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CONTENTS headdressesinthe middleandlate Tang Dynasty.Inshortthechangingstylesofheadwear reflectthepoliticalevolutionofthetangdynasty. Bail-OutandBreakthrough:AStudyoftheSystemofFinancialSupervisionattheEndoftheQing Dynasty LiuZenghe() Army discipline and the performance oflocal oficialsin the regions were commonly inspectedbyimperialcommissionersonpatrolintheqingdynasty.inthenew Administrationof thelastyearsoftheqinginordertopressureprovincialauthoritiesintoimplementingreform measurestheimperialgovernment gradualy turned patroling activity from a case-by-case inspectionintoregularsupervisionsendingcomptrolerstoeachprovincetocleanupfinancesin astrikingreform move.howeveritwasdificulttoensuretheauthorityofthecomptrolers onceoutofthecapital.eventhoughtheiroficialranks wereraisedtheactualdelegationof powerwasproblematic.asagroupthey managedtoovercometheresistanceoflocaloficials andtheinertiaoftheoldsystembasicalysucceedingintheirgoalofcheckingandreportingon provincialfinancesandsetingupanup-to-datebudgetsystem.althoughthelateqingsystemof financialsupervisionachievednoteworthyresultsitwashamperedbyitsownshortcomingsand wasthusunabletoretrievethefinancialsituation.buttherearelessonstobelearnedfromthis experience. ARebutaloftheTheorythatChiangKai-ShekLettheLongMarchSucceedonPurpose LuYi() Lateinthefifth encirclementcampaign"chiangkai-shekusedthestrategyof forcingthe RedArmytoabandonitsbase"toforcetheRed Armyto move westward.thislookedasif ChiangwasdeliberatelyletingtheRedArmygoatthetimewhileactualysetingatraptocatch themlater.aftertheredarmyhadfoughtitswayoutoftheencirclementchiangexculpated himselfwritinginhisdairythat thisisagreatopportunityforthecampaigntosucceed." He mobilizedhistroopsfrequently and urged them onhoping to destroy the Red Army by blockadingtheirentryintoguizhouatnumerouspoints.beforeandaftertheredarmyentered GuizhouChiang didindeed startto consideratwo-pronged strategy oftracking downthe CommunistswhileunifyingtheSouthwest kilingtwobirdswithonestone".hestucktohis policyofpursuingandblockadingtheredarmyandwasobsessedwithwipingthemoutsohad nointentionofdrivingthemintosichuan.aftertheredarmycrossedthejinshariverchiang confidedhisfurytohisdiarywritingthatthiswasthegreatesthumiliationofhismilitarylife. ThereforealthoughsomeofChiang sdecisionsdidobjectivelyhelptheredarmybreakoutof theencirclementonecannotreversecauseandefectandsaythatheintendedtoletthered Armygo.ItisthusunreasonabletoarguethatalthoughChiangultimatelytookadvantageofthe opportunityafordedbytheencirclementcampaigntounifythesouthwesthehadalalong alowedthered Armyto move westwardforthisreason.forhimpursuitofthered Army alwaysheldprideofplace;hebiterlyregretedhisfailureandtheunificationofthesouthwest regionwassimplyanatempttoconsolehimself. TheAmericanPropagandaImageofChinainthePacificWar WangRuiheng(80) Duringthe Pacific Warthe U.S.governmentpropagandaagencythe Ofice of War 90