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Example Frame ListenerGUI Frame Listener GUI Application ActionTarget* at = static_cast<borderbuttonguielement*>(guimanager::getsingleton().getguielement("ss/setup/hosts creen/join")); at->addactionlistener(this); at = static_cast<borderbuttonguielement*>(guimanager::getsingleton().getguielement("ss/setup/hosts creen/exit")); at->addactionlistener(this);.. ListChanger* list = static_cast<listguielement*>(guimanager::getsingleton().getguielement("ss/setup/hostscreen/ava ilablegameslist")); (GuiManager::getSingleton().getGuiElement("Core/CurrFps"))->addMouseListener(this); bool EventDispatcher::dispatchEvent(InputEvent* e). MouseEvent* me = static_cast<mouseevent*> (e); ret = processmouseevent(me);

.. KeyEvent* ke = static_cast<keyevent*> (e); ret = processkeyevent(ke); processmouseevent bool EventDispatcher::processMouseEvent(MouseEvent* e) mmousepositiontarget->processevent(e); targetover = mtargetmanager->getpositiontargetat(e->getx(), e->gety()); setmousetarget(targetover, e); void EventDispatcher::setMouseTarget(PositionTarget* target, MouseEvent* e) if (target!= mmousepositiontarget) mmousepositiontarget = target; void GuiElement::processEvent(InputEvent* e) if (!menabled e->isconsumed()) return; switch(e->getid()) case ActionEvent::AE_ACTION_PERFORMED:

processactionevent(static_cast<actionevent*>(e)); case MouseEvent::ME_MOUSE_PRESSED: case MouseEvent::ME_MOUSE_RELEASED: case MouseEvent::ME_MOUSE_CLICKED: case MouseEvent::ME_MOUSE_ENTERED: case MouseEvent::ME_MOUSE_EXITED: processmouseevent(static_cast<mouseevent*>(e)); case MouseEvent::ME_MOUSE_MOVED: case MouseEvent::ME_MOUSE_DRAGGED: processmousemotionevent(static_cast<mouseevent*>(e)); void ActionTarget::processActionEvent(ActionEvent* e) ActionListener* listener = mactionlistener; if (listener!= NULL) int id = e->getid(); switch(id) case ActionEvent::AE_ACTION_PERFORMED: listener->actionperformed(e); void MouseTarget::processMouseEvent(MouseEvent* e) MouseListener* listener = mmouselistener; if (listener!= NULL) int id = e->getid(); switch(id) case MouseEvent::ME_MOUSE_PRESSED: listener->mousepressed(e); case MouseEvent::ME_MOUSE_RELEASED: listener->mousereleased(e);

case MouseEvent::ME_MOUSE_CLICKED: listener->mouseclicked(e); case MouseEvent::ME_MOUSE_EXITED: mmousewithin = false; listener->mouseexited(e); case MouseEvent::ME_MOUSE_ENTERED: mmousewithin = true; listener->mouseentered(e); void MouseMotionTarget::processMouseMotionEvent(MouseEvent* e) MouseMotionListener* listener = mmousemotionlistener; if (listener!= NULL) int id = e->getid(); switch(id) case MouseEvent::ME_MOUSE_MOVED: listener->mousemoved(e); case MouseEvent::ME_MOUSE_DRAGGED: listener->mousedragged(e); void mouseclicked(mouseevent* e) void mouseentered(mouseevent* e) int i =5;

void mouseexited(mouseevent* e) void mousepressed(mouseevent* e) void mousereleased(mouseevent* e) void actionperformed(actionevent* e) // Think about doing something here std::string action = e->getactioncommand(); LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("Got event: " + action); if (action == "SS/Setup/HostScreen/Exit") // Queue a shutdown static_cast<guiframelistener*>(mframelistener)->requestshutdown();