Operating hotels in China No. Brand No. of hotels No. of rooms 1 Sofitel 19 6,247 2 Pullman 13 4,663 3 MGallery Grand Mercure 11 3,354 5 Novote

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上 海 办 公 室 辖 区 (Shanghai catchment) 宁 波 (Ningbo) 营 业 部 Ningbo Branch 镇 明 路 36 号 中 信 银 行 大 厦 南 京 分 行 营 业 部 Nanjing Branch 南 京 市 中 山 路 348



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Accor China Fact Sheet (As of May 2012) Executive Summary As one of the pioneering international hotel management companies to enter the Chinese market, Accor signed its first management agreement in 1985. With 27 years development experience in China, Accor has established strong relationships with its local partners such as Beijing Tourism Group, Jinjiang Group, COSCO, and Dalian Wanda Group etc. Up till now, Accor operates 120 hotels in 48 cities in Greater China representing 30,571 rooms. All Accor hotels in China are situated in major metropolitan areas, gateway cities, popular resort destinations, and are developing fast into tier two and tier three cities under 7 different brands: Sofitel, Pullman, MGallery, Grand Mercure, Novotel, Mercure and Ibis, covering a full spectrum of markets from luxury to economy. The headquarters of Accor in China is based in Shanghai with ISO offices in Beijing, Guangzhou, and Hong Kong. Over 19,500 employees are currently working with Accor in China. 1

Operating hotels in China No. Brand No. of hotels No. of rooms 1 Sofitel 19 6,247 2 Pullman 13 4,663 3 MGallery 1 75 4 Grand Mercure 11 3,354 5 Novotel 14 4,907 6 Mercure 5 1,265 7 Ibis 57 10,060 Total: 120 30,571 2

Presence in 48 cities in China (incl. HK SAR and Macau SAR) China 1 st tier cities (33 hotels) 2nd and 3rd tier cities (86 hotels) City No. of hotels Beijing 14 Shanghai 13 Guangzhou 4 Shenzhen 3 Dongguan 8 Xi'an 4 Hong Kong 4 Tianjin 4 Shenyang 3 Hangzhou 4 Nanjing 4 Suzhou 2 Chengdu 3 Qingdao 4 Dalian 3 Wuhan 3 Harbin Sanya Zhongshan Wuxi Xiamen Guiyang Jinan Zhengzhou Taipei Ya'an Changzhou Yangzhou Ningbo Manchuli Chongqing Jiangmen Zhangjiajie Zhenjiang Kunshan Huizhou Changshu Huaifang Qiqiha'er Jiangyin Haila'er Anshan Xichang Qingyuan Macau Shangri-la Lijiang Urumqi 2 hotels respectively 1 hotel respectively 3

Accor China Hotel List Sofitel * 19 hotels (6,247 rooms) 1. Sofitel Dongguan Golf Resort 索菲特东莞峰景高尔夫酒店 2. Sofitel Dongguan Humen Oriental 东莞虎门东方索菲特大酒店 3. Sofitel Dongguan Royal Lagoon 东莞御景湾索菲特酒店 4. Sofitel Forebase Chongqing 重庆申基索菲特大酒店 5. Sofitel Galaxy Nanjing 南京索菲特银河大酒店 6. Sofitel Hangzhou Westlake 杭州索菲特西湖大酒店 7. Sofitel Jinan Silver Plaza 济南索菲特银座大饭店 8. Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16 澳门十六浦索菲特大酒店 9. Sofitel Qingyuan Riverside 清远索菲特丽豪大酒店 10. Sofitel Shanghai Hyland 上海索菲特海仑宾馆 11. Sofitel Sheshan Oriental 上海东方佘山索菲特大酒店 12. Sofitel Wanda Beijing 北京万达索菲特大饭店 13. Sofitel Wanda Chengdu 成都索菲特万达大饭店 14. Sofitel Wanda Harbin 哈尔滨万达索菲特大酒店 15. Sofitel Wanda Ningbo 宁波万达索菲特大饭店 16. Sofitel Xi an on Renmin Square 西安索菲特人民大厦 17. Sofitel Zhengzhou International 郑州索菲特国际饭店 18. Sofitel Zhongshan Golf Resort Nanjing 南京索菲特钟山高尔夫度假酒店 19. Sofitel Guangzhou Sunrich 广州圣丰索菲特大酒店 Pullman * 13 hotel (4,663 rooms) 1. Pullman Beijing South 北京兴基铂尔曼酒店 2. Pullman Beijing West Wanda 北京万达铂尔曼大饭店 3. Pullman Dongguan Forum 东莞旗峰山铂尔曼酒店 4. Pullman Guangzhou Baiyun Airport 广州白云机场铂尔曼大酒店 5. Pullman Kunshan Newport 昆山新港湾铂尔曼酒店 6. Pullman Shanghai Skyway 上海斯格威铂尔曼大酒店 7. Pullman Sanya Yalong Bay Resort & Spa 三亚亚龙湾铂尔曼度假酒店 8. Pullman Zhangjiajie 张家界京武铂尔曼大酒店 9. Pullman Oceanview Sanya Bay Resort & Spa 三亚湾海居铂尔曼度假酒店 10. Pullman Lijiang Resort & Spa 丽江铂尔曼度假酒店 11. Pullman Guiyang 贵阳铂尔曼大酒店 12. Pullman Dongguan Changan 东莞长安君源铂尔曼酒店 13. Pullman Xiamen Powerlong 厦门宝龙铂尔曼酒店 MGallery * 1 hotel (75 rooms) 1 Songtsam Retreat at Shangri-la 松赞林卡美憬阁酒店 Grand Mercure * 11 hotels (3,354 rooms) 1. Grand Mercure Baolong Shanghai 上海宝隆美爵酒店 2. Grand Mercure Hongqiao Shanghai 上海虹桥美爵酒店公寓 3. Grand Mercure Oriental Ginza Shenzhen 深圳东方银座美爵酒店 4. Grand Mercure on Renmin Square Xian 西安豪华美居人民大厦 5. Grand Mercure Shanghai Zhongya by Accor 上海中亚雅高美爵酒店 6. Grand Mercure Beijing Central 北京西单美爵酒店 7. Grand Mercure Jinan Sunshine 济南阳光壹佰美爵大酒店 8. Grand Mercure Teda Dalian 大连泰达美爵酒店 9. Grand Mercure Qingdao Airport 青岛快通美爵大酒店 4

10. Grand Mercure Dongguan Humen 东莞汇源美爵酒店 11. Grand Mercure Urumqi Hualing by ACCOR 乌鲁木齐华凌雅高美爵大饭店 Novotel * 14 hotels (4,907 rooms) 1. Novotel Beijing Peace 北京诺富特和平宾馆 2. Novotel Beijing Xinqiao 北京诺富特新侨饭店 3. Novotel Beijing Sanyuan 北京诺富特三元酒店 4. Novotel Hong Kong Century 香港诺富特世纪酒店 5. Novotel Hong Kong Citygate 香港诺富特东荟城酒店 6. Novotel Hong Kong Nathan Road Kowloon 香港九龙诺富特酒店 7. Novotel Shanghai Atlantis 上海诺富特海神大酒店 8. Novotel Shenzhen Bauhinia 深圳诺富特博林酒店 9. Novotel Shenzhen Watergate 深圳诺富特万德酒店 10. Novotel Taipei Taoyuan International Airport 台北诺富特华航桃园机场饭店 11. Novotel Wuhan Xinhua 武汉诺富特新华大饭店 12 Novotel Nanjing East Suning Galaxy 南京玄武苏宁银河诺富特酒店 13. Novotel Guiyang Downtown 贵阳诺富特酒店 14. Novotel Zhengzhou Convention Centre 郑州美豪诺富特酒店 Mercure * 5 hotels (1,265 rooms) 1. Mercure Beijing Downtown 北京华腾美居酒店 2. Mercure on Renmin Square Xian 西安美居人民大厦 3. Mercure Suzhou Park Hotel & Suites 苏州商旅美居酒店 4. Mercure Wanshang Beijing 北京万商美居酒店 5. Mercure Teda Dalian 大连泰达美居酒店 Ibis * 56 hotels (9,948 rooms) 1. Ibis Tianjin TEDA 宜必思天津泰达酒店 2. Ibis Chengdu Yongfeng 宜必思成都永丰酒店 3. Ibis Qingdao Huangdao 宜必思青岛黄岛酒店 4. Ibis North Point, Hong Kong 宜必思香港世纪轩 5. Ibis Wuxi Hi- Tech 宜必思无锡酒店 6. Ibis Wuhan Hankou 宜必思武汉汉口酒店 7. Ibis Zhongshan Huangpu 宜必思中山黄圃酒店 8. Ibis Xian Heping 宜必思西安和平酒店 9. Ibis Shenyang The Center 宜必思沈阳中心酒店 10. Ibis Changshu 宜必思常熟酒店 11. Ibis Hangzhou Xiasha 宜必思杭州下沙酒店 12. Ibis Chengdu Kehua 宜必思成都科华酒店 13. Ibis Tianjin Tian Wei 宜必思天津天纬酒店 14. Ibis Beijing Sanyuan 宜必思北京三元桥酒店 15. Ibis Shanghai Liangyang 宜必思上海联洋酒店 16. Ibis Dongguan Qingxi 宜必思东莞清溪酒店 17. Ibis Qiqihaer Bukui 宜必思齐齐哈尔卜奎酒店 18. Ibis Hailar Shengli 宜必思海拉尔胜利酒店 19. Ibis Xichang Hangtian 宜必思西昌航天酒店 20. Ibis Dalian Sanba 宜必思大连三八酒店 21. Ibis Harbin Zhaolin 宜必思哈尔滨兆麟酒店 22. Ibis Tianjin Tanggu 宜必思天津塘沽酒店 23. Ibis Zhongshan The Center 宜必思中山中心酒店 24. Ibis Ya'an Downtown 宜必思雅安酒店 25. Ibis Yangzhou Development Zone 宜必思扬州酒店 26. Ibis Shenyang Faku 宜必思沈阳法库酒店 27. Ibis Changzhou Wujin 宜必思常州武进酒店 5

28. Ibis Beijing Capital Airport 宜必思北京首都机场酒店 29. Ibis Qingdao Donghai 宜必思青岛东海酒店 30. Ibis Xiamen Kaiyuan 宜必思厦门开元酒店 31. Ibis Jiangmen Xiqu 宜必思江门西区酒店 32. Ibis Shanghai Waigaoqiao 宜必思上海外高桥酒店 33. Ibis Dongguan Dongcheng 宜必思东莞东城酒店 34. Ibis Shenyang Tiexi 宜必思沈阳酒店铁西店 35. Ibis Nanjing Zhonghua 宜必思南京中华酒店 36. Ibis Shanghai Jiashajiang Road 宜必思上海金沙江路酒店 37. Ibis Suzhou SIP 宜必思苏州酒店 38. Ibis Shanghai Xujiahui 宜必思上海徐家汇酒店 39. Ibis Zhenjiang 宜必思镇江酒店 40. Ibis Beijing Dongdaqiao 宜必思北京东大桥酒店 41. Ibis Shanghai Yu Garden 宜必思上海豫园酒店 42. Ibis Tianjin Railway station 宜必思天津火车站酒店 43. Ibis Qingdao Ningxia 宜必思青岛宁夏酒店 44. Ibis Huizhou Yanda 宜必思惠州演达酒店 45. Ibis Weifang Qingnian 宜必思潍坊酒店 46. Ibis Jiangyin 宜必思江阴酒店 47. Ibis Guangzhou Huangshi 宜必思广州黄石酒店 48. Ibis Guangzhou Huadu 宜必思广州花都酒店 49. Ibis Anshan Shengli square 宜必思鞍山酒店 50. Ibis Wuxi Chunshen 宜必思无锡春申酒店 51. Ibis Hangzhou Binjiang 宜必思杭州酒店滨江店 52. Ibis Manchuli 宜必思满洲里酒店 53. Ibis Beijing Jianguomen 宜必思北京建国门酒店 54. Ibis Hangzhou Southern Song Dynasty Street Hotel 宜必思杭州南宋御街酒店 55. Ibis Wuhan Optic Valley 宜必思武汉光谷酒店 56. Ibis Shanghai Chengshan Rd Hotel 宜必思上海成山路酒店 57. Ibis Beijing Dacheng Rd Hotel 宜必思北京大成路酒店 Accor in China Milestones: 1985 Accor signs its first management agreement 1992 Accor opens its first Sofitel in China (Sofitel Hyland Shanghai) 2000 JV with BTG (Beijing s largest tourism entity) Accor rebrands Peace Hotel to Novotel 2001 Accor opens headquarters in Shanghai Accor buys Century Hotels and picks up management rights of 4 Hong Kong and 4 mainland hotels Accor buys Zenith Hotels and picks up management rights of 8 hotels on China mainland 2002 Accor picks up management agreement of Sofitel Jin Jiang Oriental from Jin Jiang Hotels (Shanghai s largest tourism entity) Accor manages 20 hotels (6,000 rooms) and is awarded Top 20 China hotel group 2003 Sofitel Boao opens and hosts the inaugural Boao Forum for Asia 6

2004 1 st Ibis hotel opens in China: Ibis Tianjin 2006 Accor was awarded by TTG Asia as the Top Ten Hotel Chains in China ibis launches coquelicot bedroom design 2007 Signature Sofitel hotel for China is launched Sofitel Wanda Beijing Accor wins the inaugural China Top 10 Hotel Chains award Accor is nominated as one of the 25 fastest market reaction companies on Business Watch Magazine 2007 Top 100 Fast Company in China list ibis is voted The Best Influential Business Hotel Brand on the 3rd China Top 10 Brand Award co-organized by Market News of People's Daily, China United Business News 2008 First Pullman hotel for China is opened on March 15 Pullman Dongguan Forum First Mercure hotel in Beijing is opened on March 15 - Mercure Wanshang Beijing Accor wins the China Top 10 Hotel Chains award for the 2 nd year Accor is awarded the International Hotel Company of the Year at the HVS China Investment Conference in April Accor is awarded The Best Hotel Management Companies of 2008 Selected by Investors in the 5 th Golden-Pillow Award of China Hotels held by China top finance media 21 st Century Business Herald and its subordinate magazine Business Travel Robert Murray, SVP Accor Greater China, is awarded The Leader of the Hotel Industry of 2008 in the 5th Golden-Pillow Award of China Hotels. Novotel is honored with Best Mid-range Hotel Brand in Greater China in the first ever TTG China Travel Awards 2008 Ibis is voted "My Favorite Economic Hotel Brand" on 2008 Gold List Travel Award coorganized by National Geographic Traveler and ctrip.com ibis launches its 800th hotel - ibis Shanghai Lianyang in China. Accor is honored as 2007 Top 10 International Hotel Management Group by China Tourism and Hotel Association Accor is awarded Top 10 Hotel Management Groups by Hotels China Magazine, the Chinese version of Hotels, a leading magazine in hospitality industry launched in 1966. Accor is awarded Top Ten Owner-Popular International Hotel Groups by China Hotel magazine 2009 First MGallery hotel in China is opened April 1--Songtsam Retreat at Shangri-la Ibis is honored Best Budget Hotel Brand in Greater China at the 2009 TTG China Awards 7

ibis starts to obtain ISO 9001 certification with three pilot hotels, ibis Beijing Sanyuan, ibis Shanghai Lianyang and ibis Wuxi Hi-Tech At the 6th Golden Pillow Awards, Accor is honored Most Investment-value Hotel Management Group, while Mr. Robert Murray honored Leader of the Hotel Industry for the second consecutive year Accor is honored Top 10 Hotel Management Groups by Hotels China Magazine for the second consecutive year Accor is honored Owners Choice of International Hotel Group by China Hotel magazine for the second consecutive year Accor is honored Best International Hotel Group at 2009 Travel Weekly China Industry Awards, and Ibis is honored Best Economy Hotel Brand At the Business Watch Magazine s inaugural Top 50 Green Companies Awards, Accor is honored as Top 50 Green Company Accor is honored as one of the Most Fast Developing Company for the third consecutive year by Business Watch Magazine Accor is awarded Most Influential International Hotel Group at 2009 China Hotel Industry Development Summit organized by Hotel Modernization Magazine The first 3-year CSR program Empowerment Builds the Future was jointly launched by Accor China and Accor Foundation, dedicated to improving the life and study of Aids impacted women and kids 2010 Pulllman Sanya Yalong Bay Resort & Spa is honored Top 10 Best Vacation Hotels at the Gold List Award by the National Geographic Traveler magazine; Novotel Beijing Sanyuan is recognized as the Best mid-range hotel in Beijing by TTG China Travel Awards for the second consecutive year. At the 7 th Golden Pillow Awards, Mr. Robert Murray honored Leader of the Hotel Industry for the third consecutive year Accor is honored Top 10 Hotel Management Groups by Hotels China Magazine for the third consecutive year Accor s 100 th hotel in China opens - Pullman Oceanview Sanya Bay Resort and Spa ibis launches manchise strategy in China Ibis is honoured as Best Economic Hotel Brand at the 2010 China Hospitality Development Forum, hosted by Hotel Modernization Magazine. ibis receives 2010 the Best Hotel Marketing Award at the Fourth China Travel Awards Ceremony, hosted by China Travel Association and China s largest travel search engine qunar.com. 2011 Ibis has won the TTG China Travel Awards 2011 which voted by readers from Asia- Pacific countries and Greater China region. 8

Ibis is voted "My Favorite Economic Hotel Brand" on 2011 Gold List Travel Award for the third times which co-organized by National Geographic Traveler and ctrip.com 2012 Accor tailors Grand Mercure brand for China market Accor launches PLANET 21 to reinvent hotels sustainably. PLANET 21 is a comprehensive program covering all of the Group s environmental, social and community investment actions and placing sustainability at the core of its business strategy worldwide. "Empowerment Builds the Future," an on-going sustainable CSR program initiated by Accor Greater China and supported by Accor Foundation, has been granted a Certificate of Excellence at the recently closed Asia Pacific PR Awards 2011 9