C/C++语言 - C/C++数据

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1 C/C++ C/C++

2 Table of contents char 5. 1


4 C = 5 (F 32). 9 F C 2

5 1 // fal2cel. c: Convert Fah temperature to Cel temperature 2 # include < stdio.h> 3 int main ( void ) 4 { 5 float fah, cel ; 6 printf (" Please input the Fah temperature :\ n"); 7 scanf ("%f", & fah ); 8 cel = ( fah - 32.) * 5./9.; 9 printf (" %.2 f F = %.2 f C\n", fah, cel ); 10 return 0; 11 } 3

6 $ gcc fah2cel. c $./a. out Please input the Fahrenheit temperature : F = C 4

7 float fah, cel ; float %f %.2f scanf() %f scanf() &fah fah fah 5

8 scanf() printf() scanf() printf() 6


10 :

11 a b 8

12 : 9

13 : : C/C++ 9

14 # define #define 10

15 # include < stdio.h> # define PRICE 100 int main ( void ) { int num, total ; num = 10; total = num * PRICE ; printf (" total =%d\n", total ); return 0; } 11

16 # include < stdio.h> # define PRICE 100 int main ( void ) { int num, total ; num = 10; total = num * PRICE ; printf (" total =%d\n", total ); return 0; } 11

17 : 12

18 C C++ a 3 13


20 int signed _Bool long void _Complex short _Imaginary unsigned char float double 15

21 int long short unsigned signed char float double long double true false C _Bool C++: bool C complex C++ complex 16

22 # include < stdio.h> int main ( void ) { _Bool is_ printed = 1; if ( is_printed ) printf (" Hello world!\n"); return 0; } 17

23 # include < stdio.h> int main ( void ) { _Bool is_ printed = 1; if ( is_printed ) printf (" Hello world!\n"); return 0; } # include < iostream > using namespace std ; int main () { bool is_ printed = true ; if ( is_printed ) cout << " Hello world!" << endl ; return 0; } 17

24 1: C complex.h creal cimag conj cabs carg 18

25 # include <stdio.h> # include < complex.h> int main ( void ) { double complex a = 1 + 1I; printf ("a = (%.2f, %.2 f)\n", creal (a), cimag (a)); double complex b = conj ( a); printf ("b = (%.2f, %.2 f)\n", creal (b), cimag (b)); printf (" arg = %.5 f\n", carg (a)); printf (" abs = %.5 f\n", cabs (a)); return 0; } 19

26 2: C++ complex real imag conj abs arg 20

27 # include < cstdio > # include < complex > using namespace std ; int main ( void ) { complex < double > a (1.0, 1.0) ; printf ("a = (%.2f, %.2 f)\n", a. real (), a. imag ()); complex < double > b = conj (a); printf ("b = (%.2f, %.2 f)\n", b. real (), b. imag ()); printf (" arg = %.5 f\n", arg (a)); printf (" abs = %.5 f\n", abs (a)); return 0; } 21



30 : :

31 int int C limits.h C++ limits std::numeric_limits C 24

32 int // int_info.c # include < stdio.h> # include < limits.h> int main ( void ) { printf (" range of int is % d ~ % d\ n", INT_MIN, INT_MAX ); printf (" sizeof int = %lu bytes \n", sizeof ( int )); return 0; } 25

33 int // int_info.c # include < stdio.h> # include < limits.h> int main ( void ) { printf (" range of int is % d ~ % d\ n", INT_MIN, INT_MAX ); printf (" sizeof int = %lu bytes \n", sizeof ( int )); return 0; } $ gcc int_info.c $./a. out range of int is ~ sizeof int = 4 bytes 25

34 int // int_info. cpp # include < cstdio > # include < limits > using namespace std ; int main () { printf ( " range of int is %d ~ %d\n", numeric_limits <int >:: min (), numeric_limits <int >:: max () ); printf ( " sizeof int = %lu bytes \n", sizeof ( int ) ); return 0; } 26

35 int // int_info. cpp # include < cstdio > # include < limits > using namespace std ; int main () { printf ( " range of int is %d ~ %d\n", numeric_limits <int >:: min (), numeric_limits <int >:: max () ); printf ( " sizeof int = %lu bytes \n", sizeof ( int ) ); return 0; } $ g++ int_info. cpp $./a. out range of int is ~ sizeof int = 4 bytes 26

36 int int int var ; int var1, var2 ; int 27

37 int int 1. int n; n = 1; 2. scanf int n; scanf ("%d", &n); 3. int n = 1; 28

38 int int a = 1; int b = 2, c = 3; int d, e = 4; // valid, but not good 29

39 int 30

40 int int a; a int b=2; 2 b 3: 30

41 int // print1. c: display some properties of printf () # include < stdio.h> int main ( void ) { int a = 10; int b = 2; printf (" Doing it right : "); printf ("%d - %d = %d\n", a, b, a-b); printf (" Doing it wrong : "); printf ("%d - %d = %d\n", a); return 0; } 31

42 int // print1. c: display some properties of printf () # include < stdio.h> int main ( void ) { int a = 10; int b = 2; printf (" Doing it right : "); printf ("%d - %d = %d\n", a, b, a-b); printf (" Doing it wrong : "); printf ("%d - %d = %d\n", a); return 0; } $ gcc print1. c $./a. out Doing it right : 10-2 = 8 Doing it wrong : =

43 int print() a %d %d printf() 32

44 C 0x 0X 16 0x10 0X

45 1 // bases. c: print 100 in decimal, octal and hex 2 # include <stdio.h> 3 int main ( void ) 4 { 5 int x = 100; 6 printf (" dec = %d; oct = %o; hex = %X\n", x, x, x); 7 printf (" dec = %d; oct = %#o; hex = %#X\n", x, x, x); 8 return 0; 9 } 34

46 1 // bases. c: print 100 in decimal, octal and hex 2 # include <stdio.h> 3 int main ( void ) 4 { 5 int x = 100; 6 printf (" dec = %d; oct = %o; hex = %X\n", x, x, x); 7 printf (" dec = %d; oct = %#o; hex = %#X\n", x, x, x); 8 return 0; 9 } $ gcc bases. c $./a. out dec = 100; oct = 144; hex = 64 dec = 100; oct = 0144; hex = 0 x64 34

47 %d %o %#o %x %X %#x %#X 35

48 C/C++ 4 int short long unsigned signed short (int) %hd, %ho, %hx long (int) %ld, %lo, %lx long long (int) %lld, %llo, % llx unsigned (int) %u unsigned long (int) unsigned long long (int) %lu %llu 36

49 C/C++ 4 int short long unsigned signed short (int) %hd, %ho, %hx long (int) %ld, %lo, %lx long long (int) %lld, %llo, % llx unsigned (int) %u unsigned long (int) unsigned long long (int) %lu %llu signed short short int signed short signed short int 36

50 ? 37

51 ? CPU long int short 37

52 ? CPU long int short C/C++ short int long int 37

53 38

54 # include <stdio.h> # include <limits.h> int main ( void ) { int i = INT_MAX ; unsigned int j = UINT_ MAX ; printf ("i = %d, i+1 = %d, i+2 = %d\n", i, i+1, i +2) ; printf ("j = %u, j+1 = %u, j+2 = %u\n", j, j+1, j +2) ; return 0; } $ gcc intoverflow. c $./a. out i = , i +1 = , i +2 = j = , j +1 = 0, j +2 = 1 39

55 unsigned int 0 int

56 unsigned int 0 int

57 char

58 char : char char a, b, =, +,? char 41

59 char char char ASCII char 42

60 char char a, b; char c; A grade char grade = A ; 43

61 char char a, b; char c; A grade char grade = A ; A char grade ; // char grade = A ; // grade = A; // grade = "A"; // grade = 65; // 43

62 ASCII 44

63 ASCII char a = x ; char b = y ; x y ASCII a b a: b:

64 C/C++ 45

65 printf() %c %d ASCII 46

66 printf() %c %d ASCII // charcode. c: displays code number for a char # include <stdio.h> int main ( void ) { char c; printf (" Please input a character :\n"); scanf ("%c", &c); printf (" the code for %c is %d\n", c, c); return 0; } 46

67 printf() %c %d ASCII // charcode. c: displays code number for a char # include <stdio.h> int main ( void ) { char c; printf (" Please input a character :\n"); scanf ("%c", &c); printf (" the code for %c is %d\n", c, c); return 0; } $ gcc charcode. c $./a. out Please input a character : A 46

68 ch %c %d A 65 47


70 e e e e-5 48

71 C float double long double 49

72 C float double float C long double double IEEE float IEEE R32.24 double IEEE R

73 // float.c # include <stdio.h> # include <float.h> int main ( void ) { printf (" ----float ---\n"); printf (" range : %e ~ %e\n", FLT_MIN, FLT_MAX ); printf (" epsilon : %e\n", FLT_EPSILON ); printf (" size : %lu bytes \n\n", sizeof ( float )); printf (" ---- double ---\n"); printf (" range : %e ~ %e\n", DBL_MIN, DBL_MAX ); printf (" epsilon : %e\n", DBL_EPSILON ); printf (" size : %lu bytes \n\n", sizeof ( double )); printf (" ---- long double ---\n"); printf (" range : %Le ~ %Le\n", LDBL_MIN, LDBL_MAX ); printf (" epsilon : %Le\n", LDBL_EPSILON ); printf (" size : %lu bytes \n", sizeof ( long double )); return 0; } 51

74 ----float --- range : e -38 ~ e +38 epsilon : e -07 size : 4 bytes ---- double --- range : e -308 ~ e +308 epsilon : e -16 size : 8 bytes ---- long double --- range : e ~ e epsilon : e -19 size : 16 bytes 52

75 i // float. cpp # include <iostream > # include <limits > using namespace std ; int main ( void ) { cout << " ----float ----" << endl << " range : " << numeric_limits < float >:: min () << " ~ " << numeric_limits < float >:: max () << endl << " prec : " << numeric_limits < float >:: epsilon () << endl << " size : " << sizeof ( float ) << endl << endl ; cout << " ---- double ----" << endl << " range : " << numeric_limits < double >:: min () << " ~ " << numeric_limits < double >:: max () << endl << " prec : " << numeric_limits < double >:: epsilon () << endl 53

76 ii << " size : " << sizeof ( double ) << endl ; } cout << " ---- long double ----" << endl << " range : " << numeric_limits < long double >:: min () << " ~ " << numeric_limits < long double >:: max () << endl << " prec : " << numeric_limits < long double >:: epsilon () << endl << " size : " << sizeof ( long double ) << endl ; return 0; 54

77 ----float ---- range : e -38 ~ e +38 prec : e -07 size : double ---- range : e -308 ~ e +308 prec : e -16 size : long double ---- range : e ~ e prec : e -19 size : 16 55

78 1. (sign) (exponent) 3. (mantissa) 56

79 R32.24 R64.53 (120.5) 10 = ( ) 2 ( ) 2 57

80 R32.24 R64.53 (120.5) 10 = ( ) 2 ( ) n

81 24 (9) 10 = (1001) 2, 1 24 float 6 58



84 = 130 = ( ) 2 (0001) 2 60

85 = 130 = ( ) 2 (0001) =


87 = 133 = ( ) 2 ( ) 2 61

88 = 133 = ( ) 2 ( ) =

89 , 62


91 ( ) 2 = = 6 ( ) 2 = ( ) 2 =

92 // float2double. c: # include <stdio.h> int main ( void ) { float f1 = 2.2, f2 = 2.25; double g1, g2; g1 = ( double ) f1; g2 = ( double ) f2; printf ("g1 = %.13f, g2 = %.13 f\n", g1, g2); return 0; } 64

93 // float2double. c: # include <stdio.h> int main ( void ) { float f1 = 2.2, f2 = 2.25; double g1, g2; g1 = ( double ) f1; g2 = ( double ) f2; printf ("g1 = %.13f, g2 = %.13 f\n", g1, g2); return 0; } g1 = , g2 =






99 e E E+12, 2.87e -3 69

100 +2.87e e -3 2E // is an integer 3. e12.45e -5 70

101 1.56 E +12 // wrong double some float some = 4.0 * 2. 0; double 64 float 71

102 f F float 2.3 f 3.4 e9f l L long double l 1 L 54.3 l 4.3 E9L 72

103 // float1. c: What is the output? # include < stdio.h> int main ( void ) { float x = 0.1; if (x == 0.1) printf ("IF\n"); else if (x == 0.1 f) printf (" ELSE IF\n"); else printf (" ELSE \n"); } 73

104 // float1. c: What is the output? # include < stdio.h> int main ( void ) { float x = 0.1; if (x == 0.1) printf ("IF\n"); else if (x == 0.1 f) printf (" ELSE IF\n"); else printf (" ELSE \n"); } ELSE IF 73

105 // float1. c: What is the output? # include < stdio.h> int main ( void ) { float x = 0.1; if (x == 0.1) printf ("IF\n"); else if (x == 0.1 f) printf (" ELSE IF\n"); else printf (" ELSE \n"); } ELSE IF x f != 0.1f x == 0.1f 73

106 // float2. c: What is the output? # include < stdio.h> int main ( void ) { float x = 0.1; printf ("%lu %lu %lu\n", sizeof (x), sizeof (0.1), sizeof (0.1 f)); return 0; } 74

107 // float2. c: What is the output? # include < stdio.h> int main ( void ) { float x = 0.1; printf ("%lu %lu %lu\n", sizeof (x), sizeof (0.1), sizeof (0.1 f)); return 0; }

108 // float2. c: What is the output? # include < stdio.h> int main ( void ) { float x = 0.1; printf ("%lu %lu %lu\n", sizeof (x), sizeof (0.1), sizeof (0.1 f)); return 0; }

109 // float3. c: What is the output? # include < stdio.h> int main ( void ) { float x = 0.5; if (x == 0.5) printf ("IF\n"); else if (x == 0.5 f) printf (" ELSE IF\n"); else printf (" ELSE \n"); } 75

110 // float3. c: What is the output? # include < stdio.h> int main ( void ) { float x = 0.5; if (x == 0.5) printf ("IF\n"); else if (x == 0.5 f) printf (" ELSE IF\n"); else printf (" ELSE \n"); } IF 75

111 // float3. c: What is the output? # include < stdio.h> int main ( void ) { float x = 0.5; if (x == 0.5) printf ("IF\n"); else if (x == 0.5 f) printf (" ELSE IF\n"); else printf (" ELSE \n"); } IF x f f == 0.5f x ==

112 %f float double %e %Lf %Le long double 76

113 // showf_pt.c: # include <stdio.h> int main ( void ) { float a = ; double b = 2.14 e9; long double c = e -5; printf ("%f can be written as %e\n", a, a); printf ("%f can be written as %e\n", b, b); printf ("%Lf can be written as %Le\n", c, c); return 0; } 77

114 // showf_pt.c: # include <stdio.h> int main ( void ) { float a = ; double b = 2.14 e9; long double c = e -5; printf ("%f can be written as %e\n", a, a); printf ("%f can be written as %e\n", b, b); printf ("%Lf can be written as %Le\n", c, c); return 0; } can be written as e can be written as e can be written as e

115 # include <stdio.h> int main ( void ) { float toobig = 1 e39 ; printf (" toobig = %f\n",toobig ); return 0; } 78

116 # include <stdio.h> int main ( void ) { float toobig = 1 e39 ; printf (" toobig = %f\n",toobig ); return 0; } toobig = inf 78

117 # include <stdio.h> int main ( void ) { float toobig = 1 e39 ; printf (" toobig = %f\n",toobig ); return 0; } toobig = inf overflow C inf 78

118 # include <stdio.h> int main ( void ) { float a,b; a = 2. e20 + 1; b = a - 2. e20 ; printf ("b = %f\n", b); return 0; } 79

119 # include <stdio.h> int main ( void ) { float a,b; a = 2. e20 + 1; b = a - 2. e20 ; printf ("b = %f\n", b); return 0; } b =

120 # include <stdio.h> int main ( void ) { float a,b; a = 2. e20 + 1; b = a - 2. e20 ; printf ("b = %f\n", b); return 0; } b = e float


C C C C 2017 3 8 1. 2. 3. 4. char 5. 2/101 C 1. 3/101 C C = 5 (F 32). 9 F C 4/101 C 1 // fal2cel.c: Convert Fah temperature to Cel temperature 2 #include 3 int main(void) 4 { 5 float fah, cel; 6 printf("please

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