判决书或证明信 Descendants or ascendants (parents, grandparents, etc.) under the care of the Brazilian national or Foreign Temporary or Permanent Resident 巴西公民或在巴西临时或永久居留的外国公民的祖 ( 父 ) 辈, 需提交其祖 ( 父 ) 辈受巴西公民或在巴西临时或永久居留的外国公民的供养的证明文件 Proof of dependency of the applicant with regards to the Brazilian national or Foreign Temporary or Permanent Resident (such as inexistence of any other family members, need of medical care stated by a physician, inexistence of personal income, etc.) 申请人受巴西公民或在巴西临时或永久居留的外国公民供养的证明 ( 如除担保人外申请人无其他亲属 需要被照顾且无收入等情况 ) Spouse of a Brazilian national or Foreign Temporary or Permanent Resident, regardless of gender/sex. 巴西公民或在巴西临时或永久居留的外国公民的配偶或民事婚姻伴侣或事实婚姻伴侣 Marriage certificate; 结婚证 1 Due to reciprocity of treatment, the rule benefiting descendants enrolled in a undergraduate, graduate or post-graduate course between the age of 18 and 24 is not applicable for Chinese nationals. 根据互惠政策, 若注册学习专科 本科或研究生课程, 其 18 至 24 岁的中国公民的子女不可申请家庭团聚签证

Civil-union or life partner of a Brazilian national or Foreign Temporary or Permanent Resident, regardless of gender/sex. 巴西公民或在巴西临时或永久居留的外国公民的配偶或民事婚姻伴侣或事实婚姻伴侣 B C Civil union or partnership certificate issued by competent authorities in Brazil or the country of origin of the applicant; OR 由巴西或申请人所属国相关部门签发的民事或伴侣关系证明或 Proof of civil union issued by competent judge in Brazil or equivalent abroad; OR 由巴西司法部门或国外同等部门签发的民事婚姻关系证明或 - Certificate or similar document issued by national civil registry or equivalent foreign authority; ND - Statement by two individuals attesting the existence of the civil union or life partnership; ND - t least one of the following documents: a) Proof of dependency issued by tax authorities or institution equivalent to the Brazilian Tax Revenue Service (Receita Federal) b) Religious marriage certificate (at least one year of existence); c) will/testament registered with a Brazilian notary public or competent authority abroad with proof of the relationship; d) Insurance or health care policy in which the names of both individuals are mentioned as beneficiaries or holder of the policy; e) deed of property of real estate or rental agreement in the name of both individuals of the couple. f) Joint banking account (at least one year of existence) g) Birth certificate of the son/daughter of the couple - 由巴西民政局或国外同等部门签发的证明或类似文件及 - 申请人和担保人民事婚姻或事实婚姻的申明书及 - 至少提交下述所列文件之一 : a) 由巴西税务局 (Receita Federal) 或国外同等机构签发的财力证明 b) 结婚证明 ( 至少登记一年以上 ) c) 巴西公证处或国外同等机构签发的关系证明 d) 担保人和申请人双方互为受益人或各为各自受益人的保险或医保证明 e) 担保人和申请人双方名下的房产证明或房屋租赁合同 f) 担保人和申请人的联名账户 ( 至少一年以上 ) g) 担保人和申请人双方的子女的出生证明 For the use of the Brazil Visa pplication Centre representative: 仅供巴西签证申请中心填写 : 1. The applicant has confirmed that s/he has no other documents to submit / 申请人已经确认她 / 他不提交其他文件

2. The applicant has submitted the supporting documents above. I have advised him / her that failure to submit all necessary documents may result in the application being refused, but s/he has chosen to proceed with the application./ 申请人已经递交了上述文件, 我已告知其如不提交所有必要文件可能会导致被拒签, 但其选择继续提交申请 Visa Fee/ 签证费 Name of Travel gent/ 代理名称 Service Fee/ 服务费 Courier Fee (If any)/ 快递费 ( 如选 ) Other Fees/ 其他费用 DDRESS/ 地址 TEL/ 电话 Name & Signature of Brazil Visa pplication Centre representative/ 巴西签证申请中心职员签字 Date/ 日期 pplicant s Signature/ 申请人签名 Date/ 日期