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Zaanse Schans, Netherlands Titlis Cliff Walk Grand Place, Brussels Seine River Dinner Cruise Chapel Bridge, Bridge Lucerne Neuschwanstein Castle, Bava

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WEST ASIA 7Days 5Nights Dubai & Abu Dhabi - The Ultimate fun Haven Dubai / Abu Dhabi VALIDITY: NOV 2017 ONWARDS 2017 起出发! HIGHLIGHTS Desert Safari Adventure, Dubai Aquaventure Waterpark & The Lost Chambers, Atlantis Dubai Park (Multi 3 parks) Miracle Garden 03-2143 3939 ENG

ENTRANCES / FEES INCLUDED At The Top on Level 124, Burj Khalifa Dubai Museum Abra water taxi Dessert Safari excursion Aquaventure Lost Chambers Aquarium Dubai Park Multi Park (Motiongate, Bollywood, Legoland) Dubai Miracle Garden Marina Ferry Yacht cruise HOTELS ACCOMMODATION Premium tourist class hotels, majority with free wifi (at least at the lobby). 4N Dubai Wyndham Hotel or similar 1N Abu Dhabi Radisson Blu Yas Mall or similar *Daily hot breakfast served in all hotels. DAY 01 Kuala Lumpur Dubai (-/-/Japanese dinner) Upon arrival at Dubai International Airport, adjourn to the world s largest shopping and entertainment complex, Dubai Mall. Next to Dubai Mall, take a high-speed elevator to the observation deck At The Top on Level 124 of the world s tallest building; the 828metres Burj Khalifa. Then enjoy a fitting finale by watching the mesmerizing dancing Dubai Fountain. DAY 02 Dubai At the Top, Burj Khalifa (Hotel breakfast/chinese lunch/bbq dinner) Dubai Heritage tour Head towards Bur Dubai and visit the Dubai Museum, built within the restored Al Fahidi Fort. See the collection of exhibits offering a fascinating insight into the rich heritage of Dubai including the spectacular pearl diving portrayal. Admire the unique Bastikaya architecture before taking an Abra (water taxi) across the Dubai Creek to the Deira side and browse the authentic Spice Souk and the glittering array of merchandize at the Gold Souk. Desert Safari Adventure Hop on a 4X4 (pick up at hotel) and head off to the Big Red for some dune bashing over enormous deep red and yellow sand dunes. Next, stop at a camel farm before being whisked off to witness a mesmerizing sunset in the solitude of the desert. As night falls, you will reach the Bedouin camp with an array of activities such as camel ride, dressing up in traditional garment, shisha and henna painting. Tuck in the BBQ dinner while appreciating some fabulous belly dancing. DAY 03 Dubai (Hotel breakfast/ - / Arabic dinner ) Atlantis, The Palm Experience Ride on the monorail along the trunk of the Palm Jumeirah to Atlantis, The Palm with Aquaventures Waterpark and The Lost Chambers entrances included. Spend the day at the most popular waterpark in Dubai with attractions such as the Tower of Neptune, its main thrill attractions being the Leap of Faith, a steep waterslide passing through clear acrylics tube with full view of sharks and ray at the bottom; the 1.6km Rapids and the children s favourite Splasher. After that, visit the mythical Lost Chambers aquarium with 65,000 marine animals to live out your Atlantean Adventure. Gold Souk

DAY 04 Dubai (Hotel breakfast / - / Arabic dinner) Dubai Miracle Garden Before departure to Abu Dhabi, entrance into Dubai Miracle Garden and view more than 45 million blooming flowers in stunning designs and eye catching colour combinations achieved through 45 different flower varieties and colour. Hotel Transylvania Underworld 4D Zombieland Blast Off Ghostbusters: Battle for New York Smurfberry Factory Dubai Miracle Gardens Mumbai Chowk Rustic Ravine Royal Plaza Bollywood Film Studios Lego City Imagination Kingdoms Miniland Leisure Time at The Yas Island Free time for shopping and lunch at Yas Mall. If you would like to explore more and be adventurous, you can visit to Ferrari World by your own cost. DAY 06 Abu Dhabi - 145km - Dubai (Hotel breakfast / Korean lunch / - ) Enjoy a short photostop at the lovely Corniche & the 7* Emirates Palace Hotel. Sublime Abu Dhabi Indulgence The first stop today is the majestic Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, one of the largest mosque in the world with 82 domes, over 1000 columns and many 24-carat gold gilded chandeliers. The reflective pools surrounding this striking white with gold trimmings mosque exemplify its beauty and sublimity. Dubai Marina Board a yacht that take you through the Dubai Marina waters with view of Palm Jumeirah frond as well. You will catch sights of some key landmarks on the Palm including Atlantis and in the distance, Burj Al Arab. DAY 05 Dubai - 145km - Abu Dhabi (Hotel breakfast / - / Buffet dinner) Motion Gate, Dubai Park Jewels of Jumeirah Proceed to snap memorable photo shots of the iconic 7 * hotel Burj Al Arab. Next, step into the Arabian citadel- styled Madinat Jumeirah discover why this is called the Jewel of Dubai. Stroll the world famous Dubai Marina Walk, a beachfront paved walkway with 305 outlets and 69 restaurants to keep you entertained. Transfer to airport for flight home in the evening. DAY 07 Arrival Home Arrival at KLIA, tour ends with unforgettable memories.

第 1 天吉隆坡 杜拜 () 抵达杜拜国际机场后, 我们将展开精彩难忘的杜拜之旅 第一站, 来到世界最大的购物与娱乐中心 -- 杜拜购物中心享乐您的购物天 这里具有多不胜数的名牌商店和主力百货公司如 :Debenhams 百货和老佛爷百货公司 (Galeries Lafayette), 定让您着迷 接着, 我们来到毗邻的哈利法塔 (Burj Khalifa), 以 828 米高被誉为世界最高建的筑物并乘搭最高速电梯 ( 在一分鐘內升达 124 楼观景台 ) 曲终之前, 让我们一起淘醉在婆娑起舞的杜拜舞蹈喷泉 傍晚时分, 从酒店出发, 乘上四驱車到杜拜最大的大红沙丘, 经历一趟激烈万分的 沙丘扑 - 在巨大的深红色和黄色沙丘中翻滚, 险象缳生, 最终化险为夷 这必定是您毕生难忘的经历 接下来, 在沙漠中央的營地, 那里备有一系列的活动, 如试穿传统的阿拉伯服装拍照, 水烟和指甲花彩绘等, 又再次让您沉醉在奥妙神奇的道地风情之中 晚上, 一边享用丰富美味的阿拉伯燒烤大餐, 和一边欣赏美妙的肚皮舞 第 3 天杜拜 第 2 天杜拜 ( ) 旅程的第一站, 前往布尔杜拜历史悠久的阿发迪城堡与复新后的杜拜博物馆 馆里收集了无数引人入胜的展览品, 让您有机会一探杜拜的丰富遗物, 其中包括著名的壮观潜水采珠描绘 随后, 将欣赏即独特又传统的阿拉伯 Bastakiya 建筑风格, 再乘坐阿布拉 ( 水上的士 ) 横跨杜拜河到德拉, 游览道地的香料市集和黄金市场, 欣赏这里琳琅满目的商品 ( ) 乘单轨列车沿着杜拜人造朱美拉棕榈岛到一个梦幻般的度假胜地亚特兰蒂斯, 包括进入水上历险乐园和迷失海底世界水族館参观 在杜拜最受欢迎的水上乐园尽情游玩 尼普顿神殿塔是水上乐园里最刺激的水上滑梯,

这条滑梯将让您体验在短短一秒之内从高于 9 层楼的高度俯冲而下, 借助透明的管道, 从偏布鲨鱼的水域之中穿而过的刺激 还有就是长 1.6 公里的急流挑战和以玛雅为主题的儿童游泳池和水上游乐场 接着下来, 参观被誉为世界上最大, 饲养超過 65,000 尾海洋生物的露天水族馆 遊客还可以通過 失落的空間 穿过神奇迷幻的通道進入传说中的 阿特兰蒂斯帝国 下午时分, 在 YAS MALL 享受购物乐趣及享用午餐 ( 自费 ) 这里有超过 400 个世界品牌,60 间餐厅及无数的娱乐 如果您想要更有乐无穷的冒险之旅, 您可自费到法拉利世界 第 4 天杜拜 ( ) 今天您将一整天在杜拜公园尽情的玩乐一整日 它是现在杜拜最大的游乐园之一 第 6 天阿布达比 - 145 公里 - 杜拜 - 启程回国 或者您可以参考英文小册子里的内容 第 5 天杜拜 - 145 公里 - 阿布达比 ( ) 来到杜拜标志性的 7 星级帆船酒店拍照留念 下一站, 前往充满阿拉伯城堡风格, 和靠人工填海而形成的一朱美拉棕榈岛 在离开阿布扎比前, 参观全球最大的花園 -- 奇迹花园 在这里, 您可以欣赏到多达 45 种的花卉 花园的设计是由不同颜色和品种的花所形成而呈现出五花八门的行行色色的形状 () 离开阿布达比后前到标志性的 7 星级酋长国宫殿酒店拍照留下美好的回忆 今天第一站将会来到以千金打造的谢赫扎伊德大清真寺 这是一座雄伟独特的建筑物, 清澈的水池围绕着白色与金色镶边其 82 座圆顶均鑲上 24K 金,1000 条大理石柱子及 24 大镀黄金水晶吊灯, 体现出它的壮丽和宏伟必定让您叹为观止 来到杜拜码头乘坐游艇, 以另一种独特的视角享受这个非凡的城市美景 船由迪拜码头出发, 经过一些标志性景点, 如 : 阿拉伯塔酒店, 亚特兰蒂斯酒店和棕榈岛 漫步在世界著名的杜拜海滨, 海滩旁的步行道, 有 305 家商店和 69 家餐馆, 会让您乐而忘返 在傍晚时分, 前往机场乘搭航班回家 第 7 天抵达家园 带着难忘又美好的回忆抵达吉隆坡国际机场

KEY ITINERARY FEATURES Bilingual commentaries with high emphasis on English Comprehensive inclusions with sufficient free time for your preferred activity. Meticulously planned logistics for a well paced journey. MEAL PLAN A mixture of Special Cuisines, Western, Chinese, Local and meals on your own to optimize your dining pleasure. Number of Meals : Lunch - 2 ; Dinner - 5 Terms & Conditions / 1. Flight details, itinerary, hotel and meals which are stated on the itinerary above subject to change according to different departure dates without prior notice. Any changes after booking, will be informed accordingly. 2. The sequence of itinerary, meals and hotel arrangement are subject to the final adjustment of the local ground operator. 3. Triple room sharing will be based on extra roll in bed basis. 4. To ensure the benefit of consumers, please refer to the standard Terms & Conditions at the back page of your invoice. For Agent use: Tour Code / 团号 : XDADXB7 Printed Date 5 July 2017 The above itinerary is subject to change ; i) Subject to the final confirmation and the local tour operator final discretion. Hovewer, the night stay, number of meals and sightseeing places will remain unchanged.