Contact Information In-charge 負責人 Telephone / 電話 / 電郵 Hall 1AA 1AF Ms. Diana Chow 鄒淑嫻小姐 (852) N1 / N2 / M2 Ms

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Form S3 Deadline 13 Oct 2017 HKTDC Hong Kong International Lighting Fair 2017 (Autumn Edition) 香港貿發局香港國際秋季燈飾展 2017 27-30/10/2017 Rental of LED Display Panel (NEW) Return to : Exhibition Services Department Hong Kong Trade Development Council Unit 13, Expo Galleria, HKCEC, 1 Expo Drive, Wanchai, Hong Kong Attn : Ms. Winnie Ma Email : Fax : (852) 3521-0450 To help exhibitor better grasp exhibition opportunity, our department is offering "Rental of LED Display Panel" in helping your company to do the visual display effect to enhance the company's brand image and buyers sourcing needs. Draco LED Poster is a specially designed LED panel targeting indoor HD LED advertising display with unique upstanding aspect ratio. It can show 1:1 human size figure in vibrant colour and brightness to attract eye-balls. It is made by robust integrated hardware and built into an ultra-thin and light body to offer mobility and portability. With its various mounting possibilities: self- carry foldout stand, metal cast firm base unit, vertical or horizontal wall mount, this Draco LED display panel is an additional item suitable for display your products. Description of Facilities Rental of LED Display Panel Unit Rate (4 DAYS HIRE) Qty Total Amount For Overseas For HK exhibitors HKD USD exhibitors (A) LED Panel x 1 (with 1 x 500watt Square Pin Socket) HK$ 3,500 @ USD 467 @ (B) LED Panel x 2 (include 2 x 500watt Square Pin Socket) Original: HK$ 7,000 Now: HK$ 5,950 (15% off already) Original: USD 933 Now: USD 793 (15% off already) BM001 (C) LED Panel x 3 (include 3 x 500watt Square Pin Socket) Original: HK$ 10,500 Now: HK$ 7,875 (25% off already) Original: USD 1,401 Now: USD 1,050 (25% off already) (D) From 4 th LED Panel or above, per unit (include 1 x 500watt Square Pin Socket for each panel) Original: HK$3,500@ Now: HK$ 2,300@ (35% off already) Original: USD 467@ Now: USD 307@ (35% off already) Optional Service: (E) Put together still pictures from client and upload to panel (one batch of pictures only) HK$ 1,800 @ USD 240 @ * Please read the Remarks clearly before you sign this Form * NO Exchange / NO Refund * Items only available while stock lasts and onsite order not accepted TOTAL AMOUNT Remarks: - The screen loaded image quality depends on the resolution of original image provided by exhibitor - Exhibitors are suggested to upload the finished file (Image Pixel : 756H x 224W) to supplier s technician for resolution and file size checking at least one week before the show in order to make sure it can be shown properly on the LED panel. Image Pixel different from the above mentioned size may not be shown properly on the LED panel. - HKTDC is not responsible for technical issue of the exhibitors file for upload on the LED panel, exhibitors are required to consult the supplier s technician directly - Price quoted for Item (A) (D) above is only the rental price of LED display panel. Display file editing is not included. - The LED screen is a stand up panel and should be placed INSIDE the booth area. Exhibitors need to mark clearly the location of the LED panel on the layout plan for the socket installation purpose. Although the display panel is movable, on-site charges will be imposed if socket needs to be relocated. - Wooden wall can be quoted on request for wall mount the LED panel inside the booth. Exhibitors are suggested to contact us at least 3 weeks before the show for quotation and details. Late order may not be entertained for such special request. Application will only be proceeded with full payment. Authorization from Exhibitor Company Name: Booth No.: Tel: Fax: Email: Date: Contact Person: Position: Signature: Payment Method (No separate invoice will be issued) By Cheque (Payable to Hong Kong Trade Development Council) Cheque No.: Amount : HKD/USD Date : By Credit Card (Hong Kong Dollar Only) Visa Master Card 銀聯 Name of Card Holder: Card No: Expiry Date: Amount: HKD Signature:

Contact Information In-charge 負責人 Telephone / 電話 E-mail / 電郵 Hall 1AA 1AF Ms. Diana Chow 鄒淑嫻小姐 (852) 2240-5445 N1 / N2 / M2 Ms. Diana Chow 鄒淑嫻小姐 (852) 2240-5445 Hall 1BA 1EE Ms. Winnie Ma 馬翠雯小姐 (852) 2240-5478 Hall 1 CON Ms. Winnie Ma 馬翠雯小姐 (852) 2240-5478 Hall 3BA 3DB Mr. Patrick Fung 馮嘉駿先生 (852) 2240-5473 Hall 3CON001 099 Mr. Patrick Fung 馮嘉駿先生 (852) 2240-5473 Hall 3DC 3EE Mr. Angus Ng 吳偉康先生 (852) 2240-5492 Hall 5BA 5CG Ms. Carol Ko 高嘉儀小姐 (852) 2240-5424 Hall 5DA 5EJ Mr. Kason Wong 黃家耀先生 (852) 2240-5448 Hall 5CON / M4 / CR Mr. Kason Wong 黃家耀先生 (852) 2240-5448 Grand Hall Mr. Angus Ng 吳偉康先生 852) 2240-5492 Expo Drive Ms. Diana Chow 鄒淑嫻小姐 (852) 2240-5445

Form S3 截止日期 2017 年 10 月 13 日 HKTDC Hong Kong International Lighting Fair 2017 (Autumn Edition) 香港貿發局香港國際秋季燈飾展 2017 27-30/10/2017 租用 LED 顯示屏 ( 新推出 ) 請交回香港貿易發展局, 展覽服務部香港灣仔博覽道一號香港會議展覽中心博覽商場 13 號聯絡 : 馬翠雯小姐電郵 : 傳真 : (852)3521-0450 為幫助參展商更好地把握展覽會機會, 我們現提供 租用 LED 顯示屏 以幫助貴公司進行視覺展示效果, 從而提升公司的品牌形象和買家的採購需求 Draco LED 海報屏由特殊的 LED 屏設計而成, 具獨特的站立型比例, 主要用 1:1 人像比例顯示, 鮮明透亮的色彩引人注目 材料堅固一體化 超薄 輕便, 便於使用者移動及攜帶 具多樣化的安裝方式 : 自帶折疊支撐腳, 金屬鑄造的牢固底座及可垂直或水平固定牆上的掛架 Draco LED 海報屏是適合顯示您的產品的額外設施項目 申請項目單價 ( 供四天使用 ) 數量 總金額 供香港參展商 供海外參展商 HKD USD 租用 LED 顯示屏 (A) LED 顯示屏 x 1 ( 包 1 個 500 瓦特電源方腳插座 ) HK$ 3,500 @ USD 467 @ (B) LED 顯示屏 x 2 ( 包 2 個 500 瓦特電源方腳插座 ) 原價 : HK$ 7,000 現價 : HK$ 5,950 (15% 折扣 ) 原價 l: USD 933 現價 : USD 793 (15% 折扣 ) (C) LED 顯示屏 x 3 ( 包 3 個 500 瓦特電源方腳插座 ) BM001 原價 l: HK$ 10,500 現價 : HK$ 7,875 (25% 折扣 ) 原價 : USD 1,401 現價 : USD 1,050 (25% 折扣 ) (D) 第 4 部或以上 LED 顯示屏 ( 每部包 1 個 500 瓦特電源方腳插座 ) 每部原價 : HK$3,500 每部現價 : HK$ 2,300 (35% 折扣 ) 每部原價 : USD 467 每部現價 : USD 307 (35% 折扣 ) 附加服務 : (E) 將客戶的靜態圖片整理及上傳到顯示屏 ( 僅限一批圖片 ) HK$ 1,800 @ USD 240 @ * 在簽署本表格之前, 請先閱讀注意事項 * 不設更換或退款 * 項目供應視乎存貨量及不設現場訂購 總金額 注意事項 : - 屏幕的圖像質量取決於參展商提供的原始圖像解像度 - 建議參展商至少在展會入場一周前將完成的檔案 ( 圖像像素 :756H x 224W) 上傳到供應商技術人員, 進行解像度和文件檔案大小檢查, 以確保其可以在 LED 顯示屏上正確顯示 與上述圖像像素尺寸不同的圖像可能不會在 LED 顯示屏上正確顯示 - 貿發局不會就參展商在 LED 顯示屏上傳文件的技術問題負責, 參展商需要直接諮詢供應商技術人員 - LED 顯示屏是一個站立式面板, 應放置在展位範圍內 參展商需要在展台圖則上清楚標明 LED 顯示屏的位置以供本局安裝插座 雖然顯示屏是可移動的, 如果需要現場更改插座位置, 則會施加現場費用 - 本局另可提供特別訂制木牆以安裝 LED 顯示屏於展位內 如有興趣, 建議參展商在展會入場前至少 3 周聯繫我們查詢及報價 本局不接受過期申請申請必須連同全數款項方為有效申請參展商 公司名稱 : 展台編號 : 聯絡人 : 職位 : 電子郵件號 : 電話 : 傳真 : 簽署 : 日期 : 付款方法 ( 請參閱說明六, 本局不會另開發票 ) 支票 ( 抬頭 香港貿易發展局 ) 支票號碼 : 所付款項 : HKD / USD 日期 : 信用卡 ( 只限港幣 ) VISA Master Card 銀聯 卡主名稱 : 信用卡號 : 有效日期 : 所付款項 : HKD 簽署 :

聯絡資料 In-charge 負責人 Telephone / 電話 E-mail / 電郵 Hall 1AA 1AF Ms. Diana Chow 鄒淑嫻小姐 (852) 2240-5445 N1 / N2 / M2 Ms. Diana Chow 鄒淑嫻小姐 (852) 2240-5445 Hall 1BA 1EE Ms. Winnie Ma 馬翠雯小姐 (852) 2240-5478 Hall 1 CON Ms. Winnie Ma 馬翠雯小姐 (852) 2240-5478 Hall 3BA 3DB Mr. Patrick Fung 馮嘉駿先生 (852) 2240-5473 Hall 3CON001 099 Mr. Patrick Fung 馮嘉駿先生 (852) 2240-5473 Hall 3DC 3EE Mr. Angus Ng 吳偉康先生 (852) 2240-5492 Hall 5BA 5CG Ms. Carol Ko 高嘉儀小姐 (852) 2240-5424 Hall 5DA 5EJ Mr. Kason Wong 黃家耀先生 (852) 2240-5448 Hall 5CON / M4 / CR Mr. Kason Wong 黃家耀先生 (852) 2240-5448 Grand Hall Mr. Angus Ng 吳偉康先生 852) 2240-5492 Expo Drive Ms. Diana Chow 鄒淑嫻小姐 (852) 2240-5445

LED Display Panel A Brand New Way to display products!!